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May 24, 1947 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-24

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__ TU M~cHGAN ill

Sevei-Days' Scrubbing
In Store for 'U' Mirror

, ,

The mirror of the University ob-
servatory's 37 inch telescope is
about to have its ahnual bath.
A considerably longer job than
the ordinary Saturday night dip,
however, the bath and the subse-
quent recoating of the glass with
Lyster, Maker
Of Filter, Dies
In Washington
The Michigan alumnus who
made it possible for thousands of
University veterans to drink puri-
fied water from a Lyster bag dur-
ing their service days died last
Wednesday in Washington, D. C.
Col. William J. L. Lyster, Uni-
versity graduate of the class of '92,
the inventor of the bag, was buried
in Arlington Cemetery. Heart dis-
ease was the cause of death.
Receiving his degree of bachelor
of philosophy, Col. Lyster joined
the army medical corps in 1899
and later received an M.D. from
the Detroit College of Medicine
and a Ph.D. from the University
of Pennsylvania.
He invented the bag for use in
World War I, and it was later per-
fected and enlarged for use in the
last war. The unattractive con-
traption consists of a canvas bag
containing a solution of chlorine,
and suspended on tripods.
Water from jungle streams and
bomb-ruined city conduits was run
through the bag to purify it for
consumption by the army and
navy. This purification process re-
moved typhoid, dysentery, and
other harmful bacteria.
Col. Lyster was liaison officer
between the British and American
armies during World War I, and
the recipient of the Order of Com-
panion of St. Michael and St.
George, from the British govern-
Library Group
To Meet Today
Reunion To Include
Luncheon at Union
The Library Science Alumni As-
sociation will mark the 20th anni-
versary of the establishment of
tie department with the holdingt
of a reunion today.
The program for the alumni
meeting includes a luncheon at
12:15 p.m. in the Michigan Union,
with Miss Katharine Harris of the
Detroit Public Library, presiding.
Miss Harris is president of the As-1
sociation. Other speakers at the
luncheon will be Mrs. Ione E.
Dority, chief librarian of the Uni-
versity Bureau of Government,
and Dr. R. H. Gjelsness, of the de-
partment of library science.
Dr.'William W. Bishop, Librar-
ian Emeritus of the University,
will speak to the alumni group at
2:30 p.m. in the Rackham Build-c
ing on "Biographical Fragments."
The lecture is open to the public.r
A adedie. )
(Continued from Page ])

aluminum will require the equiv-
alent of seven work days.
The efficiency of the mirror will
be increased 300 per cent by the
Prof. Orren C. Mohler of the
astronomy department will offici-
ate at the ablutions. He will be
assisted by Prof. Leo Goldberg.
Removing from the telescope the
400 pound mirror, which is valued
at $25,000, is the most ticklish part
of the job. One slip of the pulley
which lifts the glass from its
mount and lowers it through a
specially constructed hole in the
floor could be fatal.
However, there has been no
casualty during the annual clean-
ings thus far. The same glass has
been used since 1911, when the
telescope was built.
When the mirror has come safe-
ly to rest after its perilous jour-
ney, it will be cleaned chemically
with caustic potash, hydrochloric
acid and alcohol.
It will then be placed in a va-
cuum tank, to which a special
paint has been applied to stop any
possible leaks. All air will be re-
moved from the tank by a suction
pump, small pieces of aluminum
will be attached to tungsten fila-
ments, and electricity run through
the filaments.
Tufts to offer
Stage Course
Credit to Be Given
In Summer Theatre
University students may attend
a summer session drama course
to be offered on a full-time nine-
credit basis at Tufts College, Med-
ford, Massachusetts, it was an-
nounced yesterday by DIr. John F.
Tilton, director.
The course, which will be held
from July 1 to August 16, will ad-
mit fifteen men and ten women.
It will be conducted as an actor's
theatre, producing five plays, each
for six nights a week, in the cam-
pus theatre for audiences from
Boston and its suburbs.
Individual and group instruc-
tion in traditional and experimen-
tal stage techniques will be given
by Dr. Marston Balch, head of the
Tufts department of drama, and
Prof. John R. Woodruff of Tufts.
Students will form the casts of
the plays and technical production
details will be handled by the thea-
tre staff.
College drama majors, graduate
students, teachers and directors of
school and community plays are
eligible for enrollment in the
course, to which the benefits of
the G. I. Bill are applicable.
Bank Course
Being Offered
A training course in In-
vestment Banking is being con-
ducted at the Rackham Building
in Detroit by Prof. M. H. Water-
man, of the business administra-
tion school.
Open to employes of member
firms of the Investment Bankers
Association of America, the course
is designed to cover, the fields of
corporation finance, corporate and
government securities and invest-
ment banking in its relation to
other economic institutions.
Lectures by leaders in the field
of investment banking will supple-
ment university instruction in the
course. Course sponsors are the
School of Business Administra-
tion and the Michigan group of
the Investment Bankers Associa-

Aviation Questions
To Highlight Quiz
"Stump the Professor," the Uni-
versity's weekly quiz program, will
consider aviation questions during
its broadcast over WJR at 2:30
p.m. today.
Prof. Waldo Abbot, quizmaster,
will put the questions to William
B. Stout, chairman of the Michi-
gan State Department of Aeronau-
tics and four faculty members:
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant
to the president; Prof. Emerson W.
Conlon and David T. Williams, of
the aeronautical engineering de-
partment and Prof. George Kiss, of
the geography department.
The program has been arranged
in honor of Michigan Aviation
Week and the dedication of the
University's Willow Run Airport.
Fraternity Picnic
Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary
chemical fraternity, will hold a
picnic at 1 p.m. today at Edison
Field, beyond the Arborteum along
the Huron River. The affair is

Reading List
Coirses Given
16 Clses Required
For Tr'il clas-see
Sixteen literary classics will
compose the required reading list
of Humanities 1 and 2, the new
great books course for freshmen,
Prof. Clark Hopkins, of the clas-
sics department, said yesterday.
The course will begin in the fall
on a two year trial basis.
Greek and Latin classics will be
covered in Humanities 1, Prof.
Hopkins said. Medieval, Renais-
sance and modern literature will
be studied the second term.
Instructors for the courses will
be drawn from the English, clas-
sics, history, philosophy, geogra-
phy, romance language and Ger-
man departments, Prof. Hopkins
said. The instructors will be free
to stress their own particular fields
and to use their own techniques
for stimulating student interest,
he said.
The required list of reading is
taken from a list of 30 readings
compiled for a simlar course at
Columbia University, Prof. Hop-
kins said. The list includes, for
the first semester, Greek plays,
works by Plato, Aristotle, Homer,
Herodotus, Thucydides, Vergil,
Tacitus and the Bible. The sec-
ond semester list includes Dante's
"Inferno," Shakespeare's comedies
and tragedies, Cervante's "Don
Quixote," Milton's "Paradise Lost,"
Moliere's comed i es, Fielding's
"Tom Jones" a n d Goethe's
Classes finishing the required
books ahead of schedule will read
up to a maximum of ten additional
authors from an optional list, Prof.
Hopkins said.
Commenting on the Columbia
schedule, Prof. Hopkins said that
although it calls for one book a
week, the committee for the Uni-
versity course is limiting the list
of required books in order to allow
more thorough coverage of each
Prof. Hopkins estimated that
there will probably be eight sec-
tions of 25 students each.
Department Adds
Astronomy i1, 12
A new course open to freshmen,
astronomy 11 and 12, will be added
to the astronomy department this
The course will aim primarily at
giving students an understanding
of the scientific method, as well as
acquainting them with the solar
system and the universe. It will
also integrate other sciences pre-
viously studied.

(Coninued from Page 1)
:uppiez sthe material at the re-
quist of the sevice itself.
A lot of clipping from newspa-
pers aid magazines goes on in the
extension service. In the thirty
years of its existence fifteen man-
sized filing cabinets have been
filled to the brim. The extent of
the information is as wide as the
field of printed matter itself.
In answer to the question, "How
do you know what to clip?" an as-
sistant said that only experience
with the different kinds of requests
gives some idea as to where to ap-
ply the scissors.
"We have to be prepared for
emergencies," she added.
This year when the state high
schools were debating about social-
ized medicine, the extension serv-
ice sent out pamphlets to 125 high
Church News
Bishop Leslie Marston, noted re-
ligious leader, will address the
Michigan Christian Fellowship on
"An Examination of the Christ-
ian Experience" at 4:30 p.m. to-
morrow at Lane Hall.
The Student Religious Associa-
tion will hold its annual banquet
at 6:15 p.m. today at Lane Hall.
Kenneth Morgan, chaplain at
Colgate College, will be guest
speaker. Morgan was director of
the SRA from 1937 to 1941.
Allene Golinkin, '47Ed, has been
awarded the annual Arnold Schiff
Interfaith Memorial Scholarship
for "outstanding leadership in de-
veloping and strengthening inter-
faith ideals on the University
James Trautwein, '47, is second
place winner, and Roland Ure,
'47E, received honorable mention.
Theta Sigma
Elects Officers
New officers and initiates have
been selected by Theta Sigma Phi,
national honoraxry professional
journalism society.
President of the Alpha Theta
chapter of the group is Vivian
Bean, with Eleanor Brightmeyer,
the new vice-president; Alice
Carlson, treasurer; and Esther
Giovannone, secretary.
New members of the society are:
Lois Altman, Jean Baird, Caroline
Godley, Helen Gregory, Gloria
Johnston, Ann Leverenz, Betty
Jane Lobensky, Holly Pederson,
Monica Stevens, Laurette Taylor,
Adele Trenchi, Mary Lou Webb
and Virginia Frye.




HOMETOWN SOUVENIR - Over the fireplace
in his home in far-off Hollywood, actor William Bendix has en. J
'shrined a street marker from Brooklyn, his old home town.(

H A P P Y C O U P L E - The proud husband and admiring,
wife are Mr. and Mrs. Eric Guerin, snapped after hubby, had
ridden Jet Pilot to victory in the Kentucky Derby./

I N CO CN I T O-Margaret
O'Brien, child actress, didn't go
quite as far as smoked glasses
on a trip to New York, but
claimed nobody recognized lher
In these spectacles.

T R A C T O R S F O R O V E R S E A S-First shipment of 1,000 tractors bought by UNRRA
for Greece, Poland,.China and the Philippines is inspe-te4 by Frank Cohen at Empire factory, Phila.I

Campus Highlights

' y

Council on Academic FreedoM,
hosts to the delegates, the prospec-
tus drawn up by his group and
similar groups at Wayne, Michi-
gan State and Olivet will best ex-
press the "purpose, spirit and
tenor of the meeting."
The prospectus in question rec-
ognizes that a healthy and vigor-
ous educational system is a prize
necessity for a democratic nation,
and thus the preservation of aca-
demic freedom and the integrity of
educational institions is the con-
cern of all citizens and citizens' or-
"In view of certain recent and
impending events in Michigan and
elsewhere throughout the country,
which constitute a threat to aca-
demic freedom," the prospectus
reads, "it is imperative that think-
ing people take stock of the situa-
tion and guarantee that their
voices be heard."
Authors Pubhlish
Hopwood Books
Two Hopwood award winners
have published books recently.
Beth Merizon has published
"April Trees," a collection of
poems taken from her "The Skater
and Other Poems" which won a
$50 Hopwood poetry award in the
summer of 1942.
Miss Merizon is now on the staff
of "The Religious Digest" in
Grand Rapids.
"Stop Looking and Listen," by
Chad Walsh, will hit the book-
stores June 4. Walsh won a $600
ma ',. 'Lr vnnxnA a nr xari, a nrma in

Flute Recital ...
Mary Alice Duncan, flutist, will
present a recital at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in Rackham Assembly Hall.
She will be assisted by Dorothy
Johnson Heger, Earl Bates and
William Weichlein.
Her program will include com-
positions by Loeillet, Griffes, Dem-
ersseman, Haydn, Ibert, and Kuh-
* * *
IRA Picnic . .
Inter-Racial Association will
sponsor a picnic at the Island
beginning at 1 p.m. tomorrow.
The picnic 'is open to all stu-
dents, and those attending are
asked to bring their own box
lunches. Refreshments and fa-
cilities for softball and other
entertainment will be provided.
AYH Square Dance ...
The second of a series of three
square dances sponsored by the
American Council of American
Youth Hostels will be held at 8

p.m. today in Ann Arbor High
School gymnasium.
The dance will be open to all
students. Tickets may be pur-
chased at the door.
* * *
Taui Beta Pi Outing.. .
Tau Beta Pi, engineering hon-
orary society, will hold its an-
nual outing today and tomor-
row at the University fresh air
Over 40 couples are expected
to attend the affair, which will
feature swimming, boating,
dancing and softball. This will
be the last meeting of the so-
ciety for this semester.
*k * *
Armenian Students .
The Armenian students associo-
tion will meet at 10 a.m. tomor-
row at the Rackham Building for
an all day picnic to be held at
the Island.
Officers for the coming year
will also be elected at the picnic.
All students of Armenian parent-
age may attend.

Chitge f Address
If you are planning to leave Ann Arbor
for the summer, be sure to notify us of
your change of address. Bank state-
ments cannot be forwarded by the

L U C.K Y A N G L E R-While his pet dog looks on with in-
terest, 12-year-old Oscar Brett of Philadelphia lands a nice trout
to start the new fishing season right.


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