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February 22, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-22

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A tom C


'HE American public is getting a little
tired of being told about the dangers of
e atomic bomb and the resulting neces-
y for world unity. Ever since the atomic
sh over Hiroshima, all sorts of people in
sorts of places-statesmen, politicians,
entists, military men, radio .commenta-
s, newspaper columnists-have been
imming the same lesson into our heads.
e must have one world, or else the human
ce will be destroyed by the atomic bomb.
The repetition is becoming a little bor-
ig. Many people today close their ears
,nd receive the lesson as indifferently as
student listening to an exceedingly dull
istory lecture. But the fact remains that
he atomic bomb is not past history, but
very real, vital and dangerous factor in
ur future.
rhe most recent warning about the atom
mb comes from atomic scientist Edward
h1er, physics professor at the University of
icago. Writing in the latest issue of the
lletin of the Atomic Scientists, Prof. Tel-
predicts that future bombs may easily
more than one thousand times larger
an those used in the last war.
He warns that larger bombs may prove
be more dangerous in an indirect way

through radioactivity than they are through
blast and burning. By careful planning and
design, he says, an enemy could make life
impossible for us without delivering a sin-
gle bomb into our territory, by releasing
radioactive air masses. Strong enough ra-
dioactivity will kill all living things, Prof.
Teller states, and adds that this is "much
more than a fantastic possibility."
Prof. Teller's article was checked by the
War Department for security violations and
cleared for publication. He is one of the
leading atomic scientsts in the world, and
worked on the bomb at George Washington
University, Columbia University, the Univer-
sity of Chicago and Los Alamos.
The scientists who worked on the atomic
bomb do not under-estimate its danger.
They have left their laboratories to at-
tempt to tell us how very necessary it now
is for man to learn the essential methods
for living in peace with his neighbors all
over the world. Last year 17 atomic scien-
tists and American generals wrote a little
book reporting on "the full meaning of
the atomic bomb." They called it "One
World or None," and emphasized the fact
that it depends entirely on our present
world behavior whether World War Three,
the war to end more than war, ever comes.
We're getting rather bored with hearing
this lesson repeated over and over. We tend
to ignore the speakers and writers who are
trying to make us understand. And yet this
is the most important lesson that we as a
nation have to learn.
-Frances Paine

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
re written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

- -- ----

White Primary

This is American Brotherhood Week, a
period designed to further the cause of tol-
erance in the United States. Yet this week
will be better remembered as the time when
tolerance in America took a step backward.
[ronically enough, during this period dedi-
cated to the elimination of racial and relig-
ious prejudice, Herman Talmadge and his
Georgia gang have managed to push a white
>rimary election through the state legisla-
ture. By removing all mention of primary
elections from the state constitution, Her-
nan Talmadge, or "Hummon" as a national
magazine calls him, has made it virtually
.mpossible for the Negro to have a voice in
he state government.
Several years ago, the United States
Supreme Court ruled that a Negro could
not be denied the right to vote in regular-
ly scheduled elections. Now "Hummon"
and his coherts have decided to abridge
that right for ".. . the good of the Negro."
By making the Democratic party in Geor-

gia a private club, "Hummon" and his
gang are able to restrict membership to
those citizens deemed "fit" to take part in
the government.
Legally "Hummon" is in the clear. He is
free to continue the comic-opera fight for
the governorship which has made Georgia
the butt of country-wide jokes. Waving the
banner of white-supremacy fostered by his
father, "Hummon" has massed his father's
followers solidly behind him. His dema-
gogic tactics have won the approval of the
majority of members in the state legislature.
It is a sad commentary on the contem-
porary American scene when instances of
this kind are allowed to go unchecked. A
nation which has just finished a war to end
Fas ism in Europe now stands idly by while
another brand of Fascism flourishes in its
own back yard.
Yes this week will be remembered-but
not for the advancement of brotherhood
among men.
-Dick Maloy

Occupation Notes
country which has been occupied. I
don't mean the obvious things like having
slivers put under fingernails. I mean what
happens to everybody. An occupation dis-
torts life. It is as if it makes everybody look
at things through badly fitted glasses, with-
out knowing they are wearing them. A
Czech told me that recently he criticized
a minister of the government before a party
of friends. One plucked his sleeve and
whispered, "Don't say that, you will be pun-
ished." The Czech answered, "Why? We are
free now." His friend said meekly, "That's
true. I had forgotten."
Small things become very important
during an occupation, whispers sound
like roars. A couple of months ago one
of the comic weeklies here published a
short article burlesquing the plots of'
American superfilms But it happened
that the American film, "Wilson," opened
the same week. The incident made quite
an uproar. The article was interpreted as
a cover Leftist attack on Woodrow Wil-
son, who is revered here, on the United
States and on the Conservatives' com-
mand there were flareups and explana-
tions. It is with these over-sensitized eyes
and ears that a people come out of occu-
As to how free the Czechs are now, two
years after occupation, the answer probably
is that they themselves don't know. Few
Czechs dared to criticize Communists during
the first six months after liberation. Since
then there has been a loosening up; right-
wing newspapers do criticize Communism,
but they do it obliquely by attacking Left-
wing newspapers. In part these blunted
polemics are traditional here; in part, cur-
rent restraint is certainly based on fear of
Russia and the Reds. . But t h e r e is
something else beneath all this; occupation
has made the Czechs enter into a kind of
agreement to utter no word which might
endanger national freedom. This is a coali-
tion government of all parties, and just
about every newspaper editor in town sits in
parliament; one journal has five editorial
writers in the National Legislature. And so
among them, as among political leaders,
there is a kind of acceptance of a voluntary
discipline to avoid a worse discipline.
One more point is that during an occu-
pation you stop expecting sympathy. You
expect to be treated as if you smelled
funny. It's an old thing, but when an
American says a kind word about Czecho-
slovakia here, it makes a sensation. It
doesn't take a lot of sympathy to do it,
just a touch. The Czechs know they have
things here Americans don't favor, lots of
Communists, nationalization of industry
and so on; and they have forgotten to ex-
pect to be liked. But to watch the effect
of a kindly word about some detail of their
effort is like watching a thaw after a dec-
ade of frost. And when some foreign visi-
tor, who has not shared the ordeal, dis-
misses what the Czechs are going through
with a catchword, one can almost see the
faces hardening, the eyes returning to that
unexpectant loneliness which was the set-
tled. national expression for so long.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Post Corp.)
Although holding to his familiar concert
technique of "eat your spinach and you'll
get your ice cream," Alec Templeton in-
cluded a few of the heavier classics in his
program last night at Hill Auditorium.
The serious half of the program, which
proved singularly tedious with an uninter-
esting Bach Prelude and Fugue and the in-

evitable Chopin nocturne, received little
more than polite applause.
Setting himself and the audience com-
pletely at ease, Templeton started the latter
part of the concert with 'Humoresque Di-
vorced from Dvorak' and went quickly into
his tradional two-in-one-four-in-one rou-
Revealing by his encores that he is, after
all, the comedian first and the musician sec-
ond, Templeton was successfully all four
members of a barber-shop quartet, a 'scat'
singer slaughtering Irving Berlin's 'Marie'
and, in response to a call from the audi-
ence to "Open the door, Alec," the notorious
Richard operatically keeping the door shut.,
On the whole, the evening was enjoyable,
apparently for pianist as well as audience,
and it was evident that the numbers, for the
most part, were chosen with care to show
P the Templeton personality to its greatest ad-
-Naomi Stern
O THAT one new magazine could be born
last week, three magazines were killed.
Subscribers to Asia, Inter-American and
Free World were asked to switch-sight un-
seen-to a new monthly, United Nations
World. Only a handful refused to; U.N.
World started life with a circulation of 50,-
-Time Magazine

(Continued from Page 2)
Community Calendar of the Air
at 10:40 a.m. daily except Sunday.
Announcements of interest to the
Village and the surrounding com-
munities are made.

Huston; Weiss, Leonard B.:
vodnik, Edward F.


School Situation

University Lecture: Professor
Aaron J. Sharp, University of
Tennessee, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "Disjunct Areas of the De-
ciduous Forest in Mexico and
Guatmala" (illustrated), at. 4:15
p.m., Fri., Feb. 28, Rackham Am-
phitheatre; auspices of the De-
partment of Botany.
University Lecture: Dr. Gustave
M. Gilbert, formerly of the Bard
College faculty; and former Clini-
cal Psychologist and Prison Psy-
chologist with the U. S. Army, will
lecture on the subject, "A Psychol-
ogist in the Nuremberg Jail-Life
with the Nazi War Criminals," at
4:15 p.m., Tues., March 4, Rack-
ham Lecture Hall; auspices of the
Department of Psychology. The
public is invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Les-
lie Rensselaer Holdridge, Botany;
thesis: "The Pine Forest and Ad-
jacent Mountain Vegetation of
Haiti Considered from the Stand-
point of a New Climatic lassifi-
cation of Plant Formations," at
9 a.m., Feb. 24, Rm. 1139 Natural
Science. Chairman, H. H. Bart-
History Final Examination
Make-up: Fri., Feb. 28, 4 p.m.,
Rm. G, Haven Hall. Students must
come with written permission of
History Language Examination
for the M.A. Degree: Fri., Feb. 28,
3 p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall. Each
student is responsible for his own
dictionary, and must register at
the History Department Office be-
fore taking the examination
Mathematics Seminar on Dy-
namical Systems: 3 p.m., Mon.,
Feb. 24, 3011 Angell Hall. Dr. Kap-
lan will speak on Fuchsian Groups
and Ergodic Theory.
Schedule of Tutorial Sections
for Veterans for the Spring Term,
1946-47. (To begin the week of
Monday, Feb. 17).
CHEMISTRY: (3) Mon. 7-8
p.m., Wed-Fri. 5-6 p.m., 122
Chem., S. Levin.
(4) Mon. 7-8 p.m., Wed.-Fri.,
5-6 p.m., 151 Chem. R. Keller.
(21) Wed. 4-5 p.m., 122 Chem.,
R. Hahn.
ENGLISH: (1) Tues.-Thurs.-
Fri. 5-6 p.m., 2203 AH, D. Martin.
(2) Tues.-Thurs.-Fri. 5-6 p.m.,
3209 A.H. ,D. Stocking.
FRENCH: (1) Mon.-Thurs. 4-5
p.m., 106 RL, A. Favreau.
(2) Tues.-Thurs. 4-6 p.m., 205
RL, F. Gravit.
(31) Mon.-Thurs. 4-5 p.m., 203
RL, J. O'Neill.
(32) Tues.-Thurs. 4-5 p.m., 108
RL, A. Favreau:
SPANISH: (1) Mon.-Wed. 4-5
p.m., 205 RL. F. Thompson.
(2) Mon.-Wed., 4-5 p.m., 207
RL, H. Hootkins.
(2) Tues.-Thurs. 4-5 p.m., 207
RL, H. Hootkins.
(31) Tues.-Thurs. 4-5 p.m., 210
RL, C. Staubach.
GERMAN: Mon. -Wed. 7:30-
8:30 p.m., Sat. 11-12 a.m., 2016AH
F. Reiss.
MATHEMATICS: Wed.-Fri. 5-6
p..m, Sat. 11-12 a.m., 3010 Al, G.
Costello. (6 through 15).
(52, 53, 54) Wed.-Fri. 5-6 p.m.,
Sat. 11-12 a.m., 3011 AH, E. Span-
PHYSICS: (25, 45) Mon.-Tues.-
Thurs. 5-6 p.m., 202 W. Physics,
R. Hartman.
(26, 46) Mon.-Tues-Thurs. 5-6
p.m., 1036 Randall, D. Falkoff.
Business Aiministration 123:
The following is a list of the stu-
dents for Business Administration
123 and the hours they will at-
tend class. Classes will be held in
the East Lecture Room, Rackham

Members of the Class Meeting
Tuesday and Thursday at 3:00
Beyer, Edith May; Blair, Ber-
nard L.; Broutman, Stanford A.;
Cantrick, George A.; Casey, Thom-
as Francis Jr.; Coates, Audry L.;
Craig, Robert T.; Crane, Leonard
R.; Hunter, Mary Frances; Kem-
mish, James V.; Lawson, Robert
S.; Lillie, Hugh D.; Major, Louis;
Mattison, Donald Kellner; Mer-
rill, Mary Maxine; Mlinaz, Stephen
W.; North, Evelyn Kurtz; O'Daur-
rell, Jacques; Rasor, Dale William;
Rizzardi, Frank G.; Ruth, Nor-
man D.; Scott, Lawrence I. Jr.;
Sexauer, Loren D. Jr.; Shpritzer,
Saul H.; Stegman, John C.; Van-
denberg, Phyllis; Walker, Billie


Members of the Class Meeting
on Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00
Ainslie, William Earl; Aselin,
Louis St. Onge; Blackwood, James
R.: Cullum, Charles J.: Daugher-
ty, L. Carrel; Ehnerd, Mary Jac-
quelyn; Finlayson, Robert M.;
Flott, Robert Fleming;- Forsyth.
Earl; Garritsen, Florence Mildred:
Gartner, Maurice Fred Jr.; Gold-
berg, Louis L.; Gray, Barbara;
Gray, John C.; Hathaway, Rodney
C.; Husemann, Edward J.; Kay,
Charles Herbert; Kerr, Jarries S.;
Kipper, John Robert; Mack, Ar-
thur W.; Lorion, Robert. H.; Mac-
pherson, Nancy; McCluskie, Rob-
ert S.; McNulty, Edward H.; Mas-
sie, Paul R.; Merriman, Eleanor
Louise; Meschke Robert E.; Mum-
mey, James F.; O'Brien, Frank M.
Jr.; Parker, Gordon E.; Shuir-
man, Gerard; Spangler, Robert
M.; Theidel, William H.; Wen-
dling, Robert.
Organ Recital: E. William Doty,
Dean of the College of Fine Arts of
the University of Texas, and form-
er member of the faculty of the
Organ Department here, will ap-
pear as guest organist at 4:15
Sunday afternoon, February 23, in
Hill Auditorium. The program
has been revised and will be In
Memoriam for Professor Palmer
Christian, University Organist,
1924-1947. It will be open to the
general public with the exception
of small children.
William Klenz, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Violincello in the School
of Music, will present a recital at
8:30 Monday evening, February
24, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter. His program will include
Sonata in A Major by Buccherini,
Suite No. 1 in G Major for Solo
Violoncello by Bach, Variations on
a Theme from the "Magic Flute"
by Beethoven; Beethoven's Son-
ata in A Major, Op. 69, and
Brahms' Sonata in F Major, Op.
The public is cordially invited.
The First Willow Run Village Art
University Community Center,
1045 Midway,
Willow Run Village
Crafts and paintings by Village
residents will be on exhibit at the
University Center in the Assembly
Room from February 23 through
March 30. The public is cordially
invited to see the show.
Events Today
University R a d io Programs:
2:30 p.m., Station WJR, 750 Kc.
"Stump the Professor." George
Washington Program, Panel-Re-
gent Roscoe Bonisteel, Dr. Ran-
dolph Adams, Major R o b e r t
Brown and M~r. Colton Storm.
10:45 p.m., station WJR, 750
Kc. The Medical Series. Dr. J.
Marion Bryant, "The Significance
of Heart Disease."
Art Cinema League presents
film adaptation of foremost Czech
playwright Karel Capek's SKELE-
go Haas. Dubbed-in English dia-
logue. Sat., 8:30 p.m. Box office
opens 2 p.m. daily. Reservations
phone 6300, Lydia Mendelssohn
Coming Events
Graduate Student Council: 7:30
p.m., Mon., Feb. 24, East Lecture
Room, Rackham Bldg.
Sigma Rho Tau engineers'
speech society: Tues., Feb. 25,

7:15 p.m. Rm. 315, W. Engineer-
ing. Circle training for the new
semester will begin. The debate
schedule and topics for those de-
bates will be announced.
Scalp and Blade: 7:15 p.m., Sun.,
Feb., 23, Michigan Union. All
members and rushees are urged to
Quarterdeck Open M e e t i n g,
Tues., Feb. 25, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 311,
W. Engineering Bldg. Professor
Baier will speak on "Trial Trips".
Business meeting, 7 p.m., ; for
Victor Reuther, educational di-
rector for UAW-CIO, and Andrew
Court, of the labor-economics di-
vision of the General Motors Cor-
poration will discuss "The Wage
Price Issue and a Stabilized Econ-
omy" in Rackham auditorium at
8 p.m., Feb. 25. The public is in-
vited and there is no charge.
U. of M. Hot Record Society will
hold an election of officers at 8
p.m., Sun., Feb. 23, Hussey Room,


Letters to the E



EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is siged, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers -only. letters of ,more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
AY I D Motives
To the Editor:
I would be inclined to more be-
hief in the purity of AYD motives
if their platform planks incluld
one which stated that along with
being anti-lynch, anti-Franco,
etc. they would also be anti-Tito.
Also, it is not too late for the AYD
to draw up a resolution deploring
the rigging of Polish elections in
favor of the puppet government.
And I am sure that the AYD
members know just as much
about the situation in Yugoslavia
as they do about what is going on
in Spain.
I ask the AYD. Why be narrow-
minded? If you are going to de-
plore the abrogation of civil lib-
erties why restrict your interest
to one section of the country, or
of the world for that matter. We
all know fascist armies supported
Franco in the Civil War in Spain.
Do we also know that Red generals
and Red Army troops opposed him
at the same time. What makes
the fascists black and the commu-
nists white? I am under the im-
pression that the Communist state
in Russia is totalitarian. Now all
the AYD has to do is prove thak
Communism and democracy are
one and the same thing.
It is quite fashionable to be an-
ti-Franco. Hollywood has been
anti -Franco for quite awhile. It
is not quite so fashionable to be
anti-Tito, or to question the val-
idity of the puppet states set up
by Russia in Yugoslavia and Po-
land. If we are going to set up
general principles or criteria to
apply to foreign governments in
order to determine whether the
people of those countries are get-
ting a fair deal, let us apply these
to all countries without exception.
I believe that our government
has hestitated in censuring the
Franco regime in Spain because
it knows that in Mexico City the
Communist government-in-exile
is waitingto return to Spain. In
other words it would be a ase of
"out of the frying pan into the
fire." I would be very happy to
see ' the Franco regime replaced
by one truly representative of the
people, but not another puppet
state like Yugoslavia.
I would like to state that I am
anti -,Fascists, anti - Communist
and I am beginning to wonder
about monarchies.
James S. Irwin
Parking Space
To the Editor:
The parking problem in the vi-
cinity of the University campus
has been difficult, but the recent
police and city drive to reduce
available parking space still fur-
ther has made the situation intol-
erable. Most streets near the
campus now have parking prohibi-
ted on one or both sides, even
though many are of normal width.
The law forbids parking within 20
feet of an intersection, but most
"No parking to corner" signs now
are placed about three times this
distance from the corner ,thereby
reducing available parking space
in each block by another 10% to
As a result, it now generally is
impossible to park within five
blocks of the campus, and park-
ing tickets have been passed out
freely to anyone not adhering
strictly to the letter of the law,
even though plowed snow prevent-
ed proper parking in many places.
The motorist who tries to protest

what appears to be an unfair is-
suance of a traffic violation tic-
ket is greeted by an unreasonable
"Tell it to the judge" attitude.
and of course most citizens will
pay the dollar fine rather than to
suffer the inconvenience and loss
of time required for cour; action
on a not-guilty plea.
It appears that the city of Ann
Arbor has discovered yet another
way to gouge the University, its
students and faculty. This was
League. Old members are urged to
attend; a record concert will fol-
Ball and Chain Club: 7:45 p.m.,
Mon., Feb. 24, Michigan League.
Social hour and refreshments. All
wives of student veterans are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Inter-Faith Seminar Committee
of Lane Hall: 8:30 p.m., Mon.,
Feb. 24, Lane Hall.
U. of M. Chapter I.Z.F.A. pre-
(Continued on Page 5)

expressed in the arrogant W
of the police traffic captain
said, "We're out to force the
versity to buy more off-s
parking lots. If I had my
there would be no parking on
of those streets around there
Henry T. Johnson W.
Editor's Note: According to Pc
reports Dr. Johnson received
traffic ticket for double p
outside the Museum while atte
ing a class. For explanation of
eal parking policies see story, p
V eterans' Ro n
To the Editor:
It's a long time since I've
ten a letter to the editor, but
met J. Donnelly's letter in
clay's Daily was too mud
"take". Mr. Donnelly attemp
justify a veterans' bonus on
tremely short-sighted gro
and in addition delights i
derin the AVC, one of the
few hrganizations which has
any real thinking on the u
Tiue, it would be very n
''recompense in so far as mon
able to do so, the damages ,
veterans have suffered." But
a bonus of the size it woul
feasible to pay do so? We'v
ready received mustering out
terminal leave pay, unemploy
compensation, tuition and su
tence while going to school. '
more do we want? So far as 1
etary grants can do so, the vet
has already been recompensa
There are, however, vetE
who have lost, by having gox
war, far more than the natior
ever requite. And how a
those who did not live to bei
veterans-what kind of b
would Mr. Donnelly pay t
The only way we can ever r
the sacrifices made by those
did the actual fighting--priva.
measured not in money, by
memories, blood, and lives-
do for the next generation 1
the last did not do for us, :
the kind of world where such
rifices will no longer be neces
Of course the VFW and
American Legion favor state
national bonuses-nan - il
which stems from those very
which AVC opposes-the desi
obtain the maximum benefil
veterans at the expense of
rest of the country. But ar
really gaining anything? The
erans of today are the taxpi
of tomorrow who will have tc
for the bonuses we get now.
AVC feels that the sacriflIc
those who fought the war ca
be requitted by mere mol
bonuses and that such an
proach is extremely unsub
tial. And may I remind Mr x
nelly that the decision to or
bonuses, as are all AVC decis
was made by the vote of the n
bers. (This is not so in the A
ican Legion, where the "big-I
in Indianapolis announce to
newspapers what the Legion
ports and what It opposes
Mr. iDonnelly objects to the st
AVC takes, he is welcome to
that organization and cast
vote on any and all issues.
As for the slanders on A
might mention that AVC has
er collected books for an:
certainly not for Mr. Donn
"young communists" in Poli
The things we have workec
are too well known to- requir
For my part, I would ri
have the money I would recel
a, bonus go towards better e
tional facilities, housing for
erans and other citizens, an<
lief for Hitler's victims, who
fered far more than even our
Allen L. Mayers

LTHOUGH they differed on method, both
Gov. Sigler and his opponents who fav-
red the sales tax amendment agreed on the
ecessity of raising more money to improve
lie lot of Michigan schools and teachers. And
ell they might!
For Michigan along with the other 47
ates is confronted with the possibility of a
reakdown of the public school system. The
merican public as a whole has, from time
o time, hearkened to vague warnings that
11 was not well with their public school sys-
em, but it remained for the New York Times
> conduct an extensive survey which has
evealed some pertinent and quite startling
acts. Some of the findings as they appeared
I the Times:
"Three hundre&d and fifty th-usand
teachers have left the American public
schools since 1940.
The United States spends 1.5 per cent
of its national income for its schools.. .
he Soviet Union spends 7.5 per cent.

School buildings are in a deplorable
state all over the nation. Nearly five bil-
lion dollars will be needed to bring the
educational plants into' good condition.
Class room teachers get an average of
$37 a week today. Two hundred thousand
get less than $25 weekly.
Twenty-two per cent of all college stu-
dents attended teachers colleges in 1920.
Today seven per cent attend.
Veterans do not want to prepare to teach.
Only 20,000 of the 1,000,000 veterans in
American colleges and universities are in
teachers colleges.
Sixty thousand teachers in the United
States have a high school education or less.
The problem is a complex one, but it seems
that the main method of luring competent
teachers back into public education as well
as attracting new ones to the field lies in
providing adequate salaries for public
school teachers.
-Adele M. Trenchi




* I Cannot Tell a Lie


ime Is a River

HISTORY professor of ours recently was
talkilig about the text book used in his
urse, noting that it was written by a his-
)ry professor at another university.
"I had to stop using the textbook I wrote
ecause it wasn't sufficiently up to date,"
e told us.
"I've lost a lot of money as a result," he
id sadly, but added brightly, "It was a good


If There Were One
QUESTION of the week is: Does one
need a Liquor Identification Card to
buy a crepe suzette in Michigan?
Rebate Demanded
WE WERE called in by the Registrar's Of-
fice the other day and told that we
would have to change our elections if we
wanted to graduate with a B.S. degree.
Acting on their instructions, we went
through the whole change of elections pro-
cedure-advisor's signature, instructor's sig-
nature, Dean Peake's signature, $1.00 fee,
etc-to change our class from Sociology 62
to Psychology 62.
It's the same class.
Contributions to this column are by all mem-
bers of The Daily staff, and are the responsi-
bility of the editorial director. Items from sub-
scribers are invited: address them to "It So
Happens," The Michigan Daily.
SASKATCHEWAN'S socialist CCF govern-
ment took two important actions last
week. For $3,600,000, it bought all the Sas-
katchewan holdings of Canadian Utilities


CHAT conspicuous reference to a Michigan
"all-time football great" on the front of
sterday's Daily omitted a key word.
The copy should read, "Appearing twice
C0 DETERMINE the best sections of the
country for men and women interested
marriage, Dr. Paul Popenoe, general di-
ctor of the American Institute of Fam-
y Relations at Los Angeles, Calif., worked
it a table of sex ratios for all the states in
e Union. He considered native-white sin-
e women, 20 to 29 years of age, as repre-


Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by stude
the University of Michigan und
authority of the Board in Con
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha ........ Managing
Clayton Dickey.........City
Milton Freudenheim .Editorial I
Mary Brush ...........Associate
Ann Kutz............Associate
Clyde Recht......... Associate
Jack Martin..........Sports
Archie Parsons Associate Sports
Joan Wilk...........Women's
Lynne Ford Associate Women's
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .:.. General M~
Janet Cork ......BusinessM
Nancy Helmick .. Advertising M


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