Latest Deadline in the State
6w,47 1
Prof. Palmer Christian Britain's Coal
University Organist Dies Crisis Breaks,
Faculty Member Since 1924 Played with House Told
Leading American Symphony Orchestras
Prof. Palmer Christian, University organist, died suddenly of heart Central England
diseaserat 9:30 p.m. yesterday in his home. Industries Open
Prof. Christian had been in ill health, but had returned to his O e
home from University Hospital several weeks ago. By The Associated Press
Born in Kankakee, 1l., in May 1885, Prof. Christian graduated LONDON, Feb. 19 - Britain's
from Kankakee High School and attended the Cosmopolitan School Labor Government announced to-
of Music in Chicago. He received his honorary doctorate from that day that industries in Central
school in 1939. dyta nutisi eta
h m .* * Prof. Christian studied the or- England, shut down for 10 days
gan under Karl Straube and theory by the coal famine, will be per-
under Gustav Shreck at the Royal mitted to reopen next Monday-
Conservatory in Leipzig. He stud- first break in the power crisis
ied privately with Alexandre Guil- that has slowed the nation's re-
mat in Paris and received an hon- covery program to a crawl.
"kw $ orary doctorate from the Ameni- Prime Minister Attlee, telling
can Conservatory of Music in 1939.
Prof. Christian made six trans- the news to the House of Com-
continental tours through Europe mons, said, however, that the
and played in the larger cities. He present five-hour-a-day switchoff
has also played with leading Unit- of electric current to domestic and
ed States orchestras such as the other n o n - i n d u s t r i a 1 users
S. New York City Philharmonic, the throughout the country would
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, continue indefinitely.
the Philadelphia Orchestra and Pressure from Both Sides
the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Despite pressure from both
In 1924, Prof. Christian came to Conservative and Labor benches
the University to serve as professor of the House, he declined to say
of organ and University organist. when industries in the other
in January of that year, he gave "blacked out" areas - the North-
his first concert at Hill Audito- west, London and Southeast Eng-
rium. fsland - might be allowed to re-
ri um1. sume production.
PROF. PALMER CHRISTIAN o Cr e the Central England, where produc-
American representative at the In- to trsu gi ody n
terntioal rga-Orcesta Cn-ludes the heavy industrialized
cert in New York City ii 1925. Birmingham area, and has more
Truinan Asks He wasea member of the Ameri- than ,000,000 factory workers,
can Guild of Organists, Mu Phi many making automobiles for the
A ct End Alpha, Pi Kappa Lambda and the vital export trade.
Music Teacher's National Associ- Two Weeks' Supply
ation, serving in the latter organi- Attlee said all but three power
Em ergene zation as chairman of the Organ- stations in this area would have
Choral Committee from 1930-1940. two weeks' supply of coal by to-
Urges 24 Special Prof. Christian is survived by his morrow, but he warned that coal
wife Mary Lois Christian. deliveries to industries would be
Powers Be Repealed less than normal at first.
BrPre) His statement came as the cold
WASHINGTON-, Feb.19--o spell which precipitated the power
In a major new stride toward nor- .crisis continued without prospect
mal national life, President Tru- ToAe * of an early break - London had
man today. asked legislation by j11 S . its 18 consecutive sunless day, an
Congress to permit "early ending" all-time record - and the num-
of the 71/2 year old "state of In 1TNosber of workers asking unemploy-
emergency." ment pay rose to 1,272,000.
To permit "early ending" of the Temperatures continued below
national emergency, on which 102 LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Feb. 19. freezing.
war laws are based, President Tru -()-Byron Price,war-time di- Army trucks in steadily increas-.
man: rector of censorship and former ing numbers helped the country's'
1. Asked Congress to extend 12 executive news editor of the Asso- overstrained transport s y s t e m
emergency acts. They include the ciated Press, was named today as move coal.
arming of merchant ships and the an Assistant Secretary - General * *
armig o mechat sipsandtheof the United Nations.
use of war housing for veterans. He succeeds John B.Hutson, Bri h r
2. Urged the repeal of 24 un- who resigned recently as assistant British Labor
needed powers including the right to Secretary-General Trygve Lie
to lease federal lands for arms in charge of UN administrative MVember~s Hit
production, hiring of dollar-a-year and, financial services. The job
men, some inducements to oil pays $13,500 plus $8,500 expenses, p
and gas field discovery, all tax free. 1 alestLme iPlan
3. Ordered all agencies to halt at Top U.S. Representative
once, or by March 15, any activi- The appointment places him as LONDON, Feb. 19. - (P)--Bri-
ties under emergency clauses of 36 the top-ranking United States rep- tain's decision to send the trouble-
permanent laws. This would leave resentative in the Secretariat. In some Palestine question to the
the laws-such as the requisition- the original set-up of the Secre- United Nationswtht-
ing of ships-on the books for fu- tariat, the United States chose to , witou recoi-
ture use if a new emergency arises. have its allotted assistant Secre- mendations for a solution and with
4. Proposed that Congress re- tary-General post in the field no interim increase in Jewish im-
scind funds in most of 20 defense of administrative and budgetary migration, was reported today to
appropriation measures, leaving matters. have run into a "stormy" session
four in operation-those needed to Former Senator Warren R. Aus- of Labor members of Parliament.
complete strategic and access tin, chief American delegate toF
roads. the UN, offered his congratula- Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin's
5. Asked that 10 laws be allowed tions first. Secretary of State Mar- plan also met with heavy criti-
As ht lw elled shall followed with this comment: cism from leading Zionists and, it
to run out, a scheduled, six wsrpreternwdiss
months to two years after the Marshall's Comment teed th tedren tds that
emergency is formally ended. "Mr. Price will bring to this immediate and substantial Jewish
important international positioni
the high qualities of judgment and immigration be permitted.
eadership he has displayed during A leading Labor member of Par-
his wide experience in private life liament said that Bevin, facing
and as director of censorship for critics in a Laborite caucus, blam-
Sa esC nthe United States during the war." ed pressure of American Jews on
Price was born in Topeka, Ind., the United States Government for
A lmitd nmbe ofticetsforMarch 25, 1891, and was graduated his failure to reach an agreed
A lmited number of tickets for from Wabash College. He joined settlement in Palestine.
the special Choral Union concerths
'the Associated Press in 1912 and
torium ae stil availae in tha hnh oklav oL r 'v
t i iep.m.tomorrow in Hill Audi-whene Wanto join theil 1917
office of the University Musical Army. * He served as first lieuten-
ant3an Calld hoe
avntetyd ccaptain of infantry over-
Templeton will present a varied seas until 1919.
Tempetonwil preenta vaied He was news editor of the Asso-
program of classical and lighter ciated Press Washington Bureau LONDON, Feb. 19.-( P)-The
works. Conducting the second por- from 1922 to 1927 and bureau chief British Government summoned
tion of the concert informally, until 1937 when he was called to Viceroy Lord Wavell home from
Templeton will present his impro- New York to become executive India today, authoritative govern-
visations on four notes in the news editor. ment informants said, and Prime
styles of various composers. , Shortly after Pearl Harbor, Minister Attlee prepared a state-
Among the classical composers President Roosevelt took Price to ment of "crucial importance" be-
whom Templeton will present are Washington and made him the fore the House of Commons to-
Bach, Chopin and Debussy. The Chief censor. In that post he morrow on the sub-continent's
pianist will also play several of applied the principle of voluntary faltering progress toward freedom.
his own works. censorship which was widely ac- One informant said outright
A String Quartet, a chorale work claimed and in a customarily British evacuation from India
and the score for a new Broadway thankless role he not only escaped "within a stated period," perhaps
musical are included in Temple- criticism generally but also won within a year, was not out of the
ton's recent compositions. praise. question.
House GOP Backs Budget Slas.
Unanimously, Leaders Repor
Taf Col Toward Labor Parne
Terms Union
'Bad Business'
Says AFL-CIO Plan
Would Confuse Issue
Sy The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19-Chair-1
man Taft (Rep., Ohio) dashed cold
water today on a surprise CIO
suggestion that the Senate Labor
Committee call in AFL and CIO
leaders to a three-cornered parley
on ending jurisdictional strikes.
CIO President Philip Murray
proposed the idea.
"You get Will Green (AFL
President) down here so he and
I can sit down with this commit-
tee and work out an agreement
right here," Murray suggested
at committee hearings.
Taft's reaction was that this
was no way to do business. He told
newsmen :
"We can't sit down and write a
bill with all thedcontroversyrthat
would be going on. After all, the
committee has to make its own de-
One of these decisions is what
to do about jurisdictional strikes,
called when unions disagree over
which is to handle a job. Com-
mitteemembers, in questioning
witnesses on proposed labor law
changes, have criticized such
strikes as injuring innocent em-
ployers and the public.
Murray told the questioning
Senator Morse (Rep., Ore.) that
"I know there is no moral justifi-
cation for jurisdictional strikes."
He added that the CIO "has not
precipitated them."
Murray tore into all pending
bills to outlaw the closed shop,
under which a man must be a un-
ion member if he is to work; to
forbid industry-wide bargaining;
such as is conducted in the coal
and steel industries; to change the
Wagner Act, which guarantees
collective bargaining, and to alter
the Norris-LaGuardia Act's re-
strictions on the use of injunc-
tions against strikes.
Cab Drivers Threaten
Coed Dorm Blacklist
Several local taxicab companies
have threatened to "black list"
women's dormitories for what the
cab companies term "no-go" prac-
Dormitory residents have been
in the habit of taking the first
cab available rather than await-
ing the cab ordered, a company
spokesman charged yesterday.
Mrs.. Clapper
Will Deliver
L ecture "Today
This practice has caused un-
necessary, or "no-go" runs .on
the part of the cab companies,
the spokesman said.
"If this practice continues we
will have to stop sending any of
our cabs to the women's dorms,"
a Veterans Cab Co. official told
The Daily. "When too many no-
go runs are recorded "at a private
address we have to tell residents
they are on our black list and that
we can no longer serve them," he
Jazz Concert
Ticket Sale
Is Tomorrow
Tickets for Norman Granz' "Jazz
at the Philharmonic" concert, to
be presented March 4 in Hill Aud-
itorium, will go on sale tomorrow.
The tickets will be sold in Uni-
versity Hall, the Union, the League
and local record stores.
Price of the tickets will be $1.20.
Members of the Student Legisla-
ture Varsity Committee, sponsors
of the concert, pointed out that
this is the lowest price under
which Granz has ever presented
his group of nine outstanding ar-
tists in the field of jazz.
Each performer plays the par-
ticular numbers which have given
him nationwide fame during the
two and one-half hour program.
Other features are contests be-
tween individual members, group
numbers and solos.
Members of the group are:
Granz, Coleman Hawkins, Buddy
Rich, Joe "Flip" Phillips, Willie
Smith, Helen Humes, Trummy
Young, Kenneth Kersey,. Benny
Fonville and Buck Clayton.
State Studies
FEPC Poll Tax
LANSING, Feb. 19-(T)-Rep.
Elton R. Eaton, Chairman of the
House Taxation Committee, said
today some members of his com-
mittee are considering the possi-
bility of a poll tax to finance the
proposed Fair Employment Prac-
tices Commission law.
The FEPC proposal, initiated by
popular petition is to appear on
the April ballot since the legisla-
ture did not act on it within the
constitutional deadline.
"An FEPC will cost this state
Washington Politics
Observed by Author
Mrs. Raymond Clapper, lecturer,
author, radio broadcaster, and
widow of the nationally known
columnist and news analyst, will
give the sixth lecture in this year's
Oratorical Association series at
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Audito-
"Behind the Scenes in Wash-
ington" will be the topic of Mrs.
Clapper's talk. During the years
of her husband's rise to promi-
nence, she came to know person-
ally the national and international
figures who dominated the world
scene. In a quarter of a century
at the nation's capital, she has
made first hand observations of
Washington politics and society.
Mrs. Clapper is the author of
the best-seller, "Washington Tap-
estry," which is based on her hus-
bands diaries and her own obser-
vations. Since her husband's
death, she has edited his columns
into the book "Raymond Clapper
Watching the World," has done
some notable broadcasting from
both the Republican and Demo-
cratic conventions and has toured
the country giving lectures.
Tickets for the address will be
on sale from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and
2 p.m. to 8:30 today in the Hill
Auditorium box office. Mrs. Clap-
per will be introduced by Mrs.
Mary Bromage, assistant dean of
Exchange Will
Close Today
The Student Book Exchange is
temporarily suspending general
sale of textbooks today and will
reopen for the remainder of the
semester on Wednesday, Feb. 26,
Ken Bissell, director, said Yester-
Closing is necessary to allow
time for writing and mailing
checks to those students whose
books have been sold through the
Exchange, Bissell explained.
Students, unless on a waiting
list for books or in immediate need
of a text book, were asked by Bis-
sell not to bother the store for this
Exchange hours, starting Feb.
26, will be from 1 to 5 p.m.
A Campus Cab Co. spokes-
man said his establishment has
been considering discontinuing
service to Mosher-Jordan if
residents continue duplication
practices. He said his com-
pany has a "black list" for pri-
vate addresses but he expresseda
the hope that it would be un-
necessary for women's dorms.
Mosher coeds defended their ac-
tions in taking the first available,
cab. Residents told The Daily that
taxi service is often very poor, al-
leging that it is sometimes nec-
essary to wait 45 minutes for a cab
ordered by phone.
Cab companies pointed out that
one of the reasons for much of the
poor service was the frequent un-
necessary trips made by the driv-
ers. "Women complain of the
poor service, and then contribute
to it by placing orders for cabs
they don't use," a company offi-
cial stated.
Six Students
Appear Before
Gripes Office
With six suggestions and com-
plaints by as many students on
file at closing time yesterday, the
S t u d e n t Legislature's "Gripes
Committee" completed a "more
encouraging" second day of op-
Committee member Walter Klee
hailed as the "first worthwhile
suggestion" a proposal to estab-
lish a social events planning bul-
letin board. A student, whose
name was withheld in accordance
with committee policy, suggested
that a blank calendar be posted
in a prominent spot on campus.
Organizations desiring to spon-
sor a social event, he said, could
pencil in a tentative date and,
when University permission was
secured, go over their date in ink.
It was asserted that such a bul-
letin board would alleviate much
of the present confusion in plan-
ning and would aid the student
body as a whole.
Klee revealed two gripes against
veteran absence reports, one
against the University automo-
bile ban, one alleging "collusion"
among local bookstores, and one
asking for a revision of the legis-
lature's election setup.
The "Gripes Committee" will
continue office hours from 3 to 5
p.m. today in Rm. 306 of the
Union, he said.
Agree To Cut
Army, Navy
Won't Harm Fightin
Strength, Party Says
By The Associated Press
Republicans rallied solidly tod
behind a $6,000,000,000 bucd
slash carrying what its spon4
called "very substantial" cuts
Army-Navy funds.
The report on the closed me(
ing- action came from party les
ers, who said the word on Arm
Navy cuts was coupled with assi
ance that nothing would be dc
to harm the nation's fighti:
Not a single Republican stae
in his chair, Rep. Bender (Rep
Ohio) told reporters, when th
were called to astanding vo
on the issue of trimming Pres
dent Truman's $37,500,000,
budget to $31,500,000,000.
And not a single speech
made in behalf of a small cut, R
Taber (Rep., N.Y.) added.
Taber said he and Rep. En
(Rep., Mich.) told their colleag
that while "very substantial" mi
tar cuts arein the works,
don't intend to hazard the r
tional defense. We intend to t
the waste out of defense."
The Taber-Engel argumel
was similar to one delivered o
the Senate floor by Senat
Byrd (Dem., Va.) who declar
"there is not a many in t
armed forces who doesn't kno
first hand of senseless waste.
Senator TBridges(., N.H.), i
wise scoffed at those who
"imaginary harm" in the pi
proposed $6,000,000,000 spends
Theirs' and other Sena
speeches were set off by introdi
tion of a compromise proposal
Senator Millikin (Rep., Colo.)
hold the budget cut to $4,500,00
.Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio), di
arinkgthe nation is carrying
load of taxes nearly one-thij
the size of its total income, to:
the Seniate "It is more, importai
to cut taxes than even the n,.
tional debt."
Taft estimated that a cut
$4,500,000,0.00 from the presid(
tial figure would enable Congr
to reduce income taxes 20 per cE
next July and leave $2,500,000,(
to apply on debt. This was ba,
on an estimated excess of $6,00
000,000 in revenue over a spend:
figure of $33,000,000,000.
' teachers File
Strike TNotice
Telephone Pranksters Plaue
Three Anni Arbor Residents
DETROIT, Feb. 19.--(P)--I
troit public school teachers, w
have announced intention of fil:
a 30-day strike notice, were t
today that the Board of Educati
already has drained its treasi
for salaries.
"We are allocating to teach
all the funds we can get and wh
additional money we expect fr
the State," said Arthur M. Don
neau, Superintendent of Scho
"If more funds become ava
able, the Board would like to
further raises -for the teacher
he added.
The AFL Federation of Teach
authorized its executive board
file strike notice with the St
Labor Mediation Board after
union declared a recent se:
strike vote favored a walkout 4,
to 1,717.
The AFL union claims to rep
sent at least 2,500 of the appro
mate 7,900 public school teaclh
in Detroit.
The Union has demanded a
monthly pay increase in place
a $26.50 offer by the school boa
contingent upon distribution
state sales tax funds.
Casualties in Tra
urr I ?u" . y "n
Several telephone pranksters
have been making life miserable
for three Ann Arbor residents, ac-
cording to police reports.
The pranksters, who are sus-
pected to be teen age boys, began
three weeks ago to puncture the
peace and quiet of three seperate
families by a barrage of phony
"and others from complete strang-
ers who thought I had called
them. What's worse, the boys
don't just call me, they call every-
one else about me. The day this all
started, the fire department pulled
up in front of my home. Turning
in a false alarm is no joke."
Her tormentors have also made
sure that she is well supplied with
Foreign Enrollment Higher,'U' Reveals
Fnreign student enrollment at<,slightly more than two per cent of'dents enrolled, with Latin Amer-