TIE MICHIGAN DAILY NSO Trav TTHE NATIONAL STUDENT ORGANIZA- TION is now attempting to charter three liberty ships to enable students to travel abroad this summer. In future years a strong NSO could use many times that number of ships to permit students to travel abroad at reasonable rates. Is not a wide cultural exchange a stride in the direction of the universal goal of world peace? What better way to accomplish this than by making it possible for our college youth to vacation abroad or to extend the plan now being initiated by Smith College and the University of Delaware for students to spend their "Junior year abroad"? Providing foreign travel is but one of the many ways in which the National Student Organization can be of benefit to the Ameri- can students. Final decisions about the aims and activities of the still embryonic NSO will be determined at the constitutional con- vention to be held at the University of Wis- consin early this fall. The University of Michigan will have a voice in those decisions. The NSO is a non- political organization set up to be represen- tative of all American students and designed to work through student governing bodies on college campuses. To insure the widest possible representation from Michigan, three delegates will be elected from the campus- at-large Wednesday while three more will be chosen by the Student Legislature from among its own membership. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only.# NIGHT EDITORS: MALOY & CAMPBELL el Project These six students face the task of set- ting up the machinery for an extensive for- eign travel program as well as the exchange of information within this country which would help improve student faculty rela- tions, build strong student governments, and eliminate discrimination in educational op- portunities or intercollegiate athletics. They will face a few highly controversial issues, as well. Affiliation with the International Union of Students which has brought together rep- resentatives from some 40 national student groups in as many countries has been op- posed on the basis that part of its member- ship is communistic. (From Communist- dominated countries this is not particularly surprising. The UN has Communists too.) The actual issue will probably be a clause in the IUS constitution which would bind all of its members to decisions of the IUS. It is expected that the IUS will waive this clause before the September convention in order to gain American participation. The role of partisan or sectarian national student groups in the NSO will probably draw the strongest controversy. Specifically the issue will be whether the AYD, along with 27 other national groups like the YMCA, YWCA, National Council of Catholic Col- lege Students, American Unitarian Youth, etc., should be a voting member and have two to four delegates.-r After the convention, the University's del- egates will be expected to continue repre- senting the University to the NSO and in turn to represent the NSO to the student body. They will provide the nucleus for our cooperation with students throughout the country in working out solutions to our common problems. -Tom Walsh .1" M zaz-__ MATTER OF FACT: 1948 Campaign Predictions By JOSEPH ALSOP W ASHINGTON, May 10.-Making book on politics is a chancy business. Even so, it has now become a good money bet that foreign policy, rather than the labor issue or any other aspect of the domestic situation, will dominate the 1948 campaign. People in a hurricane rarely pause to argue about what to have for dinner. Their thoughts are likely to be concentrated on keeping the storm shutters closed. And by next year, the mone- tary crisis recently described in this space, as well as other obvious factors, will almost inevitably produce a sense of involvement in a hurricane. This is true because the simple magnitude of the problems ahead is their most striking characteristic. They cannot be dealt with on the scale of the Greek-Turkish aid bill. One estimate of the authorization of funds need- ed, over a three to five-year period, to pre- vent the world-wide dollar shortage from halting all postwar reconstruction, runs as high as $20,000,000,000. When it is consid- ered that we are spending half this amount or more in annual defense appropriations the sum is placed in its correct proportion as a cheap price for a peaceful world. Nevertheless, it is easy to foresee the Con- gressional, and particularly the Republican reaction, if the President goes before the next session of Congress to request authori- zations and appropriations of even half or one quarter this amount. Furthermore, the monetary crisis is only half the story. The Communist party line is now plainly changing in Europe. At Moscow, the change was first announced by the extraordinary rudeness shown to French Foreign Minister Bidault by Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov. (At one offi- cial dinner, Molotov first toasted Secre- taries Bevin and Marshall, and then, a few minutes later, offered a toast to Bi- dault 'with the remark that he did not want to "leave anyone out.") The rude- ness was, of course, merely an outward and visible sign of inner discontent with the system by which Communists all over Eur- ope, and especially in France, have partici- pated in national governments and worked for national reconstruction. The French Communists have now left the government-the immediate cause being a strike in the Renault works in which the party supported the workers' demand for higher wages! Communist leaders like Jac- ques Duclos continue to assert that although no longer taking part in the government, the Communists will support government poli- cies. But in Washington, in London, and according to report even in Paris, it is gen- erally expected that this will prove to be nonsense. Instead, it is anticipated that the party will pull, one after the other, the vari- ous levers of command in the unions and elsewhere, by which it can halt French recovery. If the Republicans are to respond to the emergency abroad by emphasizing na- tional unity, it is essential that the bi- partisan foreign policy be measurably strengthened. Prior to Secretary Marshall's return from Moscow, it was repeatedly re- ported here that bi-partisanship was weak- ening. It must now be added that the situation has lately grown even worse. The Republican symbol of bi-partisanship at Moscow was John Foster Dulles, and Dulles came back in a mood to criticize Marshall. Since he has made no secret of his feeling! that Marshall, although a very great man, is also a very rigid one, it may be assumed that he has communicated his discontent to the Republican leaders in Congress. On the other hand, while Governor Thom- as E. Dewey has broken all. records for politi- cal mum-ness, he is known to advocate a strong foreign policy. He would certainly not fight a campaign, at this juncture, on thej kind of isolationist platform he favored in 1940. And the majority of the most astute political observers in Congress think that Dewey's nomination is a foregone conclu- sion, as of today. That sums up the Repub- lican dilemma. The country had best hope that a wise way out is discovered by the solons. (copyright 1947. New York Herald Tribune) BOOKS STILL REMEMBER with excitement the shadowless Mississippi summer when I de- voured the literature of the Irish Literary Revival. I discovered that in our own cen- tury poetic drama had reached new and brilliant beauty. I read the then new partial autobiography, "Pictures in the Hallway" and was captivated by the tender joy and suffering O'Casey had managed symbolically to impart. This week,through Mary Colum's new book, I have relived that summer, have been again entranced by Yeats, Synge. O'Casey, Dunsany, Lady Gregory and the Abbey Theater. Mary Colum in "Life and the Dream" has described her experiences in the Irish Lit- erary Revival. Remembering those few years, she has unfolded the frenzied emotional mo- ments of this portion of her life with the same vitality that I found in O'Casey's work. She saw the Dublin of the pre-rebellion era as a university student in the excitement of youth. Affecting the colorful, ancient Gaelic dress for theater first-nights, attending re- unions or discussion groups led by patriot- artists, comparing continuously dry, aca- demic literature with the impact of living literature that was flowering around her, she absorbed, and makes her reader absorb, the fire and intensity of those fantastic days. She describes with the fresh excite- ment of a school-girl Lady Gregory's cool- ness and superiority, Yeat's impelling charm that calmed Dublin citizens who were en- raged by Synge's "Playboy of the Western World." Seldom has an author revealed the Irishman's passionate hatred of British gov- ernment so knowingly, or contrasted so sharply the joy with which the Irish litera- ture was greeted by London critics with the reprisals its leaders met before English fir- ing squads for their political rebellion. This undercurrent of remorse for dead comrades combined with flashing patriotism makes Mary Colum's book as unique as the literary movement that molded so many of her opin- ions and guided for a time her entire life. The book is not wholly about her experi-. ences in Ireland however, for she has spent more of her life in this country travelling with her poet husband, Padraic, and work- ing as a critic herself. She describes her en- trance to America, her sad realization of American racial barriers, the horrible. ma- chine-precision of the immigration officials at Ellis Island, their chalked symbols, their penetrating inquiries.. She pictures Mrs. Wil- liam Vaughn Moody's deliberately demo- cratic mansion in Chicago and her own dingy apartment on New York's Beekman Place. But more valuable than such lively pictures are her moving portraits of our literary per sonalities: bulky Amy Lowell, heavily labor- ing up to a fourth-floor walk-up, Agnes O'Neill, breathless at receiving her first Con- necticut caller, Hendrik Van Loon's rude anti-Catholicism, Elinor Wylie's startling love of parties. Through her book walk such fabulous characters as John Quinn, Profes- sor George Pierce Baker, Edna St. Vincent Millay, James Joyce and the Franklin Roosevelts. There is no world-shaking philosophy be- hind Mary Colum's writing. She has watched her friends die one by one, some in violence, as suicides or traitors to the British Empire, some of disease. She has watched the world's interest turn from literary thought to politi- cal thought, and she is confused. But if she cannot lead to the future, she has indeed showed the past with a charming intimacy. For this her book is valuable as well as delightful. -J. M. Culbert General Library List Aragon, Louis-Aurelien. New York, Duell, 1947. Crum, Bartley C.-Bebind the Silken Curtain New York, Simon and Schuster, 1947. Curtis, Charles P., Jr.-Lions under the Throne. Boston, Houghton, 1947. Fast, Howard-The Children. New York, Duell, 1947. Levi, Carlo-Christ Stopped at Eboli, New York, Farrar, 1947. Thomas, Norman-Appeal to the Nations. New York, Holt, 1947. The measure of our success in providing effective controls against atomic warfare will be the test of our ability to impose lim- itations or controls on weapons of any type. If we fail here, it will be a waste of time to try to limit the use of guns, rockets, ships, bacteria or gases. We are engaged in a pilot operation. That the operation is in the atomic field makes it of the utmost urgency but does not change the factors which condition the success of every effort toward disarmament. Wen can be sure of enlisting the great scientists of the world to help solve the technical problems of the present operation. What is needed first is an agreement by the political leaders. Then the technicians can set to work effec- tively, not only to master the most destruc- tive weapon ever to threaten civilization but also to tame and direct to the beneficient uses of peace the incalculable powers of atomic energy. -Foreign Affairs University Lecture: Professor Max Fisch, Department of Philos- ophy, University of Illinois, will lecture on the subject, "Evolution in American Philosophy from 1860-1917," at 4:15 p.m., Tues., May 13, Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of Philosophy. The public is cordial- ly invited. Furniture Industry Lecture: Mr. R. K. Braund of the Furniture De- partment of the J. L. Hudson Com- pany in Detroit, will speak on "Retail Merchandising of Furni- ture" at 10 a.m., Tues., May 13, East Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. All students in the wood technology program in the School of Forestry and Conservation are expected to attend and others in- terested are invited. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Rob- ert James Lowry, Botany; thesis: "A Cytotaxonomic Study of the Genus Mnium," Mon., May 12, 3 p.m., Rm. 1139, Natural Science Bldg. Chairman, W. C. Steere. Doctoral Examination for Har- vey T. Deinzer, Economics; thesis: "Adaptation of World War II Price Control to National Economic Pro- grams in the United States," Tues., May 13, 3:15 p.m., East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman S. Peterson. Chemistry Colloquim: Wed., May 14, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Andre Dreiding, G. I. Fuji- moto, and L. B. Wick will discuss their original work on "Synthesis in the Field of Sex Hormones." Seminar in Engineering Me- chanics: The Engineering Mechan- ics Department is sponsoring a series of discussions on the Plas- ticity of Engineering Materials. The discussions of this series will be at 7:30 p.m., Tues.. May 13, Rm. 402, W. Epgineering Bldg. Wildlife Management Seminar: 4:30 p.m., Mon., May 12, Rm. 2039, Natural Science Bldg. ' Dr. Arnold Haugen, Wildlife Ex- tension Specialist of the Michigan Conservation Department and of the Michigan Conservation Insti- tute, will speak on the role of wildlife extension work in conser- vation and wildlife education for the public. All students in the field of Wild- life Management are expected to attend, and anyone else interested is invited. Zoology Seminar: Thur., May 15, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Mr. Clifford Berg will speak on "Limnological Relations of Insects to Plants of the Genus Protamoge- ton." Mr. Joe Neel will speak on "A Limnological Investigation of the Psammolittoral Zone in Doug- las Lake, Michigan, with Especial Reference to Shoal and Shoreline Dynamics." Concentration Advisement Se- ries: During the coming week seven departments of the Literary Col- lege will hold concentration ad- visement meetings. Sophomores and freshmen seeking assistance in choosing a field of concentration are urged to attend these meetings and to ask questions. Speakers will attempt to make clear the nature and scope of a departmental area of study, its relation to a liberal education, and its professional or vocational significance. The pro- gram for Monday, May 12, is as follows: Physics Department-2231 An- gell Hall, 4:15 p.m. Prof. H. R. Crane-Physics as a field of concentration. Prof. J. M. Cork-Industrial op- portunities in physics. Foreign Language Department- 231 Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. Prof. A. J. Jobin-Values in the study of modern foreign languages. (Advisers in the, Romanic and Germanic languages will be pres- ent to answer the students' ques- tions.) ters, Sowerby. Dupre anct Re be. The public is invited. Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, Sunday afternoon, May 11, 1:30. Program: Handel's See the Conquering Hero Comes, instrumental selections by Daquin, Couperin, Martini and Rameau; Sonata for 35 bells by Professor Price, and a group of vo- cal compositions by Purcell. Grieg and Schubert. The University of Michigan Women's Glee Club, Marguerite V. Hood, Conductor, will present its annual spring concert at 8:30 p.m., Wed., May 14, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Program: 16th Century Madrigals, Art Songs, Songs by 20th Century Composers, semi- popular and Michigan songs. The public is invited. Student Recital: Daniel Allen Kyser, Clarinetist, assisted by Bea- trice Gaal, pianist, and Charles Jacobson, violist, will present a re- cital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music in Music Educa- tion, at 8:30 p.m., Mon., May 12, Rackham Assembly Hall. Program: Compositions by , von Weber, Brahms, Rabaud, Jeanjean, Le- febvre and Mozart. Open to the public. Student Recital: Rose Suzanne Derderian, Soprano, will present a' recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., Tues., May 13, in Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. Program: German, French, Italian and English songs. Open to the public. Exhibition The Museum of Archaeology: Current Exhibit: "Life in a Roman Town, in Egypt, 30 B.C. - 400 A.D." Tues. through Fri., 9-12, 2- 5; Sat., 9-12; Sun. 3-5. The Museum of Art: Drawings by Maurice Sterne and Paintings by Pedro Figari. Alumni Memor- ial Hall, daily, except Monday, 10- 12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5; Wed- nesday evenings 7-9. The public is cordially invited. Events Today U. of M. Hot Record Society. League, 8 p.m. Student League for Industrial Democracy: 5:30-7 p.m., Michigan Union. Agenda: election of offi- cers and election of a SLID sum- mer continuations committee. Coming Events All members of Graduate Fac- ulty. Meeting 4:10 p.m., Wed., May 14, Rackham Amphitheatre. All members of graduate faculty are urged to be present and to bring ballots which have been distrib- uted to graduate faculty. Graduate Student Council: 7:30 p.m., Mon., May 12, East Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. Pi Lambda Theta and Phi Delta Kappa, professional societies in Education. Joint meeting, 8 p.m., Wed., May 14, East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Topic: "Should Teachers Salaries Be Bas- ed on Merit Ratings?" Senior Class, College of Archi- tecture and Design. Meeting, Mon., May 12, 4:30 p.m., Rm. 101, Architecture Bldg. Business: pic- nic and Commencement Exercise. Anthropology Club, Tues., May 13, 7:30 p.m., University Museums Bldg. Mr. Kins Collins of Detroit will show his colored slides on the ancient Zapotec and Maya dis- coveries in Middle America. Use back entrance. Modern Poetry Club. Mon., May 12, 7:30 p.m., Hopwood Room. Translation of poetry will be dis- cussed. Quarterdeck. 7:30 p.m., Tues., May 13, Rm. 336, W. Engineering Bldg. Election of officers. (Continued from Page 3) Sunday, 8:30. Philadelphia Or- chestra; Ferriuccio Tagliavini, ten- J or:Alexnderhuisergcon__.or or ; Alexander Hilsber g, Conductor. LeCtirtS "Te Deum" (Verdi); University University Lecture: Dr. H. P. Choral Union, Thor Johnson, con- limsworth, professor of medicine, ductor. University College, London, will lecture on the subject, "Nutrition- Organ Recital: Claire Coci, of al Factors in Liver Injury," at 8 Westminster Choir College, p.m., Mon., May 12, Rackham Am- Princeton, N. J., will appear as phitheatre; auspices of the Medi- guest organist in Hill Auditorium, cal School and the Alfred Duns- Thurs., May 15, at 4:15 p.m. Pro- ton, Jr., Fund. gram: Compositions by Bach, Pee- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Letters to the Editor... EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily (wihssVE ,0 letter to the editor in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in leters are those of the writers only. Letters o more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted .t the discretion of the edi- torial director. Cancer Cure To the Editor: RICHARD LAUTERBACH, cor- respondent for Life Magazine, reports a cancer cure on which doctors give no comment whatever in recent accounts of the can er problem. Perhaps the doctors prefer to ignore the information for poli- tical reasons. Might I suggest, therefore, that sufferers from cancer, and others who are interested, but not over- ly reactionary in their cohtical sentiments, consult Mr. Laiter- bach's latest book. -Andrew Bugosh Fire Hazard To the Editor: WHILE we are discussing fire hazards and fire prevention, let us consider the case of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Six times during last night's perform- ance of "Saint Joan," the audi- ence sat in complete darkness while scenes were being changed. The exit signs are plainly marked, of course, but they don't hold out much comfort when one is sit- ting in blackness, considering the possibility of fire with a hundred panic stricken people and the same number of invisible seats between him and the sign. Per- haps it is thought that the mood of the play will be better sustained if one sees nothing distracting be- tween scenes, but surely there are others like me who spend the time calculating whether it would be better to remain until the crowd gets out, and run the risk of suf- focation, or make a dash for it over the tops of the seats. There are some fine dome lights which were used during one scene. Is there any reason why they can'thbe used all the time? It's a shame to spoil a wonderful pro- duction by making us wonder if Joan's fate will be ours. -Betty Cairus Voluntarily Retryned To the Editor: T LEAST, one student veteran appears who shows some mor- al stamina and true citizenship. The graduate student who has voluntarily returned his $500 bon- us to the State Government should have a monument erected in his honor. In these days when a large sec- tion of the population insists on solved: that the Saint Lawrence Waterway Project be executed. In case of rain, debate will be in Michigan Union. A Bill of Three One-Act Plays will be presented tomorrow night at 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre by the department of speech. Students in advanced courses in Play Production will stage and direct the three plays. Admission free to public.Tickets may be ob- tained at the theatre box office tomorrow from 10-f, 2-5, and 7-8 p.m. Ball and Chain Club. Mon., May 11, 7:45 p.m., Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. The Annual French Play: Those who want the picture of "Le Mal- ade Imaginaire," please sign up with the Secretary of the Romance Language Department, Rm. 112 before Fri., May 16. Conversation Group, Sociedad Hispanica : 3:30 to 5 p.m., Mon., May 12, International Center. Intercollegiate Zionist Federa- tion of America, Michigan chapter, will hold elections at 8 p.m., Tues., May 12. Pictures taken at the Zionist summer camp will be shown. All are invited. Deutscher Verein picnic. 3:30 p.m., Sun., May 18, on the Island. Tickets obtainable in German Dept. office, 204 University Hall. Churches demanding their subsistence (and even amenities and luxuries) from the government (which mean, the rest of the population), for one man to refuse his dole is to furnish our modern age with an example of Cincinnatus' virtue, merit and independence. University students should be required to show some of the in- terest which they profess in the welfare of the state. As the edu- cated class, they have the respon-- sibility to observe the lesson which the history of Rome teaches": when the army of parasites who lived on "bread and circuses" grew so large that no politician would deny them their dole from fear he would lose their votes, then Rome lost its republican govern- ment to the imperial system; and m the end, lost its territories to less lethargic barbarians. The Bible records the story that God would have been spared the destruction of Sodom, if there had been found therein only one vir- tuous man. Perhaps, since one citizen-veteran w i t h financial backbone has been found who will refuse to accept his $500 dole, our democratic republic may survive. -George Henderson Negro History To The Editor: T HE WRITER of the letter to the editor, May 7, by Ruther- ford Minton, is only representative of the generality which is misin- formed on the history of the Negro in America. His knowledge of the subject is small and is derived from literature composed of more fiction than fact and is sustained by propaganda of which the fan- tasy, "Song of the South" is so excellent an example. How can he or any other aver- age person write knowhingly of the Negro's past when so little of it has been written, even less read, when only a few men have thor- oughly studied his history in this country? Count the pages of the true Negro historiography and then realize how little you know about it. The truth is that all men rebel in slavery. Negroes reacted no differently. Documents, news- papers, books of the slavery period give proof to the lie you have been taught and, in your short-sighted- ness, believe. The Abolitionist movement's pioneers were Ne- groes. The Underground Railway was their creation. The whole South lived in fear that under the abject humiliation and physical violence imposed on the slaves, they would rise to destroy their op- pressor, and gain their freedom. And the history of the period clearly shows that these fears were well-founded. Escapes, rebellions and conspiracies were the usual and not the rare thing. The spirit of militarism in the South has its roots in the fear that one-third of the population would revolt. No, Minton, the bill of goods you're selling is antiquated. We don't want the advice of those who talk of human brotherhood and at the same time can see virtue in slavery. The Negro is not ashamed of his heritage. Nor does he be- lieve his history as written by Southern so-called "authorities," characterized by omission and dis- tortion of fact, and promulgated by every means possible in our daily life-of which "Song of the South," etc. He will continue to fight intolerance, prejudice and race hate for his own good and the good of other men. -Harold L. White t t Mil I 4 I I 4 I I I I i '4 'I + MUSIC + Third Concert: Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 4 in A Major, Op. 90 ("Italian"); Song Cycle from the Masters; Festival Youth Chorus, Marguerite Hood, Director; Brahms: Concerto in D Major, Op. 77 for Violin and Orchestra; Soloist: Isaac Stern, and the Philadelphia Or- chestra, Alexander Hillsberg, conducting. YESTERDAY AFTERNOON's concert at Hill Auditorium was a heterogeneous affair, but, to paraphrase that eminent American poet, Edgar Guest, there was a little bit of pleasure in it for everyone. Featured soloist was Isaac Stern, violinist, performing the Brahms D major concerto. Mr. Stern, who was making his first appear- ance in Ann Arbor, had an interesting style to offer. He has fine purity of tone and lyric quality to his playing which showed itself to particular advantage in the second movement. However, an excess of bravura and not too careful technique in general, were on the minus side, removing much of the sparkle from the first and third move- ments. The program started with a very finely polished performance of thv "Italian Sym- phony" by Mr. Hillsberg and the orchestra. This old favorite sounded better than ever yesterday and, with the presence of a few Fourth Concert: Ballet Suite, "The Good- Humored Ladies," Scarlatti-Tommasini "Qui sdegnornon accende" from "The Magic Flute," Mozart; "Non piu andrai" from "The Marriage of Figaro," Mozart (Mr. Pinza); Symphony No. 2. Op. 35, Creston; Monologue, Farewell, and Death, from "Brois Godunov," Moussorgsky, (Mr. Pinza); Suite from "The Fire-Bird," Stra- vinsky. MR. ORMANDY returned to the podium for the fourth concert of the May Festi- val Series which was highlighted by the ap- pearance of Ezio Pinza as solist. Both ar- tists maintained the concert in the tradition which has far dominated the festival. The rich resonance and great clarity of the tones of Mr. Pinza's majestically mas- culine voice enhanced his renditions of both the Mozart and Moussorgsky numbers to the ultimate degree of perfection. It was, however, in the "Boris Godunov" excerpt that he combined his dramatic ability with the excellence of his voice to win his way deep into the hearts of his audience, as was evidenced by the numerous rounds of applause demanding repeated acknowledg- ments. The program was opened with a delight- ful interpretation of the Scarlatti Suite by Mr. Ormandy. The orchestral precision and brilliance of tone quality in the string sec- First Presbyterian Church. 10:45 a.m. Worship. Dr. Lemon's Moth- er's Day sermon topic will be "Mothers-And Mothers." 5 p.m., Westminster Guild meets in Rus- sel Parlor. Dr. Lemon will speak on "Christian Ideals of Marriage and Home." Supper follows. Congregational Church. 10:45 a.m., Dr. Parr's subject will be "Unconscious of Their Good." 6 p.m. Congregational-Disciples Stu- (Continued on Page 6) Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha.......Managing Editor Clayton Dickey...........City Editor Milton Freudenhein..Editorial Director Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor Ann Kutz...........Associate Editor Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor Jack Martin ............ Sports Editor Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk........... Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant Member Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 Concerts Ay Festival Concerts. Sigma Rho Tau, engineering nday, 2:30. Philadelphia Or- speech society. Open-air debate at tra; Robert Casadesus, pian- the Stump by W. Engineering Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Bldg., Tues., May 13, 7 p.m. Re- BARNABY Business Staff Rlobert E. Potter .... General Janet Cork .........Business Nancy Helmick ...AdvertIsing Manag r manag r Manager Elbow grease, m'boy. You can't beat if. See! I This old wash board is as good as new again. ril But wait- Here's a better idea. Explain that the boards a gift rfemember now. Don't let on that your FAIRY Godfather dreamed up Lf.....,..L,,.. .4 TL..,. A 4~wiaA D4,,,ea I to 1 1 M,,"tRvr ni Tbo Accnriatod Prpirt 1