THE MICHIGAN DAILY- t Case: Palestine 'S VALENTINE to the United was the Palestine problem. Secretary Ernest Bevin formally last Friday that as the British t had been unable to find an solution to the problem, they p it into the lap of the U.N. > is a tardy one, as British mud- ilestine for the past 30 years has .othing but trouble. That it came bably only the result of necessity. iccupation of Palestine requires toney which are both badly need- . In turning the Palestine quest- o the United Nations, Britain is L costly commitment. plications of Britain's decision ndous. It can lead to improved with Russia, as it indicates that h, whether out of necessity or are not trying to hold Palestine -East buffer against the Soviets. on is important because it marks ime a major power has transfer- r problem to the United Nations. ads to the question of whether published in The Michigan Daily , by members of The Daily staff ent the views of the writers only. EDITOR : MARY RUTH LEVY or not the U.N. has the machinery to deal with an issue like this as quickly and with as much force as will be necessary. This brings us to the question of the power of the U .N. to enforce whatever decision it reaches. The U.N. has received a tough problem. The Arabs are busy warning the world that any attempt to impose partition plans on Palestine will "lead to bloodshed." They in- sist that Jewish immigration to Palestine be strictly limited, and that the Jews be kept a minority in "the Arab country of Pales- tine." The Jewish Agency for Palestine says they* will not countenance any plan which doesn't provide for an independent Jewish state of "adequate area," which indicates that the Jews will be willing to accept a partition plan. The General Assembly of the tJ.N. will deal with the issue, although it may go to the Trusteeship Council, soon to be organ- ized, first. There are Arab representatives on the General Assembly, one from each of the Arab states. No counter spokesman as such for the Jewish attitude are on the General Assembly. ° If the U.N. will be able to effectively handle the Palestine problem remains to be seen. The U.N. must recognize that Arab threats must be bypassed. The Jewish Agen- cy has indicated that it will accept a com- promise solution. It's up to the U.N. to see that the Arabs accept one, too. -Eunice Mintz Budget Controviersy RMIN!ED REPUBLICANS successful- assed the second precipitous spot in d Friday, heading towards their goal ining a $6,000,000,000 cut in the Pres- government expenditures program 8. The vote of the joint congressional tee was 50 to 22 in favor of such a on. Previously a subcommittee of the had approved such action. r to accomplish the fulfillment of iscal campaign promises, the GOP and Senate members apparently have ble to find only one road on the map should lead them to employment, not o, in 1948. Reelection, it seems, like 1ailm of the spectators or the coach's the back is what really counts-the goal behind the goal. paramount objection to the cut is w it will deal to the administration zonal defense. Certain members of aoitical parties, perceiving definite in this connection, formed a bi-par- loc in a futile effort to defray the re- ndation. President Truman, Secre- War Patterson and Secretary of the Forrestal emphatically protested it on the same account. Moreover, ry of State Marshall stated to re- that if the cut should affect the war nent's plans to spend $645,000,000 for ind rehabilitation overseas, it would r occupation troops in a "practically ble situation." tor Vandenberg objected because he he cut would result in forcing us to i alone." Furthermore, he pointed threat it would pose to our prestige r=ational matters. Democratic rep- tives who are members of the joint tee have begun to draft a minority n support of the President's requests. armed services committee Chairman (Rep., S.D.) believes that the prob- Congress is to decide whether or ,200,000,000 is too great a sum to lay w on the chance that it will prevent r war. Both the President and lead- h the responsibility of establishing nave maintained that the Army and ill require this amount. $6,000,000,000 slice may also occasion unfortunate struggling for itself, and sible lobbying is sure to occur. The i as to who will bear the brunt of will be made by committees charged' ixing appropriations for individual C U R R E NT True, the legislators have before them the reports of budget experts, but it ap- pears that most of them have chosen to ignore these estimates. It hardly seems pos- sible that the individual committee members all by themselves can determine accurately the needs of the administration. Disagree- ment is, of course, a concomitant of and prerequisite for democratic government. It is the one condition which makes democratic processes worthwhile. Nevertheless, the President with his budget director and ad- ministrative subordinates ought to know just how much money is indispensable for efficient operation. The anxious-to-please Republicans may be preparing their own poison. The econ- omizing issue has brought about a great deal of dissension in the Republican party. It is quite possible that in this result, their action will defeat itself. -Marion Blancett Imem MAN TO MAN: British Crisis By HAROLD L. ICKES IN A VERY REAL SENSE we are our brother's keeper, so far as Great Britain is concerned. Everything that relates to the contentment and welfare of the British people relates to the people of the Uhited States. We fought side by side the greatest war in history-and if the British, with gritted teeth, had not desperately held the line until we could belatedly prepare to fight for our common cause, Hitler would have won. Uncomplainingly, the British peo- ple suffered greatly during the war while here we felt few deprivations. It cannot be denied that if England had not withstood the Nazis during those terrible days when she fought alone with determination and fortitude, the United - States would have found itself with its back to the wall, facing the invading hordes of Hitler. Today, Great Britain is fighting just as desperate and an even more insidious battle than Hitler was ever able to wage. Cold and desperate want stalk the length and breadth of the British Islands and we have yet to say: "We stood by each other in re- sistance to the German hordes, we will stick to each other through the present terrible crisis." The main difficulty in Great Brit- ain today is the lack of enough coal for her manufacturing needs, for the generation of power and to furnish heat for homes. Let there be no mistake. This is not the fault of the Labor Government. During the war, England had to draft manpower to dig coal. The difficulty in England, with respect to coal, goes back years before there was a Labor Government. If Churchill were in power today, Great Britain would still lack coal and without coal Great Britain would be in dire extremity. Churchill is too wise not to know this. Perhaps he has not moved a vote of lack of confidence in the govern- ment because he has no solution for the problem that must be met if Great Britain is to recover economically. The overthrow of the Labor Govern- ment would not mean the restoration of private enterprise as we understand it in this country. It would not mean this be- cause there are lacking today in Great Britain the economic and social factors without which such an economic system as ours could not exist. The grave danger is that if the Labor Government should fall it would be succeeded immediately or, at best, after a short interval, by a radical government very much further to the left than Great Britain has ever gone or now wants to go. Such a government in Great Britain would be such a threat to our Americarn economic system as it has never been called upon to meet. So both humanity and political acumen call upon this country to do whatever it can to sustain the economy of Great Britain at this time of great travail. Nothing short of this would be either humane or intelligent. Just as we needed and freely used the Brit- ish Isles for a buffer state when Hitler went berserk, so do we need them now as a buffer economic state against comimunism or. worse still, stark anarchy. Nor is there any time to lose. During the war we were constantly in danger of arriving "too late with too little." We ought to profit by that experi- ence in this situation which is fraught with as threatening consequences as was the war itself. Our own supply of coal is practically in- exhaustibe, and there is coal enough in Europe to take'care of its needs. Great Britain, France and the United States have grossly bungled in producing the abundant coal of Germany that would satisfy the wants of Europe. And now, due to the fault of all of us, Great Britain and Europe are deeply suffering in the coldest winter in fifty years while here we live in comfort with enough heat, despite John L. Lewis, and enough food for all. And the worst of it is that, in our smug- ness, we believe that our plenty, as com- pared with the tragic want in Europe, is the result of some innate virtue of our own. It isn't. It was merely our luck dur- ing the last war that England and France and Belgium and Italy were the battle grounds. It is merely our luck now that the economic trenches are in Europe. We probably will never have such luck again. And so it behooves us, both as Christians and as comrades in arms, to give the help that we are able to give. A prostrate English economy will mean a prostrate United States economy, sooner or later. The unchained economic demons that are now ravaging England, will, in their inevitable course, turn their horrid visages in our direction. And when that day comes it will be an especial- ly sorry one for us if we have cause to re- member that in this day of Great Britain's extremity, all that we could say was: "I am not my brother's keeper." (Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate) Analysis of tax facts and tax trends in- dicates that the federal tax net must be cast over a large group of taxpayers to meet the costs of government, that there are not enough upper-brackettaxpayers. It also reveals that tax increases since 1929 have concentrated on the middle and upper incomes. -The United States News MUSIC The Detroit Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Karl Krueger presented the eighth of the current Choral Union concerts last night at Hill Auditorium with unhappy results. The major portion of the program was devoted to the Beethoven Symphony No. 4 in B-flat major and the Tchaikovsky Sym- phony No. 6 in B minor ("Pathetique'). Of the two the Beethoven suffered the worse treatment. This rarely played sym- phony is probably the most completely happy and disarming orchestral work the composer ever wrote. At the hands of Mr. Krueger and the orchestra last night it emerged a listless, unimaginative and al- most totally uninspired work. Mr. Krue- ger was apparently indifferent to the potentialities of a faster tempo and an incisive approach offered in the first movement and distilled practically nothing from the second and third movements. More interest was displayed in the Pathet- ique but it was marked throughout by sloppy musicianship and at best a superficial treatment. Mr. Krueger and the orchestra opened the program with a mechanical performance of the Beethoven "Prometheus" overture. -Harry Levine The President's declaration that the American Government stands ready to do everything in its power to relieve the plight of the British is not, as he says, in response to any appeal for aid. The British have not asked for help in the emergency that has put the whole nation back oh a war tooting. There is no question that in their pride they would prefer to overcome the crisis by their own efforts. The spartan sacrifices they have made in the bleak years since the fighting ended give the measure of the high price they are obliged to pay, and above all are willing to pay, to regain financial and eco- nomic independence. Mr. Truman's offer to help means more because it is a spontaneous gesture, and a gesture which truly inter- prets as he often does when he speaks from the heart, the sentiments of the country. The New York Times The trend is toward an increasing flood 'of aliens into the United States in the period ahead, even under- existing immi- gration laws. Only the lack of shipping now holds back thousands of potential immi- grants from Europe each month. More and more are coming from Latin America, which has no quota restrictions. Illegal entries are going up sharply, and it is difficult to catch foreigners who get in undetected, as citi- Capr. 1947 by Unifed Feature Syndicate. Inc. * ,Tm.Rg.U..P at. -AI ' rights reserved "Here are the new radiator ornaments, men. We'll have to work all night." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I ~ ~ r rr r 11 a I- IrI~ BILL MAULDIN Publication In The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all Members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President. Room 10Zi Angel Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays.) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1947 VOL. LVII, No. 93 Notices The University Business Office and all departmental offices will be closed on Washington's Birth- day, Saturday, February 22. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary The Parking Problem: The cooperation of all concern- ed, both students and faculty, is earnestly requested in the present parking emergency, so that all may benefit in so far as that is possible. The University Council has laid down certain rules which attempt. to regulate parking in the restrict- ed areas on the campus. These areas are plainly marked to indi- cate that only those cars bearing parking permit plates may park in them. The rules provide that those with the rank of instructor or above and those on the admin- istrative staff to whom the privil- ege is ,accorded may obtain the proper plates at the Information Desk, Room 1, University Hall. To date 850 plates have been issued; the number of spaces available on the campus in the restricted areas is approximately one half that number. This situation in itself creates one problem. When holders of permits park their cars carelessly, taking more room than is necessary, and park so as to prevent any possibility of exit, the problem is aggravated; and when those having, no parking plates park in restricted areas, the whole system of control breaks down. The driving permits. issued to students by the Office of Student Affairs, do not entitle the holders to park in any restricted parking area, except for those students who are physically incapacitated to whom campus permit plates have been issued. It is the sincere hope of the committee, to which the Univer- sity Council has delegated the re- sponsibility of administering the rules with respect to parking, that -a thoughtful respect for the rights of the others may ease the prob- lem for all. Signed: Robert C. Angell, Walter M. Roth, R. P. Briggs, Herbert G. Watkins University Committee on Parking Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Courses may not be elected for credit after the end of the second week. Friday, February 21, is therefore the last day on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an instructor to admit a student later will not affect the operation of this rule. Veterans: The attention of all veterans is called to the recent interpretation of the Veterans Administration with regard to tak- ing courses on a refresher, or any non-credit basis. The Veteran Administration will make payment for tuition supplies and subsistence only un- der the following conditions: 1. The veteran must enroll in the course on a refresher or non- credit basis. Change of election regulations for the school or unit in which the veteran is enrolled; will govern any change of status from credit to non-credit. 2. The Veteran must do all the work required of the students en- rolled in the course for credit, ex- cept for taking the credit exami- nations. The veteran pursuing educa- tional training under P.L. 346 who drops a portion of his course dur- ing the semester for any reason will have his subsistence adjusted on a pro-rated basis. The case of; those who are in training underi P.L. 16 will be handled on an indi- vidual basis by the Veterans Adm- ministration official responsible1 for their records., Payment for subsistence allow- ance, charges against eligibility time, or payment for instructional supplies will not be allowed by the Veterans Administration on; courses requiring only attendance at class without doing the work assigned. To All Graduate and Undergradu- ate Students: At a meeting of the University Committee on Student Conduct held January 28, 1947, the follow- ing motion was adopted: That this Committee approve chaperoned and unchaperoned ex- change and guest dinners; ex- change dinners to be defined as meals in men's residences and women's residences attended by representative groups of members of approved organizations of the other sex; guest dinners to be de- fined as meals in men's residences and women's residences attended by guests of the other sex who may or may not belong to Univer- sity organizations. Guests at week-day dinners are to arrive at approximately 5:30 p.m. and are to leave at approximately 8 p.m.; for Sunday dinners, the guests are to arrive at approximately 1 p.m. and are to leave at approximately 3 p.m. In accordance with the above motion, the regulation relating to women guests, paragraph 2, under Specific Standards of Conduct, page 25, UNIVERSITY REGULA- TIONS CONCERNING STUDENT AFFAIRS, CONDUCT, AND DIS- CIPLINE (June 19, 1945) was re- vised to read as follows: The presence of women guests in fraternity houses, men's room- ing houses, or other men's room- ing quarters, except when chap- erones approved by University au- thorities are present, is not in ac-,- cordance with the generally ac- cepted standards and conventions of society, and is not permitted, except for exchange and guest dinners. Such dinners must be announced to the Direc- tor of the Office of Student Af- fairs at least one day in advance of the scheduled date. Hours for guest dinners shall be the same as for exchange dinners. With this action, the University has taken the stand that unau- thorized gatherings of both sexes at fraternity houses are not per- mitted. E.A. Walter, Director Office of Student Affairs for Summer, 1947. will now be ac- cepted at the Office of the Dean of Women for dormitories, sorori-1 ties, League Houses, cooperativet houses and private homes. At thei time the student applies she will1 be asked to indicate her preference as to the type of residence. Stu-. dents now enrolled at the Univer- sity who are planning to continues for the summer and those ad-1 mitted for the summer session are eligible to apply. Women's Housing Appliations1 for the Fall Semester, 1947 1. Women students living in dormitories now who wish to re- main in the dormitories for the fall1 and spring semesters of 1947-48, must file renewal forms with House' Directors during the week of Mar. 3, 1947. No renewals will be ac-, cepted after Mar. 10. 2. Women students on campus now who are not living in dormi-; tories but would like to apply for dormitory accommodations for the fall and spring semesters of 1947- 48 may do so at the Office of the Dean of Women on Apr. 1 1947 beginning at 7:30 a.m. They will be accepted up to the number of, spaces available for them. 3. Women tentatively admitted to the University as first-semestera freshmen for the fall 1947 may, apply for dormitory accommoda- tions now, and will be accepted up to the number of spaces reserved for them. 4. Women students on campus now may apply for supplementary housing for the fall semester, 1947, at the Office of the Dean of Wom- en on April 1, 1947. 5. Women tentatively admitted to the University with advanced standing for the fall semester 1947 may apply at the Office of the Dean of Women for supplemen- tary housing now, and will be re- ferred for definite reservations after April 15, 1947. (Dormitory applications will be accepted only from those women students whom the Office of the Dean of Women expects to be able to accommodate in dormitories. Others will be instructed immedi- ately to apply for supplementary housing. Students may apply for only one type of housing.) Summer Placement: :Registra- tion for -all those interested in summer positions will be held today at 4:15 p.m. Rm. 205, Ma- son Hall. These positions include camp managers, counselors, water- front people, and also jobs and positions in the various summer resorts that exist in all parts of the country. Aeronautical, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Seniors and Grad- uate Students: Representatives of Boeing Aircraft Corporation will interview students February 24, 25, Rm. 3205 Engineering. Sign interview schedule on -Aero- nautical Bulletin Board. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Schools of Educa- tion, Forestry, and Public Health: Students who received marks I, X or 'no report' at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E. in the course or courses un- less this work is made up by March 10. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the appro- priate official in their school with Rm. 4 U.H. where it will be trans- mitted. Detroit Armenian Women's Club Scholarship: The Detroit Armen- ian Women's Club offers a schol- arship of $100 for 1947-48. One man and one woman of Armenian parentage from the metropolitan district of Detroit are eligible. Ap- plication must be made before May 15, 1947. Further particulars may be had at the office of F. E. Robbins, 1021 Angell Hall. who were in the University freshmen and who- d not i the requirements are requeste do so this term. Late enro must turn in a Class Card to D Looman at the Health Servic Satisfactory completion of course (or of P.H.P. 100; elec 3 hours credit) is a graduatior quirement. Lecture Schedule Section I-First Lecture, M Feb. 17. 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Subsequent Lectures Succes Mondays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud Examination, Mon., Mar. 4:15-5:15, N.E. Aud. Section II-First Lecture, T Feb. 18, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Subsequent Lectures, Succes Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud Examination, Tues., Apri 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. University Lecture: Mr. Cha Sterling. Research Fellow in Department of Painting of Metropolitan Museum of Ar New York and Visiting Profe at Columbia University, will ture on the subject, "Fre Portraiture from Fouquet Cezanne." (illus.), at 4:15 1 Tues., Feb. 18, Rackham An theatre; auspices of the Dep ment of Fine Arts. The publ cordially invited. University Lecture: Padraie lum, poet and dramatist, speak on the subject, "The Po of William Butler Yeats," at p.m., Fri., Feb. 21, Rackham phitheatre; auspices of the partment of English Language Literature. The public is cord invited. French Lecture: Prof. Pau Spurlin, of the Romance Lang Department, will lecture on subject "Une affaire de c amusante: Benjamin Franklh Madame Brillon," at 4:10 1 today, Rm. D Alumni Mm Hall; auspices of Le Cercle M cais. Academic Notice Mathematics Concentration auination: Tues., Feb. 18, 4' Pm. 3011 Angell Hall. Business Administration 123 dents will meet in the small phitheatre, third floor, Rack] Bldg., at 2 p.m. today. Aero 112 meets today at 11 Rm. 2300 E. Engineering Bld Anthropolgy 152, The Min Primitive Man, will meet in Angell Hall instead of 231. Seminar in Engineering chanics: The Engineering chanics Department is spon ing a series of discussions or Plasticity of Engineering Me ials. The discussion of this ies will be at 7:30 p.m., 'T Feb. 18, Rm. 402, W. Enginee Bldg. Schedule of Tutorial Sectk for Veterans for the Spring.Tea 1946-47. (To begin the week Monday, Feb. 17). CHEMISTRY: (3) Mon. p.m., Wed.-F:i. 5-6 p.m., Chem., S. Levin. (4) Mon. 7-8 p.m., Wed.-F 5-6 p.m., 15 Chem. R. Keller (21) Wed. 4-5 p.m., 122 Che R. Hahn. ENGLISH: (1) Tues.-Thu Fri. 5-6 p.m., 2203 AH, D. Mar (2) Tues.-Thurs.-Fri. 5-6 p 3209 A.H. ,D. Stocking. FRENCH: (1) Mon.-Thurs. p.m., 106 RL, A. Favreau. (2) Tues.-Thurs. 4-6 p.m., RL, F. Gravit. (31) Mon.-Thurs. 4-5 p.m., RL, J. O'Neill. (32) Tues.-Thurs. 4-5 p.m., RL, A. Favreau. SPANISH: (1) Mon.-Wed. p.m., 205 RL, F. Thompson. (Continued on Page 3) MOVIES 3 State.. 0 ception (Warners), Bette Davis, Paul eid, and Claude Raines. JEALOUSY theme when properly pre- ited can be something of a spell-bind- he presentation this time is definitely . It could be little else, since acting main stay of the picture and Davis, s, and Henreid are the chief actors. her characters are minor, which clears ,age for some roomy work by the three pies. The story of a woman's efforts 'er up her past from her Jealous hus- plays up some interesting feminine ,1 twists. Claude Raines, in the role i egotistical, domjneering musician, the best of every opportunity and for noney walks away with the show, h ardent Davis fans may disagree. * *, * . 1w Michigan. . . University Community Center: Willow Run Village. Tues., Feb. 18, 8 p.m., Wives of Student Veterans Club: Business Meeting and Social Hour. Wed., Feb. 19, 8 p.m. Ash Wed- nesday Church Service, Rev. J. Edgar Edwards. Thurs., Feb. 20, 1:30-5 p.m., Artists will hang their own art works for the Willow Run Vil- lage Art Exhibit; 8 p.m., Exten- sion Class in Psychology; 8 p.m. Art-Craft Workshop. Fri., Feb. 21, 8 p.m., -Organiza- tion meeting for all new Univer- sity Extension Classes-Spanish, French, American Literature, Ger- man conversation, Psychology (In- terpersonal: Relations) ; 8:30 p.m. Contract bridge. Duplicate bridge. Music for dancing. Lectures Required Hygiene Lectures For Women-19f17: All first and second semester freshman women are required to attend a series of health lectures which are to be given the second semester. Upper-class students I 3~id P~ Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by stu the University of Michigan un authority of the Board In Cox Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha.........Managin SClayton Dickey ...........City Milton Freudenhei .Editorial : Mary Brush..........Associat Ann Kutz ............Associat Clyde Recht.........Associat Jack Martin..........Sport Archie Parsons Associate SportE Joan Wilk ..........Women Lynne Ford .Associate Women' Business Staff Robert_ E. trotter .... General7 Janet Cork....... Business Nancy Helmick .. Advertising Women's Housing Applications for the Summer, 1947: Women's housing applications BA RNABY r- 1 77-7-1 1 t#7 'o " ° f. , :n}t IW6f *fin t3a :anoe VM ia.