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May 24, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-24

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SATVUDAY, 3MAY 24, 1947



Scarlet Symbols

TWO YEARS isn't a very long time-but
the American people forget quickly.
Less than two years ago, victorious G.L's
were pouring back to the states from every
corner of the globe. Some of the G.I.'s
weren't able to get down the gangplank un-
der their own power, however. They came
back on stretchers.
Now, two years later, after all the shout-
ing has died down, many of these wounded
veterans are still lying in hospitals, for-
gotten by all but relatives and friends. Yes,
some of the scars of war are a long time
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

in healing. After countless operations, some
of these wounded men will be released from
hospitals, but many of them will be bed-
ridden for years to come.
Once a year we are reminded of these for-
gotten men on Poppy Day. Today in Ann Ar-
bor the various veteran's organizations will
carry on a sale of these scarlet symbols of
suffering. These Poppys are made by
wounded veterans, and all proceeds from
their sale will go toward brightening life
for them.
The drive deserves the whole-hearted sup-
port of every member of the University
community. Many of the 11,000 veterans
on campus know from personal experience
the dreary monotony of hospital life. We
can help to enliven the endless days of these
wounded veterans by responding generous-
ly today when asked to buy a popy.
-Dick Maloy

Political Reshuffling

H ENRY WALLACE and Harold Stassen
have both made substantially the same
proposals for securing world peace. In a
speech here a week ago, Wallace urged that
the United States spend fifty billion dol-
lars in the next ten years to secure peace. In
his first speech since he returned from Eur-
ope, Stassen suggested that the United
States earmark ten percent of its production
of food and goods during the next ten
This agreement between the spokesman of
the left wing of American politics and the
spokesman of the liberal element in the Re-
publican party may foreshadow a change in
the traditional American two-party system,
There have already been rumors of Wallace
bolting the Democratic party and starting

* a third party at the next election but they
have been played down by most authorities.
A reshuffling of American political par-
ties is long overdue. Today it is virtually
impossible to distinguish a conservative Re-
publican from a reactionary Southern Dem-
ocrat or a liberal Republican from a Dem-
ocrat of the Wallace school. It is not hard
to visualize a coalition of liberal Republi-
cans and Democrats and a coalition of con-
servative Repubicans and Democrats form-
ing two new political parties. A develop-
ment of this sort would make things a lot
-easier for the voting public. If Wallace and
Stassen can agree on more than our foreign
policy, the country may see political chang-
es more drastic than any that have taken
place here in the last hundred years.
-Al Blumrosen

B riese Report

(EDITOR'S NOTE: In answer to many requests
we are printing the complete text of a report
on alleged racial discrimination by the Ath-
letic Department which was submitted to the
Student Legislature by James F. Brieske earl-
ier this month. To clarify some apparent mis-
conceptions, this is the only report which has
been made on the subject.)
MR. CRISLER, head football coach and
athletic director at the University of
Michigan, has assured me that there is no
prejudice on the part of him or his staff in
regards to Negro athletes. Fraternity, re-
ligious or color lines have no significance in
Michigan athletics. Any Negro enrolled in
the University, if he be otherwise eligible
and meets all other requirements set up by
the University, may become a candidate for
any varsity athletic team. He further add-
ed that there is no legislation limiting them
in any way on the part of the Western
Conference. The idea held by certain in-
dividuals that there is a gentlemens' agree-
ment by the schools of the Western Con-
ference against using the Negro in certain
sports, was also refuted.
When I asked Mr. Crisler why there had
been so few Negro athletes and why there
had been none at all in some sports, he
readily offered much enlightening inform-
ation. In talking with some Negro ath-
letes now on campus, I learned even more.
To find all the anwers would require the
coordination ahd cooperation of economists,
psychologists sociologists and anthropolo-
gists. In compiling the complete picture
we might emerge with the complete answer
to the Negro problem, but chances are we
would end up with only all the subtle and
complicated problems lying under the sur-
face of what is known to the casual observ-
Scholastic Requirements
First of all, many Negroes who wish to
attend Michigan do not meet the scholastic
requirements of the school. Michigan stan-
dards are high, and the mean level of Negro
-academic achievements tends to be lower
than the whites.
Secondly, attending Michigan is out of the
question to most Negro athletes because of
high costs. This is aggravated by the fat
that we give much fewer athletic scholar-
ships than most other schools. Besides
this, the athletic department finds it rath-
er difficult to place Negroes in board jobs
around the campus. Most fraternities and
sororities prefer white to colored help in the
kitchen, and these are the main sources of
job outlets. Perhaps if some organization
took it upon themselves to procure jobs for
Negro athletes, it might be of some help.
Economic factors limit to some extent the
Negroes' participation in such games as ten-
nis and golf throughout the country. These
games are enjoyed, in the greatest part, by
those who tend to hold the higher economic
position. Here again the Negroes' lower
economic status is a great disadvantage.
Physical Factor
Some people contend that there is a phys-
ical factor. Negroes seldom become pro-
ficient in swimming, long distance running,
wrestling, hockey, and here again we could
include tennis and golf. There are, of
course, some exceptions to this. On the
whole, however, historical evidence shows us
that this is very true. I'm inclined to be-
lieve that there are, here. some environ-
mental and psychological factors. Probab-
ly because there have been so few stars in
these sports, the Negro race, as4 a whole,
does not have the aspirations that it would
have, if some outstanding Negro excelled in

Negro baseball players coming out of high
school are content to play professional or
semi-professional ball, rather than come
to college. There is of course the southern.
trip and with it the prejudice of the south-
ern universities. However, there have been
so few Negro candidates, this has never
proven to be a problem.
In basketball the same has held true. We
take no southern trip, but even so, there is
but seldom a candidate. There has never
been a Negro major letter winner in this
In conclusion, I wish to say that it is my
opinion that there is no discrimination by
the athletic department against the Negro.
Mr. Crisler has been very cooperative in
helping me draw up this report, and seemed
willing to be of service to us where he can.
I believe that as long as we keep this a
survey, rather than an investigation, more
will be accomplished and fewer feeling will
be hurt.
I am sincerely against digging up the
past and trying to decide whether this
or that Negro was discriminated against as
a candidate for a varsity team. Even though
there are cases where the Negro in ques-
tion might feel that there was a discrimin-
atory factor involved, it is not for us to de-
cide. I might feel that I can do more than
kick a football, but we cannot decide if I
can. It is up to the coaches to make that
decision. I could find a thousand whites
who will claim discrimination, when they
were athletic candidates, for every Negro
that could be found. You see, there is no
basis for such argument.
Southern Trips
Neither do I recommend any drastic
change in the present athletic picture.. Such
a move as abolishing the southern trips is out
of the question. If we start making recom-
mendations like that, then the caliber of
our teams will drop, as did those of the
University of Chicago some years ago. If it
was the question of leaving Negroes home
when we did make these trips, I would say,
"yes" to finding another means of spring
Trying to overcome these difficulties is a
slow and a disgusting process. For those
who do any thinking at all, it doesn't seem
the way it should be. But on the other hand
we are in no position to change society over
night. All we can do is start things in the
right dirmction so that in five years to come
this problem can be solved. Maybe it will
be five years, ten years or even twenty
years before Negroes are represented in their,
one to ten ration on our teams, but at least
we'll have the satisfaction of knowing that
we started the ball rolling.
It is my recommendation that we publi-
cize the fact that there is no discrimina-
tion by the athletic department, and that
Negroes may be a candidate for any ath-
letic team in the University. This is the
starting point, the place to begin. Perhaps
this will raise the psychological barrier be-
tween the Negro and college athletics. By
quoting the athletic department as making
such a statement, it should lay the ground-
work for a better democracy in college ath-
-James F. Brieske
agreed to be nice work if you can get it,
but every nation wants to lay down its own
terms and conditions: The big question
todav is whether an aea f ofnmmn Arpp-

IKennan Dispatch
WASHINGTON, May 22-The best way to
understand the nature and purposes of
American policy is to understand the minds
and views of the men who make it. In this
light, there is the greatest possible signifi-
cance in the appointment of George Ken-
nan to head Secretary of State George C.
Marshall's new planning section. For Ken-
nan is the author of the most important
single state paper on the Soviet Union to
be written since the Soviet problem began
to dominate international relations.
It is extremely rare, in the nature of
things, that a single telegram or dispatch
from any embassy abroad achieves spe-
cial celebrity, even within the highly lim-
ited circle to which such documents are
commonly communicated. But this dis-
patch of Kennan's is by now pretty well
accepted as the classic statement of the
greatest problem confronting the modern
world. And this holds true not only for
the chief architects of American policy,
but also for British and other leaders
abroad to whom it has been shown in
confidence, as the diplomatic custom is.
The dispatch was composed in February,
1946, at the height of the Iranian crisis.
In the absence of Averell Harriman, Ken-
nan was then charge d'affaires at Moscow.
By reason of his reputation as the senior
American expert on Russia and one of the
most distinguished American diplomats, he
was requested to offer his estimate of the
situation at length and in detail.
The first section of Kennan's answering
dispatch was keyed to a deeply significant,
now almost wholly forgotten, statement by
Generalissimo Stalin to a delegation of
American trades union workers who visited
Pussia in 1927. To these Americans, Stalin
remarked that "in the course of the fur-
ther development of the international rev-
olution" there would emerge "two centers
of world significance."
Against the background of the Krem-
lin's conviction of the inevitability of
struggle, Kennan sketched in the nature
of the Kremlin's approach to foreign re-
lations. Westerners were inclined to for-
get that the Soviet leaders began with
the basic teachings of their holy books:
that the whole non-Soviet (or "capital-'
ist") world is beset by internal conflicts,
and that these conflicts hold out both
an opportunity and a threat to the Soviet
Union. The threat consists, of course, in
the possibility that the conflicts of the
non-Soviet world will lead to war, and
that the war will be transformed into an
attack on the Soviet Union. Equally ob-
viously, the opportunity arises from the
weakening effect of internal conflict on
all non-Soviet states, and the resulting in-
crease in relative Soviet strength and
chance to extend Soviet influence.
Kennan's prescription to solving this
problem was as considered and judicious as
the statement of the problem was penetrat-
ing and bleak. The Soviets have no fixed
plans, withdraw before resistance, and are
still weaker than the unified Western world.
A basic change in Soviet policy is far
from impossible. Such a change has in fact
occurred once already, during the internal
struggle after the death of Lenin, and may
occur again in the aftermath of Stalin's
retirement or as a result of some other
Soviet upheaval. The long-range goals of
American policy-true world organization
and collaborativesolution of world problems
-cannot be achieved without a basic change
in Soviet policy. Thus a change in Soviet
policy must be America's chief interim ob-
And the way to seek such a change is as
simple to describe as it is difficult to ex-
ecute-disprove the theories on which
Soviet policy is founded.
Meet Soviet aggression and pressure with
firm resistance, yet continue to extend the,

hand of friendship, and avoid indulgence
in threats. Meanwhile promote political
and economic stability in the non-Soviet
world. Put food in men's bellies, and coal
in their stoves. Strengthen the democracies,
whether Socialist or Capitalist, by all eco-
nomic and political means. Try, in short,
to bring about a situation in which rulers
of the Kremlin, inspecting the world even
through their distorting glasses, must ad-
mit the error of their previous analysis.
When that time comes, they must formulate
a new analysis and new policy. Surely this
prescription of Kennan's is one which can
be accepted with confidence by all men
of good will.
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
N ODOUBT ABOUT IT, apartment-house
managers are getting to be an edgy lot.
In confirmation, we offer a note a man
received the other day from the manage-
ment of the building in which he lives. "To
the tenants," it began, and continued, with
somewhat more spirit than felicity, "Re-
cently some of the tenants in 235 East
Twenty-second Street have congregated on
the sidewalk in front of the building. This
practice is very unpleasant for the tenants
in the building and deteriorates the build-
ing. We must urge upon you to comply with
our request that it be discontinued"
-The New Yorker

"Tell you what, I'll park on the sidewalk, leave my wallet on the seat,
and let you guys fight over it."

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omuitted at the discretion of tihe edi-
torial director.
Test Case
To the Editor:
( ETTING RID OF Jim Crowism
cannot be done by legislation
alone, although it can be of great
help. Acceptance of Negroes in
fields where they have hitherto
been excluded will come about by
a long, slow process of social evo-
lution. It took a long time for a
Negro baseball player to break in-
to the lineup of a major league
team, but now that Jackie Rob-
inson's name is on the Brooklyn
Dodgers' roster it is up to him to
show that he is capable of play-
ing the brand of baseball required
of a major leaguer. Also, he must
show that he and his teammates
(and iivals, also) can get along
amicably on the playing field as
well as off the playing field. That,
in my opinion, would be the best


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
SATURDAY. MAY 24, 1947
VOL. LVII, No. 166
University Council M e e t i n g
Mon., May 26, 4:15 p.m., Assembly
Hall, Rackham Building.
Faculty Meeting, College of En-
gineering: Mon., May 26, 4:15
p.m., Rm. 311, W. Engineering
Bldg. Agenda: Nomination of
Panel for Selection of Executive
Committee Member; and Election
of University Council.
Faculty Directories:
It would be appreciated if any
staff member having a faculty di-
rectory for 1946-1947 which can
be turned in without interference
with University duties, would re-
turn the directory to the Business
Office, Rm. 1, University Hall. The
supply of directories for 1946-1947
is exhausted.
Student Accounts: Your atten-
tion is called to the following rules
passed by the Regents at their
meeting on February 28, 1936:
Students shall pay all ac-
counts due the University not lat-
er than the last day of classes of
each semester or summer session.
Student loans which are not paid
or renewed are subject to this
regulation; however, student loans
not yet due are exempt. Any un-
paid accounts at the close of
business on the last day of classes
will be reported to the Cashier of
the University and
"(a) All academic credits will
be withheld, the grades for the
semester or summer session just
completed will not be released, and
no transcript of credits will be is-
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to reg-
ister in any subsecquent semester
or summer session until payment
has been made."
Herbert G. Watkins, SeTret ry
Tickets for Graduation Exer-
cises: Entrance tickets to Ferry
Field and Yost Field House for the
graduation exercises on June 14
will be ready for distribution on
June 2. Please apply at the In-
formation Desk in the Business
Office, Room 1, University Hall.
Those eligible to receive tickets
will please present their identi-
fication cards. For Ferry Field a
reasonable number of tickets to
each graduate will be available;
to Yost Field House, however,
owing to lack of space, two only
can be provided,
Faculty of College of Literature,
Science and the Arts; College of
Architecture and Design, School of
Education; School of Forestry and
Conservation; School of Music;
and School of Public Health:
Class lists for use in reporting
second semester grades of under-
graduate students enrolled in these

in the Schools of Forestry and
Conservation, Music, and Public
Health, were mailed Thursday,
May 22. Anyone failing to receive
theirs should notify the Regis-
trar's Office, Miss Cuthbert. phone
2241, and duplicates will be pre-
pared for them.
All students having lockers at
Waterman Gymnasium should call
for their refunds at Room 5, Wat-
erman Gymnasium on or before
Thursday, May 29.
Graduate Students in Educa-
tion: A part-time teaching fellow-
ship is available to a qualified
teacher of high school Biology in
the University High School for the
school year 1947-48. Applicants
may confer with Francis D. Curtis.
(dial 20-282).
School of Business Administra-
tion-Applications for admission
to summer session or fall semester
should be submitted at once. Ap-
plication forms are available at
Rm. 108, Tappan Hall.
hillel Dormitory still has vacan-
cies for the summer session. All
those interested may obtain an ap-
plication blank at the Hillel Foun-
Recommendations f9r Depart-
mental Honors: Teaching depart-
ments wishing to recommend ten-
tative June graduates from the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors
should recommend such students
in a letter sent to the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall,
by noon of June 13. Departmental
honors will be recorded on thei
students' permanent records but
will not appear in the Commence:
ment program.
Attention June Graduates: Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, School of Education, School
of Music, School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to re-
quest grades of I or X in June.]
When such grades are absolutely,
imperative, the work must be made1
up in time to allow your instructor1
to report the make-up grade not
later than noon, June 16, 1947.
Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation,
until a later date.-
Bureau of Appointments & Oc-
cupational Information, 201 Ma-l
son Hall. Office Hours: 9-12, 2-4.
We have a request for a girl
who is a graduate of Play Produc-I
tion to do secretarial work, short-<
hand and typing, for a job that
would carry opportunities for ex-c
cursions into all phases of the
theatre. Call at the Bureau for
further information.
The J. L. Hudson Company willN
be at our office on Tuesday, May
27, to interview men for their Ex-
ecutive Training Squad.
If you can teach Advertising,
Advertising Principles, Advertis-
ing Production, Advertising Copy,1
Market Research and MarketingI
Principles, there is a splendid op-i
portunity for you in a midwesternc
university. Call at the Bureau for

Burbank, California, has vacan-
cies in kindergarten and firs
grade for capable teachers with a
least AB degrees. Good room
but no apartments available a
present. Anyone interested ir
having their credentials seni
should call at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments at once.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Edwin
G. Beck, Botany: thesis: "Some
Studies on the Solidago Gall
Caused by Eurosta Soldaginis
Fitch," Mon., May 26, 2 p.m., Rm
1139, Natural Science Bldg. Chair-
man, C. D. LaRue.
Doctoral Examination for Louis
Gordon, Chemistry; thesis: "The
Precipitation of the Hydrous Ox-
ides of Tin and Thorium from
Homogeneous Solution by the Hy-
drolysis of Non-Ionizable Com-
pounds," Mon., May 26, 2 p.m.,
East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg. Chairman, H. H. Willard.
Doctoral Examination for Hsing
Chih Tien, Geography; thesis:
"China's Grand Canal: A Study of
Cultural Landscape," Mon., May
26, 2 p.m., Rm. 9, Angell Hall.
Chairman, R. B. Hall.
Comprehensive Examinations in
Music Education for candidates for
the master's degree will be given
in Rm. 708, Tower, Mon., May 26,
9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m.
Chemistry Colloquium: Mon.,
May 26, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chem-
istry Bldg. Mr. L. R. Perkins and
Louis Gordon will discuss their
original "Research in Analytical
Organ Recital: Carl Weinrich,
concert organist, will appear
4:15 p.m. Thurs., May 29, Hill
Auditorium in a program of com-
positions by Bach, Buxtehude,
Handel, Mozart and Hindemith.
Mr. Weinrich has been associated
with Columbia University, Prince-
ton University, and appeared
throughout the country on tour.
The public is cordially invited.
University Symphony Orchestra,
Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will be
heard in its final concert during
this semester at 8:30 p.m., Tues.,
May 27, Hill Auditorium. The
program will open with Mozart's
Serenade for Woodwinds and
Horns, B-flat Major, followed by
Sibelius' Violin Concerto i D
Minor, in which Emil Raab will
appear as soloist. Beethoven's
Symphony No. 7 in A Major will
conclude the concert.
The general public is invited.
Memorial Day: Professor Perci-
val Price, University Carillonneur,
will give a special recital in ob-
servance of Memorial Day at 11
a.m., Fri., May 30, on the Baird
Student Recital: Mary Alice
Duncan, student of flute under
Hale Phares, will present a recital
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Mas-
ter of Music in Music Education at
8:30 p.m., Sat., May 24, Rackham

answer to critics who regard the
Negro as "inferior" to the white
Similarly, here at the University
of Michigan the wise thing to do
would be to have some "red hot"
Negro athlete in some sport such
as golf, tennis or swimming enroll
here and try out for the varsity
squad in his particular sport. Let
some of our organized pressure
groups (IRA, etc.) get together
and "import" some star Negro
athlete. If the athlete is "red
hot" and doesn't make the grade,
then we'll have some reason to
suspect that something is rotten
in Ann Arbor. To my knowledge,
there have been no Negroe candi-
dates for the above-named varsity
teams in recent years. Let's not as-
sume that a "gentlemen's agree-
ment" exists among Big Niine
schools when Mi'. Crisler specif i-
cally denied that charge, accord-
ing to Brieske's report.
I'm inclined to agree with Mr.
Brieske's assertion that many
premising Negro athletes never
enroll at any college because of
insufficient funds.
-Frank W. Brink, Jr.
* 'I *
A GUERILLA WAR is currently
being waged at UN between
two schools of interpretation. The
group to which the Kaminker
brothers belong, for instance, are
known technically as "consecu-
tive" interpreters. They wait un-
til a delegate is finished speaking
to translate his speech. When the
: original speech is in Russian, it
must be translated twice-into
French and English.
The other group, the "simultan-
eous" interpreters, are viewed
strictly a carpetbaggers by the
consecutive school. In simutane-
ous interpretation, the original
speakers words are translated
while he talks by a team of in-
terpreters, sitting in glass-enclosed
booths and speaking through mi-
crophones, in the other four offi-
cial languages of the UN. Listen-
ers are equipped with headphones
and a radio-like dial so that hey
can tune in on the language they
understand best.
.-Edith Igauer
in Harpers rMagazinp


efetteri to le odiIor

Assembly Hall. She will be assist-
ed by Dorothy Johnson Heger,
Pianist, Ealrl Bates, clarint3tist,
and William Weichlein, bassoon-
ist, in a program of compositions
by Loeillet, Griffes, Demersseman,
Haydn, Ibert and Kuhlau. The
public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Nelle Hocutt,
Mezzo-soprano, will be heard in a
recital at 8:30 p.m., Mon., May 26,
Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil
of Arthur Hackett, Miss Hocutt
presents the program in partial
fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music
in Music Education. The general
public is invited.
Organ Recital: John Wheeler
will present an organ recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music at 8:30 p.m., Sun., May 25,
Hill Auditorium. A pupil of thc
late Palmer Christian, Mr. Wheel-
er will play Concerta in G major
by Vivaldi, Two Chorale Preludes
and Passacaglia and Fugue in C
minor by Bach, Sonata, The Nine-
ty-fourth Psalm, by Reubke; Mag-
nificat (Verse 5), and Prelude and
(Continued on Page 5)
1 Q70

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the nversity of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor
Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director
Mary Brush .......,... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz .......... Associate Editor
Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor
Jack Martin ............ Sports Editor
Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk........... Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant
Associated Collegiate Press,
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Managet
Janet Cork .......,. Business Manags
Nancy Heimick ...Advertising Manager

units, and also graduate students 'further information.



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