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May 29, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-29

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School Spirit

IN AN EDITORIAL Tuesday calling for the
revival of the Union Opera, the writer
mentions the unhappy fact that "too much
of the student spirit which helps, make a
University great has disappeared from the
Michigan campus." He then suggested that
the revival of the Opera might stimulate
interest in some of the fine Michigan songs
and sayings of the past.
The writer makes a good point about a
lack of student spirit. But to conclude
that the revival of the Union Opera, or any
similar tradition, will rejuvenate school
spirit at this University is a mistake. Tra-
ditions like the Union Opera, the pep rallies,
the Interfraternity Sing, and ,the class re-
unions, to mention a few, are on the very
outer edge of true school spirit. They are
trimmings-delightful but inadequate ex-
pressions of college life.
Real school spirit, it seems to me, con-
sists only in part of the little vocal bursts
of enthusiasm and the maintainence of
traditions; the real and important part of
school spirit is that part which deals with
our academic lives-with our associations
with the University as a place of learning.
A college education cannot be a memorable
Editorials p]blished in The Michigan Daily
are written by. members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

experience to any serous, thinking siudent
unless he considers his contacts with his
professors and books worthwhile. Only
those who have found something illumin-
ating, something exciting, and something
marvellous in their work-found it here-
know what real school spirit is.
Long ago, there was a poet who immort-
alized a particularly admirable kind of school
poet. Anyone who has read Matthew Ar-
nold's "Thyrsis" (the "Scholar-Gypsy" is in
the same vein) will never forget his tribute
to a young man who devoted his life and
peace of mind to a quest for truth and know-
ledge. Arthur Hugh Clough was the young
man's name, and he began his quest at Ox-
ford, under the guidance and inspiration
of Arnold and men like him. His college
days were truly a memorable experience.
cism during college days may seem un-
balanced and misguided to us. Most of
us are inclined to think that our athletic
events, songs and yells, and hallowed tradi-
tions are necessary if we are to keep this
University from being a factory for the mass
production of brains.
However, as things stand now, this Uni-
versity has not mass-produced brains, and
doesn't seem in any danger of doing so. The
real danger here is student indifference to
any kind of school spirit, and if the revival
of the Union Opera arouses interest in any
school tradition whatsoever-that's good, be-
cause it's a start,
-Fred Schott

G. I. Bill Democracy

tacked on to the increased subsistence bill
reported by the House Veterans Affairs
Along with a very virtuous recommenda-
tion that married students be entitled to a
$15 monthly increase in government benefits,
came the stipulation that the rights to pay-
ment be forefeited by any who advocate "the
overthrow of the government." An even more
bluntstatement came in the form of a bill
introducedl in the House which holds that
Communist Party members or 'persons in
general sympathy with the aims of the
Communist Party" would be denied all vet-
erans' benefits.
It seems to us we've heard that song be-
Here's another subtle, but vicious attempt
to eradicate communism by destroying dem-
ocracy. It indicates a lack of confidence on
the part of our lawmakers that democracy
can best communism in a battle of ideo-
logies. It sets the stage for communism to
win by default.
The one strong argument a democratic
people can offer to those seeking the best
possible way of life is freedom-the freedom
for a person to believe as he chooses to be-
lieve and advocate what he chooses to ad-
vocate. There was no mandate given any

lawmaker to abridge an American's right
to equality before the law, whatever his rac-
ial, religious, social, and yes, even political
A small, volatile minority talking loudly
and vociferously in favor of precepts which
do not at all jive with the things a demo-
cratic people hold dear, can hardly threaten
that people's way of life. A majority of
legislators distraught by a fear of that min-
ority, can !
When a respected congressman asks that
"persons in general sympathy with the aims
of the .Communist Party," be denied, along
with the Communists, the right to veterans'
benefits, he is openly expressing his desire
to fight one totalitarianism with another.
Who is to decide when "general sympathy
with the aims of the Communist Party" is
to be construed as being an aim, as the Com-
munists aim, to oust the currently dominant
party in the government? When will this
be applied to the Democratic Party itself?
When will a one-party system, in fact, take
These multiple attempts to insure Ameri-
canism are destroying that Americanism in
the process. The means employed to outlaw
Communism are offering the Communists
their most pregnant arguments.'
--Ben Zwerling

WASHINGTON, May 27-Will foreign pol-
icy become the paramount issue in the
1948 election? That is the fateful question
which events are now beginning to answer.
At the moment, the outlook is discourag-
ing. The pattern of bi-partisan co-operation
has grown progressively dimmer and more
dim since George C. Marshall succeeded
James F. Byrnes as Secretary of State. Re-
sponsible Republican leaders are even begin-
ning to hint that President Truman, pre-
sumably in a fit of criminal insanity, ac-
tually desires to fight the campaign on the
foreign policy issue. Nevertheless, there
are gleams of light and glimmers of hope
which suggest that in the future-perhaps
the very near future-means may be found
to halt this alarming deterioration.
Speaking first of the present, the factors
in the situation are pretty obvious. It is
already apparent that the deepening world
economic crisis will force President Truman
and Secretary Marshall to present to the
Congress, either at a special session or next
winter, a broad, ambitious and costly pro-
gram of economic aid and reconstruction.
The response of the Congress will depend
upon the response of the leaders; and the
attitude of the leaders, and especially the
Republican leaders, is being formed now.
The chief influence currently forming
this attitude is the virtual cessation of the
confidential relationships, on the highest
level, which used to exist between Congress
and the Administration during the epoch
of Secretary of State James F. Byrnes.
No Congressional leader, either Republi-
can or Democratic, doubts for an instant
that Secretary Marshall is among the few
Americans of truly commanding stature.
All are encouraged by his grim, determined
efforts to bring order and purpose out of
the confusion and planlessness which have
marred the administration of American
foreign policy since the time of John
Quincy Adams. But these sentiments,
which a man would have to be very petty
and mean-minded not to feel, do not pro-
vide an adequate substitute for the con-
fidential relations of the old days.
President Truman's Monday conferences
with the Congressional leaders of both par-
ties never produced fully frank discussions
of general problems; and they have recently
become more rare. In the past, the liaison
depended largely on Secretary Byrnes.
There was constant, easy contact between
him and the Congressional chieftains, es-
pecially Senators Arthur H. Vandenberg of
Michigan and Tom Connally of Texas. There
is no such contact today between these men
and Secretary Marshall.
If this state of affairs continues, there
will be no way of avoiding the transforma-
tion of foreign policy into an electioneering
issue. Possibly Vandenberg and one or two
other, Republican leaders may vote with the
Administration when voting time comes.
But as the British loan fight clearly showed,
what is wanted is for the Congressional
chieftains of both parties not merely to vote
right, but to lead their followers to vote
right. Vandenberg and his colleagues have
repeatedly and justifiably made plain that
they will not assume this kind of responsi-
bility, unless they are also admitted to ac-
tual responsibility for the formulation of
policy. Yet in the present Congressional
mood, the most powerful leadership will have
to be exerted to secure non-partisan sup-
port for the kind of program the President
and Secretary Marshall are going to be
forced to offer.
This, however, is only the dark side of
the picture. It will be recalled that even
Secretary Byrnes, in the first weeks when
he was getting hold of the State Depart-
ment reins, allowed the Congressional liai-
son to deteriorate. The present looks
like being another such interlude. The ef-
fects of the interlude have been diminished
by the remarkable day-to-day Congress-
ional liaison job performed by Under
Secretary of State Dean G. Acheson, whom

Senator Vandenberg has succinctly de-
scribed as "the indispensable man." And
there are signs that the interlude is draw-
ing to a close.
One of the subjects Marshall is reported
to have placed at the top of the agenda is
restoring the Congressional liaison.
It is a job which, essentially, Marshall
must do himself. It is a job which can still
be done.
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
MR. TRUMAN'S signature on the anti-
labor bill would be a powerful impetus
toward the formation of a third party.
The President's advisers play a danger-
ous game when they lean back in their
chairs and cackle over the theory that la-.
bor will have to continue to vote Demo-
cratic, because it won't have any other
place to go. This kind of a joke can end
in a double-take. Labor in England found
another place to which to go. Can one
really imagine American labor accepting
this situation, slapping itself laughingly on
the thigh, and saying: "By cracky, that's
right. They've got us! We don't have any
place to go" - saying this for five, ten, or
twenty years.
-Samuel Grafton
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation

June 12; Junior class, 5 p.m., Fri., 1
June 13.
Dental School: Freshman class,i
12 noon, Fri., June 6; Sophomore'
class, 12 noon, Sat., June 7; Se-
nior class, 10 a.m., Fri., June 6;
Hygienists, First Year, 12 noon,
Sat., June 7; Hygienists, Second
Year, 12 noon, Thurs., June 5.
All other classes in all other
schools and colleges: 5 p.m., Thurs.
June 12.
Office of Student Affairs
Automobile Regulation, Summer
Session: During the Summer Ses-
sion, the University Automobile
Regulation will not apply to stu-
dents in the following classifica-
(1) Those who in the preceding
academic year are engaged in pro-
fessional pursuits: e.g., teachers,
lawyers, physicians, dentists, nurs-
(2) Those who are 26 years of
age or over;
(3) Those who have a faculty
ranking of Teaching Fellow or its
Students not in the above groups
may secure permission to drive
cars (a) provided the use of a
car is essential to a student's re-
maining in residence, or (b) for
participation in outdoor sports
such as golf, tennis, swimming,
etc. Permission will be granted
only upon application, and blanks
will be available starting Monday,
June 9, Rm. 2, University Hall.
Office of Student Affairsl
Veterans' Absence Reports:
Reports of absence will not be
required after May 29.
All absence reports must be
brought up to date and filed by 5
p.m., Mon., June 2. According to
University regulations all veterans
receiving educational benefits un-
der the Veterans Administration
program are required to file weekly
reports of absence for each sched-
uled hour of instruction missed.
To all students having library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books borrowed from the
General Library or its branches
are notified that such books are
due Wednesday, June 4.
2. Students having special need
for certain books between June 4
and 12 may retain such books for
that period by renewing them at
the Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at
the Library by Monday, June 9,
will be sent to the Cashier's Of-
fice and their credits and graes
withheld until such time as these
records are cleared in compliance
with the regulations of the Re-
Women's Housing:
1. Women students who have
not completed the necessary steps
regarding housing for either the
summer or fall are advised to do
so by calling at the Office of the
Dean of Women bef ore leaving the
campus after final examinations.
2. Women students who have
'applied for housing for a future
period of residence are instructed
to notify the Office of the Dean of
Women if any change in plans pre-
vents their returning to the Uni-
Closing hours for Women's Resi-
1. Women students wishing to
be out of their houses overnight
during the final examiantion pe-
riod may arrange permission with
their house directors. Late permis-
sions, as distinguished from over-
night permissions, will be han-
dledby the Office of the Dean of
Women and will be granted only
under very unusual circumstances.

2. Women students other than
graduating seniors are expected
to be out of their houses not later
than 24 hours after their last ex-
aminations. Graduating seniors
are expected to leave by noon of
Sunday, June 15.
3. There will be no changes in
the closing hours for women's
houses with these two exceptions,
Thursday, May 29-12:30 a.m.
Thursday, June 12-12:30 a.m.
To students Planning to Attend
the Post-Session: Registration for
the Post-Session will be required
during the registration period for
the Summer Session.
Business Administration stu-
dents who expect to enroll for the
Summer Session or the Fall Sem-
ester should have their programs
approved by faculty advisors be-
tween May 26 and June 7. Hours
and rooms of advisors are posted
on school bulletin boards. All stu-
dents in other schools and colleges
who have been accepted for trans-

(Continued from Page 2)

>fer to Business Administration for
summer or fall should likewise
have their programs approved.
Election materials and informa-
tion may be obtained in Rm. 108,
Tappan Hall.
School of Business Administra-
tion: Applications for admission
to summer session or fall semester
should be submitted at once. Ap-
plication forms are available at
Rm. 108, Tappan Hall.
College of L.S.A., Schools of Ed-
ucation and Music: Registration
material for the Summer Session
and Post Summer Session may be
obtained now at the Registrar's
Office, 4 University Hall. Students
now in residence present student's
receipts for identification.
College of Engineering Registra-
tion Material:
Students enrolled for the cur-
rent term should call for Summer
Term registration material at Rm.
244, W. Engineering Building, be-
ginning Mon.. June 2, through
Sat., June 7, from 9 to 12 noon,
and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Office closes
at 12 noon on Saturday.
Graduate Students in Ediuca-
tion: A part-time teaching fellow-
ship is available to a qualified
teacher of high school Biology in
the University High School for the
school year 1947-48. Applicants
may confer with Francis D. Curtis,
(dial 2-0282).
Lit School Seniors send class
dues ($1) to Barbara Raymer, 407
N. Ingalls.
Seniors of all schools may pick
up their caps and gowns at Moe's
Sport Shop. A deposit fee will be
Senior Engineers' Caps and
Gowns: May 30 will be the last
day on which those who have paid
their senior dues will be able to re-
ceive their caps and gowns at the
Michigan League.
Approved social events (after-
noon affairs are indicated by as-
terisk). May 29. Sigma Alpha Ep-
silon, Theta Xi', May 30, Couzens
Hall; May 31, Phi Mu Alpha Sin-
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 204'
Mason Hall-Office Hours 9-12,
Notice to StudentsBRegistered in
All Divisions of the Bureau:
Students are reminded to tell us
if they have accepted a job before
leaving school, and to keep us
posted on changes of address.
Students who have not taken
jobs are invited to stop in the of-
fice between now and the end of
school as we have calls coming in
every day.
The American Mutual Liability
Insurance Company will be at the
Bureau on Thurs., May 29, 9-12,
to interview men who ares Law
School graduates or who have
completed two years of Law School
for positions as Claim Representa-
tives. For appointments or infor-
mation, call extension 371.
Students registered for general
summer employment may secure
all available information from Mr.
Jones at the Bureau.
Engineering Juniors: Colvin &
Heller Company in the Municipal
Court Building, Ann Arbor, is of-
fering summer employment for
men interested in Design.
The Detroit Civil Service Com-
mission announces examination

for Junior and Senior Building
Operating Engineers; Communi-
cable, General Staff and Public
Health Nurses; Calculating and
Posting Machine Operators; Jun-
ior and Intermediate Typists; and
Junior Stenographer.
Academic Notices
Final Examination Schedule: Fri.,
June 6, 2-5 p.m.
English I: Bingley, 18 A H;
Burd, 102 Ec; Calver, 4208 A H;
Coit, 216 H H; Crocket, 1053 N S;
Kelly, 2116 N S; Madden, 4003
A H; McClennen, 3011 A H; Nor-
ton, 4203 A H; Otto, 2 Ec; Phil-
lips, 4003 A H; Stacy, 201 U H;
Stevenson, 203 U H; Taggart, 3231
A H.
English 2: Amend, 2003 A H;
Boys 1035 A H; Bradshaw, 2225
A H; Clark, 2003 A H; Comstock,
205 M H; J. Culbert, 205 M H; T.
Culbert, 6 A H; Cummifis, 2054
N S; Dewey, 225 A H; Edwards,
205 M H; R. E. Engel, 103 Ec.; Ev-
erett, 2082 N S; Hawkins, 2219
A H; Hirsh, 229 A H; Howard,
203 Ec.; Jones, 209 A H; Karsten,

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 304 words or less
in length, and In good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed ort
omitted at the discretion of the ed-
torial director.
Re I'll#ftie ie .. .
To the Editor:1
sading reform. I tend to be-1
lieve that this world changes not1
because of, but apart from what
we say or do. I, therefore, repre-I
sent no faction.1
I have worked as a part-timei
elevator operator at University1
Hospital for the past several
months, It has been my pleasure
to be a fellow-employe of Mrs.,
Murray. I have observed her to
be an amiable, friendly, sensible
person with a positive sense of
humor. Furthermore, I have ob-
served her to be a human being.
The first I learned of the humil-
iating outburst she was subjected
to was when she told me, in tears,
what had happened.
Of Ballentine I know little more
than nothing. I am not interested
in knowing more. His strong pre-
judices against pigment which he
cleverly disguises in print al-
though he freely divulged them
to me (in the presence of a relia-
ble witness in compliance with all
skepticism) have, to my mind, an
important bearing upon his worth
to an institution which has a
mixed-color employment program.
Other Hospital employes undoubt-
edly share Ballentine's prejudices,
but not his lack of tact.
Ballentine's proper course of
action should be to hie himself
away to that land of dreams
where, as he suggests, he can ex-
press hiiself in an unbridled fash-
ion without constraint-Georgia.
But let us pray, for Ballentine's
sake, that as he grows old Geor-
gia may yet remain a haven for
him. Or does the future, too,
brand him as a misfit?
--Eugene F. MacCaslin
3017 A H; Kert, E. Haven; LaDue,
2082 N S; Markland, 1007 A H;
McKean, 2203 A H.
Merriman, 1018 A H; Moon,
2235 A H; Muehl, 2235 A H; Per-
kins,:2231 A H; Plumer, D-AMH;
Randall, C-Haven; Rich B-
Haven; Riepe, 1020 A H; Rock,
B-Haven; Savage, 1035 A H; J.
Shedd. C-Haven; R. Shedd, 35
A H; Sparrow, D-AMH; Stan-
lis, 35 A H; Swarthout, 3209 A H;
Thornbury, E-Haven; Waggen-
er, 2013 AH; C. Weaver, B-Hav-
en; Wells, B-Haven; Wright, 2014
A H; Wolfson, 35 A H; Wunsch,
206 U H.
English 108 final examination:
Rm. 2225, Angell Hall, Thurs.,
June 5, 2-5 p.m.
English 184: Modern Novel:
Room arrangements for final ex-
amination Wed., June 4, 9-12:
A through G-3 4 A H
H through L-2219 A H
M through Ri-2231 A H
Ro throtigh S-212 A H
T through Z-1007 A H
Room Assignments for German
1, 2, 31, 32 final examinations:
Mon., June 9, 2-5 p.m.
German 1, sec. 1, Yates, 2225A,
German 1, sec. 2,3Brown, B. Haven;
German 1, sec. 3, Binger, 35 AH;
German 1, sec. 4, Gaiss, 205 MH;
German 1, sec. 5, Fihn, C. Haven;
German 1, sec. 6, Striedieck, 1025
AH; German 1, sec. 7, Braun, Wat-
ermanrGymnasium; German ,1,
sec. 8, Van Zwoll, D Haven; Ger-
man 1, sec. 9, Dewey, Waterman
Gymnasium; German 1, sec. 10,
Fihn, C Haven.
German 2, sec. 1, Raschen, 1035
AH; German 2, sec. 2, Gaiss, 205
MH; German 2, sec. 3, Philippson,

Waterman Gymnasium; German
2, sec. 4, Willey, 1025 AH; German
2, sec. 5, Graf, D AMH; German 2,
sec. 6, Norton, Waterman Gym-
nasium; German 2, sec. 7, Philipp-
son, Waterman Gymnasium; Ger-
man 2, sec. 8, Pott, 2003 AH; Ger-
man 2, sec. 9, Reichart, Waterman
Gymnasium; German 2, sec. 10,
Van Duren, B Haven; German 2,
sec. 11, Brown, B Haven;
German 2, sec. 12, Yates, 2225
AH;-G'erman , sec. 13, Gaiss, 205
MH; German 2, sec. 14, Thomas,
Waterman Gymnasium; German
2, sec. 15, Van Zwoll, D Haven;
German 2, sec. 16, Bettger, 1035
AH; German 2, sec. 17, Fihn, C
Haven; German 2, sec. 18, Kahan,
1025 .. AH; German 2, sec. 20,
Brown, B Haven; German 2, sec.
21, Binger, 35 AH; German 2, sec.
22, Bettger, 1035 AH; German 2,
sec. 25, Kahan, 1025 AH.
German 31, sec. 1, Braun, Wat-
erman Gymnasium; German 31,
sec. 2, Thomas, Waterman Gym-
nasium; German 31, sec. 3, Phil-
ippson, Waterman Gymnasium;
(Continued on Page 5)


the 1d~lip

Carolina Lynching
To the Editor:
DEMCRA'S cause suffered
greatly w h en twenty-eight
men in South Carolina, accused
of lynching a Negro, were acquit-
ted. At least some of these men
were guilty, but all were freed by
a jury of their peers. This is not
saying much for democracy. If
this acquittal were a question of
the government obstructing jus-
tice, the people could overthrow
the government and establish one
better. But this is not the case.
It is the people, represented by
the members of the jury, who are
unjust. When the people show
that they are more tyrannical
than the government over them,
it is a sign that democracy has
failed, and we may as well deliver
ourselves to a Huey Long.
The Daily reported that "some
Greenville leaders said the trial
itself was 'progress'." The prog-
ress is thav the government of
South Carolina is learning the
meaning of justice, but not its
citizens. If some Southern states
again proposed secession from the
Union. I would be in favor of let-
ting them. I don't like to ddmit
to foreign students on this cam-
pus that thecitizens of South
Carolina are Americans.
-Lillian Hanian
Little Letter
To The Editor:
THIS LETTER is written in an-
swer to Carrol Little's (Presi
dent Inter-Racial Association) let-
ter. First let me say that anyone
who reads this letter should read
Mr. Little's letter carefully first.
Me-I am white and Protestant!
I am also from the South, yet my
feelings far the colored people and
their problems are - Sympathy.
I have sympathy for Mr. Little
when he says that he is not inter-
ested in preserving the "American
Way of Life." The sympathy, ho-
ever, is not for his statement k, it.
for his blindness. Mr. Little-how
deeply have you considered the
"Communist Way of Life?" Have
you considered how they have
starved and enslaved hundreds and
thousands of Rumanians, a mi-
nority, whose only sin was that
they had a little more food than
their Russian masters? Have you
considered that under the com-
munists, no matter what induce-
ments they offer you now, you will
lose all the freedoms that we all
enjoy here, (freedom of speech,
religion, and the freedom of pur-
suit of happiness)?
The realization of your dream of
true equality with the white race
will come only when we under-
stand each other. I believe that
the "white" should be "converted"
as I have. I have played baseball,
basketball, and football on the
Boys Clubs Teams in Washington,
D.C. We have played countless
colored teams from bur city and
others. Also during the war, I
bunked over a colored boy aboard
our ship. From these experiences,
I have learned that the colored
boys can be and in 99% of the
cases are the best of sportsmen.
They are clean personally and
morally, usually more than some
of us "whites" were, I am afraid.
What I am trying to get across
is that I believe that for you to
say that because every day there
are a multitude of wrongs against
me and my race that I will not
try my best to face them with
courage (which I think most Ne-
groes are doing) and not try to
find some peaceful solution, but
will join an organization which is
sworn to destroy the country In
which I was born and raised.
-Donald H. Powers


Academic Freedom

felt that all of the concern currently ex-
pressed about academic freedom was some-
how only a support of the AYD would do
well to examine the case of Harry Glassgold,
art supervisor in the Flint school system.
Glassgold, who is now completing his
second year in the present position will not
have his contract renewed next year be-
cause of hazy accusations made against his
character and past affiliations
The techniques used by the Flint Board
of Education were much the same as those
we saw in operation here. A "final" decision
was made on the basis of "alleged evidence."
Specific charges have not been made and a
request for a hearing has not been granted.
In this, instance, however, the result is not
merely the withdrawal of recognition of a
student group, but the dismissal on the basis
of undisclosed evidence of a school super-
visor under conditions which will perman-
ently blacklist him in his profession and
thus impair his livelihood.
"Because of this individual's past affilia-
tions we decided that it was not in the best
interests of the school system to renew his

contract," Board Chairman Ralph Freeman
said after the Board had voted in closed ses-
sion to withhold Glassgold's contract.
Glassgold has been told that the "evi-
dence" against him has come from FBI
statements. The FBI has denied releasing
any statement about him, claiming that it
cannot do so without authority from the
Attorney General.
As similar cases continue to multiply al-
most daily the national pattern of reaction
become clearer. Step by step we are being
asked to retreat from reason to the accept-
ance of the right of those in authority to
determine, without question, the public's
"best interests." By this method one group
strives, quietly at first, to eliminate all of
those who disagree with it until there re-
mains onlyoe eacceptable viewpoint that
can safely be held.
Saturday a state-wide Michigan Academic
Freedom Committee was established to alert
the community to threats to academic free-
dom. The extent of that public alertness
will be a prime factor in determining the
future of the American way of life.
-Tom Walsh


. Last Chord


Legal Solution. ..
reports a quaint analysis of the Truman
loan to Greece he picked up from a fellow
"Kill them off," this legal misanthropist
advises. "Why should we pay for food for
Europeans when bullets are cheaper than
We've given this some thought and have
concluded that the best thing about the sol-'
ution is that it's readily applicable to Uni-
versity of Michigan law students.
* * * *

Caught in the Middle ...
WE HOPE this doesn't start an inter-room
crisis, but the Daily received the fol-
lowing postcard a couple of days ago:
"Dear Editor.:
Though it is not a habit of mine to write
into newspapers and voice my opinion on
all the flagrant misappropriation of print,
I do feel it my earnest duty at this time to
give an opinion.
That is: Why should Master Wiegand
and Master Scheffler air their disputes on
the relative merits of movies publicly when
they are known to be roomates.
Sincerely yours,
'Third Man in Their Room"
* * * *

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha..........Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey.......... City Editor
Milton Freudenheim. .Editorial Director
Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz ............ Associate Editor
Clyde Recht...........Associate Editor
Jack Martin ..........Sports Editor
Archie Parsons.. .Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk ............ Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork........Business Manages
Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager



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