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February 15, 1947 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-15

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-4.R 11J ' - - A. "
tuadorian Scientist Does
-opic Wood Research at U'

Misael Acosta-Solis, director
e Ecuadorian Institute of Na-
t Sciences, is now attending
Jniversity as a special student
road cas tson
reat Lakes
e University Broadcasting
ice will inaugurate a series of
ly dramatic programs on the
t Lakes at 1:30 p.m. Thurs-
over station WPAG in order
ry out schoolroom programs
nticipation of the operation
s Educational Frequency Mod-
on station late this year, Wal-
Lbbot, Director of Broadcast-
announcad yesterday.
signed for students in the up-
elementary and high school
es, Abbot said, the fifteen-
tte radio plays will be pre-
ed by students enrolled in
o Dramatic Broadcasting clas-
nd will be directed by Donald
:argis, Assistant Professor- of
he broadcasts are based on
>eries of books, The American
s," he continued, "and were
aally written and produced by
Radio Council .of the Chicago
c Schools. They are being
adcast, with permission, by
Broadcasting Service of the
ersity of Michigan."
>grams during February and
Ii will deal with Lake Huron
Lake Michigan, the director
and Lakes Erie, Ontario and
rior will be featured in April
Doled Effort
eked or Mart
n Bissell, director of the Stu-
Book Exchange, yesterday
I students to cooperate with
mart in order to insure the
liest possible distribution of.
ed textbooks.
e Exchange is accepting vet-
' requisitions and is selling
nplete line of supplies on ;a
plus basis.
e stock is still short on botany
nanuals and kits, Bissell said.
books still needed are "Ameri-
tate Government," by Graves,
al Psychology," by Klineberg,
istics for Psychology and Ed-
on," by Gillford or Garrett,
'Physical Chemistry," by Tay-
nd Taylor.
:e rules can easily be sold
gh the Exchange, Bissell add-

with an exchange fellowship, pur-
suing research work on commer-
cially valuab:le tropical wood spe-
cies in the School of Forestry and
Dr. Acosta-Solis is making an
intensive study of the physical
anatomy and mechanical prop-
erties of 4150 wood samples which
he has coleced in Ecuador. His
findings and conclusions in this
study will complete a compre-
hensive work entitled, "Forests,
Trees and Woods of Ecuador,"
which he has been preparing for
publication and which is based on
field trips and collections made by
him during the past 16 years.
Botanical Collections
The Ecuadorian naturalist, who
is a member of various North and
South American scientific societies,
is also planning to publish a vol-
ume on the flora of his country,
in preparation for which he is
compiling classified lists of his bo-
tanical collections for various
American institutions. These in-
clude the National Museum in
Washington, the Chicago Natural
History Museum, the New York
Botanical Garden, and the botany
department and forestry school of
this University.
During his stay here he also
hopes to interest the American
pulp and paper industry in ex-
panding their harvesting and pro-
cessing facilities in Ecuador for
fast-growing balsa wood, espec-
ially suitable for this use and a
potential reserve against forest de-
pletion in North America.
Promotes Understanding
Dr. Acosta-Solis is strongly con-
cerned with promoting better un-
derstanding between the United
States and his native land, and
is now writing a series of special
articles about this University for
the principal newspaper in Quito.
Such interest has developed, he
reports, that as many as 24 Ecu-
adorian students may come here in
the fall as exchange scholars to
pursue engineering and natural
science courses. Ecuador's greatest
need at present is trained tech-
nicians, he maintains.
During the war, Dr. Acosta-Solis
worked with the Inter-American
Quinine Commission, which suc-
ceeded in securing sufficient sup-
plies of this drug for the allied
powers. It was through Dr. Wil-
liam C. Steere of the University
botany department, a director of
this board, that he became inter-
ested in coming here.
Ecuadorian Display
Photographs of the lands and
forests of Ecuador, presented to
the forestry school by the Latin-
American scientist, are on display
in the Natural Science building.
Dr. Acosta-Solis plans to set up a
larger collection this spring in the
Rackham 3uilding,

Intern Course.
In Accountiing
To Be Offered
Students Can Work
For Pay and Credits
The School of Husiness Admin-
istration and interested firms of
public accountants have arranged
a program whereby students in-
terested it a career in public ac-
counting will be able to partici-
pate in a period of internship.
Previous to this arrangement,
students were able to secure a lim-
ited amount of practical experi-
ence with accounting firms during
their rush seasons only.
The new course, Internship
Training in Public Accounting, will
be offered each fall semester and
normally last a full semester. Aca-
demic credit will be granted, the
amount to be determined by the"
length of the training period and
the experience afforded.
A student accepted for intern-.
ship will become a paid member
of the firm's staff during his train-
ing period. He will maintain his
status as a student but will take
no other courses. Upon completion
of the internship, the student will
be required to submit a written"
report fully covering the experi-"
ence gained with the firm.{
Nursery . ..
(Continuedi rom Page 1)
worked to help keep their hus-
bands in school and had to takej
their children to day nurseries,
either in Ypsilanti or Ann Arbor.'
Mrs. Mutnick teaches school her-
self while her husband George is,
in Law School. Every morning
George brings their child into the,
Ann Arbor nursery and calls for
him at 5:30 p.m., she said.-
There is at present a Coopera-
tive Nursery at the University Cen-I
ter (formerly named West Court)l
which benefits mothers who donot
work. It is open only in, the
mornings and the mothers take
turns watching the children.
Committee To Petition
Mrs. Mutnick said that the Day
Nursery Committee intended to
write Col. Pack for an appointment
to send a delegation to see him
personally in Lansing. The com-
mittee will also write to all local
and state veterans organizations
to gain their support.
When William Stright of thea
committee inquired earlier about
the state's $50 million Veterans
Trust Fund, he was told that the1
interest, which amounted to about1
one million dollars annually,
could be spent only on individual
needy cases and not' for groups.
Last year, Stright reported, only
$127,000 of this fund was spent.

U' Announces
New Faculty
Eight Are Granted
Sabbatical Leaves
Ten faculty appointments, ef-
fective with the beginning of the
second semester, and eight sab-
batical leaves of absence have been
New faculty appointments are
as follows :
J. Speed Rogers, Ph.D., Director
of the Mu eum of Zoology and
Professor of Zoology; Henry A.
Meyers, Ph.D., Professor of Eng-
lish; Richard J. Hurley, A.M.L.S.,
Assistant of Library Science; Theo-
dore H. Hubbell, Ph.D., Professor
of Zoology and Curator of Insects
in the Museum of Zoology; Ernest
Katz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Physics, William Wallace McCor-
mick, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Physics; Mark Vladimir Morkovin,
Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Aero-
nautical Fngineering; Jay Arthur
Bolt, M.S., Associate Professor of
Mechanical Engineering; Robert
M. W. Travers, Ph.D., Chief Ex-
aminer in the Bureau of Psycholo-
gical Services and Associate Pro-
fessor of Education; and Clyde H.
Coombs, Ph.D., Research Psychol-
ogist in the Bureau of Psychologi-
cal Services and Assistant Profes-
sor of Psychology.
Sabbatical leaves of absence
have been granted to the follow-
ing members of the faculty:
Roy W. Cowden, Professor of
English and Director of Hopwood
Awards, for second semester; Rus-
sell Nelson Dejong, Associate Pro-
fessor of Neurology, leave to June
30, 1947; Charles H. Griffitts. Pro-
fessor of Psychology, second se-
mester; A. D. Moore, Professor of
Electrical Engineering and Head
Mentor in College of Engineering,
second semester; Willard C. Olson,
Professor of Education, second se-
mester; DeWitt H. Parker, Profes-
sor of Philosophy, second semes-
ter; Nathan Sinai, Professor of
Public Health, Feb. 10 to Aug. 10,
1947; and John Sundwall, Profes-
sor of Hygiene and Public Health,
second semester.
Tryouts Will
Meet Monday,
The next meeting of tryouts for
The Daily editorial, sports and
women's staffs will be held at 4
p.m. Monctay in tne Conference
Room of the Student Publications
All eligible second - semester
freshmen and upperclassmen in-
terested in trying out for The
Daily are urged to attend.
Meetings will be held through-
out the semester at 4 p.m. on Mon-
days and Wednesdays of each







I C E B ? A T P I L 0 T russ Harriet Kidney, only woman pilot in Class B. at the
western Ice Rac . A . tion regatta on Lake Winnebago, Wis., looks over her boat.

Chandler of the movies enjoys
the sunshine while vacationing
at Arrowhead Springs, Calif.

A L A S K A N S T R 0 L L - Maj. Delmar R. Frazier (left) of Milwaukee and Capt.
Loomis of Ithaca, N, Y., members of the Army's Task Force Frigid, plod through snow as
their tent home near Fairbanks, Alaska. In -temperatures ranging from 40 to 50 degrees 1
the Army is making tests of equipment, including clothing, tanks and guns.



s -r

S T A T U E.-This is a sketch
of the proposed statue of the
late, Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.,
to be erected at-West Point. The
statue, by Dr. Suzanne Silver-
cruys Stevenson of New York,
will be of bronze with a black
'Belgian marble base.





for all University Courses

We have the largest stock of Books
and Supplies in the City.
Prompt and Courteous Handling of Requisitions
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B E A U T Y-Mme. Y. S. Chen
is dressed for her role h the
Chinese opera, "Mile. Phoenix,"
at a London theatre.

PROPOSED D R E S S U N I F0 R M S -.Sgt. Frank H. Gardner (left) and Cp
Gilley (second from left) look over Cpl. Celso Fernandez (second from right) and Cpl. Ed A
who wear proposed new dress uniforms at Governor's Island, N. Y. Cpl. Fernandez wear
tone blue number and Cpl. Monday a dark blue uniform. The uniforms are being displayed
posts throughout the country to give GIs an opportunity to express their opinions of tile ni
The corporals in the new suits are "temporary sergeants."











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