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February 16, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-16

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Latest Deadline in the State








ra Cagers Trip

Vet Absence
Reports Due









let oses, 3-2
owicz Counters 13 Points;
s Spoil Hockey Win Streak



Must File First
Week's Record

ecial To The Daily<
CITY, Ia., Feb. 15 -
s Wolverines saw their
for a share of the West-
rence cage title vanish
here tonight, as the
len Hawkeyes broke a
sing streak with a 55-46
he visitors. The Wolves
id 3 record prior to Sat-
ntest and had a chance
Wisconsin's pace setters.
awks waited until the
ninutes to pull ahead of
All through the initial
lead changed back and
at half time count was
a ahead.
t half was close all the
Iowa moving ahead at
ission 26-23. The Wolves
to an early margin but
uintet knotted the count
with six minutes gone.
re on the contest was
h the lead changing
ee times.
i and Suprunowicz each
seven counters for Mich-
Herb Wilkinson kept
,d with a similar total.
am showed an accurate
, in the initial period,
erines shot wildly and
but hit only 23 per cent
lots. Iowa was good for
cz Leads Scoring
n came back fast at the
e second period as Mack
cz who topped the
th 13 points, hit twice
loor. Until the ten min-
he count was close.
'a coach Pops Harrison
ck Ives into the lineup
ome team began to roll.
wice and added a free
out the Hawkes ahead

Special To The Daily
nesota's hockey team avenged
their last night's defeat to the
Wolverine sextet by beating Mich-
igan, 3-2, in another close con-
test tonight in the Minneapolis
Like last evening's encounter,
this tilt also was decided by de-
fensive play as the Golden Goph-
ers snapped Michigan's undefeated
streak at 11 games. Goalie Tom
Karakas had but 20 saves to Jack
MacDonald's 39, one short of his
total for Friday night.
Clincher Comes in Final Stanza
Gopher defenseman Dennis
Bergman put in the clincher at
13:45 of the final period on a
screen shot from near the blue
line. This marker made the score
3-1 and gave Minnesota the lead
which they never relinquished.
Dick Starrak, Michigan wing-
man, tallied for Michigan's final
goal on a rebound shot from Ted
Greer at 15:48.
The game started similarly to
last night's contest with each
equad tallying once. When the
spectators were hardly comforta-
ble in their seats, 45 seconds after
the initial whisle, Minnesota
Wingman Bob Harris grabbed a
loose puck at the Michigan blue
line, feinted Captain Connie Hill,
and beat MacDonald from in close.
Opening Minutes Slow
There was little action in the
first ten minutes of the contest
except for the Gopher's marker.
There were but six shots at both
goal tenders during this time as
defense proved to be superior to of-
fensive strength.
Gordy MacMillan tied the count
at 14:05, putting in his own re-
bound after Karakas, Gopher
goalie, was down. He took the
puck in front anl put it in the
open net.
MacDonald made the outstand-
ing save of the stanza when he
See HOCKEY, Page 7
Provides .Hel
.Vor Stufdents
Financial aid for "needy stu-
dents in secondary schools, col-
leges and graduate schools" is of-
fered by the Student Aid Founda-
tion of Michigan, Erich A. Wal-
ter, Director of the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, announced yesterday.
Application forms and descrip-
tive material are available in the
Office of Student Affairs. Appli-
cations should be filed before Feb.
21. All grants for the school year
1947-48 will be-made May 15.
The foundation, which was or-
ganized in 1939, granted 107
scholarships for the school year
1946-47. It is supported by the
McGregor fund and other donors.
According to Mr. Walter, "no
residence requirement is contem-
plated except the need for personal
interview with the student. This
implies that in practice the major-
ity of the candidates will be from
Michigan and particularly from
the area in and about Detroit."
"The foundation will extend;
aid only to students of outstand-
ing ability who have a definite
purpose and plan to continue their
education but need financial
help," Mr. Walter added.

Tomorrow campus veterans will
file the first of their weekly ab-
sence reports to the University.
All student veterans have to
make the weekly reports, which
are to be filed before 5 p.m. each
Monday, whether or not the veter-
an has missed any classes, ac-
cording to the announcement
made last Tuesday by Robert S.
Waldorp, director of the Veterans
Service Bureau.
Weekly Report
The weekly reports to the Uni-
versity are necessary because the
Veterans Administration has or-
dered that it be notified when-
ever a veteran misses five "days"
of class, Waldrop said. Since it is
possible for a veteran to miss five
"days" in one week, the weekly re-
ports are necessary.'
Although University veterans re-
ported absences for the first time
last semester, the regulation re-
quiring the reports has been on
the books since July, 1945. At that
time the VA published its inter-
pretation of the GI Bill, which pro-
vided that the schools report on
the "conduct and progress" of
veteran students. The VA said
that "conduct" meant absences
and that "progress" was grades.
Annual Leave
Under the VA ruling the number
of days that a veteran is absent
from class is deducted from his
annual accrued leave.
Absence reports of one sort or
another are required of student
veterans at all schools throughout
the country. It is reported that
veterans at the University of Chi-
cago have to sign one of two "log
books" each week.
Pick Up Forms
Student veterans are to pick up
the forms at their convenience and
file them before 5 p.m. each Mon-
day in the following places as des-
ignated by the resepective schools
and colleges:
Literary college - Corridor, U
Hall; engineering college-Rm. 225
W. Engineering Bldg.; graduate
school-graduate school office,
Rackham Bldg.; law school-Rm.
304 Hutchins Hall; architecture
college - Rm. 207 Architecture
Bldg.; pharmacy college-Rm. 250
Chemistry Bldg.; business admin-
istration school-Rm. 108 Tappan
Hall; dentistry college - Secre-
tary's office, Dentistry Bldg.; edu-
cation school-Rm. 1433 Univer-
sity Elementary School; forestry
school-Rm. 2045 Natural Science
Bldg.; music school-Rm. 101
School of Music Bldg.; nursing
school-Rm. 2036 University Hos-
pital; public health school-In-
formation Desk, School of Public
Health Bldg.; medical school-Rm.
123 W. Medical Bldg.
Club To Give
Survey Results
Campus traffic conditions may
be improved if civic leaders act
on recommendations contained in
the long-awaited Auto Club traf-
fic survey which is to be revealed
at a dinner here Thursday.
According to an Auto Club re-
lease, the survey will recommend
installation of additional signal
ights and the rerouting of traffic
in the campus area. Full details of
the plan have not yet been an-
nounced, however.
The survey, made by a three-
man Auto Club research staff, was
taken over a five-week period.
Traffic conditions in the entire
city were scrutinized, with partic-
ular emphasis placed on campus





_. -r- + -ts

3 points
hoved in
?ete El-
t. That
ites left.

Opposes Any
Cut in Budget
For Defense
Senate May Reject
Republican Proposal
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15-Amid
strong indications the Senate will
reject the proposed $6,000,000,000
slash in President Truman's
budget, Senator Vandenberg (Rep.,
Mich.) came out today against
any cuts that would force this
country to "disarm alone."
In the House, at the same time,
Democratic members of the joint
budget committee, which recom-
mended the $6,000,000,000 trim-
ming, met to draft a minority re-
port and organize to defend the
President's $37,500,000,000 esti-
mates for the fiscal year starting
July 1.
American Prestige
Vandenberg, chairman of the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee, told a reporter he fears a
projected $1,750,000,000 reduction
in Army and Navy funds may up-
set American prestige in troubled
international affairs.
"I shall vote for the maximum
economy which is not at the ex-
pense of American prestige, au-
thority and safety in an uneasy
world," he declared.
Awaits the Facts
"But I shall never vote to dis-
arm alone and I fear this is the
result of the pending budget re-
ommendations. I await the facts."
Vandenberg's action in appar-
ently lining up behind a proposed
compromise cut of $4,500,000,000
may have widespread effect in the
Students Must
Await Grades
For Eligibility
Students have been requested to
wait until they receive their re-
port cards or blue prints before
they apply for eligibility certifi-
cates for participation in extra-
curricular activities.
According to Mrs. Ruth T. Cal-
lahan, who is handling the dis-
tribution of the certificates in the
Offices of Student Affairs, Rm. 2,
University Hall, the office has not
received reports on student's
grades as yet and cannot issue the
eligibility card on the basis of
post-cardgrades. Students must
have either report cards or blue
prints when they apply, she em-
Second semester freshmen are
eligible if they have either at least
one A or B and nothing lower than
C, or a 2.5 average for the pre-
ceding semester with no marks of
E. They must have earned 15
hours of academic credit during
the preceding semester.
Transfer students are eligible
for participation in extracurricu-
lar activities if they were admitted
to the University in good stand-
Mrs. Callahan pointed out that
no stpdent on probation or warn.
ing cn receive an eligibility card.

* * *

* * *

Kidnapping, Two Murders
Occur in Tense Holy Land

Britain Faced
By Continued
Poweer Crisis

BRITISH BATTLE REFUGEES - Members of a British naval guarding party swing clubs in an
attempt to quell a disturbance among Jewish refugees as they were about to be removed from the
schooner Lanegev in Haifa Harbor, Palestine, for transfer to Cyprus.

ith a ions
3-38 with 8

>lves made a final bid for
s Wierda' and McCaslin
thru baskets and sliced
d to 44-42. But Ives, for-
.en scoring champion hit
hot streak and added
ck counters. Michigan
perately to stay in the
but a series of personal

is Says,
ges Due
tbor Law

'High O 'ffic,
Of Preside
Proposal Will Er
Most Wartime L
By The Associated Press
dent Truman plans to decle
national emergency ended
July 31, a high of ficial ds
today, erasing most of 10
time laws then or six months
In preparation for this d
tion, the official said, Mr. T
expects to send to Congress
the next fortnight a messas
ommending permanent ext
of such laws as he deems
Before Adjournment
This legislative job can b
pleted during the present s
the official said. Thereupc
Truman "can seriously c
ending the emergency befo
adjournment this summer."
White House advisers ha
cided that the "state of
gency" can be terminated
the war itself is officially
An additional 250 or more
based on "the duration Q
war," or some limited
thereafter, would remain in
Members of the White
staff expect to go to work on
of-the-war" recommendatic
Congress immediately aft
emergency message is sent,
theory that the war could b
ed for most domestic purpo
fore the peace treaties are
The end-of-emergency n-
will cover powers granted
both the "limited" emergen
dared on Sept. 8, 1939 ,jus
the outbreak of war overseE
the full emergency proc
May 27, 1941, after the G
sweep of Europe.
Otherwise Epire
It was disclosed which
Mr. Truman will ask to h
tended. Those which wou
erwise expire upon the term
of the emergency-many o
already dormant or nearly
The requisitioning of
lease of vessels to fiendi
tions; arming of merchan
sels; authority to transfe
Coast Guard to the Navy
chase of military suppli
"streamlined" methods, '
advertising; hiring of do
year men; suspension of du
scrap iron imports; tax-free
drawal of alcohol from dist
for industrial use; appoi
of an Undersecretary of the
and certain relaxations o
manning and operating star
Molotov lBk
Acheson Sta

SHINGTON, Feb. 15--P)-
Landis (Rep., Ind.) said to-
it's a cinch" the House La-
ommittee will approve nine
law changes including some
on strikes and picketing.
irman Hartley (Rep., N.J.)
newsmen at the same time
omplaints of union "racke-
g" and other practices are
g in to his office. One com-
the group will investigate,
Jed, is that the AFL Interna-
Longshoremen's Association
rging $500 membership fees
w York and Hoboken, N. J.
.dis, a cigar-chewing for-
oal miner, is senior Republi-
1 the committee and presides
es over its hearings.
>a cinch, Landis told report-
re penalties on unions that
contracts and restrictions
'isdictional disputes and sec-
y boycotts.
the controversial and still
ful class he listed proposals
ans on the closed shop and
ry-wide bargaining, for stop-
industry-wide disputes af-
g public health and safety,
)r more liberal use of injuflc-
to halt strikes.
tck Fill Probe
essure' Reports
:,T HURON, Mich., Feb. 15
-Attorney General Eugene

JERUSALEM, Feb. 15-- (P) -
Two slayings, a kidnapping, one
arson attempt and other violence
marked the traditionally quiet
Jewish Sabbath today in the Holy
Tension remained high in an-
ticipation of Underground retalia-
tion following confirmation of
death sentences for three young
Jews convicted of carrying arms.
Assassins' guns cut down an
Arab in Jaffa and a Jew in nearby
Bne Brok.
At Peta Tikva, a few miles
northwest of Jaffa, two masked
LONDON, Feb. 15-(A)-Jew-
ish immigration to Palestine re-
mained a major problem for the
British government today de-
spite the announcement by
Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin
that the Holy Land issues would
be referred to the United Na-
Jewish youths armed with ma-
chineguns and pistol entered a
cafe and "forcibly abducted"
Avichael Tanouri, another Jew,
officials said. The incident was
believed connected with recent en-
counters between Jewish groups
urging violence against the Brit-
ish and those denouncing terror-
Six persons were wounded last
Light Primary
Vote Expected
County officials yesterday fore-
cast a light vote for tomorrow's
county-wide primary election.
The only contest on the county
ballot is for the position of Cir-
ucit Judge, with both Municipal
Judge H. Payne and Circuit Judge
James R. Breakey Jr. vying for
the non-partison nomination.
The election for Ann Arbor al-
derman has developed into a brisk
race with eight men on the Re-
publican ticket battling for posi-
tions in four of the city's wards.
Incumbents in the 4th, 5th and
6th ward are unopposed in the pri-
niary, however.
The final issue in the election!
concerns the annexation of East-
over Hills, Pittsfield Twp., by the
city of Ann Arbor. Voters will be
asked to state their preference on
the annexation question.

night and early today ,in two
shootings on Jerusalem's wide
King George Avenue.
Usually reliable informants in
Tel Aviv declared that no clemency
would be sought by the three young
Jews whose death sentences were
confirmed by British Commander
Gen. Sir Evelyn Barker before he
left Palestine for replacement.
Mrs. Helen Friedman, who flew
from her Lancaster, Pa., home for
the announced purpose of at-
tempting to save the life of her
brother, Lov Bela Gruner, con-
demned as a terrorist, visited his
cell a second time today.
templeton To
Give Concert
Bach, Debussy, Chopin and sev-
eral original works, will be in-
cluded in the program of Alec
Templeton in a special Choral
Union concert at 8:30 p.m. Fri-
day in Hill Auditorium.'
Combining classical with light-
er music, Templeton will devote
the second portion of the program
to improvisations and humorous
arrangements of well-known
Composer of the score for a new
Broadway musical, "Dream Bo ,"
Templeton also has recently wrI-
ten a String Quartet and a chor-
ale work.
Some of the originalTempleton
numbers which will be heard at
the concert are "Characteristic
Etudes," "Tea-for-Two-and-Two-
in-One," and "Zampa's No Gram-
Tickets for the concert are avail-
able in the office of the Univer-
sity Musical Society.

Coal Stocks Begin
To Move from Pits

LONDON, Feb. 15-(AP)-Brit-
ain faced an 'indefinite continu-
ance of the power blackout today.
Manufacturers in the Manches-
ter area stated the industrial pa-
ralysis there would last at least a
second week despite a government
announcement of "real and steady
progress" in the six-day ,battle to
move storm-bound coal supplies.
An army of workers, preparing to
work overtime Sunday, toiled into
the night unloading coal ships and
trains racing supplies from Welsh
and northeastern pit heads. How-
ever, Sir Guy Nott-Bower, Under-
secretary of Fuel, said "stocks have
only just begun to move upwards
and still stand well below the safe-
ty level."
Despite his report of progress in
the battle, Sir Guy refused to esti-
mate when the crisis would end.
White Will Speak
Over Radio Today
Prof. Leslie A. White, of the an-
thropology department, will speak
on "Energy and the Development
of Civilization" during the New
York Philharmonic Symphony
radio broadcast today.
The program will be aired over
CBS beginning at 3 p.m.
Prof., White's talk will be one of
a regular intermission series on
scientific subjects., He was in-
vited to speak by an advisory com-
mittee of scientists including Dr.
Warren Weaver, of the Rockefel-
ler Foundation; Prof. Harlow
Shapley, of the Harvard Observa-
tory; Dr. Wendell M. Stanley, re-
cent Nobel Prize winner; and Dr.
Frank B. Jewett, president of the
National Academy of Sciences.


Senators D

Krueger To Conduct Detroit Symphony

Women Students May Sign
For Positions as Baby Sitters

LONDON, Feb. 15 - (;P) -
Moscow radio reported to:
that Soviet Foreign Minist
M. Molotov had protested t
United States Embassy in
cow against the "hostile" ati
shown by Undersecretary of
Dean Acheson before a r
Senate hearing.
* * *
Two members of the S
Atomic Committee came swif
Dean Acheson's defense tor
giving approval to committee
timony by the Undersecreta
State which Moscow had prol
as "hostile" to the Soviet Ur.
The Moscow radio said Fc
Minister Molotov had delive
note to Ambassador Bedell E
denouncing as a "gross sla
what Molotov said was Achi
testimonv hfore the Senati

Presenting works of Beethoven G
and Tschaikowsky, the Detroit
Symphony Orchestra, conducted
by Karl Krueger, will give the
eighth concert in the Choral Un-
ion series at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in Hill Auditorium,
Founded 33 years ago by Weston
Gale, the orchestra grew and de-
ra -nnPA tin A,. ha t1 r n , .Ah

'vious experience included con-
ducting in Europe and heading
the Kansas City Philharmonic and
the Seattle Symphony.
Trip To Europe
Krueger returned to Europe last
year to make the first cultural
mission there since the end of the
war. He conducted the G.I. Sym-
r.nnT(1 n~cas~i1 n nl_, a +Se

Women students with an eye
to the future, and, incidentally,
in need of an additional source
of revenue, can combine both pro-
jects in one job: baby sitting.
The Office of the Dean of

C Baby sitting pay rates vary from
momma to momma, as do the
In some cases, the sitters report,
baby is all fed, bathed, and sound
asleep when they arrive. In other
iobs, life is not quite so easy. Some


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