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May 10, 1947 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-10

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____________________________ ____THE r Iu TCFTTC N PDAILY


'U' Librarian Emeritus
Was Also Sailor,Writer

Sailors, world - travellers and
short-story authors aren't usually
librarians emeriti also, but it some-
times happens.
Judging by papers recently re-
ceived by the Michigan Historical
collections in the Rackham Build-
ing, Raymond C. Davis, distin-
guished servant of the University
library for 28 years, was a case in
point. Personal letters and note-
books donated by Mrs. John T.
Norton of Cambridge, Mass., to-
gether with his written biography,
reveal some of the facts about his
colorful life,
Doubled as Mariner
Davis doubled as an Atlantic
mariner before and between his
years at Michigan, and he did a
lot of writing throughout his life.
Tribute Paid
To Charnton
Mother of 20
CHICAGO, May 9- It took six
taxicabs to transport the Latoria
children and their "world's cham-
pion mom" to a pre-Mother's
Day luncheon today.
Mrs. Michael Latoria, 58, of Chi-
cago, won that title in a nation-
wide contest when Jim and Doro-
thy McGuinn, authors of the hu-
mor book, "Parents Can't Win,"
looked about for a living prototype
for their fictionized mother of 21
children. Mrs. Latoria had 22, 20
of them living.
"Mom" sported an orchid cor-
sage and sat at a huge table laden
with wine and flowers and decked
with a red and white cake and a
giant Mother's Day greeting
card. The luncheon took the form
of an Italian feast.
Mrs. Latoria and her husband,
p4,. cultivate 150 acres of farm
land just outside Chicago. Both
came to America from Italy when
ni their teens.
Their children-11 girls and nine
boys-range in age from 13 to 38.
Seven live at home, the rest in
Chicago and its suburbs.
Among gifts showered on Mrs.
Latoria at the luncheon were a
permanent wave, a new hat, a por-
trait, a cosmetic travel kit, and a
table model radio.
But when the excitement was
over, "Mom" had something even
better to look forward to. The last
of her six sons to enter service was
due home from Japan "any min-
ute now."
Engineers Will
Stage Debate
A time-honored stump within
the Engine Arch will mark th
scene of an oratorical debate Tues-
day evening, between the campus
chapter of Sigma Rho Tau and the
Detroit Institute of Technology.
The University's Stump Speak-
ers. Society is set to hold forth in
the negative on the much dis-
cussed St. Lawrence waterway
question; with Marvin D. Shaffer,
Quentin Vandervoort, Milton
Siegel, Herbert Greene and Werner
Blumenthal taking to the stump in
the unique open air debate.
Seats will be set up around the
stump and a public address system
will be used.
An appropriations bill for the
proposed waterway project, which
would link Great Lakes ports with
the Atlantic, is now before Con-
Expecting a DIT argument that

the project would render Great
Lake cities major seaports, the
Michigan group will reason that it
would also bring complex immi-
gration and customs problems.
SLID Plans To Hold
Meeting Tomorrow
The Student League for Indus-
trial Democracy will hold its first
regular meeting at 5:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union.
Officers will be elected, and aims
and program of SLID will be dis-
cussed. Members will consider
summer plans and election of a
summer continuatsions committee,
and will discuss topics to be
brought up at a state SLID con-
ference to be held next week in
Lansing, in addition to electing
representatives to the conference.
The meeting is open to anyone
Reds Celebrate
MOSCOW, May 9 - (AP) - Mil-

The son of a sea captain, Davis
was born in Maine in 1836. At
thirteen, he started around the
world in a fishing vessel, a trip:
which lasted two years. He later
described the trip in a book enti-
tied "Reminiscences of a Voyage
Around the World," published in,
..,vis came to Michigan in 1855
to be assistant librarian. After two
years he returned to the sea to
engage in the coasting trade.
Offered the job of assistant li-
,raran in lbb.
nently in the management of the
growing University library. He
'ould have taken the job of libra-
rian four years later, but not want-
ing to force the incumbent out of
a job, he returned to Maine. He
later became librarian in 1877 and
toward the end of his career, li-
brarian emeritus.
Personal Notebook
Davis' personal notebook, ap-
propriately titled "A Pickwick
Note Book to Receive the Odds and
Ends of Ray Davis' Mind," is a
curious volume. It contains some
old stories, recipes, a lot of home
remedies and assorted literary tid-
bits. A seasickness remedy of mo-
lasses, slush and salt water and
"sure cures" for rheumatism,
scarlet fever and varicose veins are
The poetry department is the
best. Even distinguished libra-
rians, it seems, enjoy things like:
"The smallest fleas upon their
Have ether fleas to bite 'em
And these in turn have smaller
And so ad infinitum."
'Sally Rand
Aids Learning
Will jointly Sponsor
College Scholarship
CHAMPAIGN. Ill., May 9-(P)-
Sally Rand, who wiggled to fame
behind a fan and a balloon, came
out in the open today with $1,000
for higher education.
Sally, who currently is swishing
her fans in her traveling girl show
at Decatur, Ill., said she and an-
other show owner would jointly
finance a $1,000, four-year Harold
"Red" Grange scholarship at the
University of Illinois in honor of
the former football star. Grange
entered the university 25 years ago
this year.
Grange, who is slated to receive
the scholarship fund in Chicago
Wednesday on behalf of the Chi-
cago Illini Club said, "If Sally's
fans can help fan somebody
through a four year education, I
think that's great."
(Continued from Page 5)
p.m.. Mon., May 12.' East Lecturel
Room, Rackham Bldg.
Mexican Film: "Asi se quiere en
Jalisco," starring actor-singer
Jorge Negrete, will be presented by1
the Sociedad Hispanica Tues. and
Wed., May 13 and 14, Rackham,
Lecture Hall, 8:30 p.m. Tickets
may be purchased at Wahrs Book-
store, Michigan Union, or in Rm.
112, Romance Languages Bldg.
Conversation Group, Sociedadl
Hispanica: 3:30 to 5 p.m., Mon.,
May 12, International Center. l

Student League for Industrial'
Democracy: 5:30-7 p.m., Sun., May
11, Michigan Union. Agenda: elec-
tion of officers and election of a1
SLID summer continuations com-

Steel Shortage
Closes Detroit
Auto Factories
Expect 35,000 Idle
During Next Week
DETROIT, May 9-VP)-Upward
of 35,000 automotive plant workers
in the Detroit area will be idled
next week by production cutbacks
resulting from a shortage of mate-
rials, principally sheet steel.
The curtailments will reduce
next week's passenger car output
to well below 60,000 units, com-
pared with a recent weekly average
of around 80,000.
Six Briggs Plants To Close
Close upon the announcement
by Chrysler Corp. that all its De-
troit area assembly lines closing
tonight would not reopen until
May 20, Briggs Manufacturing Co.
disclosed that six of its plants,
making bodies for Chrysler divi-
sions also would be closed from to-
night until the same date.
Next Tuesday a seventh Briggs
plant, producing bodies for Pack-
ard also will shut down until May
Meanwhile a number of other
automobile assembly plants hav
been forced to reduce output be-
cause of the sheet steel shortage.
These include a number of General
Motors divisions, Nash and Pack-
Limited Production
While these companies plan to
continue limited assemblies next
week, they will not be able to op-
erate at the average postwar level
thus far attained. Packard has an-
nounced plans for three days op-
eration next week.
Ford indicated today it hoped to
maintain its current level of out-
put, although its "float" of mate-
rials is far below normal propor-
tions, despite the fact it produces
a large part of its own steel re-
Not Unexpected
Although next week's cutback
in car production will be the first
serious curtailment so far this
year, a temporary lag in overall
products has not been entirely un-
expected; it has been known that
most of the car makers have been
eating into their inventories of
sheet steel- and other materials
much faster than they have been
able to replace them.
Father Meets
: TragicTask
Tells 6-Year Old Son
His Feet Are Gone
CHICAGO, May 9 - (P) - How
does one tell his six-year-old son
that his feet are gone?
Howard Richey carried to his
boy-s hospital bed a model air-
plane and two guns with holters
to take some of the bitterness from
the telling.
Young Dale Richey, injured in a
gasoline explosion April 1, had
been unaware that both his feet
had been amputated. The news
also was withheld from his mother
until she had given birth to a
Husky-voiced, the father began
by reminding Dale that he soon
would play with one of his favor-
ite chums.
"But I wanted to tell you one
thing first," he said gently.

"Your legs are shorter than they
were before.
"They were so badly burned that
the doctors had to take off the
feet.. You will have to learn to
walk again."
Dale stared intently at a comic
book on his bed.
"How will I be able to do that?"
he asked his father.
"All the soldiers in the war who
had their legs cut off had to learn
how-to walk all over again," the fa-
ther explained carefully.
Dale considered this, then said:
"I'd rather sit."



TIM E ON H#IS H A N D S._.4Alot of time is saved when
this giant clock, on the Colgate plant in Jersey City, N. J., goes on
summer schedule. Here Norman Reeves, plant electrician, adjusts
a bulb high above the waterfront.

R 0 Y A L B I C Y C L I S T-Tweve-year-old King Feisal II of Iraq, one of the youngest rulers.
of modern times, rides one of his four bicycles on the grounds of the-Rose Palace..'



T I P F R A M D A D D Y-Joseph DiMaggio III, 5 years
old, gets a baseball tip or two from his father, the New York
Yankee outfield star, before a game at the stadium.

G U A R D I N G Y 0 U N C R U L E R-some of the royal guards of King Feisal II, 12-year.
old ruler of Iraq, stand in front of the gate to the main palace in, Baghdad.





A P A N E S E R I V I E R A - This picturesque inn near Atami, seashore resort called the
"Riviera of Japan," is visited by U. S. Army personnel under direction of Red Cross guides.

RESPLENDENT CH I E F S-.Regent Tshekedi (left)
and Chief Bathoen, heads of South African tribes, (donned these
impressive uniforms to greet the visiting British royal family.

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