Schooling Problem HE GRIM eductional outlook for the ,nation's children should. arouse its par-. .ts from their lethargy. Wirgtized teachers, rebelling at starvation alaries, struck schools in 11 more cities inue the Ifrst of the -year. The pitifully in- de uate wages of hiren and women in the rofession are forcing teachersto work part- frie as bartenders, riveters, elevator oper- ors, automechanics and waitresses to sup- lefient their earnings. In a recent sur- ey, it was disclosed that 70 per cent of New ork City's male teachers are forced to ake outside employment. This is the in- entive to teach at a time when estimates how we are "ehIying" our most acute eacher shortage, apt to get worse instead of etter. . The Natlonal Educa1ion Association in its nnual report outlined the dangers to the Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: MARY RUTH LEVY ~'D RAThER BE RIGHT: Divded Col By SAMUEL GRAFION r.IS- onservatism seems very feeble in- deed in Western thi'ope; it doesnt look rlP at all. In Britain the Conservatives are ivided on the question of whether they ught to have a program or not. They have ot the faintest idea of what their pro- rIm dught to be, but some of the more dvanced Tories think there ought to be ne. I remember talking to one young Conser- tive in an ante-chamber of the House f Commons last week, who could only offer tan thought- that there ought to be more ienedm; the labor unions he felt were too efrictive and wasted manpower by keep- ig too many men on a job. He also threw 0 an anti-monopoly line, "to make the pro- ram national," he explained. But he did ot seem at all to be ridift' a white horse nd4'aving a plumed hat; he seemed just young man squirming hnhappily in his hair. In France the far Right occupies bout one sixteenth of the pie, as the cir- ular benches in the new national assembly re divided. It makes a kind of utomatic iose against most gverfnet propositions, trough which the asembly waits patiently s it might wait through the striking of a. lock. The MRP, which the Communists onsider their main antagonist, has as many berals as consei'vaties in it; and the nen nd parties of the center are assembled in h organization called, naturally, the "Cap- al's gathering of the Left." There are, of ourse, Conservatives in Fralce, many of hem; but the fact that so many feel they ; VrWear strange political beards and a wrIfty of fancy faces in order to oserate a comment in itself. One has the feeling that a permanent e~w cast of characters now roams through oth the magnificently vaulted and decor- Led ante-rooms and halls of the House of ommons in London, and the austerely Re- ilican Chamber of Deputies here. These re the young men of the Left who, with Wir briefcases and their sheafs of intermin- b.e reports and studies and surveys, seem Lite at home beneath the bits of gilt and rocade of another age. The change does not seem temporiry. Ate British Labor Government has won every by-election in eighteen months, the brst time this has hapened to any gov- 9rnment in modern British history. Brit- sh Conservatives are talking frantically about changing the name of their party er about throwing their support to liberals [j some by-elections, in order to break the string of labor victories. 'ome of the Laborites even feel the Tories re a little too pleased by the recent bad eather in Britain which has dreadfully irt the government's export plans by wor- ming the coal shortage and shutting down school system, the main features of which are: 1. Low salaries. The 1945-46 average salary Is abot $2,000 with wide variations between the states in wage scales. Four- teen states pay 75 per cent or more of their teachers less than $2,000 annually. 2. Shortage. For 1946-47 it is estlijiated that out of the 865,000 teachers, 11,000 are teaching on emergency certificates and over 14,000 jobs are vacant. 3. Class curtailment. 62,000 children are now deprived from schooling by the teacher shortage. Willard Givens, NEA Executive Secretary, states that the solution lies in an "aggres- sive, nation-wide, professional program, which, although addressed primarily to the nation's teachers, deserves the careful study of all citizens." It is the last aspect of Given's program which needs to be brought home to the American public. The nation's citizens have 'welled too long under the out-dated im- pression that teachers are mostly grey-hair- ed spinsters who take their children out of their hands at the important shopping hours of the day. -Lida Dales niserva lies ihdustrial plants. But it is a sign of the Conservative dilemma that it has needed a blizzard to give it a talking point. The Tor- ies one remaining approach to power is per- haps to raise a Communist scare, but Labor people point out that the Conservatives have won two general elections since the first world war by means of such scares and the chances are thin that they can do it a third time. In France where there is much Commun- ist feeling, the story might develop differ- ently. But that Conservatism feels faint here too is shown in many ways; one is the frequency with which conservatives, espec- ially in the foreign colony, praise Leon Blum. Parisians who cursed Blum ten years ago now cannot speak enough of the old Social- ist's charm, his culture, his probity. But Leon Blum, they grant, does not have strong popular support any longer; he is a great figure, admired and almost revered, but he has floated off out of the daily political struggle into the loftier levels of elder states- manship. This picture of a roomful of Con- servatives finding comfort in an aging Soc- alist is not a bad symbol of the disoriented and defeated state of Conservatism in West- ern Europe today. (Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate) ,journalism WE WOULD like to stand up and be count- ed on the side of the editors of Show- Me, the University of Missouri's humorous magazine, versus university officials and mneibers of Sigma Delta Chi, the journal- ism fraternity. The parties of the second part decided to delete a cartoon spoofing a member of Congress for his charges that Communism is being taught at the school. One of the things students should learn in schoolr we think, is not to let their public servants push them around. It's more important in state-supported schools than in others, because very often their officials are pushed arund by legislators and sundry public officials on whose favor they depend for appropriations. Perhaps the educators may feel sometimes that they have to curry favor, but the edu- catees don't have to, and shouldn't do it. Quite the contrary. As citizens, they are sov- ereign, and while they shouldn't hush their public servants around, either, they ought to feel perfectly free to express disapproval. If a Congressman indulges in folly, hold- ing up the mirror of humor to him can be downright therapeutic. As a matter of fact, by rights the next issue of Show-Me ought to have a cartoon ribbing the socks off those scairdy cats, the university officials and Sig- ma Delta Chi. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch Campus Charyit EDITOR'S NOTE: Lou Orlin, chirman of the FPind brive Conmnlttee of tie Stiident Legislature, reports on the reorganiation of the procedure for handling campus drives for charity during the year. LAST SEMESTER the student body, through its representatives in the Legis- lature, requested a clarification and reorgan- ization of the then existing fund drive sit- uation. A special committee was provided whose job it was to consider thoroughly all aspects of charity activity on the campus, and to present a report which would be the basis of future action by the Legislature. That committee met and undertook to de- fine the scope and limits of such activity. It was found that student-charity re- lationships were at . low. No over-all pro- gram was in effect, resulting in unspaced and unlimited fund drives. Consequently, the individual organizations experienced a gradual slump in contributions, while the student body adopted an attitude of apathy if not disgust. The need was for first, a re- statement of principles, and second, a ma- hinery to carry out those principles. The committee decided to place emphasis on those charitableorganizations whose ac- tivity depended primarily upon contributions received from the campus, and whose work was as directly as possible concerned with the campus. Charity, the committee felt, was an educational process, the giver re- ceiving as well as the ecipient. The opin- ion was that the students should have de- finite and limited drives, behind which they could lend the weight of their organization, for the ultimate gain of both the studena and the project. Upon this premise, the committee presented a bill in the Legi' lature which provided for the establishment of the U. of M. Campus Chest. This Campus Chest is now the official consolidating organization for fund drives on campus, having been passed by the Leg- islature before its Fall adjournment. Under the act, five units now comprise the author- izec whole of charity activity. They are: 1) Assembly Fresh Air Camp Comm.; 2) Galens Comm.; Daily Goodfellow Comm.; 4) World Student Service Fund Comm.; 5) Heif es for Europe Comm. The Legislature will act upon petitions by each of these committees for permanent drive dates which will be- come traditional. These drives will be even- ly spaced, and will occur once for each unit during the school year. Publicity will be both general and particular, becoming spec- ialized as each organization undertakes its drive. In this way the students will be giv- en an opportunity to acquaint themselves with all aspects of the work of the rest. New members may not be added except by approval of a majority of the Legislature. It has become accepted that the only way for obtaining a substantial proceed is to hold a tag day. Although we acknowledge that it is effective, we intend to experiment with different types of activity, danes and carni- vals for example, to meet the individual unit requirements. The committee feels that students will adopt a new interest and will participate actively, knowing that definite organization and estalished goals are present. It is our intention to make the Chest a permanent campus institution, a campus project. We envision a University Fresh Air Camp built up and maintained by the work of students, so that they would be able to use it in Win- ter as a sports area. We look forward to "adopting" the crippled children at the hos- pital through Galens, to giving local under- privileged youngsters a start through the Goodfellow organization, to aiding foreign students, like ourselves, through WSSF, and to help the Heifers Comm. allieviate the livestock and clothing situation in needy areas. We believe that we have fulfilled the trust of the students in this matter. Our action at all times was governed primarily by con- sideration for the students, and our decis- ions have been reached with a view to pre- senting the student body with a solution that would be desirable to them. Now that the Chest has been established, we are re- ciprocating the trust that the students plac- ed us. We ask only the justification of our action that will come by strong participa- tion, suggestion, and constructive criticism. -Lou Orlin LAST YEAR was a year of defeat for pro- gressives in the United States. But the pattern of defeat that came from the poll- ing places of the country was punctured by major liberal victories as significant as they were exceptional. Several notorious charac- ters of the Right, such as Burton Wheeler, were driven out of public life; genuine tri- bunes of the people, like Governor Jim Folsom of Alabama, were elected to office. Moreover, well entrenched machines were bodily challenged in several states. Where did these developments take place? ... The triumphs were confined almost ex- clusively to the South and West. In the 15 states from Illinois to Maine, progres- sives won only one victory in senatorial or gubernatorial contests. This was the re- election of Senator Harley Kilgore of West Virginia. In those states, few candidates of the cal- ibre of Folsom and Kilgore were nominated, let alone elected. Nearly all of the "lib- erals" offered to the voters were tired old Democratic Party wheelhorses, --New Republic DAILYOFFICIAL BItiLjETIN i Letters to the.E (Continued fron Page 3) now who are not living in dormi- tories but would like to apply for dormitory accomnodations for the fall and spring semesters of 1947- 48 may do so at the Office of the Dean of Women on Apr. 1, 1947 beginning at 7:30 a.m. They will be accepted up to the number of spaces available for them. 3. Women tentaively admitted to the University as first-semester freshmen for the fall 1947 may apply for dormitory accommoda- tions now, and will be accepted up to the number of spaces reserved for them. 4. Women students on campus now may apply for supplementary housing for the fall semester, 1947, at the Office of the Dean of Wom- en on April 1, 1947. 5. Women tentatively admitted to the University with advanced standing for the fall semester 1947 may apply at the Office of the Dean of Women for supplemen- tary housing now, and will be re- ferred for definite reservations after April 15, 1947. (Dormitory applications will be accepted only from those women students whom the Office of the Dean of Women expects to be able to accommodate in dormitories. Others will be instructed immedi- ately to apply for supplementaary housing. Students may apply for only one type of housing.) Attention All New Transfer Stu- dents to the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Please return the yellow evalu- ation sheets to 1209 Angell Hall immediately, if you have not al- ready done so. IMPORTANT. Choral Union Members whose attendance records are clear, will please call for their courtesy passes for the Detroit Symphony Orches- tra concert on the day of the con- cert, Monday, Feb. 17, between the hours of 9:30-11:30, and 1-4, in the offices of the Society in Bur- ton Memorial Tower. After 4 p.m., no passes will be given out. Summer Placement: Registra- tion for all those interested in summer positions will be held Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 4:15 p.m., Rm. 205, Mason Hall. These positions include camp managers, coun- selors, waterfront people, and also jobs and positions in the various summer resorts that exist in all parts of the country. Women Students interested in putting their names on the baby sitters' list for afternoon or eve- ning may register in the Office of the Dean of Women. Regular rules as to closing hours are enforced, although students may apply for late permission to the Office of the Dean of Women on week-day nights and housemothers for week- end nights. Householders wishing to em- ploy women students to do house work by the hour in their homes are requested to notify the Office of the Dean of Women. Children's Dance and Play Classes: A new series of six lessons will begin for the Children's Dance and Play Classes on Saturday morning, Feb. 15, 9:30 to 11. These classes are for boys and girls, ages 3 to 10, and will meet in Barbour Gym- nasium on Saturday mornings. For further information inquire at Of- fice 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Dept. of Phys. Educ. for Women. Lectures Required Hygiene Lectures For Women-1947: All first and second semester freshman women are required to attend a series of health lectures which are to be given the second semester. Upper-class students who were in the University as freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirements are requested to do so this term. Late enrollees must turn in a Class Card to Mrs. Looman' at the Health Service. Satisfactory completion of this course (or of P.H.P. 100; elective, 3 hours credit) is a graduation re- quirement. Lecture Schedule Section I-First Lecture, Mon., Feb. 17, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Subsequent Lectures Successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Examination, Mon., Mr. 31, 4:15-5:15, N.E. Aud. Section II-First Lecture, Tues., Feb. 18, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Subsequent Lectures, Successive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Examination, Tues., April 1, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Acadei.c Notices Anthropology 32. Change of rooms: Section 2, Tn 10, to 2231 All.; Sec. 8, Th 9, to 2013 A.H. Sc. 9, Th 10. to 2231 A.H. Piological Chemistry Seminar: 10-12 a.m., Sat., Feb. 15, Rm. 319 W. Medical Bldg. Subject, "Some Recent Studies of Amino Acids." Mathematics Seminar on Dy- namical Systems: 3 p.m., Mon., Feb. 17, 3011 Angell Hall. Dr. Kap- lan will speak on Fuchsian Groups and the Ergodic Theorem. Mathematics Seminar on Com- plex Variables: Brief meeting, 4:15 p.m., Mon., Feb. 17, 3011 Angell Hall. Students unable to attend should leave their time schedules with Miss Kelly. Prerequisites: Math. 201, 202, 281 or the equiv- alent. Political Science 2, Sec. 14: Hereafter this class will meet in Rm. 2039 N.S. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m., and 3017 A.H. on Saturdays. Clark F. Norton Concerts The Detroit Symphony Orches- tra, Karl Krueger, Conductor, will give the eighth concert in the Choral Union Series on Monday, Feb. 17, 8:30 p.m. Hill Auditorium. Overture "Prometheus," Op. 43, (Beethoven); Symphony No. 4 in B-flat major iBeethoven); and the Tschaikowsky Symphony No. 6 in B minor. Faculty Recital: Joseph Brink- man, pianist, will present the sec- ond in a series of faculty recitals, at 8:30 p.m. Sun., Feb. 16, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Program: compositions by Beethoven, Bach, Mozart. Brahms and Chopn. Open to the public. Organ Recital: Marilyn Maston, a graduate student, will present the first of a series of five organ pro- grams at 4:15 p.m., Feb. 16, Hill Auditorium. Program: -composi- tions by Bach, Ducasse, Malein- greau and Haines. Other programs in the series will be heard on February 23. March 2, 6, and 9. All are open to the pub- lic. Wind Instrument Program by Russell Howland, Haskell Sexton and William Stubbins of the School of Music faculty, Tues., Feb. 18, 8:30 p.m., Rackham As- sembly Hall. Grace Sexton and Mary McCall Stubbins, pianists. Program: Music for cornet, clari- net, flute, saxophone and piano. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Michigan Takes Shape-a dis- play of maps, Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham. Hours: 8-12, 1:30-4:30 Monday through Friday; 8-12 Saturday. Events Today University Radio Programs: 2:30 p.m., Station WJR, 750 Kc. "Stump the Professor." Dr. Frank Robbins, Professors Amos Morris, George Kiss, Preston Slosson, and Major Robert Brown. 10:45 p.m., Station WJR, 750 Kc, Medical Series, "Study of a New Drug," by Dr. Amedeo S. Marrazzi. Kappa Phi Club: Rushing Tea: 1:30 p.m., Wesleyan Guild Lounge. Pledge Meeting: 1 p.m.; com- pulsory for all pledges. Hindustan Association: Election of officers for the Spring Semester, 4 p.m., International Center. Stu- dents from India and their friends are cordially invited to attend. The Art Cinema League pre- sents Maxwell Anderson's WIN- TERSET, starring Burgess Mere- dith, Margo. Also short subjects on civil liberties with Paul Lukas. 8:30 p.m. Box office open at 2. Reservations phone 6300. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Comying Events Men's Varsity Club: The special Sunday rehearsal for the men list- ed below will be held at the Un- ion at 3:30. p.m. instead of 4:30, Sunday, Feb. 15. " McLaughlin, Henry, Converso, Beam, Stevenson, Cott, Phebus, Anderson, Fischer, Van Husen, Mc- Gowan, R. De Merritt, Tattelsall, Westphal, Miller, Jensen, Sand- weiss, Malitz, Quetsch, Hammel, Rieckhoff, Blair, Harmon, Mor- rison, Sorenson, Holmes, David Loughrin, Howard, Morris, Crys- tal, Lindquist, Carpenter, Som- merfeld, Bickham, Campbell, Ross, Foster, Brockhaus, Stirgwolt, Wil- helm, Cleveland, Garchow, Mur- ray, Hall, Laity, Compton. (Continued oil Page 5) EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily pris EVEIIXY letter to the editor (which is Signed, 100 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in lk'ters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300' cords .trv shortened, printed or omited AIt the dicretlion of the edi- torial dii-r tor. * * Preju dice To the Editor, Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter I have just sent. If you would like to use it in the form of an editorial or in the "Letters to the Editor" column you may do so. I am a student in school. Mr. E. C. Smith American Motorcycle 106 Buttles Ave. Columbus, Ohio Dear Mr. Smith: the literary Association pened to Poland, Yugoslavi other European countries. And, dear Editor, sinci Daily has the biggest mouth the "representative" organi please be careful not to mi sent me too much. Ton-Hut To the Editor of The Dail From: General Staff 802 h Subject: Operations Plan IN LIGHT of the recent Ve Administration order req all veterans to turn in a report of absences, the G Staff of the 802 Inf. Batt. i mulated an Op Plan to ex collection of these reports lows: A. Divide all veterans in toons alphabetically. B. These platoons would er at quarters every Mone 1630 on the grinder in front Rackham Building. C. Each platoon come preferably an ensign, wo* port his nlatoons in a m manner as prescribed in thll jacket's Manuel or the Army ual. 17.- Absence from muster constitute an automatic Wac the restricted list and a 111f fine of four hours extra dlti Restricted men would mu the quarterdeck everydaa to be assigned details byth Bos'n's Mate. E. Uniform of day wot ahnounced in the Plan of t1 F. Every fouirth MIond platoons would fall oit it blues and white hats fdrpr inspection by General Brd --Wn. A. U and nhie o A Monument This morning I received an in- vitation from you to join the American Motorcycle Association. On the form to be filled out I. noticed that there was special mention made of the fact that negroes were not accepted as mem- bers. Your rules stress the idea of good clean sportsmanship in the organization and I fail to see how the restriction of Negroes. will contribute to this cause. The fact that I am of the Caucasion race did not prevent me from re- turning the form to you in a mom- ent of disguist- and anger. I have been in the service dur- ing this war and, my father serv- ed in the last,aboth of which were fought to make certain that our democracy would be a permanent thing. It is very disappointing to me to find that' we, as a nation, are not willing to practice the doc- trines of personal freedom at home. Our two wars have evi- dently failed to prove to us that any reform must start at home and prove itself there before it can become effective elsewhere. There is very little that a sin- gle individual can do to improve race relations. The- only way that any progress can be made along these lines is by working with other people. Our race rela- tion problem will not be solved by a few people with a lot of courage but by a great many with just a little. Your organization of the Amer- ican Motorcycle Association is in a very good position to further the cause of racial tranquility by ad- mitting negroes on an equal foot- ing with the white members. If you were to do so I am certain that your organization would gain many new members of high quality and do much to solve the problems of racial prejudice. Sincerely, --R. D. Beach '* * * Delegate. To the Ediltor: To the Editor: TIME: About fifty years now. Place: Washington, D.C. Characters: Sight-seeing guide and several Citizens. Guide: And here we hav Pentagon Building, built the Second World Wair- world's gredtest monumenf tape. First Citizen: dawsh, a impressive. What do they for now? Guide: The Veterans Ad tration took it over in 1947 it as a filinig cabinlet. Second Citizens: Is that V the rooms are stacked high paper? Tihird Citizen: What is al paper? Guide: Those are weekl sence reports filed by vetera tending colleges under th Bill. Fourth Citizen: What is done with these reports? Guide: Beats the hell me, Mac. All Citizens (removitg hM speaking, reverently, in un How wonderful! Truly the of uselessness. As he curtain comes down eral of the Citizens breal sobs of ecstasy and one even fainting from his joy. --Ralph C. We In the considered opinion UN Food and Agricultural O zation, the United States only country that can allevia suffering in Europe. This involve a willingness to li give money for another yea fairly genetous scae -- $750 million. It might als volve a few mild regulatory nres to effect the export of fat and meat products which expanded grain shipments, I MUST 13 a misfit. I love Amer- ica. I love freedom-of speechc of religion, of the press. I would like very much to keep it thatc way. If I were to vote I would vote for the candidates that wouldf fight to preserve the freedoms. I am not a Democrat, Republican, Communist. Socialist, or Prohi- bitionist. I like to think of myself as a humanr oeing. According to Tuesday's Deily a group of delegates (71 in all) vot- ed on and passed a resolution de- nouncing Gov. Sigler for investi- gating subversive activity on the campus. The headline read "Stu- dent Vets Censure Governor." Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 5th edition says that a delegate is "one sent empowered to act for another." I do not recall send- ing a delegate to vote on that is- sue. On a campus with 18,000 stu- dents it seems rather unreason- able to say that 71 delegates were a representative group. So if you don't mind please do not quote me as denouncing Gov. Kim. He was voted into office by people 'who knew who and what they were voting for. That same dictionary says that censure means "condemning as wrong" and "hostile criticism." Being a student veteran it again appears that I am criticizing Sig- ler. Again that isn't so. All of this misrepresentation is making me very bitter. The newly formed Committee for Academic Freedom is another group with a "broad, representa- tive base." It seems to want to keep any investigation from "get- ting out of hand." Apparently it is made up of all the pink tints from any campus organization containing pink tints. They will probably do a lot to stop the hys- teria they claim is abounding on the campus. They can cry on each others shouler. I see no reason for this hysteria. I am welcoming Kim's "weeding out," remembering what has hap- P t.C t Cti IT SO HAPPENS .. . * Waiting for Spring rirr r r rrn rr i r rr rrrrrrr r in _- - Chaperones Please Note WE WERE CLEANING out our desk yes- terday when we came across a couple of clippings of general interest. From Detroit's high school Central Student, we learn that one of the young BMOC there was given the back of the hand by this University when he wrote inquiring abcut a room applica- tion. The young man in question was addressed as "Dear Miss Blank," and told that, "We .. are happy to report that we have found a room for you in the Stockwell Dormitory." To Put It Euphemistically THOSE OF YOU who may share our ir- ritation at the sports headlines should be informed that there are worse terms than "thinclads" and "pucksters" in use, on other campuses. gentlemen walked up and asked what he was doing. "Do you know how to get into this of- fice," the freshman queried. "Sure, I have a key," the kindly gentle- man answered. "Just picking my teeth," the freshman answered as he put the screwdriver hack in his pocket and walked away. Redttndant' OUR West of Division Street correspondent informs- us that one of the downtown restaurant menues advertises "baked mac- aroni and cheese au gratin." Contributions to this column are by all members of The Daily strff and are the respon- sibility of the editorial director. Items from subscribers are invited; address them to "It So Irappens," The Michigan Daily. Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by stud the University of Michigan un authority of the Board in Con Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha.........Managing Clayton Dickey............City Milton Freudenheim .Editorial I Mary Brush .........Associate Ann Kutz ............Associate Clyde Recht.........Associate Jack Martin .... ......Sports Archie Parsons Associate Sports Joan Wilk..........Women's Lynne Ford Associate Women's Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... general 1 Janet Cork....... Business M Nancy Helmick .. Advertising M Member of The Associated BA RNABY - M I-4 - n nnn i -, - A ,rCnt O (n the otr handr , if 1 ca n nua cue, L I %I I, HeRLM& Ihm ff II