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May 18, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-18

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Latest Deadline in the State


Senate May
Budget Cuts
raft Sees End
Of Accord Efforts
By The Associated Press
ate Republicans may abandon ef-
forts to agree with the House 0]
how much to cut President Tru
man's budget, Senator Taft (Rep
Ohio) said today, and work to
ward a $4,500,000,000 savings goal
Taft, who heads the Senate Re
publican Policy Committee, said
that if no compromise is reached
with the House on its $6,000,000,
000 savings proposal, the Senat
Republicans will go ahead on the
theory that the President's bud
get can be whittled tol33,000,000,
000 and try- to pass a tax bil
which will take a net of $3,200,
000,000 out of the next fisca
year's expeted revenues.
The Republican majority on the
Senate Finance Committee issued
a report on the tax bill today say
ing that reduction of individua
income taxes would help maintain
"the existing high levels of em-
ployment and output."
The report said government
revenues now are booming. It es
timated a surplus of $2,300,000,00(
for the year ending June 30, as
compared to a $1,200,000,000 sur-
plus predicted by President Tru-
man a mopth ago.
Taft, while he did not foreclose
further conferences with House
leaders, told a reporter he is not
inclined to accept any increase
in the amount the Senate voted
to attempt to trim from the
President's $37,500,000,000 spend-
ing estimates for the year begin-
ning July 1.
While some leaders of the
House are said to have conceded
that a $6,000,000,000 cut might
b too high, they are unwilling to
accept the lower Senate figure.
In addition,/ the Senate pledged
a minimum payment of $2,600,-
000,000 on the national debt, a
promise not parallelled by the
President Tells
Of Mother s
Improve menit
GRANDVIEW, Mo., May 17 -
(A)-President Truman said to-
night that his 94-year-old mother,
Mrs. Martha E. Truman, is making
a terrific "uphill fight" in her bat-
tle for life.
The President, after a day at the
bedside of his mother here, walked
into the Hotel Muehlebach at Kan-
sas City at 10 p.m. with a solemn
His mother, he told reporters, is
The President flew here earlier
in the day after receiving a tele-
phone call that Mrs. Truman, who
fractured her right hip in a fall
at her home February 13, had
taken a turn for the worse.
The President and Brig. General
Wallace H. Graham, his personal
physician, made no attempt to
minimize the seriousness of Mrs.
Truman's condition.
President Truman was informed
by telephone at 6:15 a.m. that his
mother was in a grave condition.
Two and a half hours later he took
off from the Washington Airport

in his private plane, "The Sacred
Cow," ignoring a driving rain-
storm, wind and an official warn-
ing that tornadoes might develop
near his landing field.
Judicial Group
Positions Open
Men of Junior Status
Eligible To Petition
All men students who will have
completed 60 hours at the begin-
ning of the fall term are eligible to
petition for membership on the
Men's Judiciary Council under its
new independent set-up, Talbot
Honey, president of the council,
said yesterday.
Petitions, stating qualifications
and including a list of activities,
should be turned in to the Student
Legislature Offices, Rm. 308 of
the Union, from 4 to 5 p.m. to-
morrow or from 3 to 5 p.m. Tues-



- -- - -

Marshall Urges World

By The Associated Press
retary of State Marshall tonight
urged agreement on a charter for
the proposed international trade
organipation as a "great step to-
toward economic stability and the
common security."
"Economic conflict and trade
wars," Marshall said, "invariably
set the stage for political disun-
Need for Unity
The Secretary's statement was

World Control
Of Atom Bomb
i Is Discussed
'47 Spring Parley
Holds Final Sessions
The necessity of shocking peo-
ples of the world into a realiza-
tion that atomic energy must be
controlled by an international or-
ganizationwas reiterated by stu-
dents at the final session of Spring
Parley last night.
Led by Prof. John L. Brumn
of the journalism department,
students thrashed out problems
and possible solutions for the im-
plications presented by an atomic
age, following reports on panel
discussions held in the second
and third sessions of the parley
U.S. Alternatives
Alternatives for the United'
States to follow in international
relations were posed by the panel
on government and foreign rela-
tions. The United States can con-
tinue her "face-saving compro-
mises between nationalism and
internationalism," members of the
panel explained, or she can form
a working international organi-
zation with or without Russia.
If Russia stays out of the organi-
zation, the rest of the world can
either disregard her or attenpt,
by a war of ideas and economics,
to bring her in over a long period
of time.
The panel concluded that a pol-
icy of "standing by" will accom-
plish nothing, and that any plan
adopted must work quickly, before
Russia develops the atomic bomb.
The idea of an international po-
lice force was rejected, as being
merely a "collection of national
police forces."
Unique Position
The panel on religion, social
relations and civil liberties con-
cluded that the United States is
in a unique position to demon-
strate that democracy can handle
problems of civil liberties and so-
cial relations better than com-
munism can.
A discussion of curriculum re-
visions by the panel on educa-
tion brought out the ideas that
certain courses, mainly in the so-
cial sciences, should be required
of all students to promote a com-
mon educational experience. Mem-
bers of the panel called for a more
tutorial system of education, for
systematic student exchange, for
a system of faculty grading and
for more student get-togethers to
talk things over.
Drives Calendar
To 1e Drawn Up
General plans for next year's
Fund Drives Calendar will be
drawn up at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the
Student Legislature Offices, Rm.
308 of the Union, Jean Gringle,
chairman of the legislature's Fund]
Drives Committee, announced yes-s
Representatives from all camp-l
us organizations who plan to con-t
duct drives next year should at-
tend the meeting to set up the
calendar. Those unable to be pre-
sent should contact Miss Gringlet
at 2-2539 before Tuesday.i

for the opening of World Trade
Week . He termed its keynote,
"World'Trade United Nations,"
particularly appropriate for "a
time when the need for unity
among the peoples is more vital
than ever before in history."
Although the United States took
the lead in bringing about the
current international effort at
Geneva to lower trade barriers
and agree on a final draft for the
projected world trade organiza-
tion, Marshall said success would
depend upon the cooperation of
all the 18 trading nations repre-
Negotiations Opened
The State Department at the
same time published a report from
the Geneva meeting which said
the United States had opened ne-
gotiations with ten of the 15 coun-
tries with which trade talks were
originallly scheduled. By the end
of May it expects 100 separate ne-
gotiations to be in progress be-
tween pairs of- countries repre-
sented at Geneva.
The progress made, the report
advised, "indicates the desire of
the countries present to success-
fully conclude the negotiations
within a few months." By con-
trast, single trade agreements be-
tween the United States and other
countries have taken as long as
a year for drafting.
William L. Clayton, Undersec-
retary of State for Ecconomic Af-
fairs, who heads the American
group, is expected from Geneva
probably Monday for consultation
with Marshall.

2 Students
Are Injured
In Collision
Car Hits Tree
Near Marshall
Two University students, Maria
van der Harst and Georgette Ait-
ken, were injured yesterday morn-
ing when the car they were in
skidded off the road and hit a
tree beside a road near Marshall,
Miss van der Harst, graduate
student in physics from the Neth-
erlands, is in critical condition,
suffering from severe shock and
internal injuries. Miss Aitken,
graduate student in music from
Bolivia, suffered a broken col-
lar bone and broken nose.
The car was driven by Walter
Cupsch, graduate student in geol-
ogy from the Netherlands. Also in
the car were Cupsch's wife, Em-
mie, and John van der Harst
brother of Miss van der Harst and
-a student at Albion College.
Van der Harst suffered a skull
injury. Cupsch and his wife are
suffering from severe shock.
The group was going to attend
the tulip festival at Holland, Mich.
when the accident happened. All
five persons are in the Oaklawn
Hospital at Marshall.
Seny. Ellender
Foresees OK
Of Labor Bilt
CIO Board Urges
Public to Protest
WASHINGTON, May 17-(A )--
Senator Ellender (Dem., La.) pre-
dicted today that the labor dis-
putes legislation finally laid be-
fore President Truman will be al-
most exactly the same as the
Senate bill and that the Chief
Executive will sign it.
"If he doesn't, watch his popu-
larity go down," Ellender told a
Ellender is a member of the
conference committee engaged in
ironing out differences between
the separate bills passed by the
House and Senate.
The House measure contains
more curbs on unions than the
Senate bill. Some senators have
expressed the opinion that Mr.
Truman would veto even the Sen-
ate version.
Meanwhile the CIO Executive
Board, ending a two-day meeting,
issued a "message to the American
people" asking them to write the
President urging a veto.
The message called the Senate
and House bill "vicious" legisla-
tion that would take America "for
down the road toward a deep de-
pression and serious economic
In predicting a final draft very
close to the Senate bill, Ellender
noted that Rep. Hartley (Rep.,
N.J.) head of the House conferees,
already has said he is willing to
drop two major union curbs voted
by the House in order to get a bill
Congress would pass over a veto.
Regents to Hear
Report on Barbers

Michigan Bell V
At Walkout Set
Rcreational fFac lities
For Students Surveyed
Ann Arbor City Parks Total 230 Acres;
Arboretum, 'U' Program Add to Facilities

World News
By The Associated Press
tragic battleship Oklahoma, raised
from a shallow grave after the
Japanese assault on Pearl Har-
bor, sank quietly in mid-Pacific
today thwarting the mainland
junkyard to which she was being
The venerable warship, symbol
of American sorrow and pride,
went down suddenly and inex-
plicably without a soul on board
at 1:40 a.m. 540 miles northeast
of Pearl Harbor.
DETROIT, May 17 -- The
Michigan CIO Council today as-
sailed the Callahan' Bill pend-
ing before the State Legislature
as threatening to set up a "ges-
tapo" in Michigan.
* * *
BERLIN, May 17 - The Allied
Coordinating Committee has com-
promised on the treatment which
Rudolf Hess and six other Nazi
war criminals sentenced by the
Nuernberg International Military
Tribunal should receive in prison,
Allied officials said today.
AUSTIN, Tex., May 17-Hen-
ry A. Wallace tonight urged
University of Texas students to
tell the folks back home "at the
forks of the creek" that the only
sure road to world peace is food
for the starving, "not guns for
decadent governments."
* * 4*
DETROIT, May 17-East De-
troit teachers, \vho suspended a
week-long wage protest walkout
Monday, today served the board
of education with a 24-hour strike
Six United States citizens, dis-
covered on the intercepted refu-
gee ship "Hatikva" which was es-
corted into Haifa Harbor with
1,000 uncertified Jewish refugees
aboard, were reported officially to-
night to have been detained by
Palestine police for further ques-
The Americans presumably were
seamen on the ship, although the
announcement did not describe
them as such. They were not

Bynes Sees
Of Peace Bars
'Only Blunders Can
Lead to War', He Says
WASHINGTON, May 17-(/P)-
James F. Byrnes, former Secretary
of State, believes "we can over-
come those difficulties" which
handicap peace, and that in both
Russia and the United States
"there is too much talk about war
and too little talk about peace."
The people of neither country
want to go to war, he said, and
only blundering leadership could
bring about another conflict.
Out of Place View
He called on both Russia and the
United States to realize that neith-
er can dictate the terms of peace
and that "there is no place for
the 'take it or leave it' attitude."
Byrnes' speech was for a gather-
ing of Variety Clubs International
in receiving the 1946 award which
this organization of people from
the entertainment world presents
annually to some person who has
"helped to make this world a bet-
ter world"
Seech Made Public
Byrnes' speech and the presenta-
tion of the award actually took
place privately here on Thursday.
At that time the entire affair was
filmed for showing to the Variety
Club's dinner tonight in Holly-
wood. t
It was Byrnes' first major public
pronouncement on foreign policy
since he turned over his office to
Gen. George C. Marshall early this
year, although the former Secre-
tary has testified at the Capitol
on the Italian peace treaty.
Jazz Fest
To Be Held
If the Weather Man permits, the
Engineering Council's jam session
will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. today
on the Island with the same ar-
rangements as previously an-
Although the title of the affair
will undoubtedly . have to be
changed from "Jammin' in de
Sun" to "Jammin' under Clouds,"
Council President Ev Ellin said
last night that it will be held "as
long as it doesn't rain during the
night or morning." The Weather
Man predicts "Cloudy and Cool"
for today.
The Council was forced to post-
pone the event yesterday because
of continuous rain, and this an-
nouncement was made over radio
station WPAG. In spite of the de-
lay, local and Detroit musicians
will be on hand this afternoon "to
give forth with jive"-as long as
the Weather Man says it's O.K.

It's just as tough to get a date
with a cook stove in Ann Arbor as
it is to get a date with a coed, a
Daily survey of recreational facili-
ties available to students in the
city revealed yesterday.
There are only three stone fire-
British Pledge
Neutral Stand
On Palestine
Arab Leaders Debate
Commission Boycott
By The Associated Press
-Great Britain will maintain a
"completely neutral position" in
the United Nations Palestine in-
vestigation and make no sugges-
tions to the 11-member Inquiry
Commission, a British spokesman
said today.
His statement came as delegates
of the five Arab countries began
a series of weekend conferences to
consider whether to advise their
governments to boycott the in-
quiry group.
Dr. Fadhill Jamali of Iraq
"Right now we are taking a
position of reserve. We certainly
will advise our governments on
what we think they should do.
But no decision has been made."
An official spokesman of the
Arab executive committee told
newsmen in Cairo last night that
Emil Ghoury, leader of the Pal-
=stine Arab delegation to the UN
Special Assembly session, had in-
formed the exiled mufti of' Jeru-
salem that the "delegates of the
five Arab states share our opin-
ion and will advise their govern-
ments to boycott the commission."
A spokesman for the Arab
League here denied that the five
Arab states had taken such a
The inquiry commission will
meet May 26 to organize for its
A British spokesman said J. N.
Martin, Undersecretary of the
British Colonial Office, would be
available to the Commission to
supply any information that the
inquiry might request from the
mandatory power, "but we will
make no suggestion or offer no
recommendation for the solution
of the Palestine problem.
The United States was expected
to take a similar stand. It main-
tained neutrality throughout the
Assembly sessions.

places suitable for large parties in
the city, according to the Ann Ar-
bor park office. One fireplace on
the Island, in the middle of the
Huron River and two in Fritz
Park, on Pauline Blvd. These sites
are all reserved at least two weeks
ahead of time. -Anyone can make
arrangements for them by calling
Altogether there are 230 acres
of parks in Ann Arbor, excluding
the Arboretum, containing facili-
ties for tennis, softball, pingpong,
horseshoes, basketball and just
plain resting in the shade,
Two parks near campus are
Burns Park, on Wells St., ind Is-
land Park. Burns Park contains
five tennis courts, horsehoe pits,
softball diamonds and picnic ta-
bles. The Island has four softball
diamonds and extensive picnic
The University intramural pro-
gram for men supplements the city
park system. Ferry Field softball
diamonds and tennis courts may
be utilized by a team in one of
three divisions (fraternity, resi-
dence halls or independent). The
University also maintains an 18-
hole golf course on Satdium Blvd.,
open to students from dawn to
dark for 50 cents admission.
Alumni and guests may also use
the course, but at a higher admis-
sion price.
Other golf courses open to stu-
dents include the Municipal
course, on Fuller St. near the Is-
land, and a 9-hole course at Sta-
dium Hills, Main and Stadium
Equestrian students are provid-
ed with opportunities for instruc-
tion and horse-back riding by sta-
bles on the outskirts of Ann Ar-
See RECREATION, page 7
Reece Attacks
WASHINGTON, May 17--()-
Carroll Reece, Republican na-
tional chairman, said tonight that
the Truman administration is de-
termined "to keep prices high in
the hope of reaping poltical ad-
Reece wrote some 10,000 fellow
party workers that the Democratic
strategy includes "stubborn re-
sistence to every measure proposed
by the Republican Congress to
bring down the cost of living, while
at the same time endeavoring to
blame Congress for the rising price

10,000 Will
Cast Ballots
On Proposal
Approved by Union
Leaders, Management
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, May 17-(P)-Strik-
ing plant workers of the Michigan
Bell Telephone Co. have rejected a
settlement proposal in the 41-day-
old walkout, the employes' union
announced tonight.
With the comment "we're back
where we started," President Wal-
ter N. Schaar of the striking un-
ion said 65 per cent of the vote on
the proposal was for rejection,
Defeat of the proposal dashed
hopes for an early settlement of
the strike although Schaar said
mediation conferences would be
resumed Sunday.
'Vote of Confidence'
Schaar said the results of a vir-
tually complete tabulation from
statewide balloting constituted a
"vote of confidence" in the execu-
tive board of his union, the federa-
tion of telephone employes of
Approximately 5,600 plant work--
ers were involved in this settlement
plan, which was sent to a rank
rnd file decision just as a second
peace proposal for another 10,000
strikers of Michigan Bell had been
The tabulation, Schaar said, in-'
dicated 22 per cent in favor of
the plant workers settlement plan
while 13 per cent failed to vote.
Emergency Service Only
Michigan Bell officials warned
that only emergency service could
be offered until the strikers re-
turn to their jobs. However, rep-
:esentatives of the operators said
they had recommended the $3 to
$4 offer be accepted and said bal-
loting should be completed by
Both unions have agreed to re-
spect each other's picket line .
The operators are members of the
Michigan Telephone Employes
Federation, largest of the six un-
ions involved in the tieup. The
plant workers belong to the Feder-
ition of Telephone Employes of
Payroll Boost $5,500,000
They also have pledged to re-
ipect picket lines of striking
Western Electric employes, whose
dispute is being-negotiated nation.
Phone Strike
In Ohio Ends
Picketing by Western
Electric Union Seen
CLEVELAND, May 17 -()-
rhe Ohio telephone strike was
,alled off tonight, but a repre-
;entative of the striking Western
slectric workers said his union
vould set up picket lines in front

>f "every Ohio Bell Telephone Co.
'uilding in the state."
The announcement, made a
ihort time after an agreement
3nding the 41-day strike was
signed calling for almost $5 rais-
s, came from L. R. Walkup, pres-
ident of Cleveland Local 23 of
'he Association of Communic? -
tions Equipment Workers.
Walkup said his union, striking
against the Western Electric Co.,
Aould set up picket lines at 6 a.m.
tomorrow -the same day Bell
workers have been ordered to re-
turn to work.
* * *
Union Delay/s,
Phone Service
Local long distance telephone
service will remain on an emer-
gency basis until at least Wednes-
day, according to W. K. Pryor;
Ann Arbor phone company offi-

Representatives of six campus
organizations, attempting to clear
up alleged discrimination against
Negro students in local barber
shops, will present their informa-
tion to the next meeting of the
Board of Regents, Carroll Little,
president of Inter-Racial Asso-
ciation said yesterday.
The group was to meet with
officers of the Ann Arbor Bar-
bers' Association which has been
charged with a "gentlemen's a-
greement" by which Negroes are


Soviet Press, Radio Attack
U.S. Anti-Communism Stand

Seek to Cash

not served. But this meeting was
canceled abruptly this week by
the barbers.

Polonia Club ToHold 'Polish Night'

Leave Bonds
WASHINGTON, May 17-(/P)-
Rep. Dwight L. Rogers (Dem., Fla.)
today proposed a new plan for en-
abling former GI's to get cash now
for their terminal leave pay bonds.
His bill, to be introduced Mon-
day, would make the bonds nego-
tiable so that veterans could sell
them to anyone who might be in-
terested in holding them as in-
The bonds, which are not nego-
tiable now and may not be cashed
for five years after the veteran's
discharge, bear two and one-half;

MOSCOW, May 17-(IP)-The
Soviet press and radio have gone
into high gear against what is
viewed here as a growing United
States campaign against Commu-
Repeatedly, editor ials and
broadcasts stress the Russian ar-
gument that the Communist and
capitalist systems can live side by
side in one world. Prime Minister
Stalin voiced that viewpoint in
his recent interview with Republi-
can leader Harold E. Stassen, and
the press now is using it diligently.
The Russians are sensitive to
President Truman's program of
aid in the form of dollars for
Greece and Turkey. They appear
also to be convinced that the
United States is dangling dollars
before the governments of France,

Britain is pretty much in the
clutches of United States lenders,
but they appear to have hope for
a change in the United Kingdom.
It is no secret here that Russa
would like to aid Britain in her
difficulties if it were at all possi-
If the Soviet Union's grain crop
is as good as it now promises to be,
the world may see a big Russian
effort to sell or trade grain in con-
siderable quantity to Britain. The
same would hold true for timber
and other products. Britain, of
course, would be required to reci-
procate. The chances for British-
Russian trade and cooperation
have not appeared better for a
long time.
Russia has helped France in the
past by selling her some grain,
and if the haves~twarra~nts sh

A "Polish Night" program,
planned to give faculty and stu-
dents a taste of Polish life, will be
presented at 3 p.m. today in the
Union Ballroom.
Following a demonstration of
Polish dances, a discussion~of "Po-

eants and programs throughout conclude the Polish ceremonies, a
Michigan. Although it is com- concert by the Ann Arbor Civic
posed of both adult and children's Orchestra will be given at 8 p.m.
troupes, only the 40 person adult in the Union. The 50 piece or-
group will perform today. chestra will be directed by Warren
"Poland's contributions to World Ketcham.
Culture" will be discussed by Mrs. odewils, pianist and,I

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