THE MICIIGN DwL7 NiWlNSDYMA 1 1 Weakened Spa*n SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE of the weaken- ing grip of the Franco regime on its people was revealed last Friday when sever- al thousand striking workers in Bilbao re- turned to work after a week off the job. Most of these men had struck in sympathy with May Day paraders who had been sev- erely penalized for leaving work on that day. The strikers, who held out for a week- the maximum margin of subsistence with- out income they could withstand, won sub- stantial concessions in the terms which had been demanded of them by the Governor. Instead of pay cuts, loss of seniority and other penalties, they were required only to request their old jobs back, and acknowledge they had been absent on May 1-if this were so- This represents the first successful strike Victory won by workers under nearly ten Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: HARRIETT FRIEDMAN MATTER OF FACT: years of Franco rule. It shows to the world that a substantial number of organzied Spanish workers oppose the present regime, that many of them are courageous enough to defy it, and that they can gain major concessions by doing so. The import of this event, both within and without Spain is great. In the country, it will give heart to other bodies of workers to protest unfair treatment, and perhaps lead to an effective nationwide underground union which at a propitious time could par- alyze the nation's economic system and force government changes on their terms. For nations opposing the Franco re- gime, and this includes all the United Nations, it should be a signal that the time may be fast approaching when a really effective application of economic and political pressure-sanctions, block- ades, etc. could force a change in the Spanish government which would make it answerable }to the people. This last strong- hold of Fascism should not be permitted indefinitely to oppress its own people with totalitarianmethods and serve as a haven for Nazi an Fascist refugees. -Frank Harmon I Britih Economy By STEWART ALSOP Can We Do the Job? - The British Partnership ('This is the first of three columns summariz- ing Stewart Alsop's conclusions after three months in the Middle East and England.) AMERICAN POLICY in the Middle East is based squarely on the assumption that Great Britain will remain a good long-term bet. This is so simply because a total Brit- ish economic collapse, or a wholsesale with- drawal of British influence (or what is more likely, both together) would leave a vast vacuum far more easily filled by the Soviet Union than by the United States. There are all sorts of reasons why no sensible man would dare t9 uncross his fingers in the near future. Coal is- one. Coal is at the heart of the British econom- ic crisis; if coal production were suddenly and miraculously to equal pre-war, the whole country would be out of the woods tomorrow. Yet this month the hours of work at the coal face have been reduced to thirty-five, and played-out Welsh mines, their seams almost run out, are still being worked, while rich new unex- ploited mines in Yorkshire are badly un- dermanned. The problem is partly human and partly political. The miners exhibit the sam~e curious lethargy which charact- erizes many workers in many industries in post-war Britain. The government has no carrot in the form of consumption goods to offer them, and since it is politic- ally dependent on their good will, it dare not use a stick. Yet there are signs that the meaning of the terrible coal crisis of the winter has struck home, and that na- tionalization has provided a morale boost. Despite wildcat 'strikes, the production curve is' gently up. Another symptom of the reason why fin- gers remain crossed may be found in the simple fact that during the recent Easter recess of Parliament most of the members of the Cabinet took to their beds in utter exhaustion. They were on the verge of to- tal collapse simply because of the desperate shortage of efficient personnel to manage the immense business of transforming Brit- ain into a semi-Socialist state. One high Labor party. official remarked to this re- porter that before the war he and his friends had a lways imagined that the greatest obstacle to successful Socialism would be the bitter intransigeance of the ruling class; but they had found that the real trouble was not barricades in the streets ON WORLD AFFAIRS: but getting good men to run the show. The transfer of the basic economic power into the hands of the state presupposes men with the technical training manage this vast power. Such men have too often been lacking, and the result has not infrequently been something close to total administrative breakdown. But here, too, there are signs of improvement. Yet the plain fact is that whatever gov- ernment were in power (and the Tory lead- ers in private conversation thank their lucky stars that they were beaten in 1945) Great Britain would inevitably be sailing peril- ously close to the wind in these post-war years. British economists, when they go to bed at night, must pray for the return of the world buyers' market in food. When that time comes, not only will Britain be able to buy the food at lower prices to keep forty- nine million people alive, but the strength of the British economic position as the world's great market will again be restored. If and when it becomes clear that the British economy is in fact faced with to- tal collapse, the United States will be con- fronte with a crisis of foreign policy which will make the Greek crisis seem in retrospect a mere teapot tempest. It is the certainity that an economic collapse is on the way, and that such a collapse will force the Labor government to cut its world commitments, to divorce its policy from that of the United States and to appease the Soviet Union, that gives the Labor rebels their perfect confidence that they will win in. the end. In this prospect, the United States can do 'more than cross its fingers. Among both American and British policy makers there is a growing conviction that some sort of over-all agreement on the parts both nations must play in the coming few years is es- sential. Such an agreement would be spe- cifically designed to take some of the heavy and disproportionate load off British shoul- ders while Britain fight for her economic life. For Britain, it would be a form of life insurance against the economic storms loom- ing visibly on the British horizon. For the United States, such an agreement would also be life insurance; insurance against the un- thinkable catastrophe of the loss of the only dependable ally in the effort to contain So- viet expansion and reach a true world set- tlement. (Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune) MAN TO MAN: Navy Ishiids By HAROLD L. TCK.ES THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY Forres- tal has had no luck in selecting expert white-washers to put a smooth coat on the arbitrary rule that the Navy has imposed upon Guam and American Samoa for almost 50 years. First, he carefully selected a group of Washington newspaper correspon- dents to whom the Navy gave a free ride and exceptional entertainment all the way to these Pacific Islands. But ther was not, a white-wash brush in the lot. Then he tried again, with a Commission consisting of Dr. Ernest M. Hopkins, Chairman, former Governor Tobin of Massachusetts, and Dr. Knowles A. Ryerson. This Commission was liberal enough with its white-wash, but the effect was patchy and dauby, too thick in some places and not thick enough in others. It was one of the most self-revealing jobs of its kind that the writer has ever seen. The report was just too good to be true and not true enough to be good. For instance, Secretary Forrestal's Com- mittee said: "Nowhere did our committed find any expression of desire to be removed from under the auspices of the Navy but on the contrary, whenever discussion of the matter came up, apprehension was expressed as to whether from any other department than the Navy, services so vital to them as those in their possession could be afforded." The committee must have been more than circumspect not to find a single Guam- anian who wanted to slough off the petty tyranny of the Naval governors. Secretary Forrestal himself could have shown the members of the committee petitions unani- mously adopted by the Guamanian Congres asking for citizenship and a Bill of Rights. None of the newspaper correspondents brought back such a story from Guam, and Representative Poulson of California, who himself has visited the island, came back; with an entirely different impression. It simply is not true, as this language would seem to imply, that no Guamanian desires the ordinary freedoms that are the natural heritage of free men. I challenge this'statement and its deliberate implication as not being true within the customary and usual interpretations of the English lan- guage. (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation) C----- ASI SE QUIERE EN JALISCO. Jose Negrete. Spanish dialogue. UNFORTUNATELY, the promised Eng- lish sub-titles for this film didn't show up, but the loss is not a great one, as the purely Mexican witticisms with which it is liberally endowed don't translate well any- way. The plot outline is simple and can be followed easily if not completely by those who possess only a fundamental knowledge of Spanish. The story concerns one sen- orita, who is distinctly Dorothy Lamour-ish, and two senores, the principal one being a singing Mexican Clark Gable. There is also technicolor, but it's mostly pale and spotty, If you like things Mexican, you'll like this. --Natalie Bagrow 14- f 1 I -,,.jam "Woe E , IIIII !1-' ' >P/ I >1.A by BILL MAULDIN S- 1 J U i a C .wrs Im. Reg. U. S. Pat. Of-Al righh tvOIe ' __ "Back in th' good old days little punks didn't eat so much an' they stayed outta trouble." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Fresh Start z e}, r 2 ' 4 The Banker's Life Insurance Reference to Shoal and Shoreline Company will have a representa- Dynamics," tive here on Wednesday, May 14, to interview men interested in a ,tConventration Advisement Series: career in the insurance business. Wednesday, May 14- The Aetna Casualty and Surety Journalism Department--2231 Company \will be here Thursday Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. and Friday. May 15 and 16. to in- Prof. J. L. Brumm - urnal terview men interested in a sal- ism as a field of concentration; aried training program. Prof. W. H. Maurer--Profes- Call 371 for appointments. sional and vocational opportuni- SUMMER PLACEMENT: ties in journalism: Application forms for sunner Prof. Donal Haines-Joiirnal- work with the Bennett Pump Coin- ism in the field of magazine writ- pany of Muskegon, Michigan., are ing. now available at the Bureau, CIVIL SERVICE: Conflicts and Final Examia- Mr. Jacobson of the Detroit t ims, College of Engineering: All Civil Service Commission will be' conftlicts mlus:t be reported to my at the Bureau on Thursday, May office, Rin. 3223, E. Engineering 15, from 9:30-12, to interview stu- Bldg.. in the period May 14 to 21, dents for Technical Aid with sspe- inchlsive. Instructions for report- cialities in General, Medical Sci- ing conflicts will be found on the ence, Business, and Engineering,. bulletin bard aacent to my of- Phone 371 for appointment. The U. S. Civil Srvice Co- J. C. Brier tion for probational appointment Directed Tchin to the position of Dietitian Fxamination: All students expect- tGrades P-1 to P-4), for duty in ing to do directed teacliing in the Federal hospitals in Washington, fall are required to pass a qual- 1.C. and U. S. Public Health Serv- ifying examlination in the sub- ice Hospitals throughout the'ject in which they expect to teaQh. coiuntry, Requirements: Appro- This exmination will be hield on priate college study plus hospital Sat., May 24, 8:30 a.m. Students training or experience or a com- will meet in the auditorium of the 'ination of training and experi- University High School. The ex- ence. No written test. Call at amination will consume about four the Bureau for, lurther informa- Y ours' time; promptness is there- ti()n. fore essential. a, - ';a , .?. By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER T EFAILURE of the Moscow Conference to reach agreement on Germany has one advantage-it gives the American Adminis- tration a chance to moderate the "build-up- Germany" policy which has been practiced- perhaps in the absence of other instructions -by the McNarney -Clay -Murphy -Draper quadrumvirate. Secretary Marshall's announcement that the American military administration of Germany will be replaced by a civilian ad- ministration is at least a year overdue. This is not the fault of the American military. 'he War Department last year asked the State Department to take over. Secretary Byrnes refused. From the beginning the Generals had an ungrateful task. Trained to do technical jobs, they found themselves facing political problems with which they were unprepared o deal. The civilians assigned to help them-Am- bassador Bob Murphy of Giraud-Darlan ame and General William Henry Draper of he bankhouse of Dillon Read--seem to have irifted into a position of complete hostility o the original American policy which they vere expected to carry out. This policy, embodied in the famous Di- ective 1067 for the partial de-industrializa- .ion of Germanv..originally came from Gen- the foodstuffs produced in the American zone are hoarded and sold on the black market at a time when the Germans and their American "trustees" are complaining of famine in Germany. Whatever the reasons, the slick-paper American publications and the American "business press" were soon full of stories ext plaining that the original Eisenhower-Mor- genthau Plan had proved "unworkable." Our job, they explained, was to "build up" Ger- many "in the interest of Europe" and as a bulwark against the Russians. The new policy turned over de-iazifica- tion and local government to the Germans prematurely-with completely unsatisfac- tory results. It encouraged American busi- nessmen to dream of new and profitable relations with German firms. Even today there is a scheme afoot for allowing Amer- ican firms in the United States to employ "research staffs" of German scientists in Germany and pay them in dollars, thus reducing the German import deficit. And this at a time when the three people con- stituting the whole American research control divisionin Germany cannot pos- sibly prevent the Germans from engaging in illicit military research. Twice as many administrators backed by half as many heavily armed soldiers ought +on a. hat+r ith +hanfo rnt uhn d n ear nan NSO Elections FROM 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. today, the proposed National Student Organi- zation will undergo its first big test on the Michigan campus. Students will go to the polls to elect their delegates to the constitutional convention in Septem- ber. Whether or not Michigan is to play the role of a leader in the most important student organization ever conceived in the United States will, in part, be d6- termined by the number of votes which Michigan students cast today. Any uni- versity with the size and national repu- tation of Michigan is obligated to as- sume such leadership. There are no issues involved here. The only question is whether or not Ameri- can students are willing to accept their responsibilities as citizens and members of society. In order to effectively carry out their duties as delegates to this convention, the six students who are chosen must know that they have the support of an enlightened, enthusiastic, and energetic student body. There would be no better indication of this than a steady stream of Mich- igan students with well-punched I-D cards, dropping their votes in campus ballot boxes today. -Archie Parsons Higher Education Note: The forms sent out to the members of the Harvard class of '32 in order to gather biographical data for its fifteenth anniversary report provide space for the recording of two marriages and one divorce. -The New Yorker Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). TUESDAY, May 13, 1947 VOL. LVII, No. 156 Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to stu- dents on Wednesday afternoon, May 14 from 4 to 6 o'clock. Student Accounts: Your atten- tion is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting on February 28, 1936: Students shall pay 011 ac- counts due the University not lat- er than the last day of classes of each semester or summer session. Student loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation; however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any un- paid accounts at the close of business on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of of the University and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semester or summer session just completed will not be released, and no transcript of credits will be is- sued. (b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to reg- ister in any subsequent semester or summer session unit payment has been made." Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Persons traveling or proposing to travel at University expense s h o ul d thoroughly familiarize themselves with the regulations applying thereto as laid down by the Board of Regents, by inquiry of Mr. Stem or Mrs. Perkins in the Business Office, if necessary. One thing is to be noted in par- ticular, namely: the University as a state institution is exempt from Federal taxation on transporta- tion and in case any person pays such tax the Business Office is not permitted to reimburse him therefor. Ticket agents selling tax exempt tickets will require of the purchaser a tax exemption certificate. These certificates may may be had at the Business Of- fice, Room 1, University Hall, from Dr. F. E. Robbins in the' President's Office when approval of travel requisitions is secured, or at the office of Deans or Directors of schools and colleges. The cer- tificate is University Form No.l 5805. (Do not let any ticket agentl who is inexperienced or not fully informed argue you out of the right of exemption for employees of states. If he will take the trou- ble to look the matter up in his1 tariffs, he will find you are right.)1 Be sure to tell the ticket agent that you require a tax exempt I ticket at the time you ask for your ticket. Failing to do this will re- quire the making out of new tick-1 ets and will be uneconomical bothI in time and in paper. All members of Graduate Fac-f ulty: Meeting, 4:10 p.m. Wed., May 14, Rackham Amphitheatre. All members of graduate faculty1 are urged to be present andetot bring ballots which have been' distributed to graduate faculty. School of Education Seniors: Class dues of $1.50 per person, to cover costs of future serv- ices to graduating class, will be collected on Wednesday, May 14. Payable at the School of Educa- tion Office, Room 1437 U E.S 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate in June: A list of can- didates has been posted on the bulletin board in Rm. 1431 UE.S. Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. , Students in the College of Arch- itecture and Design who are ex- pecting to attend Summer Session are requested to leave their names in Room 207 this week. This will facilitate posting of grades for summer classification. All contributions and subscrip- tion lists from student houses for the Joseph Ralston Hayden Me- morial Library should be turned in to Mrs. Reynolds, Rm. 2, Univer- sity Hall. Members of the Women's Glee Club have late permission after their spring concert until one hour after the end of the perform- ance. Office of the Dean of Women Women students attending the Military Ball have 1'30 permission. Calling hours will not be extended. Office of the Dean of Women Bureau of Appointments & Oc- cupational Information, 201 Ma- son Hall. Office Hours: 9-12, 2-4. GENERAL PLACEMENT: The Peoples Gas, Light and Coke Company from Chicago will be in our office on Wednesday, May 14, to interview mechanical, electrical, civil, and architectural engineers, and accountants. Phone 371 for appointments. The Procter and Gamble Com- pany will have a representative in the office on Tuesday and Wed- nesday, May 13 and 14, to inter- view girls interested in work in their Market Research Division. These positions involve a consid- erable amount of traveling. Phone 371 for appointments. Sperry Gyroscope Company will be in the office on Wednesday, May 14, to interview mechanical, electrical, and aero engineers, and physicists. Phone 371 for ap- pointment. Chemical and Mechanical En- gineers: Mr. Rich of the Crane Company of Detroit will interview chemical and mechanical engi- neers in the office on Thursday, May 15, starting at 2 p.m. Some openings will be available for jun- iors interested in the summer work. Information regarding employ- ment at the U. S. Navy Electronics Laboratory is now available at our office. Seniors, graduate students, and others may call at the BureauI for further information. The Fair Department Store of1 Chicago will have a representative1 here on Thursday, May 15, to in- terview girls for department store1 work.] Party Approvals: All student groups planning social events at which both men and women are to be present must secure approval from the Office of Student Af- fairs, Rm. 2, University Hall, no later than 12 noon of the Monday before the event. The deadline for filing these events has been advanced, in order to permit week- ly publication of the list of ap- proved parties in the D.O.B. Approved parties: May 16. 17, 18 (afternoon events are indicated by an asterisk) May. 16: Alpha Gamma Delta, Collegiate Sorosis, Couzens Hall, Delta Epsilon P1, Kappa Delta, Michigan' House, Phi Sigma Del- ta, Psi Upsilon, Senior Class, Arch. & Design,* Sigma Alpha Mu, Stockwell Hall. May 17: Alpha Epsilon Phi, Al- pha Phi Alpha, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Betsy Barbour, Chi Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Fletcher Hall,* Foresters Club,' Greene House,* Helen Newberry, Henderson House, Keusch League House," Martha Cook, Michigan Christian Fellowship, Michigan Cooperative, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Win- chell House,* Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Tau Alpha. May 18: AVC, Campus Chap- ter," German Club,* Lithuanian. University Community Center 1045 Midway Boulevard Willow Run Village Wed., May 14, 7 p.m., Special meeting of Wives' Club officers; 8 p.m., Lecture by George Forsyth, Jr., Professor of Fine Arts, "Plan- ning Your House." Thurs., May 15, 8 p.m., The New Art Group; 8 p.m., University Ex- tension Class in Psychology. Fri., May 16, 8 p.m., Duplicate Bridge. Sat., May 17, 8 p.m., Wives' Club Dance, "The Last Hope Hop." Lectures Professor Raymond B. Cattell, of the University of Illinois, will speak on "Personality Factors and their Measurement," Wed., May 21, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theatre; auspices of the Psychol- ogy Club. Academic Notices Chemistry 41: Final examina- tion for all sections, 2-5 p.m., Tues., June 10, Rm. 165, Chemis- try Bldg. Seminar in Applied Mathema- tics: Wed., May 14, 3 p.m., Rm. 317 W. Engineering Bldg. Dr. W. M. Kincaid completes his discus- sion of Hodograph methods in subsonic compressible flows. Mathematics Seminar in Rela- tivity: Thurs., 3 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Ward C. Sangren will discuss Milne's book "RELATIV- ISTIC COSMOLOGY." Special Functions Seminar: Wed., May 14, 1 p.m., Rm. 3003, Angell Hall. Mrs. Dickinson will talk on Artin's treatment of the Gamma function. Zoology Seminar: Thur., May 15, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Mr. Clifford Berg will speak on "Limnological Relations of Insects to Plants of the Genus Protamoge- ton." Mr. Joe Neel will speak on "A Limnological Investigation of the Psammolittoral Zone in Doug- las Lake, Michigan, with Especial (;ncert Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will pre- sent another program in his cur- rent series at 7:15 p.m., Thurs., May 15, when he will play compo- sitions by Johann Sebastian Bach, and thlree of his sons, Joharn Ch istian, Wilhelm sriedemann, and Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach, Women's Glee Club Concert: Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theatre, tonight at 8:30, under the direction of Marguerite V. Hood; assisted by Margaret Ling, harpist. Program: 16th Century Madrigals, Art Songs, Semi-popular, and Michi- gan songs. Soloists: Lennis Brit- ton, Bonnie Elms, Marilynn Watt, Ruthann Perry FitzGerald, Su- zanne Smith and Jean Thalner. Open to the general public with- out charge. Student Recital: Norris Gran- ville Greer, Tenor, will present a public recital in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for th4 degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., May 15, Rackham Assembly Hall, duringewhichhe will {sing a group of seventeenth century English songs arranged for voice and string quartet by Will- iam Klenz of the School of Music faculty. Balance of program: com- positions by Brahms, Faure, and Campbell. Mr. Greer is a pupil of Arthur Hackett. Student Recital: Elizabeth Anne Massie, pupil of Joseph Brinkman, will be heard in a piano recital at 8:30 Fri .,May 16, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Program: Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Brahms, De- bussy, and Scriabin. Open to the public. Exhibition The Museum of Art: Drawings by Maurice Sterne and Paintings by Pedro Figari. Alumni Memo- rial Hall, daily, except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5; Wed- nesday evenings 7-9. The public is cordially invited. The Museum of Archaeology: Current Exhibit: "Life in a Roman Town, in Egypt, 30 B.C.-400' A.D." Tues. through Fri., 9-12, 2-5; Sat., 9-12; Sun. 3-5. (Continued on Page 4) i 4 I Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under te authority of the Board in Control ti Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor Clayton Dickey............City Editor Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor Clyde Recht........:..Associate Editor Jack Martin ............ Sports Editor Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk.............Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant Member Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-4 7 BARNABY Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Janet Cork......... Busine Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager Manager [-Teyour mother 1 L Pno'hin+o to do with it, Mora. It was rnv 17 C s1 oulc tnv no And try f n I I Iclclr. I Nac erik...detsn Mat___