WALLAC: PRO AND CON See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State Du1 ii4 CLOUDY, SHOWERS VOL. LVIL.Na. 159 --~ -- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS U.N. Creates Commission On Palestine Small Neutrals To Make Inquiry By The Associated Press NEW YORK, May 15 - Ti United Nations Assembly toda created a small-nation, "neutial commission to make an unrestric ted inquiry into the complex prol lems of Palestine and report bac in the fall with recommendatior for solution. The extraordinary assembly c the 55 nations then adjourned fir ally. at 1:57 p.m. (EST) after 1 days of deliberations. To Meet in May UN officials immediately an nounced that the 11-nation in quiry commission would meet Ma 26 at Lake Success preparatory t flying to Palestine to begin inves tigations on the spot. The A r a b countries balke against the Assembly decision t the end. The final vote formally settin up and instructing the commissioi was 46 to 7, with Siam abstain ing and Haiti absent. Only Tur key and Afghanistan joined th Arab states - Saudi Arabia, Syr ia, Lebanon, Egypt and Iran-: a final dissent. Mild Abstention In the closing hours, the Sovie Union gave up its long fight t force the Big Five to serve on th inquiry commission and mildl: abstained on the section of th resolution naming Australia, Can. ada, Czechoslovakia, Guatemala India, Iran, the Netherlands, Peru Sweden Uruguay and Yugoslavia The Arabs also refused to joir in a Norwegian resolution calini for an interim truce in the Holy Land pending action by the UN. U Buildings Ap ropriation Passes Senate The Heath Bill, appropriating $3,200,000 for the present Univer- sity building program, was passec yesterday by the State Senate. At a meeting with the House Ways and Means Committee ir January, the University requestec $6,360,000 for the completion of buildings now under construction. This request came after rising prices had boosted the program, originally estimated at $8,000,000, to $1l1,60,000. Passage of the Heath Bill by the House would bring the total ap- propriation for the University's program of five educational build- ings to $8,000,000, leaving the margin for increased construction costs to be appropriated by the 1948 Legislature. If House approval of the Heath Bill is secured, the additional $3,- 200,000 will become available be- fore June 30. The Bill provides an identical appropriation for Michigan State College. c cola rshi Blanks Ready Veterans May Apply For 'Bomber' Fund Application blanks for Bomber Scholarships, open to veteran un- dergraduates, may be picked up this week at the Office of Student Affairs in Rm. 2 University Hall. Established during the war, the Bomber Scholarships are annually awarded to students who have served in the armed services for at least one year. The fund by-! laws provide that the scholarships shall be awarded without regard to race, color or creed. Applicants are selected according to need, charac- ter and scholastic ability. An estimated $28,000 was do- nated to the fund by student or- ganizations, faculty, executive and alumni of the University during the war. The scholarships are awarded by a student committee composed of presidents of campus Wilkerson To Address Stump Speakers Today 'Tung Oil' Banquet To Be Held in League; Ancient Bell Will Take Part in Ceremonies Main speaker at the Stump Speakers' Tung Oil Banquet, to be held at 6:15 p.m. today at the League, will be Daniel C. Wilkerson, corporation lawyer,,engineer, and graduate of the United States Naval Academy. Sponsored by Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engineering speech so- ciety, the event will be the .18th in an annual series of colorful in- stitutional banquets. Subject of Wilkerson's speech is "Why Haven't Modern War In- ventions Been Made Available for Peacetime Use?" An officials of the General Motors Corporation, and a resident of Detroit, Wilkerson f Jam Session &{ Will Be Held lByEngineers Jazz Artists To Play At Island Saturday Inaugurating a brand new socia program, the Engineering Counci will sponsor "Jammin' in 'de Sun,' an open-air jam session, from 2 t 5 p.m. tomorrow on the Island. Open, with admission free, to all students who want to attend the affair will feature local and Detroit musicians. Arranged by Malcolm Raphael, program direc tor of the University Hot Record Society, "improvised jazz" wil be the main theme. The Island, which is located in back of the University Hospital on the Huron River, will be outfitted with a public-address system in- stalled in the small pavilion at the end of the island. The musicians will be playing from this pavilion, and students will sit on the grass. The Council urges that "all cats" come in informal attire. Hot dogs and soft driiks will be sold at a booth operated by members of the local chapter of the Society of Women Engineers. Ev Ellin, president of the Coun- cil, announced last Wednesday that efforts were being made to include Gene Krupa and his Jazz Trio in the affair, but no reply to a night telegram sent to him has as yet been received. In a statement of plans issued last Saturday by the Co=ncl, Ellin said that "it is hoped that this affair will give the engineering student body some idea of what we plan to offer them in the way of mixers, activities, parties and other affairs next fall." IRA To Fight Callahan Bill "Witch Hunt' Danger Seen in Provisions Declaring that the Callahan bill for the registration of foreign dominated organizations forbodes a "witch hunt," the Inter-Racial Association went on record last night as opposed to the measure and urged its membership to in- itiate a post card campaign for its defeat in the State House of Rep- resentatives. The bill, which has already passed the Senate, provides that all organizations of such affilia- tion register with the attorney general, who will reserve the right to check the books and records of the group in question. The IRA voted, too, to join the inter-organization coordinating committee, initiated recently by ADA as a means of securing com- mon action to cope with common issues confronted by several groups. '> also has degrees from the Univer- sity of Maryland. Wartime Inventions in Peacetime The talk will cover wartime in- ventions and their relation to the peacetime economy in the follow- ing engineering fields: automotive, aviation, large landtransporta- tion, marine transportation, me- tallic and chemical materials, elec- tronics, and atomic energy. In- cluded in his discussion will be the latest information on air condi- 1 tioning, communications, plastics 1 and synthetics, radar techniques, " television and other developments. o Wilkerson pioneered in estab- lishing government postal motor o delivery service in 1912, and is a , former member of the U. S. De- I partment of Commerce radio ad- visors' committee. A former auto- - motiveand science editor of the I Washington Herald, he partici- l pated in early development of mil- itary projects, such as radio- guided missiles, in 1923 and 1924. Toastmaster at the Banquet will be Assistant Dean Walter J. Em- mons of the College of Engineer- ing. Oldest Ann ArborBell The oldest bell in Ann Arbor, one which rang for city functions and emergencies way back in the 1860's, will take an active part in the ceremonies. Known as the Old Ann Arbor Bell, it was pre- sented last May 9 to Sigma Rhd Tau by the bell's trustees, I. J. Folske and George Beuhrel, in a formal ceremony. Members will remove the bell from its site on the lawn in front of East Hall today and carry it into the dining room, where its an- cient, but clear and resounding, tones will be heard during proce- dures of the banquet. 25 Years the Town-Crier The antique, once in the pos- session of a group of German townspeople in Ann Arbor known as the "Arbiders," was for about 25 years the official sound organ for the city. It pealed the lunch hour and also the 9 p.m. curfew back in Reconstruction days. The bell was used in instances of emergency also, being rung for fires, deaths of prominent citizens, and outbreaks of war. It spoke for the first time since its active days as announcer when society members were bringing it from its place of concealment over to its new habitat around East Hall, after the presentation by the trustees. At the banquet tonight it is ex- pected to have the same great range and beauty of tone that it had when used over a century ago. Explosion Hits Mary Lee Shop A blast originating in the back of the Mary Lee Shoppe at 332 S. State rocked the campus area at 11:43 p.m. yesterday. No one was injured by the ex- plosion which shattered 13 win-t dows in the shop and surroundingl buildings, including a neighboring< bookstore. Firemen were still in- vestigating the cause of the blast as The Daily went to press. Lewis, Coal Operators To Renew Talks Deadlock Break Seen as Hopeful By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 15-The deadlock over industry-wide bargaining in the soft coal indus- try was broken today when John L. Lewis agreed to bargain with a group representing 75 per cent of the soft coal tonnage mined by the United Mine Workers. This development came as no great surprise despite the union's previous insistence on natinal bargaining. It means that real bargaining over the terms of a new contract will begin tomorrow for the first time since Lewis signed his agreement with the gov- ernment last May 29. Step Forward It was a long step forward, and Navy Captain N. H. Collisson, federal coal mines administrator, said "I think it's grand." Much still remains to be done if a coal strike is to be avoided after June 30, the date when the government must restore to private ownership the soft coal mines it seized a year ago. Lewis will sit down with a com- mittee of mine operators from the north, the west, and the "captive" southern mines owned by northern steel companies. Demand Better Contract He is expected to demand a bet- ter contract than the present one, which the federal courts forced him to keep in effect as long as the mines are federally held. He is expected to demand a bigger welfare fund, a permanent safety code, and shorter hours with no pay reduction. If agreement is reached, it will still leave the strong possibility of a strike in southern mines- West Virginia, Eastern Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee. The Southern Coal Producers Association refused to enter ne- gotiations on a national basis. It has asked Lewis to bargain f9r a separate contract. Barbers Shun Discussion on Discriminationt Representatives of six campus organizations, set to meet offi- cers of the Ann Arbor Barbers' Association to discuss discrimina- tion against Negroes in the local barber shops, yesterday, had their meeting cancelled abruptly. President Joe Knieper, of the group which has been accused of having a "gentleman's agreement" under which Negroes are not served, told The Daily it was "im- possible" to meet with the stu- dents. Knieper said he doubted such a meeting would ever be held. Carroll Little, president of In- ter-Racial Association, pointed out that, "such an agreement is con- trary to the Michigan Civil Rights Act, and individuals may be prose- cuted. But we feel that approach- ing the matter by way of the con- ference table, instead of law suits, will involve less inimical and an- tagonistic consequences." Asked, "If a Negro student came into this shop, would you cut his hair?" Barber Knieper told a re- porter, "Well, I don't know; that seems to be the trouble." Knieper said, "We haven't refused any- body," but asserted that he could "quit anytime" as a barber if he didn't care to serve someone. Campus organizations to repre- sent students wronged by the al- leged discrimination at the can- celled meeting were the campus and Willow Village chapters of AVC, the University chapter of National Lawyers' Guild, Student Religious Association, and The Daily. MYDA Denies Finality of Ban The Executive Committee of Michigan Youth for Democratic Action declared yesterday that the action by which MYDA was banned from the campus is not a "closed matter." "Though President Ruthven h a Wallace Declares U.S. Must Survey eeds of World Former Viee-President Denouices ijni an Doctirinie; Offers Alternative By FRED SCHOTT As a constructive alternative to the Truman doctrine, Henry A. Wallace, leading critic of U. S. foreign policy, suggested yesterday that the United States "buy peace through surveying the extreme needs of the entire world," instead of basing hopes for peace upon the 400 mil- lion dollar Greek-Turkish aid grant. Speaking before an attentive audience of 6,000 that jammed into Hill Auditorium, Wallace was given prolonged applause both before and after his speech. "I will continue to denounce the Truman doctrine," he said, "be- cause I look upon it as certainly * * * not the path to peace and maybe the path to war." Wallace Sees f CONFER DURING GROMYKO'S ATTACK-Prince Faisal al Saud (right), chife of the Saudi Arabian delegation, confers with an advisor, Ahmed a Jabbar, as Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko, Russian delegate, delivers a vigorous attack on Brit- ain's administration of Palestine at meeting of the United Na- tions General Assembly's Palestine session in New York. ATOMIC THEME: Faculty Members To Speak At 12th Sprmg Parley Today The 12th Spring Parley will be held in four sessions today and _ tomorrow with the theme, "Im- plications of the Atomic Age." The first session, at 4 p.m. to- day in Rackham Lecture Hall, will consist of speeches by faculty members in eight different fields. Dean Hayward Keniston, of the literary college, will discuss im- plications of the atomic age on education, Dean Ralph A. Saw- yer of the graduate school, on science, and Prof. Harold M. Dorr, of the political science depart- ment, on government. World Relations Speeches will continue with a R =discussion by Prof. Lawrence Preuss, of the political science de- partment, of implications on world relations, by Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, of the journalism depart- ment, on civil liberties, by Prof. Frank L. Huntley, of the English department, on social relations, by Prof. Gardner Ackley, of the ec- onomics department, on econom- ics, and by Dr. Franklin H. Lit- tell, director of the Student Re- ligious Association, on religion. Moderator will be Prof. John L. Brumm, of the journalism de- partment. Faculty-Student Panel Faculty-student panel discus- sions of foreign relations, govern- ment, science and education will compose the second session of the parley at 8 p.m. today in the Union. Faculty advisers for the panel on science will be Prof. Ernest F. Baker, of the physics department, Prof. David T. Williams, of the aeronautical engineering depart- ment, Prof. Thomas S. Lovering, of the geology department, Prof. Wilfred Kaplan, of the mathemat- ics department, and Prof. Fred J. Hodges, chairman of the Depart- German State Called Chaotic Newman Decries Neglect of Economy Economic and industrial reha- bilitation of Germany at the pres- ent time is in a chaotic condition, according to Dean Albert D. New- man, of the City College of New York and former head of the U. S. delegation on chemical in- dustry in Germany, who lectured to a group of engineering students yesterday. The Dean pointed out that too much emphasis is being placed on the political reforming of Ge many instead of on the economic and industrial reconstruction of the country. He said that it was absurd to talk about taking machinery out of Germany for reparations be- cause this would only necessitate investing more American capital in Germany. Continuation of ex- ports of German machinery to the Allied nations would greatly ment of Roentgenology. Bill Pidd will moderate. Foreign Relations Panel Prof. Preuss will lead the panel on foreign relations, assisted by David Dutcher, moderator. Prof. Dorr, Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach, of the political science depart- ment, and Samuel J. Eldersveld, instructor in political science, will advise the panel on government, Sidney Zilber will moderate. The panel on education will be led by Dean Keniston and Prof. John Arthos, of the English de- partient. Moderator will be Rob- ert Taylor. The third session of the parley, to be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the Union, will consist of panels on religion, economics, and a combined panel on civil liberties and social relations. At the final session, at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Union, panels will make reports and general dis- cussion will be held. Speakers- Call For Changes In Curriculum Broad and specific suggestions for improvement of the Univer- sity's curriculum were made by the three speakers at the Town Hall forum on "Proposed Curricu- lar Changes," which was held at 8 p.m. yesterday in the ABC room of the League. Prof. Kenneth McMurry, repre- senting the faculty committee on proposed curricular changes, traced the development of the University's graduation require- ments, from the early classical education- plan to group and con- centration requirements. Ruth Rodenbeck, chairman of the campus AVC's committee on proposed curricular changes, urged the establishment of a general ed- ucation system, which woulld award a degree in general educa- tion, without requiring thirty hours credit in one specific field of interest. Harold White, representing the Student Legislature, called for the institution of a course in "The History of the Negro of the United States." He cited evidence of the bias on that topic which exists in some currently used college textbooks. The student reaction was a gen- eral desire for survey courses in a rather broad field, which would not demand prerequisites. "I suggest that the various economic committee in the Se- curity council for Europe and Asia .. . clear through the Se- curity Council a plan to estab- lish priorities for need," he said. The need in western Russia is the greatest of all, he said, be- cause of war devastation and the severe drought in the Ukraine. The tremendous productive power and generosity of the United States qualified us to assume leadership in establishing peace, he added. The most serious problem the world has to face in the recon- struction era, Wallace said, is the danger of a depression. It can be prevented, he said, with "some imaginative planning." "It would require 150 billion dollars during the next ten years to do a real job of reconstruc- tion. Atleast 50 billion dollars would have to come from the United States, and more than that if the standard of living were to be raised in Russia and Asia.." But if American money overseas runs out, he said, there will ulti- matelyube a serious depression in this country, with a possible an- nual loss of 30 billion dollars, in addition to unemployment. "That can be prevented if you have a world-widetNew Deal. I want to see priorities established for irrigation and power plants all over~the world. I want to see a Tigris-Euphrates Valley Au- thority, and ,I want to see a Jor- dan River Authority." "Wallace then described the "missionary spirit" that such a program would need, saying that we "have to be true to a funda- mental generosity and under- standing spirit," which is the "best kind of religion and the best kind of good business." "If we look at things in the big way, we'll be safe," he added. Turning his attention to a pos- sible Russian reaction toward the "missionary" spirit, Wallace said "try Russia out. Give her a chance . . . they'll do .everything to prevent another war. Hatred doesn't cease by hating-you have to get rid of it by putting some- thing else in its place, and that is understanding." Offering a possible explanation of Russia's refusal to join the In- ternational Bank and UNESCO, he believes the Russians "figure we're going to have a terrible de- pression and they don't want to get any closer to it than they are now. They think that when a de- pression comes we'll be easier to bargain with." He said he considered that a se- rious mistake on Russia's part. At the beginning of his speech, Wallace traced the events follow- ing the first World War which he said produced the same "hysteria and incredible gullibility that are with us now." "We are going to look back on this and laugh," he said, "but right now it has serious implications for college campuses in this country, I hate to see the professors turn tail and run, but I admire their discretion" Reporters At Press Meeting Suggests Expansion Of World Bank Funds Leaning back in his chair, and making, a few wry asides to the gentlemen of the press, Henry Wallace elaborated on parts of his speech yesterday and answered questions put to him by reporters at a press conference in the Stu- dent Publications Building. Explaining his plan to make 50 billion dollars available for a "world New Deal," Wallace sug- gested that the funds of the In- ternational Bank of Reconstruc- tion be expanded "so that much more money would be made avail- able." Security and Progress "The problem is: how can our savings be invested to bring about the maximum of security and pro- gress," he said. "Part of our sav- ings should be used for construc- tion in the United States, part for increasing the wages of labor, and part for investment abroad. Otherwise the high standard of living in the United States will produce tensions abroad which will imperil the peace." AYD Ban Asked about the banning of AYD on several campuses, Wallace said, "The Justice Department has given the word that the AYD is a Communist front organization. That doesn't prove anything one way or another but it does make it hot for college presidents." Wallace was also asked the fol- lowing questions: Q. "How strong do you expect progressive liberals to be in the 1948 election?" A. "Too early to say.nI am ut- terly amazed at the interest in the liberal position. This meeting here was an unusual meeting - extraordinary interest displayed. I thinkkthe political technicians are reckoning without the grass roots sentiment in the country." Baruch Plan Q. What do you think of the Baruch plan for control of atomic energy? A. "I agree with the need for inspection. It was put in too ex- treme form, unfortunately, and the Russians had to turn it down in order to maintain their self- respect . . don't have sympathy See WALLACE, Page 6 INSTRUCTORS MOVE IN: Eviction Notice Puts Technic To Work Hunting New Space Concentration Talks Continue SoeiologyDepartment Set for Discussion The sociology department will sponsor the 13th concentration ad- visement meeting at 4:15 p.m. to- day in Rm. 35 Angell Hall. The last in the series of con- centration conferences planned to assist sophomores and freshmen in choosing a field of concentra- tion, the meeting will feature talks by Prof. Robert C. Angell, Arthur E. Wood, Angus Campbell, Hor- ace Miner and Amos H. Hawley. Prof. Angell will discuss the nature and scope of sociology, its relation to other fields, and its place in liberalheducation. The op- portunities in social welfare and criminology in the field of social work will be the subject of Prof. Wood's talk. Personnel work and public opin- r About 40 engineering students are looking high and low for a couple rooms on campus. Not for themselves, however. This time it's the Michigan Tech- nic, engineering student publica- tion, which has received an evic- tion notice. Just recently the Technic edi- tors were told that the chemical engineering department would' take over their quarters in Rm. 3036 East Engineering Building at the end of the term. Apparent- iv this is one of the ~first stepsn place the instructors can hang their hats." Right now it seems likely that the Technic will wind up in an of- fice on the second floor of the West Engineering Annex next year. It's one of the few offices on campus that can be reached by a viaduct. Administration officials have stressed, however, that the situa- tion is only temporary and that adequate space is planned for every student organization in the World News at a Glance By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 15-Ernest Weaver, President of the Associ- ation of Communications Equipment Workers, said tonight he has recommended that the union's pickets be withdrawn in all areas where local unions have reached agreements with telephone companies, *; * * * JERUSALEM, May 15-Mines planted by the Jewish under- I ,I