'V >s and Duraciker SPAPERS have beei giving a lot of ention recently to two particular news -the Durocher court battle and the crashes. Both stories have been over- i for weeks now; we wonder just how hils is going to continue, and why. had just about forgotten about Du- rs troubles when the Free Press came ast Monday with an ingeniously writ- nterview by the United Press. Duro- wouldn't say anything about the court over his marriage, but he was willing ,k about baseball. The United Press, ver, didn't want a baseball story. All wanted was the heart-rending story eo's fight to keep Lorraine, or some any of his celebrated temper. Anything story. s is one example of the kind of news :as been given misplaced emphasis in ree Press and other papers. We don't to the- straight news about Duro- We wouldn't even object to a little lass scandal here if there was any. e do object to this tiresome repetition rocher stories-they're getting to be esome as "Open the Door, Richard." latest interview is fantastic-the re- >rials published in The Michigan Daily written by members of The Daily staff represent the views of the writers only. 3HT EDITOR: JOHN CAMPBELL porters even thought up words to put into Durocher's mouth. The Durocher story may be a relative- ly harmless thing, but 4he overplaying of the airline crashes is more serious. It does the airlines and the general public an in- justice. There's an -often-quoted piece -of airline propaganda that says -that airlines have fewer fatalities .per mile 'than any other form of ti-aitsportation, and we pre- sume that's still true. Some of the crash stories have deseived top billing. During the recent flurry of air crashes and congressional investigations there was some justification for all the at- tention given to the stories in the papers. But when is an airplane crash a front-page event? There are only two justifieations for headlining a crash'story: (1) when the'Cir- cumstances surrounding the crash are ex- ceptional or spectacular and (2) when there is a well-known 'person aboard. When a plane runs into the Empire State -Building, that's news. When'a plane crash kills Gracie Moore and the Swedish Crown Prince that's news. The othtr crashes have not deserved front-page play. Naturally, - the newspapers play up such items as the Durocher .story and the- airline crashes-it's the smart thing to do. Maybe the Durocher story' canbe overlooked, since. overplaying it only bores us, but in-all fair- ness to the airlines and Ito 'the spublic the accounts of future air crashes should be played down. -Fred Seh tt Labor Parley Rejecton GHTENING HIS HOLD on industry's apron strings, Republican Senator Rob- A. Taft has unofficially rejected a pro- il aiming at CIO-AFL-Congress coop- ion in solving jurisdictional strike prob- hie proposal which was presented by CIO ident Philip Murray before a meeting the Senate Committee on Labor and lic Welfare called for a joint AFL-CIO ey at which committee members would resent. Vow come on, let's perform a public ice," Murray said, "Get Willie Green n here, appoint the members of your mittee to sit in ...and let's get this g worked out."' urray, who expressed violent dissatis- ion with pending labor legislation of- d the parley solution as a substitute sure. 'ft's refusal to consider any proposal to "invite either business or labor repre- sentatives to committee sessions" seems to contradict ,pleas of fellow committee mem- bers, including Republican Senator 'Wayr e Morse of Oregon, that labor leaders get to- gether to help work out some "good" labor legislation. 'In light of Taft's attitude to prevent such a "get-together," Murray's claim that the Taft-backed drive for labor -legislation is a "mad campaign to chastize Aierican work- ers and build up business monopolies" finds new justification. It is obvious that if some sort of 'medium for cooperation between Congress and the unions is not found,:there can be no feasible solution to the country's'labory'problems, and it is increasingly evident'that Senator Taft, as Chairman of the i.bor 'Committee, will use his authority to prevent the formation of such a nedium. -.-NAomi E. Stern. W A RT ' SOME TWENTY-FOUR water colors and drawings of George Grosz are on exhibit1 at the Alumni Memorial Hall until March 14. Most if not all are sketches of life in pre-war Germany, and all have the serious- ness and sharpness we expect of Grosz's work. Most of the wash and pencil drawings are sketches of people in crowds. They are to some extent caricatures 6f men and women passing in the street, pausing near a subway entrance or a street sign or changing clothes on a beach. Turning their faces to the view- er 'they refeal their awkwardness and some settled ugliness of charactr. 'Ocasionally the result is amusing, but mre often the faces are dawn in such painstaking, bitter detail we recognize that Gxosz is expressing his revulsion at the distortin of hunan life in-the social system of a t.1dernelty. The water colors (rather 'rieh reds 'and blues and flesh colors) emphasize boththis humor and his criticisim. The people in Mhese drawings belong more obvi6usly to the prosperous middle class, and Grdsz shows no reticence in satirizingtheir Ger- man as well as their midddle classditor- tions. 'But the color is tiften gay,-and 'it is easy to see that he likes col"moin:e than pgeopl.. Many of the drawings at first glnce'have the look of random sketches, and the figures seem to be assembled carelessly. ut as -a matter of fact the compositions'are'eurously successful,'And they hold together in a kind of witty way. I an not sure wwhy we like these bitter drawings. I suppose, apart -frin -the skill with which he-uses line and color, and apart from the -pointedness of the satire, that we are conscious of a steadiness of iisight 'on -Grosz's part, a -deeply serious'.concern over the kinds of people he -mingled 'with. if -erman city life gave 'him ugly sbjects, he 'understood the ugliness, paiited it, and ian- aged to be a little amused. Beyond that we understanxd the depth of -his feeling and -the sharp power of his drawing. -J4ohnAtos MAN TO MAN: Subs istegee By HAROLD L. IC (ES THE PROBLEM of adequate food, clothing and shelter to support people comfortably is a world-wide problem. It may-be ekpress- ed either in terms of over-population r of inadequacy of natural resources. Even here in the United States we are on the threshold of becoming a "have not" nation after an abunidance that has been the envy -of the world. To look at it another way, we are on the verge of becoming an "over-popu- lated" nation because of the greed and waste with which we have permitted our natural resources to be exploited. Because of wartime and peacetime excess- -es, aggravated by startling population in- creases, even today, the essentials of living -food, clothing and shelter-do not exist for many millions,-at least-inthe quality and quantity necessary to maintain life on a satisfactory and dignified basis. The pros- pects for the future will 'become more and more dim nmless we can convert our boast- ed "creative ability" into recreative ability. We must save and husband'and rebuild what we have all but destroyed if we are, ourselves, to live in comfort and security and leave be- hind us an earth that will sustain our child- ren in comfort 'and security. Non6ation in the world at present is mak- jng a complete and non-wasteful utitliza- tion of its resources. In our own land lie 'thousands of acres of arid but -fertile soil 'which our ability to irrigateoulb bring to rich fertility. The same is trde of Australia and broad expanses on the 'coftinents of Asia and Africa. We have the ability, but not the skill. Underlying all political questions invol- ving impoverished and 'hungry people Is their stake in an improvement in their physical well-being. In the matter of sustaining life, the nations are inextricably and increasing- ly interdependent. We would do well to recognize this interdependence by proving ourselves equal to the task of increasing the well-being of human beings everywhere. We cannot be safe here, or content, if people freeze and starve in Europe and are able barely to sustain life in Asia. During his lifetime, I advised President Roosevelt to invite all of the nations to send representatives to a world-wide conference in Washington on natural resources. Later, I renewed this suggestion to President Tru- man. It seems to me that this task now be- comes an obligation of the United Nations. It is greatly to be hoped that the -Economic and Social Council, when it meets later this month, will call such an international con- ference at the earliest possible date. Mean- while, 'we ought to lose no time in under- taking an inventory of our own resources. World peace and security are dependent upon something more than disarmament or political status. Most of all, they are de- pendent upon food and clothing and shelter which, in turn, are dependent upon natural resources. (Copyright, 1947, New York Post Corp.) * * * EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily Prints EVERIY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in- length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in leters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted A the discretion of the edi- torial director. "What's a mass, Clancy?" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) come with written permission of instructor. History Language Examination for the M.A. Degree: Fri., Feb. 28, 3 p.m., Rit. B. Haven Hall. Each student is responsible for his own dictionary, and must register at the History Department Office be- fore taking the examination Botany I Make-up examination for students with excused absenc- es will be given Thurs., Feb. 27, 7- 9:30 p.m., 2033 N.S. Math 328 Statistics Seminar:. Wed., Feb. 26, 4-6 p.m., 3201 An- gell Hall. S p e c i a l Functions Seminar: Wed., Feb. 26, 1 p.m., Rm. 340, W. Engineering. Prof. Rainville will talk on the Laplace transform of the factorial function. Mathematics: Short Course in Mathematics will be given this year by Professor Steenrod. The subject will be Fiber Bundles. A meeting to arrange the hours will be held at 5:30 p.m., Fri., Feb. 28, 3011 Angell Hall. Mathematics Seminar on Com- plex Variables: 10 a.m., Sat., March 1, 3011 A. H. Mr. Gale will speak on the Riemann mapping theorem. to Services to the State." All members of the faculty are invit- ed to this open meeting. Graduating Seniors in the Col- lege of Architecture and Design meet at 5 p.m., Auditorium of the College of Architecture to discuss election of class officers. The Student Chapter of the American Institute of Architects will present two sound motion pic- tures entitled THE BUILDERS, and MEXICO CITY in the Archi- tectural Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. Everyone is welcome. A. I. M. E. Dr. Kasimir Fajans, of the Chemistry Department, will give an illustrated talk on the "Electronic Structure of Metals" before the Michigan Branch of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers at 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1042 ,E. Engineer- ing Bldg. It is an open meeting, and those in the Chemistry and Physics Departments are especially invited to hear Dr. Fa- jans, well-known for his work in this field. Re: Palestine To the Editor: R EFERRING TO the editorial entitled "Test Case: Pales- tine" in Tuesday's Daily, I would like to question the idea of a com- promise in the Palestine problem as was advocated at the end of the editorial. This editorial advocates a com- promise solution of the Palestine problem by the United Nations. The Jewish Agency, so the article states, has indicated a willingness to accept such a compromise as is effected, and it is recommended, in the editorial, that the United Nations see that the Arabs ac- cept one, too. It is my contention that the Jews, and everybody else, should forget about Palestine as a home for Jews. I believe that the Eng- lish in their Balfour Declaration made an untimely promise to the Jews. Be that as it may; the main document of international justice today is the Atlantic Charter, in which the idea of ''self determination" by nations is laid down. This document, in my opinion, supersedes all prom- ises of the characters of the Bal- four agreement. I say let the Arabs, who are in the majority, determine the pol- icy in Palestine; while at the same time the larger nations must lower their immigration laws so as to provide homes for the homeless Jews. There is plenty of room for the Jews in the large countries, and they should be a welcome 'addition. -Irvin H. McFarland AlasiH Map ,,, To the Editor: IN REGARD TO the work of the 46th Reconnaissance Squadron in Alaska, using F-13's alias B- 29's, I would like to say that the former 8th Photo Squadron, 5th Air Force, would not be put out of operation by a mere 30 degrees below zero. In fact, Major Maynard E. White aoly hopes to finish a mo- saic of Alaska by the end of next summer. I would be so bold as to say that- given a squadron of F- 5's (P-38 photo ships) and the men of the 8th Photo Squadron air and ground echelons, we could map Alaska in a month less time than it is mgoing to take the 46th Recon. At any rate, those old, .out-of-date F-5's and/or P-38's which I dearly love are equipped with heated camera compact- ments which will negate temper- atures far far below 30 degrees below zero. . For reference, the article ap- peared in the Daily on Sunday, February 16, page 3. -It. B. Monroe Sororities . * 0 To the Editor: T SEEMS to me that Miss 1<61- so's article on rushing in the Thursday Daily was highly out of place at this time. It'was an ii- sult and a direct slur upon soror- ities, however humorous her syle. I think she has rather piainfuiy misinterpreted the point of sorori- ties and sorority rushing. Rush- ing, whether Miss Kels) approves or not, happens 'to be the -sole method for admittance of new girls in a fraternity group. I am rather disappointed in her ,atti- tude, an attitude which does lit- tle credit to sororities at the pre- sent time when they are so much under discussion anyway. .The mechanics of rushing as she has stated them I do not belleve prevalent in all sorority groups. Such comments about a rushee as "honestly, she's wonderful!" do arise, I will admit. That over- worked adjective, however, is not the sole comment ever offeied about a rushee. Most of them like tobe a little more objective on the subject. I think Miss Kel- so showed an appalling lack of judgment to even put such of ier private opinions into print. Most sorority women are s-e-n s-i b l'e enough to express more mature comments, if dissatisfied,:witaha rushee than "frankly, I .:cant stand her!" That kind of. remark is most certainly frowned upon in most groups. Her sarcastic summation of a sorority girl's aims as, and I quote, "sacrificing s c h o l a s.t ic .ticr, health, social life, comfort, "prde and integrity," is plain libel. I am surprised, at any sorority woman, however humorous some of te angles may. appear to her, making such discrediting statements. Beside her direct slurs-upon sor- orities in general, she also insult- ed freshmen women, God -love them, and-again I quote, a "mi erable freshman." Pan-Hel Mortarboard also came in for their share of the indignities of Miss Kelso's pen. It surely show- ed little regard for'two of our best campus organizations. Such sqr- casm ceases to -be humiorous at the present time or ever! Miss Kelso as a fraternity won- an should be thoroughly ashanedI of herself for making such "crass" (to use her own adctived)'re- marks on a dbject upon ;which -there is 'already plenty of 'xii4 . times unjustifiable criticism. If we ever hope to improve the sox.- ority system or rushing 'in ger- eral, articles like Miss Kelso's are certainly a detriment to fraternify progress. I realize it was an ob- vious attempt at parody and sa- tirical humor, and I can hear tl6 lady in question vehemently pro testing that I have no sense of humor . But she failed -toralize, however, that on nte whole it wound up showing "her olet lack of taste, discretion and tact for any type of, shall I say, jour- nalism If these are Miss Kelso's sent- ments, I wonder why she. chow to affiliate with a sorority :t all! --Marianriton Letters to the Edie of the existing plants is and the wages run $.30a imum to $1 a day maxi. 'By introducing mass pi in India, the standard of cy of these plants could to the same level as thi United States or any pI industrial nation and 1 wages of industrial work dia could be raised to t level as that of the Unite So to fight the Indian all the above mentioned tural machines must be'r tured in India. S. A ':~ '~ M WORLD AFFAIRS: Kvey to Our future By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER r" IS A STRANGE THOUGHT-the future of the western world, including the United ates, depends on what haspens inside ance. It is not a question of how any of us rate ance and the French. It was not the in- nsic value of the horse-shoe nail that, in e nursery saying, brought about the loss the kingdom. It just happens that France lay is in the key position of the horse-shoe il. If it is lost, all is lost. If France goes communist, Italy can hard- be held. If France and Italy go, western Europe ninot be held. If western Europe-even nus a portion of Germany--goes, we shall -ye the Soviets on the Atlantic. Britain 11 be outflanked to the south and to the rtheast. [n that case, all Europe will follow. Eur- e alone still contains the largest single iss of competent fighters-and what is >re, the greatest number of fully compe- it scientists-in the world. [f Europe goes, Africa will go along. With Europe and Africa under Soviet in- .ence, the Middle East cannot be held by e democracies. If the Middle East goes, the rest of the n-Soviet Asia will follow almost surely. Any state that combines the European, iatic and African continents could prob- ly overwhelm the two Americas and the itish Commonwealth. . This is the iron logic of events. One might erefore .imagine that our President, Sec- ary of State, chief army and navy author- s, members of the Senate and the House Representatives most versed in world af- rs, would be putting their best efforts into ring France. One would imagine that no amount of ancial or political assistance would be too at for this purpose. And in so imagining, one could be wrong. r leaders are concerned about the atomic nb, permanently worried by their failure secure real understanding with Moscow, 1 attentive to the problems of Germany HE SOCIAL Science Research Project, however, is not confined to matters of erest to social agencies. As the name im- es, the project is concerned with a wide 'iety of problems covering the political, nomic, and social aspects of the Flint tropolitan community. Nevertheless it 1 contribute to social service work in ny indirect as well as direct ways. To re- and of China. But in the actually more im- portant problem of France, their interest is decidedly perfunctory. Even Americans of experience, like John Foster Dulles, who -see the transcenda t im- portance for demeracy of saving and con- solidating western Europe, seem to -start at the wrong or German end of the stick. Thereby, they probably condemn their best efforts tofailure. For the free peoples of =western Europe hate and fear Germany more than they hate and fear 'the Soviet Union. If the alternative to Soviet domin- ation is domination 'by some new -Iitler, most of them will gladly take a chance on the Soviets. That is why France, and hot part of Ger- many, must be the nucleus about Which we should seek to crystallize western Europe. But before this pi'ocess can happen, the com- munist elements -must be eliminated from the control of France. -For the main purpose with which they have been entrusted by their Russian teachers is the prevention Of Ettro-. pean unity, whole or in part. , If anything like a majority of the Frenoh were really converted to communist doc- trines, the 'situation would be dark indeed. But happily, a large majority are opposed to any form of totalitarian tyranny. Yet for historical reasons, the commun- ists have secured a quasi-strangle-hold up- on France which many French .people -are beginning to predict can be broken only by violence. There is even some dark talk of a new Saint Bartholemew. The chief communist cards seem to be these: 1) unlimited funds, which they obtained, by robbing the banks at the moment of lib- eration and-have steadily increased-by black- mailing businessmen; 2) general mortificatioh at the failure of France's allies, to treat the French people as a full-fledged partner; 3) political insecurity as against a new German threat; 4) dissastisfaction with the economic sit- uation centering 'largely .around the failure to secure adequate coal deliveries; 5) communist control of the powerful General Confederation of Labor and infil- tration into key positions in the adminis- tration, the armed forces and intellectual life. Of these five, all but the last can be over- trumped by the U.S. and Britain acting to- gether. We possess all necessary funds. We can restore French national self-esteem, see that France gets an 'adequate supply of coal, cease namoering the Germans and planning Concerts Lotte Lehmann, Soprano, will give the ninth concert in the Choral Union Series, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditor- ium. Program: compositions by Beethoven, Schubert, Br a h m s, Wolf, and Strauss. The audience' is respectfully requested to be. seated on time since the doors will be closed during numbers. Faculty Recital: Helen Titus,, Assistant Professor of Piano in the School of Music, will be heard in a program at 8:30 Sunday evening, March 2, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Program: Beethoven's Sonata, Op. 27, No. 1, Griffes' Ro- man Sketches, Op. 7 Scenes from Childhood, Op. 15 by Schumann, and Sonata No. 3 in E by Finney. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions The Museum of Art presents two exhibitions: Forty Modern Prints,. through March 2; and Painting by George Grosz, through March 14. Alumni Memorial Hall, week- days, except Mondays, 10-12 and 2-4; Sundays 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Events Today University Radio Program 2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870 Kc., School of Education-"Teach- ing as a Career," Dean James B. Edmonson. - 2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870 Kc., The School of Music-Rose Derderian soprano. 3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050 Kc., Campus News. Michigan Chapter AAUP meet 6:15 p.m. for hncheon at the Michigan Union Ca-feteria. Dr. C. A. Fisher, Director of the University Extension Serv- ice, and Mr. E. J. Soop will pre- sent "Present and Proposed Poli- cies and Practices of the Univer- sity Extension Service in Regard, .Delta Sigma Pi, professional Business Administration fraterni- ty: 8 p.m. Rm. 316 Union. Mr. W. K. Pierpont, Assistant Control- ler of the University, will speak on the subject, "Accounting Experi- ences." The public is cordially in- vited. U. of M. Women's Glee Club: 4 p.m., ABC rooms, -League. Michigan Wolverines: Reorgan- izational meeting 7 p.m., Rm. 319, Union. All former members are request- ed ;to attend. Anyone interested in promoting school spirit is wel- come. Plans will be made for the spring season and for the coming football season. Men's:fencing classes: 4:30-5:30 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, Combat room, I. M. Bldg. Foils and masks will be furnished. University of Michigan Flying Club: Meeting 7:30 p.m., E. Engi- neering Bldg. AvC Record Hop: 2:30-5:30 p.m., League Ballroom All dancers invited. Debaters: No meeting Wednes- day. All debaters should sign for practice sessions this week. Campus Chapter A.V.C.: Regu- lar Meeting and Nominations. 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. - All mem- bers urged to attend. Informal weekly teas: 4:30 p.m., International Center. Foreign Students, their friends, and inter- ested persons are cordially invited to attend. Hiawatha Club, social organiza- tion for Upper Peninsula stu- dents: 8 pun., Union. Election of officers for this term. Famine Committee: 4 p.m., Lane Hall. Michigan Dames Music Group, 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Grover Wirick, 1127 E. Ann Street. The subject to be discussed is "Ballet," (Continued on Page 5) Indian Famine To the Editor: FIGHTING the famine in India, the war has to be waged on two fronts: water and machines. According to Mr. Khosla, an In- dian irrigation expert of interna- tional reputation, 6% of river water in India is used for irriga- tion purposes and 94% of it goes; to the seaas a' complete waste, damaging the crops in the form of -floods, during monsoon season and also doing considerable dam- age due to soil erosion. The aim should be made a -100% use of it, kby means of hydroelectric .and ir- rigation projects, canal water ways, etc. The first aim is su- veying for the sites of these pro- jects and the final aim is putting these projects into operation. Four hundred millions of Indian peo- ples can spare enough hands as far as manual labor is concerned, but latest modern excavating ma- chines, doing the work for over 1000 men can speed up the com- pletion of this type of work. India has to use thousands of tractors, harvester combines and other agricultural machiner'y in large scale farihing all .over - the country. She has abundance of steel, manpower, machinist tools to manufacture these agricultural machines and toois. India has large n'ationally owned railway work shops scattered throughout India, nunition- plants,. privately owned machine. and tool indus- tries and small work shops. The equipment of all of these work shops is mostly used. for repair work. There is no mass' produc- tion industry in existence in In- dia at the present time and the crying heed of the day as far as India is concerned is mass pro- duction industry. The- efficiency 7Iw Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and nanaged by students , the University of Mihighni Lnder the authority of 'th'e Board 'in' on trol of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha ........ Managing Edi Clayton Dickey...........City Editor Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Director Mary Brush,.........,Associate Editr Ann Kutz .............Associate Editt Clyde Recht......... Associate Rditgr Jack Martin........... Sports Edit~j Archie Parsons Associate Sports Edit4 Joan Wilk...........Women's Editor Lynne Ford .Associate Women's Edtos Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... Genefall aanagr Janet Cork .......usiness Man Nancy Helmick .. AUvertising Managr UN f'rIe A -i a BA RNABY L Ar -- - . .T , I , " T . I I I . " , I I Cn"P e1 w.Tan.. ..-. ~ .. r- M = . , ksg 1 d7 I- r . .., .", F , - --