I SPOKESMAN See Page 4 LwF 4an Latest Deadline in the State Ott r SNOW FLURR LVII, No. 100 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THULRSDAY, FEB. 27, 1947 PRICE FIVE 'ruman Tells Armed Force Merger Plan Asks Single Head For All Services by The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Feb. 26=Pres ident Truman laid before Congress today his plan for unification of the nation's armed forces, calling for the creation of a national de- fense establishment headed by a civilian secretary with cabinet rank. ine Seretary All three branches of the armed forces-Army, Navy and Air - would come under the $15,000-a- year secretary of national defense. All would be administered as individual units, however, al- though their respective secretar- ies would not hold cabinet rank. The proposed act specifically provides thatethe Navy Depart- ment shall comprise "the entire operating forces of the United States Navy including naval avia- B ULLETIN DETROIT, Feb. 26-(R)-A five- alarm fire burned out an East Side. manufacturing plant tonight and for a time endangered a nearby gas plant. Firemen said however that there was little chance the flames would spread, although they were still battling to bring the blaze under control. The fire, of unknown origin, started in the three-story plant of the Premier Products Co., makers of cotton pads and bedding. Huge clouds of smoke billowed from the building, and firemen said it would take some time to extinguish the slow-burning mattresses. The nearby Acetogen Gas Co. was reported out of danger. No es- timate of damage was available. tion," as well as the U. S. Marine Corps. Bitter Dispute... .... Thus the president proposed to settle the bitter dispute ,over dis- w position of the Navy's air support, which Navy advocates have vigor- ously insisted should remain in the Navy. The chairmen of the two Senate committees which hope to obtain jurisdiction over the ill both promised speedy hearings. Jazz Concert Will Be tGien Tuesday Night According to press reports from former national tours, Norman Granz' 'Jazz at the Philharmonic," to be presented at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium, stands out well as an overwhelming success. The group of nine nationally fa- mous artists has played at most of the major concert halls across the country and succeeded in cre- ating a small riot when they per- formed in the classically austere Carnegie Hall in New York. The Chicago Herald American review said, "a milling crowd, po- licemen and attendants shouting 'Sold Out' one half hour after the start of a concert is a strange sight at any musical event in Chi- cago." Not content with spreading the fame of true American music on their own continent, Granz has re- ceived and accepted many offers from abroad. He looks on foreign engagements as an opportunity to "remove jazz from the aura of dis- dain and scorn and to elevate it to its proper position as one of America's finest contributions to the culture of the world." Ticket sales are continuing in the League and the Union, in Uni- versity Hall and record stores. The ticket price is the lowest in Granz' history, members of the Student Legislature Varsity Committee, sponsors of the non-profit concert, said. Vets' Survey Will Continue The distribution of subsistence questionnaires will be continued on campus today by the continua- tions committee of the Student Veterans Conference- Student Legislature Asks Suggestions for Project Profits on Social Activities Will Be Used To Purchase New Campus Equipment The Student Legislature last night called on the student body to make suggestions for a campus project which would be financed by Legislature funds. Makes Profit Pointing out that the Legislature is able to make a profit on such activities as the Homecoming Dance and the forthcoming jazz con- cert, the group delegated its Gripes Committee to hear student sug- gestions for such purchases as a public address system or permanent decorations for dances at the Intramural :Building. The Gripes Committee holds office hours from 3 to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday weekly in the Death' Comes To Elizabeth Smith at 59 Was Student Advisor, Friend for 17 Years Death ended last night the long career of Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, student consultant, advisor and friend for 17 years"in the Office of Student Affairs. Miss Smith, who lived at 1133 Birk, died at University Hospital at 7:30 p.m. following a brief ill- ness. Funeral services will be held at 5 p.m. Friday at the Muehlig Funeral Chapel. Born March 9, 1888 in Swansea, Wales, Miss Smith entered the Dean of Students Office in 1930. In charge of student employment and loans, she assisted thousands of students as receptionist and ad- visor. Rev. Chester H. Loucks of the First Baptist Church will conduct funeral services. Pallbearers will be University secretary Herbert G. Watkins, Prof. Fred B. Wahl, Wal- ter B. Rea, Prof. Axel Marin, Har- old S. Anderson and Woodrow W. Hunter. Erich A. Walter, director of the Officeof Student Affairs, said last night that "Miss Elizabeth Smith's death has taken from the Univer- sity community and particularly from the Office of Student Affairs, a loyal staff member and one who gave herself completely to her work. "Miss Smith loved to help stu- dents. She had a warm personality that found great satisfaction in doing kind things for others. "Thousands of our alumni will remember her as the friendly, cheerful lady in Dean Bursley's of- fice who not only found them part- time employment or helped them arrange a loan, but who also gave them encouragement when they really needed it." Miss Smith is survived by her sister, Edith J. Smith, budget as- sistant in the Provost's office, and by several 'ieces and nephews. Power Set-up To Be Studied At a meeting last night of the Willow Village Chapter of the American Veterans Committee, a fact-finding committee was ap- pointed to study the electric power situation in the Village. Nominations for chapter offi- cers were also made. They are: Walt Hoffman, chairman; Gayle Thompson and Jerry McCroskey, vice-chairmen; Charles Blackmar secretary; Carroll Barber, treas- urer. Further nominations will be made at the next meeting. The following nominations were made for the Executive Council, which will include three members: Jim Reis, Allan Weaver, Ollie Lyon, Dick Eickbauer, Cleve Mathews, George Mutnick and Eu- gene Volinsky. Union. The Legislature was unable to vote on issues like the controversial party system question because it lacked a quorum. Attributing ab- sences to fraternity and sorority rushing parties, the members pres- ent voted for a special meeting Wednesday to deal with election problems. Election Planned An election for new Legislature members, as well as student mem- bers of the Board in Control of Inter-Collegiate Athletics, will be held March 18 and 19. An election for class officers in the forestry, music, architecture and business administration schools, tentatively scheduled for March 5, was cancelled because these schools agreed to hold their own elections with Legislature help. Harvey Weisbeg and Jim Brieske head the election commit- tee. Illegal Solicitors Referring to cases in which so- licitors have taken money from students for engraved stationery and similar articles which were never delivered, Paul Harrison, chairman of the Campus Commit- tee, reported that a system provid- ing for recognition of representa- tives of accredited companies is being considered. Tentative plans call for the issuance of cards cer- tifying that the solicitor's creden- tials have been checked by the Legislature. An eight week leave of absence was granted to Archie Parsons. Parsons' resignation from the Stu- dent Affairs Committee and the chairmanships of the Interna- tional and Daily Survey Commit- tees was also accepted. Russia Okays U.S. Request Trusteeship Asked of Jap-Mandated Islands LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Feb. 26- I'- The United States won speedy Russian endorsement to- night on its request for immedi- ate American trusteeship over the strategic Japanese-mandated is- lands of the Western Pacific where Japan mounted her attack on Pearl Harbor, Guam and Wake. The quick Russian approval and informal expressions from other members of the United Nations Security Council indicated that the United States would gain eventual approval of its request. The Council however, adjourned further action on it until March 7 so the delegates could consult their governments. Warren R. Austin, United States representative to the United Na- tions, formally laid this country's proposed trusteeship agreement, announced by President Truman last November 6, before the Coun- cil with a request for action now. Andrei A. Gromyko, Soviet dele- gate, spoke briefly to record Rus- sia's approval of the principles and main terms involved in the United States proposal. HFe submitited three amendments to the agree- ment but they apparently would make no vital change in the U. S. plan. Daily-Wake MICHIGAN COMMITTEE-Members of the 1947 Michigras committee make plans for the tradition- .al spring carnival. .Seated from left to right they are: Jack Harlan, Betty Hahneman, Collee Ide, Allan Farnsworth, Jo Osgood, and Rae Keller. S anding from left to right are: Chuck Bailie, Mer- lin Townley, Loyal Jodar, Betty Eaton, Gwen Sp erlich, Bob Olshefsky, Jerry Gaffney, and Keith Jordan. * * * * * * Crime in U.S. To Be Subject Of Purvis Talk Col. Melvin Purvis, former spe- cial agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and, more recently, Deputy Director of War Crimes for the Office of the Judge Advocate General, will speak at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium under the auspices of the Oratorical As- sociation. Col. Purvis' topic will be "Can We Lessen Crime in the United States?" He will discuss penal, pa- role and prison systems, immigra- tion laws, police departments and the problems pertaining to youth- ful delinquents. While with the FBI in Chicago, Col. Purvis directed the forces that put an end to the Dillinger gang. In January, 1942', he entered the Army where he served in the Pro- vost Marshall General's Depart- ment as assistant executive offi- cer, head of control division, di- rector of the officer candidate and enlisted men's schools and finally deputy provost marshall general in the North African theatre. As Deputy Director of War Crimes, Col. Purvis supervised the investigation and apprehension of war criminals in Europe. Col. Purvis is the author of "American Agent" and "Under Se- cret Orders." Tickets for the lecture will be on sale from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 to 8:30 p.m. today at the Hill Auditorium box office. SPRING CARNIVAL: Michigras Date Announced; Committees Seek Volunteers Senate Slashes Truman Budgel By Four Bllo Rejects Major Cuts on Army,. Na House Will Refuse Figure --KnutF By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Feb. 26-Tacitly rejecting any major cu the Army and Navy, the Senate voted 51 to 33 today to slash $4 000,000 off President Truman's $37,500,000,000 budget for the starting July 1. Critical Juncture This compares with a $6,000,000,000 cut already approved l House. The House action had led to cries that the Army and might be crippled at a critical juncture in world affairs. Chairman Knutson (Rep.-Minn.) of the House Ways and I Committee told a reporter after the Senate vote that the cutbt only $4,500,000,000 would throw ' overboard his bill for a 20 per cent across-the-board slash in indivi- G reen VoiceS dual income taxes, reducing the figure to 10 percent. *Z He quickly added, however, that u osition t< "The House will never accept" the Senate figure.ILabor Laws National ebt Still pending in the Senate as WASHINGTON, Feb. 26- Knutson spoke was a proposal by AFL President William Senator Knowland (Rep.-Calif.) shouted today under hot to require that $3,000,000,000 of heavy questioning by Repu any government surplus be applied congressmen that he was "w; to the national debt. for Congress to assure free Senator Taft (Rep.-Ohio) pro- for, employers and to have u posed to cut Knowland's debt re- register and file financial r tirement figure to $1,000,000,000, The pink-cheeked 73-ye leaving room for a $3,500,000,000 Green, appearing before the tax reduction if revenues come in Labor Committee, continu as expected. oppose nearly all of the labc Senator Green (Rep.-R.I.) went islation before Congress.- the other way with a proposed He insisted that Congress amendment to apply all of the budget saving to the debt. All those proposas remained to BIL T be voted on when the Senate quitf SbIgip for the night. SEOUL, Feb. ?27-(P)-K< Spending Ceiling sources reported today As for the ceiling on spending, Unitedroops tatesxchanged shots fc Chairman Taft (Rep.-Ohio) of hours without casalties 7, the Senate Republican Policy com- day along their denarcatici mittee predicted to a reporter that in Central Korea, but Ame aSenate-House Compromising Intelligence Authorities ce Committee eventually will arrive the account "highly ea. at a figure of $5,000,000,000 or e" slightly more as the overall pledge The Korean version for reducing expenditures. Russians and 11 Amerins This would put Congress on at each other from 10a. record as promising-if it doesn't midnight, during 'which change its mind later when indi- Soviet fighter planes app vidual appropriations bills are briefly over the area. voted-to hold government costs The intelligence version to about' 85 per cent of the level U. S. border patrol troops Mr. Truman previously had de- dispatched to Paekehon, a scribed as bedrock, two miles inside the demare The Senate's vote for the $4,500- line to Investigate a report 000,000 cut represented a victory seven Russians were firing for the armed services, which had into the town. contended that the larger savings The Americans reported promised by the House would cut saw two Russians hurriedly so deeply into Army and Navy ing the town as the patro funds as to make them ineffective proached but no 'Russians for national defense and to sup- found in Paekhon. port American foreign policy. out of jurisdictionl1strikes The 1947 Michigras, traditional Michigan spring carnival spon- sored by the Women's Athletic As- sociation and the Union, will be presented April 25 and 26 in Yost Field House. According to Collee Ide and Al- Ian Farnsworth, general co-chair- men, committees are being formed this week to begin work on the carnival. Lists of volunteers from each residence should be turned in by Saturday to Jean Brown's box in the League Undergraduate Of-. Tice or to Farnsworth at the Un- ion Student Offices. First Preference Students may sign up for pub- licity (including stunts and pos- ters), booths, tickets, programs, parade, decorations, patrons, con- cessions and prizes. Those sign- ing up first will be given prefer- ence in appointing committee members, in case the number of people preferring any committee exceeds the number needed. World INeas Roundup By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Feb. 26 -United Nations officials greeted warmly today the nomination of Warren R. Austin, United States Representative to the United Na- tions, as this country's member of the important UN Commission which will work out a program for the reduction and control of "con- ventional" arms. CHICAGO, Feb. 26 - Rep. Jesse Wolcott (Rep., Mich.) served notice today he would seek repeal of the Veterans Emergency Housing Act of 1946. LONDON, Feb. 26-British rep- resentatives at Lake Success, N.Y., are investigating the possibility of whether a special session of the United Nations General Assembly can be called to consider the Pal- estine problem, a government source said today. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26-The White House today called "most unfortunate and misleading" the publication of the debate on Palestine in the British House of Commons yesterday. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26--Open hearings on confirmation of David E. Lilienthal as Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission came to a halt today with release of a telegraphic report that his actions as a member of the Wisconsin Public Service Commission were "wholly honorable." Any campus group may sponsor a booth, and each should submit its plans for the type of booth de- sired to Miss Ide of FarnsworthI by March 10. Groups may spon- sor games, contests, side shows, or refreshnent booths. An estimate1 of the cost should accompany each application, as well as a second choice of activity to be sponsored. Penny Pitching Types of booths which have been included in former Michigras1 carnivals include penny pitching,j weight guessing, ice cream, candied apples, turtle derby, *and house of horrors. Prizes will be awarded toi the booth with the best decora-1 tions, to. the one taking in thea largest number of tickets, and to the booth taking in the greatest' amount of money., Members of the Michigras com- mittee are Betty Hahneman and Jack Harlan, publicity; Jerry Gaff- ney and Keith Jornan, booths.; Gwen Sperlich arid oug Parker, programs; Rae Keller and Chuck Bailie, parade; Betty Eaton and1 Merlin Townley, tickets; Lucille Sheetz and Bob Olshefsky, prizes; Duane Heilbronn, concessions;A and Louise Markhas, assistant concessions; Jo Osgood, secretaryj and patrons; and Loyal Jodar, decorations. 37 Engineers Earn All'A's Contradicting the famous song about engineers at Georgia Tech, 37 students in the engineering col- lege received all "A"s last term, it was announced yesterday. The following engineering stu- dents achieved all "A"s last term: Anderson, Gordon R.; Andreasen, Robert R.; Avery, James P.; Bouwer, Sidney C.; Clark, John A.; De Graaf, Donald E.; Eubank, Samuel B.; Fox, John A.; Frey, Donald N.; Fries, John H. Gerbstadt, George F.; Gibbs, James M.; Hamme, Richard N.; Hindes, John W.; Holland, Thomas K.; Howell, John S.; Hutchinson, Edward R.; Inglis, David; Lambe, John J.; Lee, Robert C. Lipstein, Norman H.; Miller, Edward M.; Morrison, Howard R.; Morrison, John H.; Paivinen, John O.; Papenguth, Loren R.; Peter- son, Frederick J.; Porter, Charles F.; Sanders, Carl W.; Sharpe, Charles B. Sheets, Ted C.; Shively, Ralph L.; Ure, Roland W.; Vigor, Charles W.: Wagner, Richard E.; Wahr, John C.; and Whitmyer, Frank H. s SL. MELVN rUXVIS French Film o Be Shown "The Baker's Wife", French film with English titles, will be shown at 8:30 p.m. today, tomorrow and Saturday at the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. Presented under the joint spon- sorship of the Inter-Cooperative Council and the Art Cinema League, the film is the first step in the drive to raise funds for the purchase of a new cooperative house to accommodate men stu- dents displaced by the loss of Michigan House. Tickets for the film may be pur - chased after 2 p.m. today at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box- office. Cook Renominated The. Campus Chapter of the AVC last night nominated Loe Cook to serve another term as chairman of the Committee. Other members nominated for Douglas Made Ambassaorf WASHINGTON, Feb. 26-")- Lewis W. Douglas, who once broke spectacularly with the new deal but later held wartime posts un- der Franklin D. Roosevelt, was chosen by President Truman to- day to be Ambassador to Great Britain. Mr. Truman thereby capped a long list of publi coffices in which Douglas, 52-year-old Arizonian, has already served.. Douglas has been: A soldier in France in the First World War, a state legislator, member of Con- gress, director of the federal bud-' get, a lend-lease expediter in Lon- don in the second World War, and Deputy War Shipping' Adminis- trator. He also took a two-year turn (1938-39) as vice-chancellor of Canada's McG ill University, where he had a close-up oppor- tunity for studying the British Commonwealth, and s now presi- dent of the Mutual Life Insur- ance Company in New York. ing: "You can't outlaw them. impossible. Listen to me!" Here's what he conceded ur relentless questioning by I Hoffman (Rep., Mich.), after ing again and again he had no gestions for legislation: "Now wait! I'm willing the Wagner Act be changed that the employer can engag free speech." (The Act now an employer can put his sid( any question before his emplo but not in any way that invc coercion or threats of repri Employers have often said ministrative rulings under clause have deprived them of speech.) Portal Pay .Bl Sent to Housc WASHINGTON, Feb, 26--1 A measure outlawing virtually portal-to-portal pay suits was to the House floor today for hours of debate tomorrow probable approval on Friday. The bill would give emplo the right to claim they actec "good faith" as a legitimate fense in suits brought under wage and hlours laws. Portal pay claims amountin $5,785,000 000 a re now pendin3 the courts anid the Republ' leadership on. Capitol Hill has en a high priority to the leg tion. Any delay is expected stem from differences between House and Senate on the fori the ban on collections. British Vets May HOME SWEET HOME: Former Decorator Outlines Ways To Brighten Apartment If you are lucky enough to have approached from a different angle, found a room in crowded Ann Ar- the basic steps are the same, Price bor, Charles Price, former inte- said. "Starting with two basic rior decorator with a Detroit firm, colors, the student can work from has some suggestions to make it there with color accents," the for- more homelike. mer decorator declared. Price, a junior in the literary "If you can't do anything else, a college, has transformed his tiny few yards of bright-colored mate- WITH RESER VA TIONS: Local Restaurants Get Seal of Approval, By ARTHUR HIGBEE Local restaurants got a clean bill of health, with reservations, yesterday from Ann Arbor Res- taurant Inspector Gilbert W. Cas- well who reported on the inspec- tion he has been conducting since out should be more conscious of sanitary standards in the restaur- ants they patronize, as much of the job enforcement is up to the patrons themselves," Caswell de- clared. He added that students who Caswell declared that most lo- cal eating places are free of roaches, but added that "fumi- gating one restaurant at a time does little to solve the rat-con- trol problem. A city-wide rat