PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WED~NESDAY, I1T 28~, 1947 .. __ Late Ensians I G DAY the 1947 Michiganensian is being deitributed - almost two weeks after ±the regularly scheduled distribution date. However, the Epsian Staff has functioned efficiently all during the year and dead- lines have been met. The yearbook cover was designed last summer, long before the semester started. Subscriptions for Senior pictures and the actual taking of pictures was handled in September and October. By December 1, all photography was com- pleted and page layouts were started. The completed book was sent to the printer in Editorials published in The Michigan Daily re written by members of The Daily staff znd represent the views of the writers only. four sections, March 1, 15, 29, and April 4. In meeting those deadlines the staff completed almost 7,000 hours of student work on 360 pages and more than 2,200 pictures, Florence Kingsbury, managing editor said. This is one of the few years that the staff, which also puts out the Student Directory, has been able to meet its dead- lines. But this effort was lost in printing delays that developed. The job, as contract- ed, was to have been completed May 16. Now members of the Ensian business staff express little hope that it will be ready before final examinations. Little solace is afforded the student in the fact that the printer must absorb the cost of mailing his yearbook to him. He wants the book - on schedule. It is to be hoped that in future the Ensian will contract printers that will be able to give prompt and efficient service. -Craig H. Wilson NIGHT ED] "OLLEGE- logical gr lieights in acb This is stand .ment day add of this idea, ) aimples from education, the But every so shakes our fa effects of the distinguished about at coll Last week of the Unive that involves incident was versial nature gation of "rat low are restric ,directly to the identified. it , happene mwdical studer zl:oe provokes ator, told th gia, we kr T.i student, r he will get verbally castig the word "nig - essed pro use profanity The Univers become involv highly educatE sible for the employes hold action to the writers is: NeE saults with a s ITORS: BRUSH & LEVINE 'U' Hospital Incident EDUCATED Americans are the but the better way. The petition (a peti- oup to lead the nation to new tion was signed by 55 white and Negro em- ieving our democratic ideals." ployes of the hospital demanding the resig- ard talk for any commence- nation or apology of the student quoted ress. After the nth repetition ybove) resembles labor's method of calling ,e come to expect shining ex- a strike. He indicated that he has no use educational institutions. "In for strikes. re is social progress . . ." The top officials of the hospital were often something turns up that asked by the Ann Arbor Council of the Na- ith in the socially progressive tional Negro Congress to arrange the resig- education we actually get, as nation or apology demanded in the em- from the education we talk ployes' petition. Mrs. Dorothy Griffel, pres- ege commencements. ident of the Congress says that she was told an incident happened in one by a top official, a doctor (whose name is rsity of Michigan's environs available as are the names of all the per- educated men. Because the sons involved), "I hope the Negroes are not of the most highly contro- like the Jews and think they are persecuted." -, centering around an alle- This official said a forced apology might ,ist" behaviour, the facts be- lead to antagonism which would make ne- ted to statements made either cessary the discharge of all the Negro ele- writers or are otherwise clear- vator operators. The official referred co above as more directly responsible for em- d in University Hospital. A ployes said that if the incident was not al- nt, and part-time hospital em- 'lowed to die, everyone concerned would have d by the tardy arrival of an el- to be discharged. be Negro elevator operator, "In Here at University Hospital, one of this now how to handle your kind." country's leading medical centers, attached ecipient of a college education to one of our foremost universities, this ugly his medical degree in 1948), incident occurred. A student has admitted ated the Negro woman, using to having insulted a hospital employe. And ,er." He has denied that he when the employe asked the authorities to fanity to her, but says he did assure some redress, their attitude was: in her presence. Keep your place or we'll fire the lot of you. ity Hospital officials who have , It can be said that this incident is in- ed in this incident are also significant, that it is only one of a thousand. ed men. The official respon- But if it must go uncensured here in an employment of the hospital educational institution expected to provide s two college degrees. His re- nationwide leadership, what are we to think incident as told to one of the of, "In education,'there is social progress"? groes should pass off such in- -Malcolm T. Wright mile. That is the harder way, a -Milt Freudenheim The City Editor's SCRATCH PA D EVERY COLUMNIST reaches this mile- stone sooner or later, so it should oces- sion no surprise that this is the last Scratch Pad by its present writer. Last-columns usually try to be world- beaters, to sum everything up in a stick of type. The writer waves goodbye with tear- ful eloquence and rides out on a blast of glory. Nuts. My graduation day being almost here, I've been reading of late a little book called "Was College Worth While?" by John R Tunis. Written in 1936, it is a survey and evaluation of Mr. Tunis' own class ('11) at Harvard. What Mr. Tunis did was to draw some conclusions from the Twenty-fifth Anni- versary Report of his class - a factual ac- count of the achievements and reflections of its 541 members. Some of Mr. Tunis' conclusions follow: "We have perhaps no right to ask super- men of education or the colleges, but there are some things we have a right to demand. One is that at least we college graduates shall prove ourselves worthy of the advan- tages given us twenty-five years ago - that we achieve something more than those who did not share our advantages, that from this group shall come the leaders of the country, or at least a share of them. There are plenty of individuals all over the United States who have made courageous fights, who have done many 'intelligent, fine, brave things,' who never saw the inside of a col- lege. Remember, we are a small segment of a generation, we are 5 per cent of the total population, and those discussed in this book are about one-tenth of 1 per cent of that five per cent. We had a higher edu- cation. From that segment should come the pioneers of American thought, leaders in every phase of our culture. Is it too much to say that we have failed to produce these men? Or do you see them as you read these pages? I don't . "That lamp of learning, tended by the ancient Greeks, blown white and high in the medieval universities and handed down to us in a direct line through Paris, Oxford, and Cambridge, has at last produced a group of men whose chief ambitions, if their rec- ord tells the truth, are to vote the Republi- can ticket, to keep out of the breadline, and to break 100 at golf. Enviable ambitions? Yes, but does one need to go to college to have such aspirations?" THUS DID MR. TUNIS sum up the record of his class 25 years after graduation day. Either you accept his conclusions or you pass them off with your own conclusion that "1911 was a bad year for Harvard." But as one who has spent four years on a college campus and has listened to educa- tors say that "education must do this" and "education must do that," I'm wondering just what is supposed to happen to one who goes to college. Unquestionably, college is worth while for many people. As Mr. Tunis says: "For the doctors, the educators, for the few of us in research, in science, in archi- tecture. But was a college education ne- cessary to become a trustee, to sell stocks, bonds, insurance, or real estate, to be an investment counsel or an interior decoraor? Wouldn't those men have been better off had they never spent four years and thous- ands of dollars in an education at Harvard? Was it worth while for the majority" Perhaps Mr. Tunis makes the common er- ror of seeing in education a sore of "salva- tion." This notion was debunked years ago. Writing in 1897, the French social scientist Emile Durkheim said in part: "Education imitates society and repro- duces it in an abridged form, but it does not create it. Education is healthy when the na- tion itself is healthy. But not having the power of self-modification, it become cor- rupted when the nation decays." When I was still in high school, I used to hear "college" mentioned in the same breath with "ivory tower." But whoever said col- leges weren't lifelike was either deluding himself or was trying to pull somebody's leg. No doubt every member of the Class of 1947 has seen here the usual hates and prejudices, the concessions to pettiness and denials of ethics that characterize the out- side world. Because we spend four years in a small society that is actually not much different from the larger society from which we came, how can we expect to emerge as something strikingly different on gradua- tion day? Mr. Tunis found that his fellow class- mates made no notable progress, either cul- turally or financially, by reason of having been to college. Perhaps in 1972 one of my fellow classmates will do a similar study of the U. of M. Class of 1947. What he will find and what he will hope to find are any- body's guesses. aF Coot. 1447 by Unted Feature Syndcate, tIt 5-7 BILL MAULDIN \ \A ,\ "Grow, damn you-GROW!" 1DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 17) RATHER BE RIGHT: AmUniformity J3etteri to the ditor By SAMUEL GRAFTON E daughters of the American Revolu- tion have come out against increased im- migration, which they do every year as auto- mnatically as a householder puts the cat out out every night. But I don't quite under- stand how the D.A.R. can be so terribly sure that the policy of free immigration, which made America strong and great, is a wrong policy. It is like rejecting the tenets of our youth, and casting away the vitamins we grew up on. We do more and more of this business of delparting from the principles that made us what we are, and calling that departure Pm ricanism. You cannot defend the cur- rent virtual ban on immigration as soundly traditional, because it isn't. The tradition runs exactly the other way. I am not at all sure that we don't need the arrival of some ten to twenty millions of immigrants in the next few years to solve some of our problems. At least I can turn to the history books for justifi- vatimn, and say that is the way we used to 4i It. and that it worked,. The funny thing is thAt the policy of bazming immigration ;. -r'tually quite radical, as a departure r o American custom. The closed door i-i'' American: it's a European idea. LBu a speaker before the D.A.R. last wek said that every foreigner who comes here competes with some American for a job, a house, a car and a suit of clothes. If this be true, there must have been an amazing lot of jobs, houses, cars and suits of clothes in the original Jamestown and Plymouth settlements, to have lasted so well up to the present day. One wonders where we would be now, if we had adopted this line of reasoning a hundred years ago.) I am perturbed about the seemingly casu- ,l way in which we give up tried and tested doctrines for their exact opposites. It is as if we vere becoming convinced that the only way to preserve our national character in this tangled world is to step out of char- acter. To close our doors against the stranger is to behave like some fearful European duehy. It may give us a momentary ill- usion of cuddling safety, but it means giving up precisely those qualities of fear- lessness, broad national hospitality, and scrambling growth which have made us so entrancing an actor on the world's stage. And it goes with so much else that is and narrow, as he is. In the eerie world- wide battle now going on, we are giving up our best asset, the one that has most excited the planet, the fact that we have never been afraid of people, their presence, their work, and their thoughts. What gets me, as I say, is the casual- ness with which we make these decisions. Having grown great by throwing open our dors, and by letting people thing as they please, we now propose to keep our great- ness by closing those doors, and having a House Committee perpetually peering in- side the great American skull. How does one justify doing the exact opposite of what has always worked? We are water- ing down the very qualities on which we can't be matched. It seems to me that the only way to be safe is to be ourselves. We have won all our previous fights, but we have won them standing on our feet, not on our heads. (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation THEHEART of the Truman Doctrine is the will to make it work. This will we shall acquire only --in my judgment. - if we consider preventing com- mnunist aggression as essential to our sur- vival as a free people. If we reason that while it might be "nice" to stop armed ag- gression, this can still be permitted in re- mote regions without endangering the United States, we shall act half-heartedly and pull out at the first failure. If we make up our minds - like ex-Ambassador Joe Kennedy - that communism can be spread widely without endangering our in- stitutions, we may act as nonchalantly as we originally did toward Hitler. We shall acquire the will to make the Tru- man Doctrine work only if we recognize the present world situation is just as dangerous as when we faced the Axis during the war. -Edgar Ansel Mowrer (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) PLAIN AMERICANS have had little ex- perience in dealing at first hand with authentic Kings and Queens in whose veins there is alleged to flow bona fide blueblood. Of course we know what to do with our own royal annuals - our Cotton Kings and Ap- ple Blossom. Queens, our R.O.T.C. Queens, and Queen Zeta Sigma, to say nothing of our Queens who are peaches and peaches who are Queens, with Queen Honolulu, whose name is Ruth Blossom Keonaonaona- (Continued from Page 2) F are expected to leave by noon of Sunday, June 15. 3. There will be no changes in the closing hours for women s houses with these two exceptions, Thursday, May 29-12:30 a.m. Thursday, June 12-12:30 a.m. Senior Engineers' Caps and Gowns: May 30 will be the last day on which those who have paid their senior dues will be able to re- ceive their caps and gowns at the Michigan League: College of Engineering Registra- tion Material: Students enrolled for the cur- rent term should call for Summer Term registration material at Rm. 244, W. Engineering Building, be- ginning Mon., June 2, through Sat.. June 7, from 9 to 12 noon, and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Office closes at 12 noon on Saturday. College of L.S.A., Schools of Ed- ucation and Music: Registration material for the Summer Session and Post Summer Session may be obtained now at the Registrar's Office, 4 University Hall. Students now in residence present student's receipts for identification. Hopwood Contests: All students who have won prizes will be no- tified by special delivery letter by 10 p.m., Tuesday. All students who have competed in the contests should call for their manuscripts at the Hopwood Room on Thursday afternoon be- tween 2 and 5:30. Business Administration stu- dents who expect to enroll for the Summer Session or the Fall Sem- ester should have their programs approved by faculty advisors be- tween May 26 and June 7. Hours and rooms of advisors are posted on school bulletin boards. All stu- dents in other schools and colleges who have been accepted for trans- fer to Business Administration for summer or fall should likewise have their programs approved. Election materials and informa- tion may be obtained in Rm. 108, Tappan Hall. Union Life Mencbrsbivs for those who have atteuded the Uni- versity for eight civilian semesters are ready and may be obtained at the Union Business Office, Mon- day to Friday, May 26-30, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To students Planning to Attend the Post-Session: Registration for the Post-Session will be required during the registration period for the Summer Session. Camp Davis: All students, both engineers and geologists, who are to attend Camp Davis this sum- mer will register Wednesday, May 28, at 7 p.m., Rm. 3065, Natural Science Bldg. All students having lockers at Waterman Gymnasium should call for their refunds at Room 5, Wat- erman Gymnasium on or before Thursday, May 29. Seniors in Design turn in class dues (75c) to Carolyn Cummins before Friday, May 30. r Seniors in Architecture turn in class dues (75c) to John Bickel before Friday, May 30. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, -2 0 1 Mason Hall-Office Hours 9-12, 2-4. Notice to Students Registered in All Divisions of the Bureau: Students are reminded to tell us if they have accepted a job before leaving school, and to keep us posted on changes of address. GENERAL PLACEMENT: Students who have not taken jobs are invited to stop in the of- fice between now and the end of school as we have calls coming in every day. S. R. Livingstone Company, In- vestment Bankers, will be in the office on Wednesday, May 28, to interview men who are interested in contact and sales work in the investment banding field. The ational Tube Company will be at our office on Wednes- day, May 28, to interview engi- neers, particularly mechanical, electrical, chemical and metal- lurgical. for a training program. The American Surety Company of New York has openings for safety engineers. Men who are mechanical or civil engineers and who have some accounting would be well qualified for these jobs. The American Mutual Liability Insurance Company will be at the Bureau on Thurs., May 29, 9-12, to interview men who are Law School graduates or have complet- ed two years of Law School for po- sitions as Claim Representatives. For appointments or information, call extension 371. SUMMER PLACEMENT: Engineering Juniors: Colvin & Heller Company in the Municipal Court Building, Ann Arbor, is of- fering summer employment for men interested in Design. University Community Center 1045 Midway Willow Run Village Wed., May 28, 9 a.m. Spartan Wives from Michigan' State Col- lege-meeting and luncheon. Thurs., May 29, 11 a.m., Garden Club distribution of plants and shrubs from Ann Arbor Garden Club; 8 p.m., The New Art Group. Academic Notices Final Examination Schedule: Fri., June 6, 2 p.m. English I: Bingley, 18 A H; Burd, 102 Ec; Calver, 4208 A H; Coit, 216 H H; Crocket, 1053 N S; Kelly, 2116 N S; Madden, 4003 A H; McClennen, 3011 A H; Nor- ton, 4203 A H; Otto, 2 Ec; Phil- lips, 4003 A H; Stacy, 201 U H; Stevenson, 203 U H; Taggart, 3231 A H. English 2: Amend, 2003 A H; Boys 1035 A H; Bradshaw, 2225 A H; Clark, 2003 A H; Comstock, 205 M H; J. Culbert, 205 M H; T. Culbert, 6 A H; Cummins, 2054 N S; Dewey. 225 A H; Edwards, 205 M H; R. E. Engel, 103 Ec.; Ev- erett, 2082 N S; Hawkins, 2219 A H; Hirsh, 229 A H; Howard, 203 Ec.; Jones, 209 A H; Karsten, 3017 A.H; Kert, E. Haven; LaDue, 2082 N S; Markland, 1007 A H; McKean, 2203 A H. Merriman. 1018 A H; Moon, 2235 A H; Muehl, 2235 A H; Per- EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters o more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. Union Election To the Editor: THE FORESTERS' CLUB voted unanimously to protest the handling of the Union Vice-Presi- dent election and to contest the validity of that election for the following reasons: 1. A candidate's name was with- held from the ballot without sat- isfactory explanation. 2. One of the candidates was entrusted with the duty of check- ing the validity of the nominating petitions. 3. The election itself was not held according to the Union con- stitution. 4. It is alleged that a candidate counted ballots. In view of these facts and the admitted inefficiency in the man- ner in which the election was held, we submit that another election is in order. THE FORESTERS' CLUB -M. C. Miskovsky, President Ballentine Case To the Editor: IN TUESDAY'S DAILY, C. N. Ballentine wrote what is sup- posed to appear as his "side" to the reported incident in which he insultednot only a Negro opera- tor but the whole Negro people as well. He has admitted referring to Negroes as "niggers" and to having stated that "In Georgia they know how to handle your kind." It might be asked of Charles Ballentine: did the news article in the Daily make you "ap- pear to be a second Bilbo," or was ti perhaps your very own utter - ances which gave this appearance? And although Ballentine claims that there were no witnesses, two persons witnessed that he used profanity and other vulgar lan- guage as previously reported. No one, however, attests to having heard "obscene" or profane lan- guage from Mrs. Murray. If a personnel director, P. J. Olin, has informed Ballentine that there were previous complaints about the service rendered by Mrs. Murray, this is very strange in view of the fact that Mr. Olin has stated to at least two other per- sons that he has no complaint against this operator. Further- more, all the operators, including Mrs. Murray were complimented by the elevator supervisor for the efficient service they have rend- ered. As to Ballentine's reference to "various N e g r o organizations called in to "defend" these help- kins, 2231 A H; Plumer, D-AMH; Randall, C-Haven; Rich B.- Haven; Riepe, 1020 A H; Rock, B-Haven; Savage, 1035 A H; J. Shedd. C-Haven; R. Shedd, 35 A H; Sparrow, D-AMH; Stan- lis, 35 A H; Swarthout, 3209 A H; Thornbury, E-Haven; Waggen- er, 2013 AH; C. Weaver, B-Hav- en; Wells, B-Haven; Wright, 2014 A H; Wolfson, 35 A H; Wunsch, 206 U H. English 108 final examination: Political Science 1, final exami- nation: Tues., June 3, 2-5 p.m. Lane's and Hutchinson's sections, Rm. 231 AH; Steuerwald's, Bell- sey's and Stason's sections, W. Gall, AMH. Political Science 2, Final exami- nation: Tues., June 3, 2-5 p.m. Kallenbach's, Heady's and Bean- ey's sections, Rm. B, Haven Hall; Walter's, Tableman's and Wald- by's sections, Auditorium, Natural Science Bldg.; Norton's and Hus- ton's sections, 2003 AH, Lederle's, MacLeod's and Eldersveld's sec- tions, Rm. C, Haven Hall. History 12, Lecture Section II: Final examination on Wed., June 4, 2-5 p.m. Leslie's and Slosson's sections will meet in Rm. C, Haven Hall; all others in Waterman Gymnasium. Doctoral Examination for Don Hayne, Zoology; thesis: "Varia- tion of the Oldfield Mouse (Pero- myscus polionotus) In Parts of Northern Florida and Southern Alabama, With a Discussion of the Reliability of Laboratory-bred Stocks as Samples of Wild Popula- tions," Wed., May 28, 2 p.m., Rm. 3091, Naturday Science Bldg. Chairman, L. R. Dice. Doctoral Examination for Har- (Continued on Page 5) less women" and his statement that they are 'more concrned in inflaming tile Negro employes," we'd like to ask: Where did he get that idea from? When hood- lums in South Carolina were tried for lynching a Negro, the objec- tions to murdering a man was just an attempt from the North "to inflame," the hoodlums screamed. Ballentine states that he has no intention of apologizing or resign- ing. He may not apologize, but his resignation is a matter up to the hospital authorities. Their ac- tion would not "inflame" the Ne- gro people, we are .sure, but it certainly would help them feel that democracy is not a dead sym- bol in America. But we know there still are fair-minded people, white and black, and they will continue to ask for action. -The Executive Board Ann Arbor Council of the National Negro Congress -Theodore Christopher, Secretary --Orva Allen, Secretary * * * M10iere's Plays To the Editor: WHAT w o u 1 d Moliere have thought of the representation of his life presented at the Men- delssohn Theatre this past wek- ezld? Moliere wrote a play called 'The Misanthrope" about a con- scientious young man sickened by the duplicity of the world but in love with a flighty and charming -adns atl uo paAJu tfl oqm ana ficiality about her. "In spite of Heaven" would have us believe that M o1 i e r e repudiated this theme in actual life, that he con- doned the aberrations of the co- quette and denounced his awn principles. The play had some amusing sophistries all converging toward the accepted happy ending like a soap commercial, but to dilly with its inconsequential theme it neglected the really arresting fea- tures of Moliere's life which would have made an exciting and worth- while drama. Consider his unend- ing defense of the unfettered spir- it. He had the audacity to present "Tartuffe" before the monarch himself. Because of this honest and wonderful play, Moliere was forbidden the burial rites by the Church and had to be buried in secret by his friends. I thought that near the end of "In Spite of Heaven" the author was working up to having Moliere stricken with a fatal heart attack while playing "The Imaginary' Invalid," but I soon saw that even this episode was to pass unnoticed. Perhaps my education has been neglected, but I failed to perceive much rhyme or reason to "In Spite of Heaven." Will someone kindly ex- plain it to me? -Richard A. McGregor Mistaken Identity To the Editor: WHY is it that the AYD is al- lowed to use the Michigan Union for business meetings even though the University has with- drawn recognition from their or- ganization? I would like to see this ulcer removed completely from the Michigan campus and in my opinion not half as much has been done in that direction as should be done. -Simpson P. Holland, Jr. EDITOR'S NOTIC: The announce- inent of a meeting of the American Youth for Democratic Action which appeared in The Daily Sunday was captioned AYD through a typograph- ical error. This organization is know as ADA. The Union has booked no meetings of MYDA since that organ- ization was banned from campus by order of President Ruthven, rnk- fin Kuenzel, Union business manager told The Daily yesterday. 51r113a &P j 4 4 Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Controil of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor Milton Freudienheim. Editorial Director Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor Jack Martin.............Sports Editor Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk...........Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Joan De Carvajal... Research Assistant Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Manage: Janet Cork ......... Business Manages Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager BARNABY r- r II ( II i - J -1 II I 1 ?-. ,. .~ Lol