,T HE MICHIGAN OAILY TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1947 . .. _ r Inadequate Counselinig THE RECENT AVC PROPOSAL for an im- proved counseling service has much to recommend it. Most literary college stu- dents are emphatically opposed to the per- functory dispensation of "advice" by their academic counselors. Two postcards a year (more if he's flunking) are the student's only reminders that he has an academic advisor. As a result, concentration has be- come a "hit and miss" proposition. The stu- dent flounders through his first two years, groping blindly for courses in his range of interest. Then,, because it offers the easiest solution, he usually majors in the subject in which he managed to get an "A". Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: LIDA DAILES The series of concentration advisement lectures which have been held curing the past week are indeed excellent, but not all of the students are able to attend them. The University could perform a real service by compiling this information into pamphlets, which the advisors could distribute among the students. In this way, the advice would have a far-reaching effect. However, the present inadequate counsel- ing service is not the fault of the advisors. Forced to carry a full teaching program as well as their counseling duties, they cannot give sufficient attention to either task. An advisorship should be a well paid position, which could be gained only after some years of teaching experience. In a satisfactory counseling service, the advisor would have time to devote his attention to the student's problems, and the student would have the assurance of a genuine interest in his fu- ture. -Pat James Neither Extreme 1HENRY WALLACE'S visit to the Univer- sity last week brought forth a pair of editorials on this page. There was the pro of Wallace versus the con. But where does an alien go to register? How does one fit into the scheme of things who neither reveres Wallace as a God or re- viles him as a demon? Wallace is exceptionally subject to vio- lent hate and equally violent admiration. It's not hard for one to go off the deep end in favor of the man. Nor is it difficult for one of differing background, subject to oth- er influences to go completely overboard in condemnation of him. What is there about this man that puts him on the receiving end of such extreme impressions? Perhaps, on the one hand, there's his complete sincerity at the expense of politi- cal expediency. His integrity is, by and large, unquestioned. He is, indeed, a rarity in public life in these respects. On the other hand, there's the feeling that he is a star gazer, completely irrespon- sible, and much too loquacious. The press of the nation has done a particularly ef- fective job in putting such an idea across to the people. The search of some elements for a hero, and of others for a scape-goat are here re- flected. But the appearance of religious fervor on each side of the fence defeats the very purposes of each. Both forces are set onto a common path, completely opposed to what either seeks. It is the path of blindness and dogma--the, path of intoler- ance. In the one case, there's intolerance of any who disagree with Wallace. In the other instance, there's the intolerance of Wallace, even to a point of questioning his very right to speak out. Religious fervor in regard to a mortal opens the door to dogma. When dogma en- ters, liberalism flees. When dogma enters, rationality, democracy, freedom flee. Sure, let's hear what Wallace has to say. Let's admire him for his honesty or criti- cize him for his tactlessness. But let'snot assume that he is the only man who is sin- cere in his search for peace, nor that his program is the only possible answer to such a quest. Let's not assume, on the other hand, that Wallace, because he tries to see the Russian viewpoint is a Communist, or that his talks hamper "bi-partisan" policy and that he must therefore be restrained from saying what he thinks. Let's try to realize that things are not always all white and all black--that there might well be a spectrum-full of shades to an issue-that the maintenance of a free and open mind precludes all intelligent rea- soning. And there can not be a free and open mind in blanket worship or blanket condemnation of a man. -Ben Zwerling MATTER OF FACT: Stop Dewey? By JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP W ASHINGTON, May 18-Without much fanfare, Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio is quietly preparing to organize his Presi- dential candidacy on a business basis. Now that the labor bill is safely through the Senate, there is time to consider such im- portant problems as the selection of a cam- paign manager-a post for which the astute Representative Clarence Brown of Ohio is the most likely choice. And thereafter must begin the serious effort to sell Taft to the Republican organizations, with which to date Taft's friends have merely been "keeping in touch." There are several singularly interesting aspects of the new development. For one thing, the Taftites are showing marked signs of reviving optimism, claiming that the pas- sage of the labor bill through the Senate has balanced off their candidate's setbacks earlier in the Congressional session. For another, there is some reason to believe that one of Taft's first moves as an activt candidate will be to make a pronouncement on foreign policy departing very radically from his isolationist past. Finally, and perhaps most important of all, it already appears that the organization of a "Stop Dewey" movement will be a central feature of the Taft strategy. This is inevitable, for perfectly practical reasons. Senator Taft's warmest support- ers frankly admit that Governor Thom- as E. Dewey is the front-runner. The New Yorker's candidacy has been organ- ized on a business basis for many months, and the Dewey salesmen are already in the field. The Republican organization leaders through the country dislike Dewey but think he can win. And the Repub- licans want a winner. After their long banishment from the public trough, they are naturally obsessed with getting back to it. Taft's situation is the opposite of Dewey's. He is second in the field, and although the organization leaders like him very well, they doubt his capacity to carry the country. Taft's friends admit the existence of these doubts. They even envision the possibility of his withdrawal as a candidate if the im- provement resulting from his labor bill suc- cess does not continue and become cumula- tive. Thus what is happening now is tenta- tive and exploratory. Nevertheless, the logic of the situation remains, and is recognized. And that is why one can already discern the "Stop Dewey" movement's embryonic form. It will center in the Taft camp. If suc- cessful, it will take the form of a record crop of favorite sons, ranging from such obvious participants as Governor Greene of Illinois and Senator Martin of Pennsylvania to such obscure and dubious local heroes as Senators Kem of Missouri and Cain of Washington. The egos of these statesmen are already being massaged to encourage their ambitions. As of this writing, it ap- pears that Dewey will be extremely hard to stop. For the present, Taft is adequately busy coping with the Congressional present and thinking out his next moves. In the latter category is the possible foreign pol- icy pronouncement already referred to. It will be made on the West Coast after the session, if it is made at all. The desirabil- ity of making such a speech on the Sen- ate Floor was briefly considered by Taft during the Greek-Turkish aid debate. He then decided that to do more than vote for the bill would encroach upon the leadership of Senator Arthur H. Vanden- berg of Michigan. Since that time Taft has made a brief but significant statement to a New York gath- ering, that he strongly favored the federa- tion of Europe, believed the United States should support it, and accepted the need to provide large-scale American financing for the project. This suggests the line that Taft may take on the West Coast. making the scheme of a federated Europe his own, declaring that facts rule out the old isola- tionist policies, and acknowledging the dis- agreeable but impelling necessity of U. S. financing of European stability. (Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune) MR. TRUMAN will soon be presented with a cure for our labor ills containing as many ingredients as a doctor's prescription, The President refuses to say whether he will swallow it at one gulp or pour it down the drain. --NewYorker 'Zt^4 . .i, ' _________ -j BILL MAULDIN Teacher's pets? DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Cultural Programus By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE STATE DEPARTMENT is haviiAg trouble getting appropriations for a for- eign cultural program, and for foreign broadcasts, because it is dealing with states- men whose interest in cultural affairs does not usually extend very far beyond trying to keep school teachers from smoking cigar- ettes. The Department is quite right in wanting a cultural program, to show off the best side of American life abroad. But the dif- ficulty is that this side of American life is rather frightening to a number of Con- gressmen. Those of our writers who have won fame abroad (and thereby promoted esteem for American talent) are precisely the writers with whom you could most eas- ily scare the average Congressman, Sinclair Lewis, Hemingway, Faulkner, Drieser, Jack London. The Department's request for funds thus breaks open the whole angry ques- tion of the relation between art and the state. Art tends always to keep itself apart from and independent of the state. CURRENT MOVIES If it is good art it is often critical of the state, and highly suspicious of things- as-they-are; and the problems how to get politicians, our chief spokesmen of things-as-they-are, to put up money for and tamely tolerate the work of what many of them can only regard as the natural enemy. When one enters the field of art, one steps into a kind of non-Euclidean world, in which normal rules of argument and normal considerations of practicality do not apply. In this field, a country wins respect, in a strange, inverted way, by producing artists who are bigger than itself, even critical of itself. Tolstoy made more friends for Rus- sia than the Czars ever did; and we admire England all the more for its Dickens who hated the English slums. The point is that art has to be absolutely free if it is going to serve at all. This para- dox makes the relation between art and the state the strangest master-servant relation- ship on earth, for art has to be above the state to be of any use to it. General Bedell Smith, our Ambassador to Moscow, startled the house Foreign Af- fairs Committee the other day by testi- fying that our foreign broadcasts hae to be of high cultural quality because Soviet broadcasts are, that the State Department has to be free to pick advanced paintings, and that American exchange students sent to Russia ought to study Marx and En- gels in order to understand what they will see when they get there. Bedell Smith understands some of the implications of the high-level cultural struggle; but the world he has tried to open up to' the Congressmen has values so different from the normal Congressional values of pedes- trian plodding and sodden common sense that it is almost unfair to expect Con- gressmen to put out dollars for the other. , It is not surprising that Congress should find it harder to handle the artist than any other character in our national life, this strange servant who insists on being master in the house. Small wonder, too, that Con- gressmen should adopt the psychological de- fense of denying art, in toto, of making uncouth noises before pictures they do not understand. The uncomfortable feeling the artist gives the politician that he is in the presence of his better is not to be endured; and, helped by some anti-intellectual writ- ers, the latter sweats to keep alive the pro- vincial attitude that not to understand a work of art is on the whole, a mark of merit in a man, a sign of good character and clean living. Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1947 VOL. LVII, No. 162 Notices Regents' Meeting: The Regents' meeting originally scheduled for Friday, May 30, at 2 p.m. has been postponed to the time of the An- nual Meeting, June 13, at 2 p.m. Communications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than June 5. Herbert G. Watkins Secretary Memorial Day. Although Friday, May 30, Memorial Day, is a legal holiday and all offices in the Uni- versity will be closed, it is ex- pected that all offices will be open for business purposes on Saturday, May 31. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary University Council M e e t i n g, Mon., May 26, 4:15 p.m., Assembly Hall, Rackham Building. Student Accounts: Your atten- tion is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting on February 28, 1936: Students shall' pay all ac- counts due the University not lat- er than the last day of classes of each semester or summer session. Student loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation; however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any un- paid accounts at the close of business on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semester or summer session just completed will not be released, and no transcript of credits will be is- sued. "(b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to reg- ister in any subsequent semester or summrner session until payment has been made." Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Notice to all faculty members and officers: Arrangements have been made with the purpose of having in the General Library both for present purposes and for future historical value, a file of the portraits of members of the faculty and University officials. It is highly desirable from the Library's point of view that this file be of portraits in uniform 'size. Portraits will be made without cost to any faculty mem- ber or officer by Rentschler's Studio. Members of the faculty are cordially invited to make ap- pointments w i t h Rentschler's Studio for the purpose. Any spe- cial questions arising with re- spect to the matter may be asked either of the secretary of the University, Mr. Herbert G. Wat- kins, or the Librarian, Dr. War- ner G. Rice. Tickets for Graduation Exer- cises: Entrance tickets to Ferry Field and Yost Field House for the graduation exercises on June 14 will be ready for distribution on June 2. Please apply at the In- formation Desk in the Business Office, Room 1, University Hall. Those eligible to receive tickets will please present their identi- fication cards. For Ferry Field a reasonable number of tickets to each graduate will be available; to Yost Field House, however, ow- ing to lack of space, two only can be provided. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Faculty members and University employees: The Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics of the University of Michigan extends to the Faculty and to full-time UnI- yersity employees the privilege to purchase Athletic Coupon Books. These books entitle the owner to a reserved seat for each of the home football games and general admission to basketball, track, wrestling and baseball as long as seats are available. Those eligible to purchase Athletic Coupon Books are as follows: 1. University Faculty and Ad- ministrative Officers. 2. Faculty members who have been retired, but still given faculty privileges. 3. Employees on the University payroll who have appointments or contracts on a full-time yearly basis; or if on a hourly basis, are full time employees and have been employed bythe University for a period. of not less than twelve months prior to the date of appli- cation for the purchase of an Athletic. Coupon book. 4. University employees who are on retirement and who were em- ployed by the University for a per- iod of not less than ten years. Athletic Coupon Books may be purchased also for wives and for dependent children under 18 years of age of the above groups. Each book issued is for the personal use of the individual for whom it is purchased and neither the book or the privileges accom- panying it is transferable. The ticket privileges and coupon book admissions will be honored only as long as the owner is associated with the University. The priv- ileges cease when such association is terminated and no refunds orc rebates will be made. The Athletic Coupon Books may2 be purchased at the Administra-$ tion Building, Ferry Field, begin-f ning May 26th. The price of the Coupon Book is Ten Dollars1 ($10.00) tax inc.1 To receive preference in loca- tion and assurance of a ticket to each of the home football gamesI the athletic coupons should be exchanged and any additionals tickets ordered PRIOR TO AUG- UST 1st Formal application blanks for football tickets will be issued at the time the Athletic Coupon Books are purchased. The Twelfth Annual School of1 Education Convocation of under- graduate and graduate students who are candidates for the Teach- er's Certificate during the aca- demic year will be held at 2 p.m., University High School Auditor-~ ium, Wed., May 21. This Convo- cation is sponsored by the School of Education and members of1 other faculties. Students and the general public are cordially in-l vited to attend. President Alex- ander G. Ruthven will preside and Dr. Eugene B. Elliott. State Su- perintendent of Public Instruc- tion, will give the address. Graduate Students receiving de- grees in June who plan to take part in Commencementaexercises may order caps, gowns, and hoods from Moe's Sport Shop. Please place orders by June 4. Caps and Gowns: Seniors are urged to call for their caps and gowns at Moe's Sport Shop, 711 N. University. All schools will bej accommodated. Seniors in Lit School. Send your class dues (amounting to $1.00) to Barbara Raymer, Finance Chairman, 407 North Ingalls.. These dues are to cover senior class gift and to comprise the Class of 1947 alumnimfund. To students Planning to Attend the Post-Session: Registratio~ for the Post-Session will be required during, the registration period for the Summer Session. All students who expect to be- come candidates for a teacher's certificate in February, June, or August, 1948, should call for an application form atithe office of the School of Education, Rm. 1437 U.E.S. Application forms should be filled in and returned to the School of Education by May 24. Applications for Bomber Schol- arships: Applications may be ob- taied at the Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 2, University Hall, and must be returned to that of- fice not later than Wednesday, May 21. To be eligible for these scholarships, a student must have served at least one year in the armed forces during the last war, must have interrupted his educa- tion for service in the armed forc- es, and shall have received no de- gree of any kind from this Univer- sity. Awards will be made accord- ing to need, character, and schol- astic ability after comparison of applicants. Bureau of Appointments & Oc- cupational Information, 201 Ma- son Hall. Office Hours: 9-12, 2-4. GENERAL PLACEMENT: The Girl Scouts will have a representative here on Thursday, May 22, to interview girls interest- ed in scouting as a career. Call 371 for appointments. The Travelers Insurance Com- pany, Group Division, will be in our office on Wed., May 21, to in- terview men interested in an in- surance career. Civil Engineers. Mr. Dunkel of Whitehead & Kales Company, Structural Steel Fabricators of De- troit, will interview in our office for Sales on Thurs., May 22. Chemical and Mechanical Engi- neers. Mr. Pike of the Crane Com- pany of Detroit will interview chemical and mechanical engi- neers in the office on Wed., May 21. Openings will be available for juniors interested in summer work. TEACHER PLACEMENT: The U. S. Military Academy at West Point has a vacancy for a Physical Education Instructor with the following qualifications: skiing experience sufficient to qualify the applicant as a coach of a college skiing team; grad- uate study leading to a Master of Arts degree with a Major in Physical Education; age, 22 to 30 years. Salary $4149.60 to $4902.00 Call at the Bureau for further information. University Community Center: 1045 Midway Boulevard, Willow Run Village. Tues., May 20, 8 p.m., Willow Village Writers' Club Wed., May 21, 8 p.m., Book Re- view - A Best Seller by Frank L. Huntley, Professor of English. Thurs., May 22, 8 p.m., The New Art Group; 8 p.m., Psychology Class. Fri., May 23, 8 p.m., Duplicate Bridge. Sat,, May 24, 3 p.m., Wives' Club Children's Party. Lectures Mathematics Lecture: Professor H. S. M. Coxeter of the University of Toronto, at present visiting professor at the University of Notre Dame, will give a lecture on Reciprocal Lattices in Crys- tallography on Thurs., May 22, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3017, Angell Hall. Professor Raymond B. Cattell, of the University of Illinois, will speak on "Personality Factors and Their Measurement," Wed., May 21, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theatre; auspices of the Psychol- ogy Club. A cademic Notices Doctoral Examination for Lyda Carol Belthuis, Geography; the- sis: "The Geography of Lumber- ing in the Mississippi River Sec- tion of Eastern Iowa," Tues., May 20, 2 p.m., Rm. 9, Angell Hall. C. M. Davis, Chairman. Doctoral Examination for Rich- ard Hanau, Physics; thesis: "The Recombination of Positive Ions and Electrons in Low Pressure Gas Discharges," Tues., May 20, 2 p.m., East Council Room, Rack- ham. Chairman, E. F. Barker. Doctoral Examination for Ar- thur Henry Rice, Education; the- sis: "Some Desirable Policies for Official Publications of Voluntary Membership Organizations," Tues- day,-May 20, 2 p.m., West Coun- cil Room, Rackham. Chairman, A. B. Moehlman. Doctoral Examination for Claude John Dykhouse, Educa- tion; thesis: "Predictability of Costs in Administering Position- Automatic-Merit Salary Schedule, Wed., May 21, 2:45 p.m., Rm. 4019, University High School. A. B. Moehlman, Chairman. Chemistry 41: Final examina- tion for all sections, 2-5 p.m. Tues., June 10, Rm. 165, Chemistry Bldg. Seminar in Engineering Me- chanics: The Engineering Me- chanics Department is sponsoring a series of discussions on the Plas- ticity of Engineering Materials. A discussion of this series will be at 7:30 p.m., Tues., May 20, Rm. 402, W. Engineering Bldg. Inorganic - Physical Chemistry Seminar. Tues., May 20, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Prof. Harbert C. Brown of Wayne Uni- versity will speak on "Steric Ef- fects and Displacement Reac- tions." Music Literature 32: Class will meet at the regular time on Tues- day. Mr. T. E. Heger Zoology Seminar: Thurs., May 22, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theatre.Speaker: Mr. Frederick (Continued on Page 4) £icl~guu aiMj 1P At The State . THE ANGEL AND THE BADMAN (Repub- lic), John Wayne, Gail Russell THIS IS A WESTERN. That and the fact that is was made by a studio that has been making westerns all its life, should suf- fice to make up any one's mind (depending on whether or not the particular anyone in question is fond of westerns). It might be added, however, that this one is a little snore expensive, smoother, and has more originality than any class C singing-cowboy saga. In this one the rootin'-shootin' hero falls in love with religion as personified by Gail Russell. The conclusion is foregone; the lead-up's not bad. * * * * At The Michigan STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (Archer-Rank), David Niven, Raymond Massey THIS IS THE MOST LOGICAL fantasy and definitely one of the better pictures of the year. It presents a Mr. Jordan BARNABY C/ Whaf are you looking for? My gun. 'i The boys want me to do some trap-shooting. it's a good sport - it'll distract me. - - - - r C! -. I've decided to call on your father, m'boy. There's no earthly reason why we should resent each other. This is one world- Either we believe in it or we don't- Come with me, Barnaby. I'll disarm him by my eloquence. - ,4 Gosh Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor Clayton Dickey...........City Editor Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director Mary Brush.......... Associate Editor Anan Kutz........... Associate Editor Clyde Recht...........Associate Editor Jack Martin ............ Sports Editor Archie Parsons..Assoclate Sports Editor Joan Wilk ...........Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Joan De CarvaJal...Research Assistant Member Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 - l Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Janet Cork.......... Business Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manages Manager Manager r~ 7, / f -I ____________________________________________ I- r i