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May 15, 1947 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LVII, No. 15, 158



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Tobacco Tax
Passe To Aid
Vets' Bonus
Beer Taxing Bill.
Held For Study
By Hhe Associated Press
LANSING, May 14-A bill to
impose more than $18,000,000 in
state excise taxes or. tobacco was
all that was left in the Senate to-
day of a promising republican pro-
gram to raise more than $40,000,-
000 in new revenues to balance
state's budget.
The tobacco tax, an expanded,
cigarette tax, was passed by an
. 18 to 10 vote in the Seate today
as a means of financing the veter-
ans' bonus.
l Shrinking then from further tax
levies, the Senate sent back to
its taxation committee a bill to
double the tax on beer and defeat-
ed 14 to 16 a bill to reduce the
liquor discounts allowed bars from
15 to 10 per cent and permit the
state to regain the 10 per cent
special liquor tax imposed for lo-
cal government. The latter was
placed on the table then, whence
it may be lifted again.
F Senator James T. Milliken, tax-
ation Committee chairman, assert-
ed neither measure could be con-
sidered dead.
* * *

UAW Blasts
Tobacco Tax
DETROIT, May 14 - (IP) - A
majority of Michigan veterans
"would rather return their bonus
checks" to the State than pay for
them through the proposed tax
on tobacco, Emil Mazey, Director
of the CIO United Auto Workers
Veterans Department, said today.
Mazey, in a letter of protest to
Governor Sigler, declared the in-
tent of the bonus to veterans was
to show "the State's appreciation
for the job they did while serving
their country."
"If this tax bill passes, the State
will be guilty of making the vet-
eran pay for his own bonus,"
Mazey said.
Village Plans
Play Centers
Children's Recreation
Will Be Supervised
A house-ho-house canvass of
Willow Village will get under way
to raise sufficient working capi-
tal for a summer recreational pro-
gram for the children of the com-
The residents, under the leader-
ship of Alfred Brose, Recreational
Director, will set up four recrea-
tion centers supervised by pro-
fessional playground directors to
take care of the children during
the vacation period. They will at-
tempt to keep the youths interest-
ed in clean, healthy recreation and
"spare them from the temptations
and pitfalls of idleness and un-
supervised activity,"
The drive will be launched by a
parade of the boys and girls
through their respective school dis-
tricts at 3 p.m. today and accred-
ited solicitors, who will carry
identification badges and issue re-
ceipts to contributors, will start
their work immediately after-
wards. Their goal will be a dona-
tion of two cents per day from
each person or one dollar per
family which is necessary to put
the plan in operation.
Wheeler To Give
History as a field of concentra-
tion will be (discussed by Prof. B.
W. Wheeler, of the history de-
partment, in the twelfth concen-
tration advisement meeting to be
held at 4:15 p.m. today in Rm. 35
Angell Hall.
The last in the series of concen-
tration conferences, which have
been planned to assist sophomores
and freshman in the literary col-
lege in choosing a field of zon-
centration, will be presented by
the sociology department at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 35 Angell
Orientation Advisors

WORLD PEACE SPEAKER-An outright critic of United States
foreign policy, former vice-president Henry A. Wallace will speak
on his plan for world peace at 12 noon today in Hill Auditorium.
On a national speaking tour, Wallace will meet with several camp-
us groups before and after his speech.
* * * s* * *
W allace To Speak on World
Peace at pen MeetingTody

Henry A. Wallace, former Vice-
President of the United States and
present editor of The New Repub-
lic, will speak on his program for
world peace in an open meeting
Town Hall Will
Hold Forum
Ont Curricula
A Town Hall forum on "Pro-
posed Curricular Changes" will be
held at 8 p.m. today in the ABC
room of the League to determine
students' desires for curricula
Prof. Kenneth C. McMurray,!
chairman of the geography de-1
partment, will represent the fac-1
ulty committee on proposed curric-
ula changes. He will discuss the
situation in the University today
in regard to the proposed changes.
Harold White, of the Student
Legislature, will discuss the lack
of specific courses, such as "The
History of theaNegro" or "The His-
tory of Africa." The question of
courses in religion and home eco-
nomics will also be raised.
Ruth E. Rodenbeck, chairman
of the campus AVC's committee on
proposed curriculum changes, will
speak in behalf of the general
education plan being adopted by
several major American universi-
ties. Under this plan, students re-
ceive a basic education in the so-
cial sciences, applied sciences, nat-;
ural sciences, and the humanities
before entering a field of speciali-i
zation, Miss Rodenbeck said. AVC1
also favors the elimination of de-
partmental prerequisites, so as to
allow greater freedom of elections,
she said. It would like to see a bet-'
ter counseling service created,
with specially trained advisors
who are not burdened with teach-
ing programs, Miss Rodenbeck
Bishop Bill In Senate t
The Senate Finance Committee
reported out the Bishop bill today1
which would appropriate %3,200,-
000 for the University and Michi-t
gan State College to continue theirc
building programs.n

at 12 noon today in Hill Auditor-
An outspoken critic of present
United States foreign policy, Wal-
lace will motor here from Detroit
this morning and will return in
mid-afternoon for a speaking en-
gagement at the Detroit Masonic
Temple tonight. He is on a na-
tional speaking tour.
Hill Auditorium will not be open
before 11:45 a.m., according to
Lorne Cook, chairman of the
campus AVC. The speech will last
until approximately 1 p.m., he
Organizations sponsoring the
Wallace talk, in addition to AVC,
include Inter-Racial Association,
Sigma Delta Chi, journalism fra-
ternity, Americans for Democratic
Action, Student Religious Associ-
ation, Student Federalists and the
Ann Arbor chapter of Progressive
Citizens of America.
Before speaking in Hill Auditor-
ium, Wallace will discuss the
American press with six members
of Sigma Delta Chi. Wallace is
a member of the fraternity, which
is a national organization.
Wallace will discuss professional
standards, the report of the Com-
mittee on Freedom of the Press
and the standing of the American
newspaper as compared to the for-
eign paper, according to Walter
R. Murphy, fraternity president.
After his speech Wallace will be
a guest at a luncheon to be held
at the home of Prof. Theodore
M. Newcomb, of the sociology de-
In the afternoon, he will }hold
a press conference in the Student
Publications' Building before leav-
ing for his speech tonight in De-
German- hid t-i ;1r
1' o e Discussed
Dean Albert D. Newman, of the
City College of New York, will
give a talk on the "Indutwrial Re-
construction of Germany" at 8:30
p.m. today in the Kellogg Audi-
The lecture will be supplement-
ed by kodachrome slides of the;
Berlin area taken by Dean New-
man while he was with the Mili-
tary Government as head of in-
dustrial reconstruction of Ger-,

Senate Votes
350 Millions'
Rejects House
Limit On Anmout
By The Asocated Press
Senate voted resoundingly today,
79 to 4, to grant the full $350,000,-
S000 asked to relieve suffering
It rejected a House plan to hold
the sum of $200,000,000 and like-
wise left out house-voted restric-
tions on aid to communist domi-
nated countries.
The Senate bill does carry, how-
eve, a requirement that the food
and medicine be clearly shown to
have come from the U.S.A.
Senate-House Conference
The legislation now goes to a
Senate-Iuse Conference Com-
mittee for adjustment of the dif-
ferences. Besides the money dif-
ference there is the House re-
quirement that no aid go and any
communist - dominated countries
unless they agree to rigid U. S.
supervision of the distribution of
the relief.
Countries to be aided are not
named in the Senate bill but Secre-
tary of State Marshall has said
that the main bulk of relief will
go to Austria, Greece, Hungary,
Italy, Poland, China and Trieste.
He said not more than $15,000,000
should be available to meet emer-
gencies elsewhere.
UNRRA's Work
In undertaking the lone-handed
relief, the United States will be
taking up where the United Na-
tions Relief and Rehabilitation
Administration is leaving off. Un-
der UNRRA, there were many
complaints that relief was used for
political purposes and that the
heavy contributions of the Unit-
ed States were sometimes credited
Just before the vote on final
passage, the Senate turned down
by a 64 to 19 roll call vote Senator
Kem's (Rep., Mo.) amendement
which would have cut the amount
to $200,000,000.
Senator Vandenberg (Rep,
Mich.), chairman of the Foreign
Relations Committee, told his col-
leagues the smaller amount would
not be sufficient to meet the ur-
gent needs even in Greece, Italy
and Austria.
Eight Speeches
To OpenParley
Topic of First Session
Will Be Atomic Age
Ten-minute speeches by faculty
members on "Implications of the
Atomic Age" in eight different
fields will highlight the first ses-
sion of the Spring Parley at 4 p.m.
tomorrow in Rackham Lecture
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the
graduate school will speak on_
science, Prof. Lawrence Preuss, of
the political science department,
on world relations, Prof. Gardner'
Ackley, of the economics depart-
ment, on economics, Prof. Harold
M. Dorr, of the political science
department, on government, Dean}
Hayward Keniston, of the literary}
college, on education, Prof. Frank
L. Huntley, of the English depart-
ment, on social relations and Prof.t
Wesley H. Maurer, of the journal-I
ism department, on civil liberties.

Prof. John L. Brumm, of the
journalism department, will mod-
The second session of the par-
ley, at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
tUnion, will be devoted to faculty-
student panel discussions of for-
eign relations, government, science
and religion. Panels on the re-
maining topics will be held in th
third session at 3 p.m. Saturday
in the Union.

Arabs Attack
Soviet Design
For Palestine
IDemnand Bars Against
Jewish Immigration
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, May 14 - Soviet
Russia called on the United Na-
tions today for creation of an in-
dependent Jewish-Arab govern-
ment in Palestine.
The Arabs immediately retorted
that such a dual state would be
impossible unless barriers were
kept up against Jewis immigra-
tion into the Holy Land. The
Jewish agency for Palestine said
it had no comment.
Linking his suggestion with a
vigorous attack on Britain's ad-
ministration of the Palestine
mandate, Deputy Foreign Min-
ister Andrei A. Gromyko told
the General Assembly that the
only other acceptable solution
would be partition of Palestine
into separate Jewish and Arab
The Arabs have opposed the
partition. The Zionists have indi-
cated acceptance of such a plan
as a basis for discussion.
The long Soviet speech touched
off extended debate and retarded
the weary Assembly on its drive
toward adjournment. Before quit-
ting the 55 delegates must approve
a political committee plan for set-
ting up and instructing an 11-
nation investigation commission
to report on the entire Holy Land
In the midst of the heated
diesions, Norway brought
forth a resolution calling on all
parties to the Palestine problem
to declare a truce for the dura-
tion of UN deliberations. The
move asked for parties to re-
frain from "threat of force or
any other action which might
affect the problem."
The truce plea came here as ex-
plosions rocked areas in northern
and southern portions of Pales-
Russia's address came as the
Arab countries indicated they
would give up their floor fight
against the inquiry commission,
which they insist should be spe-
cifically instructed to consider in-
dependence now.
End Testimony
In Gauss Case
Briefs Presentation
Delayed until May 22
Testimony was completed in the
hearing of the Gauss Baking Com-
pany versus Teamsters' Union
case in Washtenaw Circuit Court
yesterday, but counsels' presenta-
tion of briefs was postponed until
May 22.
Gauss Baking Company had
brought a court order to "show
cause" why the Teamsters' Union
should not be enjoined from "in-
terfering with the business" of the
The union threw a picket line
around the company March 3
when driver salesmen refused to
be organized by the union's De-
troit representatives.
Union representatives used
threats and intimidation in an ef-
fort to organize driver-salesmen,
witnesses charged at the hearing.
They alleged that Tom Brigla,
president of the Bakery Drivers

Union Local 51, threatened to jam
a contract down their throats un-
less they signed immediately.
The union has caused the com-
pany's business to drop 25 per
cent, a Gauss official declared.

Ruthven Says MYDA
Ban Is Closed Matter
Refers Legislature Plan for Accreditation
Of Student Organization to Prof. Walter
Although President Alexander G. Ruthven told Student Legis-
lature representatives yesterday that the MYDA ban is a closed matter
and that he had decided not to make any more statements on the-
subject, he responded favorably to their proposal for a plan of ac-
creditation for student organizations by referring them to Erich A.
Walter, Director of the Office of Student Affairs.
Legislature president Harvey Weisberg and vice-president War-

Light VoteElects
NSO Delegates
In a campus-wide vote of
1,711 students yesterday, Dick
Cortright, George Shepherd,
and Richard Aronson were
elected University delegates to
the National Student Organi-
zation's constitutional conven-
tion, which is to be held next
fall at the University of Wis-
The results of the election
for six Union vice-presidents,
also voted on in the election
yesterday, will be withheld for
final tabulation until the bal-
lots can be re-checked, Jim
Risk, chairman of the Student
Legislature Election Committee,
Votes for the three alternate
delegates to the NSO conven-
tion will be tabulated at a fu-
ture date, Risk said.


Delegates To
National AVC
The campus chapter of AVC
held its last meeting of the cur-
rent semester yesterday and elect-
ed delegates to the organization's
national convention to be held in
Milwaukee the latter part of June.
Those elected as delegates
were: Lorne Cook, Leon Kelly,
Gladys Hammond, Jack Geist,
Max Dean, Bob Wagner and Lee
Edwards. Elected as alternates to
the meeting were Ray Ginger and
Phil Licht.
The delegates have been in-
structed to urge a reduction of
dues for chapters as an incentive
for increased membership and to
ask for a cut in the salaries of na-
tional officers to $5,000.
Main planks in the program in-
clude a reaffirmation of-the na-
tional slogan, ,"Citizenas first; vet-
erans second," an a domestic and
international progkarfurtheing
that aim. In this respect.one. of
the most important proposals is a
stand agin t a fede al onus ii
favor of using. t aMoney ,,e' t
subsidization of low cost housingj
for all.

<ren Bovee conferred with President
Ruthven after appointment by the
Legislature to ask for a statement
on the banning of MYDA nd for
an "accreditation program' which
would establish standards for rec-
ognition of campus organizations.
Prof. Walter said that he had
not had any word from President
Ruthven that he is to handle the
setting up of an accreditation
program, so he could "not make
any promises." He told the Legis-
lators, however, that when and if
he is authorized, he will make
plans to ask for a broad statement
of policy from the Board of Re-
gents at their meeting May 30. If
the Board acts favorably, he will
consider setting up a student-
faculty committee to study the
accreditation process.
He said that he would confer
again with Legislature representa-
tives before making any requests
from the Regents and expressed
hope that the Regents would set
up some scope oflattitude within
which to make future decisions.
Both points on which President
Ruthven and Prof. Walter were
questioned were included in the
Legislature's resolution which was
backed by the campus referen-
dum April 29.
lU' Walkout
Rumor False
A general walkout of workers on
the multi-million dollar University
building program, failed to ma-
terialize yesterday.
It had been rumored that con-
struction men would honor phone
workers' picket lines at West 'En-
gineering Building, and not report
for work. Late yesterday, how-
ever, general contractors for the
University building program re-
ported a full crew on the job.
Members of NFTW Local 301
began picketing the University
switchboard Monday, protesting
the employment of scab labor, whc
had allegedly "bolted" the striking
union and returned to work. Pick-
eting continued yesterday morn-
ing, but was discontinued later
in the afternoon.
University officials were not
available for comment on th(
pidket withdrawal.

Truman Signs Portal Pay Bill,

Asks 65 Cent Minimum


Russia Backs Jewish-Arab State

President Calls
For Wagner
Act Extension
Schwellenbach Asked
To Observe Portal Act
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 14-Pres.
dent Truman today signed a bil:
to erase most portal-to-porta'
claims, past and future, and plead-
ed anew that the minimum wage
be increased from 40 to 65 cents
an hour.
In a message to Congress an-
=nouncing he had approved the
bill "in the interest of the eco-
nomic stablility of the nation,"
Mr.. Truman also:
1. Asked that the wage-hour
law be extended to "many per-
sons not now protected" by it.
2. Announced that the por-
tal act will require a bigger sum
for enforcement of the wage-
hour law. He will ask for It lat-
3. Declared the new act should
end pay uncertainties that will
smooth out current wage nego-
tiations and help business to
plan full production and price
4. Asked Secretary of Labor
Schwellenbach to keep an eye
on the effects of the portal act.
He announced he will ask Con-
gress to take prompt action if It
proves detrimental to fair la-
bor standards.
The law sprang from a $6,000,
000,000 deluge of suits in court '
all over the country claiming pr.
tal back pay under the wage-houl
law. This law sets a 40 cent mini
mum wage in interstate industry
and requires payment of time
and a half after 40 hours a week,
An employer risks heavy damages
if he violates the law. The portal
suits were based on a Supreme
Court decision that an employer
may be liable for nonproductive
activities performed during time
under his control.
UAW Stands
Pat on Claims
DETROIT, May 14 -('P)- The
CIO United Auto Workers,
through its legal department, to-
day advised its locals to stand pat
r the present on their $780,000,-
i00 in portal pay claims against
Michigan industry.
Ernest Goodman, of the UAW.
CIO legal staff, said:
"Our advice to the unions is to
make no move until wve have an
opportunity to study the new law
ind determine our next step."
There are an estimated 184 por-
tal pay suits in Michigan .that
would be affected by the newmea-
sure, including claims for $500,-
M00,00 against the auto industry.
Owner of Dru
Store Is Fined
II City Court
Oscar W. Carlson, owner of a
S. University drugstore, was fined
$100 plus $7 court costs yesterday
by Municipal Court Judge Jay H.
Payne for violation of two Ann
Arbor ordinances.
The penalty was imposed for
violation on. two counts: failure
to have a license for operating a

lunch counter, and failure to have
the proper sanitary facilities for
operating the counter. It was the
second such suit brought by Ann
Arbor against Carlson in the past
year, charges being dropped on
the first case after his agreement
to install the necessary facilities.
Gilbert Caswell, Ann Arbor res-
taurant inspector, testified that
the lack of facilities was in di-
rect violation of the city ordi-
nance. Harold Hooden, inspector
for th mfait Thna ovmpn+ rf 7a,.

Pro . ..sey. Seeks Glim pse
Of Student's M sterious Fossil

'U' Management Wins Siudent Approval
By WALTER DEAN overnight improvement in condi- suggestions to come into his of-1
Initial relation to the change in tions." It was the report of fice at any time to discuss thet

One of the 200-odd Geology 12
students who made a field trip to
the Sibley quarry near Trenton
recently found a fossil in the Dev-
onian age limestone there that
Prof. Russell C. Hussey, of the
geology department, would very
much like to see.
Prof. Hussey's hopes of getting
a peek at the specimen seem to be
dimming, however, for the un-
known student who found it is
apparently unwilling to share his
discovery, reported to be blastoid
-a small, bud-shaped marine ani-
mal rare in Devonian sediments.
"Maybe he thinks it has money
value," Prof. Hussey said. "But
we wouldn't buy it. It has no
particular value except to add to
our information about Sibley quar-
rv fauna. We just want to take

class. One of the students claimed
that he had seen it in the posses-
sion of another student. Upon
hearing of the fossil, Prof. Hussey
requested in lecture that the the
specimen be brought ,in so that it
might he identified. Similar an-
nouncements were made in all the
recitation classes, but to no avail.
The whereabouts of the elusive
blastoid is still a mystery.
Prof. Hibbard holds/ the theory
that the person who has the blas-
toid is afraid that the geology de-
partment will try to take it away
from him. Prof. Hibbard denies,
however, that the department has
any such intentions. All that he
and Prof. Hussey want to do is
look at the fossil in order to iden-
tify it, he said.
Prof. Hussey said that if the
student should want to donate his

management of the West Lodge Klein's committee which was' in- matter. r
Cafeteria has been almost entirely strumental in bringing cafeteria As for the snack bar, which has Sphinx Honorary
conditions to the attention of the
favorable, and residents of the State Sanitation Commission and Tapsn2dfJuniors
bre heirincreaedpaktonahge.itthe University authorities who the change of management, Fran-4
by their increased patronage. later decided to assume immedi- cis C. Shiel, Business Manager of
This increase was characterized ate operation. residence halls, has revealed that Twenty men were tapped last
by one resident who emerged from TTnder the direction of wrdr operations will be resumed "prob- night for Sphinx, honor society


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