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May 23, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-23

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FRIAY, 312

Flaunting or Civil Rights

SOUTHERN JUSTICE has triumphed
Wedneseday night a South Carolina jury
acquitted 28 white men accused of lynching
a Negro. State witnesses for the prosecu-
tion described how a mob had seized the
Negro, brutally beaten and lynched him.
Several of the defendants were identified as
members of the mob.
As the trial drew to a close, the defense
fell back on the time-honored southern
charge of "yankee interference" in the trial.
One defense attorney, Benjamin Bolt, at-
tacked the FBI for descending on Green-
ville "as if they've found an atomic bomb
here; yet all they found was a dead Negro
body." After a short deliberation, the jury
returned the acquittal verdict.
No matter how loud we in America preach
about equal rights and individual freedom
,the concept remains so many empty words
when we allow these miscarriages of jus-
tice to go unchallenged. We can't sop our
consciences with the excuse that those
things only happen in the South where the
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
School Election
up in Ann Arbor June 9. According to
figures from' the Ann Arbor High business
office, only about 1100 voters have register-
ed so far out of some 20,000 to 30,000 cjuali-
fied electors.
The low number of registrants may be
due to the fact that some people may not
know that participation in a school board
election in the Ann Arbor district requires
a separate registration. A voter must have
his name entered on a special poll-list, eith-
er at the high school business office or at
registration booths set up downtown, by the
May 31 deadline.
In the coming election, there are three
vacancies and four candidates. Not a real
contest, and no real issues at stake, we un-
derstand. Yet it is odd that there is not
more interest evinced in the board member-
ship during this particularly trying time
in the history of public education, especially
in an education-conscious town.
In the next few days, the number of reg-
istrations will tell whether or not the public
cares enough about public school admin-
istration to check up on its officials.
-Fred Schott
F Ioreigrn .Aid

situation is different. This constant flaunt-
ing of civil rights is not confined 'to the
South alone. It is present all over the coun-
try to a certain degree.
Right here in Ann Arbor we were treated
to the same sort of a spectacle only a few
months ago. A negro graduate student was
allegedly refused service in a downtown
tavern. When the proprietor of the estab-
lishment was brought to trial under the
Michigan Civil Rights Law, he asked for a
jury trial, knowing full well that an opin-
ionated jury would never convict him. Of
course he was acquitted of the charge.
Currently America is spending money in
Europe to protect the rights of individuals
in foreign lands. Meanwhile we are wide
open to criticism on the same score for our
own hypocritical attitude toward equality.
Lets first put our own house in order, or
our espoused ideals of individual rights will
remain a mere mockery.
-Dick Maloy
Diplomatic Purge
most critical period of our history is
pretty exclusively in the hands of three men,
President Truman, Secretary of State Mar-
shall and Senator Arthur Vandenberg of
Michigan. Doubt is accumulating whether
these men are picking the best team the
United States could provide.
Harry S. Truman dislikes "striped pants"
diplomats. He holds them responsible for
the past lack of a real American foreign
policy. He decided that he would get rid
of the lot.
Today the job is fairly complete. An
American foreign service still exists. But the
top State Department posts are all occupied
by men who have made a career outside
The nearest thing to a diplomat (who
happens also to be a very competent region-
al specialist) is the Assistant Secretary for
Latin American Affairs, Spruille Braden.
Mr. Braden started as a mining engineer
and business executive, but now has behind
him twelve years intensive diplomatic ex-
perience in Latin America.
Business men represent the U.S. in Lon-
don and Rio de Janeiro, a (first-class) pro-
fessor in Nanking. Moscow, .Brussels and
Cape Town have been turned over to the
military. A banker with no diplomatic ex-
perience is being sent to the difficult War-
saw post where he may fail as conspicuous-
ly as businessman Pichard C. Patterson did
'in Belgrad. Mr. Patterson's replacement by
diplomat Cavendish Cannon, who knows the
Balkans thoroughly, was an excellent move,
unfortunately offset by the recall of the
capable Stanley Hornbeck from The
Hague to make room for another banker,
Barney Baruch's ambitious brother, Her-
All this adds up to a bad situation. Our
desperately important foreign policy is being
shaped by people most of whom have no
knowledge of any particular foreign area
and small experience of world politics-a
complicated and difficult game wherein no-
body with less than ten years' experience
can claim competence.
Interference of this sort is mischievous.
Neither the U. S. nor any other country can
conduct a successful foreign policy without
using some men of long experience and per-
sonal knowledge of world politics. Unless
the "Truman-Marshall-Vandenberg man-
agement" manages to secure some more
seasoned recruits, the country may yet live
to regret the departure of the "striped-
(Copyright 1947, Press Allianc, Inc.)

II - ~ I

Home Canning
berries are now or soon will be ripening.
Housewives are washing up their home can-
ning equipment. They might better be
organizing a broom brigade for a march on
the Department of Agriculture.
A storm may be expected to arise when
the housewives discover that they are not
going to get any extra sugar for canning
this year. Agriculture undoubtedly is per-
fecting excuses which will quiet the lowering
storm. Its arguments will be that sugar
is still in short supply, and that transpor-
tation is in a state. As a last resort it will
make the appeal that anyway the sugar
rationing program was invented by the OPA,
and hence is a vestigial remnant which
ought to be preserved in a museum.
To meet the expected complaints, the
sugar officials have granted each person
"at least 35 pounds" of sugar this year,
and increase of 10 pounds over last year.
But the joker in the proceeding lies in
the lack of an extra allowance during the
period when fruit is ripening.
It was persistent complaints about the
rationing of sugar that hastened the demise
of the OPA and resulted in the present in-
creased allotment to domestic civilian users.
But by increasing the yearly allotment the
government has not softened the bitterness
arising out of the unpleasant fact that,
whereas last summer there was an allow-
ance of an extra 10 pounds for canning, this'
summer the housewife has been promised
a coupon for only 10 pounds of sugar which
must last to September 30. It is no won-
der that complaints have arisen that the
government has put over a fast one on the
home canners for the benefit of the hand-
me-down products.
The complaints have come chiefly from
the women of the country, largely farm or
suburban, who were unable to get sugar for
canning last Year and, as a result, were
compelled to spend high prices for ready-
made jellies and preserves. Certainly the
complaints that I have received were from
those who were thrifty enough to do their
own canning and had the means to doso-
all except the sugar. Home canning ought
to be encouraged. It not only means a low-
er cost of living, it makes for the well being
of the family. Moreover, there are those
who think that home-made jellies and jams,
generally speaking, are to be preferred to
those made in factories.
Restricting the home on sugar is won-
derful for the canning factory. When
the housewife cannot can her own fruit,
she is compelled to buy the factory's pro-
ducts at an inflated price, and because
the housewife cannot can her own fruit,
there is more fruit available for the com-
mercial canneres at a deflated price.
Moreover, regardless of price, the subur-
banite or the farmer who produces small
quantities of fruits fo his own use is
not equipped to pick and market that
fruit. So it simply rots on the ground.
In defense of its rationing of sugar, Ag-
riculture says that there is only so much
sugar and that the industrial users have
been cut as well as everyone else. What
they do not say is that industrial users
are now employing more syrups, as they
are equipped to do, as a substitute for sugar
The production of corn syrup has doubled;
that of cane refiners' syrup is up eight
times over pre-war production. These are
not rationed.
The American housewives would be willing
to adjust themselves to a scarcity in supply.
The substance of their complaint is that
the sugar-rationing program has been used
to change the buying habits of the Nation to
the profit of the industrial users of sugar.
They maintain that they have been short-
changed on sugar so as to be compelled to
buy manufactured products at high prices
instead of using their home canning and
baking facilities.

(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation)
At The Michigan . .
FRAMED (Columbia), Glenn Ford, Janice
THIS IS THE TALE of a blond female who
is inept at speaking with any conviction,
but who has a mind bordering on the ruth-
less. She runs to murder and money. She
also runs to men, first Barry Sullivan and
then Glenn Ford. However, when justice
triumphs (as it always does), she does not
take kindly to retribution and scarcely
bears the sorrow of parting forever with the
nobility that Mr. Ford displays. Mr. Ford,
as a troubled young man who has trouble
holding his liquor and his memory at the
same time, is deep voiced, tough, and dead
pan. His last words are, as I recall, "You
can keep it." And so can you.
* * * *
At The State . .
MAN (Republic), John Wayne
--Joan Fiske


"We ain't no lost generation. We just been mislaid.'

H AROLD E. STASSEN has made a pro-
posal that sounds very much like the
one that Henry Wallace made here a week
ago. Stassen wants the U. S. to earmark
ten percent of its production of food and
goods for the next ten years to insure world
peace, while Wallace asked that the U. S.
spend fifty billion dollars during the same
period to accomplish the same end. This
was Stassen's first speech since he returned
from a tour of Europe at about the same
time as Henry Wallace did.
The Stassen proposal has a significancy?
far beyond that which would normally be
attached to a speech by a presidential aspir-
ant. The fact that Stassen's proposal is
very similar to Wallace's gives' the sugges-
tion added weight. A planthat has the
backing of both Wallace, who represents
the left wing of American politics, and
Stassen, who represents the liberal Repub-
lican element must have merit beyond the
mere dreaming of an idealist or the vote get-
ting antics of a potential presidential can-
These two men who have entirely dif-
ferent political backgrounds have both
studied Europe first hand. That they could
come up with substantially the same plan
for the peace of the world makes one take
a long second look at the Wallace-Stassen
--Al Blunrosen
Partial Plans
ting retail prices 10 per cent has crashed,
its end receiving considerably less publicity
than its beginning. It turned out that the
storekeepers of Newburyport, Mass., could
not continue to cut their prices 10 percent,
unless their suppliers cut theirs, and their
suppliers couldn't, or wouldn't, or anyway
didn't. "
This perky little scheme perfectly ex-
pressed the contemporary American faith
that the laws of economics can be set at de-
fiance by a couple of speeches and a large
number of pictures. And if Newburyport
had only been a little nearer New York, the
model agencies would have been called up-
on for help, too, in exemplification of our
modern folk belief in the talismanic value
of the bare knee in moments of acute na-
tional crisis.
But the search for gadgets will go on, be-
cause the alternative is that dreadful thing,I

Publicationi in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1947
VOL. LVII, No. 165
University Council M e e t i ng
Mon., May 26, 4:15 p.m., Assembly
fHall, Rackham Building.
Faculty Meeting, College of En-
gineering: Mon., May 26, 4:15
p.m., Rm. 311, W. Engineering
Bldg. Agenda: Nomination of
Panel for Selection of Executive
Commitee Member; and Election
of University Council.
Faculty Directories:
It would be appreciated if any
staff member having a faculty di-
rectory for 1946-1947 which. can
be turned in without interference
with University duties, would re-
turn the directory to the Business
Office, Rm. 1, University Hall. The
supply of directories for 1946-1947
is exhausted.
Notice to all faculty members
and officers: Arrangements have
been made with the purpose of
having in the General Library
both for present purposes and for
future historical value, a file of
the portraits of members of the
faculty and University officials.
It is highly desirable from the
Library's point, of view that this
file be of portraits in uniform
size. Portraits will be made
without cost to any faculty mem-
ber or officer by Rentschler's
Studio. Members of the faculty
are cordially invited to make ap-
pointments w i t h Rentschler's
Studiofor the purpse. Any spe-
cial questions arising wth re-
spect to the matter may be asked
either of the secretary of the
University, Mr. Herbert G. Wat-
kins, or the Librarian, Dr. War-
ner G. Rice.
Tickets for Graduation Exer-
cises: Entrance tickets to Ferry
Field and Yost Field House for the
graduation exercises on June 14
will be ready for distribution on
June 2. Please apply at the In-
formation Desk in the Business
Office, Room 1, University Hall.
Those eligible to receive tickets
will please present their identi-
fication cards. For Ferry Field a
reasonable number of tickets to
each graduate will be available;
to Yost Field House, however,
owing to lack. of space, two only
can be provided.
All senior engineers who have
paid their senior class dus may
obtain their caps and gowns in
the Garden Room, Michigan
League, 3-5 p.m. on the following
days: May 22, 23, 27 and 29.
All students having lockers at
Waterman Gymnasium should call
for their refunds at Room 5, Wat-
erman Gymnasium on or before
Thursday, May 29.
Women students attending Sen-
ior Ball have 2:45 permission.

Calling hours have not been

Union Life Memberships for
those who have attended the Uni-
versity for eight civilian semesters
are ready and may be obtained at
the Union Business Office, Monday
to Friday, May 26-30, 8 a.m. to 5
Bureau of Appointments & Oc-
cupational Information,201 Ma-
son Hall. Office Hours: 9-12, 2-4.
A representative from Life Mag-
azine in Detroit will be in the of-
fice on Monday, May 26, to inter-
view men interested in advertising
F Mr. Yokum of Hall Brothers
Company in Detroit will be in the
office on Tuesday, May 27, to in-
terview men interested in sales
A representative from The
Commonwealth & Southern Com-
pany in Jackson- will interview
electrical and mechanical engi-
neers (chiefly those with experi-
ence), in our office on Friday, May
Mr. Dunkel of Whitehead &
Kale in Detroit will be in our of-
fice on Thursday, May 22, to inter-
view civil engineers for structural
drafting. Call 371 for appoint-
We have a request for a girl
who is a graduate of Play Produc-
tion to do secretarial work, short-
hand and typing, for a job that
would carry opportunities for ex-
cursions into all phases of the
theatre. Call at the Bureau for
further information.
The J. L. Hudson Company will
be at our office on Tuesday, May
127, to interview men for their Ex-
ecutive Training Squad.
If you can teach -Advertising,
Advertising Principles, Advertis-
ing Production,rAdvertising Copy,
Market Research and Marketing
Principles, there is a splendid op-
portunity for you in a midwestern
university. Call at the Bureau for
further information.'
A ci'tdemic Notices
Chemistry Colloquium: Mon,
May 26, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chem-c
istry Bldg. Mr. L. R. Perkins and
Louis Gordon will discuss their
original "Research in Analytical
Chemistry 234, Summer Session.I
Students who intend to elect
Physiochemical M e t h o d s o'f
Analysis during +the Summer 8es-1
sion are reminded that the total
enrollment is limited and that the1
permission of the instructor isl
required. Prospective students
should leave their names with Mr.
Dean, 328 Chem. Bldg. The list ofP
approved enrollees will be posted
during registration week; prece-e
dence being given to doctoral can-
didates first, then to other gradu-
Directed Teaching, Qualifying
Examination: All students expect-c
ing to do directed teaching in the.
fall are required to pass a quali-
fying examination in the sub-c
ject in which they expect to teach
This examination will be held on
Sat., May 24, 8:30 a.m. StudentsI


will meet in the auditorium of the
University High School. The ex-
amination will consume about four
hours' time; promptness is there-
fore essential.
University Symphony Orchestra,
Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will be
heard in its final concert during
this semester at 8:30 p.m., Tues.,
May 27, Hill Auditorium. The
program will open with Mozart's
Serenade for Woodwinds and
Horns, B-flat Major, followed by
Sibelius' Violin Concerto iti D
Minor, in which Emil Raab will
appear as soloist. Beethoven's
Symphony No. 7 in A Major will
conclude the concert.
The general public is invited.
Organ Recital: Carl Weinrich,
concert organist, will appear in
Ann Arbor at 4:15 p.m., Thurs.,
May 29, Hill Auditorium. Program:
Compositions by Bach, Buxtehude,
Handel, Mozart and Hindemith.
Mr. Weinrich has been associated
with Columbia University, Prince-
ton University, and appeared
throughout the country on tour.
The public is cordially invited.
Memorial Day: Professor Perci-
val Price, University Carillonneur,
will give a special recital in ob-
servance of Memorial Day at 11
a.m., Fri., May 30, on the Baird
Organ Recital: John Wheeler
will present an organ recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music at &:30 p.m., Sun., May 25,
Hill Auditorium. A pupil of the
late Palmer Christian, Mr. Wheel-
er will play Concerta in G major
by Vivaldi, Two Chorale Preludes
and Passacaglia and Fugue in C
minor by Bach, Sonata, The Nine-
ty-fourth Psalm, by Reubke; Mag-
nificat (Verse 5), and Prelude and
Fugue in B major, by Dupre. The
general public is invited.
Student Recital: Howard Hat-
ton, baritone, will present a recital
at 8:30 p.m., Fri., May 23, Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, in lieu of a
thesis as partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music in Music Litera-
ture. Mr. Hatton is a pupil of Ar-
thur Hackett. Program: Composi-
tions by Handel, Brahms and
Faure. Open to the public.
Student Recital: Mary Alice
Duncan, student of flute under
Hale Phares, will present a recital
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Mas-
ter of Music in Music Education at
8:30 p.m. Sat., May 24, Rackham
Assembly Hall. She will be assist-
ed by Dorothy Johnson Heger,
Pianist, Earl Bates, clarintist,
and William Weichlein, bassoon-
ist, in a program of compositions
by .Loeillet, Griffes, Demersseman,
Haydn, Ibert and Kuhlau. The
public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Nelle Hocutt,
Mezzo-soprano, will be heard in a
recital at 8:30 p.m., Mon., May 26,
Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil
of Arthur Hackett, Miss Hocutt
presents the program in partial
fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music
in Music Education. The general
public is invited.
The Museum of Archaeology:
Current Exhibit: "Life in a Roman
Town, in Egypt, 30 B.C.-400
A.D." Tues. through Fri., 9-12,
2-5; Sat., 9-12; Sun. 3-5.

The Museum of Art: Drawings
by Maurice Sterne and Paintings
by Pedro Figari Alumni Memorial
Hall, daily, except Monday, 10-11
and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5; Wednes-
day evenings 7-9. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
University Radio Programs:
1:30 p.m., WPAG, The Great
Lakes Series-TheBig Ditch-
Lake Erie.
2:30 p.m., WKAR, Tales from
Poe-"The Life of Edgar Allen
2:45 p.m., WKAR, Landscape
Design Series-"Development of
Waterfront Resort Properties,"a
Mr. H. 0. Whittemore.
5:45p.m., WKAR, Dorothy Orn-
Geology and Mineralogy Jour-
nal Club: 12 noon, Fri., May 23,
Rm. 3055,' Natural Science Bldg.
Dean Emeritus H. Kraus will speak
on "The University of Michigan
and the early development of the,
Geological and Mineralogical So-
cieties of America."
German Coffee Hour: 3-5 p.m.,
League Coke Bar.

Tea dance: Last dance of the se-
mester, International Center, 4:30-
7 p.
Coning E'veis
Association of University of
Michigan Scientists: Last meeting
of term, 8 p.m., Mon., May 26,
East Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg. Program: Review of the
status of the atomic energy situ-
ation and ofthe American Sien-
tist groups activities.
Library Science Alumni Associa-
tion, Annual Reunion. Luncheon.
12:15 p.m., Sat., May 24, Michlg n
Union. Meeting, with address by
Dr. William Warner Bishop, Libra-
rian Emeritus, 2:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. Lecture is open
to public.
Graduate Outing Club: Canoe-
ing, Sun., May 25, meet at 230
p.m., Northwest entrance, Rack-
ham Bldg. Supper outdoors if
weather permits. Sign up before
noon on Saturday at the check
desk in the Rackham Bldg.
Delta Epsilon Pi Society: Pro-
fessor A. E. R. Boak will speak on
the subject, "T h e Byzantine
Church As a Cultural Force in the
Middle Ages," 11:30 a.m., Sun.,
May 25, St. Nicholas Church. The
public is cordially invited.
There is a splendid opportunity
that can be seized in Korea. In
that country the United States
and the Soviet Union have a
chance to prove that co-operatioatn
between them is possible and thus
to set precedents to be used later
in moredifficult areas. Thecop-
Portunity is excellent becau
there are so few complicating faC-
tors. The picture is far less comu-
plex, for example, than in Ger-
many. When dealing with Ger-
many both American and Rus-
sian diplomats must take into ac-
count important interests of the
British and French, must consider
the thorny issue of reparations
and must pay attention to the po-
sible revival of German militar-
ism. The only real issue in Korea
is whether the two great powers of
the world, with widely different
political theories, can work togeth-
er to give independence and self-
government to the Koreans.
The new meeting of the Joint
Soviet-American Commission in
Seoul was opened with speeches
that certainly would be cheering
if taken at exact face value, with
no quibbles over definitions, Colq-
nel General T. F. Shtikov, repr-
senting Russia, declared that Kor-
ea "will become an independent
state and will join the family of
peace-loving nations as an equal
member." Lieutenant General
John R. Hodge, representing the
United States, said: "We are here
to carry out the promisess of the
great powers to rebuild Korea as a
sovereign and independent state."
If the two generals, backed by
their governments, could agree on
steps to carry out these statements
a fine step would be taken in the
direction of constructing a sane
world. Possibly there is hope, re-
gardless of the doubts already ex-
pressed by observers at Seoul, that
the revived commission will do
precisely what Generals Hodge
and Shtikov have promised.
-N. Y. Herald Tribune
The plans for rebuilding London
and Coventry and Plymouth and
Manchester are brave plans for a
new world-plans to rebuild not
only the damage done by Germn
bombers but that more sqalid
heritage of a century and a half
of unrestrained industrialism and
--Harper's Magazine

l e
9l irl ig u ttily

sented Mr. Robert True's In Spite of
Heaven last night at Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Mr. Valentine Windt did a beau-
tiful job of directing what might well have
been a terribly dull play. However with a
superb cast headed by John Babington, in
the role of Moliere, the play was enthusias-
tically received by a full house.
Actually Mr. True's play has little to
recommend it. The story is n.ot new, nor
has he given it any creative turn that would
make it different or meaningful. The plot
although set in France, is thoroughly Amer-
ican; it deals with Moliere's love for a
young and thoughtless wife, hVr infidelity
with an antiquated count and their theatri-
cal reconciliation. The dialogue descends
often to pathos and melodrama. Further-
more the explanations of things past and
future is not clear. At the end of the play
it seems as if Moliere and his wife at some
time during the three years of their mar-
riage had had a child. Yet this child is
not spoken of coherently except in the last
scene when it is already three years old, and
has become an integral part of Moliere's
plans for the future. Much of the begin-
ning of the play dealt with names that were
indistinguishable and seemed not to set the
scene, but rather to confuse the audience.
However the cast was great and played

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey .......... City Editor
Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director
Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor
Clyde Recht...........Associate Editor
Jack Martin ............Sports Editor
Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.............Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal... Research Assistant
Associated Collegiate Press,



Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General
Janet Cork........Business


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