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February 23, 1947 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-23

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ashington's Birthday


T Saturday the nation "observed" the
5th birthday of George Washington.
ges over the country suspended classes,
merchants closed their stores, and
e in general took advantage of the legal
ay to pursue their own individual de-
It seems safe to assume that very few
ns devoted any time on that day to
eration of the man to whom they owed
thanks for the "day off," and perhaps
few more things.
e brief reminders in the form of the
utionary's portrait on the covers of
;ical supplements probably aroused
d fleeting thoughts of the historic
e. A handful of after-dinner birthday
hes likely performed the services of
.ng powders.
haps this is a good sign. Unconcern and
erence over the superficial observance
nation-founder's birthday may indicate'
the people are beginning to realize that
nationalistic rituals do not help any
e nurture of a feeling of brotherhood
all races of the earth.
orge Washington in the past, as seen
gh the eyes of Americans living in his
torials published in The Michigan Daily
written by -embers of The Daily staff
represent the views of the writers only.

time and living ,now, was a "great" man,
courageous, persevering in the throwing-out
of foreigners from this soil, above corrup-
tion, prudent in judgment, in short a human
symbol of American nationality worthy of
the most embracing and everlasting tribute
that American memory is able to pay him.
It must be realized that every other "father
of his country" has held and in many cases
still holds this place in the minds of his
countrymen. Bolivar is the man of history
to many of our southern neighbors; Bis-
marck was for long, and perhaps still is,
the epitome of German nationality; Lenin
stands out in the Russian mind, and mem-
ories of Garibaldi still bring a chill to Ital-
ian spines. The same is true of a host of
other big men in history who freed their
own countries from the chains of foreign
powers, or from the chains of ignorance and
economic slavery.
The time will come, if it has not come
already, when each nation must forget about
its .founding heroes as symbols of national-
ity, when its peoples must come to think of;
them only in the light of their work toward
the production of a human race of true world
The concentration of the. people's social
mind on their own strictly nationalistic in-
stitutions and rituals must be replaced by
a broader outlook on humanity as a whole
before the seeds of lasting peace can have
rich ground in which to grow and flower
into a truly democratic One World.
-John F. Neunan, Jr.


Student Tdwn Hall


w°,ys been a tradition on the Michigan
ampus, but there is a need to bring the
tlents together as a whole on topics that
Itally 'concern them. The Student Town
CalI is attempting to answer that need by
>resenting a series of monthly forums on
'"pus and national problems that effect
ie student body..
Originaly The Daily and SRA sponsored
he Town Hall sessions, but the central
omenittee has been enlarged to include
rpresentatives from all the large campus
irganzations. In this way there is a feeler
Greek S
ATHENS, Feb. 23-The United States has
got to fish or cut bait, not only in Greece,
jUt throughout this whole area. In a rather
,rude nutshell, that is the opinion of every
Aplrieneed observer in Athens. It is also
he conclusion which has been independent-
y reached and dispatched to Washington
y both Mark F. Ethridge, head of the Amenr-
.can delegation of the United Nations Corn-
nision, and Paul A. Porter, chief of the
.mericanx Economic Mission to Greece.
The conclusion is in essence this:
Eiher the United States makes a deter-
ri~ned effort to bring some sort of order
out of the political and economic chaos in
which Greece is now wallowing, or Greece
* mathematically certain to become
another Soviet-Balkan puppet with the
profoundest effect on the whole world
balance of power.
If the United States decides to make this
ffort, Porter and Ethridge will be initial-
y, at least, the two chief instruments of
h radically new American policy. Their
lobs will be cut out for them. A brief glance
t, the present internal situation of Greece
I .enough to show why.
In the first place, Porter has found him-
elf confronted with an economic criis
yhich threatens to blow the whole of Greek.
economy sky high within two to four weeks.
[f that happens, Porter and Ethridge might
ust as well have stayed at home.
The crisis springs from the fact that
the Greek drachnia has been held in some
sort of wobbly equilibrium for a number.
of months only by offering sovereigns
minted from the pre-war stock of Greek
gold in exchange for paper money. Now
the Greek government is scraping the
bottom of the barrel and already the war-
ier Greek merchants are refusing to deal
in drachmas in large sums. If nothing is
done, the drachma will again litter the
Athens streets within a month at the
latest and all hope of bringing order out
of the Greek economic mess will have
come to an end.
In these circumstances; Porter's first ob-
jective has been to buy time, a commodity
which only the United States government
can now afford. His first effort met with a
ebuff when the Federal Reserve Bank
ather haughtily pointed .out that the tech-
pIque he advocated was contrary to its
harter. Yet, Porter is a determined man
%4d it is probable that some expedient will
>e found. Even so, he will not really have
>egun to do his job; he will merely have
nade it possible to do a job at all.
The Greek political situation and the
Greek economy are in effect one and the
same problem. The guerrilla fighting in.
the north is a terrible strain on the feeble
Greek economy, a fact of which those who
organized and control the guerrillas are

in eyery group for determining . subjects
with which the student body are concerned.
he first open forum, tonight at 8 p.m.
in Rakham Lecture Hall, will deal with
"The Wage Price Issue and a Stabilized
Eonomy." It will offer an opportunity for
students to air their views and hear other
sides of the question of how wages and
prices are and will effect our economy.
'The .aim of the 5tudent Town Hall group
is to encourage student participation in dis-
cussion; the .success of this project depends
on campus support.
-Bette Hamilton
terror of the Greek "Monarcho-Fascist" re-
More important than the Communist
propaganda have been their secret organiza-
tions, of which the most successful is, the
Kossa, established to infiltrate and weaken
the Greek Army. No one knows how many
Kossa men there are. When uncovered, they
have always been found to be those soldiers
who had saluted most sharply and clicked
their heels most enthusiastically. The Greek
Army contemplates an all-out drive against
the guerrillas in the spring and it will then
become clear just how effective the work of
the Kossa has been.
As for the Greek government, it has of-
ten been described as Fascist. Its main
characteristic seems to be rather its total
incompetence. There is no doubt that it
was elected fairly and by a huge major-
ity and there is also no doubt that it has
allowed complete freedom of speech and of
political action, at least in Athens. But at
the last elections, the Greek people, re-
volted by the excesses of the Communists,
turned in terrified reaction to the Right.
The result is a government largely dom-
inated by a, small group of rich traders and
merchants who religiously avoid the payment
of income taxes. These men are totally in-
capable even of discussing the kind of sweep-
ing social and economic reforms which alone
could counteract the quite natural attrac-
tion of Communism in this misery-ridden
There .are a few capable men in the gov-
ernment. and a few tired old men of good
will, like Maximos, the new Prime Minister,
but most Greek politicians have no higher
ambition than to continue to taste the pro-
fitable delights of a free. economy at Ameri-
can expense. To the skirts of politicians
clings a vast mass of civil servants, aston-
ishingly inefficient, who are guaranteed by
law a lifetime place at the public trough.
There is some Fascist talk in the smart
bars in Athens, but the real failure of the
Greek government is better typified by
American luxury goods bought with precious
dollars, visible in the windows of rich shops
while small boys beg at the doors of the
foreigners' hotels.
But more tragic than government incom-
petence is the new and bitter hatred between
Greek and Greek. -Neither American econ-
omic aid nor the implacable blood-letting of
Soviet rule will soon end that. Certainly
Porter and Ethridge have their job cut out
for them, but it is only necessary seriously
to consider the alternative to realize why
so, many competent experts here are con-
vinced that it is a job which must be done.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Tribune, Inc.)
IN PALESTINE, though two years have
passed since war in Europe ended, basic
human rights are still'being trampled upon.
nAilr th e Jewish nno-le fae eviction from

Occupation Notes
PRAGUE-You can feel the tensions here,
under the surface, not by the amount of
public controversy, which is small, but by
the shape the Czech economy is taking. The
Czechs have rejected the Russian idea of
state trusts, each in charge of an entire in-
dustry. Their goal is to have each national-
ized factory run as business by a little au-
tonomous state-owned corporation. It is as
if they wanted, even under nationalization,
to keep as much of the western way as they
could, as if they were comforting themselves
by preserving at least the forms of western
life, hoping that their little autonomous
corporations will resemble western business
models, if only so much as a wax flower re-
sembles the original.
The Czech desire for political freedom
is real; and Czechs seem afraid that if
the forms change too much, the substance
of political liberty will go also. But in
trying to join capitalist form with social-
ist content, the Czechs are opening up a
whole series of problems entirely new to
the worl4, like boxes within boxes. How,
for. example, does a private firm (and
there are mary small ones left here) com-
pete with an autonomous state corpora-
tion? Both presumably will pay taxes, but
.what if the state corporation can't? Do
two state officials then meet and have a
quarrel? Or does. the state sell part of
itself out to pay taxes to itself?
Then too, is it patriotic or unpatriotic
for a private firm to compete with a state
-orporation, and perhaps pin its ears back?
The Czechs, looking East and then West,
say frstly that eachtautonomous corpora-
tion must stand on its own feet. ut will
the state, in a false Schizoid calm, sit by
and let a private firm, snatch a fat contract
from under its nose? If nationalization is
right and proper, why should the state pre-
tend to be disinterested and why shouldn't
it give all possible help to its own units?
Here you take another slide on the ideo-
logical sandpaper. What will indeed be the
long range trend in relations between the
state and the autonomous corporations?
Won't the state try eventually to rationalize
industry, by assigning certain tasks to cer-
tain units? Will it really stand by, as a
blithe impartial umpire, and let a dozen
autonomous corporations compete with each
other in making the Czech equivalent of
corn flakes? But to take the other road is
to go in the direction of the state trust.
The Czechs don't know the answer; they
know only that it is a hard winter and the
snow is high on Prikopy street, and they
are trying desperately to make a stable mix-
ture of socialism and freedom.
There is another problem remaining,
almost as standard in Europe today as the
cold in the head. Czechoslovakia, like
every country I have been in, is passionate
for exports. That weird feeling you get in
Europe, that each nation is trying, as with
a strange kind of inverse politeness, to
foist its best on the world and keep its
worst, flares highest here, for thirty per
cent of Czechoslovakia's income normally
rests on foreign trade. But no nation has
ever tried a heavy socialist export trade.
That idea is even newer than atomic
energy; and some Czechs wonder what
will happen to exports, their living link
with theWest, at the hands of the autono-
mous corporations which are being created
by the state and sent out, like so many
busy bees, to work.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Post Corp.)


Cop,'. 1447 by Unt.4 Feature Syndkcate.ikc.
Tm. Reg, U. 5. PatI. OHf.-AiI rghts r'escued


area, except for those students who quested to file the titles of their Jack Hertz of the John Widdi-
At the Michigan . . are physically incapacitated to dissertations with the Recorder. comb Co., Grand Rapids, Michi-
The Shocking Miss Pilgrim ( th Cen- whom campus permit plates have _ -gan will speak on the selection,
tury), Betty Grable, Dick Haymes. been issued. layout, and maintenance' of plant
It is the sincere hope of the College of Literature, Science, and equipment in the furniture
THIS IS an example of how bad musicals committee, to which the Univer- and the Arts, Schools of Educa- industry at 11 a.m., Wed., Feb.
can get when the music is poor and in- sity Council has delegated the re- tion, Forestry, and Public Health: 26, East Lecture Room, Rackham
sufficient and the plot equally poor and sponsibility of administering the Students who received marksIeX Bldg. All students in the Wood
overly abundant. So much has been atterpt- rules with respect to parking, that or no report' at the close of their Technology Program in t h e
edinhe pt tnant te lmcan n ligy a thoughtful respect for the rights last semester or summer session School of Forestry and Conserva-
S u plotthatthefiln.can.nly lightly of the others may ease the prob- of attendance will receive a grade tion are expected to attend and
touch upon the major points. This makes lem for all. of E in the course or courses un- any others interested are cordial-
for loss of interest on the part of everyone, Signed: less this work is made up by March ly invited.
particularly the audience. What looklike Robert C. Angell, Walter M. Roth, 10. Students wishing an extensiony v
potentialities are occasionally introduced R. P. Briggs, Herbert G. Watkins of time beyond this date in order
and .then dropped, while the dull stuff is University Committee on Parking to make up this work should file a Academic Notices
kept continually before one's eyes - in petition addressed to the appro-
technicolor. Miss Grable's legs, which usual- Engineering Open House will be piate official in their school with Botany I Make-up examination
ly compensate for her lack of vocal ability, held Friday, April 18. There are Rm. 4 U.H. where it will be trans- for students with excused absenc-
ar comn efleeingyevsileco committee positions open for mitted. es will be given Thurs., Feb. 27, 7T-
are only fleetingly visible.c mitepsins pfrm . 9:30 p.m., 2033 N.S.
those desiring appointment. Per-
sons interested please call John The Emma M. and Florence L. History Final Examination
At the State Morrison, 8612. Abbott Scholarships and the Eu- is Fi., eb.n28, tiom
Never Say Goodbye ( Warners), Eleanore gene G. Fassett Scholarships. Eli- Make-up: Fri., Fe.8.4pimon
Parer Errol GFlyn rFootball Tickets: A trial was gibility for these scholarships is Rm. G, Haven Hall. Students must
EONN.social theme held last December 2 for those not restricted to those enrolled come with written permission ol
TlE COMBINATPION of a sstudents accused of falsifying in any particular school or college instructor.
with light comedy is never a good idea. their number of semesters in res- of the University. For the terms
One detracts from the other, the outcome idence at the University in order on which they are awarded, refer History Language Examination
being neither serious nor humorous. This to obtain upperclass seats at the to the bulletin on Scholarships, for the M.A. Degree: Fri, Feb. 28
unfortunately is true of Never Say Goodbye, home football games. The fol- Fellowships, Prizes and Loan 3 p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall. Eac
which tries to join the effect of divorce on lowing students were asked, by Funds. Candidates should make student is responsible for his own
children with drawing room patter and mali to appear at this trial but application through the Dean (in dictionary; and must register at
some semi-slapstick. The obvious has prob- were not in attendance: Herbert the Literary College, the Assist- the History Department Office be-
ably sleabee sid thtthis pctre-R. Buckner, Lillian K. Cohn, Gor- ant Dean, and in the Engineering fore taking the examination
ably already been said, that this picture don K. Craig, Ralph E. DeVore, ollege, Prof. H. W. Miller). of the
should have never said hello. Such opinions Anna Mae M. Felts, Lee K. Fish- unit in which they are enrolled. Seminar in Engineering Me-
are harsh, however, for it has some gay er, Daniel H. Gilbert, Morton M. Applications for these scholar- chanics:- The Engineering Me-
moments. Harty, Orlin C. Heller, Joseph ships for the year 1947-48 must chanics Department is sponsoring
-Joan Fiske Hooper, Burton Hunter. John S. be made by Saturday, March 15. a series' of discussions on the

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