THEMICIGANDAILY_ 5u A FACULTY FOR KNOWING: Psychologist Sees Idiots, Imbeciles At Tender Age By HARRIET FRIEDMAN EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the 22nd of a series of weekly articles on faculty personalities. Growing up with 5,000 assorted idiots and imbeciles is enough to drive anyone into psychology. Prof. Urie Bronfenbrenner, orig- inator of Psychology 41, Interper- sonal Relations, was brought up in an institute for the mentally deficient in New York state where his father was a pathologist. When he reached the money- making age, Prof. Bronfenbrenner became an attendant at the hos- pital. His duties included lead- ing a platoon of 80 of the inmates on a trash picking expedition over the 3,200 acres of the hospital grounds. Farewell to Octaves Prof. Bronfenbrenner majored in music and psychology at Cor- nell College. "I graduated with honors in music and none in psy- chology, so I naturally dropped music." By .this time Prof. Bronfen- brenner had decided that his in- terest was in "a combination of psychology and education-the de- velopment of personality," and he entered Harvard to obtain his master's in psychology. In 1940, Prof. Bronfenbrenner came to the University and worked as a psychologist in the Univer- sity elementary school. From April until August, 1942, the army con- fusedly delayed his induction as he wrestled with his doctorate. He received his doctor's degree, Aug. 26 and was inducted Aug. 27 --"From PhD to private in 24 hours." Picked Up Butts After a short stay at Fort Cus- ter "where I picked up cigarette butts and got to know the idiot's and imbecile's point of view," Prof. Bronfenbrenner was sent to Maxwell Field, Ala. and then Nashville, Tenn., where he "pushed buttons" as a psychologist in se- lecting and classifying men for air crews. Because of his knowledge of Bus. Ad. Society Chooses Officers Louis W. England has been named headmaster of Delta Sigma Pi, professional business adminis- tration fraternity, in an election of officers for 1947-8. Other officers elected are Rich- ard F. Burke, senior warden; Rob- ert J. Gaddis, junior warden; Ian Hannington, treasurer; Rollin N. Bubert scribe; Charles J. Burke, chancellor; Clarence V. Babcock, historian. Russian, and his psychology train- ing, Prof. Bronfenbrenner joined the Russian division of Research and Analysis branch of the OSS where he was to analyze Russian propaganda. 'All the News that Fits' P,ussian newspapers were de- layed for months, so the men in the division spent most of their time "reading between the lines of The New York Times." If they discovered anything they thought important, "we wrote it up, label- led it secret and put it into a safe." Actually, a lot of this information was used in weighing Russia's in- tentions at the time of the Que- bec conference, Prof. Bronfen- brenner said. The laboratory procedures of Psychology 41, the course in In- terpersonal Relations which Prof. Bronfenbrenner inaugurated here, were partially originated during, his experience in the OSS Assess- ments School, which he joined next. Tales of a Vat Man As part of the job of evaluating men for OSS service, Prof. Bron- fenbrenner began using "impro- visations." One of the techniques, which he has not been able to reproduce at the University, in- cluded plying the participants in the situation with Vat 69 to ob- tain relaxed reactions. After being commissioner, Prof. Bronfenbrenner was transferred to Borden General Hospital in Chickasha, Okla., a center for the rehabilitation for the deaf. Again, "improvisations" were used "in helping the deaf learn how to live with their handicap." Prof. Bronfenbrenner became Assistant Chief of the Clinical Psychology Division of the Veter- ans Administration, after being discharged from the army, and helped plan research programs for nationwide use. What Can Be Done? He returned to the University in September, 1946, because he had been offered the opportunity to re- turn to active clinical work and to present a course investigating "how people get to be the way they are, and what can we do about it." This course, Psychology 41, was needed because, Prof. Bronfen- brenner said, It has long been my feeling that there was a great deal of room in the field of psy- chology for investigating the im- plications of psychology for posi- tive, constructive living. "I have been impressed with the possibility of working with young people, where one can work for the future without having to undo as much of the past." Adult Institute On Education Will Convene U' Faculty Speakers Listed for Program The annual Adult Education In- stitute, sponsored by the Univer- sity Extension Service and the Michigan Federation of Women's Clubs, will be held at the Univer- sity Tuesday through Thursday, May 13-15. Eight-hundred representatives are expected to attend the pro- gram of lectures on medicine, so- cial science, music, and drama, to be given by members of the Uni- versity faculty. Speakers will be Dr. John M. Sheldon, "Allergic Diseases"; Prof. Glenn D. McGeoch, "How To Lis- ten To Music"; Prof. Preston W. Slosson, "Russia, the Enigmatic Colossus"; Dean A. C. Furstenberg, "Sinus Diseases"; Theodore E. Heger, "Music Via the Radio"; Prof. Valentine B. Windt, "Thea- ter Practice"; Prof. James 'K. Pollock, "The German Problem"; Dr. Norman F. Miller, "Women at Forty"; Prof. Howard Y. McClus- ky "Democracy Begins at Home"; Prof. Marguerite V. Hood, "Sing- ing in the Home"; and Prof. Will- iam P. Halstead, "The New York Theater." Miss Rose Colonge, Pennsylvania State College specialist in com- munity education, will lead the discussions on recent developments in the field of adult education. Vacation Helps Student Health Illness Figures Drop After Spring Recess Vacations evidently are worth their time in health, or so the Health Service report for April would indicate. With the "influenza-like" epi- demic practically ended just before the spring vacation, illness among University students kept to an un- usual low for the remainder of the month, Dr. Warren E. For- sythe Health Service director, said. Upper respiratory infections still held the lead as the "great-1 P., i' l ra. u ~f oft i A*A'- LS ao - Concentration Conferences Will Be Held May 12-16 Seven departments of the literary college will hold concen- tration advisement meetings this week, May 12-16. The conferences have been planned for sophomores and freshmen seeking assistance in choosing a field of concentration. Speakers will attempt to make clear the nature and scope of a departmental area of study, its relation to a liberal education and its professional or vocational significance. The program for this week follows: Monday, May 12-Physics Department-4:15 p.m. 22,1 A II Prof. H. R. Crane: Physics as a field of concentration. Prof. J. M. Cork: Industrial opportunities in physics. Monday, May 12-Foreign Language Department-4:15 p.m. 231 A IH Prof. A. J. Jobin: Values in the study of the modern foreign languages. (Advisers in the Romanic and Germanic lan- guages will be present to answer the students' questions.) Tuesday, May 13-English Department-4:15 p.m. 231 A H Prof. L. I. Bredvold, Chairman Prof. Karl Litzenberg: English as a field of concentration. Prof. C. D. Thorpe: Professional opportunities for concen- trators in English. Tuesday, May 13-Mathematics Department-4:15 p.m. 3017 A H Prof. T. H. Hildebrant: Mathematics as a field of concen- tration. Prof. C. H. Fischer: Actuarial mathematics. Prof. P. S. Dwyer: Mathematical statistics. * Prof. R. V. Churchill: Applied mathematics. Mr. P. S. Jones: Teaching of mathematics. Wednesday, May 14-Journalism Department-4:15 p.m. 2231 A H Prof. J. L. Brumm: Journalism as a field of concentration. Prof. W. H. Maurer: Professional and vocational opportuni- ties in journalism. Prof. Donal Haines: Journalism in the field 'of magazine writing. Thursday, May 15-History Department-4:15 p.m. 35 A H Prof. B. W. Wheeler: History as a field of concentration (with particular reference to its place in general education). Friday, May 16-Sociology Department-4:15 p.m. 35 A H Prof. R. C. Angell: Nature and scope of sociology; relation to other fields; its place in liberal education (academic op- portunities for teaching and research). Prof. A. E. Wood: Social work (opportunities in social wel- fare and criminology). Prof. Angus Campbell: Social psychology (opportunities in personnel work and public opinion research). Prof. Horace Miner: Social anthropology (opportunities in government rural projects and administration of primitive scopes). Prof. A. H. Hawley: Ecology and demographic studies (op- portunities in community planning and administration; statistics ). Church News The CONGREGATIONAL-DIS- CIPLES GUILD will hold a sup- per meeting at 6 p.m. today at the Christian Memorial Church. GeorgeShepard, president of the Student Federalists, has ar- ranged a panel on "Christianity's Role in World Government." Dr. W. P. Lemon will speak on "THE FAMILY PORTRAIT" at the meeting of the WESTMIN - STER GUILD to be held at 5 p.m. today. Supper and a fellowship hour will follow the meeting. I e~ * * ' C t T " E i dent Guild at Memorial Christian Church. Supper. Panel on "Chris- tianit 's Role in World Govern- ment." Congregational -Disciples Guild. Supper, 6 p.m.. Memorial Chris-: tian Church. Panel discussion on "Christianity's Role in World Gov- ernment." Memorial Christian Church ( Disciples of Christ). Morning Worship, 10:50 a.m. Sermon by Rev. F. E. Zendt. Nursery for chil- dren during the service, University Lutheran Chapel: Services, 9:45 and 11 a.m. Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "A (Continued from Page 4) SDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN '>bers of the Lutheran Student As- sociation of Michigan State Col- lege at East Lansing will be guests. Bible hour, 9:15 a.m. at the Center. First Church of Christ, Scien- tist, 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday School at 11:45. Wednesday eve- ning service at 8 p.m. Unity. Services, 11 a.m., Unity Chapel. Subject: "Watching the Universal Mother Work." There will be no meeting of the Student Discussion Group so that members may attend the Walter Russel lec- ture at the Masonic Temple, De- troit, Scottish Rites Auditorium, 8:15. Admission free. Subject: 'World Government at the Cross- roads." S j 1 1 1 Y t 1 The Asbury Quartet will sing at the meeting of the WESLEY- AN GUILD at 5:30 p.m. today. A series of three marriage lec- tures entitled "The State of the Union" will be initiated by Dr. E., Lowell Kelly who will deal with the subject in relation to each other. A fellowship hour and supper will follow. The NEWMAN CLUB will meet at 3 p.m. today for the election of officers. Lit--uanians Organize Club Students To Study Language, Culture Lithuanian-American students in the University will study his- tory, language and culture of Lithuania in a new campus club organized this week. The twenty-five club members will study the language, the near- est idiom to Sanscrit, with help from Lithuanian-speaking towns- people. Club officers, elected May 7th are Carolyn M. Rovas, president; Jack Karwales, vice-president, and Blanche Burkhart, s e c r e t a iy- treasurer. Dr. Malcolm Soule, of the botany department, is faculty- advisor. At its organizational meeting Wednesday, the club heard Anna Kaskas of the Metropolitan Opera Company, sing Lithuanian songs. They plan a picnic May 18th to which all Lithuanian-American students are invited. Philosophy Lecture Professor Max Fisch, of the University of Illinois philosophy department, will speak on the sub- ject of "Evolution in American Philosophy from 1860-1917" at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre Buy and Hold U. S. Savings Bonds! Portrait of a Pious Mother." Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club: Supper meeting, 5:15 p.m. at the Student Center. Lutheran Student Association. 5:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Supper, 6 p.m. Program of student talent will follow. Mem- First Unitarian Church. Edward H. Redman, Minister. 10 a.m., Uni- tarian-Friends' Church School and Adult Study Group. 11 a.m. Serv- ice. Sermon by Edward H. Red- man: "What's In a Lifetime?" 6 p.m., Unitarian Student Group. "Opening the Door to Palestine." , --- _ -- Ili __ - , r i,. ' ' I '. , i , 1\OTHJEWVS IDAY' G1EIrNs a I I! ,i 1 i . A Students Receive Scholarships (Continued from Page 1) I _____ ____ian Wyman. Five Harriet Eveleen Hunt tablished in 1922 by a bequest of Scholarships, set up in 1937 by Cornelius Donovan, of New Or- Ormond E. Hunt of Detroit as a leans, La., the grants aid senior (memorial to his mother, were also students in engineering who are awarded to self-supporting stu- working their way through college. dents. Recipients this year in- Recipients of the Donovan elude: Ernest Lamar Bailey, R. Airm the I r i /LLw4 ing to the report. The number of Scholarships are: Marvin A. Bor- Alan Dunlap, George Hogg, Jr., cases exceeded by 100 the figures geson, Richard Broad, James Rob- Charles William Schoendube and for April of 1946. Other services, ert Burton, John Alden Clark, Robert Harvey Smith. including clinic calls, infirmary 'George Robert Crossman, Milton John Stinson Howell was award- patients, and special treatments, Daniel David, Marvins S. Dunen- ed the Joseph Boyer Scholarship, were considerably lower than cor- feld, Stanton Tice East, Bryce which was established in 1938 by responding figures quoted for last Malcolm Emunson, Cedric Val- Mrs. Henry E. Candler, Grosse year. jean Fricke, Charles Edmund Pointe. Guthrie, Ivan LeRoy Hanson, Robert Campbell Gemmell Me- 11l FLewis Francis Jilbert, Giles Garth morial Scholarships, set up for Leeth, John William MacMillan, freshman and sophomore students Leland Perry Stewart, Franklyn by Mrs. Lillian Gemmell of Oak- b1terviewers Louis Thomas, Robert Julius Wer- land, Calif., in memory of her nick, James Thomas Williams, brother. were awarded to Robert Robert Carneiro, chairman of Weldon Hartley Wilson, Bernard, Newhall Clark, Arthur James the Bureau of Student Opinion, William Wilterdink and Irma Mar- Knapp and James Henry Poppy. asked yesterday that all students ; interested in serving as inter- V viewers for a forthcoming compre- hensive poll of campus political Shower - WedIng GUf s activity, file their applications .fS ow er Wdding IfS atLane Hall before Wednesday. flFOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER BRIDES The interviewers, who can also help code and tabulate the ques~ BRIDGE SETS in Linen--hand-blocked or hand-embroidered tionnaires, need no previous ex- perience, Carneiro said, because COCKTAIL NAPKINS, Madeira Tea Napkns they will be trained by the mem- LUNCHEON SETS of fine Belgian Linen--hand-blocked in hers of the bureau. gay patterns and tub-fast colors The questionnaire, which wills contain open end questions, will Embroidered SHEET and PILLOW CASE SETS be given to a scientifically selected DAN RIVER luxury muslin sheets and cases-81x108 and cross-section of the student body. 72x108, cases 42" Two pre-tests have already been given to help the bureau formulate ~ L questions. GA E N N SHP The Bureau of Student Opinion is being aided by two represents- Aiway Reasonably Priced! 11 NIcK s ARCADE tives from the University Surveyls1A Research Center. e_--yo< -yo<--y<--yo<- - - - -o --) ) fLUlflU"LF.IILThfll2TLtill 1ThR~1TUTP 1T~LFID fl Ri L7'LTLFU LL Van Illy __jj _ . _ stPer V K 1 acy ' 4/' S ,~ 4q) favorite foundations I ;-~ 9e urA . 4 k, .> N,, ti , ' / ' ,, f7 / 237 'A.' * Life Bra... * Stylecraft Garterbelt, all in WHITE 4 * fi ? fi f : : \ : :T 1 ': \ ys C ti t K r'% Y r r 'C. 1 t , __ ; ' __ > :: y Q ' r 2- 1> ':.y. , ;; ,. , .. WE DING IN JUNE? our breathless collection of bridesmaid dresses . exquisite lingerie . . glamorous trousseau clothes so moderately priced . . BRIDAL HEADDRESSES hats and veils for the wedding party specially designed by Annabelle at our State Street store . - - and by Virginia Cook at our South University store . from $12.50 IN, / AC I -j -, WINNER El liete poptFlarity poll. This flat as flat Naturalizer voted tops for clever design.. voted tops for low-down basic comfort.. voted tops for young high-style smartness. r4 F - UiftI Bra r GARTER BELT b , a In net with satin inserts and stretchable UPLIFT BRA . . . gently cups the breasts, separating them deftly and alluringly. Sizes 32 to 36. A, B and C cups. $1.75. INFLATED BRA .,.. lace and satin bra with sponge rubber pads for clearer curves. Sizes 32 to 36. $3.50. Garter Belt I I elastic garters and back. Sizes II