six U
en E
In vie
blic s
the M
the n
i well
, havi
rn Bli
y' Tre
low V
ncil a
andidates Statements
following qualification d rogram. I have an avid interes
nts have been submitted in student affairs and feel thatI
idates for today's, election am well qualified to represent th
nion vice-presidents. nterests of engineers as a vice-
* * * president of the Michigan Union
* * *
wry College C. W . Nissler .
lissell . . . I am a junior in the engineering
w of my past record as a college. Student activities include
ervant on the Michigan House, Publicity and Social Com-
I feel that I am well mittees of the Union Staff. Active
I to serve as vice-president duty in the Navy prevented accep-
ichigan Union, represent- 'ance of a position in the execu-
nen of the literary college. tive council. If elected I would do
acquainted with the Un- my utmost to preserve the policies
ng served as a senior staff and traditions of the Michigan
of the Union under Prexy Union.
ska. * *
* ~ Comnbined Schools
rd Cortright ...b
a junior in the literary Je.ry Comer
My student activities are
t of Tyler House, Secre- My student activities have been
asurer of East Quadran- two years a member of the Union
and executive council of Executive Council, 1947 Senior
n. I wish to set up and Ball committee, Town Hall cor-
a Union Control Board, Bittee, 1945 Homecoming commit-
'illage Members' executive tee, m b4P elta Thet
nd Michigan Opera. tee, member Phi Delta Theta and
4 * 4 member Alpha Kappa Psi. My
. aims are to carry on the traditions
i+ ereF *E .. and broaden the scope of activities
a junior in the literary of the Michigan Union.
Student activities include * * *
pa Psi fraternity, The Charles Hills
nigan 4Dailyb usiness staff,
nerous campus drives, Sphinx
. Intramural athletics, Union
lent offices. I am conscious of
need of unified cooperation be-
en the various schools and the
higan Union.
* * *
Philip Mooney.. .
In my opinion the Men's Union
oes not give the men on this
:ampus the full benefits to which
hey are entitled. If I am elected
o the position of Union vice-presi-
ent from the literary college I
'111 do my best to assure the stu-
ents a more active part in the
andling of the Union.
** *
amuel Schaefer ...
It will be my policy to promote
reater interest of the students in
nion activities and the use of
nion facilities. Moreover, I fa-
>r the revival of Mimes and the
Aturn of the Union traditions
hich are so instrumental in the
ihancement of school spirit.
om Walsh-...
A junior in the music school, I
feel that through my activities as
a member of Sphinx, Marching
and Concert bands, honorary
Music and Band fraternities I will
be able to present a view heretofore
I am anxious to strengthen and
maintain the traditions and good
name of the Union.
* * *
Charles Kerner , .
I have been a Michigan Union,
Vice-president for the past year
and, as Chairman of the Union
House Committee, I have investi-
gated student complaints and sug-
gestions in an effort to make the
Union your club as you want it. I
will continue this policy.
ar * * *
Al Warner . ..
t Junior To Win
e Cooley Cane
Blanquet To Honor
Oratorical Efforts
A very smooth and sophiticated
cane, seasoned with age and a col-
orful past, will be presented to
the oiliest-tongued Junior class
speaker at the 18th annual Tung
Oil Banquet.
The event, sponsored by Sigma
Rho Tau, honorary engineering
speech society, will be held at 6:15
p.m. Friday at the League. Main
feature will be presentation of
awards to faculty and student
speakers for polished oratorical
efforts, and most celebrated of
these awards is the Cooley Cane.
Present of Dean
Presented to the stump speaker's
society over fifteen years ago by
Dean Emeritus Mortimer E.
Cooley, this trophy has few rivals
on campus when it comes to color-
ful and rich traditional back-
To attest to its longevity, the
records say that this particular
stick dates back to the early days
of the University, when a picket
fence with a cow-proof gateway of
staggered posts guarded the sacred
grounds of learning from wander-
ing cattle. It seems that along.
around 1890 the fence was taken
down by the building and grounds
department, and Dean Cooley,
at that time a professor in me-
chanical engineering, happened to
fall in line for one of the canes
that were made from the old fence.
Trusty Companion,
Becoming his trusty companion,
the cane went everywhere that'
Dean Cooley went, to foreign
lands and across the country on
speaking tours. If it could speak,{
it would undoubtedly be able to
tell many secrets of political im-
portance, of naval warfare and ofl
student life.
When Dean Cooley became a
member of Sigma Rho Tau in'
1930, he presented this last rem-
nant of ancient college days to the
society. Since then, the cane has
had its "day" each year, being pre-
sented to the outstanding junior,
who carries it throughout his sen-
ior year.
Vet Refresher
Class Dropped
Due to the small number of vet-p
eran applications to the Univer-
sity, particularly in the fresh-
man class, there will be no pre-s
term refresher program for the
fall term, the Veterans Service Bu-r
reau announced yesterday.
Upper classmen who desire re-
fresher work before returning to R
the University may review courses i
in the regular summer session forr a
refresher credit and recive govern- A
ment sugsistence, provided they R
have not had other academic work
since their release from the armed
forces. t
Veterans entering college for the e
first time will be urged to review R
subjects through their local high
schools or in correspondence
The Polonia Club will hold its A
annual "Polish Night" program at c
3 p.m. Sunday in the Union Ball- I
room. d
The program will include films,
a brief lecture on Polish culture,
and a presentation of songs and p
dances by the Lira Society.-s
Chaplain Uroes More Stress
On Religion For Universities
Religion belongs at the very
center, rather than at the peri-
phery, of university education, ac-
cording to the Rev. Dr. J. Clemens
Kolb, chaplain of the University
of Pennsylvania and lecturer in
Christian ethics.
"Universities must shoulder
their share of the responsibility
for providing moral leadership in
the world," Dr. Kolb said. "The
age of indifference is gone, and in
the future, education will have to
be as concerned with training the
morals of the most gifted youth as
it is with training them for a ca-
Here for Conference
Dr. Kolb has been in Ann Arbor
as leader of the fourth annual
Holiday House conference of the
Canterbury Club, Episcopal stu-
dent organization. He also spoke
informally at a luncheon attend-
ed by chaplains of the student re-
ligious guilds.
The position of chaplain of the
university was established at
Pennsylvania in 1932, by Dr.
Thomas S. Gates, who gave up a
Vets' Checks
At Post Office
Checks are being held at the
Ann Arbor Post Office for the
following named veterans: Berry.
Harold; Chamberlin, Margaret B.;
Foster, Arthur; Grant, Donald
Mertz; Hall, Wilbur A.; Harsha,
Hugh Lyman; Huckins, Marjorie
Jane; Karsten, Harold J.; Majava,
Wilbert; McLean, Alexander B.;
Mason, Paul B.; Potter, William
Charles; Rittenour, Robert G.;7
Sahakian, Torcome G.; Slaght,
Charles R.; Telfer, Harold Robt.;
Van Porter, Collis.,
All the above listed checks to
be returned to Columbus on May
16th, 1947.-
partnership in the J. P. Morgan
corporation to become president
of that school.
President Gates felt. according
to Dr. Kolb, that the main prob-
lem of education was it; lack of
a focal point around which it
might swing. "Religion was the
only center strong and deep
enough to give education the di-
rection and guidance it needed,"
Dr. Kolb said.
Chaplain at Pennsylvania
As chaplain of the University of
Pennsylvania, with its 10,000 full-
time and 9,000 part-time students.
Dr. Kolb is a member of the board
of trustees and the committee on
student affairs, and also teaches a
two-hour course in Religious Ori-
entation. He directs monthly
chapel services, which are not
compulsory, but which are some-
times attended by as many as 2,-
200 students.
The religious program at Penn-
sylvania has made the students
see that the various faiths have a
great deal more in common than
they had realized, Dr. Kolb said. It
also gives them confidence that
religion is intellectually respect-
able and defensible, and makes
them see that the university is in-
terested in them as people, not
just as money-making units, he
[Mieni Jo fegis'ter Today~
As Orientat iwon A visors
John Quimby, chairman of
men's orientation, has announced
that students wishing to serve as
orientation advisors for the fall
term must register today at Rm.
107 Mason Hall.
Positions in the orientation pro-
gram, which will run from Sept. 14
to 20, are still open in the schools
of forestry, architecture, phar-
macy, education and music.
A ngellI~rndirg.
Library Asks
For Old Books
Books which outlive their use-
fullness to individual students at
the end of this term will make
a welcome contribution to the
Angell Hall lending library.
The study hall library has been
providing many wholly or partial-
ly self supporting students with
their books needs since its in-
ception in 1937. Most of these
books have been purchased by the
library for this purpose but it
still depends for a large share of
them on student contributions.
For One Semester
Upon recommendation of the
academic counselor for freshmen
and sophomores or Assistant Dean
Peake for juniors and seniors.
working students may have books
charged to them for one semester
with the privilege of renewal. The
study hall stacks consist of books
for courses in every college and
school in the University. In the
event that the requested books is
not available, the library will pro-
cure it as soon as possible.
Over 1600 Books
The present collection consists
of over 1600 texts and about 70
additional works are purchased
each term. A total of 41 students
have availed themselves of the li-
brary's stacks this semester.
In view of the anticipated fall
enrollment above all previous
years, Dean Peake has expressed
the hope that the enormous de-
mand for textbooks will be met
through student and student
group donations.
Dean To Speak
Dean Albert D. Newman of the
City College of New York will
speak on "Industrial Reconstruc-
tion of Germany" at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Kellogg Auditorium.
The lecture will be sponsored
by the local chapters of the Socie-
ty of Women Engineers and the
American Institute of Chemical
Mexican Movie - -
"Asi Se Quire en Jalisco," Mex-
ican film with English subtitles
will be presented by La Sociedad
Hispanica at 8:30 p.m. today in
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Tickets for the movie, which
stars actor-singer Jorge Negrete,
may be Purchased at the Union,
the League, or in Rm. 112 of the
Romance Language Building,
* * *
Town Hall Foru **
Members of the faculty, the
Sstudent Legislature and the
American Veterans' Committee
will speak on "Proposed Curric-
ula Changes" at the Town Hall
forum to be held at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in the League.
Lorne Cooke, president of the
campus chapter of AVC, will
preside at the forum.
* * *
British 'Pa gliacci'. .
Richard Tauber will star in
T Conveiitioll
The campus chapter of the
American Veterans Committee
will meet at 7:15 p.m. today at
the Union to elect delegates to
the national student veterans con-
vention to be held June 19 to 22
in Milwaukee.
Seven delegates will be chosen
from the following nominees:
Ray Ginger, Lorne Cook, Bernie
Arfin, Jack Geist, Max Dean,
Phil Licht, Al Mayerson, Leon
Kelly, George Antonofsky, Lee
Hunn, Bob Wagner, Al Shapiro,
Gladys Hammond, Gil Dancy, Lee
Salk, Lee Edwards, Gene Master-
son, Gene Olmsted, Bob Leopold,
Chuck Bisdee and Bill Gamzon.
Elections Contmie
For Hillel Council
Elections for members of the
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Student Council will continue to-
day in Lane Hall and the Foun-
Polls will be open from 1 to 5
p.m. in Lane Hall and from 11
a.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. in
the Foundation.
Hillel membership cards must
be shown at the polls.. Votes must
be cast for at least six and not
more than twenty candidates, the
first seven to be numbered and
the remainder to be checked.
'"Pagliacci," British film version
of the Leoncavallo opera, to be
presented by the Art Cinema
League at 8:30 Thursday through
|Saturday at the Lydia Mendels-
Ssohn Theatre.
Tauber sings the lead as Canio,
Steffi Duna. Hungarian soprano.
sings the part of Nedda, his wife.
Tickets go on sale at 2 p.m.
today through Saturday at the
theatre box office.
* * *
Speeh Sorr -t . .
Zeta Phi Eta, professional
speech sorority. will hold its
initiation at 5:15 p.m. today in
the League.
Active members are requested
to be present at 5 p.m. A ban-
quet will be held following the
initiation, in the Hussey Room
of the League.
Group .
The Association of Universit.y
of Michigan Scientists' discussion
group on atomic energy will meet
at 7:30 p.m. today in the East
Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building.
* * *
Ruthven Tea . .
All students may attend the
final Ruthven tea of the sem-
ester 'to be held from 4 to 6
p.m. today.
* * *
Crop (111(1 Saddileg
Crop and Saddle, women's rid-
ing club ,will meet at 7 p.m. to-
day in front of Barbour Gym fur
the regular meeting.
Camrpus Tour. .
A tour of campus will be made
by 36 high school students to-
day, starting at 1:30 p.m. from '
the Union.
Barbara Bussey and Ann Rob-
inson, members of the League
social committee, are in charge
of conducting the tour which
will include a visit to different
University buildings.
iorm one Panel . .
Andre Dreiding, G. I. Fujimto,
and L. B. Wick will discuss their
work on "Synthesis in the Field
of Sex Hormones," at 4:15 today
in Rm. 303 Chemistry Bldg.
For Books To Trade
Reniell~ner the SBE
i r1
I am a former president of the
East Quardangle and am a memo
ber of Phi Gamma Delta. I wish
to draw student participation by
stressing the social angle. I also
advocate a continued policy of
information to dispel the too prev-
alent notion that the Michigan
Union is a purely commercial en-
* * *
. .. _._ __ _ . . ..... _. _ ._ ._ _ ..... . _ ___...._.. ._ i
Incumbent. Last fall I promised
the campus a report on the Un-
ion's financial, administrative and
organizational policies.
The Board of Directors' detailed
report appeared in The Daily this
February. House Committee reac-
tivated at my request to encour-
age student suggestions about the
Union. Have fought for restora-
tion of the Mimes Opera.
Eng tine College
Howard DMallie . .
I believe the Michigan Union
should serve as the hub of all male
activities. With the present ab-
normal enrollment, the Union can.
>nly hope to do this by enlarging
ts present scope. I would attempt
o make the Union what every
Michigan man expects it to be, a
eal "Student Union."
* * * e
Jayant Guriar. .
I am a senior in the College of+
Engineering. I participated in the
lectrical engineering section ofr
he recent engineering open house
Law School
Robert MacRitchie
I am a first year law studen't
and a life member of the Union.
Undergraduate activities w e r e
Manpower Mobilization Corps;
Men's Judiciary Council, Victory
Ball. I believe my paramount
qualification for candidacy is the
fact that I am deeply and sin-
cerely interested in the continuing
growth and development of the
I feel that with four years as a
student at the University I can
truly reflect the student opinion.
I have a strong interest in the stu-
dent affairs on campus and feel
that I will be willing and able to
devote the necessary time for prop-
er administration of the office.
(Continued from Page 2)
Events Today
2:30 p.m., WKAR, Modern
Painting Series-Mr. Carl Shep-
pard Jr., Instructor in Fine Arts,
"Pablo Picasso."
2:45 p.m., WKAR, School of Mu-
sic--Jean Morgan, Violinist.
5:45 p.m., WPAG - Campus
Sigma Xi Initiation: 7:30 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. Following
nitiation, the public is invited to
attend a lecture by President
Alexander G. Ruthven on "Social
Responsibilities of the Scientist."
Association of U. of M. Scien-
ists discussion group on atomic
energy, 7:30 p.m., East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg.
Graduate History Club, 8 p.m..
Clements Library. Prof. Palmer
A. Throop will speak on "Histori-
al Method and the History of
deas." All graduate history stu-
lents invited.
U. of M. Journalism Society: 4
p.m., Rm. E, Haven Hall. Discus-
ion of plans for Spring picnic. All
ournalism concentrates urged to
Pi Lambda Theta and the Phi
Oelta Kappa, professional societies
n Education: 8 p.m., East Confer-
nce Room, Rackham Bldg. Topic:
Should Teachers' Salaries Be
lased on Merit Ratings?"
Delta Sigma Pi, professional
Business Administration frater4
ity: 7:30 p.m., Rm. 308, Michi-
an Union. Pledges meet at 7
.m., Rm. 308.
AVC: 7:15 p.m., Michigan Un-
on. Delegates for the National
onvention in Milwalkee will be
And timne for a more exciting
flatterine hair-do.See the=
Olympic Ball Pictures
display in the Student
Flying Club: 7:3 pm,
Engineering Bldg.
Student Legislature: Cabinet
and committee chairmen meet at
4 p.m., Rm. 308, Michigan Union.
1042 E.
Underwriters: Regular Wednes-
day luncheon at noon in the Rus-
sian Tea Room, Michigan League.
Square Dancing Class: Spon-
sored by the Graduate Outing
Club, 7:45 p.m., Lounge, Wom-
en's Athletic Bldg. Everyone wel-
come. Small fee charged.
Mexican Film: 'Asi se quiere en
Jalisco," starring actor-singer
.Jorge Negrete, will be presented by
the Sociedad Hispanica at 8:30
p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Tick-
ets may be purchased at Wahrs
Bookstore, Michigan Union or in
Rm. 112 Romance Language Bldg.
The Art Cinema League presents
British film, PAGLIACCI, with
Richard Tauber and Steffi}Duna.
English Dialogue: English lyrics.
Also short "Story of the Violin."
Thurs., Fri., Sat., May 15, 16, 17,
8:30 p.m. Box office opens 2 p.m.
daily. Reservations phone 6300,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
change in the Women's League,
second floor, beginning today.
Pictures may be ordered from
12:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Coining Events
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Thurs.,
12:15 p.m., 3055, Natural Science
Alpha Kapla Psi, Professional
Business Fraternity. Court of
Honor meeting, Thurs., May 15.
Pledges report at 7 p.m. and mem-
bers at 7:30 p.m.
Alpha Phi Omega.: 7:30 p.m.,
Thurs., May 15, Michigan Union.
Nomination of officers for fall.
will be onI
Book Ex-I
--- ~~-
In (le Fashi50rn Swimla...
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CLEF4 ~ttA f 1
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Treat vourself to~ sheer foot co~mfor-t in Soft, flexi
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