TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1947
Demuocracy oQfl Iril
N GREENVILLE, S.C., twelve Southerners
will soon be given an opportunity to show
that constitutional guarantees of civil
rights, insofar as they apply to Americans
with clark skins, are more than meaning-
less words in a historical document.
Last Feburary a Negro, who had been
charged with stabbing and robbing a white
cab driver the previous day, was forcibly
taken from the local jail by a lynching
mob and stabbed, mutilated, and shot to
death. In an action almost unique in that
part of the country, the state constabulary,
with the assistance of the FBI, rounded up
and obtained statements from the suspects.
Within four days thirty-one white men had
been arrested and charged with murder.
During the Reconstruction Period Con-
gress and the state legislatures, highly
aroused by the fratricidal holocaust, adopt-
ed three amendments to the Conistitution
to make the Negro an equal citizen, to as-
sure him of due process of law and equal
protection under law, and to secure for him
the privilege of voting accorded other citi-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written, by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views'of the writers only.
zens. Since that time, these guarantees have
been so distorted as to apply to all elements
of the nation other than the Negro. Trial
stages in many cases have not even been
reached, while in others obviously pre-de-
tirmined verdicts have been brought i'n.
The biggest problem now facing the court
is to fill the jury box with veniremen who
will be relatively unprejudiced. This is no
easy task in a town where interest in the
case is intense and feeling is running high
cn both sides. The choice of the twelve men
and women finally seated may be an indi-
cation as to how good a chance the prose-
cution will have for impartial consideration
of the evidence which it will present.
Both sides have viewed the case as a pos-
ible turning point in Southern treatment
of the Negro and both the prosecution and
the defense are represented by lawyers re-
garded as among the ablest in the South.
Popular feeling is that a conviction in the
case will be a definite warning to the ir-
responsible that lawless actions are inde-
fensible in a democracy regardless of whom
the actions are directed against.
A verdict of guilty may seem an unthink-
able outcome to many South Carolinians,
but the state's case seems to rest on clear-
cut legal issues. It is not merely thirty-one
men who will go on trial, but rather democ-
racy itself. The nation awaits the result.
-Walter Dean
Threat to Civil Liberties
IT IS WITH increasing horror that advo-
cates of true democracy watch the move
to shift the President's Loyalty Inquiry Or-
der from the hands of the Civil Service Com-
mission to the F.B.I.
According to a Herald Tribune report,
"Republican Representative John Taber of
New York, in his capacity as chairman of the
House Appropriations Committee, will a-
chieve this objective by cutting the appro-
priations of the Civil Service Commission. It
is of added interest to note that when lop-
ping off millions from other appropriation
requests, Taber's committee recommnended
that the F.B.I. get the full $35,000,000 re-
quested for its operations. In addition to
authorizing the F.B.I. to police all Federal
employment, opponents of the Truman In-
quiry would put the teeth in the loyalty
check by providing for punishment for con-
cealment of alien loyalties by applications
for and holders of Federal positions.
Some of us remember the activities of
the Civil Service Commission during the
Roosevelt administration. The so-called im-
practical professors whom the President em-
ploN ed during the Neaw Deal were among
the first to encounter the "witch-hunters,"
whose inquiries revealed "communist af-
filiations, immoral activities and a host of
other sins." Many of these men's appeals
were rejected by "fair-minded" boards who
felt that the findings of what amounted
to snoopers were too weighty to require re-
consideration. Transferral of inquiries to
the F.B.I., headed by J. Edgar Hoover whose
call to the hunt has been loud and vehement,
presents food for speculation about an im-
provement in justice.
Applicable to almost any situation that
the United States faces today, is President
Roosevelt's admonition, "We have nothing
to fear but fear itself." This recent move
in Congress represents not only a threat
to civil liberties when defining such inde-
finables as "alien sympathies" and "con-
cealment," but a deep-seated fear in Con-
gress of its own inadequacies.
-Lida Dailes
Army-Neavy Merger
PRESIDENT TRUMAN, more than a year
ago, asked for a merger of the Army and
Navy. President Roosevelt had been in favor
of consolidation for a long time. With Pearl
Harbor in mind, both desired to correct
the weaknesses of a divided command, as
well as to save the nation money, and to
provide a stronger defense. A bill, generally
called the Army-Navy Merger Bill, and pre-
sumably intended in a general way to a-
chieve what the President had in mind and
what the nation hoped for, will probably
be adopted by the Congress within the next
wee, or two.
If and when this so-called Merger Bill
passes, one of the great hoaxes of the twen-
tieth century will have been perpetrated. For
the country, after the passage of the "Mer-
ger" Bill, will have not one defense estab-
lishment. It will not even have the two that
it now has. It will have three - a Depart-
ment of the Army, a Department of the
Navy, and a Department of the Air Force.
The bill does establish a Secretary of
National Defense, complete with four spec-
ial assistants at $12,000 each a year, but it
give him little or no power over the three
departments. It provides for a new Secre-
tary for the Department of the Air Force
at $15,000 a year, complete with an under
secretary and two assistant secretaries at
ten or twelve thousand a year. It sets up a
Munitions Board headed by a chairman who
may receive $14,000 a year. It carries in its
cornucopia a National Security Council,
complete with staff and an executive sec-
retary at $12,000 a year. It ordains a Central
Intelligence Agency, complete with a direc-
tor at $14,000 a year. And it creates a Na-
tional Security Resources Board, complete
with a chairman, at $15,000 a year.
Of course the bill provides that all of
these secretaries, under secretaries, boards,
councils, agencies, chairmen, directors and
what-nots shall, in a vague way, coordinate
all over the national-defense lot. What this
so-called Merger Bill amounts to can best
be illustrated by drawing on the imagina-
tion. For the purposes of illustration, con-
sider President Truman as a farmer who is
having difficulty getting his fields plowed
because his two horses do not get along to-
gether, and because even though hitched
to the same plow each horse has its own
What he is about to get is quite different.
He turned the problem over to the Congress.
It called in the experts and advice was taken
from every one in sight, including the horses.
The result, as set forth in the bill which is
about to be enacted, has been something
like this: The experts decided that the solu-
tion to the farmer's problem was to hitch
together a horse (the Department of War),
and two mules (The Department of the
Navy and the Department of the Air Force)
to the plow, attach an extra handle and
another set of reins to the plow and hire a
third man to hold them. Then they hired
a bareback rider (the Secretary of National
Defense) to ride the three "critters" and
gave him a walkie-talkie tuned in to the
farmer's ear. But, not wanting to hurt the
feelings of the three men on the plow
handles, they also gave them walkie-talkies
tuned into the same wave length.
I doubt whether any farmer would get
much plowing done under a setup such as
the one just described, or, at least, get it
done well and inexpensively. I also doubt
the wisdom of conducting the defense of our
nation in so burgeoning a fashion. What has
really been done is to operate our armed
forces as a three-rg-circus under one
transparent tent.
(copyright 1947, New York Post corporation)
LAST NIGHT the Ann Arbor Civic Thea-
tre presented the George S. Kaufman
dramatization of John P. Marquand's The
Late George Apley. Like Dauphne Du Maur-
ier's Rebecca, old Apley has been a book, a
movie and a play. Like Rebecca, it is not a
very good play. Marquand's tale about the
snobs of Boston in the 1912 era is a satire
on the inflexibility and pseudo-superiority
of our American blue-bloods. The story is
mainly concerned with a father's attempt
to influence his two impetuous children so
that they will remain in the environment
in which they were born. He is convinced
that people from different backgrounds can-
not have anything in common on which to
base a happy marriage. Actually his child-
ren prove to him that he has not ever ex-
perienced happiness himself, and make him
realize that after an attempt to break awy
in a youthful passion, he has merely settled
into the groove that his family had left for
The Civic Theatre's performance was un-
finished. Phyllis Wright in the role of Ape-
ley's daughter seemed to be the only person
who was at home on the stage. The make-
up was quite offensive; everyone's face ap-
peared dirty.
-J. M. Culbert
"I'd swear he licked his chops as we vent by."
(Continued from Page 2)
be at 7:30 p.m., Tues., May 13,
urn. 402, W. Engineering Bldg.
Zoology Seminar: Thur., May 15,
7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Mr. Clifford Berg will speak on
"Limnological Relations of Insects
to Plants of the Genus Protamoge-
ton." Mr. Joe Neel will speak on
"A Limnological Investigation of
the Psammolittoral Zone in Doug-
las Lake, Michigan, with Especial
Reference to Shoal and Shoreline
Concentration Advisement Ser-
ies. Tuesday, May 13: English De-
partment-231 Angell Hall, 4:15
p.m.: Prof. L. I. Bredvold, chair-
man. Prof. Karl Litzenberg-Eng-
lish as a field of concentration.
Prof. C. D. Thorpe-Professional
opportunities for concentrators in
Mathematics Department-3017
Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m.: Prof. T. H.
Hil'lebrandt-Mathematics as a
field of concentration. Prof. C. H.
Fischer-Actuarial mathematics.
Prof. P. S. Dwyer-Mathematical
statistics. Prof. R. V. Churchill-
Applied mathematics. Mr. P. S.
Jones-Teaching of mathematics.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying
.--~- h
Copt. 1447 6y United Feature Syndicate, Inc
T0,. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off-AUl rights reseryod
Fifth Concert: J. S. Bach: Passacaglia and
Fugue in C Minor; Beethoven: Concerto No.
5 in E flat, for Piano and Orchestra; Brahms:
Symphony No. 2 in D Major, Op. 73; Soloist:
Robert Casadesus, pianist; Eugene Ormandy
conducting the Philadelphia Orchestra.
ONE OF THE PEAKS of this year's May
Festival was. reached Sunday afternoon
with the appearance of Robert Casadesus
as the soloist in Beethoven's "Emperor" Con-
This brilliant pianist chose a work
which has long been a staple concert
piece on most programs and gave it a
freshness and power almost forgotten by
many of us. Mr. Casadesus played with
a bell-like clarity which was at once fluiAd
and meticulously precise. His interpre-
tation was mature, poised and unaffected;
yet it was accompanied by a vigor and
gusto that we usually associate with
younger men.
At all times he played with confidence
and ease, meeting the particularly diffi-
cult demands of teclhnique in the first
movement with apparently no effort at all.
In the quiet and beautifully contemplative
second movement, he played with poetic
restraint. The third movement was given
special treatment. Mr. Casadesus had .a
slower tempo and a more carefully measur-
ed cadence than is usually heard. This
worked out very well, giving a certain reso-
lute quality to it which is not so easily
noticed when it is played at a faster speed.
Right To Work'
The anti-labor contingent in Congress is
making heavy use of the phrase, "the right
to work," in its fight against the closed
shop. These tactics may backfire. Should
a touch of unemployment show up this sum-
mer, labor could, with only a slight exten-
sion of meaning, drag out the same phrase
to embarrass the whole right wing. "The
right to work" may easily become the theme
of the next period of joblesress; and a
number of gentlemen in shiny blue serges
and bunion-caressing comfort shoes may
yet wish they had not made quite such!
maudlin use of this phrase, as a smart way
to crack at the unions.
For it isn't true that the only serious
threat i "the right tn work" is the closed
Mr. Ormandy and the orchestra gave Mr.
Casadesus a first rate accompaniment.
As for Mr. Ormandy and the orchestra
on the Bach and the Brahms, that is an-
other matter.
I found Mr. Ormandy's taste not at all
to my liking in either selection. Within
the short span of fifteen minutes, Bach's
passacaglia was transformed into a Wag-
nerian travesty with an excess of brass that
made matters very noiisy indeed. In the
Brahms symphony, Mr. Ormandy could be
accused of like liberties with his brasses, es-
pecially in the last movement. Much of the
casual grace and beauty of the first two
movements was wasted as the orchestra
raced through them. What the hurry was,
I'm sure I don't know. Nevertheless, the or-
chestra played with its usual richness, and
this is an experience in itself.
-Harry Levine
Sixth Concert: Overture, "Russian and Lud-
mil'a," Glinkaa;n ,lueevan le stele" from
"Tosca," Puccini, "Le Rev'e" from "lmanon,"
Massenet, (Mr. Tagliavini); Suite from "The
Water Music," Handel; "Prendi l'anel ti dono"
from "La Sonnambula," Donnizetti, "0 Para-
diso" from "L'Africana,", Meyerbeer, (Mr.
Tagliavihi); Rapsodie espagnole, Ravel; Te
Deum, Verdi: Philadelphia Symphony Or-
chestra, Alexander Hilsberg, conducting;
University Choral Union, Thor Johnson, con-
ducting; Ferruccio Tagliavini, soloist.
IN THE SIXTH and final concert, what has
been a highly successful and thoroughly
enjoyable May Festival season, was fittingly
brought to a close with the singing of Verdi's
immortal "Te Deum." Under Mr. Johnson's
able baton the chorus gave an exceptional-
ly finished and polished performance of this
great work.
Mr. Tagliavini's first appearance in Ann
Arbor won for him a position high in the
ranks of the Festival's artists. The fervor
an(, ardor of the clear lyric tones which
seemed to float to the second balcony to-
gether with the careful attention which was
given to the dynamic contrast and the phra-
seology made his renditions the personifi-
cation of perfection. He yielded to the ap-
plauding demands of his grateful audience
with the familiar "Una Fartiua Largrina"
from Donizetti's "L'Elisir D'Amore" as an
The orchestra opened the program with
a brilliant response to Mr. Hilsberg in the
Glinka overture. In the other two orches-
tral numbers, however, the Handel and
Ravel, the polish and strict attention to
every minute detail which was present in
most of the previous orchestral numbers
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daly
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted A.t the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Mens Trendj
To the Editor:
HE FOLLOWING was inspired
by the atmosphere at various
activities, classrooms, lectures,
In Hammurabi's time. I wonder.
Were there puffing little men,
All gathered 'round the Law Code,
To psychoanalyze man's trend?
From Socrates' most docile gioulp,
Perchance did one arise
And trap [he wily master with'
"Would Marxian (lialectil c, this
statenct last, sinise?'
Wild-eyed, wild mouthedp Per-
ceiviig all,
Cheroot poised in the air,
They drive with learned discourse,
The patient Buddha to despair.
Proof enough to me
A LAW there is that's just;
Upon man's;final statement,
His iouthl is stopped with dust.
-L. S. Linton
lHe Reads IThe lDly
To the Editor:
AM NEITHER a writer of poems
nor a writer of letters about
I am a student.
I read the Daily. I read what's
happening on campus. I read
that an organization called MYDA
has been banned. And I am im-
I am impressed that they teach
me much in the class-room and
expect me to forget it in the street.
For whether I major in poli-sci
or archeaology they teach me
about the "democratic spirit," "the
American tradition," "our free
heritage." They teach me these
beautiful words and they give me
more beautiful thoughts to go with
And then I read the Daily. And
I read that an organization called
MYDA has been banned.
They give me books to learn
from. And I learn. I learn what
many smart people have to say
about those beautiful words they
have taught me.
I learn very much from some-
thing Heywood Broun once wrote:
"I realize that almost nobody
means precisely what he says when
he makes the declaration, 'I'm in
favor of freespeech.' I think I
mean it, but it is not difficult for
me tosimagine situations in which
I would be gravely tempted to en-
force silence on anyone who seem-
ed to be dangerous to the cause
I favored.
"Free speech is about as good
a cause as the world has ever
known. But, like the poor, it is al-
ways with us and gets shoved a-
side in favor of things which seem
at some given moment more vital.
They are never more vital. Not
when you look back at them from
a distance. When the necessity
of free speech is most important P s ToO)Slow
we shut it off. Everybody favors
free speech in the slack moments To the Editor:
when no axes are being ground,
"I would have been better for R. RUTHERFORD MINTON'S
America to have lost the war than letter of Wednesday, May 7,
to lose free speech." concerning Negro exhibitionism is
And I read the Daily. And I amazing for its implied contra-
read that an organization called diction of fact. 'T'here is no doubt
MYDA has been banned, that Mr. Minton has a noble and
-Josh Greenfeld honest belief in the equality of
man, but there is a glaring con-
fusion of what things should be
High Standards and what they actually are.
How does Mr. Minton know that
To the Editor: the average Negro slave made the
I WISH more persons in Ann Ar- best of his lot and was content-
o . ed with servitude? From what
bor had the high standaids and history book of distorted fact was
good taste that The Daily demon- this impressions obtained? Has
strates in its policy of refraining Mr. Minton troubled himself to
from sensational exploitation of learn what imminent Negro and
crime, especially 01 sex crimes. impartial white historians have
Ann Arbor is having a field clay! said on the subject.
Sveryone is going to the trial! Mr. Minton states, "Realizing
Along with the regular courtroom that the white man would most
hangers-on, who have reserved probably become surly and brutish
seats, who seek vicariously to in slavery, they (Negroes) would
;judge their fellow men by sitting have us believe that they too were
out a trial, we have students from surly and brutish, treacherous and
this University. In fact, some incorrigible." Can you, Mr. Min-
of the old-timers found no room ton, in spite of my outward Neg-
available because of the great roid characteristics, bring yourself
influx of students. to imagine that somewhere deep
Get your best girl and come to within me are the same basic de-
the court house. Come early so sires, hopes, fears, hates, aspira-
that you can get in. There were tions, which motivate you? After
fifty people standing outside of doing this, perhaps you cannot
the court Wednesday night. Sec- so easily explain what gives the
ond and third hand reports reach white man special priority to rebel
those unable to hear the proceed- at inhuman treatment such as
ings - the filthier the better, and that accorded Negroes under slav-
some people can tell it better than ery. You have unwittingly placed
others. It's fun to get into the yourself among those who believe
room and to shout lewd remarks, in a superior race in spite of your
and sophisticated, too - the judge statement, "The problem of racial
gets so upset and hammers so hard superiority or inferiority is a fal-
to restore order. lacious one and exists only in the
Why local authorities allow an minds of the uninformed."
open trial of this crime is beyond You further state, "A militant
comprehension. Legal require- self-justifying attitude is defeated
ments or request by the parties at the beginning . . . He (the
involved not-with-standing. Sure- Negro) must learn to tolerate our
ly a judge with trial experience gracelessness. I seem to have a
could foresee the confusion and vague recollection of having read
congestion such a case would of a few militant, self-justifying
evoke. Embarrassment and ex- people in this country in 1776, who
ploitation of parties seeking jus- were seeking to throw off the
tice doesn't seem to be part of the tyranny of a British king. I can
American theory of the sanctity recall having seen no suggestions
of the individual nor a part of the that the colonists look to a golden
American theory of fair-play. heritage of "suffering in silence"
Surely a trained and experienced and do nothing to assuage the
legal mind reasons more accurate- pain. The reasons and justifica-
ly in matters of procedure than tions for that revolt, Mr. Minton,
those of two untrained citizens. are set out at some length in the
Young people are prone to drama- Declaration of Independence.
tize. It is dr'amatic to be the I am not advocating violence
wronged party before an audience and force of arms. We all realize
in a court room, but trials don't the certain disaster in such an ap-
work that way. Good lawyers sel- proach. However, militancy and
dom allow a one-sided trial; it's aggressiveness, rather than com-
good practice to discredit the op- placency, will go a long way to-
position's witnesses and evidence. ward speeding up this altogether
The public thrives on personal ad- too slow process of education.
missions a fellow citizen would -Carroll Little
Examination: All students expect-
ing to do directed teaching in the
fall are required to pass a qual-
ifying examination in the sub-
ject in which they expect to teach.
This examination will be held on
Sat., May 24, 8:30 a.m. Students
will meet in the auditorium of the
University High School. The ex-
amination will consume about four
hours' time; promptness is there-
fore essential.
The University of Mchigan
Women's Glee Club, Marguerite V.
Hood, Conductor, will present its
annual spring concert at 8:30 p.m.,
Wed., May 14, Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Program: 16th Century
Madrigals, Art Songs, Songs by
20th Century Composers, semi-
popular and Michigan songs. The
public is invited.
Student Recital: Norris Gran-
ville, Tenor, will present a public
recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music at 8:30 p.m.,
Thurs., May 15, Rackham Assem-
bly Hall, during which he will
sing a group of seventeenth cen-
tury English songs arranged for
voice and string quartet by Will-
iam Klenz of the School of Music
faculty. Balance of program: com-
positions by Brahms, Faure, and
Campbell. Mr. Greer is a pupil of
Arthur Hackett.
Student Recital: Rose Suzanne
Derderian, Soprano, will present a
recital in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m.,
Tues., May 13, in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. Program: German,
French, Italian and English songs.
Open to the public.
Events Today
University of Michigan Mathe-
matics Club. 8 p.m., West Confer-
ence Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr. E
H. Spanier will speak on Cohomo-
topy Groups. Election of new
Program Committee.
Anthropology Club. 7:30 p.m,
University Museums Bldg. Mr.
Kins Collins of Detroit will show
his colored slides on the ancient
Zapotec and Maya discoveries in
Middle America. Use back en-
Botanical Journal Club. Rm.
1139, Natural Science Bldg., 7:30
p.m. Program: Margaret Bedford,
review of papers on the embryo
sac; Louis Jordal, Devonian flora
of Spitzbergen Petronila Mara-
sigan, Developmental anatomy of
Phlox Drummondii; Ruth Stur-
rock, Fossil seeds. C. A. Arnold,
Chairman. Refreshments.
Quarterdeck 7:30 p.m., Rm. 336
W. Engineering Bldg. Election of
Po 10 n i a Club. International
Center, 7:30 p.m.
La P'tite Causette. 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, Michigan League.
Congregational-Disciples Guild.
May and June birthday tea, 4:30
to 6 p.m., Guild House, 438 May-
nard Street.
The Annual French Play: Those
who want the picture of "Le Mal-
ade Imaginaire" please sign up
with the Secretary of the Ro-
mance Language Department, Rm.
112 before Fri., May 16.
(Continued on Page 5)
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
rather not yell from the roof-
The Great Ann Arbor Trial is
getting rather disgusting. It's a
place to meet your friends, a pop-
ular hang-out. To Hades with
scruples! I'm going to make sand-
wiches and sell them outside of
the courtroom. I'd make a killing!
It's drawing a crowd much the
same as would an enactment of
Forever Amber without censor-
ship. Someone should commercial-
ize it. That's all we need to make
it an honest-to-gosh picnic.
-Jean A. Baird
Coneratiilatitm c
Editorial Staff
To the Editor: Paul arsha......... Managing Editor
F YOU CAN FIND SPACE be- Milton Freudenhei. .Editorial Director
tween those lower case letters Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz........... Associate Editor
to the editor, I wish you would Clyde Recht.........Associate Editor
print this note offering congratu- Jack Martin ............Sports Editor
lations to the Willow Run AVC for Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor
putting on the mixer dance last ' Joan wilk............Women's Editor
week. We need more p ti fLois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
theeknd Wee eeore ptes of Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant
that kind where people can get ac-I
quainted in congenial surround- Member
ings.1 .cni. ef e!
--John Alston
assoia a tottgtdte Press,
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... Genera1 Manager