THE MICHIGAN DAILY WALLACE SPEECH: His Sneerity Yesterday at Hill Auditorium Henry Wal- lace spoke to a capacity crowd of stu- dents, faculty members, and towns people. It was an extemporaneous speech, and this was evident at several points. But is was probably the most completely honest and sincere speech Ann Arbor audiences have heard in an age. The warmth of Wal- lace's personality pervaded the auditorium. Here was a man who is wearing himself out in an attempt to tell people in this country and others that peace is attain- able. Here was a man whose only brief is that the future of the world should be and can be linked with something better than the past. Henry Wallace is one of the few figures in public life today who is interested in the peace of the world, and who renders it more than politically advantageous lip service. No one can accuse Wallace of playing poli- tics. The politicians of this country have taken care of his political career as such. No one who heard Wallace yesterday can accuse him of demagogy. The only accusa- tion that one can level at Wallace is that he is an idealist. This is an oft-repeated one. Possibly Wallace is called an "idealist" be- cause he wants to see a secure and decent world. If so, it's unfortunate that more "idealists" of his variety aren't around. Wallace was speaking, by and large, for the muddled group of liberals in this coun- try and abroad who find themselves flound- ering between the various shades of pink. What he said evidenced that this flounder- ing is not necessary, that it is superficial. 'fasically, Wallace said that to gain peace. all nations must cooperate. The United States, among others, is not cooperating Lack of cooperation among one big power sets off a chain of competitive acts that can only lead to war. Wallace said that such props as the 400 million dollar aid to Greece and Turkey program, to be used in great measure for munitions and general army strengthening, can, again, only lead to war. His alternative was to spend the money, and more as needed, to buy peace, not to temporarily detour war. Wallace said that you can't buy a cheap peace, for a cheap peace is no peace. It is merely a delay. Wallace is not a sage. What he said does not represent wisdom limited to a cult. Wallace is like a home-spun prophet, an honest man with a deep conviction that all doesn't have to be lost in the world, but we are making rapid strides toward losing it. -Eunice Mintz Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: NAOMI STERN Clothes for Europe ONLY A SCANT few hundred of the Uni- versity's 18,000 students responded to the request for used clothing last week. Realizing that spring was late in coming this year and that some of us have delayed in sorting out our winter clothes to send home, the Famine Committee which spon- sored the drive has announced that addi- tional contributions may be left at Lane Hall today, tomorrow and Sunday. For the convenience of Willow Villagers a spe- cial box has been placed in West Lodge in which contributions may be left. Europe's next winter may be as svere as the last. Thousands of European child- ren, the future leaders of the nations whose friendship and support America is seeking, will be unable to go to school next fall un- less they have enough clothing to keep them warm. Freezing weather quickened the deaths of thousands of Europe's ill- clad last winter. In America clothing and shoes will be available. Europe's children must depend upon our help. Some of our winter clothes are bound to be outgrown or outmoded by next fall. If they are sorted out and donated now they can be distributed to the children of Europe before another cold winter sets in. The ideal of world peace can not be sold to children who are too cold to listen. We have until Sunday to demonstrate an inter- est in the welfare of our neighbors and in the future of world peace by contributing our used clothing to the health and perhaps the very existence of Europe's children. -Ellen Mulvihill -Tom Walsh THE RIGHTWARD DRIFT is coming to its end. One of the clearest pieces of evi- dence is that the Ohio boys, Taft and Brick- er are out of the running for the Republican presidential nomination. Another sign that the rightward drift is ending is the fact that Mr. Taft has been so spectacularly off balance lately, political- ly speaking. He tore into Mr. Lilienthal early this year with the ai, of a man.looking to the populace to carry him on its should- ers. The expected support didn't show up, and Mr. Taft ended sprawled on the floor, so to speak, as if he had leaned against something that wasn't there. He scrambled to his feet and proposed a ban against na- tionwide collective bargaining, and on this issue he took another header. -Samuel Grafton t ~ wii-lt.194l7. N w Yrk,'Post r no raticon ) His Record THE EFFECTS on campus yesterday after- noon of Henry Wallace's speech were plainly manifested by many inspired student conversation groups, and undoubtedly many who had previousy scoffed at what Wallace said in Europe were convinced that his broad philosophical stand is best. However, after the immediate combined effects of Wallace's recent over-publicity and of his speaking prowess die down in the minds of his listeners, students who were unduly and perhaps emotionally impressed by the speech will have ample opportunity to look at the record and to look thoroughly at his proposals for salvation of the world. Undoubtedly it can be conceded that he is standing on firm ground in putting the best interests of world peace and interna- tionalism first, i.e., his broad philosophy is sound. But one cannot help but notice a flagrant quality of nebulosity and contra- diction in his series of actual proposals. For instance, a month ago he said that the Uni- ted States would never stand up under the financial burden which would, according to him, inevitably follow the passing of the Greek-Turkish loan. Then one of the next things he advocated was a loan to Russia, which would be considerably more than that amount provided in the present Greek aid bill. And now he suggests that the United States finance world rehabilitation with a $50,000,000,000 stipend. He also professed yesterday this his policy for reconstruction would be considerably beneficial to the capitalists in the long run If this can be interpreted as meaning that he is willing to remain within the confines of the capitalist economy with possible necessary innovations, we cannot help but notice his inconsistency, inasmuch as he called for coal industry nationalization only a few days ago. Henry Wallace's failure in his farm policy back in the '30's was one o'f the main reasons why the New Deal never gained the recovery that it set out to get. After his unsuccessful attempts at government planning, he wrote up a long article which appeared in the Readers' Digest explaining how he had never advocated socialism. Some inconsistency is tolerable in a political leader, but when it is as gross as this, we fail to see the neces- sary qualities for leadership in the tre- mendously important endeavor toward world harmony. -John F. Nehman, Jr. Spring STUDENTS will have the unusual oppor- tunity in four sessions of the Spring Par- ley today and tomorrow of discussing in- formally with other students and with facul- ty members implications of the atomic age in the field or fields in which they are most interested. In the first session, faculty members will give brief speeches introducing problems in the eight fields, and in the second and third, students will be able to thrash out and fur- ther discuss these problems in a series of panel discussions dealing with education, foreign relations, economics, science, relig-' ion, government, social relations and civil liberties. For eleven years annual spring parleys considered problems-of world, national and local importance. In 1940 and 1941 winter parleys as well were held. Never befo! , however, has a parley theme been of as great significance for the future. All that's needed now is student participation in this first post-war "bull session." The parley's need of students is surpassed only by the student's need of the parley. -Elinor Moxness Pohte4 /Pen r HIS CAMPUS was treated to a glimpse of of a phenomenon rare in recent Ameri- can history yesterday. The crowd of stu- dents who packed Hill Auditorium were party to a kind of one-man crusade. Henry Wallace is carrying his ideas to the nation direct, in spite of passive resistance from the press, and active opposition from both political parties. Indication of the universality and strength of Wallace's opposition was given yesterday both by the awkward time of day set for his speech, and by the local evening paper's treatment of him. No advance notice of the former vice-president's Ann Arbor speech was printed in that newpaper until Tuesday night, and then the story was buried on page nine. But the kicking around Wallace has tak- en has done wonders for his always-consid- erable popularity with the people. Al- though he was cautious in his press con- ference about predicting liberal strength in the 1948 presidential conventions, he in- terpreted the crowds who have attended his current speaking tour as showing what he termed "the grass roots voters' interest" in liberal ideas. In Chicago Wednesday, an unprecedented crowd paid up to $2.40 for stadium seats to hear him. The six or seven thousand stu- dents who tried to get into Hill yesterday set something of a record too. Growing distrust of the unanimity of editorials and politicians' statements in the press in praise of American foreign policy have added to public interest in Wallace. Asked about the possibility of a "third par- ty" forming within the next year, he re- called last fall when he was campaigning here for Michigan candidates. State Demo- crats implored him, "Please, Mr. Wallace, don't say anthing against Vandenberg" and the Party candidate for senator stayed out of Michigan throughout the campaign. Wallace's comment was pointed: "Before we can have three parties, we have to have two," he quipped. Wallace's speech here was one of thre he made yesterday. With a personal drive reminiscent of Woodrow Wilson's tragic fight to sell the League of Nations to the people, Wallace is out to get his beliefs on how to secure world peace across. Judging from our slight contact with him yesterday, he'll succeed if he has to convince the American public, one citizen at a time. -Milt Freudenheim MAN TO MAN: Storm Brewing By HAROLD L. ICKES OUT IN THE WEST a political storm is brewing. From this distance it has the appearance of a cyclone because in its fun- nel it is carrying in the direction of Wash- ington several authentic governors of states, most of them Republican, and in- cluding the politically potent Governor Earl Warren of California. The source of this cyclone is the fertile but arid lands of the West which are crying out for water as they will continue to do until their thirst has been slaked. The story begins with the curt refusal of the Republican controlled House Com- mittee on Appropriations to give the thirsty West what it needs to clear its throat of dust. Senators Taft and Bridges are trying to get by with assuring the West that the established reclamation policy was born dur- ing the Republican administration of Theo- dore Roosevelt. However, that was a long time ago and the Republican leadership of both houses are likely to learn that concila- tory, if reminiscent, words slake no thirst either. Without realizing what they were doing, the Republican leadership has provided irr every state west of the Missouri River a re- sounding campaign issue for 1948. Appar- ently Governor Warren of California has. been shrewd enough to realize this for he took the leadership for his own state and the rest of the water-hungry West, when he quietly came into Washington some time ago to plead the cause of reclamation and cheap public power before the unheeding John Taber, who comes from Governor Dewey's state. It would be ironic indeed if the hopes of Governor Dewey, Senator Taft and Senator Vandenberg to capture the White House next year for a Republi- can could be realized only by nominating for President this same Governor Warren. (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation) LAST WEEK the World Bank, originally; chartered in 1944, finally transacted its first piece of business. With a minimum of formality and the signing of a mere twelve documents, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development took a positive step toward "bringing about a smooth transition from a wartime to a peacetime economy." This first step was years, at 3/4% interest, plus 1% commission a loan of $250,000,000 to France, for thirty (on the outstanding part) which the Bank collects to build up a special reserve. -Time Magazine BILL MAULI.N i I 1 t- _ Letters to the Editor... EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily 1 sOChat1on, The Lawyers' Guild, and prnt yVEerltteGtuthedo _i r l+o caatis .a.C sv.' s" fin. Rg. U. S. Pat. Off-All righ~ts reserved~ "Go on, now. If you pass any of your pals, you can tell 'em you' re pulling a snatch." DAILY' OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Tues., June 10, Rm. try Bldg. Page 3) <" 165, Chemis- Psychology 114: Students with initials A through L will meet in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall from 7 to 8 p.m., Tues., May 20. Students with initials M through Z will meet in the same room at the same time Wed., May 21. There will be no class at the usual hour on Tuesday. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Examination: All students expect- ing to do directed teaching in the fall are required to pass a quali- fying examination in the subject in which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Sat., May 24, 8:30 a.m. Students will meet in the auditorium of the University High School. The ex- amination will consume about four hours' time; promptness is there- fore essential. Concerts Student Recital: Norris Gran- ville Greer, Tenor, will present a public recital in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for thE degree of Master of Music at 4:15 p.m., Sun., June 1. Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre, during which he will sing a group of seventeenth century English songs arranged for voice and string quartet by Will- iam Klenz of the School of Music faculty. Balance of program: com- positions by Brahms, Faure, and Campbell. Mr. Greer is a pupil of Arthur Hackett. Organ Recital: Janet Hutchen- reuther, organist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 4:15 p.m., Sun., May 18, Hill Auditorium. A pupil of the late Palmer Chris- tian, Mrs. Hutchenreuther will play a program of compositions by Vivaldi, Bach, Karg-Elert, Doty, Jepson, and Vierne. The general public is invited. Student Recital: Elizabeth Anne Massie, pupil of Joseph Brinkman, will be heard in a piano recital at 8:30 p.m., Fri., May 16, Rackham Assembly Hall. Program: Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Brahms, De- bussy, and Scriabin. Open to the public. Exhibition The Museum of Archaeology: Current Exhibit: "Life in a Roman Town, in Egypt, 30 B.C.-400 A.D." Tues, through Fri., 9-12, 2-5; Sat., 9-12; Sun. 3-5 The Museum of Art: Drawings by Maurice Sterne and Paintings by Pedro Figari. Alumni Memo- rial Hall, daily, except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5; Wed- nesday evenings 7-9. The public is cordially invited. Events Today University Radio Program: 2:30 p.m., WKAR, Tales from Poe--"The Fall of the House of Usher." 2:45 p.m., WKAR, Landscape Design Series-Efficiency and Economy in Landscape Manage- mentand Maintenance. H. O. Whittemore, Professor of Land- scape Architecture. 5:45 p.m., WPAG, Dorothy Orn- est, Soprano. American Chemical Society, U. of M. section: 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Dr. C. L. Wilson, University of London, lecturer at the University of Notre Dame, will speak on "The Problem of Ben-, zene." The public is invited. German Coffee Hour: 3-5 p.m.,; League Coke Bar. Michigan Dames Art Group: 8 p.m., home of Mrs. A. T. Scheips, 1511 Washtenaw. Mrs. Maurice W. Senstius will speak on the sub- ject, "Buying Your first Pieces of Furniture." The Art Cinema League presnts British film, PAGLIACCI with Richard 'Tauber and Steffi Duna. English Dialogue: English lyrics. Also short "Story of the Violin." Fri., and Sat., May 16 and 17, 8:30 p.m. Box office opens 2 p.m. daily. Reservations phone 6300, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Coning Events Research Club: Final meeting 8 p.m., Wed., May 21, Rackham Amphitheatre. Prof. W. B. Willcox, "Why did the British lose the American Revolution?" Prof. Lars Thomassen, "Chromium Oxide and Nickel Oxide-High Temper- ature Protective Coatings." Offi- cers will be elected for 1947-48. Meeting open to members and guests. AVC picnic: Sun., May 18, 2:30- 10 p.m., Island Park near main fireplace. Athletic events, food, and entertainment. All members and friends are invited. Women Veterans Picnic: Sat., May 17, 2 p.m. Meet at League. Alpha Kappa Delta Picnic for all concentrates in Sociology and So- cial Work, Dexter Park, Sat., 2:30 p.m. Those desiring transporta- tion meet in front of Haven Hall promptly at 2:30. A.S.C.E. annual picnic. Sat., May 17 in the Arboretum. Meet at 2 p.m., E. Engineering Bldg. Polonia Club: A Polish program, featuring Polish cultural dancers, singers, and movies. will be pre- sented in the Michigan Union Ballroom and Rooms 316-20, Mich- igan Union, Sun., May 18, 3 p.m. The public is cordially invited. Program will be followed by a Po- lish supper in the International Center for which reservations are available in the Center. "Jammin in de Sun." Open air jam session, sponsored by Engi- neering Council, 1-5 p.m., Sat., May 17 at the Island. Admission free for University students. Ses- sion will feature program of im- provised jazz. prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in liters are those of the writers only. Letters o: more than 300 words are shortened, printedor omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. Refuting Charges To the Editor: IN ATHLETICS, as in any phase of a Negro's life, it is necessary for him to overcome the barriers that society has set up. From the time that the Negro was freed from slavery, the white race has assumed that there was something about him which limited him from various activities. Even though the Negro has been given equal opportunity by our Constitution, it has been necessary in every in- stance to have the Negro prove himself before he is accepted Overcoming this inertia of the white race has seemed insur- mountable i many phases of social and economic life. How- ever, through education and a thorough understanding of the problems involved, the Negro is coming into his own. It is, and will be for some time to come, a tedious task getting the Negro in- to fields not previously opened to him. Nothing can be accom- plished overnight.. The University of Michigan and the entire Western Conference have been victims of these influ- ences. In my report to the Stu- dent Legislature I tried to bring to the surface the more obvious factors, which form the barrier in this instance. There may be other factors, it is true, but I be- lieve it would take an intensive survey by sociologists to bring out all the reasons and tie them to- gether. The basis of my report. however, was to relieve the ath- letic department of the charge of racial discrimination - a charge not proven and hardly implied by any previous action on their part. There have been great Negro ath- letes here in the past, and I'm sure there will be many more in the future. In those sports not represented by the Negro in the past here at Michigan, there has always been an open invitation for his participation. At Michigan athletes are select- ed on the basis of performance and character. Any Negro may be a candidate for any athletic team and feel assured that he will be judged on that basis. -Jim Brieske Student Legislature * * * Democracy in Sports To the Editor: (R, CRISLER'S report entitled, ' Alleged Discrimination on Ath- letic Teams at the University of Michigan," deserves the attention of every student at the University of Michigan. Yet, for some rea- son, this official statement of po- sition on a matter that has long been festering beneath the surface of Big Nine athletics has not been released in its entirety to the press. In fairness to all concerned, this step should be taken immedi- ately. The report can only be inter- preted intelligently in reference to the forces which motivated it. Students in general and Negro students in particular have always seen a certain inconsistency in the fact that; in effect, Negro ath- letes have always been excluded from participation in several sports at the University of Michi- gan . . . and, in large measure, throughout the Big Nine. At Mich- igan it is incontestably truemthat Negroes have never been num- bered among the Varsity athletes in tennis and basketball! With the exception of the year I922, the above statement holds true for baseball as well. Golf, swimming, and wrestling fall into the same "pure white" category. Confront- ed by such facts, which, at least, suggest the possibility that some- thing is rotten in the Big Nine, is it any wonder that many peo- ple have been asking "why?" for a long time? The culmination of the many "whys" was expressed in the fol- lowing action: Shortly before the Spring vacation, a resolution was submitted to the Student Legis- lature by the American Veterans Committee, The Inter-racial As- of the current series of Sunday evening programs will take place in the Michigan Union Ballroom this Sunday at 8 p.m. The Ann Ar- bor Civic Orchestra will present a concert of classical and semi- classical music. The concert wiL be preceded by a supper in the In- ternational Center, sponsored b the Polonia Club. Reservatiom for the Polish Supper are avail- able in the Center. I Michigan Youth for Democratic Action. This resolution read as follows: "Whereas, the question of dis- crimination against Negroes par- ticipating in baseball and basket- ball at the University of Michi- gan has been raised, we recom- mend that the Student Legisla- ture study the question and make the fact known to the student body and the proper officials." This resolution was the primary catalytic agent which moved Mr. Crisler to make his report. It did not spring from a vacuum. A large segment of the student body expressed a desire to be informed about the issue of possible dis- crimination in some phases of Varsity athletics. Yet, strangely enough, the complete report has not been published for the scrut- my and analysis of all who might be interested, and the snatches of it, which the cooperative Mr. Brieske magnanimously saw fit to release, give the impression of evasiveness, at best. Mr. Brieske quotes the Crisler report as saying: "There is no dis- crimination, either legislative or through a 'gentleman's agreement' with other schools, and any Ne- gro may become a candidate for any athletic team, receiving equal consideration with all others." (black type emphasis is my own). To put it bluntly, this statement is simply not true. The baseball, tennis, and golf teams take annual Spring conditioning trips through the "white supremacy" South. As the coaches of these teams will testify, it would be impossible for Negroes to be taken on these trips. They will also testify that these trips are not joy rides and that this pre-season training is abso- lutely essential in preparation for Conference competition. In view of these considerations how can Mr. Crisler honestly maintain that Negro athletes receive "equal con- sideration with all others?" Racial discrimination. is always difficult to prove. Mr. Crisler states that no "gentleman's agree- ment" is in existence. That state- ment is literally redundant, at least self-explanatory, because no "gentleman" (in my book of def- initions) would make such an agreement. But that is beside the point. Prior to Jackie Robinson's debut, Negroes were in effect barred from participation in maj- or league baseball. I doubt if anyone ever proved the existence of a written or "understood" law prohibiting Negroes from compet- ing in these circles. Yet, every school boy knew that something other than lack of ability was keeping Negroes from the dugouts and basepaths. In the words of Michigan's own Eddie Tolan it was "a great day for democracy" when Jackie trotted out to first base in Ebbets Field for the first time. A vicious precedent had been broken, thanks to the clamor of millions of fans, and the courage of Branch Rickey, a one-time baseball coach at the University of Michigan. If Mr. Crisler thinks it import- ant that the cloud of racial dis- crimination be removed from the playing fields and courts at Mich- igan, it would seem only logical that steps be initiated to change the conditions which make it im- possible for Negroes to compete on an equal basis with other ath- letes. Spring training trips to California would be a step in the direction of democracy in Michi- gan sports. -Charles H. Bidee Y .avw:acu vavaa~ .a aaa., vv ..a. s.s .... v .uv wt..++v CURRENT MOVIES i ' At The Michigan . * . ITTLE MR. JIM (MGM), "Butch" Jenkins, James Craig HIS PICTURE is based on a book en- titled "Army Brat" and deals with Holly- wood's version of child-life on an Army post. It has all the usual tender turns of kid ptctures; a motherless child, dogs, tears, torn pants, cruelty of children to children, cruelty of adults to children. If you can stand children, you can stand this. It's really niieely put together if you overlook the kids. * * * * At The State .. THE BEGINNING OF THE END (MGM), Brian Donlevy, Robert Walker F MGM had stuck to making a straight documentary or even a semi-documentary of this, it would have been terrific. Con- sidering the fact that this is purported to be a document for the survivors in the twenty- fifth century, some of its action seems just a little too much. Hollywood taking itself seriously is still unable to forget the boy- meets girl formula. That and some of the s s Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students ot the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control oat Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor Clayton Dickey............City Editor Milton Freudenhelm..Editorial Director Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor Ann Kutz........... Associate Editor Clyde Recht..........Associate Editor Jack Martin ............ Sports Editor Archie Parsons. Associate Sports Editor Joan Wiik........... Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant Member Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 International Center: The last BARNABY Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... Generala Janet Cork......... Business Nancy Helmick ...Advertisingl Manager Manager Manager r- _ _ I:ttI- ..