___UTHE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, IMAl 'Striking Resemblance' BOOKS 0..* £tt eri to the 6cbtor H R 3020, "Labor Management Relations Act, 1947" (Hartley Bill), which passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 308 to 107, April 17, contains several pas- sages that bear a striking resemblance to statements in a full-page advertisement placed in the New York Times, January 8 (p 15), by the National Association of Manufacturers. "Monopolistic practices in restrain of trade," said the NAM ad, "are inherently contrary to the public interest and should be prohibited to labor unions as well as to employers." "It is hereby declared to be the policy of the United States," says H R 3020 (p. 3), "to eliminate the cause of Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR HIGBEE New Courses THE RECENT Town Hall forum on pro- posed curriculum changes indicated a general student desire for new courses. One such course which the University could well afford to offer is in the field of home economics. At present, there are 4,915 wo- men enrolled in the University. For many of them, their ultimate role in society will be that of a homemaker. Are they to be like the proverbial bride who opened her eggs with a can opener? The University can take justifiable pride in its development of the professional, the technical and the academic skills, but not of its development of the domestic talents. The field has not been neglected; it has been ignored. There is admittedly no need to establish a broad range of courses in home economics, but the institution of a few basic courses in the field would be a forward- looking gesture. One of the purposes of a university educa- tion is to enable its students to enjoy a full, satisfying life. Surely then, every means of achieving that satisfaction should, if pos- sible, be included in the student's choice of curricula. A few courses in home economics would be an invaluable asset to a college girl's education. -Pat James ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Mufti's Record By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER A RAB HENCHMEN of the Axis agent and Jew-killer, the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin el Husseini, have asserted at Lake Success that their hero was a great religious leader and an "Arab patriot." In Cairo, the Nazi ex-Mufti personally told a correspon- dent of the Agence Francaise that he had never been an Axis agent and had nothing to do with the extermination of the Jews and that he never wrote to Heinrich Himmler. Documentary evidence has already been published establishing that the M'ufti was (a) a 'friend of the Axis; (b) a co-planner with the Nazis in the cold-blooded extermin- ation of European Jewry. In view of denials by the ex-Mufti and his agents at Lake Success, further proof of the Mufti's voluntary complicity in Hitler's crimes should be of interest. Last year I published a detailed account of the ex-Mufti's career. Since then two new documents of great interest have become available. The first, recently released in a memo- randum distributed at Lake Success, is a draft declaration prepared, in the French language, by Amin el Husseini which he hoped Germany and Italy would make. It was found among the ex-Mufti's papers in Germany. Paragraph 7 runs as follows (my transla- tion): "Germany and Italy recognize the right of Palestine and, the other Arab countries to solve the question of the Jewish element in Palestine according to the Arab national interest in the same manner as this question was settled in the Axis countries." In other words, the Mufti wanted the right to exterminate the Jews of Palestine. The second document is a letter (in Ger- man) of a former high official (Obersturm- bahnfuehrer), Dieter von Wisliceny, written by him in an Allied prison July 15, 1946. A photostat of this letter is on my desk as I type these lines. After giving several new details of the Mufti-Nazi intimacy, Wisliceny states (my translation): "When in the autumn of 1942 I was trying together with the representatives of the joint" (Jewish rescue agency) "in Pressburg to gain influence on Eichmann and Himmler in order that the annihilation of European Jewry should be stopped, Eichmann was ready to negotiate concerning the liberation of Jewish children for emigration to Pales- tine. Himmler too had consented since the International Red Cross had already ap- proached him in this sense. Eichmann had given orders to bring ten thousand Jewish children out of Poland" (where they were being gradually executed? "to Theresien- stadt." "Part of these children had already reach- ed Theresienstadt . . . I already ordered pas- sage and the largest possible number of adults who should go along on the journey. Suddenly I was called to Eichmann in Ber- certain substantial obstructions to the free flow of commerce and to mitigate and elim- inatp these obstructions when they have occurred by providing means for protecting the rights of employers, employees, and their representatives in their relations with the other, and for preventing the commission by either of unfair labor practices." "No strike should have the protection of law," declared the ad in the Times, "if it involves issues which do not relate to wages hours or working conditions, or demands which the employer is powerless to grant." Such issues and demands, it specified, "are involved in jurisdictional strikes, sympathy strikes . . . secondary boycotts." The fol- lowing activities, specifies the Hartley Bill (p 47), "when affecting commerce, shall be unlawful concerted activities: . . . calling authorizing, engaging in or assisting (A) any sympathy strike, jurisdictional strike, monopolistic strike, or illegal boycott . Strikes "to force recognition of an uncer- tified union," stated the NAM in January, involve issues and demands which should not have the protection of law. Any strike, states the Hartley Bill (p 48), "an object of which is (i) to compel an employer to recognize for collective bargaining a rep- resentative not certified under Sec. 9 as the representative of the employes," shall be an unlawful concerted activity. Strikes "to enforce featherbedding or oth- er work-restrictive demands," said the Times ad, should not have the protection of law. Any strike, says the Labor Management Re- lations Act, 1947 (p 48), "an object of which is to compel an employer to accede to feath- erbedding practices," shall be an unlawful concerted activity. "Mass picketing and any other form of coercion or intimidation," said the NAM ad, "should be prohibited." Picketing an em 'ployer's place of business "in numbers or in a manner otherwise than is reasonably required to give notice of the existence of a labor dispute," says H R 3020 (p 48), shall be an unlawful concerted activity. The probability of coincidence in these passages was touched upon by Rep. Donald L. O'Toole, of New York, on the floor of the House of Representatives, April -6. The bill, said O'Toole (Congressional Record, p 3581), "was written sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, and page by page by the National Association of Manufac- turere. It is but a reprint of all the prop- aganda and anti-labor ideas with which that organization has flooded the Congress. The bill has one primary intent and that is to put the American working man back to the standard of servility that existed in employment 50 or 60 years ago." -Malcolm T. Wright MATTER OF FACT: Button, Button By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON, May 17-The story of the President's search for a man to head the new mission to Greece sheds a sharp light on the peculiarities of the American govern- ment. This is a show-case post: The quality of the man named to fill it, and the record of his performance, will be the tests of the so-called Truman doctrine, at home and abroad. It is a depressing commentary that the effort to fill a place of this sort seems to be managed on the principle of the old game of "Button, button, who's got the button?"' The first candidate was Brigadier-Gen- eral William Henry Harrison, an able, force- ful official of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, with an admirable war- time record as an Army administrator, and no political experience whatsoever. The name of General Harrison was plucked out of the empty air, in the customary, oddly casual manner, somewhere in Under-Secre- tary Will Clayton's division of the State Department. The idea was that General Harrison would devote himself single-mind- edly to Creek reconstruction, acting in all political matters as an automaton controlled by the State Department, General Harrison was on the verge of being gazetted when three things happened. First, persons with some practical experi- ence pointed out that it was hard to trans- form any independent-minded, energetic man into an automaton and that General Harrison's lack of political experience there- fore constituted a drawback. Second, it was suddenly realized that the psychological ef- fect abroad would be very bad if an un- adorned big business man were named to cope wtih the rotten right-wing regime in Greece. Third, General Harrison intimated that he didn't want the job anyway. The man proposed as a substitute for Har- rison was Mark Ethridge, whose astuteness, enlightened approach to politics and ex- perience in Greece and the Balkans made him an obvious natural. His candidacy was supported by Under-Secretary of State Dean G. Acheson, Secretary of Commerce Averell Harriman and others of influence. The Pres- ident thought well of the idea, and the com- mand was given to sound out the situation on the Hill. There, however, the project died aborning. Senator Walter F. George of Georgia had a distaste for it. Ethridge had incurred the Senator's displeasure in his capacity as the progressive editor of "The Louisville Courier-Journal," or in some other way. It did not matter that the place was vital, or that Ethridge's qualifications for it were indisputable. It did not matter either that although Senator George ended by voting rTHE MOST STRIKING DIFFERENCE be- i" tween Vercor's Three Short Novels and the majority of modern stories is that his are not slick, formula narrations. American stories seem, in this great journalistic cen- tury to have achieved a patent-leather smoothness, a glossy sureness of touch that makes them appear too pat, too much tech- nique. They are written as miniature dramas with all parts, as harmoniously as an oiled machine, working to the final moment of change, revelation, solution or what-not. They are as if the outline had taken the emotion from the story itself. In direct con- trast to these glib stories are those of Haw- thorne, Melville and of many of the Euro- pean writers. Their authors struggle to say correctly a difficult thing; they gain strength because they cannot write a stereotype plot, character or climax. Vercors, like them, struggles for expres- sion, hesitates insecurely to display the exact emotion that he feels. His desire to speak from his own mind is painfully evident, and because of this he makes a strong and posi- tive impression upon his reader. The stories are about men who are difficult to under- stand, and about the changes in their loyal- ties and emotions during the German occu- pation of France. Actually the three stories picture the moral disintegration of the French people. Vercors feels that the Nazis may have emerged the psychological victors of the war. As Pierre says in "Night and Fog, "A dead man is a dead man. Furthermore, alive or dead, men like ourselves still count for something-for something which death does not cancel . . . They knew that per- fectly well. What they wanted was to turn us into rags. And when you're a rag there's just nothing left of you . .. As for giving away a name, an address-Ah, I wonder if that really meant so much to them . When do we cease to be free beings, beings who can still choose-be able to decide in favor of death-prefer annihilation to abjectness? When? At what point of the slope? On what day, at what hour?" The first story, "Guiding Star," is about an Austrian 'kho became French because France was his entire reason for living; "He fell in love with France." Vercors examines the complete despair,' the agony of the man's murdered dream when Frenchmen perform the Nazis' work. The second story, "Night and Fog," is about a man who has fallen victim to the psychological degradation the Germans inflicted on those nations they had conquered. The third is about the final shockhthatuwakened an orderly Frenchman who had supported Petain's government be- cause he believed it acted for the good of the nation. Vercors has also pictured, haltingly and perhaps unintentionally, his own compassion for his countrymen. He becomes a part of his stories; the men he writes about turn him, change him, force him to suffer for them. The tragedy of the French is his per- sonal tragedy and the stories become alive because he has completely mingled himself with the fate of his fellow men. However, the stories are too simplified; Vercors has more to tell. Each should have been given the complexity of a longer work, Mmitz, Pierre Cange and Vendresse should have been mirrored changed, in comlete novels to become the part of France's literature that their individuality deserves. -J. M. Culbert son's foray into China, This well publicized, well-intentioned venture producedlittle or no visible result except news photographs. A repetition of it in the urgent circumstances in Greece would have been a major disaster. The decision against Nelson was taken partly because the preference of the White House and the State Department briefly lighted on former Senator Robert M. LaFol- lette, Jr. Here again was a man of undis- puted ability and political judgment, al- though without any foreign experience. Here also was a man whose views and record well qualified him to represent the true inten- tions of American policy. But in this case the worst defect of the President's personnel methods caused another failure, When Franklin Roosevelt wanted a man for a difficult post, his way was to call him to the White House, give him enough blarney to make him feel soft-hearted; and then firmly announce that duty called. Very few individuals, if told by the President of the United States that their country needs and demands their services, are capable of turn- ing a deaf ear. But Truman, unfortunately, has the rather different habit of sending an intermediary to sound out his job pros- pects. The intermediary-in the case of LaFollette, Secretary of Labor Lewis B. Schwellenbach-goes to the prospect and asks if he would "like" the job. And as hap- pened with LaFollette, the prospect is gen- erally preoccupied with his private affairs, impressed with the job's difficulty, and im- pelled to refuse at once. To add to the impression of lack of system conveyed by this history, there is a further fact to be noted. While Senator George, a most pallid and reluctant supporter of the Administration, was consulted about Eth- ridge, the man who put over the Greek- Turkish aid bill, Senator Arthur H. Vanden- berg, of Michigan, has never been consulted at any point. It is this same absence of con- sultation which is causing Senator Vanden- berg to hold un the excellent nomination of EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. Willow Advantages To the Editor: WAS already tired of reading the complaints of people who feel that the $26.50 a month quar- ters ($18 for the $90 a month boys) of Willow Run should provide com- forts which would cost $60 in Ann Arbor, but s( long as nobody tried to draw a moral from his grum- bling, I was willing to keep my satisfaction to myself. But now that it has been stated that Vil- lage living and transportation con- ditions are terrible because of government ownership and lack of competition, I shall have to swing into action. I don't know what the crowded university buses prove. But that they do not prove the superiority of Free Enterprise or the Red, White and Blue to government monopoly will be evident to any- one who attempts to get to Ypsi or Ann Arbor the commercial, or Greyhound way. These casual green vehicles come and go as they please, frequently arriving 10 min- utes ahead of schedule, leaving you to wait 50 minutes for the next one-which is late. Often they don't turn up at all. And if you do catch one, it takes twice as long and costs twice as much. The re- liable service offered by the big grey competitors has not induced the commercial line to improve its own. Of course, if there were two competing commercial lines things might be different-but there isn't business for one. As it stands, the cheapest and best ride to Ann Ar- bor is offered by the University monopoly. For the record, let me list the SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCLEDULE College of Literature, Science, and the Arts College of Pharmacy School of Business Administration School of Education School of Forestry and Conservation School of Music School of Public Health MAY 31-JUNE 12, 1947 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the time of exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. 12 o'clock classes, 5 o'clock classes, and other "irregular" classes may use any of the periods marked * provided there is no conflict with the regular printed schedule. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive notification from his instruc- tor of the time and place of his examination. In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts no date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Examination Committee. Time of Exercise Time of Examination Monday at 8. "! ", 9 " "10 ", "~ 11 Monday 'Tuesday Tuesday "~ "~ at at at "~ "~ 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 . .. ......Mon., June 9, 9-12 ..... ....Sat.. May 31, 9-12 Wed., June 4, 9-12 ........ Fri., June 6, 9-12 .........Wed., June 11, 9-12 ..........Sat., May 31, 2-5 ..........Thurs., June 12, 9-12 .........Tues., June 3, 9-12 ..........Tues., June 10, 9-12 ..........Mon., June 2, 9-12 .........Thurs., June 5, 9-12 .........Sat., June 7, 9-12 ..........Wed., June 11, 2-5 .. Thurs., June 12, 2-5 ......Fri., June 6, 2-5 .......Mon., June 2, 2-5 .. Tues., June 10, 2-5 AL PERIODS .........*Mon., June 2, 2-5 .........*Tucs., June 3, 9-12 .... *Tues., June 3, 2-5 Evening Classes ............ SPECI Soc. 51, 54 ................. Psychology 31 .............. Pol. Sci. 1, 2, 51, 52 ......... Hist. 12, Sec. 2 ) Ec. 51, 52, 53, 54 ) ......... Botany 1 ) Zoology 1 )........ English 107, 108) Chemistry 55) English 1, 2 ) ............. Russian 32 ) French 1, 2, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62. 91, 92, 153) Speech 31, 32 German 1, 2, 31, 32 ) Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 ) advantages of Willow Run. Near-I ness to country, assurance of ade-i quate heat,' simple furniture andc freedom to decorate, genuine beds (not studio couches), a yard,c permission for pets, personal free-I dom from landlord's interference.s Disadvantages: coal stoves, thinI walls, distance from town. I have4 rented apartments for $55-$65 in Washington and New York, and Willow Run is far cheaper and more comfortable. It is warm,I fairly roomy, and the landlord isi reasonable and courteous. If what the gripers want is an egg in their beer, why don't they comei out and say so? -Clara Park Discrimimttion Report To The Editor: F OR A TIME I was curious to know why the Student Legis- lature did not release the entire text of H. 0. Crisler's report, "Al- leged Discrimination on Athletic Teams at the University of Michi- gan." Yet after reading the "ex- planatory" excerpts upon whichI Mr. Brieske saw fit to comment, it, becomes quite obvious that per-j haps Mr. Crisler's complete report would not bear up under the light, of campus-wide criticism. If the few blurbs which have seeped through to date represent the best of Mr. Crisler's defenses, revela- tion of the entire report might be catastrophic to his esteem in the eyes of the student body. -Miriam Bisdee * * * Bikes Without Lights To The Editor: AS A STUDENT, a taxicab driver, and a bicycle enthusiast, I am in a good position to vent a couple of pet peeves. The first concerns those bike riders who lazily cruise down busy and narrow streets two or more abreast. -Ann Arbor's traffic is well fouled up at its best, but this little trick is inexcusable, howeverI desirable th e companionship may1 be. That companionship may well look different when one of you is talking from between hospital bed sheets. The second is far moreseious. I do not like to fill out accident reports, but I shall not be very surprised to be doing just that3 most any one of these nigh.ts. ThatI is, unless a few hundred peopleI who ride bikes after dark start buying -and::using headlights, tail- lights, and reflectors. The fact that Michigan state law requires them is a minor point; the fact that a bike is difficult to see evenI with them, let alone without, is all important,. Sure, this equipment will cost a little money, but take' your choice. Will it be a little' cash, or a lot of crying? If you just can't spend that much walk. Or better, call a cab But stay off the streets at night without lights. -Bill Law Room, for Improvement To The Editor: N THE MIDST of the wild re- joicing over the new regime at West Lodge Cafeteria, I should like to register a dissenting vote. The cafeteria is now open fewer hours ad day, making for consid- erable inconvenience; 'prices are somewhat steeper; and it is often necessary to eat amid the garbage left by previous diners. Sanitation and quality, on the other hand, seem better. There is still much room left for improvement. -Robt. C. Schmitt Movie Reviews To The Editor: GRANTED that Joan Fiske is a talented writer, and that many Hollywood productions of recent vintage have fallen somewhere be- tween the bad and the very bad, it is an earnest wish of mine some- time to see in her column undi- luted praise of a worth-while movie without qualifications, sub- terfuge, and much-condensed sat- ire, which is chiefly a rehash of the Life Magazine review of , the same movie. , It strikes me that neither Joan nor Life cn in most cases see the forest for the trees. "The Begin- ning or the End," recently here, was billed by Life and substanti- ated by Joan as Hollywood's ver- sion of sex and the atom bomb. Well, why not? Sex and the atom bomb exist' in the same world, why not the same movie? As a matter of fact, there was not one honest- -to-gosh, Hollywood love scene in the entiremovie. It was essenti- ally a picture about the bomb, the most awe-inspiring and terrifying thing to come out of the industry in years. It was dealt with in terms of ordinary and extraordi- nary people. It was tellingly vivid, If some of the dialogue was trite, it was because it is hard to be casual about the bomb, and if earnest and whole-hearted con- cern about the bomb is trite, then people are living in a world where dialogue is more important than being blasted off the face of the' earth. The personal element was in- jected intofthe movie because the bomb is after all a personal mat- ter. It isn't documentary, and hu- man nature being what it is, such "melodrama" as the death of the young scientist from radiation was necessary because people can get more excited over that than the death of 60,000 Japanese. Don't ask me why, but they do. I think it would be nice if Joan would cut this "It's all right but-" stuff short on occasions. Sure, she can say what she thinks, if it really is her opinion (not Life's). But in fairness to Daily readers, who use her column as something more than a twice-weekly exer- cise in rhetoric and invective, peo- ple ought to be encouraged to see movies like "The Beginning or the End." It hits home with some- ting that picayunish criticisms of a technical error here and a super- ficial bit of acting twenty min- utes later ought not efface. Holly- wood has produced several good movies lately, some of which Joan consented to like a little. Let's give credit where credit is due. Let's be big about it, Joan. -William G. Wiegand A Grentle Madrigal" To The Editor: A GENTLE MADRIGAL for the ears of that noted Swabian prince, Laird Brooks Schmidt (cf. Letters to The Editor, May 10, * 1947), defying the usual deep and nelancholy indifference into which intellectuals, who have incon- stantly betrayed the cause of the microcosm since Gethsemane, fall upon verbal receipt of such con- demnation: Sir, your non-exemplar prattle, taking most dubious example, in time-honored non-cerebral fash- ion, from non-germane event, is, at least partially, analyzable by your inability to grub for certain basics, some of which might re- solve your conundrum. One: forced conditions do not exemplify that more or less blessed non-material condition, which give more meaning to the ideally acor- poreal existence of certain sentient quadrupeds. Two: mutation from non-altru- istic aims, in which position to the sacrament of Christian Lo'e, (no smug or sententious leer here, be- lieve me) can hold little hope, in terms of non-astronomical time, for permanent changes in the daily life of man. Therefore, the changes must emerge from that which is NOT the deification of the sanctity of the material indi- vidual. Third: the fear of certain more or less imperialistic bureaucracies (if one can believe the usual sources of information), labelled as Communist states, has caused this great clasping of the status quo to mass bosoms, whereas the mass of constant and more or less honest reformers, not aligning themselves with Stalinist princi- ples and great crystalline Utopias, do not admit the concepts of class structure and competition to be absolutes. -E. V. Perrin gltiljga ti . . . . . . . . . *Wed., June 4, 2-5 *Thurs., June 5, 2-5 *Fri., June 6; 2-5 .......Sat., June 7, 2-5 ) . ., .. Mon., June 9, 2-5 School of Business Administration Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. School of Forestry and Conservation Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. School of Music: Individual Instruction in Applied Music Individual examinations by appointment will be given for all applied music courses (individual instruction) elected for credit in any unit of the University. For time and place of examinations, see bulletin board at the School of Music. School of Public Health Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS MAY 31 to JUNE 12, 1947 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the time of exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the examination period in amount equal to that normally de- voted to such work during one week. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between as- signed examination periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulletin board outside of Room 3223 East Engineering Build- ing between May 14 and May 21 for instruction. To avoid mis- understandings anderrors each student should receive notifi- cation from his instructor of the time and place of his appear- ance in each course during the period May 31 to June 12. No date of examination may be changed without the con- sent of the Classification Committee. Time of Exercise (at 8 .......... (at 9......... (at 10 ........... Monday (at 11 ........... (at (at (at (at (at (at 1 2 3 4 8 9 Time of Examination Monday, June 9, 9-12 Saturday, May 31, 9-12 Wednesday, June 4, 9-12 Friday, June 6, 9-12 Wednesday, June 11, 9-12 Saturday, May 31, 2-5 Thursday, June 12, 9-12 Tuesday, June 3, 9-12 Tuesday, June 10, 9-12 Monday, June 2, 9-12 Thursday, June 5, 9-12, Saturday, June 7, 9-12 Wednesday, June 11, 2-5 Thursday, June 12, '2-5 Friday, June 6, 2-5 Mrandav June2 . 2-5 Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by stqldents of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control a#' Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor Milton Freudenhel. .Editorial Director Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor Ann Kutz........... Associate Editor Clyde Recht......... Associate Editor Jack Martin ............Sports Editor Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk ............Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant Member Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 (at 10 ....... (at 11 ,...... Tuesday (at 1 ....... (at 2 ....... (at 3 ....... (a A .............. Business Staff Robert K Potter .... General" Janet Cork ......... Business Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manage Manager Manager w :m -1 1 -IMF - & - - - -4 - - -P I