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February 21, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-21

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is bad and growing steadily wQrse. Ever
increasing numbers of student drivers, have
made the campus area one of the chief
trouble spots. With thousands of students
hourly streaming across heavily traveled
pedestrian streets it is remarkable that there
have been no pedestrian fatalities to date.,
Local traffic enforcement agencies are
cognizant of the 'campus traffic problem,
but their hands are tied by inadequate
equipment and lack of manpower. A num-
ber of efforts have been made to eliminate
campus traffic hazards, but the police force,
handicapped by a shortage of patrolmen,
has been unable properly to enforce these
Now, however, civic officials have before
them the means to improve the admittedly
grave traffic problem. A special AAA traf-
fic survey made by a five-man group of ex-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

perts in traffic research, has offered a com-
prehensive report embodying specific sug-
gestions for campus traffic control. The
survey shows that conditions can be great-
ly improved by rerouting traffic and the
installation of additional control lights in
the campus area.
Civic officials also have to decide on the
request of Police Chief Casper Enkemann for
five more police officers. Chief Enkemann
has consistently pointed out that the pre-
sent force cannot adequately handle traf-
fic in addition to routine duties.
It is the responsibility of civic officials
to approve recommendations made by the
traffic research group, and at the same
time give the police force the necessary
manpower to enforce the recommenda-
tions. Traffic accidents jumped 20 per
cent last year, and a corresponding in-
crease will be noted in 1947 unless some-
thing is done to combat the growing prob-
Civic officials have a duty to the commun-
ity to halt this spiraling accident rate. The
answer lies in approval of the recommenda-
tions now before them.
-Dick Maloy




Republican Vote
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20-The most impor-
tant vote yet taken in the present Con-
gress was that by which the Senate Repub-
lican Conference decided to oppose the more
suicidal economies in the defense estab-
lishment. It is unfortunate that the roll
call was not recorded, and that even the
tally, which stood at 22 to 19 was not made
public. For this vote provided the first
measure of the deepening division within
Republican ranks, which is quite certain
to develop into one of the major political
phenomena of the next two years.
Voting with the majority were such Sen-
ators as Morse of Oregon, Aiken of Vermont,
and Tobey of New Hampshire, who have
inherited the role of old "Sons of the Wild
Jackass -the Republican insurgents of
other days. But this fact is much less sig-
nificant than the leading role played by
Vandenberg of Michigan, and the presence
at his side of such Senators as Ives of New
York, Lodge and Saltonstall of Massachu-
setts, Millikin of Colorado and Hickenloop-
er of Iowa. These men are distinctly not
What then is the gulf that divides them
from their colleagues of the minority-
Wherry and Butler of Nebraska, Capehart of
Indiana, Brooks of Illinois and the others
among the 19 who plumped for national
self-indulgence at the risk of something
very like national suicide?
The answer is fairly simple and distinct-
ly illuminating. Progression, in the sense
of support for national economic -plan-
ning, extensive measures of social welfare,
and similar policies, is not a common com-
modity among Republicans (or Democrats
either, for that-matter). The division-with-
in the Republicans is not between Pro-
gressives and Conservatives. It is be-
tween those who know and understand
the facts of modern life, and those who do
Vandenberg himself, -who has been adding
to his already impressive influence by act-
ing as a sort of leader of the modernists,
is a strongly conservative man. He is open-
ly entertained by his new role, which in
such connections as the Lilienthal contro-
versy has lined him up with men of much
more left wing views. But this is true, not
because he has abandoned his conservatism,
but because he has adjusted his conserva-
tism to the conditions prevailing in the year
of very doubtful grace, 1947. Precisely the
same holds true for the fair-minded Milli-
kin and the able Hickenlooper, who have
distinguished themselves at the Lilienthal
hearings, and for the others like Lodge, Sal-
tonstall and Ives.

UNRRA Supplies

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
m~ind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in lcLters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* * *
Academic Freedom

Letters to t


To the Editor:

CHINA'S REQUEST that it be allowed to
sell $200.004,000 worth of UNRRA sup-
plies on the black market has been received
with varying emotions ranging from mild
surprise to shocked astonishment. To al-
most everyone, however, this proposal seems
to come as an unheard of request that,
smacks of something scandalous and that
must be met with violent reproof.
Actually, this matter need not be as crim-
inal as it appears upon first inspection.
Whether or not this request is a reasonable
one will require intensive additional investi-
gation but before going all up in arms over
it, it might be well to consider what justi-
fication there can be.
First of all, it is a common misconception
that the United Nations Relief and Reha-
bilitation Administration is a strictly gratis
Misplaced Humor
spread over the audience at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre Saturday night when
a soap-box orator in the film, "Don't Be A
Sucker," listed Freemasons among the min-
ority groups he would purge from American
No one laughed when the speaker attack-
ed Jews, Negroes and Catholics. Is racial
and religious persecution less ridiculous than
Masonic persecution? Some Art Cinema
League patrons were apparently unaware
that Masons ranked high on the list of in-
tolerable groups within the Fascist states
of Europe; that in Italy, the birthplace of
Fascism, where the Jews constituted a min-
ority so small as to be of little value for agi-
tational purposes, Masonic temples were
ransacked, and Masons were attacked with
a ferocity unsurpassed by the treatment
given trade-union leaders themselves; or
that in Yugoslavia, the Nazi anti-Masonic
campaign went so far as to utilize the postal
system in 1941, when a special series of
propaganda stamps was issued.
In Chaplin's anti-Fascist masterpiece,
"The Great Dictator," one line ran some-
what like this: "When we have finished with
the Jews-we'll go after the Brunettes!"
That crack rolled people in the aisles, a few
years ago. But the merger of absurdity and
reality has now robbed Chaplin's dialogue
of any semblance of humor. Anyone who
doubts that the Fascist axe will be swung at
the brunettes, the blondes; the red-heads-
or the Masons-if that persecution will open
the road to political power, is lifing in a
world of fantasy. Those who laughed lqud-
est, Saturday night, will do well to re-eval-
uate their sense of humor.
-Malcolm T. Wright

organization in every sense. True, its sup-
plies are charity to war-torn countries but
to what legitimate uses they may be put
once inside these countries may be a differ-
ent matter.
In 1944 when UNRRA goods began to
flow into destitute China, it submitted a
report to UNRRA outlining exactly how
it expected to use them. In this report it
specified three ways in which the supplies
were to be disposed of. They were: (1)
As outright gifts to persons or groups in-
capable of restoring themselves to self
sufficiency alone, (2) as means of pay-
ment to stimulate work, and (3) as mar-
ketable products whose revenues were to
be used in financing a work-relief pro-
IT IS NOT EASY to determine immediate-
ly exactly to what extent UNRRA has al-
lowed China' and other countries to carry
out this program. without an extensive in-
vestigation of UNRRA's policy since its in-
ception. But the question here is, what
constitutes rehabilitation? Inflation has
-China on the ropes and it is grasping des-
perately for some way to bring down prices.
If China believes that its cause will be bene-
fited by the sale of these goods, it has a
case. There is no excuse for stigmatizing
this effort without due study of the matter.
Definitely unscrupulous advantage might
be taken of UNRRA assistance. Engaging
in the sale of rationed goods under cover
is a serious matter. But in a country full of
worthless cash and suffering from acute
shortages a black market is hard to define.
Almost anyone with something to sell and
willing to sell it becomes a black market
dealer if he expects to make a profit. The
real point, then, seems to be whether the
sale of these goods will be effective against
inflation if they are sold, and if not, what
.drastic measures must be taken to perman-
ently end China's emergency.
-Bruce Schwartz
Iron Curtain
PRAGUE-I may be behind the Iron Cur-
tain or at least under the fringe of it, but
physically I feel free here. My credentials
are all American and Czech, not Russian; I
go where -I like and file my copy at will at
the cable office. The thing that is going on
here is terribly complicated, but it is a
sincere complicatiin, so to speak; and after
twelve daylight hours in this country, I
found myself very tired of most of the
catchwords and slogans by which men at-
tempt to describe it. What is happening
here is that Czechosolvakia is trying to
reach an accord between Eastern and West-
ern conception of life, which is the whole
world's problem. Only in this little country
the problem is local and immediate and can-
not be dissipated in talk, and pieces of it
are always having to be resolved by -tomor-
row night.
You get odd, mixed effects as a result.
You hear people who are not Communists say
of Gottwald, the Communist Prime Minis-
ter, that he is first of all a Czech and a pat-
riot. Our Communists, they say, with a kind
of pride, are really Czechs, and they make
queer insidious comparisons with the Com-
munists of other countries. And I have
heard bitter critics of Communism mourn
that rich Czechs have been kept in jail
for long periods, without real charges, on
collaboration. "But," the same speaker will
say, "When they come to trial, the trials are
scrupulously fair and honest and they often
get off."
The mixture is not only in the country as
a whole, it is in everybody and in everything.
A Czech womaan said, "I do not think I would
want to visit America at this time. You are
so very capitalist right now and I would
fall into many bitter quarrels." Then she
said, "But you know, the Communists will
get fewer votes in the next election. We want
to be Socialists," she said smiling. "But a

little bit conservative."
(Copyright, 1947, New York Post Corp)


George Marshall recommends legislation for entry of displaced persons
into U.S. (News Item)

(Continued from Page 2)

lan will speak on Fuchsian Groups
and Ergodic Theory.

tors like Wherry and Brooks,-on the other
hand, is a curious .conviction that the ghost
of Warren Harding walks again, and a still
more envious tendency to take delight in
this unpleasing thought.
One of two of these men have improved
upon the old models. Brooks, for instance,
strikes a note of briskness and glittering
efficiency, like a cheap but showy plumbing
fixture. But at bottom all of this group
are Republican old guardsmen of the most
ancient kind differing in no way from the
Senate group who put Harding over, and
subject to precisely the same sort of influ-
ences and pressures.
The division between the two groups of
modernists and backward-lookers is of
course not firmly fixed. Probably the mod-
ernists attracted their peak vote on the de-
fense issue. On the issue of David E. Lili-
enthal's confirmation, on labor legislation
and on foreign economic policy, the lines
will shift. Here ony may regard Vanden-
berg's co-leader, Senator Robert A. Taft of
Ohio, as a' type-specimen. He stood with
Vandenberg on the defense question. He has
done his best to convince the old guardsmen
of the value of moderation, and he has put
forward a limited social welfare program of
his own. But although his strong intelli-
gence generally holds him in the middle of
the road,, his instinctive sympathies are with
the old-line party organizations.
Obviously the present division for-
shadows 'the kind of split that will rend
the Republican party when it comes time
to select a nominee. By the time the con-
vention meets the war will be open and
embittered, unless the busy Governor
Thomas E. Dewey of New York or some
other fortunate candidate has so out-
maneuvered all rivals that the thing is in
the bag.
Meanwhile, an underlying fact should also
be noted. The Republican party is still es-
sentially a business men's party. Business
opinion did not influence the defense vote
very directly. But in the matter of Lilien-
thal's confirmation, for example, the Nean-
derthal wing of the power industry is fight-
ing hard against Lilienthal, using all weap-
ons available. And there is reason to believe
that the large corporations doing business
with the Atomic Energy Commission-Gen-
eral Motors, Monsanto, Union Carbide-are
throwing their influence behind Lilienthal.
In fact the Republican division reflects a
division within business itself, between those
businessmen who have learned nothing in.
the past fourteen years (and who are con-
spicious among the financial supporters of
Mid-West Republicanism), and the increas-
ingly large number of business men who
know what the score is today.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Tribune, Inc.)

art, and shop on the secondary
The President and Dean of Lin-
coln College in Lincoln, Illinois,
wish to interview candidates for
the following positions on Monday,
February 24, in our office-Eng-
ish, Business Education, and a Li-
brarian for 1947-1948. Positions in
Summer School June 9 to August
30 are available in German and
French, Comparative Anatomy and
Physiology, and Physics.
For appointments with any of
the above call Miss Briggs, Exten-
sion 489.
Interesting opportunities for po-
sitions are open in the public
schools of Pueblo and Denver, Col-
orado; in the United States In-
dian Service Schools in North Da-
kota, South Dakota, Nebraska,
Wyoming and Montana.
Toledo, Ohio, is now making up
its eligibility list for teachers in
1947-1948. Applications should be
filed within the next two weeks.
Business of Appointments and
Bureal of Appointments and
Occupational Information
University Community Center:
Willow Run Village.
Fri., Feb. 21, 8 p.m., Organiza-
tion meeting for all new Univer-
sity Extension Classes-Spanish,
French, American Literature, Ger-
man conversation, Psychology (In-
terpersonal Relations); 8:30 p.m.
Contract bridge. Duplicate bridge.
Music for dancing.
University Lecture: Padraic Co-
lum, poet and dramatist, will
speak on the subject, "The Poetry
of William Butler Yeats," at 4:15
p.m., Fri., Feb. 21, Rackham Am-
phitheatre; auspices of the De-
partment of English Language and
Literature. The public is cordially
University Lecture: Dr. Gustave
M. Gilbert, formerly of the Bard
College faculty, and former Clini-
cal Psychologist and Prison Psy-
chologist with the U. S. Army, will
lecture on the subject, "A Psychol-
ogist in the Nuremberg Jail-Life
with the Nazi War Criminals," at
4:15 p.m., Tues., March 4, Rack-
ham Lecture Hall; auspices of the
Department of Psychology. The
public is invited.
Academic Notices
History Final Examination
Make-up: Fri., Feb. 28, 4 p.m.,
Rm. G, Haven Hall. Students must
come with written permission of
History Language Examination
for the M.A. Degree: Fri., Feb. 28,
3 p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall. Each
student is responsibl for his own
dictionary, and must register at
the History Department Office be-
fore taking the examination
Biological Chemistry: Seminar,
4-6 p.m., Fri., Feb. 21, Rm. 319 W.
Medical Bldg. Subject-Pyridox-
ine (Vitamin B-6) and the Meta-
bolism of Amino Acids. All in-
terested are invited.
Mathematics Seminar on Dy-
namical Systems: 3 p.m., Mon.,
Feb. 24, 3011 Angell Hall. Dr. Kap-

Seminar on Compressible Fluids:
4 p.m., Fri., Feb. 21, Rm. 1213 E.
Engineering. Prof. R. C. F. Bartels
will speak on Ringleb's Solutions
of Compressible Flow Problems.
The "Incas," an exhibition of 32
photographs by Life photographer,
Frank Scherschel. Ground floor
corridor, College of Architecture
and Design. February 17-28.
Paintings by Charles Farr and
Gerome Kamrowski of the faculty
of the College of Architecture and
Design. Rackham -Galleries, Feb.
24-March 14.
Conservation of Michigan Wild-
flowers, an exhibit of 46 colored
plates with emphasis on those pro-
tected by law. Rotunda Museum
Building. 8-5 Monday through
Saturday. 2-5 Sunday. February
through March.
The Museum of Art presents
Forty Modern Prints from the De-
troit Institute of Arts, February
10 through March 2. Weekdays,:
except Monday, 10-12 -and 2-5;f
Wednesday evenings, 7-9; Sundays
2-5. The ,public is cordially in-
Michigan Takes Shape-a dis-
play of maps, Michigan Historical
Collection, 160 Rackham. Hours:
8-12, 1:30-4:30 Monday through
Friday, 8-12 Saturday.
Events Today
University Radio Programs:
2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc., Tales from Poe-"Th'e Black
2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc. The Botany Series-Ameri-
can Contribution to the Dinner
Table, .Dr. Alexander H. Smith,
Associate Professor of Botany.
3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc., Dorothy Ornest, soprano.
Michigan Chapter of the pro-
posed Indian Institute of Chemical
Engineers meet 7:30 p.m., Rm.
3201 E. Engineering Bldg.
Russian Conversation Group:
-2-2:30 p.m., League Grill Room.
All interested are invited.

LATELY, because of Sigler's in-
tention to investigate such
"democratic" organizations asl
AYD, much defensive action, some
sincere, some risible, is being taken
by some campus organizations.
They consider such investigations
a threat to academic freedom. This
is in particular the objections of-..
fered by members, especially those1
leaders who are communists and
don't mind admitting it.. This I
can not see; if such investigations
are conducted fairly and objec-
tively-and how are we to judge?
this until the investigations have
been made-then surely there will
be no loss of freedom or crushing
of civil liberties. Anyone who has
observed communists in action
should know that they voluntar-
ily restrict their own academic
freedom by reading only whatever
justifies their own beliefs. All else
is fascist propaganda. To help
emancipate them from academic
slavery, I suggest that they tear,
themselves awayefrom Marxist
dialectics long enough to read
other sources; for instance an
article published in the Feb. 17,
1947 issue of "Time," page 28.
"Time" editors even chose their
favorite color for the enclosing
borders. I will also be opposed to
forcing the AYD to disband, even
if its proved that they are a com-
munist - front organization. If
there existed a Snail Watchers
Club on this campus today, I'm
sure that they wouldn't object if
it were to become known that they
also watched crayfish crawl. So
why this febrile objecting by AYD?
The important thing to my mind
is to know just what such organ-
izations as AYD are in their en-
I might also mention that in
1941, I lived with six men who
were die-hard communists (and
members of AYD.) They left me
with the following impressions,
which may or may not be char-1
acteristics possessed by leaders
and members of such organiza-
tions as AYD:
(1) In their propagandizing of£
communism they displayed more)
energy than an elephant in heat.
(2) They were more articulate
than knowing. ()hThey consider-
ed themselves to be the only pro-
gressive people in the country. (4)
Their talk consisted of stock, se-
mantical monstrosities as 'nega-
tion of the negation," "Soviet de-
mocracy," among other quotes
from the "Daily Worker," and
"PM." (5) Most of the time they,
didn't know what the hell they
were talking about. (6) They con-
veniently overlook the absence in
Russia of civil libertiescomparable
to our own. (7) Their threshold of
sensitivity to criticism is lowert
than Super GX film to light.-
-George Georgiou
Political' Changes1
To the Editor: -
ALTHOUGH there has been
quite an assortment of letters
bombarding you from students
with views on the recent "de-
claration of war' 'against so-called
front organizations, I implore you
to find patience to bear with me'
more. Some say that Gov. Sigler
has entered into a frenzied com-
petition with the "Black Dahlia"
for exclusive ownership of the
front page. Then there are other
extremists who concur with Gov.
Sigler and venture to add that all
groups of "alien" political thought
must immediately be destroyed.
0-blessed shades of Socrates! And
whatever happened to that lone-
ly man who walked the middle of
the- road, There has always been
a noticeable "rumbling on the
Westminster Guild members,
friends and interested students
are invited to attend Dr. Lemon's

first Lenten Bible class at 8 p.m.,.
Russel Parlor. Topic: "The World's
Coming Events
Association of University of
Michigan Scientists will present
two slide-films "How to Live with
the Atom" and "World Control of
Atomic Energy" at 8 p.m., Mon.,
Feb. 24, Rackham Amphitheatre.
These will be followed by a busi-
ness meeting.
Graduate Outing Club meet for
(Continued on Page 6)

To the Editor:
Among the recent cha:
State Street is one that
disturbs me. Premises whi
occupied for years by -a fr
ing in pens and pencils an
tools of the scholar, ha
taken over by another firn
will sell ladies' lingerie.
part of a trend? Will t
similar cases in the future
where are we heading?
Daily Coverage
To the 'Editor:
that Daily coverage of
sity lectures has been mi
than thorough and mor
than not misleading. I h
tendeda good many of th
tures and have found on
lowing day strange accour
misinterpret and miss th
-nant points.
. This resentment was si
ened once again in a rec
count of a talk by Dr.
sing (an important mer
the Indian Congress Party
Rackham amphitheatre.
less of personal opinion, t
in headlines that Dr. Hut
said communism was "out"
lution to India's problems
sense. He, more accurate
that some form of modified
ism would be applied to -
the agricultural areas, te
method of cooperative :
would have to come about,
under so centralized a gove
that individual initiative c
munal life would be lost.
Dr. Hutheesing's major
which were not reported
coherent fashion (if at al
that foreign corresponden
ticularly North Americar
a necessary background in
ture and economic pattern
dia's history, that the Hind
lem differences are not dif
of religion but of politics, 1
Moslem League is suppo
the British Government as
ti-Congress party bl6c.
These important arg
were not presented in th
In fact, after reading thf
those who weren't presen
ably were glad they weren
nothing significant was sa
Either the salient feature
be presented without di
and with clarity or the
should be merely menti
having occurred.
-Cid Ct

horizon" due to differ
temporary political
and I believe there
be until the ultimate
that which the mass
await. "Utopia." TM
up till now, "Utopia
so elusive does not r
should cease striving
compatible approxin
We must all weigh ou
carefully, and ask o
in its present form,
keeping the nation's
abreast of techno
has risen to such
heights.) And if it i
we must determine i
or additions will mak
then is our duty to t
born, whose entrance
of tears" must not -
by insurmountable o
In short, gentleme
utmost faith and c
the American peop:
that if political chanE
sary for the nation's
shall be instituted,
abortive attempts .tc
State Street Sh


German Coffee Hour: 3-5
League Coke Bar.


At the State ...
Sweetheart of Sigma Chi (Monogram),
Tom Harmon, Elyse Knox.
W E USUALLY take a pretty benevolent
attitude with the alumni. They cop the
best reservations and clutter up the town on
football weekends, but when they begin to
creep up on you in the movies, it's going to
far. That is Tom Harmon's part in this
epic on American college life. He creeps
in and out with amazing rapidity. In Mono-
gram's version of the campus, everyone is
affiliated, sororities boast their titles in neon'
lights, practically everyone owns a car, and
time is not spent studying but in quaffing
cokes at the local bistro which has all the
properties of a well-fed night club. Our
considered opinion is three dead cats and
one loud braaaaaak.
At the ichi gn .. .
The Chase (United Artists), Robert
Cummings, Michele Morgan.
NPRTR TR n i 'i f t 4- h-m mmtil a mmrwP Iv

Men students of the Roger Wil-
liams Guild are invited to the An-
nual Father-Son Banquet, 6:30
p.m., First Baptist Church. The
girls will have a sewing party at
the Guild House at 8 p.m. .
B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation:
Library committee ,3:30 p.m. at
the Foundation. Former members
and all those interested are urged
to attend,
Westminster Guild. Miss Mar-
garet S. Crofoot will be at the
Presbyterian church house this
evening to interview anyone inter-
ested in the Westminster Fellow-
ship summer program. If you
would like to work this summer
with young people at summer
camps or conferences, please con-
tact her.

Fifty-Seventh Yea
Edited and managed by sti
the University of Michigan U
authority of the Board in C
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff .
Paul Harsha ........ Managli
Clayton Dickey ... "...U
Milton Freucenhein Editoria
Mary Brush ...........Associa
Ann Kutz...........Associa
Clyde Recht......... Associa
Jack Martin............Spor
Archie .Parsons AssociateSpor
Joan Wilt...........Womer
Lynne Ford Associate Womei
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General
Janet Cork -Business
Nancy Henick .. Advertising
Member of The Associatt


Iimm. It's my opinion that your fears are


once did a similar iob for

-fie l

I Ye got i#+ .rL TOYrr

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