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February 16, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-16

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Illinois Wrestlers Edge Out Wolve

hlghts Illini Meet
apiro's Mind Dazed after Head Blow;
gument Arises over Courtright Injury
ODE fit for Sportscaster Bill Brandt's "Once in a Life Time"
ifolded yesterday afternoon when two national collegiate
,hamps, Bill,Courtright and Dave Shapiro, locked horns in
it set the Field House trembling.
mere fact that two national titlists met face to face in
competition was enough to lift the tussle from the ranks
rdinary. Illini mentor "Hek" Kenney revealed, "The last
itnessed such an event was back in 1936, when Charlie
A (now Indiana mat coach) wrestled Ralph Silverstein
er, there was more than prestige or the sweet fruits of
stake when the two champs in navy tights stalked to the
he mat. A chance to even the score lay within the grasp

Corky suffered his only defeat last season at the hands of
piro when the Illini ace pinned him in the second period of
regular 165-pound bout in a dual meet.
he tension was'terrific and tempers flared when things went
in the third period. Forty-five seconds awere gone in the final
the score was knotted at one apiece. when suddenly Corky
I with pain and dropped to the mat, clutching his knee.
Referee Pat Rider stopped the clocks and retired Shapiro to
corner while Coach Keen examined Corky's knee. To avoid
risk of aggravating the injury (which turned out to be a mis-
ed cartilage) Keen told Courtright to retire to the showers
concede the victory to Shapiro by a technical fall.
ut Corky was no man to walk out at this stage of the game
ade no bones about telling Keen and referee Rider just how
. Keen meanwhile had raised Shapiro's hand as a concession
ory and the Illini coach, Kenney, insisted that the default was
1y indicated by Keen's gesture and it was too late for Corky
nge the decision.
Referee Rider ruled that he had made no official indication
default and permitted Corky to finish the match.
llowing the noggin collision in the first overtime period, Sha-
ould not be reached for comment. It appears as though the
Duehed off a slight attack of amnesia for later in the dressing
Lie was seen with a dazed expression on his face. His team-
overheard him muttering something about "being in Indiana."
ach Kenney had the following comment after the bout: "It
good a match as I've seen in many years. Each man antici-
the other's move." Keen said, "I think Corky wrestled a mar-
match. He paced himself well and his attack worked fine until
t his knee."

Our Specialty..






mined Wolverine wrestling cap-
tain, who, despite a slight knee
injury, showed his nettle with
a stellar performance against
the Illini's Dave Shapiro.
DLyale Rtecords
New Sinles
Bowling Mark
Malcolm Dale set a new mark
in the annals of Intramural bowl-
ing competition with a blistering
three game series of 660, and at
the same time eliminated Paul At-
kins, 2-1, in the.All-Campus Sin-
gles Tournament.
With scores of 171 and'209 al-
ready tabulated Dale started the
last game with a strike. He fol-
lowed this with a spare and
then really got hot by striking
out the rest of the route, ten in
a row; to finish with a glowing
280, the highest single game
rolled since Ed Johnson knocked
over 299 pins back in '41.
The win enabled Dale to ad-
vance to the quarterfinals against
Jerry Moon, who outpinned de-
fending champion Tom Reader,
553-539. Reader had swept by his
first opponent Bob Springer, 543-
411, but Moon's consistency was
too much for him. Gordon Gem-
pel found 181 to his liking as he
chalked up that score three times
straight in defeating Jim Risk, 2-1,
with Risk coming through with
the best single game, 212, in that
Gemple later lost his touch
and the quarterfinal round, 2-1,
to Art Roski, who is now set for
the semifinal match against the
winner of the Ed Reisig-Dick
Wildermann hookup. Reisig
blasted past John Ghindia in the
first two games, hitting 213 in
the clincher, while Wilderman
dumped Herb Ruskin in the
same number of lines.
In the other quarterfinal round
Paul Antonich meets Bob Titus.
Antonich needed to bowl only two
lines to take his initial three
matches, dropping Joe Sobeleski
last. Titus advanced by virtue of
a 469-460 victory over Wes Som-

letzig Scores Lone Fall
In .'I ini Mat Matches
Gottfried Outpoilts Dworsky To Take Meet
For Illini; Grimes, Smith Tally for Michigan
With a surprising show of strength the Wolverine wrestlers bat-
tled to the final horn in dropping a heartbreaker to the fighting
Illini, rated one of the top teams in the country, by a narrow 15-11
margin before a record crowd at Yost Field House.
Two of Coach Keen's fledgling competitors, Jim Smith and Ed
Grimes, surprised the spirited
home audience by earning timely
decision over their more exper-
ienced Illinois opponents.
Betzig Pins Foe
Michigan's up and coming 155-
pounder Bob Betzig was true to
form yesterday afternoon and won
his fourth fall of the season in
7:15 over Ilini Ken Marlin for a
perfect conference record to date.
Captain Bill Courtright, NCAA
155-pound champ, though losing
to Illinois' national 165-pound
titlist Dave Shapiro, turned in a
performance that will be talked
about in collegiate wrestling cir-
cles for many years to come.
Courtright refused to quit after Al
incurring a painful knee injury in
the early part of the third period
and returned to the mat to bat-
tle his opponent to a 1-1 draw.
Corry Tallies First
Entering the first two minute CH E
overtime period at a decided dis-
advantage, Courtright drew first
blood and earned one escape point
in 20 seconds. The two wrestlers
bumped heads in a take-down and
Referee Pat Rider called time
while the Illini coach, "Hek" Ken-
ney, revived his protege with
smelling salts and the Wolverine
champ picked his front tooth off
the canvas.
By this time both men were
spent, but Shapiro, seeing an open-
ing, moved in fast on Courtright,
who was favoring his injured
knee, and scored three take-downs
and an escape in rapid succession
to earn an 8-4 decision,.South
Last Matches Decisive 336
The Illini earned the rest of
their points through decisions in
the 121, 145, 175, and heavyweight
matches. Michigan led 11-9 at the
end of the Courtright-Shapiro bout
but Captain Norm Anthonisen and
Chuck Gottfried came through for
the Orange and Blue in the final
matches to put the meet on, ice.
John Keller, who made his third
appearance for the Wolverines
this season at 121-pounds, dropped
his match to Dean Ryan of Ilin is
by a score. of 9-3. Wolverine Jm
Smith earned his second victory by
outpointing Illinois' John McCar-
thy 6-5 in the 128-pound clash.
In his Wolverine debut, Michi-
gan's 136-pounder Ed Grimes de-
feated~ the Illini's Bill Hinton, 8-4.
Joe Garcia of Illinois earned a 7-2
decision over Michigan's Phil Carl-
son in the 145-pound match. Hugh
Mack, regular Wolverine 175-
pounder, lost to Conference champ
Norm Anthonisen, 4-0. Heavy-
weight Dan Dworsky bowed out 4-1
to Gottfried of Illinois in the final
Western Reserve 54, Wayne 41
Marquette 61, Loyola (So.) 46
Bowling Green 69, C. Michigan

Wildcats, Iowa Lag
CHICAGO, Feb. 15-(A')-Ohio
State easily defeated Northwest-
ern and Iowa in a Big Nine trian-
gular indoor track meet, but
Northwestern's Bill Porter stole
the spotlight by equaling the
American indoor 70-yard high
hurdles record at the Chicago Field
House today.
Porter was clocked in :08.5,
matching the American mark es-







Buckeye, lllini Thinclads Win Big Nine

tablished here in 1942 by Bob
Wright of Ohio State.
The victorious Buckeyes swept
seven firsts to pile up 77'? points.
Northwestern shaded Iowa for sec-
ond place, 31 to 291/2.
Lloyd Duff led Ohio State with
pole vault and second in the 70
victories in the broad jump and
Eight Marks Blazed
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Feb. 15--P)
-Illinois' powerful track team,

State St.

Phone 2-0514

winning nine of 12 eve
ed Minnesota today ',
fore 4,000 fans,
The Illini, defendir
champions, broke eigl
records, two Illinois
two armory records.
Herbert Mc Kenley
runner, won the 440
48.6 seconds and came
a sizzling anchor qua
mile relay.


\A,- \
. -
;7 K~-~K. A~OXYV
S\... ~.

30 South Ashley

Phone 4700


A.,i. ..s 4.:A. - i r.

__________________ TI

m m ".,

Toledo 72, Kalamazoo 64
Washington (St. L.) 52, Tulsa 34
SMU 47, Arkansas 44
Texas 69, Texas A & M 40
Westminister 76, Carnegie Tech
Detroit 62, Michigan Normal 49





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S'AwP.O #& ml


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