Page Two PERSPECTIVES i Perspectives EDITOR .,... .. ...... ......... .. ...... . .. . . . . Margery Wald EDITORIAL STAFF: Doris Cohen, Don Curto, June Friedenberg, Ferne S. La- Due, Joan Lochner, June Miller, Harry Moses, Sue Siris, Dave Stewart. ADVISORY BOARD. ........... Arno L. Bader, Morris Greenhut, Allan Seager Academic Freedom (EDITOR'S NOTE: This essay was pre- sented to the open forum on Academic Freedom last April 27, by John L. Brumm, Professor of Journalism, University of Michigan.) y MODEST contribution to this oc- casion will be an attempt to define its purpose. It should be clearly under- stood, I think, that we are not here in a spirit of rebellion, concerned to pro- voke a united protest against any al- leged grievance. We are unfurling no banners of defiance; nor are we rally- ing to the defence of crumbling bar- ricades. Rather, we are assembled to take such intelligent counsel together as may be possible concerning issues of more significance to the public generally than the withdrawal of official recognition of a student organization. The larger interest to which we as a university public should give earnest thought is the increasing threat abroad in the land against what is known as "academic freedom." The Student-Faculty Committee on Academic Freedom, which I have been asked to represent on this occasion, has been duly recognized by the University. This committee has defined academic freedom in two senses. In its "narrow and technical" sense, it is defined as the freedom of the teacher to discover and teach the truth within the limits of his own specialty and the freedom of the student to select the studies he will pursue. In its broader sense, it is de- fined as the civic freedom or right, rec- ognized under all liberal governments, of any person to advocate any opinion or policy which does not incite to crime or violence. The issue, of course, would be one for the courts of justice to de- termine. These rights are explicitly or implic- itly recognized by our national and state constitutions. The Committee on Aca- demic Freedom expressly rejects the assumption that teachers, beeause they are public servants, and students, be- cause they are public wards, are, by the very nature of. thei status, restricted in the exercise of the civic freedom ac- corded to other citizens. And this lim'- itation is rejected, not solely in the interests of teachers and students, but in the larger interests of the public, as well. It is recognized, to be sure, that, while the teacher is entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing his sub- ject, he may be expected to avoid con- troversial questions that have no rela- tion to his subject. It is also recognized that, when a teacher speaks or writes as a citizen, he should be free from institutional censorship or discipline. He should, however, when speaking or writ- ing as a citizen, take every precaution against being mistakenly judged to be speaking or writing professionally or as a representative of his institution. The Committee on AcademicFreedom, aware of the suppression of freedom of inquiry and freedom of speech in many parts of the world today-and the in- creasing threat of it here in our own country-is vitally concerned to safe- guard these precious liberties within our schools and colleges. Certainly, the scholar should be protected in the exer- cise of his responsibility of dealing crit- ically with the subject-matter which comprises his specialized field of study. Experience has shown that a censored, suppressed, and timid faculty cannot provide the inspired and competent ed- ucational leadership that is essential to a free society and that a student body exposed to that kind of leadership will have little to contribute to an enlight- ened citizenship. No pressure of selfish interests, therefore, should be permit- ted to reduce teaching and learning to subserviance, and no teacher should On ever be compelled, through overt or covert threat, to make a choice between the sacrifice of his intellectual integrity and economic security. I:As There can be no doubt, as the Com- She mittee on Academic Freedom declares in An its modest manifesto, that "those in- stitutions stand highest in the academic world which have taken the greatest M0 risks on the side of freedom and the Are fewest risks on the side of censorship An and repression." And it calls attention to the fact that students should no longer be regarded as immature wards of the state. Many of them are veter- ans of the most devastating war in his- tory. It would, therefore, be a gross injustice not to treat them as adult cit- izens. If, by reason of their more or less protracted withdrawal from the normal life of the citizen they are in any way backward in citizenship training, it is because the fighting of a war has sub- stituted military for civilian discipline- a consideration which makes it all the more desirable and necessary that they should recapture the meaning of free- dom in an environment dedicated to free inquiry and expression. Incidentally, the Committee on Acal demic Freedom feels that these broad generalizations should apply "no less to communism than to any other form of opinion."-So far as communists really engage in unlawful activities, such as sabotage and espionage in the inter- ests of a foreign power, they can and should be punished under the authority of the law. But "so long as their alien sympathies lead only to talk and writing and open organization, they should be met only by the wiser words and the sounder arguments of others. Commu- nists, in the opinion of the Committee, are a negligible minority. Their free- dom of speech constitutes no threat to sober, unterrified men and women." Our interest in academic freedom should arouse us to the fact that a fear complex, engendered by the atomic bomb, has revived a witch-hunting cru- sade that may prove to be a dangerous threat to civil liberties generally. In- itiated by the old Dies Committee, and now carried on by the House of Repre- sentatives Committee on Un-American Activities, this crusade, however legiti- mate its original purpose, has degener- ated into an harassment and intimida- tion of all sorts of persons and groups whose social, economic, and political views meet with the disapproval of this inquisitorial body. This Committee is to be regarded as inquisitorial because it allows those whom it accuses no op- portunity to answer the charges against them, no advice'- of counsel, and no knowledge of the source of the charges brought against them. This undemo- cratic procedure is a menace because it corrupts public opinion and stigmatizes any person who may advocate views and practices unacceptable to a group in no way restricted by rules of evidence or the right of defence. Should this iniquitous practice invade our schools and colleges, it would imperil free in- quiry and expression and thus blight democracy at its very source. If the world is to survive in this nu- clear age, it will be because mankind avails itself of all the knowledge and wisdom and good will it can command in a cooperative enterprise of building a civilization that is secure against the fears and hatreds and brutalities that now threaten it. Our immediate task and privilege, within the larger frame- work of enlightened leadership, is to cherish and preserve the freedoms of thought and discussion upon which statesmen and citizens must depend for inspiration and guidance. The Aunt ditor's Note: Karl Shapiro sent this poem to Perspectivs er his recent visit to Ann Arbor. It will appear in his xt book.) e aunt that binds her bosoms in her wrath sow completely covered. Never again il1 she go naked, even in her bath, d she shall switch the uncovered girl of ten, d scald the teapot twice and puff at dust, ting the China vase, her egg-shell soul; the white skin of her inverted lust 'ar charity as a deacon wears his stole. if in rage the -blood has left her lips, stuffs with straw her buttocks and her thghs d squats down on the broomstick of -her hips re hideous than disease. O Christian hag! these the vestments of your last disguise, old hat in a field, a flapping rag? -Karl Shapiro Relict Spring moved west in the morning slowly across the room, including in its sweep her eager figure held in fragile cloth, caught in dust-filled light as relic through glass. "I want no more." she cried 'than life each spring." She spread her slender fingers on the table making print upon the wood and sat contained in being uttering no sound est stirring wake a god of darkness; her eyes were more than stone. -Don LaBdie CONCERT Soldier's Recitative although my sight was broken by a seson knowing only frost, no motion and white tapping of snows beside the dead; and the ear remembers rhythmatically the march; here, the hushed ascending of the shore sounds and dwindles, shawls about the senses a new warmth. And peace is spacious. Joy seems isolated of itself as single as the clock's tick taken from the hour; But soon the levees sway, the rock diminishing unherds a roar of disonance upon this scene of old arms bent in robust rhythms, -for they, having slept in leisure, loved, tended colors of many years, should play my part. And I . . . I should stroke the music into being. Yet I hold visions of unison, each digression finding its path nto resolution. And those who pause before the end, and those who draw their bows across the tune, and those who sit upon the cushions snoozing, - perhaps I shall wave them shortly into motion, perhaps when the skill is in the fingers. Now ... well, I would as soon listen. Let the old man goateed and trembling with his art turn melodies. I am weary having ventured beyond my years and burdens. -D. C'ben