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May 13, 1947 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-13

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Ballots To Be
Cast at Four
Students To Elect
NSO Delegates
Four campus voting booths will
be open from 9 am. to 4:15 p.m.
today for the election of delegates
to the National Student Organiza-
tion's Constitutional Convention
and six Union vice-presidents.
The booths will be located in the
Engine Arch, and outside of
Alumni Hall, the Chemistry Build-
ing and Angell Hall. In the event
of bad weather the Angell Hall
booth will be moved inside.
Three Delegates
Three delegates will be elected
who will join three members of
the Student Legislature as the
official University delegation to



Phone Operators Dispute MichiganBellBill To Re-strict Union Activ**
May Halt U' Building FTEM Agree


Return to Work
To Switchboard

by Strikers Brings Pickets
at West Engineering

A labor dispute involving University phone operators may mush-
room into a walkout of the 1,000 AFL construction men now at work
on the multi-million dollar building program.
Yesterday phone strike picketing spread to the campus as NFTW
Local 301 protested what they termed "scab" labor employment on the
University switchboard. Picket lines were thrown up at the West
Engineering Building, which houses the switchboard.
Workers May Not Report
It was learned late yesterday that some individual workers on
-- University construction programs


the convention. Three alternate-
delegates and three additional
legislature members will attend
the convention as non-voting, non-
speaking observers and will re-
place absent delegates.
The delegates will be selected
from ten candidates under the
Hlare Plan for Proportional Repre-
sentation while the Union vice-
presidents will be chosen on a
straight ballot by men students
only. Identification cards will be
required for voting.
Under the Hare system, the
voter must number his choices in
order of his preference although
he may vote for as many candi-
dates as he pleases. The quota of
ballots necessary to elect a candi-
date is approximately the number
of ballots cast divided by the num-
ber of posts to be filled.
Campaign Rules
No campaigning will be per-
mitted within fifty feet of a bal-
lot box and no posters or sandwich
boards will be permitted on the
campus block bounded by North,
South and East University and
South State Streets.
The distribution of campaign
literature and slanderous and li-
belous statements are punishable
by disqualification. ,
The ballots will be counted in
the Grand Rapids room of League
after the election. Interested per-
sons may watch the system of vote
* * *
Student Polling
Returns to U
MYDA Question First
To Be Put to Test
"Is the banning of MYDA a
threat to academic freedom?" will
.be the first question put to a sc-
entifically-selected cross-section of
the campus by the recently reac-
tivated Bureau of Student Opin-
ion, Robert Carneiro, chairman,
said yesterday.
The sampling will begin Monday
and continue thrdughout the week,
Carneiro said. He added that the
results will not be made public but
will be used to "perfect our tech-
Next fall, however, the Bureau
plans to publish its findings on
various questions- which will be
limited to subjects of "strictly
campus interest." The purpose of
the polls, according to Carneiro,
is to keep the campus informed
on student opinion and to aid the
Student Legislature in policy de-
The Bureau will not operate
during the summer session, Car-
neiro said.
It formerly was active here from
Professional advice will be giv-
en the Bureau . by Dr. Charles
Metzner and Gene Jacobson, of
the University Survey Research
At present the Bureau is seek-
ing student interviewers, coders
and tabulaters. No experience is
required, Carneiro said, because
all personnel will be trained by
the Bureau staff.
All applications should be filed
today at Lane Hall, he said, add-
ing "we would like about 50 inter-
Seek Krnpa Trio
For Jazz Concert

Henry Wallace
began Career
As Journalist
Henry A. Wallace, former vice-
president and present editor of
The New Republic, who will speak
at noonhtomorrow in Hill Audi-
torium, has now completed a ca-
reer cycle-from editor to editor.
As early as 1910, he was asso-
ciate editor of Wallaces' Farmer
in Iowa, and later become edi-
tor of the merged Farmer and
Iowa Homestead, holding that job
until 1933.
Wallace abandoned journalism
temporarily in 1933 to join Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt's cabinet as sec-
retary of Agriculture. In Septem-
ber 1940 he resigned to campaign
for the vice-presidency, to which
he was elected the same year.
Defense Board Head
During the war, President
Roosevent appointed him head of
the Economic Defense board and
chairman of the Supply Priori-
ties and Allocations board.
Following a dispute in 1943 be-
tween Wallace and Jesse Jones,
chairman of the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation, from which
Wallace's board obtained funds,
President Roosevelt transferred all
agencies of RFC engaged in fi-
nancing foreign purchases to a
new Office of Economic Warfare,
which Wallace headed.
In July 1944, Wallace was de-
feated for renomination for the
vice-presidency. In January 1945
he was nominated to succeed Jesse
Jones as Secretary of Commerce
and to head RFC.
RFC Nomination
His nomination for the RFC
post was rejected, however, and
he became Secretary of Commerce,
March 1, 1945. During his tenure
in the cabinet, Wallace advocated
full postwar employment, asked
for extension of the Reciprocal
Trade agreements and wrote "Six-
ty Million .Jobs."
In the field of foreign affairs,
Wallace consistently stressed the
need for U. S.-Russian coopera-
tion. In September, 1946, he re-
signed from the cabinet shortly
after a speech on foreign policy in
New York.
In December, 1946, he became
editor of the New Republic, and
has recently returned from an ex-
tensive trip through Europe.
Sp lurg .e Given
A Local Ta vern
Telegrams to individuals and
houses on campus inviting "you
and your identification" her-
alded the advent of a local
tavern's 14th birthday cele-
bration Monday night.
"Our party got rollingdshort-
ly after dinner, and red roses
were presented to the ladies,"
manager Clint Castor said.
Everybody sang "Happy
Birthday," then spent the rest
of the evening drinking free
beer paid for by campus hous-
es and nostalgic alumni.

may not report for work today, out
of respect for the phone union's
picket line. No official action on
the question will be taken by the
building trades union until the
regular meeting Friday night, ac-
cording to Louis Hackbarth, busi-
ness agent.
Lloyd Clickner Local 959 la-
borer's union official said there
is a possibility some members of
his union may not report for work
today in the belief that they would
be crossing picket lines by so do-
The possible mass walkout grew
out of a dispute centering around
eight phone operators on the Uni-
versity switchboard who "bolted"
the striking phone union and re-
turned to work, according to F. S.
Greene, NFTW Local 301 official.
Union Members Resign
During the first month of the
phone strike, the University
switchboard had been manned by
supervistory employes of the
Michigan Bell Co. Last week, how-
ever, several members resigned
from the union and returned to
their jobs, Greene charged.
The University is playing the
role of an "innocent bystander" in
the dispute, according to Alfred
Ueker, University personnel offi-
In a prepared statement issued
yesterday afternoon, Vice-Presi-
dent Robert P. Briggs declined to
comment on the dispute. He point-
ed out, however, that workers in-
volved in the switchboard dispute
are employees of the Michigan
Bell Co. supplied to the Univer-
sity under contract. Under terms
of this contract, the Bell Co. sup-
plies equipment and personnel to
the University, but the Univer-
sity has no control over working
conditions, salary or working hours
of phone company personnel, he
said. He emphasized' that the
University had not been contacted
by either party in the dispute.
Manager Comments
Commenting on the dispute., N.
J. Praaken, manager of the local
phone company, said workers in-
volved in the dispute had a meet-
ing last week and decided to re-
turn to work, "'If any of our strik-
ing employes want to return to
work, we have a job for them," he
The possibility of a general
walkout of all construction men
because of the phone workers' dis-
pute remained cloudy last night.
According to the Associated Press,
plant workers of the Michigan Bell
Co. have reached an agreement
with the company and an agree-
ment is expected momentarily
with the operators.
If this agreement is concluded,
members of NFTW Local 301 in
Ann Arbor will have to ratify it.
A vote on any agreement could
not be taken before late tonight,
meaning construction work may
possibly be hindered for at least
one day.
Korea Settlement Seen
WASHINGTON, May 13-(/P)-
The United States and Soviet Rus-
sia agreed finally today after a
year's deadlock to try again to set
up a unified provisional govern-
ment for divided Korea.

Filial Acceptance
Waits Union. Vote
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, May 13-The Fed-
eral Conciliation Service todaydan-
nounced the Michigan Bell Tele-
phone and the Federation of Tele-
phone Employes of Michigan had
reached agreement on a proposal
for settlement of the 37-day-old
strike of 5,600 plant workers.
"Acceptance by the membership
will effect a complete contract be-
tween the company and the un-
ion," Leo Kotin, mediator, said.
Membership Vote
Following a membership vote to
the settlement proposal, which he
estimated would take "about three
days," terms of the agreement
would be disclosed, Kotin said
Walter R. Schaar, union presi-
dent, emphasized that the proposal
did not constitute settlement and
said, "the strike goes on," until the
rank and file of the FTEM has re-
"We have agreed only to submit
the company's final position to
the membership," he said.
Other Conciliation Deadlocked
The latest single unit of Michi-
gan telephone workers, represent-
ed by the Michigan Telephone
Employes Federation, however, re-
mained deadlocked with the com-
The situation was announced
early this morning after a lengthy
night negotiating session between
company and union, which repre-
sents traffic and accounting em-
World News
By The Associated Press
tlement of the 37-day strike by
the National Federation of Tele-
phone Workers against the five-
state Pacific 'Telephone and Tele-
graph Company, subject to rati-
fication by union members, was
announced by a federal concilia-
tion official tonight.
Western Electric Co. today made
its first wage offer to its 20,-
000 installation employes in the
Association of Communication
Equipment Workers, but thej
Union rejected it.
LANSING, May 13-Legislation
to prohibit strikes by public em-
ployes passed the House today
while the Senate was approving a
bill to require compulsory arbitra-
tion in hospital and public utility'
labor disputes.
* * *
ROME, May 13 - Alcide De
Gasperi resigned as Premier of
Italy today for the third time in
19 months as the result of a
feud between his Centrist Chris-
tian Democratic Party and
Communists and Socialists
which ripped apart his three-
party coalition cabinet.
BERLIN, May 13-United States
military government quarters at
Frankfurt expressed fear today
that an outbreak of hunger strikes
and demonstrations may develop
in the American zone.
Senate-House Committee agreed j
today on final terms for the

$400,080,000 Greek-Turkish aid

UN Excludes
Powers From
1l Nations To Study
Holy Land Problems
By The Associated Press
-With the Arab states abstaining
in protest, the United Nations as-
sembly's political committee late
today excluded the big five from
membership on the Palestine in-
quiry commission.
It then named 11 smaller coun-
tries as the UN group to investi-
gate the Holy Land problems this
The inquiry group named by the
committee is composed of Czecho-
slovakia, Canada, the Netherlands,
Peru, Uruguay, Iran, Sweden,
Yugoslavia, Guatemala, Australia
and India.
The Arab-country delegations-
Egypt. Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and
Saudi Arabia-abstained on all the
critical ballots at the afternoon
session in evident pursuit of the
declaration by their leaders that
they might even walk out of the
UN Paletine assembly and might
refuse to cooperate in the UN in-
The action represented a victory
for the United States, which had
maintained from the start of the
Assembly April 28 that the Big
Five should not take part in the
UN investigation. The committee
decisions now go to the 55-nation
assembly for final approval.
The assembly meeting was ten-
tafively set for tomorrow morning
at Flushing Meadows, in New
AVC Presents
Maos Meeting To Be
At Masonic Temple
The campus chapter of the
American Veterans Committee and
the Ann Arbor chapter of Pro-
gressive Citizens of America, will
conduct a parade at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in conjunction with labor dis-
cussions to be sponsored by the
two groups later in the evening.
Also participating in the pa-
rade, which has received the sanc-
tion of city authorities, will be
members of Kaiser-Frazer Local
142, UAW-CIO Local 959, the Na-
tional Negro Congress and mem-
bers of several other local build-1
ing and trade organizations.
Following the parade, a mass
meeting will be held at 8:30 p.m.
in the Masonic Temple for the
purpose of bringing some of the
issues confronting the United
States to the public's attention.
Speakers at the rally will in-
clude the Rev. John Miles of The
People's Institute of Applied Re-
ligion, Detroit; Rev. Robert Rum-
er of the Calvary Community
Church; James Tamoor, vice presi-
dent of Local 600, UAW-CIO of the
Ford Rouge, plant; and Fred An-
derson, former business agent of
the Ann Arbor AFL carpenters.

_ _._
Karl Marx Club Splits
Over Policy Questions
Nine Founders Accuse Controlling Bloc
Of 'Subverting' Original Purpose of Group
The Karl Marx Study Club's factional dispute broke out in the
open again yesterday as nine of the founders protested the controlling
bloc has "subverted" the original purpose of the group.
In a meeting of the Student Affairs Committee, the founders'
spokesman, Betty Goodman, '47, charged in a prepared statement that
a majority of the club's 134 members were not interested in Marxist
theory and intended only to "take over" the club.
Charge Rule Violation
A requirement that members of the club pay a one-dollar fee was
violated and the new constitution, adopted at the club's second meet-
ing held April 3, was "railroaded through," Miss Goodman told the

Big Five Out of Palestine Probe

Passed by Coalition of Senators;


Final Parley,
Plans Stated
Final plans for topics and
speakers for Spring Parley panels,
Friday and Saturday, were an-
nouncedayesterday by the parley
"Can the Atom Be Controlled?"
and "Responsibility of Science in
the Atomic Age" will be given spe-
cial treatment at 8 p.m. Friday.
Members of the faculty leading
discussion will be Prof. Ernest F.
Barker of the physics department,
Prof. Thomas S. Lovering of the
geology department, Prof. David
T. Williams of the aeronautical
engineering department, Prof. Wil-
fred -Kaplan of the mathematics
department and Vrof. P'ed J.
Hodges, chairman of the Depart-
ment of Roentgenology.
Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the
political science department and
Albert D. Moscatti, graduate stu-
dent, will lead discussion of the
topic "The United States, the Se-
curity Council and the Interna-
tional Control of Atomic Energy
and Armaments" at the panel on
foreign relations, also to be held
at 8 p.m. Friday. Dave Dutcher,
will moderate.
Nursery Home
Still Undecided
No action was taken by the
Willow Run school board Monday
night in regard to the allocation'
of two rooms at Simonds School
as a day nursery, it was disclosed
The request for the designation
of the two rooms was furthered by
the Village day nursery commit-
tee, which presented the board
with a petition of 50 names sup-
porting the action. Two hours of
discussion netted only a board
statement that the petitions were
"received and filed without com-
A measure requesting a state
grant of $3,000 for such a nur-
sery is pending until a suitable
home for it is designated. Col.
Philip Pack, state veterans coor-
dinator, has agreed to introduce
the request for a grant before the
State Legislature.

> Elmer Faust, '48BAd, president
of the club, claimed the present
membership has carried out the
intent of the founders by present-
ing lectures on Marxism by facul-
ty members. He said the new
constitution was given clear ap-
proval by a majority of the mem-
bers and added that the voting
procedure was explainned before
the vote was taken.
Miss Goodman charged that by
provisions of the club's original
constitution, voting privileges are
limited to students who pay a one-
dollar membership fee..

To date, only 34 persons have
paid such membership fee and we
maintain that these are the only
valid members," she said, adding
that the club's present officers are
"not the duly elected officers" and
that the new constitution is
SAC Interprets Section
The SAC decided that the sec-
tion of the original constitution
describing membership fees did
not imply the "membership" would
be limited to student whose fees
were paid up.
Article seven of the original
constitution states in part: .
"Membership fee in the Karl
Marx Society will be $1 per sem-
Article three states:
"Membership in the Karl Marx
Society is open to all students re-
gardless of political affiliation or
Submits for Approval
Earlier in the meeting, Faust
had submitted the new constitu-
tion for approval by the SAC. The
committee's members, who sat
passively through a heated ex-
change between Faust and Miss
Goodman, ordered Faust to resub-
mit the proposed new constitution
to the registered membership and
stipulated that a two-thirds ma-
jority vote would be necessary for
The Committee also:
1. Requested the Student Legis-
lature to recommend to the SAC
a system for campus drives and
tag days.
2. Granted WAA's request to
hold Lantern Night May 19 in
Hill Auditorium and approved a
"golf championship dance" to be
held June 24 in the Union.
3. Granted University recogni-
tion to the Mormon Fireside
Group, the Grace Bible Guild,
the American Society for Public
Administration and the Willow
Village chapter of AVC.
Three Sentenced
In Policy Racket
Three men were sentenced yes-
terday in Washtenaw County Cir-
cuit Court to $300 fines or 90 days
in jail after pleading guilty to a
charge growing out of an alleged
Willow Village policy racket.
The charge of "accepting money
contingent upon result of con-
test" was amended from the origi-
nal charge of conspiracy to evade
gambling laws, brought against
the three men in an indictment by
Washtenaw county's one-man
grand jury, Circuit Judge James R.
The three men-Walter West,
38, of Willow Village, James Clark,
31, and L. C. Cato, 37, both of De-
troit-had been apprehended Feb.
25 while selling- nnliuv tieiP rc

Vote Enou gl
To Override
Truman Veto
Senate-House Parley
To Adjust Differences
By The Associated Press
mass coalition of Republicans and
Democrats rammed through the
Senate today a history-making
bill to check strikes and other
union activities. The vote was
68 to 24, enough to over-ride a
presidential veto, if the lineup re-
mains unchanged.
The measure was sped to a
Senate-House conference to ad-
just differences between it and an
even more sweeping bill which the
House passed earlier-also by more
than the two-thirds required to
cancel a veto.
Passqge followed storms of
bitter protest by union leaders
that Congress is out to crush or-
ganized labor. Those on the win-
ning side argued that Union
leaders have become danger-
ously arrogant and that legisla-
tion is needed to redress injus-
tices and economy-crippling
Senator Taft of Ohio, Chairman
of the Senate's Republican policy
committee and the labor commit-
tee, estimated it will take 10 days
to two weeks to iron out differ-
ences in the House and Senate
After conferring with House
Republican leader Halleck (Ind.)
chairman Hartley (Rep, N. J,)
said President Truman will not
be consulted on the possibility
of drafting a compromise the
Chief Executive might be willing
to sign.
"My disposition," he said, "is to
go along pretty much with the
Senate bill. But we have plenty
of room for trading, and I think
we should retain the House ban
on mass picketing and a 'Bill of
Rights' for labor."
Both the Senate and Mouse
measures (1) permit the govern-
ment to seek injunctions against
national emergency strikes such
as a coal tie-up, (2) ban the
closed shop, (3) restrict the un-
ion shop, (4) make unions lia-
ble for unfair labor practices,
(5) outlaw jurisdictional strikes
and secondary boycotts, and
(6) create a new federal media-
tion.service independent fof the
labor department,
The House bill, but not the Sen-
ate measure, would outlaw in-
dustry-wide collective bargaining
in most cases, scrap the National
Labor Relations Board and set up
a Labor-Management panel in its
place and prohibit mass picketing
and violence in any picketing.
Senate Passes
Callahan Bill
LANSING, May 13-(IP)-The
senate passed the Callahan Bill
today, which would require the
i'egistration of any organization
dominated or influneced by or
serving the purposes of a foreign
It would permit the Attorney
General to make such a designa-
tion and to take control of any
labor union, society or corpora-
tion he believes dominated by a
foreign power until the member-
ship elects officers loyal to the
United States,
Previously, the CIO United Auto
Workers challenged the legisla-
ture and Gov. Sigler ."to move
for public hearings" on the bill
which it labeled a "legislative

Journalistic Field
To Be Discussed
The journalism department will
present the eleventh concentra-
tion conference at 4:15 p.m. today
in Rm. 2231 Angell Hall.
The concentration advisement
meeting, part of the series planned
to assist sophomores and freshmen
in the literary college in choosin

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