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February 21, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-21

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Latest Deadline in the State




See Page 4


LVII, No. 96




e Senate
's Funds

,250,000 Bill
yen Approval
By The Associated Press
SING, Feb. 20-The State
today approved a bill ap-
ting $11,335,590 for insti-
I and departmental deficits,
ng $1,250,000 for the Uni-
of Michigan.

'U'Scientific Equipment
Used in V-2 Rocket Test
Engineering College Researchers Prepared
Gauges for Atmospheric Measurements
Temperature and pressure gauges prepared by the engineering
college were housed in the head of the V-2 rocket fired aloft yester-
day at White Sands, N.M., Prof. William G. Dow, of the engineering
college, disclosed yesterday.
Conduct Research
Prof. Dow and other members of the engineering college are con-
ducting research on electronic aspects of guided missiles under con-
tract with the Army Air Forces. Instruments used in yesterday's tests
were prepared in collaboration with the AAF's upper atmosphere re-

British Name'
Definite Date
To Quit India




Los An geles, Kills 15 Persoi


Michigan State College will re-
ceive $2,526,290 under the bill;
$2,30,000 will go for direct relief;
$2,800,000 for aid to dependent
children, and $1,250,000 for vet-
erans' homestead exemptions.
Senators Robert~ J. Hamilton,
Battle Creek, James C. Quinlan,
Grand Rapids, and John A.
Wright, Flint, voted against the
measures, contending the colleges
were guilty of bad management in
incurring those deficits and that
the legislature must take drastic
action to stop deficit.
Senator Otto W. Bishop, Al-
pena, and Senator Harry F. Hittle,
East Lansing, defended the col-
lege requests, asserting they re-
sult from increased veterans' en-
Only Alternative]
The only alternative, Hittle de-
clared, was to cut off the enroll-
ment of veterans and that he said
the entire Senate would condemn.
"I wouldn't want to be the one td
say which student should be de-
nied an education," he declared.
A bill regulating lobbying was
passed by the House 70 to 13 today]
and sent to the Senate after a last
attempt to amend it failed.
The administration-sponsored
measure requires lobbyists to reg-
ister their name and affiliations
and pay a $5 registration fee. Lob-,
byists are required to keep detailed
expense accounts and a statement
of their compensation for six
Sef Gi golde
DETROIT, Feb.20 - (P) - The
Detroit Symphony Orchestra, in-
dicating itself deeply affronted, a-
cused the Cleveland Symphony to-
day of "pirating."
In what gave promise of being a
bitter battle in the field of higher
arts and culture, the Detroit group
lambasted Cleveland for hiring
away Josef Gingold, concert mas-
ter of the Detroit Symphony.
Director Karl Krueger and Pres-
ident Henry H. Reichhold
wrote vehement letters of protest
to Director George Szell of the
Cleveland Symphony, charging
him with "intentional deception."
The Cleveland Orchestra in-
duced Gingold, distinguished vio-
linist and big favorite here, to ac-
cept a contract last November but
pledged him to keep it secret until
this week, Kreuger and Rechhold
In his letter to Szell, who came
to this country from Czechoslo-
vakia, Krueger questioned if "some
European conductors" had yet
"adjusted themselves" to Amer-
ica's "ethical climate."
Lawyer Vets
Denied Benefit
VA Rules Ineligibility
For On-Job Training
Lawyer-veterans are not eligi-
ble for on-the-job training under
the G.I. Bill, according to a Vet-
erans Administration announce-
ment this week.
The ruling is based upon the
following amendment to the G.I.
Bill: "No course of training will
be considered bona fide if given
to a veteran who already is quali-
fied by training and experience
for a job objective."
The VA is not authorized to
award on-the-job training bene-

fits for a job objective, in this
case the practice of law, which al-
ready has been attained. The rul-
ing does not prohibit veterans
from taking refresher courses un-
der the G.I. Bill.
- I.yI -.- ..

Housing Units
Will Be Built
Near Pitts field
Technical Difficulties
Delay Definite Plans
A plan to build several hundred
dwelling units in the Pittsfield
Village area was revealed yester-
day by Charles Noble, local archi-
The pOropoed subdivision,
which .is still in the planning stage,
will be located on property just
east of Pittsfield Village, between
Washtenaw Ave. and Packard Rd.
Noble told the Daily that the size
and number of the dwelling units
is still undetermined.
"We have secured property in
the area and propose to develop
it for housing purposes," Noble
said yesterday. "Technical diffi-
culties make it impossible to re-
veal any definite plans for the
proposal at this time" he added.
Plans are underway on the proj-
ect, however, according to a com-
munication received by city of-
ficials. The communication, from
Shoecraft, Drury and McMamee,
consulting engineers, requests ap-
proval for linking sewage outlets
in the proposed subdivision, with
city sewage lines.
According to the communica-
tion, the subdivision will contain
several hundred homes and a com-
plete network of roads and util-
ity lines. It is proposed that the
new subdivision be combied with
Pittsfield Village and the entire
area be connected with city sew-
age lines. The combined areas
would contain 700 homes accord-
ing to the communication.
Former Priest
Here Is New
Detroit Bishop
The appointment as bishop of
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Allen James Bab-
cock, who served ten years in Ann
Arbor as head of St. Thomas Cath-
olic Church and St. Mary's Catho-
lic Chapel, was announced yester-
day by Pope Pius XII.
W~gr. Babcock was named titu-
lar bishop of Irenopolis and aux-
iliary bishop to Edward Cardinal
Mooney of Detroit.
After coming. to Ann Arbor in
1928 to serve as assistant pastor
of St. Thomas Catholic church in
charge of St. Mary's Student Cha-
pel, Msgr. Babcock left for Rome
to assume the post of vice-rector
at the North American College
Following his return to the Uni-
ted States in 1940, Msgr. Babcock
was appointed pastor of the new-
ly-established parish of St. Mary's
Chapel. Creation of the new par-
ish established the Catholic stu-
dents at the University as the first
student religious group to become
a distinct parish with its own
Msgr. Babcock was named pas-
tor of the Blessed Sacrament Ca-
thedral in Detroit in 1942, a post
he still holds.

Measurements in which the
Michigan scientists were con-
cerned were those of air pressure
and temperature in the outer at-
mosphere, and also of the speed1
in which radio waves of certain
types travel through the iono-
sphere-the atmospheric level
which begins at 50 to 60 miles
high Prof. Dow explained. The
rocket was expected to attain a
height of 70 miles.
Determine Temperature
Determination of the pressure of
the outer atmosphere is expected
to provide the scientists with the
temperature there also. Because
the air of the upper atmosphere is
so thick, ordinary thermometers
could not be used. Hours of ex-
posure might be required for
enough air molecules to strike a
thermometer before .an appreci-
able change in its reading would
result. The instruments in the
rocket, according to Prof. Dow,
are expected to determine temper-
ature by measuring the velocity
of the molecules in the atmos-
"If the air is cool, the rocket will
overtake more air molecules than
if the air is hot," Prof. Dow said.
"By measuring the ability of the
rocket to overtake and capture air
particles in its vacuum gauges, it
is expected that we will determine
the temperature of the atmos-
This was the third V-2 firing in
which University scientists have
participated. In the first firing,
last August, no data was obtained
as the rocket crashed soon after
launching because of a defect in
the steering mechanism. The sec-
ond firing was last November.
City Sewage
Disposal Plant
Nearer Reality
The proposed $1,200,000 Ann
Arbor sewage and garbage dis-
posal plant is one step nearer real-
ity with Common Council's ap-
proval of a special committee's
recommendation on the measure.
Council gave the green light to
a plan suggesting that the entire
plant be built at one time, rather
than on a piece meal basis. Also
approved were suggestions for a
garbage disposal plant to be built
in conjunction with the sewage
The special committee appoint-
ed to study the feasibility of con-
structing the utility at this time
has recommended that the measure
be financed through a bond issue.
Council moved to refer the sugges-
tion to the Budget Committee for
further study.
Common Council last night also
passed an amendment to city zon-
ing laws creating asspecial buffer
zone ,to be known as "B-1." This
buffer zone is for professional of-
fices and radio studios.
A new ordinance making it un-
lawful for motorists to leave igni-
tion keys in their parked automo-
biles was also passed by Common
Council. A measure to prohibit
all-night parking on main city
streets was tabled by council.
A move to unseat Alderman Ber-
nard Harkins was ruled out of or-
der by Council President Cecil

200-Yeair Rule
To Cease in '48
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 20.-The British
today for the first time set a def-
inite date-June, 1948-for getting
out of India and designated a
great grandson of the first em-
press of India to liquidate almost
200 years of rule over that rich1
subcontinent of 400,000,000 people.'
Historic Statement
Prime Minister Attlee, in a his-
toric statement to a House of
Commons listening in strained si-
lence, indicated that unless quar-
reling Moslems and Hindus resolve
their differences over writing a
central charter for Indian inde-
pendence by next year's deadline
the British may turn control over
to provincial governments. In a
splintered India, New Delhi dis-
patches said this might mean the
Moslems would win a measure of,
Pakistan-self -rule.
He announced the appointment'
of Admiral Lord Mountbatten to
succeed Field Marshal Lord Wa-,
vell as Viceroy in March. Despite
continued prodding by opposition
leader Winston Churchill and cries
of "Answer!" from conservative
benches Attlee refused to explain
why Wavell was being recalled.
'Produce Agreement'
An informed source said the
"whole purpose" of Attlee's state-'
ment was to "produce agreement"
For comments by Indian stu-
dents on the India question, see,
page 2.
between Moslems and Hindus, who
have refused to work together in
drafting a constitution for inde-
The Moslem League has refused
to participate in the constituent
assembly now drafting a charter
for independence. -
Attlee declared that unless a
"fullyerepresentative" assembly
works out a constitution by next
year's deadline "his majesty's gov-
ernment will have to consider to
whom the powers of the central
government for British India
should be handed over on the due
date, whether as a whole to some
form of central government for
British India, or in some areas to
the existing provincial govern-
ments, or in such other way as
may seem most reasonable and in
the best interests of the Indian
Jazz Concert
Ticketrs on Sal e

GOP Bill Wins
Roll Call Vote
By 239 to 159
Assures Income Tax
Cut, Knutson Says
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 -The
Republican-controlled House voted
tonight to try to hold spending in
the next fiscal year to $31,500,000,-
000, where President Truman had
set $37,500,000,000 as rock bottom.
The $6,000,000,000 slash recom-
mended by the Senate-House
Budget Committee, calling for cuts
in Army and Navy as well as other
funds, sailed through on a roll-
call vote of 239 to 159 which gen-
erally followed party lines.
Twelve Democrats joined 227
Republicans in support of the
slash. It was opposed by 157
Democrats, Rep. Margaret Chase
Smith. (Rep.,. Me.) and .Rep.
Marcantonio (AL., N.Y.).
Chairman Knutson (Rep.,
Minn.) of the House Ways and
Means Committee declared the
economy would assure a 20 per
cent cut in individual income
However, the issue now moves
to the Senate, where a majority
of Republicans favor a $4,500,-
000,000 budget slash to protect
army and navy funds, instead of
the $6,000,000,000 cut recom-
mended by the Senate-House
Budget Committee.
Bitter gebate pivoted on the
question whether such a slash
would cripple the Army and Navy
and what the effects would be on
world peace-and the 1948 elec-
Army and Navy officials have
protested that a cut of $1,750,-
000,0$0 in ther funds, as report-
edly planned, would endanger
national security. Mr. Truman
asked $11,200,000,000 for the two
The President, at his news con-
ference, declined to comment on
the controversy, noting that con-
gressional action still is incom-
This House-Senate battle may
end in a $5,000,000,000 compro-
mise under which Senator Taft
(Rep., Ohio) contends a 20 per
cent tax cut still will be possible.
The Democratic leader, former
speaker Rayburn of Texas, told
the House the $6,000,000,000 slash
would take large funds from the
Army and Navy and help push re-
luctant millions of people abroad
"into the arms of communism."
Rep. Engel (Rep., Mich.), chair-
man of the Army Appropriations
Subcommittee declared that if
General Eisenhower and Admiral
Nimitz cannot run the Army and
Navy efficiently on less money
they "ought to step aside and give
someone else a chance."
Harmon Returns
Thomas Dudley Harmon, one
of Michigan's all-time football
greats, returned to Ann Arbor
yesterday via the silver screen.
Appearing in "Sweetheart of
Sigma Chi" with his actress
wife Elyse Knox, Hanon is
billed in a new type role-
coach of a college rowing crew.
This is Harmon's first pic-
ture since he made his Holly-
wood debut in "Harmon of
Michigan" in 1941.

World News at a Glance .

By The AssociatedPress
LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Feb. 20-Sir Alexander Cadogan, British
delegate to the United Nations Security Council, reaffirnmed today
his country's support of the United States' demand for no veto on
punishment of prospective atomic criminals.

House Approves Budget Sb



WASHINGTON, Feb. 20-The Army moved tonight to permit
GI's to sit on courts martial and to make other reforms in its sys-
tem of military justice, which has been a target of criticism.
LANSING, Feb. 20-Governor Sigler disclosed today he seeks a
prompt court test of the sales tax diversion amendment with a view
to speeding up payments under its terms to local government and the
state's solution of the resulting fiscal problems.
* * *
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20-A CIO spokesman said tonight that
CIO's executive board "undoubtedly will adopt" a recommendation
by President Philip Murray that ali CIO organizations and offi-
cers withdraw from the Americans for Democratic Action (ADA)
and Progressive Citizens of America (PCA).
A split has come between the two groups, largely over differ-
ences on admitting communist members and sympathizers. The
ADA has sought to keep them from participating, while the PCA
has taken the position that all so-called liberal groups are
* * *
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20-Senator Morse (Rep., Ore.) complained
today that labor unions are not cooperating in revising labor law, and
warned that if he has to choose between no legislation and bills which
go too far, "I'll vote for legisation that goes too far.".
OLIVET, Mich., Feb. 20.-President Malcolm Boyd Dana of Olivet
College said in a chapel speech today a "small, powerful minority group
of alumni" had asked resignations of four faculty members as linked
with Communism.
Classics, Light Music To Mix
In Templeton Concert Today


100 Injured
As Explosioin
Levels Plant
Final Death Toll ]
Range from 30 to
By The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 20.-1
mendous explosion blasted a
story brick building into smi
rubble today, killing at lea
persons, jolting the entire d
town district and breaking
dows in houses and office 1
ings 70 blocks away. More
100 were injured.
Shortly after the explo
which leveled the O'Co
electroplating plant, Assis
Police Chief Joseph Reed
reporters he feared the d
list might range from 30 t
but by nightfall, bulldozer,
er shovel, and other wor]
probing the debris, could
but 15 bodies.
J. J. O'Connor, head o
electroplating firm, told rep
late today:
"We were doing somethir
the government. You can see
He declined to amplify the;
ment, but said that a War 1)
ment representative from
Francisco was investigating.
The reverberating explc
which also demolished
nearby residences, was foll
by a fierce fire. In a mile-sq
area 300 houses were dam
in what police described a
worst Southern California
aster since the earthquak
March 10, 1933, when more
130 were killed.
Earl H. Richardson, chief
city fire prevention bureau, a
uted the explosion to che
in the plant.
Richardson said the plant,
inspected only two weeks ag
found to be practically fi
gas hazards. At that time, h
the company was told to h
small fire extinguisher red,.
He theorized- that the firm's
supply of acid caused the
The devastating expF
which occurred at 9:45 a.m
922 East Pico St.), was i
area largely devoted to ind
See BLAST, Page 2

Outstanding Artists
To. Be on Program
Ticket sales for "Jazz at the
Philharmonic," to be given March
4, will continue until Hill Audi-
torium is sold out, members of the
Student Legislature Varsity Com-
mittee announced yesterday.
Under the direction of Norman
Granz, the jazz concert will fea-
ture nine of the outstanding jazz
artists of the country. Tickets are
on sale in the Union, the League,
University Hall, record stores and
West Lodge at Willow Village.
Coleman Hawkins, Buddy Rich,
Joe "Flip" Phillips, Willie Smith,
Helen Humes, Trummy Young,
Kenneth Kersey, Benny Fonville
and Buck Clayton, who have for-
merly played with nationally fa-
mous bands, are .members of the
group which will appear in Ann

Alec Templeton, pianist and
composer, will present a mixed
program of classical and light
music in the special Choral Union
concert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
Spring Term
tAuto Permits
Reach Peak
You don't have to look far for
the reason for those eight o'clock
traffic jams on Washtenaw.
Driving permits issued to stu-
dents this term now total 1,800,
according to Charles Thatcher, as-
sistant to the Office of Student
Affairs. This figure does not in-
clude 1,400 exemptions which
brings the number of drivers to
Slightly more than half the li-
cense tags have been issued to
single students, and about 41 per-
cent have been issued to married
students. The other tags were is-
sued for reasons of health.
According to Thatcher, granting
of driving permits is done on the
basis of six general qualifications.
Permits are issued to Ann Arbor
residents who live with their fam-
ilies, married students, students
who live at great* distances from
campus, students "who need cars
for business purposes, students
whose walking is limited for phy-
sical reasons and students who
must take frequent trips to out-
of-town points.

Composer of the score for a
forthcoming Broadway musical, a
new string quartet, a chorale work
and many piano numbers and
songs,Templeton will present three
of his compositions at the concert.
Born in Wales, Templeton
studied and lived in London and
toured extensively in the British
possessions before coming to the
United States. Naturalized in 1941,
the pianist entertained soldiers
overseas during the war.
Templeton's recent activities in-
clude assisting in the preparation
of a motion picture, broadcasting
and conducting a concert tour.
The complete program for the
concert follows:
Bull: The King's Hunt and
Gigue; Rameau: Le Petit Poulet;
Bach: Prelude and Fugue in E
Major; Bach-Busoni; Chaconne;
Chopin: Nocturne in E Major;
Holst: Toccata on a Norrhum-
brian Tune; Debussy: La Terasse
des Audiences au Clair de Lune;
Debussy: Poisson d'Or; Temple-
ton: Three Characteristic Etudes;
Dvorak - Templeton: Humoresque
(Re-harmonized); TempIe'tgn:
Zampa's No Grampa; Templeton:
Improvisations (Five notes, Tea
for Two or Two-in-One and Four-


'Red Hunt' Is GOP 'Strategy' --Mrs. Clapper

Technic, Sales
Begin Today
The February issue of the Mich-
igan Technic, engineering college
magazine, will be sold today and
Monday in thenEngineering Arch
and East Engineering Building.
"The Value of the Classics in
Engineering Education" by Charles
Steinmetz will be featured in the
new Technic issue. Steinmetz sug-
gests the need of a liberal edu-
cation in addition to a technologi-
cal education for the engineer and
emphasizes the value of classics.
In "Incentives Pay Off," Milt
David shows how wage incentives
provide higher wages and increase
production. Also featured will be
a group of Tau Beta Pi essays on
the subject "Should Engineers Be
n - _- nb.~ -1.... 3

Tampers wit'
.fuse, Studen
is Penali ,zed
The Administrative Coi
of the Law School anna-
yesterday that it has taker
vere disciplinary m e asti
against a law student found
of tampering with a fuse b
his Willow Village residence.
Nature of the disciplinary
ures was not disclosed.
Erich A. Walter, Director
Office of Student Affairs, N
B. Fariss, Veterans' Coordi
and Dean E. Blythe Stason,
Law School, concurred in the
mittee's action and annc
they had assured the Willoi
lage management of the U.
sity's willingness to take corn
ble action against student;
violate village regulationsi
The action of the offendin
dent followed closely another
dent in which the unlawful a
tion of a fuse by a tenant ac
caused a fire.
On'U' Traff-
Campus traffic hazards c
largely eliminated by traffI
routing, according to a Mic
Auto Club report revealed is
officials yesterday.
The 40 page report, exp
to civic officials at a luncheo
terday, was compiled by a
group of AAA experts in
S~necifico i'nnls for the

"The 'Red hunt' will be the
general Republican strategy, both
in Michigan and in the whole
United States, because the party
is unable to tackle the real prob-
That was the opinion expressed
in a nily intervie vesterday by

*raphers who worked for Dave Lil-
ienthal in the TVA," Mrs. Clapper
declared. "The thing that actually
can ruin our democracy is ignor-
ance and non-participation on the
part of the people."
Mrs. Clapper cited two things{
that she feels would bring Com-
munism to the United States. It
would come with a third world


The Men in Washington rep-
resent a good cross-section of
the United States, Mrs. Raymond
Clapper told the Oratorical Asso-
ciation audience last night.
"If you don't like the people you
see in the mirror in Washington
you should immediately look in
... vn -t ncr m r - A N j' - Ill

" Eisenhower will be a candidate in
1948, but did not rule him out as
an eventual candidate.
g Of President Truman she said,
"The best thing that has happened
to Truman was the election of a
Republican Congress, because they
are rapidly, with their scrapping
and fussing, re-electing Harry
Mrs. Claner used to "take off

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