I jr ws ziirn Latest Deadline in the State a' 40 CL COLDER See rage 4 No. 91. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1947 PRICE FIVE iterary College Students To Grade Facult -U e-Senate ;et Men for Cut General Student Conduct Praised by Judge Payne Dean For] Tells Nee Instructoi City Jurist Points to Increase Only Rise in Arrests Involves in Sobriety; Traffic Cases lice Truman's igure 6 Millions By The Associated Press kSHINGTON, Feb. 14-The e-Senate Budget Committee 50 to 22 today to slash $6,- )0,000 out of President Tru- s $37,500,000,000 budget for iscal year beginning July 1. hus overrode Army and Navy sts that cuts in their funds i endanger national security in the words of Chairman son (Rep., Minn.) of the e Ways and Means Commit- leared the way for a 20 per cut in individual income he reduced figure of $31,500,- D000 is not necessarily the -nt that will be made avail- for the next fiscal year. mounts to a suggested ceil- but Congress is not bound ay within it. contemplates removal of at 500,000 civilian workers out e 2,300,000 on government ils. e committee rejected all ef- including a plea by Senator (Rep., Ohio), to hold the t reduction at a figure which . take fewer dollars from the 10,000,000 that President an requested for the Army avy. airman Gurney (Rep.,S.D.) he Senate Armed Services .mittee fought the huge slash edly in and out of commit- He told reporters it would $1,750,000,000 from the y and Navy and "I refuse to for any thing that will ham- g our armed forces while: >eace of the world is unset- By DICK MALOY Municipal Judge Jay H. Payne yesterday discounted reports of general misconduct among University students. Speaking from his observations from the bench of Ann Arbor Mu- nicipal Court, Judge Payne complimented students for their general good behavior. "In spite of the recent morals case involving two University stu- Keiston Says Evaluation Is Pz Of Program To Build Better St By CLAYTON DICKEY The literary college faculty has voted to re-initiate student evaluation of*"faculty services" and committees are now stud problem of putting the plan in action, Dean Hayward Kenis nounced yesterday. Simultaneously, Dean Keniston announced that the liter lege will need an additional 50 full instructors for next fall "to the balance of trained teachers." "The literary college is now devoting most of its time problem of building a better teaching staff," Dean Kenistor adding that "evaluation of fac- Ice Avalanche' Damages Vet Housing Units Children Narrowly Miss Serious Injury Ten University students and their families were homeless yes- terday morning after several tons of ice and snow, sliding off the Coliseumrroof, crashed down on the Veterans' Village at S. Fifth Ave. and Hill, damaging five of the portable housing units. Damage was estimated at $3,000 by Walter Roth, plant depart- ment superintendent. Children Escape Though no one was injured, Cey- lon Welch, caretaker of the proj- ect, reported that ice crashed through the roof of the back of one unit while a group of kinder- garten children was playing in the front room. One young mother reported that she was on her way to the back of her dwelling to put her baby in bed when the ice deluge crashed into the bedroom. The avalanche occured at 10:40 a.In. Vice-president Robert P. Briggs said that the University would be- gin immediate repair on the dam- aged units. The ten families are being housed in the Union nd, accord- ing to Francis C. Shi l, business manager of residence halls, can ex- pect to be back in their houses by Monday. The families who were forced to vacate their dwelling units in the Veterans Emergency Housing Project are those of: Robert A. Rose, Bloomingdale; Marrill Johnson, Manistique; Don- ald Kuite, Holland; William Tay- lor, Philadelphia; 0. J. Van Syoc, Kalamazoo; Laverne Pitcher, De- troit; Jack Blane, Chicago; Wil- liam Snell, Monroe; Wayne Yaple, Kalamazoo; and Keith Yoder, Sturgis., Turney said the budget cut. uld reduce funds for food in occupied countries, as well as .itary appropriations, and he' lared his intention to take the tle to the Senate floor. Lep. Dingell (Dem., Mich.) told orters that the committee ac- n "just about amounts to the publicans risking the national urity in an effort to meet their )mises to cut taxes." Che Senate-House group, under trol of the Republican majori- , in quick order turned down se compromise proposals: 1. By Dingell, to stipulate at no funds be taken from the rmy and Navy and Veterans lministration items. Rejected i a voice vote. By Gurney, a proposal to hold budget cut to $4,150,000,000, ich would provide only small uctions for the Army and Navy. feated 52 to 23. By Senator Knowland (Rep,' if.), proposing that before there any tax cuts, $3,000,000,000 st be set aside to begin retire- at of the national debt. Defeat- 39 to 34. aris Hit By abor Walkout Municipal Workdrs Ask Minimun Wage ARIS, Feb. 14-(A')-Paris was alyzed this afternoon by a gen- I walkout of government em- yes pressing their demand for ilnimum wage and protesting a ernment proposal to freeze ges, a situation which prompted mier Paul Ramadier to declare t the republic might he imper- by labor unrest. 'he work stoppage lasted four irs, throwing the heart of Paris i confusion as it halted trans- tation and communications, i coincided with the strike of rspaper mechanical and busi- s office employes who seek a 25 cent wage increase. he strike call was directed to 0,000 government employes and eral hundred thousand ,nunici- and department employes oughout France. dents, I believe that the student body as a whole is entitled to a compliment for their conduct," the judge said. Few Law Violations "In view of the greatly increased enrollment in the University it is remarkable that there have been so few law violations reported to the police" he stated, adding that the only noticeable increase in student arrests have been for traf- fic violations. "The majority of these traffic violations have occurred near the outskirts of town when students were hurrying to make morning classes," the Judge emphasized. Drop in Intoxication The Judge further stated that an increase in sobriety has been noted among University stidents. Commenting on the drop in the number of students booked for in- toxication, Judge Payne attributed this trend to the increased seri- ousness and maturity shown by the student veterans now attending the University. Judge Payne explained that his views reflected only his daily ob- servations from the bench. Russia Insists UN Ban Atom Bomb Output LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Feb. 14 - (AP) - Russia demanded today that the United Nations ban pro- duction of the atom bomb as the first step toward an international atomic control system and sharply criticized the United States for continued manufacture of mass- destruction weapons. Categorically rejecting the American control plan, Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko told the Security Council that "atomic energy is still being used exclusively for the production of weapons which by their very nature are weapons of aggression." Political Pressure "They are destined mainly for attacks on large cities with numer- ous civilian population, but not on the armies of an enemy," the Russian declared. "The nature of atomic weapons is such that they can not be regarded as weapons of defense." Gromyko then added that "the continuation of the production of atomic weapons used as a certain lever for political pressure on some other nations." Charter Violations Branding the principal points of the American plan as violations of the UN Charter and of the Gen- eral Assembly's Dec. 14 resolution on general arms reduction, he said firmly that "they must be reject- ed." Gromyko did say that work could go ahead on "revising" the American proposals now but reit- erated that the bomb itself must be scrapped before any system ac- tually could be set up. COAL PRODUCTION UP: * ; r I I Fuel Crisis Eases in B ritain; Workers Still Being Laid Off, LONDON, Feb. 14-(P)-The government announced tonight that there were signs Britain had "turned the corner" on the road back to industrial production and lighted homes, but despite encouraging trends in the coal shortage unemployment continued to spread. Prime Minister Attlee met with his nine man "coal cabinet" to consider an approximate date for restoration of at least part of the power cut off completely from more than half the nation's industries in the gravest fuel shortage in they-- Snow Removal Issue Returns The hot potato of sidewalk snow removal has once again bounced into the lap of Ann Arbor Com-. mon Council. Under terms of a contract reached after much negotiation between the city and the Public Service Company, all local side- walks were to be cleaned by the company at the city's expense. The Board of Public Works has now balked, however, at paying the firm's first bill. The Board charges that all walks in the city were not properly cleaned and objects to an item of $175 for mechanics' wages in the firm's bill. They have referred the bill to Council for decision. nation's history. No Date Set There was no official indication of a date for the switch-on, but when it comes industry will be given priority. Sir Guy Nott-Bower, Undersec- retary of the Ministry of Fuel and Power, was the author of the "turn the corner" statement, but he add- ed that "if we have turned the corner it is 'only just'." His statement coincided with a note from Attlee declining with thanks the offer of President Tru- man to divert American coal on ships on the high seas to British ports. Unemployment Grows Unemployment, estimated at past the 9,000,000 mark, continued to grow. The Vickers Companies, manufacturers of planes, guns and precision machinery, notified 25,- 000 employes their work will end on Feb. .21. The Austin Motor Company said 14,800 production employes would be dismissed. But against these discouraging developments there were signs of improvement. In South Wales mines were al- most back to normal operations after weather interruptions and there was a possibility some pits would work on Sunday. Strip mines in Kent reported production this week slightly above normal despite heavy snow. Indian Urges Solution Now Dr. Hutheesing Says Communism Is Out India's economic problems must be solved immediately, and the so- lution must come from as many programs as possible,. Dr. C. F. Hutheesing, secretary of the In- dian National Planning Commis- sion, declared yesterday. Speaking at a lecture sponsored by the Hindustan Student Asso- ciation, Dr. Hutheesing said that Communism would not be accep- table to the Indian people. In- dians fear a centralized govern- ment because they have experi- enced the economically disastrous ration in which centralized British control resulted. India's civil riots are not indica- tive of the disunity which news- paper accounts suggest, but are more often inspired by the privil- eged' classes and the foreign gov- ernment to whom a free India would result in an eradication of their traditional benefits, Dr. Ruteesine ermnhasie World News Roundup By '1te Associated Press WASHINGTON, Feb. 14-OPA, fighting a challenge to its indus- trial sugar rationing methods, lost in the U. S. Court of Appeals today and turned to the Supreme Court. The Appeals Court, in a 2 to 1 decision, held invalid the agency's "historical use" system of ration- ing sugar to the bulk sweetened condensed milk industry. OPA attorneys contended this might force scrapping of the in- dustrial rationing system and ul- timately affect its method of ra- tioning for household use. Mean- while, rationing continues as usual at least until March 4. * * * WASHINGTON, Feb. 14- A House judiciary subcommittee drew up a bill today under which an employer who could prove he had "acted in good faith" could thereby establish a defense against suits filed for back pay unrler the portal-to- portal principle. This had been one of the prin- cipal points raised by employers who protested against the wave of portal pay suits -- now in the neighborhood of $5,000,000,- 000. WASNINGTON, Feb. 14--Sen- ator Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.) said tonight that Russia has failed to reciprocate the fair play and good will extended by the United States in foreign relations. Vandenberg president pro tem of the Senate and chairman of the foreign relations committee, was referring specifically to Mos- cow's failure to answer requests for the settlement of lend-lease accounts. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Feb. 14 -The Florida highway patrol said tonight about 50 persons were in- jured when the northbound "Orange Blossom Special" (Mi- ami-New York) of the Seaboard Airline Railroad was derailed at Maxville, Fla. BICYCLE TURNS LONDON MACHINES-A man on a bicycle provides motive power for a London factory's machines, normally driven by electricity, during the power shut-down due to the critical coal shortage. 'FBI Sigler Discuss Red Inquiry Plans WASHINGTON, Feb. 14.-A) Governor Kim Sigler of Michigan said today he had "a very satis- factory" conference with FBI of- ficials on his plans to expose sub- versive elements in the state. He told reporters that "agita- tors, radicals and Communists" are trying to stir up discord among state employes, college students and labor unions. If the FBI would help him sep- arate "the sheep from the goats." he said, he would need no other help from the Federal Govern- ment. Situation Discussed He discussed the situation with Edward Tamm, and L. B. Nichols, assistant directors of the FBI. Senator Ferguson and Arthur H. Vandenberg, Jr., son of Michi- gan's senior Senator, also partici- pated in the conference. "For obvious reasons," Sigler said afterwards. "I can't discolse the substance of the conference." Earlier #he had explained that he wants to get the facts on sub- versive elements and publicize them so that "the people will not be misled." In the Open He stressed that lie was 'not concerned about the activities of these groups if they are brought out in the open. Some of them operating in Flint, Sigler said, call themselves Com- munists, but in other parts of the State are organized "under some sugar-coated names." He said he has indications of subversive activities among stu- dents at the Michigan State Col- lege, the University of Michigan and Wayne University. Cupid Attends Pay-Off Dance Cupid said it with candy last night at the Mortarboard Pay-Off Dance. St. Valentine's right hand man visited the League Ballroom at in- termission time to bestow a three pound box of "goodies" and the title of ::Sweethearts of the Eve- ning" on Peggy Lump and Harry Smith. Four other couples received one pound boxes of candy in the ca- pacity of court of honor to the number qne heart-throbs. They were Jean Morrison and Dan Ricker, Cissie Yaco and Art Schechet, Margaret Caccamise and Robert Collins and a bashful pair who stole away with the spoils before they could be identified. ulty services and gaining new experienced instructors are part of the same program." The faculty's decision to re-in- iate evaluation was approved at its meeting Feb. 3, he said. Lauding the faculty's decision, Haskell Coplin, president of the Student Legislature, said last night that he hoped student evaluation of the faculty would be put in ef- fect "as soon as possible." "Students' evaluation will re- sult in improved teaching tech- niques and will give department heads a better idea of student needs," Coplin said. Student evaluation of all Uni- versity faculty members was first proposed in 1939 by a fac- ulty committee, and the idea was approved by the literary college faculty in 1941. It was not put in action because of the war. The idea was proposed again for the literary college last October by the Student Legislature and was given a trial in the psychology de- partment the same month when over 1,250 Psychology 31 students graded their instructors on such qualities as "ability to arouse in- terest," "adequacy of organization and preparation" and "methods of presentation." Just before finals, the same stu- dents regraded their instructors to test the Student Legislature's hypothesis that instructors can- improve ttheir teaching methods if they know their past shortcomings. Dean Keniston said that fac- ulty evaluation of other faculty members will extend not only to teaching methods but also to other "faculty services," includ- ing counseling.- This part of the plan, also postponed during the war, will be reintroduced on an intra-departmental basis, he said. On the problem of increasing the number of full instructors, Dean Keniston said the literary college is now "in a good position" to bring experienced instructors here from outside the university because of the recently-increased faculty sal- ary scale. He reiterated that the univer- sities of the United States are still behind schedule in graduat- ing PhD's fully qualified as in- structors because of wartime de- pletion of graduate schools. But he emphasized that "many of the literary college's present teaching fellows will be more ex- perienced by next fall and will have the qualifications we expect of full instructors." He remarked that "practically all" of the college's departments are conducting instructor-train- ing programs and that "definite courses" to meet this need have been set up in the psychology and Romance languages departments. Citing the "dual training" of teaching fellows, Dean Keniston said: "We have always considered teaching fellows not only as stu- dents making progress towards a doctoral degree but also as ap- prentice teachers." England W Pass Palesti Trouble to Bevin Admits Fail Of Compromise By The Associated Press LONDON, Feb. 14-Britai going to shed another of her lem children and hand Palesi woes over to the United Nat The decision was announce day at the final meeting Arabs in the unsuccessful Lo: conference on Palestine by eign Secretary Ernest Bevin, admitted failure in Britain's efforts to put forward an acc ble compromise between Jews Arabs. A Thorn in Britain's Side A thorn in Britain's side since Gen. Allenby drove Turks out of Jerusalem in Palestine probably will contin be policed by 100,000 British ti and to be governed by the ad istration set up under the e of Nations mandate until the decides what to do. But Britain is in such has shelve the problem in the si torn land that a foreign c spokesman indicated she ma. the Security Council to call a cial meeting of the UN Ge: Assembly to consider the situs Under ordinary procedure General Assembly would not until September. No Withdrawal Indicated There was no definite indic: that Britain, which has se plans for the independence o dia and Burma and initiat military withdrawal from E would propose her perma withdrawal from Palestine, t Government sources indic however, that the present st ent regulations on immigr and safeguards against vio among the 600,000 Jews and than 1,000,000 Arabs wouli continued for the time being British Driven to Decision Britain was driven to her sion by the refusal of either A or Jews to even consider a the suggestions put forwar Britain to divide the country federal states or cantonize it Arab and Jewish districts "u' overall British admninistrato The immediate Arab reacti the British announcement that Arabs would not neces accept an international dec Krueger Wil Conduct Herl Detroit Symphon) To Appear Monda In his second appearance ir Arbor with the Detroit Syml: Orchestra, Karl Kreuger, co tor, Will present an all Beeti and Tschaikowsky program a p.m. Monday in Hill Auditor: Kreuger took over the le ship of the orchestra only seasons ago after heading Kansas City Philharmonic an Seattle Symphony. Born in sas, Kreuger received his tra and did his early conducti Europe. The Detroit Symphony founded in 1914. Under its se L UMINOUS FLUX' : U' Vision Research Results May Better Airfield Lighting One of commercial aviation'sofrom a distance of 300 feet, even if biggest headaches-airport light- the candlepower of the light were ing-may be relieved as the result reduced 70 per cent. of experiments being conducted by If the smaller signal light were the University's Vision Research operated on the same candle- Laboratory. power as the larger light, it H. Richard Blackwell, 26-year- would be visible at more than 300 old Laboratory director, said that feet. he said, but atmosphere con- basic research on how the eye ditions would limit increased visi- works might bring about increased bility. safety and a saving in electric Because of the discovery's po- nower n'ePesarv to nerni a irnodrtud VE TER ANS' rEEDS CITED: Village Day Nursery Subsidy Rejected By WALT HOF I-AN be replenished by the Legislature, nursery school could probably be C ol.R mln P r_ s, p Tir n r a rtra3- -n anmn"uno n aL- - - rl Qf_ca rrrtFt r