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May 21, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-21

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SDAY, MAY 21,1

Analysis of a Threat

rr)DETERMINE to what degree many re-
cent occurrences in connection with
Communism represent an hysterical "witch
hunt," or whether they are normal reactions
to, or substantiations of, an actual and real
Communist threat, is the responsibility of
every thinking American citizen.
There are a lot of facts to work with in
this enigma, but we must also realize the
presence of a lot of hearsay, rumors, and a
degree of emotionalism which is character-
istic of times either when an actual threat
is in existence or when it is just a matter
of an infectuous structure of rumors, built
upon by those who would benefit by the
spreading of a certain idea.
And as an integral part of our effort, we
must set up standards of judgement for the
present scene, i.e., we must define exactly
what a public threat constitutes, and also
what a' mass hysteria actually is.
A threat to the American public can
only be defined as a repeated and overt
expression of an intention to inflict evil
Scholarship Fund
UNIVERSITY undergraduate student vet-
erans who are being squeezed financial-
W r between rising living costs and a stable
income may be able to get "help at home"
instead of sweating out increased federal
The Bomber Scholarship fund, set up by
the University students for University vet-
erans, provides gifts of $100 each semester
for student veterans, who qualify as to need,
character and scholarship. The fund was
established during the war by the contribu-
tions of students and faculty and the pro-
ceeds of University dances and parties.
Qualified veterans who need financial help
must file their applications at the Office of
Student Affairs by tomorrow afternoon.
War-time students, through the Bomber
Scholarships, are making it possible for pres-
ent veteran students to remain in school.
This fund has become one of the most
worthwhile of the student projects under-
taken on this campus.
-Stuart Finlayson
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

or injury on the people and /or on their
government, with that expression being
made by a group which is strong enough,
either in numbers or in organization, to
carry out the hostile acts intended.
At this point it can plainly be seen that
what is present in the American scene today
is a curious combination of both an actual
threat by Communism and a semi-hysterical
reaction to that threat. There is surely a
threat because (1) we have basic evidence
lying in the doctrine of the International
Commintern that Communists consider there
is always in existence a state of war be-
tween capitalist and Communist countries,
whether declared or not, (2) that the Com-
munist goal in regard to this country, no
matter how vaguely stated, is inimical to
democratic institutions, and (3) that the
Communists in this country constitute a
part of the most effective and mobilized un-
derground fighting group in existence. These
are facts and cannot be either overlooked
or minimized.
On the other hand, there is sufficient evi-
dence to conclude that the reaction to this
threat is partly sheer emotionalism, with the
consequent distortion of public opinion.
Wherein does this evidence lie? The ans-
wer in part is that it is very human to react
to a threat of sufficient proportion with fear,
and it is that very fear which leaves us
openly susceptible and gullible to rumors
and other propaganda devices, which are
the other reasons for the emotionalism.
It is obvious that this distorting force
springs from those who would have the most
to lose by establishment of Communism in
this country, the moneyed interests. How-
ever, we must not overlook the efforts of
the radical leftists, whose goal run a close
enough parallel with those of Communism
so that they would benefit themselves by a
minimization of the real threat.
Both interests are so strong that true
realization on the part of the public of the
true proportions of the threat is impos-
sible. But the forces' do not balance by
any means; it is obvious that those work-
ing for minimization are so much strong-
er that the average citizen today belittles
the position of the Communists in this
country. 4
It must be realized that a large part of
the emotionalism is justified, and yet, sur-
prisingly, there is no wide realization of the
subversion. In the best interests of the
country, the emotionalists should calm down
a little, but simultaneously more Americans
must recognize the very real menace to the
security of American democracy.
-John Nehman

City Editor's

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United States, of Europe

a few days, will celebrate its first anni-
versary as a student affairs committee.
What this confusing statement means is
that nearly a year ago the Board of Regents
revamped the SAC so that the student mur-
mur became a real voice.
Prior to the Regents' action last May 31,
the SAC had consisted of eight faculty mem-
bers and five student members. On recom-
mendation of the committee itself, the Re-
gents added two more students. An eight-
to-seven ratio speaks much better for an
institution that is dealing with adults than
does an eight-to-five ratio.
In retrospect, this bold step has fully
justified itself. The new-born student
power hasn't pulled down any pillars
around the place. In fact, the most con-
troversial action taken by the SAC this
year was to approve reactivation of the
Karl Marx Society. Students and faculty
have never split along student-faculty
lines throughout the SAC's history, and
the action on the Karl Marx Society was
no exception. Moreover, a combined stu-
dent-faculty majority approved plans for
the Class of 1948's J-Hop, which included,
of all things, 4 a.m. permission for women.
Universities, being steeped in tradition,
usually require precedents for any far-
reaching changes. The precedent has now
been set for giving students more voice than
murmur in their own affairs, and it ought
to be applied liberally.
A highly-placed University administrator
said to me some time ago that faculty-dom-
inated boards were an "insult" to the stu-
dent body. He referred, among others, to
the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
letics and the Board in Control of Student
The lineup of the athletic board shows the
faculty very much in control, there being,
nine faculty representatives as compared to
two student representatives.
The publications board is staffed by six
faculty members, two University alumni
and three students In addition, the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions is put above criticism in The Daily,
the principle publication which it con-
trols. In January, 1943, the Board re-
"That when the editorial staff differs
with the Board in Control it shall use its
right to petition the President of the Uni-
versity, or through the President, the Re-
gents of the University, for redress of griev-
ances, but it shall refrain from publishing
these differences in any way."
President Ruthven, President Truman,
Premier Stalin, Prime Minister Attlee, et al,
can be criticized in The Daily's editorial
columns, and news which reflects critically
on them can appear in The Daily's news
columns. But not a line of criticism of the
Board in Control of Student Publications
can be published.
Muzzling devices such as this, plus top-
heavy faculty majorities on various boards,
indicate a mistrust of student participation
in the control of their own affairs. An im-
portant exception to this general trend is
the Student Affairs Committee as now con-
Last year's members of the SAC and the
Board of Regents are to be congratulated for
a farsighted move inputting students in the
position of authority which their numbers
and interests deserve. On the other hand,
what my administrator friend refers to as
an "insult" to the student body ought to
be further driven off this campus,
ter Bowles, Paul Porter and Leon Hen-
derson warn us that there is going to be a

"bust" unless we roll prices back at least
half the ground they have gained since last
June, and raise wages a trifle. For these
men have been right; it is a kind of dread-
ful fact about them that they have been
right. All three have had terms as national
price administrator; all three have warned
that if we allowed prices to rise they would
stay up and make trouble for our economy;
all three have been proved absolutely cor-
rect and all three are out of government.
Our economic policy is still being shaped
by Senators and Representatives who told
us, wrongly, that once prices were set free,
they would swiftly become reasonable. With
unabashed mien, these false promisers con-
tinue to direct and lead, while these three
miserable sons of truth have to find unoffi-
cial platforms (in the present case, that
of the Americans for Democratic Action) on
which to stand while they continue to ad-
dress us.
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation)


rHE ADVOCACY by Winston Churchill of
a "United States of Europe" again brings
into sharp focus the resolution introduced
into the Congress a few weeks ago by Sena-
tor Fulbright of Arkansas and Representa-
tive Boggs of Louisiana proposing support
for a "United States of Europe within the
framework of the United Nations."
I do not believe that I can remember an
occasion when a resolution of this character
has received such widespread support. Few
have ever been offered that held out such
a hope for world peace and a higher civiliza-
tion. It may be that the newspaper readers
have not read much about it in their local
papers. Until last week the press services
had carried no accounts about it. The radio
networks had not yet told the story. The
reason for this is that the movement did not
originate in any one particular place. It
has been in the nature of a spontaneous
ground-swell. The proposal for a United
States of Europe did not come from a con-
ference such as the Moscow meeting of For-
eign Ministers. It was not the result of a
convention in Geneva, or Luxembourg Pal-
ace or London. The suggestion was not
made at a press conference at the White
House. And so there had been no real
news" story. But that the miovement for a
United States of Europe is in reality a
truly great news story is evidenced by the
spontaneous support that the proposal re-
ceived throughout this country.
Even a partial list of newspapers that have
supported the proposal editorially is note-
worthy. So far as I know, the first paper
to take up the idea was the NEW ORLEANS
ITEM. Within a matter of days, favorable
editorials appeared in the NEW YORK
HOWARD NEWSPAPERS throughout the
country and TIME magazine. Here in Wash-
ington, three newspapers have advanced the
proposal editorially, THE WASHINGTON
I cannot but wonder if there has ever
been an issue on which so many newspapers
of such different colorations have been in
agreement. That the Patterson-controlled
ry Luce's TIME magazine should be found
in the same rendezvous with the WASHING-
is almost unbelievable.
Finally, on May 14, the proposed "Unit-
ed States of Europe" became front page
news when Winston Churchill spoke in

maneuver in the game of power politics and
that it is a sinister plot against Soviet Rus-
sia. There is no truth in this. The whole
purpose of a united democratic Europe is to
give decisive guarantees against aggression.
Looking out from the ruins of some of their
most famous cities and from amid the cruel
devastation of their fairest lands, the Rus-
sian people should surely realize how much
they stand to gain by the elimination of
the causes of war and the fear of war on
the European continent . .
If I understand Mr. Churchill's proposal it
is that the nations of Europe, that were our
allies in the late war, should begin to or-
ganize a "United States of Europe" leaving
the latch-string out for other nations, in-
cluding Russia, which may not be among
the first converts to the idea.
Mr. Churchill's eloquent plea is the more
impressive when one reflects that Prime
Minister Attlee, who possesses widely differ-
ent political views, has likewise expressed
himself in favor of the proposal. Many
Parliaments of Europe, running a wide gam-
ut of political ideologies, have been found to
be overwhelmingly in sympathy with the
idea of "Federation."
We may be, if we press forward, on the
threshhold of one of the greatest political
experiments of our times. But it is an
experiment that must be made, As Mr.
Churchill wisely observed, ". . . let there
be no mistake upon one point. Without a
United Europe there is no prospect of
world government."
It is my personal conviction that the na-
tions of Europe either must federate, or
perish, one by one. Even if an attempt to
unite Europe should fail, the world would be
no worse off than it is today. And if the
undertaking should succeed, all human-
kind would take heart. Europe and the
world will have peace if they are bold
enough to take it.
Never has there been a Holy Grail so
worth the seeking.
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation)
IN A WORLD which places security at the
top of its agenda, it is not astonishing that
anything suggestive of boom-and-slump
arouses suspicion. Since security is now
argued to be achieved only through plan-
ning, the force of the recurring American
argument for maximum trade through max-
imum reliance on "automatic mechanisms"
is considerably blunted. Nobody doubts the
capacity of the United States to sell and
buy on a tremendous scale when it is pros-
perous. The trouble is that it is not con-
tinuously properous. When foreign nations
press upon the United States commitments

(Continued from Page 2)
Applications for Bomber Schol-
arships: Applications may be ob-
tained at the Office of Student
Affairs, Rm. 2, University Hall,
and must be returned to that of-
fice not later than Wednesday,
May 21. To be eligible for these
scholarships, a student must have
served at least one year in the
armed forces during the last war,
must have interrupted his educa-
tion for service in the armed forc-
es, and shall have received no de-
gree of any kind from this Univer-
sity. Awards will be madeaccord-
ing to need, character, and schol-
astic ability afterccomparison of
Bureau of Appointments & Oc-
cupational Information, 201 Ma-
son Hall. Office Hours: 9-12, 2-4.
Accounting Juniors: Sportserv-
ice, Inc. of Buffalo, N. Y., operat-
ing from coast to coast, is inter-
ested in procuring several account-
ing students for summer work. For
further information, see Mr. Jones
at the Bureau.
Juniors in Electrical & Mechanic
Engineering: Mr. Strong of Gen-
eral Foods in Battle Creek will in-
terview at the Bureau on Friday,
May 23, starting at 10 a.m. Call
371 for appointment.
The Federal Bureau of Investi-
gation will be at the Bureau on
Thursday and Friday, May 22 and
23, in addition to Tuesday and
Wednesday, May 20 and 21, as
previonsly scheduled. Positions
for Stenographers will be located
in the following cities: Albany,
El Paso, Mobile, New York City,
Newark, St. Louis, Los Angeles,
Atlanta and Washington, D. C.
Herpolsheimer's Department
Store, Grand Rapids: A represen-
tative will be in our office on
Thurs., May 22, to interview sen-
iors interested in department store
work. Call 371 for appointments.
The U. S. Military Academy at
West Point has a vacancy for a
Physical Education Instructor
with the following qualifications:
skiing experience sufficient to
qualify the applicant as a coach
of a college skiing team; grad-
uate study leading to a Master
of Arts degree with a Major in
Physical Education; age, 22 to
30 years. Salary $4149.60 to
$4902.00 Call at the Bureau for
further information.
Detroit Civil Service announces
examination for Superintendent
of Hospital Nurses; Technical Aid
(Specialities); Smoke Inspector;
Fuel Purchases Agent; Associate,
Assistant, and Junior Architec-
tural Engineers; Assistant, Sen-
ior Assistant, and Junior Civil En-
gineers; Assistant and Junior
Electrical Engineers; Assistant,
Senior Assistant, and Junior Me-
chanical Engineers; Senior Assist-
ant, and Senior Associate Mechan-
ical Engineers (Combustion); As-
sistant, Senior Assistant, and Jun-
ior Structural Engineers; Senior
Library Assistant Grade I (Arts
Reference). For further informa-
tion, see Mr. Jones at the Bureau.
Women students attending Sen-
ior Ball have 2:45 permission.

University Community Center:
1045 Midway Boulevard,
Willow Run Village.
Wed., May 21, 8 p.m., Book Re-
view - A Best Seller by Fnk L.
Huntley, Professor of English.
Thurs., May 22, 8 p.m., The New
Art Group; 8 p.m., Psychology
Fri., May 23, 8 p.m., Duplicate
Sat., May 24, 3 p.m.,.Wives' Club
Children's Party.
Mathematics Lecture: Professor
H. S. M. Coxeter of the University
of Toronto, at present visiting
professor at the University of
Notre Dame, will give a lecture
on Reciprocal Lattices in Crys-
tallography on Thurs., May 22,
4:15 p.m., Rm. 3017, Angell Hall.
Professor Raymond B. Cattell,
of the University of Illinois, will
speak on "Personality Factors and
Their Measurement;" Wed., May
21, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
theatre; auspices of the Psychol-
ogy Club.
A cademic Notices
Doctoral Examination for
Claude John Dykhouse, Educa-
tion; thesis: "Predictability of
Costs in Administering Position-
Automatic-Merit Salary Schedule,
Wed., May 21, 2:45 p.m., Rm. 4019,
University High School. A. B.
Moehlman, Chairman.
Doctoral Examination for Vic-
tor Brown Monnett, Geology; the-
sis: "The Marshall Formation of
Michigan," Thurs., May 22, 3 p.m.,
Rm. 4065, Natural Science Bldg.
Chairman, K. K.Landes.
Conflicts, Final Examinations,
College of Engineering:
All conflicts must be reported to
Prof. J. C. Brier not later than 5
p.m., Wed., May 21. Instructions
for reporting conflicts will be
found on the bulletin board ad-
jacent to Prof Brier's office, Rn.
3223, E. Engineering Bldg.
Chemistry 234, Summer Session.
Students who intend to elect
Physicol-chemical Methods of
Analysis during the Summer Ses-
sion are reminded that the total
enrollment is limited and that the
permission of the instructor is
required. Prospective studnts
should leave their name with Mr.
Dean, 328 Chem. Bldg. The list of
approved enrollees will be posted
during registration week; prece-
dence being given to doctoral can-
didates first, then to other gradu-
Special Functions Semina:
Wed., May 21, 1 p.m., Rm. 3003,
Angell Hall. Mrs. Dickinson will
talk on Artin's treatment of the
Gamma function.
Seminar on Stochastic Proc-
esses: Wed., May 21, 4:30 p.m., 317
W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. N. Co-
burn will discuss the Relation be-
tween Stochastic Processes and
Turbulent Flow.

Calling hours

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Letters to the Editor...
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Dal y'our proposals should be accepted
prints rVET,,Y letter to the editorveyotnthtwudbexc-
(which is signed, 300 words or less very often: that would be expet-
in length, and in good taste) we re- ing too much. But we feel that
mind our readers that the views ex- at least we deserve a civil answer.
pressed in leters are those of the The Student Legislature did not
writers only. Letters o. more than protest the "suppression" of
300 words are shortened, printed or MYDA, because obviously MYDA
omitted at the discretion tt the edi- has not been suppressed in any
real sense. We object to the spir-
it of the action, because it left us
l d Matwith a feeling of uncertainty
To theEditor:about what the President consid-
To te Edtor:ered fair play. We wanted to be
THE DISCOURAGING THING reassured that although the Pres-
about President Ruthven's lat- ident might disagree with us, he
est statement on the MYDA ban was still a reasonable man, and
is that it gives a strange unreality still believed in sitting, down and
to all discussions about how we talking things over. After send-
might improve things at the Uni- ing our representatives to do Just
versity. What is the use of talk- that, we are more puzzled than
ing about student-faculty coopera- ever, "The matter is closed."
tion, etc., when the flat state- Query: Was it ever open?
ment, "the matter is Closed," is -Bob Taylor
still considered an adequate way*
to settle a controversy? Alo ie Criticism
Administrators habitually tell
us, in their talkative moments, To the Editor:
that they want to know what we s I READ Mr.Wiegand's let
think; they want us to take the A - e-
initiative in governing ourselves, ter to the editor in Sunday's
in proposing reforms, in protest- Daily, commenting on the movie,
ing what things go wrong. Every 'The Beginning or the End," I
now and then students get up a was very surprised and disturbed.
little courage and respond to this I have been reading Joan Fiske's
invitation. I do not suggest that reviews for many months and I

have not been ex-

Zoology Seminar: Thurs., May
22, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Speaker: Mr. Frederick
S. Barkalow, "A Game Inventory
of Alabama" and Mr. Harry Wil-
cox, "The Adaptive Modification
in the Pelvic Musculature of the
Loon (Gavia immer)."
Graduate Students who took the
Graduate Record Examination in
October, 1946 or March, 1947 may
pick up the results of this exami-
nation at the information desk of
the Graduate School.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying
Examination: All students expect-
ing to do directed teaching in the
fall are required to pass a quali-
fying examination in the sub-
ject in which they expect to teach.
This examination will be held on
Sat., May 24, 8:30 a.m. Students
will meet in the auditorium of the
University High School. The ex-
amination will consume about four
hours' time; promptness is there-
fore essential.
Carillon Recital by Percival
Price, University Carillonneur, at
7:15 p.m., Thurs., May 22. His all-
Mozart program will include selec-
tions from Le Nozze de Figaro, Don
Giovanni, and Die Zauberflote.
Program of Operatic Arias and
Ensembles, under the direction of
Wayne Dunlap, will be given by
members of the Opera Workshop
Course in the School of Music, in
conjunction with the University
Symphony Orchestra and the Or-
chestral Conducting Class, at 8:30
p.m., Wed., May 21, Hill Audito-
rium. Among the composers repre-
sented are Mozart, Verdi, Saint-
Saens, Puccini, Guonod, Gluck,
Ponchielli, Flotow, Bizet a n d
Tschaikowsky. The general pub-
lic is invited.
Student Recital: Edwin C.
Kruth, student of clarinet under
William Stubbins, will play a pro-
gram in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music in Music Educa-
tion, at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., May 22,
Rackham Assembly Hall. He will
be assisted by Beatrice Gaal,
pianist, and Nelson Hauenstein,
flutist. The general public is in-
Student Recital: Howard Hat-
ton, baritone, will present a recital
at 8:30 p.m., Fri., May 23, Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, in lieu of a
thesis as partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music in Music Litera-
ture. Mr. Hatton is a pupil of Ar-
thur Hackett. Program: Composi-
tions by Iandel, Brahms and
Faure. Open to the public.
The Museum of Archaeology:
Current Exhibit: "Life in a Roman
Town, in Egypt, 30 B.C.-400
A.D." Tues. through Fri., 9-12,
2-5; Sat., 9-12; Sun. 3-5.
The Museum of Art: Drawings
by Maurice Sterne and Paintings
by Pedro Figari AlumnidMemorial
Hall, daily, except Monday, 10-11
and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5; Wednes-j


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