ri sI vi ti E CHIiESE GOVERNMENT has come >me up with a money-making scheme makes income taxes look silly. cording to a spokesman for the central diittee of the United Nations Relief and ,bilitation Administration, the Chinese 'nment has requested permission to ped- 200,000,000 worth of UNRRA supplies on lack market in order to raise money to lize the inflated national currency. e merits of the proposed deal may be but they deserve mention. Representa- Judd (Rep., Minn.) said, "It's been done her countries." lIe added, however, that 7be China is just seeking world sanction iat she realized is a pretty reprehensible ice." If so, we must admire the will- ess of the Chinese government to call cards and put the whole obnoxious osition on a businesslike basis. old-blooded calculation and extraord- y financial measures can often be ex- 4 in a government faced by disastrous ation. -And it is reasonable to expect many observers, cynical from long erience, will be equally objective about whole affair. Many of us will be in- sted to see if the Chinese Government as well in the black market as the ler operators we have come to know so here in the United States. ie of the most important points to be. i into account, however, is the discrep- between the alleged purpose of the s to be raised and the major purpose torials published in The Michigan Daily written by members of The Daily staff represent the views of the writers only. ,HT EDITOR: STUART FINLAYSON r ey Scheme of all funds currently available to the Kuo- mintang. It has been conservatively esti- mated that at least GO per cent of the funds available to the Nationalist government from any source are used to finance Chiang Kai-Shek's all-out war on the Communists. There is little reason to believe that any ad- ditional funds raised by China will not be at least proportionately allocated to the fight against the Reds. However the UNRRA may feel about Com- munists in general and Chinese Reds in par- ticular, it is hard to see how the committee can justifiably approve the request of the Chinese government. The use of UNRRA funds is supposed to be limited to the "relief and rehabilita- tion" of war victims. More money in the hands of either of the present govern- ments in China might easily create plenty of war victims but would certainly not re- habilitate them to any extent. Senator Lucas (Dem., Ill.) has suggested that a lan or some credit would be far more consistent with our "high moral and legal standards." He said he couldn't see how the government could admit it was "permitting its goods to go into the black market for the purpose of bolstering China's economy." It looks as though the Chinese request may cause quite a diplomatic tussle. The UNRRA central committee will absorb its share of diplomatic blows. It must not, however, lose sight of the whole purpose of its organization-aid to the "little man" who was caught in the middle of a war he knew nothing about-the man who is now struggling to rebuild his life, and his family and home. This latest unprecedented proposition sounds pretty much like just another stabl in the back for that "little man." -John Campbell ......... WORLD AFFAIRS: British Labor Status PD RATHER BE RIGHT: German Scenec By SAMUEL GRAFTON PRAGUE-The train stops at Nuremberg and the passengers from Paris gather at the window to look at the Germans waiting on the platform. "I sometimes wonder," says a Czech, "whether I would feed a hun- gry German baby or not. I turn the question over in my mind and it disturbs me be- cause I cannot decide." The Germans wait- ing on the platform for some local train do not seem like an American crowd. It may be because they do not move; they stand where they are. "They look defeated," says a Frenchman. "Do not judge by expres- sion," says the Czech. "If they had won and they looked just the same, you would say they looked arrogant." In the dining car a Frenchman who is breaking up a cigarette to fill his pipe, sits opposite an American who is pain-stakingly rolling a cigarette from pipe tobacco. "No," says the Frenchman, "Americans are not very polite to the French. They are polite to others, but they are not polite to the French. I have a friend who had to go into the American zone on business. He was wearing an American Army blouse which he had obtained, naturally, during the American campaign. The American officials made him cut the American military buttons off and he had to go home unbuttoned." Germany is snow-covered; the sun shines on it though It did not on Paris, and from the sleeping car aisle, one can see the bombed houses, opening wide to the sky and showing all they have. The Czech is still trying to decide about babies. "I once knew a German prisoner of war," he says, "and I asked him whether he would kill a baby if his commanding offi- cer told him to do so. He saidHifit was an order it would not be his responsibility. That is why I am glad when I ride through Germany and see the ruined cities." Then he adds, "But it is also the heart of Eur- ope." He wrestles with his problem, trying to add things that won't add. "Do you think England will survive?" suddenly asks a man of indeterminate na- tionality, standing beside him. It might seem an abrupt question anywhere, but here, beside the destroyed cities, it seems as sensi- ble as any other question, as sensible as any other conversation on this side of the moon. He says he thinks England will survive be- cause Englishmen are stubborn. It turns out the other man is not interested in the question in an abstract political sense; he wants to select a country to which to try to move and set up in business. He is a man alone, picking among nations as one might among department stores and stopping peo- ple in the aisle to ask about the future of the Empire. Back in the dining car, the VI'enchman is having difficulty paying for his meal; it seems he has with him some wrong species of occupation currency, and at once he wilts. He is reduced to that awful fiat nothingness to which a man in Europe descends instant- ly today if he lacks the right bit if paper, currency, or visa. He is saved by a compli- cated three-way transaction about his money among the bystanders. "You are all very nice," he says looking out of the window, lost in paper shame, Europe's new agony. "I did not mean to eat so much," he says, "but it has not been easy to buy food late- ly where I live." , In the corridor the two men still argue about Britain; their voices rise. An Amer- ican breaks in to say about Czech border formalities. "You are an American, you are all right," says the Czech. "Nobody in the world bothers an American." He smiles as he says it but it is a smile one can read a couple of ways. The train carrying the winners rolls on through the country of the losers. It is bet- ter to be among the winners, too; there can never be any mistake about that, it is much better. But one feels that all the wreckage is not in the land outside, that some of it is inside the train, some of the wreckage that war makes is being carried on the train of the winners as it rolls, northward now, toward the lights and the questions of Prague. (Copyright, 1947, New York Post Corp.) Y BILL MAULNDI i rr . V -ti Q~ EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is siired, 304). words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in citers are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted At the discretion of the edi- torial director. * * * Re Leale Letter ,,. To the Editor: One of our students, namely Mr. Leake, has stated that he does not believe the cormittee of Academic Freedom is necessary and that there 'should be an investigation of radical activities on campus. He also seems to be under the false impression that the commit- tee is supposed to represent him. The committee doesn't represent anyone particularly or any group. It is a group of people who feel that academic freedom is being threatened. Their reasons for be- lieving this, as I see it, are ex- pounded below. The function of education is to come as close to the truth as pos- sible. There must be room for all opinions and all philosophies so that the student may chose what he believes to be the truth after seeing- all sides. If there is 7m:Re. : .Pat. Off.--All rights reserved M~'~M~2-20 "If you are a waiter I want a Martinin, and if yot this is my new husband." are a columnist DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER YEAR AGO in London, Mr. Bevin, Brit- ain's smart, out-spoken Minister of Hou- r, predicted to me his country's present I shortage. 4scoursing freely after a good dinner in house of a friendly physician, Mr. Bevin is [V's bound to come. Admittedly, our min- machinery is out of date, our coal miners tired and mostly too young or too old. Aish Labor expects more money and a of a let-up after victory over the fascists ad and the Tories at home. But you've to get down deeper. The foot of the ible is that our people no longer accept drudgery of mining coal. Certain trades have become too disa- able. Coal mining is one and making ks is another." As often happens, Mr. Bevin was right. itain's present distress is no odlnar'y tress. Britain's prosperity rests on in- 'try. Industry depends directly on coal. oe time ritain' coal output was the rdls greatest. In 1919, it was still the atest in Europe. Now it has fallen ca- 4rophically. Unless plenty of coal is uiced, Britain's world position is doom- Threat of such a catastrophe may well ake the Labor Party out of office. This- happily, I say-would ruin the world's t 4ttwm t to aniry s$efalsm with per- iai freedom. a socialist government is to survive in Wn, it must find some way of persuading 0eople to continue mining coal whether miners enjoy it or not. If Labor fails , the socialist government will give e to something else. ad the British people simply decided , come what might, they would no longer nit to the dangerous and disagreeable pline of mining coal, tritain's situation ld be pretty hopeless. )rtunately - despite MWr. Bevin - they e not. The proof is that during the war, ain's over and underage miners kept coal luction high. ow? he explanation is obvious. By feeling and ig as partners in Britannia, Inc. With r country fighting for its existence, Brit- miners like all other British workers, aside personal preference and trade n habits, forgot youth inexperience and iness of age-and got out the coal. afore the war had ended, the Labor Party a smashing electoral victory. A Labor net found itself immediately facing a l task of restoration, renewal ahd re- L. One might have hoped that the heroic ish workers would have continied to themselves not only partners in Britan- Inc., but majority share holders. The itry was theirs to administer. Its well- g, its very existence depended on their ty to feel and acts as managers. British rs, notably, had, as in wartime, to go on king of themselves not as merchants of r but as responsible partners. Since coal desperately needed, they had to continue -ICING WINDSHIELDS, perennial win- er problem in both aircraft and utomo- is attempted in a new way, by direct nt heat, in a device on which US pat- 2,414,520 has been granted to H. A. nwald of Hollywood, Calif. He has as- a ar ,+.c nn.arv+rih ctolaa T1 %Ara .Air Letters to t' working at an occupation many were finding increasingly distasteful. The present British crisis seems to show that this has not happened. British coal production has fallen to a perilous low. Deficient production in key industries, strikes against the government, these spell the ruin of socialism. Last week this same question arose in the United States. In the course of an argument before a Sente Committee, Governor Stassen clashed with Senator Bail. Stassen insisted that labor is not a commodity, Ball insisted that labor is just that. Actually, both are right. Union leaders in America emphatically support Stassen- verbally. But in their deeds they justify Senator Ball. For current trade union prac- tices are only natural and right if a man's labor is simply a- commodity to be sold at the highest possible price like any other. In this case, the striving for labor mono- poly is as normal as any other monopoly. The limitation of apprentices, the closed shop, the slow-down "feather-bedding," be- came proper bargaining weapons. The tem- porary withholding of labor (strikes), the concentration on giving the best for the most-regardless of consequences-just us- ual commercial practices. Natural, too, is the relative indifference to volume of production. On the 'other hand, once workmen come to consider themselves partners in a com- mon enterprise, then such practices look different. Then anything that restricts pro- duction'is mischief and use of labor mono- poly to extract more at the expense of work- er partners is anti-social. The question is, which role is labor in a free society going to choose? For in Britain, it is being demonstrated that under a social- ist government, labor cannot be both com- modity and partner. Can it anywhere?' Therefore, the importance of what is hap- pening in Britain concerns free labor every- where. Let us by all means continue the Stassen-Ball debate. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) (Continued from Page 2) park in restricted areas, the whole system of control breaks down. The driving permits. issued to students by the Office of Student Affairs, do not entitle the holders to park in any restricted parking area, except for those students who are physically incapacitated to whom campus permit plates have been issued. It is the sincere hope of the committee, to which the Univer- sity Council has delegated the re- sponsibility of administering the rules with respect to parking, that a thoughtful respect for the rights of the others may ease the prob- lem for all. Signed: Robert C. Angell, Walter M. Roth, R. P. Briggs, Herbert G. Watkins University Committee on Parking Graduate Students: Courses may not be elected for credit after the end of the second fall week of the semester. Courses may be dropped after this period only with the approval of the student's ad- viser and his instructor in the course and will appear on the rec- ord as dropped. Courses dropped after the first eight weeks of the semester will be recorded with a grade of E. Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Courses may not be elected for credit after the end of the second week. Friday, February 21, is therefore the last day on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an instructor to admit a student later will not affect the operation of this rule. Any students who have copies of Timoshenko and Young's "En- gineering Mechanics" who are not using them at present, are re- quested to bring their copy to the Engineering Mechanics office, Rm. 411-A, West Engineering Bldg., for temporary loan to students in E.m. 1 and E.M. 3, who are un- able to get a text. State of Michigan Civil Service announcement for graduate Bac- teriologists has been received at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Positions require either one year of. experience in a medical labora- tory and college graduation with specialization in bacteriology; or an equivalent of experience and training. Monthly salary-mini- mum $200, maximum $240. For further information, call the Bureau of Appointments, Ex- tension 371. Out of State Superintendents at the Bureau of Appointments: John Branigan, Superintendent of Schools in Redlands, California, will meet with candidates inter- ested. in teaching in that city at 9 a.m., Mon., Feb. 24, Rm. 202 Mason Hall.- George Kibby, Superintendent in Needles, California, will meet those interested in that city at 9:30 a.m., the same morning in the same room. Mr. Kibby has va- cancies inmelementary grades at all levels, and in music, art, and shop on the secondary level. The President and Dean of Lin- coln College in Lincoln, Illinois, wish to interview candidates for the following positions on Monday, February 24, in our office-Eng- ish, Business Education, and a Li- brarian for 1947-1948. Positions in Summer School June 9 to August 30 are available in German and French, Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, and Physics. For appointments with any of the above call Miss Briggs, xten- sion 489. Interesting opportunities for po- sitions are open in the public schools of Pueblo and Denver, Col- orado; in the United States In- dian Service Schools in North Da- kota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana. Toledo, Ohio, is now making up its eligibility list for teachers in 1947-1948. Applications should be filed within the next two weeks. Business of Appointments and Occupational Inforitiion Emergency ("Victory") Gardens: Members of the faculty and other employees of the University who desire space for a vegetable garden at the Botanical Garden this spring should send a written request for it to Mr. O. E. Roszel, 'Storehouse Section of the Plant Department. Requests must be made by the end of March, and must be accompanied by one dol- lar as a contribution toward the expense of plowing the land. When the garden plots are ready for use, the fact will be announced in this bulletin. At that time the gardeners may learn their plot numbers by phoning to Mr. Ros- zel. Each plot will be assigned with the understanding that it will be used to full capacity for raising vegetables, that it will be kept 'free from weeds, and that waste matter will be cleared away in the fall. Water may be used on the gar- dens if carried from the faucets in cans of pails, but the use of hose is prohibited. No tools will be fur- nished by the University. Particular care must be taken that no property of the Botanical Garden be molested. Dogs are not allowed in the garden. University Community Center: Willow Run Village. Thurs., Feb. 20, 1:30-5 p.m., Artists will hang their own art works for the Willow Run Vil- lage Art Exhibit; 8 p.m., Exten- sion Class in Psychology; 8 p.m. Art-Craft Workshop. Fri., Feb. 21, 8 p.m., Organiza- tion meeting for all new Univer- sity Extension Classes-Spanish, French, American Literature, Gr- man conversation, Psychology (In- terpersonal Relations); 8:30 p.m. Contract bridge. Duplicate bridge. Music for dancing. Lectures University Lecture: Padraic Co- lum, poet and dramatist, will speak on the subject, "The Poetry of William Butler Yeats," at 4:15 p.m., Fri., Feb. 21, Rackham Am- phitheatre; auspices of the De- partment of English Language and Literature. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Algebra Seminar: Fri., Feb. 21, L. 3201 Angell Hall. Miss Davidson will speak on "Frobenian Algebras and Their Generalizations." Seminar in Applied Mathe- matics (Math. 348): First meeting is postponed until further notice. Mathematies Seminar on Sto- chastic Processes: 4 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 20, 317 W. Engineering. Prof. E. H. Rothe will present Feller's paper on stochastic processes. The Remedial Reading Class will meet at 4 p.m., Thurs., Rm. 231 Angell Hall. Busines Administratio 123: The following is a list of the stu- dents for Business Adfl nistration 123 and the hours they will at- tend class. Classes will be held in the East Lecture Room, Rackham Building.-I Members of the Class Meeting Tuesday and Thursday at 3:0. p.m. Beyer, Edith May; Blair, Ber- r ard L.; Broutman, Stanfofd A.; Cantrick, George A.; Casey, Thom- as Francis Jr.; Coates, Audry L.; Craig, Robert T.; Crane, Leonard R.;. Hunter, Mary Francev; Kem- mish, James V.; Lawson, Robert S.; Lillie, Hugh D.; Major, Louis; Mattison, Donald Kellner; Mer- rill, Mary Maxine; Mlinaz, Stephen W.; North, Evelyn Kurtz; O'Daur- rell, Jacques; Rasor, Dale William; Rizzardi, Frank G.; Ruth, Nor- man D.; Scott, Lawrence I. Jr.; Sexauer, Loren D. Jr.; Shpritzer, Saul H.; Stegman, John C.; Van- denberg, Phyllis; Walker, Billie Huston;. Weiss, Leonard' B.; Za- vodnik, Edward F. Members of the Class Meeting on Tuesday and Thisday at 4:00 p.m. Ainslie, William Earl; Aselin, Louis St. Onge; Blackwood, James R.; Cullum, Charles J.; Daugher- ty, L. Carrel; Ehnerd, Mary Jac- quelyn; Finlayson, Robert M.; Flott, Robert Fleming; Forsyth, Earl; Garritsen, Florence Mildred; Gartner, Maurice Fred Jr.; Gold- berg, Louis L.; Gray, Barbara; Gray, John C.; Hathaway, Rodney C.; Husemann, Edward J.; Kay, Charles Herbert; Kerr, Jarries S.; Kipper, John Robert; Mack, Ar- thur W.; Lorion, Robert H.; Mac- pherson, Nancy; McCluskie, Rob- ert S.; McNulty, Edward H.; Mas- sie, Paul R:.; Merriman, Eleanor Louise; Meschke, Robert E.; Mui- mey, James F.; O'Brien, Frank M. Jr.; Parker, Gordon E.; Shuir- man, Gerard; Spangler, Robert M.; Theidel, William H.; Wen- dling, Robert. Schedule of Tutorial Sections for Veterans for,the Spring Term, 1946-47. (To begin the week of Monday, Feb. 17). . CHEMIS RY: (3) Mon. 7-8 p.m., Wed.-Fri. 5-6 p.m., 122 Chem., S. Levin. (4) Mon. 7-8 p.m., Wed.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 151 Chem. R. Keller. (21) Wed. 4-5 p.m., 122 Chem., R. Hahn. ENGLISH: (1) Tues.-Thurs.- Fri. 5-6 p.m., 2203 AH, D. Martin. (2) Tues -Thurs.-Fri. 5-6 p.m., 320 EH: (,D. Stocking. FRENCH: (1) Mon.-Thurs. 4-5 any threat to either facult philosophy our chances of ga the truth are inhibited as we leaving us in complete ignol of one side of the story. With free thought.we fight cism with scientific fact and as to racial and economic thei We disprove them intellect before an idea is killed. f can prove that capitalism is efficient or mre just than s ism do It in the class room. can't disprove either idea by ning, expelling or imprisonin I believe the cormnittee r this. If there were such a t to the teaching of capal would condemn it. At prese is condeining thd threat .to gressive ideas. It wants to the right of a free exchan ideas so that te ultimate will be close to the truth As long as we have this fre for all ideas there is nod Of a minority blindingus gaining power, for this is o only whei one side Is silene a non-intellectual force. If, ing this free exchange of ide majority of people accept munism then we should not the idea from being ae$tE the nation or the world. Yo not going -to dsrove tx, pelling its adherents. But yo blind those who know noth it so that the nation goes pletely backward in the pr of truth. That is the dange are fighting. So let's keep and encourag committee of Academic Frei whether we are radical or d vative. Let'e teach everythina has any intellectual basis. dents have brains; they can for themselves and the natio be the better for It. -Lee Hc o a * Commwends Leter. To the Edifor: Bill Hyde is to be conuh for his letter appearing it Feb. 16 iss'je of The Daily. I pears to be one of the few i that lacks the, extremre atti epressed in most of the le both pro and con, that you printed on the subject of. nor Sigler's pending investigi Mr. Hyde, and others of readers who feel as he does, x be interested in the expres somewhat the same idea b Ji 0. W. Holmes, Jr., in his fa dissent, with which Justic deis concurred, i the 'ca. Abrams vs. the United Sta "But when mAen 'have rei that time has upset many fig faiths, they may come to b even more than they belev very foundation of their co that the ultimate good desli better reached by free tra ideas-that the best test of is the power of the thou itself accepted in theco e of the market, and that tri the only ground upon hIch wishes safely can be carried -Thomas I1 Ad ,Republican Chairman C Reece reminds his faithful ti choosing public officials the label is more important than ity and character. Under our of government, the idea is I the office, not to fill it. *1 * * Winston Churchill comi that the Labour Governme spending too much of the A can loan on American tobacc movie films. He seems to lx that the British Empire shot a61e to produce its own vic --New Yor *nityja a i IT SO HAPPENS ... SCollegiate Pacemaker # - :. . _. . ..a 'Gophers Out of Race' A COPY of The Minnesota Daily, which is annually awarded the Associated Colleg- iate Press "Pacemaker" rating came into our hands this week. The "Pacemaker" is a title given to the college paper judged best inthe country. From the masthead of this. respected rival we picked up the following information. This Daily is "Published every morning dur- ing the college year except Sundays, Mon- days, holidays and the days following holi- days," as well as twice a week during Min- nesota's summer school. From the editorial page, a column we nev- er finished reading began, "Folks, it grieves me to tell that things ain't going so well with Sally and Bud ..." The Minnesota paper, five columns wide, 17 inches deep, gives a column-and-a-half on page two to United Press national news, reprints in full a date list for a University' band dinner dance heads annArts numn The sage consulted his small black book, replied, "Ah, yes. I have a dinner engage- ment that evening." X* * Q Political Aside ALONG WITH all these appropriation slashes comes a comment from an engi- neering professor: "Not wasting money is one of the most important principles of engineering. That's why so few engineers are Democrats." A show of hands is called for here. Contributions to this column are by all mcm- bers of The Daily staif, and are the responsi- bility of the editorial director. Items from sub- scribers are invited; address them to "It So Happens," The Michigan Daily. r .-4 Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students the University of Michigan under authority of the Board in Control Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha........ Managing Ed Clayton Dickey........... City Edi Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Direc Mary Brush ......Ascielate Ed Ann Kutz...........Associate Ed Clyde Recht.........Associate Ed Jack Martin........... Sports Edi Archie Parsons Associate Sports Ed Joan Wilk . .......Women's Ed Lynne Ford Associate Women's Ed Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Manai Janet Cork........ Business Mani Nancy Helmick .. Advertising Mani Member of The Associated Pr p.m., 106 RL, A. Favreau. (Continued on Page 5) BA RNABY tMr. O'Mallev. Here are Mom's It's unfortunate but doubt has 1 *1 ..... .....*. - . . c f l ' 1 9 Ul I I Well then. let me mit the uexiann I