PAGE FOUlt THE MICHIGAN DAILY IrlTweln i F II IY 1 fI 1 ). ZTHE ICMTC 3aN} f4l "1tlY_ '1 UEOLLr A, MAY Union Opera WHEN, at the end of each Union Dance the lights grow dim and the band drifts softly into "When Night Falls Dear," shades of the Union Opera of old steal across the ballroom - music from the past which was written and made famous by University students of another day. The Union Opera, which has been kept alive both by the many colorful songs it added to campus life and by the actual Un- ion building which it helped to finance, is unique in that it is one of the few remaining traditions linking today's generation of Michigan students with those of another era. Therefore, it is doubly important that the Opera be revived. Already too much of the student spirit which helps make a University great has disappeared from the Michigan campus. In- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. creased enrollment, crowded conditions and student indifference have almost complete- ly changed this college into a cluster of hollow lifeless buildings - a factory for the mass production of brains. If this trend continues, a college education in the future will no longer be a memorable experience, but a bitter dose of mental castor oil to be swallowed by youth as one of the penalties of growing up. The only way to strengthen this rapidly vanishing student life is for the students themselves to take an interest in bringing back Michigan traditions. Plans are going forward to revive the Union Opera - a con- test is being conducted to find the best student-written script from which to build a new and even better musical comedy. This movement should have the support and active participation of the whole campus. If you have even an inkling of a good idea for a Union Opera, write Harry Skin- ner, 556 S. State for complete contest rules. There's a $100 prize involved and a chance to help revive a colorful and illustrious tra- dition. NIGHT EDITOR: DICK MALOY -Harold Jackson, Jr. Returning War Dead O ANYONE who has seen the quiet dig- nity of United States Military Cemeter- ies in Europe, the movement to return war dead to private burial grounds in America seems rather strange. Row upon row of clean white crosses, dot- ted with Stars of David, cover the last rest- ing places of American men who gave their lives during the war. Citizens from sur- rounding villages have adopted the graves as their own, taking it upon themselves to beautify the landscape. Here lie Americans from all walks of life, in a final resting place among the men Occu pat By JOSEPH and STEWAR ALSOP WASHINGTON, May 25-Another demon- stration of phony budget - and policy -making is likely to be offered shortly in this torpid and complacent nation. Present forecasts are that appropriations to meet occupation costs in Germany, Japan and Korea will be considerably reduced when the House Appropriations Committee finishes chewing over the War Department estimates. The complete sham of this kind of econ- omy has already been proved, for the record, at this session. Last year, with loud cries of indignation, the Congressional economiz- ers sliced $306,000,000 off the War Depart- mpent's request for $725,000,000 for occupa- tion costs. They were solemnly warned by Secretary of War Robert Patterson and every other competent official that the job could not be done on the cheap. They ignored the warnings. As a result, the War Department had to come to Congress at the present ses- sion with a $00,000,000 deficiency request. Former President Herbert Hoover added his voice to the urgings of the Administration. And the deficiency appropriation passed, thus neatly cancelling out last year's boast- ed economy. The request this year is again for $725,- 000,000 and is demonstrably utterly inade- quate. Japan and Germany are both still economically prostrate, and their economic prostration means that a world starved for goods is being continuously deprived of the potential output of two of its great produc- tive centers. The War Department estimates were prepared, and were approved by the Budget Bureau, without any reference to what is rapidly becoming Point Number One of current American policy - to get German and Japanese (especially German) production going full blast in the shortest feasible time. To achieve this objective, a much more generous and ambitious pro- gram is obviously needed, as the recent hunger strikes in Germany all too plainly prove. Yet the Congressional economizers are again fingering their little pruning knives in a happy delirium of self -delusion,. This is true, moreover, despite the obvious danger that Britain may not continue to be able to pay her share of the expense of the merged Anglo-American occupation zones in Germany. When and if the British demand that this country shoulder a larger3 share of the dollar cost in Germany, the fin-P ishing touch will be given to one of the classic exhibitions of how not to behave as a world power. The story begins in the dim past, when Roosevelt and Churchill were arguing bit- terly about which zones of Germany should be occupied by whom. Roosevelt was con- vinced that France would be plunged into social chaos when the war ended. He, there- fore, wanted the northern zone of Germany now occupied by the British, so that the United States Army's line of communica- tion would not run through French terri- Actually I think that Henry Wallace's ac- tivities (including his trip abroad) have done the private enterprise system more good than harm. They have shown that it can produce a Wallace. There are not many systems in the world today which could produce, and sustain, and , with whom they fought and died. All races and creeds, generals and privates, are united in death. They lie in the countries they fought to liberate-France, Belgium and Holland. Next of kin of the fallen men have been given the option of having the remains of their loved ones returned to the United States. This return can only open up the wounds of an old sorrow. It would seem to be far better that these honored dead be allowed to lie among their comrades in the lands they gave their lives to free. -Dick Maloy ton Costs tory. The British, with their more practi- cal eyes on the Ruhr and the great German industrial complex, were also determined to have their present zone. Furthermore, the United States government was split on Ger- man policy between the War and State De- partments where some trifling common sense still prevailed, and the pastoralizing faction headed by Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau jr. After the British loan negotiations, it was apparent that this financing could only come from the United States. Yet when the Ang- lo-American zonal merger was subsequently negotiated, Secretary of State James F. Byrnes and General Lucius D. Clay made one of their rare mistakes in judgment by seeking to place upon the British 70 per cent of the dollar costs of the merged zones. Bevin made a personal plea to Byrnes to base the distribution of expense on ability to pay. In the end, Byrnes offered to take 50 per cent of the cost, or to exchange zones with the British and pay 65 per cent of the cost. This naturally forced the British to accept the American offer. But the real effect was merely to give the Americans a bargaining victory at the expense of German recovery. And now it is entirely possible that in six months or so, the British will have to ask that the deal be renegotiated. On Tuesday, fortunately, former President Hoover will again go to the Capitol to try to convince House members that two and two make four in Germany and Japan as well as in the United States. It is to be hop- ed that after the series of lessons already received on the dangers of unrealistic policy making, Hoover's authority will reverse the present trend. If total world production is not somehow increased, total world chaos is a not impossible result. (Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune) ON WORLD AFFAIRS: German Steel By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER AT THE RECENT Moscow Conference there was much talk of increasing Ger- many's industrial output in order to supply Europe's needs. French Foreign Minister Georges Bidault argues eloquently against fixing German steel production above seven and a half million tons annually. If this amount proved insufficient to supply Eur- ope, then - Monsieur Bidault argues - France, Belgium, and Luxembourg were prepared to make up the deficit. The dispatch with which this eminently sound suggestion was buried is alarming. It permits the suspicion that the American, British and Soviet delegations were, for dif- ferent reasons, more interested in rebuild- ing German industrial power than in satis- fying the economic needs of Europe. If they really wished to keep Germany powerless to attack its neighbors, they would see to it that German steel pro- duction was rigorously and permanently curtailed. For it was with steel that Ger- many first enslaved economically and then militarily conquered most of Europe. Keeping German steel production down should be easy. For unlike coal, which God laid down abundantly in what was to be- come Germany apparently in order that this country should become the world scour- age, steel in Germany is essentially an arti- ficial thing. Prior to World War I, Germany's aggres- sive industrial power was built upon a mar- riage of Ruhr coke and Lorraine iron ore. Most of the steel was actually produced in Lorraine blast furnaces, for it took nearly three tons of iron ore for each ton of coke. The Versailles Treaty very properly gave Lorraine back to France. Normally this would have meant that the Germans would continue shipping their excellent coke to Lorraine and the French, Belgiums and Luxemburgers would make the steel. This did not fit the plans of German militarists, Pan-Germanists and industrial- ists already dreaming of revenge and im- perial glory. They possessed a trump card: Whereas Germany could draw upon other sources of iron ore, notably Sweden and in Spain, the only other economical source of coking coal for France was in Britain. Brit- am - already hell-bent on rebuilding Ger- many against France - was in no frame of mind to help expand French steel produc- tion. Therefore, the ink was hardly dry on the Versailles Treaty before the Germans, in defiance of that Treaty, began withholding Ruhr coke from French smelters. They not only refused to sell, they refused to make deliveries promised as reparations. Thereafter, as accurately set out in a U.S. Government study, "The Germans, through private corporate alliances with firms in other countries, restrictive cartel practices, barter arrangements, export subsidies and manipulation of currency; turned military defeat in the first World War into economic victory." Given half a chance, they will do it again. At first the infuriated French reacted savagely. It was to get coke for steel that thel seized the Ruhr, crushed German re- sistance and brought the revengeful mili- tarists to their knees. Germany was saved by France's ex-allies the United States and Britain, whose lead- ers took the same short-sighted view of German rehabilitation as seemed to be re- emerging at the Moscow Conference of 1947. Under the Dawes Plan, Germany promised to be good and France was compelled to loosen its strangelhold on Germany's throat. Fyom then on, there was no stopping the Germans. By a mixture of whining, duplic- ity, appeal to Anglo-American banking cu- pidity, technical skill and sinister political zeal, they gradually turned the tables on the French. They built new smelters and mills and remodelled the old ones to utilize the richer ores of Spain and Sweden. They fed coke gingerly to the French, thereby keeping French steel production down to a mini- mum. Then the Germans stream-Rlined their coal and steel industries into two huge monopolies that could be utilized as weapons. With American and British money they completely modernized their plants. This done, they persuaded naive foreign industrialists to enter one great cartel for steel which Germany could and did dominate. The Hoover Moratorium relieved the Ger- mans of their reparation burden. Soon they ceased repaying their private debts except, of course, the short-term obligations held by foreign bankers who must be kept friendly. Copr. 1 947 by Vnifed featvre Syndicafe, ioc. -Ail righftsreserved 5-27 -F AWPe - BILL MAULDIN etter6to tle 6dior ... _ ._. _ iI "I offered 'im twelve cents, a left-handed catcher's mitt, an' a silver- plated corkscrew to turn us loose. He's incorruptible." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) M H; Randall, C-Haven; Rich B -Haven; Riepe, 1020 A H; Rock, Approved social events (after- B-Haven; Savage, 1035 A H; J. noon affairs are indicated by as- Shedd, C-Haven; R. Shedd, 35 terisk), May 28-Seniors, School A H; Sparrow, D-A M H; Stan- of Education*; May 29, Sigma Al- lis, 35 A H; Swarthout, 3209 A H; pha Epsilon; May 30, Couzens Thornbury, E-Haven; Waggen- Hall; May 31, Phi Mu Alpha Sin- er, 2013 A H; C. Weaver, B-Hav- fonia*. en; Wells, B-Haven; Wright, t/ 11_ Bureau of Appointments ant Occupational Information, 2 0 Mason Hall-Office Hours 9-12 2-4. GENERAL PLACEMENT: The J. L. Hudson Company wil be at our office on Tuesday, Ma: 27, to interview men for their Ex ecutive Training Squad. Mr. Slocum of Hall Brothers Creators of Hallmark Cards, wil be at our office on Tuesday, May 27, to interview men for sales po sitions. The National Tube Company will be at our office on Wednes day, May 28, to interview engi neers, particularly mechanical electrical, chemical, and metal lurgical for a training program. The American Surety Company of New York has openings fox safety engineers. Men who ar mechanical or civil engineers and who have some accounting would be well qualified for these jobs Call at the Bureau for further in- formation. The American Mutual Liability Insurance Company will be at the Bureau on Thursday, May 29, 9- 12, to interview men who are Law School graduates or have com- pleted two years of Law Schoo for positions as Claim Represen- tatives. For appointments with these companies or further in- formation,~ call extension 371. University Community Center 1045 Midway Boulevard Willow Run Village Tues., May 27, 8 p.m.-Cooper- ative Nursery General Meeting - Election of Officers; 8 p.m., Wil- low Run Writers. Wed., May 28, 9 a.m., Spartan Wives from Michigan State Col- lege-meeting and luncheon. Thurs., May 29, 11 a.m., Garden Club distribution of plants and shrubs from Ann Arbor Garden Club; 8 p.m., The New Art Group, Academic (Yi NQoices Final Examination Schedule: English I: Bingley, 18 A H; Burd, 102 Ec; Calver, 4208 A H; Coit, 216 H H; Crockett, 1053 N S; Kelly, 2116 N S; Madden, 4003 A H; Mc- Clennen, 3011 A H; Norton, 4203 A H; Otto, 2 Ec; Phillips, 4003 A H; Stacy, 201 U H; Stevenson, 203 U H; Taggart, 3231 A H. English 2: Amend, 2003 A H; Boys 1035 A H; Bradshaw, 2225 A H; Clark, 2003 A H; Comstock, 205 M H; J. Culbert,, 205 M H; T. Cul- bert, 6 A H; Cummins, 2054 N S; Curto, 225 A H; Daniels, 2082 N S; Dewey, 2225 A H; Edwards, 205 M H; R. C. Engel, 103 Ec.; Ev- erett, 2082 N 5; Hawkins, 2219 A H; Hirsh, 229 A H; Howard, 203 Ec.; Jones, 209 A H; Karsten, 3017 A H; Kert, E. Haven; LaDue, 12082 N S; Markland, 1007 A H; McKean, 2203 A H. Merriman, 1018 A H; Moon, 2235 A H; Muehl, 2235 A H; Per- kins, 2231 A H; Plumber. D-A IUZU A H; Wolfson, :35 A H; A Wunsch, 206 U H. 1 , Doctoral Examination for Earl Wesley Thomas, Romance Lan- guages and Literature; thesis: "The Pronunciation of the Portu- l guese of Central Minas Gerais," Tues., May 27, 4 p.m., East Council - Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, E. B. Ham and F. M. Thompson, , _ y Doctoral Examination for George - Richard Rumney, Geography; the- sis: "Settlement of the Nipissing Passageway," Tues., May 27, 4 y p.m,, Rm. 9, Angell Hall. Chair- - man, S. D. Dodge. -' English 108 final examination. Rm. 2225, Angell Hall, Thurs., Y June 5-2-5 p.m. rz History 12, Lecture Section I: d Final examination on Wed., June d 4, 2-5 p.m. Leslie's and Slosson's d sections will meet in Rm. C, Haven Hall; all others in Waterman Gymnasium. y .Psychology 40. Students plan- Sning to elect Psychology 40 this summer or the Fall term may take the qualifying examination June l21, 11 a.m., Rm. 1121, Natural Sci- ence Bldg. Another examination - will be given at the beginning of the Fall Term. Concerts Symphony Orchestra Concert. The University of Michigan Sym- phony Orchestra under the direc- tion of Wayne Dunlap, will pre- sent the final concert of the sem- ester at 8:30 p.m., Tues., May 27, Hill Auditorium. Emil Raab will appear as soloist in Sibelius' Con- certo in D Minor for Violin. Other works to be heard will be Serenade for Woodwinds and Horns, B-flat Major, by Mozart, and Symphony No. 7 in A Major by Beethoven. Concert will be open to general public without charge. Organ Recital: Carl Weinrich, Organist at Princeton University, will appear at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., May 29, HillAuditorium, in a pro- gram of works by Bach, Sweelinck, Buxtehude, Luebeck, Handel, Mo- zart, Hindemith, and Lamb. This is the final recital in the current series of organ programs. The general public is invited. Memorial Day: Professor Perci- val Price, University Carillonneur, will give a special recital in ob- servance of Memorial Day at 11 a.m., Fri., May 30, on the Baird Carillon Exhibitions Michigan Fungi. Rotunda, Mus- eums Bldg. The Museum of Art: The Medi- eval World; Alumni Memorial I Hall, daily, except Monday, 10- 12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5; Wed- (Continued on Page 5) Balien tine's Case To the Editor: SINCE THE ARTICLE in Fri- day's Daily made me appear to be a second Bilbo, I feel it is ne- cessary to speak a few words in my own defense. The story you gave was grossly exaggerated and presented a wholly one-sided pic- ture. It is particularly poor jour- nalism to front page an article that makes such a vicious attack without first substantiating the evidence. Neither the hospital ad- ministration nor myself was con- sulted before publishing the arti- cle, a course of action which gives me great confidence in the factual basis of the other articles and editorials on racial discrimination with which your paper is contin- ually packed. Even a paper such as The Daily should respect fair play enough to hear both sides of an issue, although my own story will not be nearly as sensational- istic as your first representation, The incident concerned was ac- tually quite different than that portrayed in The Daily. Mrs. Murray refused to take the ele- vator to the 6th floor and trans- fer a bed patient to another floor for me. The elevator was not in use at the time and had not been for 15 minutes during which I rang futilely for it, although she was supposed to be running it at the time. She bitterly resented my complaint when I walked down 7 floors to find her sitting beside an idle elevator, writing a note. When I asked who was running running the elevator, I was told it was none of my" business"' and her only answer to my request to return with the elevator for the patient was to release a tor- rent of invective and abuse. Fur- thermore, a short time after my work began that evening, she re- turned with another elevator op- erator, a person entirely unknown to me, and together they proceed- ed to denounce me with the most obscene and profane language I have yet heard. At no time did I use any profanity in personal reference to either of these wom- en. Since there were no witnesses, the situation is now reduced to mutual accusation and denial, with no proof of what actually was said by either party. The Personnel Office of the University Hospital has had previous com- plaints about the service rendered by Mrs. Murray when on duty. The various Negro organizations callen in to "defend" these "help- less women" are more concerned in inflaming the Negro employes of the Hospital than they are with arriving at the truth, and the story in a short space of time has assumed grotesque propor- tions. The people who signed the petition against me know neither me nor the circumstances of this case, and the threats of violence which have reached me I view with utter contempt. I have no fear of men who make their threats in absentia. I have no intention of resign- ing or apologizing as the peti- tion demands. Finally, I would like it to be known that I judge people primarily by the color of their hearts and not the color of their skin. -C. N. Ballentine EDITORS NOTE. A Daily reporter received substantial confirmation from a University Hospital official of the story referred to by Mr. Bal- lentine, before we printed it. In addition, an eye-witness to the "al- leged profane and humiliating lan- guage" directed at Mrs. Murray will authenticate it. Both Sides To the Editor: I N FRIDAY'S JAILY, you pub- lished an article in which a medical student allegedly insulted a Negro elevator operator at the University hospital. You con- tinued to -report of the humilia- tion, which this woman suffered, as well as a petition which fifty- five people signed demanding eith- er a mass apology or the immedi- ate resignation of the student. The one glaring point of this article, which struck me as bad reporting, was the absence of any statement by this student, or even a mention of the fact that he could not be reached for comment. I have not found any article in your two successive issues which has tried in any way to present his side of the stony. I am sure that such an article, no matter how innocently report- ed, can cause irreparable damage to an individual's reputation un- less all the facts are known. I certainly doubt whether the fifty-five people who signed the petition were eyewitnesses. At best, they probably got second or third hand information. From where I sit, it sounds as though the person, or group, who is responsible for the petition is trying to make an example of this medicalstudent to champion a racial cause. For my part, I would like to heard what Mr. Bal- lantine has to say. -Graham M. St. Jon Clean House To the Editor: To HAVE such a thing as a peaceful world, we will have to clean our own front room, Why not stait with the not so trivial incident of Charles Ballentine? He who humiliates the people who do him a service every day, is un- worthy of any service at all, What kind of democracy is this if all races, colors, and creeds can not go happily about their work without some pip-squeak making it miserable for them because of prejudice and ignorance. It Is lit- tle incidents like this that smould- er into big things, and undermine the peace of the world. When once we candlick this menace, the world will have rea- son to accept us as its lesader In defending the equality of human rights. -Barbara Belle McFerran A H Deliveries To The Editor: WE WERE WALKING across campus the other day when we were hailed by our friend Joe. He was looking even happier than he had the day he was discharged from the Navy, in which he had been a Henchman, Third Class He told us he had just passed a special examination to become a truck-driver for the Buildings and Grounds Department. We con- gratulated him anddasked him what was the most difficult part of the test. He smiled in a superior way, and then he thrust into our hand a wrinkled page from the brief examination. Here is Section V with his answers: 1. Regarding deliveries at the northeast door of Angell Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri- days---is there any prescribed time for making such deliveries? (Yes or No). Answer: Yes. 2. What is that time? (Better check your answer to Question 1). Answer: (I did.) Exactly 2 p.m. 3. Describe the Authorized Parking Procedure for deliveries at that northeast door. (Be x- plicit), Answer: The truck should be backed to a position such that the rear end is within three feet of the top step, as close as pos- sible to the iron railings. The front of the truck should be di- rectly athwart the intersection of the sidewalks near the corners of Haven and Angell Halls. 4. Does the nature of the things being delivered have any bearing on the carrying-in pro- cedure? (Be even more explic t.) Answer: Yes. The small pack- ages may be carried in at any time while the truck is there, provided this does not interfere with handling of larger objects such as planks, desks, chairs, etc.. which must be carried in between 2:02 p.m. and 2:09 p.m. (Both doors may be used, if nec- essary, to complete delivery of these larger items in this time.) 5. What general rule should guide drivers in making ,thee deliveries, and why? (e gen- eral.), Answer: Drivers should strive. .for promptness at all times, in. order that deliveries may be. made with maximum conveni- ence. . By the time we had read this, Joe was in a hurry to leave, nd we didn't have a chance to ay much, so we just walked away, thinking hard, -Robert T. Swart mlf4i t t Mt CURRENT MOVIES At The State NORA P RENT1ISS (War-neris) Ann Sheridan, Kent Smith. NTORA PRENTISS is a rather likeable chaacter. Maybe a little tough at times, but she needs that quality. That and her loyalty and her ability to keep her mouth shut make her a good egg. Her doctor friend possesses all the ardent and amateur- ish qualities you'd expect from a guy who's spent twenty years in strict routine. Maybe he can't be blamed for the mess he makes of things, but that doesn't make it any nicer. There was a time when a Warners' picture could be told by the kick it had. Maybe it's just having Miss Sheridan around once more, but this one is reminiscent of the old days. It's nice to have a tough picture again. At The Michigan . PURSUED (Warners), Robert Mitchum, Teresa Wright, Judith Anderson. 'T'HERE ARE SOME shots in this that take France, and the rest of Europe made less and less steel, Germany made even more. Steel is the vital skeleton of the modern world. Once they could supply or withhold Europe's steel, the Germans could dominate that continent - and did. Can Americans possibly be mad enough to let them do it again? Or will we listen to Monsieur Bidault? (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) I' F1fy-Sevendz Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michlgan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor Clayton Dickey...........City Editor Milton Freudenheim. .Editorial Director Mary Brush..........Associate Editor Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor Clyde Recht...........Associate Editor Jack Martin.............Sports Editor Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk........... Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Manager Janet Cork ......... Business Managet BARNABY