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February 26, 1947 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-26

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acrd of Dkeetors, Council
lart Uni*on Activittites Course

Rissell Says
Checks Coming

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
article, the second in a series of
four on the Union, is an official
statement of the Board of Direct-
ors regarding "questions and com-
plaints" received from students
concerning the Union's- services.
The complex organizational
structure of the Union today was
instituted in 1917 when the Board
of Regents of the University ac-
cepted the deed to the property,
agreeing to a provision that the
present constitution be placed in
On June 14, 1918, the Regents
provided that membership fees
would be included in the tuition
charges and $5 per semester was
collected from each male student
for theanext 15 years. Since1933,
when all. fees -were abolished by
the University, the Regents have
allocated a portion of the tuition
of all men students to help pay off
the bonded indebtedness of the
Union. These allocations, used to
pay the cost of the building's con-
struction, have been $3.75 per man
for each semester and $1.50 for the
summer term.
Board of Directors
Policies on all Union activities
are set by a Board of Directors
composed of nine student and nine
non-student members with the
student president as chairman of
the board.
Currently the student members
are: Richard Roeder, president;
Harold Walte1s, secretary; Talbot
Honey, ex officio as.chairman of
Men's Judiciary Council; and five
vice-presidents elected from their
respective schools who include
Tom Walsh of the literary college,
Jack Kenyon of the, engineering
college, Ross Hume of the Medi-
cal School, Dick Ford of the Law
School and Chester Kerner repre-
senting the combined schools. The
vice-presidency from the Dental
School is temporarily vacant pend-
ing the election of a new member.
Other Members
The alumni, faculty, adminis-
tration, and Board of Regents are
represented by the remaining nine
members. Erich A. Walter is a
member of the Board ex officio as
director of the Office of Student
Affairs and Regent Harry Kipke
represents the University's gov-
erning body.
T. Hawley Tapping sits on the
board ex officio as the Alumni Sec-
retary along with two other alum-
ni, Dr. Dean W. Myers and Donald
C. May. The Financial Secretary,
now Chester O. Wisler, is appoint-
ed to the Board of Directors by the
Regents upon recommendation of
the University Council. The facul-
ty is represented by Carl Brandt,
Robert G. Rodkey and A. L. Clark..
Finance Committee
The Union's finances are ad-
ministered by a Finance Commit-
tee which appoints and directs
the, General Manager and is re-
sponsible directly to the Regents.
The Financial Secretary is chair-
man of this committee which in-
cludes the president and secretary
Music Planned
For Program
A musical program of violin
and piano selections will follow
this week's Sunday night supper in
the International Center.
Supper will be served at 6:30
p.m. The musical portion of the
program will follow at 7:30.
Tickets for supper should be
purchased before Saturday noon
in the International Center office.
The musical program is open to
the public.

Local Publi Utilities
Committee Will Meet
"The History of Public Utilities
in Ann Arbor" will be the subject
of the meeting of the Washtenaw
Historical Society which will meet
at 8 p.m. today in' the Rackham

(both students), the director of the
'ffice of Student Affairs, and two
'on-student members of the
Student activities at the Union
are the responsibility of the Jun-
ior Executive Council now com-
posed of ten students chosen by
the president and secretary from
among the previous semester's
sophomore members of the Union
staff. The Council's activities are
subject to the approval of the
Board of Directors and the Presi-
lent, as Chairman of the Council,
presents reports of its activities to
the Board.
House Committee
Two students and one faculty
member of the Board function as
a House Committee which acts in
cooperation with the manager in
matters of policy which pertain to
neither student activities nor fi-
nances. This committee will hold
an open meeting Friday from 3
to 5 p.m. in the Student Offices
to meet all students who desire to
present questions, suggestions or
complaints to the Board.
Tomorrow: Union Policies

To insure the speediest possible
mailing of checks in payment for
books sold through the Student
Book Exchange, Ken Bissell, di-
rector, asked students yesterday
not to come to the office and ask
for their money.

1 i


However, general sale of text
books is being resumed, Bissell
added. All checks will probably
be mailed by the end of the week,
and the dircetor requested any
students with questions concern-
ing receipt of checks to' confer
with him at the Exchange, located
on the second floor of the League.

' Purvis
'To TamHere
I.T.S. Crime Problem
Subject of Lee. t Lire
"Can We Lessen Crime in the
United States'?" will be the sub-
ject discussed by Col. Melvin Pur-
vis, former Deputy Director of
War Crimes for the Office of the
Judge Advocate General, at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Col. Purvis will discuss our
penal, parole and prison systenvs,
our immigration laws, police de-
partments and the problems per-
taining to juvenile delinquents.
In his post as Deputy Director
of War Crimes, Col. Purvis was
sent overseas to supervise the in-
vestigation and collection of evi-
dence pertaining to, and the ap-
prehension of war criminals.
As a special agent of the PBI in
Chicago, Col. Purvis directed the
forces that put an end to the Din-
linger gang. He is also the author
of "American Agent" and "Under
Secret Orders."
Tickets for Col. Purvis' lecture
will be on sale from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. today; and
until 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at the
Hill Auditorium box office.

Baker's Wife' I
To Shoi.m.
film 1U1t11 l ;n zlisl Litl :; «°,ll
senLed at t :mj p.m. tam orro%\ , l;'ii-
day and Sat;u, day at. Lydia Men-
delsohn Theatre rider joint
spoiismrship of the Inter-Cooper-
ative Council arld the Art Cinema.
Presentation of thu film y filc
.first step in the ICC dil ve t(i
money for the purchase of -.r, nev
cooperative house. Due to the
loss of Michigan House and the in-
creased demand for cooperative
living, ICC will be unable to ac-
commodate many members and
new applicants unless the new
house can be bought. ,
Tickets may be purchased after
2 pm. today at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre box office.
Undergrad Group
To Meet Tomorrow
The undergraduate Student Ad-
visory Committee of the educa-
tion school will meet at 4 p.m. to-
morrow in the cafeteria of the,
University Elementary School.


.. ._ .

1I11J At ilt..AIIIto11P

Debate ...

Campus Hi ghlights


Ch ttn i try I!('('t tro .
Prof. Kasimir Faians of the
Clieiiiistnj Department will give an
ills - ntted talk on "Vie Electro-
m- 'Lnicture of Metal" at 7.30
I U in, w]c t.v it7 Rm. 1042 T,.tst En-
:!,iileel'ilti ;
M ,iiibers, of the Michigan
B ,u.c1 c l the American Institute
of Nliiling and Metallurgical En-
_inoers will be present at the talk.
Tlie meeting is open to the public.
Bible Study . ". .
A Bible study will be held by
the Michigan Christian Fel-
lowship at 8 p.m. today in the
Upper Room of Lane Hall.
Wolverine Club . . .
The Michigan "Wolverine Club
will hold a reorganizati4onal meet-
ing at 7 p.m. today in Rm. 319 of
the Union. All old members of the
pep chub and any other interested
students are urged to attend, Bet-
ty Fuller, publicity chairman, an-

Focus on. Skis' . . .
Ulir Ski Club will present
"Focus on Skis," a movie show-
ing national ski champions in
action. at 8 p.m, today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Scenes of skiing at Alta, Sun
Valley, Warm Springs and
Yosemite 'feature Hugh Bauer,
Uurrance, Prager, Hans Faulk-
ner, John Fripp and several
others in down hill, Jumps, Oa-
loms and falls. The picture con-
eludes with mid-summer skiing
at Mt. Lassen.
Tickets for the movie are on
sale to the public at the box of-
fice of the theatre and at the
Union desk.

Ring- of Honor by the Vic
harmonic and rosette o
gion of Honor from Fran
Miss Lehmann first ca
United States as a mem
Chicago Civic Opera Cc
1930. She soon made
with the Metropolitan
linde in "Die Walkure"
continued to enact, lew
for the company since tl
The complete progral
concert follows:

(Continued from Page 1)
depressions are to be avoided the
purchasing power of the consum-
er must be increased to match the
country's greatly increased pro-
Court asserted that the UAW
had engaged in secret collabor-
ation with the Department of
Commerce in the preparation of
fact finding reports and that in
the UAW's brief on the GM strik
85 out of 160 figures were incor-


V aa2v la M4va1#
,NYC. Nominations . . ,
Officers will be nominated at
the regular meeting of the Ameri-
can Veterans Committee at 7:30
p.m. today in the Union.
, Buy and Mold
U. S. Savings Bonds!

Beethoven: Freudvoll and
Ich lieve dick, In questa. toi
cura and Der Kuss; S1
Fruelingstraum, Der Fisch
Krache, An Den Mond any
duld; Brahms: Rube Sussl
Der Kuss, Wenn du mur
laechelst and Das Maedchev
Auf einer Wanderung, Aui
gruenen Balcon and Bes+
Liebe; Strauss Meinem Kir
'Ensign T ryou
There will be a meeti
all, those interested in
out for the editorial si
the Ensian at 4:15 p.m.
row in the Student P
tions Building.

Michigan Student Veterans Conference
Rehool................ .............. ....-



Section of GI Bill you ar
covered by (check one)
P.L. 346 Q
P.L. 16 0I


Marital status
(check one)

Male Q ' Married
Female Q Age ......Single
Dependents t ........ .


Residence -(home or away)--- if away from home check one
of the following
,At home or with relations F] Own room or
Away from home [- With friends [] apt.
Together with others J
Rent (including gas, electricity, etc.) .......... --r------- mo.
(ifs living with relatives or sharing
an apt., what is your contribution, if any?)

Expenditures per Montle

Food (including meals eaten out,
contrib. to food at home .................
Clothing (including shoes suits, etc.) ..........
Transportation Edo not include auto upkeep) . .
Insurance (give monthly cost) ................
Personal items (cigarettes; candy, club dues ....
Recreation (theatre, concerts, dates) . ....... .
Miscellaneous (dry cleaning, hair cuts, etc.) ... .
(please total above figures)

-- ma.

Supplementary Income
Have you had to seek supplementary income from 'any of
following sources:
A. EMPLOYMENT (for sustaining yourself while at school)
1. Have you, had to seen employment? ......... . []



if not, will it be necessary for you to do so
in the 'future in order to continue atschool? .





Colonial Office STALLING-plus FEAR of
dissolution of British Empire,

Add British TROOPS.

. 100,000' strong t 0-







If working,
a. How many lours a week are you employed? --- hrs.
b. What is your rate of pay? .......... ---- per hr.
B. 1. If you are working; cities work impair your study?
2. if not wor:_ing, would work impair your studies? -----
C. OTHER AIDS (for purpose of sustaining yourself at school)
Yes No
1. War Bond withdrawals ..................... Q Q
2. Loans Q Q
3. Savings ................................... Q Q
4. Parental and/or other personal aids ........ [] Q
5. Other Q Q
TOTAL (monthly) derived from
sources listed under A and B ........ -- mo
Do your total expenses exceed the
government subsistence allowance? ...... Yes n No Q
Do you think the government. should
raise the subsistence allowance? ........ Yes Q No Q
Do you favor the Rogers Bill for increasing
subsistence to $100, $125, and $10 for each
additional dependent? Yes Q No Q
IMP6R'TANT-Return this questionnaire to the Subsistence-
Questionnaire collecting points.

Each homeless v ctim- s cif oppression
day thousandsof
e 'forced to drink this bitter brew-1
- i .
ITEM American Jewish Congress says : "Let the peop le go!"
ACTION British Troops persist in persecuting, deny civil rights!
ITEM President Truman says: "Palestine's doors must be opened!"
ACTION' British Troops increase their violence!
ITEM The whole civi l ized- world cries: "Stop this torture !"
ACTION British Troops forge relentlessly ahead!



(Came and find out at. 0 .)

T !


Have a Coke


r . ;.



:, J-;

3,000-5-000 P.M. TODAY, Wed., Feb. 26
Speoker.. DR, F. LITTELL, of S.I.A.

I l a


! ' '
. . .


: -
rr< "

; , 'e' S, t"'



This Space Graciously contributed Eby:
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Osias Zwerdling

Mr. and Mrs. Abe Muchnick
Midwest Furniture



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