FLAUNTING OF UYr IL RIGHTS See 'age 4 Latest Deadline in the State 47kz ii4q COOLER, S3HOWERSi VOL. LVII, No. 165 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS 'U'ToCombat Shortage of RuralDoctors Mel School Ilan r SttIn al The University Medical School yesterday announced a new pro- gram designed to end the present scarcity of doctors in small towns and rural communities in Michi- gan. The postgraduate program, an- nounced by ean Albert C. Furs- tenberg, will encourage more doc- tors to turn to the field of gen- eral practice instead of specializ- ing in a particular field of medi- cine. The program will get under way in the fall. Under provisions of the new plan, hospitals throughout the state may become affiliated with the Medical School to provide a two-year postgraduate training program for interns. 'General Residents' Two interns in residence at hos- pitals affiliated with the program will be classified as "general resi- dents" rather than as interns in specific departments. These gen- eral residents will be taught gen- eral skills in pediatrics, obstetrics, medicine and surgery. They will iot be trained as specialists in any particular branch, but will acquire the broad background nee- essary for a general practitioner. During this period of general training, the interns will be sent to the University Medical School for a six-month general course in the basic sciences. Explains Program In explaining the purpose of the new program, Dean Furstenberg declared, "The program will fill a great need since there are very few recognized two-year programs offered by hospitals to equip a doctor for general practice." Outlining four advantages of the new plan, Dean Furstenberg said it is expected to attract more students to the general practice of medicine. He declared that the plan would be an inspiration to present country doctors who feel that their field may have been overlooked in the increasing em- phasis on tr ain in g specialists. Standards of medical care in smaller hospitals will be raised and a better distribution of med- ical care will be realized, Dean Furstenberg said. Resubmit Tax Diverston Bill Citizens To Vote At November Election LANSING, May 22-()-Michi- gan's voters will be asked to ex- press themselves for a second time on the sales tax diversion amend- ment at the November, 1948, elec- tions. The House, by a 72 to 25 vote, today concurred in a Senate-ap- proved resolution to put the ques- tion on the ballot. The House approved the same' proposal last February by a 71 to 24 vote but the Senate kept it from the spring election by sending it back to committee. This week the Senate unexpectedly dug out the measure and amended it to place the question on the 1948 ballot. Earlier in the year Governor Sigler advocated another vote on the amendment, to give one-third of the sales tax to the cities and towns, as one means of settling the State's financial problems. Its death in the Senate marked a major defeat for the Governor. Rep. Andrew Bolt, Grand Rapids Republican, contended the sales tax diversion was the mandate of the people and should be followed without further argument, while Rep. Howard R. Carroll, Mt. Clemens Republican, said that the State needed more of a general constitutional revision rather than a second vote on the sales tax amendment. Rep. M. Bushnell Trembley, Flint Republican, told the House that "we have taken a lot away from the cities and if this carries they will be in the worst shape they ever were in."1 Naval Reservist Drive Continues __ ; .r r ..rrr rr I I i 1 Battle of Jazz Waxes Hot in Record Society Mouldy Figs and Be-Boppers Lock Horns Over Ancient and Modern Rhythm Styles By HAROLD JACKSON, Jr. Although there's been no blood shed so far, it's time folks knew that the Mouldy Fwis and the Be-Boppers are a-feudin' right here on campus. For the benefit, of those ignorant in the ways of jazz, these are two opposing factions in the Hot Record Society, a group of jazz enthusiasts who meet every Sunday night in the Hussey Room of the League. Raphael Explains Figs and Boppers According to Malcolm Raphael, program director of the Society - - -the Mouldy Fig-Be-Bop struggle is a nation-wide affair. Mouldy pecial Train Figs, he explains, claim that any jazz written past 1929 isn't jazz anymore, but just trite and com- believe in completely improvised T osted jazz and claim that any use of written music is pure heresy. The Be-Boppers, however, he Survey To Determine says, constitute the extreme left PostifinlTravelPlans group in the modern jazz school. Raphael maintains they do not Sig-upshets or ll tudntsfrown on printed music, adding interested in obtainingtranspor-thathperonalhoa e tation on special post-finals trains Boppers is trumpeter Dizzy Gilles- will be posted tomorrow at the pie. Union travel desk, the League, Originates with Ad outside of Rm. 2, University Hall, The Hot Record .Society began and on dormitory bulletin boards. last fall when a University stu- Students should indicate their dent, Palmer Wright, inserted an names, addresses and phone num- ad in The Daily offering to sell bers, their destinations and what his collection of hot records. In- days they plan to leave Ann Ar- stead of just one or two students bor, Chuck Lewis, chairman of answering his ad, a whole mob the special Student Legislature showed up. They all got so inter- committee conducting the survey, ested in each other's record col- said yesterday. See JAZZ, Page Q Tentative plans efve been formed by the New York Central Railroad to provide Eastbound D,7ele trains leaving at 6 p.im. and West- iW bound trains leaving at 2:15 p.m. on as many days as there is ade- 14ttnciParley quate demand for thrn. It is especially urgent that all fn Free students who plan to take any of Or om these trains sign the sheet in or- der that enough equipment can More than 200 delegates rep- be made available, Lewis' empha- resenting campus organizations sized. throughout the state will attend Reclining seats and dining car the Michigan Conference on Aca-' service will be provided on all the demic Freedom to be held from 11 special trains. a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow at Lane The special Legislature commit- Hall tee was formed at the suggestion The estimate came last night of Walter B. Rea, associate direct- from Hack o , chairman of or of the Office of Student "Af- the University's Council on Aca- fairs, to attempt to alleviate the dei Freedom, whicill beAhost usual end-of-the-term travel con- demic Freedom, which will be host gestion, to the delegates. Every approved campus organ- ization is permitted to send three Garg .Breaks delegates and any number of non- voting observers. / d "d ".Prof. John L. Brumm of the r d id om journalism department will give the keynote address, and attempt Taking the printer by the horns, to clarify the problems to be dis- the Gargoyle will smash another cussed. old Michigan tradition when its An attempt to define academic June "Garg Investigates" Issue freedom, and a consideration of appears on campus Monday. State and national legislation on In the interests of satisfying ur- the subject are on the agenda. gent student demand (and getting Other schools to be representedt rid of several reams of old stories at the meeting include Adrian,, rejected for every previous issue), Olivet, Michigan State and Wayne. Garg appears this month with 36 _ full pages, with a 20-page parlor (Gus Labo Case pink survey of Garg's investiga-l ti Gargoyle tradition and the Decision. Delayed make-up editor have always insist- ed upon the standard 32-page The hearing in the Gauss Bak- magazine. "Thirty-two pages of ing Co. case was closed yesterday< Garg humor are enough to kill in Washtenaw County CircuitE anyone," Edward (Emeritus) Mc- court, and decision was postponedt Kinlay stated, dying with laugh- by Circuit Judge James R.I ter. Services for him will be held Breakey until next week. early Monday morning. The Gauss Co., petitioned theI Garg's price will remain amaz- court April 30 to enjoin the Annl ingly small, despite the added Arbor Teamsters' Local 575 from pages. "No extra charge need be "interfering with the business" oft made for this new and lengthier the company.1 Publication," a benevolent ad- The union threw a picket linet ninistration announced yester- around the company March 3 whenf day. "The difference will be ex- driver-salesmen refused to be or- acted from out-of-state student ganized by the Detroit represen- ;uition next fall." tatives. VA Charges Fraud, Error InGI Benefits Subsistence Hike To Tie Reques(l By The Asociated Press WASHINGTON, May 22 -The Veterans Administration made "a rough guess" today that 200,000 World War II veterans, fraudu- lently or through error, have cashed in on unemployment or subsistence benefits not due them. By coincidence, the report came as Rep. Edith Nourse Rogers (Rep., Mass.), chairman of the House Veterans Committee, an- nounced that a subcommittee soon will recommend a boost in the subsistence allowance of vet- erans going to school under the G.I. Bill of Rights. Penalties Provided A Veterans Administration spokesman said that the more se- ious cases of suspected cheating have been turned over to U S. at- torneys for prosecution. Penalties provided by law range from loss of all veterans benefits to fines 'and imprisonment. How- ever, some judges are said to have been extremely lenient and one case was cited of a group of vet- erans getting off with little more than a lecture-a one-day proba- tion, Most violations were said to be: 1. Collection of unemployment compensation by veterans who have jobs or by veterans who are attending school and in many in- stances drawing educational sub- sistence allotments. 2. Collection of both state and federal unemployment benefits. Asks Increases Mrs. Rogers told the House Rules Committee that amounts now paid veterans attending col- lege are so low as to discourage some of them from entering the program. She said that the bill due for subcommittee approval would would raise the subsistence given an unmarried G. I. student from $65 to $75 a month. The boost for' a married one would be from $90 to $110, with $15 extra for each child. The estimated extra cost is $149,000,000. Officials Say Lynch Trial Is 'Trogress' GREENVILLE, S.C., May 22- (-Grim satisfaction prevailed in the nearby textile communities today over mass-acquital of 28 white men accused of lynching a South Carolina Negro - but some Greenville leaders said the trial, itself, was "progress." One public official, who declined to be quoted directly, said soberly: "This was the first time that South Carolina has brought mass-mur- der charges against alleged lynch- ers. The jury acquitted them. If there should be another case, per- haps we may get a mistrial with a hung-jury. Eventually, the South may return convictions." Degree of Progress John Breamlett, prominent at- torney, said: "The fact that a local grand jury returned 31 in- dictments, and that the state was enabled to try this case, repre- sents a degree of progress." One well-known attorney, whose firm refused to represent the de- fendants, said most people ap- peared to feel satisfaction with the verdict. But, he added, "There are a number of us who feel pro- found shame." Display Indifference Along the textile belt-line, in Judson, Woodside, Riverside and American Spinning Mill commun- ities, the reaction was: "So what? So they turned them loose. It was right, by law and justice." Greenville, generally, displayed indifference. While students at Wofford College in nearby Spar- tanburg paraded in protest of the acquittals, reaction in Greenville was largely relief that the na- tion's greatest lynch-trial was over. itniiciarypositions Will Be Announced 'M - 1 _-_ : . . .n w , . ... .. 91X . . FOREMEN STRIKE -Placard carrying foremen walk in a picket line in the strike of 3,800 fore- men against the Ford Motor Co., which is entering its third day. t c a r r C f y t r, C r C a F t e i7 n p n d a t Border Watch Is Given Vote Of Confidence UN Defeats Russians' Move To Curb Group LAKE SUCCESS, May 22-()- The United Nations Security Council late today gave a major- ity vote of confidence to a border watch group it has stationed in northern Greece. By a vote of 6 to 2, the Council defeated a Russian proposal which would have curbed the powers of the UN sub-commission and or- dered it to move from Salonika to Athens. Call for Restriction Only Russia and Poland voted for the resolution. Australia, Bel- gium, Brazil, the United States, Britain and China opposed it. Co- lombia, France and Syria ab- stained. A majority of seven is re- uired to carry a proposal in the Security Council. Before the vote, Russia, Poland and three Soviet Balkan satellites called on the council to restrict the scope of the sub-commission which is presently organizing for work along Greece's northern bor- der. 11-Nation Commission The Council last December or- dered an 11-nation commission to investigate border troubles along Greece's northern line. In April the council adopted a United States resolution for a subsidiary group to remain in the area until the Council acted on the commis- sion's report. The commission was expected to bring its report here from Geneva by June 9. The commission on April 29 set up the subsidiary group and gave it the same orders given by the Security Council last December. Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria declined to send liaison represen- tatives to the sub-commission. The United States and other countries on the council charged those nations with refusal to coop- erste with the council and with defiance of the United Nations. Alumni Here For Ceremony Paul Hoffman Will TalktoBusinessGroup The 17th annual Alumni Con- ference of the business administra- tion school, to be held here Satur- day, will be highlighted by the cornerstone-laying ceremony for the new business administration building and a speech by Paul G. Hoffman, president of the Stude- baker Corp. The past history of the business administration school has been re- corded for posterity on microfilm and will be placed in the corner- stone at the ceremony which is to take place at 4 p.m., with President Alexander G. Ruthven presiding. Hoffman will address a meeting on the subject of "Capitalizing on Capitalism" at 2:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Fund Drive Calendar Planned To Slash Soliciting on Campus The Student Legislature Fund Drives Committee will meet Mon- day with representatives of every organization which plans to solicit funds on campus next year to draw up a tentative calendar scaling 1947-48 drives down to two or three a semester. The action is being taken in re- sponse to a Student Affairs Com- mitteerrequest that the Legislature Students Hear Wallace- Talkc On Sidewalk College Denies Use Of Speaking Facilities BERKELEY, Calif., May 22-(P) -Henry Wallace wound up a three-day speaking appearance in the San Francisco Bay area today with a sidewalk talk to a police- estimated 15,000 University of California students and Berkeley townspeople. Laughter greeted his opening remark, thanking Berkeley "for the use of your sidewalk." Wallace was denied campus speaking fa- cilities by the university, and his impromptu appearance was in re- sponse to student efforts. "I want Russia to make a tre- mendous success of communism in Russia," he said. "I want, fur- ther, the fairest type of social de- mocracy to make a tremendous success in Western Europe. And I want to see us make a tremen- dous success of capitalistic democ- racy in the United States." Wallace was scheduled to de- part late today for Seattle in a continuation of his transcontinen- tal speaking tour. Germans Get American Food BERLIN, May 22--(I)-Part of a fleet of 116 ships from America unloaded food in German ports to- day and U. S. economists predicted American taxpayers would have to foot a $750,000,000 bill in 1948 for feeding 46,000,000 hungry Germans in the British-American zones. Col. Hugh B. Hester, chief of the food and agricultural branch of the American Military Govern- ment, declared he believed the peak of the food crisis in western Germany had passed. He said gradual but substantial improve- ment was expected between now and the next harvest. Port officials in Bremen said at least five ships were discharg- ing cargoes of grain and flour there and others were unloading at Hamburg and Emden. draw up a schedule to be present- ed to the committee for approval at their May 27 meeting. The gen- eral plan is to group drives wher- ever possible according to the areas which they benefit--campus, Ann Arbor, national and international, according to Jean Gringle, Legis- lature committee chairman. The feeling is that a smaller number of drives will be a con- venience todthe students and that, grouped together, the drives will be as much, if not more, of a financial success to the individ- ual organizations, she said. The meeting, originally sched- uled today, has been changed to 4 p.m. Monday in Rmn. 308 of the Union to allow ample time for con- tacting all the groups involved and to give the organizations enough time to do any necessary research, she said. Miss Gringle emphasizedthe necessity of having representatives from every soliciting group at the meeting. After approval by the Student Affairs Committee, groups not scheduled on the official cal- endar will not be allowed to spon- sor fund drives on campus during the 1947-48 school year. U' Workers Ask Apology Allege Racist Insults Directed At Employe Fifty-five Negro and white workers at the University Hospital yesterday petitioned Dr. A. C'. Kerlikowske, director, to demand the resignation or apology of Charles Ballentine, medical stu- dent and part-time employe, be- cause of alleged profane and hu- miliating language directed at Mrs. Leatrice Murray, an elevator operator, last Monday. Alleging that Ballentine uttered profanity and racist remarks be- fore Mrs. Murray when an eleva- tor, in use at the time, was not im- mediately available for him, the workers have demanded that Bal- lentine apologize to eight colored operators or resign. P. J. Olin, personnel director, speaking for Dr. Kerlikowske, said a meeting between Ballentine and Mrs. Murray wig. be held today and that any decisions will be based on facts disclosed at the meeting. The alleged insult, which re- duced Mrs. Murray to tears, opera- tors said, had been preceded by other similar incidents involving Ballentine which were passed off without comment. Humiliated Mrs. Murray wanted to leave im- mediately, but she was induced tc continue working by Ray Collins elevator supervisor, who cited the shortage of hospital help and the need for elevator service. LEGISLATIVE ACTION: Greek, Turk Aid Program ActionBe ris U.S. Asks RFC For 00 Million By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 22-The United States governmentacted speedily tonight to institute the newly authorized $400,000,000 pro- gram of aid to Greece and Tur- key as a bulwark against the spread of Communism and Soviet power in the strategic Middle East. Within less than 12 hours af- ter President Truman signed the aid bill at Kansas City, Mo., dip- lomatic officials indicated steps had been taken to obtain a $100,000,000 loan fund from the RFC to get the program going within a matter of hours. When he wrote his name on the long-debated measure estab- lishing some radically new prac- tices in. American diplomacy, M. Truman read a statement declar- ing it to be "an important step in the building of the peace," and emphasizing the view that it is "support" for the United Nations. But the President failed to name an administrator for the Greek. phase of the program, as Press Secretary Charles Ross had said he probably would do. Under the new bill, and once appropriations are made, Tur- key is to receive up to $100,- 000,000 exclusively to modernize its army. The remaining $300,- 000,000 is to go to Greece and to be allocated, under the constant .check of the special mission, among military, rehabilitation and relife work. In addition Greece is to receive $50,000,000 from the $350,000,000 relief fund authorized by Con- gress yesterday and still to b Aigned by the President. GOP Passes 'Bookkeeper's Economy' Bill WASHINGTON, May 22--()- Republicans caught DIemocrats lapping today and rushed through Congress a bill which will make ;heir economy drive for the com- ng fiscal year look $641,832,000 >etter-and President Truman's surplus this year that much less. It was done by an obscure little amendment which the Senate in ,erted in a "deficiency" bill ap- >ropriating $117,438,000 for vari- >us agencies for the rest of this 'iscal year ending June 30. The >ill was approved by both Senate fnd House on voice votes, without lebate. The amendment involves $641,- 332,000 owed to the treasury by the 'Commodity Credit Association on its farm price support and subsidy ,perations. The provision directs the treasury to cancel the debt immediately, while Mr. Truman had budgeted it to be written off as an expense next year. The taxpayers would foot the ill in either case. But the effect > the bookkeeping change is this: 1. The Republicans will be 64 1,832,000 ahead on their pledges ,o trim the President's $37,500, '00,000 spending estimates for the next fiscal year. 2. The President's estimate that ,he government will wind up ths year with a $1,250,000,000 surplus 3f receipts over expenditures will1 )e more than halved. Russian Movie To Be Shown "Four Hearts," the first comedy film to come out of Russia since ,he war, will be presented by Rus- 3ky Kruzhok, the Russian Circle, at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi- torium. Starring Valentina Serova leading Soviet stage and screen ac- tress, and Eugene Samoilov, the Picture on page 6 film concerns the romances of two isters who are courted by two stu- dents. Only one showing of the film will be given in Ann Arbor. Tickets for the movie are on sale at the League and the Union and will be sold Saturday at the> ill Auditorium box office. World News at a Glance By The Associated Press GRANDVIEW, Mo., May 22-President Truman said his mother had "rested very well" this afternoon as he returned to Kansas City tonight from another day-long vigil at her bedside. '4 * * * LONDON, May 22-The House of Commons gave final ap- proval tonight to a peacetime conscription bill, defeating by a vote of 232 to 44 pacifist opponents who sought to kill the measure on third reading. DAYTON, 0., May 22-An Army Air Forces transport dived into the ground and exploded four miles east of Dayton today, killing five persons and injuring two others. WASHINGTON, May 22-The Senate passed and sent to the White House today legislation authorizing a $35,500,000 expendi- ture for completion of 8,300 housing units for war veterans. WASHINGTON. May 22-Th wnrld monav find tnrlnv nn- f t f J I c ti T 1' 2 V t G t PREVENT COLLAPSE: U.S. Must Increase Foreign Grants-in-Aid, Slosson Says I I I.-AT. RT TT~tRVlfii.N I , 1-- '--4.4--- 4-- +-- I