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May 27, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-27

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cl: r

Latest Deadline in the State





GOP Bloeks
Attempts To
Early Decision
On Slash Seen
WASHINGTON, May 26-Hard-
pressed Republicans cleared the
way today for possible Senate ap-
proval this week of a bill to slash
individual income taxes July 1 by
beating down, 48 to 44, a Democra-
tic motion to delay action until
June 10.
Holding their own party mem-
bers well in line, GOP leaders mus-
tered a four-vote margin to defeat
a proposal by Senator George
(Dem., Ga.) to postpone considera-
tion until Congress knows more
about the extent of government
spending for the fiscal year be-
ginning July 1.
This presaged Senate action,
possibly Wednesday or Thursday,
on a measure lopping about $4,-
000,000,000 off the yearly liabili-
ties of the nation's taxpayers.
Cross Party Lines
Senators Morse (Rep., Ore.) and
Wilson (Rep., Iowa) were the only
members to cross party lines in the
close vote. Morse and Wilson voted
with the Democrats to delay ac-
Some of the Democrats who
voted for the George motion, in-
cluding George himself, have in-
dicated they will support the bill
on its final passage test.
However, there are pending
Democratic amendments, includ-
ing a proposal by Lucas to delay
the tax cut until next Jan. 1,
which are expected to afford new
tests of party strength.
Truman Opposes Move
President Truman has opposed
an immediate tax cut, although he
has said he would favor a reduc-
tion "at a proper time." Demo-
crats hinted this could be Jan. 1.
The House voted previously to
carry the proposed reduction back
to last Jan. 1. It approved cuts of
from 30 per cent for those with
taxable income of $1,000 or less
and 20 per cent for most others.
The Senate Finance Committee
revised this to bring the reduc-
tion down to 10.5 per cent on the
highest incomes and limited the
cut to 15 per cent 'for those with
'$79,728 to $302,396 taxable income.
Long Range
Strike Loonis
At Ford Co.
DETROIT, May 26 -(A),- The
Ford Motor Co., locked in a dis-
pute with 3,800 unionized foremen,
today faced a new, long-range
strike threat from 130,000 CIO
United Auto Workers.
The UAW-CIO asked its Ford
locals in nearly 40 plants for per-
mission to take a strike vote. A
spokesman said approval of the
request is considered virtually au-
'However, the union pointed out
that any walkout would be at least
30 days away under terms of the
Smith-Connally Act which re-
quires a waiting period after no-
tice of intent to strike.
Federal and State authorities
were notified today by Vice-Pres-
ident Richard T. Leonard of the

UAW-CIO of the existence of dis-
pute between the union and the
Leonard, who also' heads the
union's Ford departments, said ne-
gotiations with the company were
"stymied" by counter proposals
which the negotiating committee
"could not accept and still retain
any measure of bargaining power.'
Wallace Talks
In Portland
PORTLAND, Ore., May 26-0P)
-Henry A. Wallace, reiterating
his contention that this country
is steering toward a depression
and war, said tonight that wes-
terners were beginning to change
the course,
In a speech prepared for de-
livery before a public meeting
sponsored by the Progressive Cit-
izens of America, Wallace outlined
the program which he says will
bring prosperity and peace: re-




Defense Program
Seeks To Arm Western Hemisphere
In View of 'World Developments'

Charges Russia
Is BlockingRelief


'U' Orchestra
Will Present

WILLOW RUN AIRPORT-The large airport, used by seven air-
lines will be dedicated at 3:30 p.m. Thursday as part of Michigan
Aviation Week. An exhibit of aircraft transportation, including
displays of the latest types of aircraft will be open to the public
from 1 to 6 p.m. See dedication story, page 6.

Emil Rabb, Violinist
Featured As Soloist
The 85-member University Sym-
phony Orchestra will present a
concert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
Auditorium under the direction of
Prof. Wayne Dunlap.
Emil Raab, concertmaster, will
be soloist in Concerto in D Minor,
Op. 47, for Violin by Sibelius. De-
spite Sibelius' abundant output as
a composer, this concerto is the
only one that he has written. Its
premiere performance was given in
Mozart's Serenade
The orchestra will also play
Mozart's Serenade for Woodwinds
and Horns, B-flat Major. Although
this Serenade was written in seven
movements, only four will be
played. This work, as well as Mo-
zart's other Serenades, was written
to be played out of doors for a
small group rather than in a large
concert hall. Alfred Einstein said
that it was "written for summer
nights under the light of torches
and lamps, to be heard close by
and from afar.... "
Beethoven's Seventh
Besides the Mozart and Sibelius
numbers, the orchestra will play
Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 in A
Major, Op. 92. Beethoven himself
conducted at the premiere of this
symphony in Vienna in 1813, de-
spite his increasing deafness.
Denies Charge
)f Profanity
Ballentine Counters
Workers' Petition
Charles N. Ballentine, medical
student and part-time University
Hospital employe, declared yester-
day that at no time did he use any
profanity in personal reference to
either Mrs. Leatrice Murray or an-
other Negro elevator operator at
the hospital.
Fifty-five Negro and white work-
ers at the hospital were reported
to have petitioned Dr. A. C. Kerli-
kowske, director, last Thursday, to
demand the resignation or apology
of Ballentine because of alleged
profane and humiliating language
directed at Mrs. Murray.
Says Daily Report Incorrect
Ballentine said he declared, "In
Georgia we know how to handle
your kind," because Mrs. Murray's
elevator, for which he had waited
15 minutes, was idle. The Daily's
report last Friday, that the ele-
vator was in use at the time, he
claimed was incorrect. Profanity
was used, Ballentine said, but in
personal reference to neither Mrs.
Murray nor the Negro people. Mrs.
Murray and another operator, he
said, made profane and insulting
personal reference to him.
Dispute About Services
Ballentine remarked that P. J
Olin, personnel director, had in-

Equipment for Ground School
Workshop Fills Classroom
An Ann Arbor High School teacher was rather perplexed at the
paraphernalia collected in his classroom yesterday.
Model planes, a cutaway of an airplane engine, charts, maps and
a welter of odds and ends cluttered the room, which he had thought
unused because it was in the process of being painted.
It was equipment to be used in a four-day Ground School Work-
shop conducted by Prof. Harry R. Wilson, Extension Service ,lecturer,
which began here yesterday.
The program is the sixth in the series of twelve non-credit courses
being held by Prof. Wilson in Michigan cities unaer the sponsorship

World News
By The Associated Press
PANAMA, May 26-One of two
helicopters flown from the United
States went to rescue today of six
survivors of a crashed American
flying fortress, who are marooned
in the Nicaraguan jungles.
U. S. Army headquarters here
said the six had been located by
search planes, and that kits of
food and instructions had been
dropped. Three of the men were
26-Albania filed a protest with
the United Nations tonight
charging that 43AGreek air-
planes flew over Albanian ter-
ritory May 21 and fired volleys
which killed two persons and
wounded eight women and
26-Britain's ruling Labor Party
rebuffed pro-communist elements
within its ranks today and backed
up its government leaders by a
four-to-one margin in a vote fav-
oring peacetime conscription to
bolster the nation's foreign policy.I
The vote came at the opening
session here of the annual labor
party conference, whose decisions
usually are considered binding on
the labor government.
FRANKFURT, Germany, May
26-Responsible Jewish officials
said tonight they hoped to ar-
range "an orderly underground
migration" of 30,000 Jews this
summer from German and Aus-
trian territory occupied by the
United States.
They said the official entry cer-
tifications ;for Palestine averaged
less than 150 a month for the two
occupation zones, but that all the
30,000 prospective departures
would be for Palestine.

of the Michigan State Department
of Aeronautics and the University
of Michigan Extension Service. ,
The workshop is designed to,
train ground school instructors
who wish to participate in the Vet-
erans Flight Training Program
and to prepare them to qualify for
C.A.A. Ground Instructor's Certifi-
The school covers lecture-discus-
sions, practice and a testing pro-
gram in navigation, meteorology,
powerplants, engine instruments
and practical aerodynamics, in
addition to four and one-half
hours of flight experience.
ast Chance
To Sign For
Students will have their last
chance today to sign up for trans-
portation on special east and west-
bound post-finals trains, Chuck
Lewis, chairman of a special Stu-
dent Legislature Committee to
survey demand for the trains, said
The lists, posted at the Union
travel desk, the League, Angell
Hall lobby, outside of Rm. 2 Uni-
versity Hall, on bulletin boards at
Stockwell, Mosher and Jordan
Halls, at the East and West Quads
and Willow VGillage, must be com-
pleted today in order that trains
may be scheduled on the days for
which there is the most student
demand for them.
The number of students already
signed up was called "disappoint-
ing" by Harvey Weisberg, presi-
dent of the Student Legislature,
who emphasized that students who
sign will be helping to appreciably
lessen the usual end -of- the -term
travel congestion.
All trains will be provided with
reclining seats and dining car
service, he said.
Further information may be ob-
tained from Chuck L e wis at

U' Building
Sum Included
In Estimate
ANoted $3,200,000
For Construction
An amount of $6,400,000 to con-
tinue building construction at the
University and Michigan Mtate
College was included in a revised
estimate of the state's expected
deficit appropriation issued yes-
terday by Senator Otto W. Bishop,
chairman of the Senate Finance
Under provisions of the new es-
timate the University will get $3,-
200,000 to continue its expansion
program. With the $4,800,000 ap-
propriated by the Legislature last
year, this would bring the total
to $8,000,000. The University had
requested $13,210,000 to complete
buildings now under construction
and to erect other buildings last
The revised estimate fixed the
state's expected deficit at $31,-
535,240, an Associate Press dis-
patch reported.
Bishop decreased the expected
amount of state surplus available
this year to cut next year's deficit
from $17,000,000 to $12,000,000,
declaring an anticipated income
from the liquor control commis-
sion must be reduced from $20,-
000,000 to $15,000,000 because of
heavy purchases to build up liquor
Bishop estimated revenues for
next year at $175,408.33, compared
with anticipated expenses of $206,-
943,578, including $18,000,000 to
finance the veterans' bonus.
CabiNet Names
Seven Selected for
New Judiciary Group
Kenneth Bissel, Everett B. Ellin,
Paul Harrison, Clyde Recht,
George Vetter, Al Warner and
Sidney Zilber were appointed to
the Men's Judiciary Council yes-
terday at a special meeting of the
Student Legislature Cabinet, Har-
vey Weisberg, president of the Leg-
islature announced.
"Applicants for membership on
the council were so highly quali-
fied that two sessions of the cabi-
net were needed to make the ap-
pointments," Weisberg said.
Formerly, the council was com-
posed of members of the Legisla-
ture. However a recently approved
constitution officially set up a
seven man council to be composed
of male undergraduate students
with at least 6 credit hours, work-
ing independently of the Legisla-

NEW YORK, May 26 - () -
Herbert Hoover today backed the
War Department's proposed $725,-
000,000 program for relief in oc-
cupied countries and at the same
time charged Russia was delaying
rehabilitation in the former Axis
In a letter to chairman John
Taber (Rep., N. Y.) of the House
Appropriations Committee out-
lining suggested methods of restor-
ing the German and Japanese
economies to lighten the load on
American taxpayers, Hoover
"The reasons for continuous ob-
struction by Russia to every ef-
fort which would restore produc-
tion have at least some expression
in the Russian press as a method
by which the United States can be
bled white by relief measures. We
should wait no longer. Russia will
not make war about it."
Hqver told Taber that he fa-
vored approval of the full $725,-
000,000 requested for food and
other needs in Germany, Japan
and Korea in the next fiscal year.
"These enormous sums," he
wrote, "are inescapable for the
next year unless millions of peo-
ple under our flags are to die of
The former president vigorously
criticized the Soviet for actions
which he said had hindered re-
habilitation of the former enemy
countries. He recommended sharp
modifications in United State poli-
cies affecting these nations.
* * *
Council Asks
U.S. Grain for
Hungry Areas
The head of the International
Emergency Food Council appealed
today for more American grain to
avert disorders in hungry areas
while the council itself voted to
call an international conference
for better food management.
A need for more grain from the
United States was reported by D.
A. Fitzgerald, secretary-general of
the organization. He said that
stocks in many needy areas are
lower now than last year when this
country took emergency steps to
speed supplies.
Secretary of Agriculture Ander-
son proposed the international
conference in a letter to the coun-
cil. It promptly voted to hold it
some time this year and named a
subcommittee to suggest a site by
Anderson, saying that shortages
in many needy areas may be more
serious a year from now than at
present, said importing nations
should be shown how to collect a
larger proportion of their own pro-
duction from their farmers and
make it last longer.
Science. It's
D. Roger McNaughton, en-
gineering student who invented
the electronic baby sitter, an-
nounced yesterday a new gad-
get designed "to cut off com-
mercials on radio programs."
McNaughton said the gad-
get, which will sell for $2, con-
sists of a resister, a bi-metallic
strip and a few feet of wire.
"You merely set the resister,
which in this case is a timer,
and push a button when you
hear the commercial coming

'on," he said. "The radio goes
dead and starts up again after
the commercial is over."

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 26-President Truman asked Congress to-
day to hasten a program of American defense from Cape Horn to the
Arctic in view of "world developments."
He appealed for broad authority to supply arms to all Latin
American nations and Canada, train the men of their armies and
navies, and bring their equipment into standardization with that of
the United States.
The program is identical with a bill approved last session by the
House Foreign Affairs Committee at the President's recommendation
but which failed of passage.
Important Now
Mr. Truman wrote that "world ,
developments during the year," T rou le Afoot
which he refrained from specify-
ing, "give still greater importance Inanagua
to this legisl'ation" now.
Meanwhile the Army and Air
Forces have scheduled new Arctic Nicaragua
maneuvers for this summer and
the Navy is pushing a program of
converting submarines and other New President Ousted
warships for operations in ice- As Army Takes Over
filled waters.
Including Canada in the West- MANAGUA, Nicaragua, May 26
ern Hemisphere arms standardiza- -(A)-The army took over the
tion proposals, Mr. Truman said government today.
that the British Dominion's "co- A strict censorship was clamped
operation with the United States on communication within Nicar-
in matters affecting their common agua after the apparent downfall
defense is of particular impor- of Dr. Leonard Arguello, who was
tance." installed as president May 1 to
Cooperate Closely succeed Gen.dAnastasio Somoza,
The United States and Canada who had ruled as chief 'of state
cooperate closely on military mat- for 10 years.
ters through the Canadian-Ameri- Arguello, whose candidacy was
can permanent joint defense board supported by Somoza, was chosen
set up in 1940 and still operative. in February in the first presiden-
The legislation asked today by tial election in Nicaragua in
the President would permit the hea sscatdPeseecie
UnitedreStates to arm, equip and The Associated Press received
UranteStatestoamiequiandthe brief dispatch telling of the
train the armies, navies and air army's action shortly after 11
forces of all nations of the Western a.m. (CDT). Attempts were made
Hemisphere. to reach Managua by telephone,
Three Point Program but the New York Telephone Com-
Specifically, it would enable pany said calls could not be put
this country to enter into agree- through because of censorship.
ments with the other nations of Travelers arriving in San Jose,
the new world to: Costa Rica, from Managua said
1. Transfer arms, ammunition Somoza had overthrown Arguello
and impletments of war to the 20 and that the deposed president
Latin American republics and had been held a prisoner since 1
Canada. a.m., today. They said also it was
2. Train their military, naval rumored in Mauagua there was
and air personnel in the methods gunfire yesterday between troops
used by the United States. of the presidential guard and a
3. Maintain, repair and reha- group supporting Somoza.
bilitate their planes, tanks, guns L
and ships. BuildinorLaw
The United States could trans-
fer surplus army and navy equip-
ment to the other nations "on such C an e ets
terms as the President shall find
satisfactory." No Opp siio
Nations receiving equipment No OppositlOU
would be required to pay the cost
of any new materials manufac- A proposed Amendment to Ann
tured specifically for them. Arbor's building laws to allow the
construction of pre-fabricated
steel homes, met little opposition
Enisians Due at a public hearing last night.
The amendment is designed to
For Delallow the W. H. Allen Co. to build
an estimated 60 homes of this
Fv type in the northwest portion of
-D m---- ----- Tn nrri~r fn n, mi44fh4

Dy Ty1omorrow
The 1949 Michiganensian is def-
initely expected to arrive at the
Ensian Offices sometime tonight
and distribution is scheduled for
tomorrow, Mary Lou Rookus.
Business manager, said yesterday.
Distribution will start tomor-
row from 2-5:30 p.m.; commenc-
ing Thursday 8-12 a.m. and 2-5:30
Receipts will be necessary, but
the student does not need apply in
person. All receipts must be
brought to the Ensian Business
Office on the second floor of the
Student Publications Building.
Extra copies will be available for
all students who were unable to
order their copies of the Ensian
duiing the regular subscription
period last fall, Miss Rookus said.
Ballet, Plays
To Be Given
Three one-act plays and a ballet,
dramatization will be presented at
the sixth laboratory bill of the
speech department at 8 p.m. today
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
"If Men Played Cards as Wom-
en Do," by George Kaufman, "The
Hungerers," by William Saroyan,
and "Happy Journey," by Thorn-

kind of construction, Ann Arbor's
present building code must be
The Council's Ordnance Com-
mittee heard several townspeople
speak in favor of the bill. Con-
tracters expressed the opinion that
these homes would meet city spe-
It is expected that approval of
the amendment by the council
will pave the way for considerable
local building in the pre-fabricat-
ed field.
Local Housing
To Be Studied


Survey Reveals Woman Shortage; No Relief Seen

A four-man committee to "turn
a searchlight" on local housing
bottlenecks was organized yester-
day by the Ann Arbor Council of
Social Agencies.
The committee, which includes
no builders or contractors, will
investigate existing and proposed
city and county ordinances af-
fecting zoning and construction,
consider the effect of these or-
dinances on building bottlenecks
and report all findings to the
Members of the committee in-
clude Eugene B. Power, Ann Ar-
bor businessman; Prof. Russell A.
Smith, of the Law School; James
O'Kane, ex-councilman and Jo-
seph Mundus, local insurance man.

Tf-_--r fi h np fnAl-, na d

house lawyer" even drew up a con-
tract with his date, accusing her
of being unable to remember any-

"I think the increased competi-
tion has made men here at Michi-
gan much sharper," cooed one

to date in the course of one week.
One coed registered sheer amaze-
ment when queried on the sub-

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