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February 14, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-14

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'TERl 0I, FAT:

-It is not too.much to say

By J(

that the American future may hang on
e. outcome of the fight-on David E. Lilien-
al's confirmation as chairman of the
omic Energy Commission. Soundly devel-
ed, the incalculable force of atomic ener-
is capable of revolutionizing the world's
'ry economic pattern, and laying the foun-
tion of general plenty within the fore-
able future. Lilienthal and his colleagues,
.o are not simpletons, have frankly said
much after their survey of the Manhat-
1 District's facilities and installations.
inner Pike, who is a New Englander, a,,.e-
blican, and a businessman, who quite
cessfully "met a payroll," virtually testi-
d to this effect at the Senate hearings.'
Sound development of these immeasurable
tentialities in this country will, in turn,
stly strengthen the -American effort to.
tce atomic energy under international con-
). And here we see the other side of the
idal. For atomic energy is not only the
ans of life; it is also the means of death.
d if control is not achieved, wise and in-
med men must join the Seventh Day Ad-
itists and ,the Shakers of the old days,
making ready for something not too un-
e the end of the world.-.

ing Senator Kenneth McKellar to make it
doubtful whether Lilienthal will be confirm-
ed. They are doing so, moreover, although
they well understand McKellar's motives;
although they know the charges against
Lilienthal are trumped-up nonsense; and al-
though this man accused of "Communism"
has answered his accuser with the best
statement of the meaning of democracy that
America has heard in the past decade.

These grim facts,-which are all too easy
o forget, provide the almost melodramatic
background for the sordid scene now being
nacted in the Senate Office Building's
iumber two hearing room. In Lilienthal,
President Truman selected one of the two
>r three men who have in recent years
earned the title of great public servants.
He has conserved the vital resources of
his country which had been sinking into
poverty and devastation. In the Tennes-
ee Valley, furthermore, he has set an
example of decentralization of govern-
tental power, of democracy in action, of
constant, friendly responsiveness to the
will of those he served. When he wmas naim-
ed, the immense najority of Americans
old themselves, with a sigh of relief, that
he President had chosen the best man
available to handle the biggest adminis-
rative job in the country.
He is now under attack by a survivor of
ie Paleozoic era of American politics, an
ged Senator who has 'lived all his political
fe by the greedy pursuit of pork and pat-
mnage, and hates Lilienthal only because
ese insatiable appetites of his were not
:equately catered to by the T.V A. Yet a
ifficient number of other Senators are join-
Editorials published in The Miehigan'Daily
are written by mentbers of The Daily staff
and represent the-views-of the writers only.

presence of McKellar in the Senate has
made most of his colleagues reasonably self-
conscious for a good many years. If no one
believes his charges, and no one admires his
character, where on earth does his support
come from?
The answer, which is very simple, comes
in two parts. It is significant, first of all, the
first voice to be raised against Lilienthal
after that of McKellar should have been the
voice of Senator H. Styles Bridges of New
Hampshire. Bridges' burning conviction that
the views of the power lobby were the chart-
er of American liberties has long been known
to most people in Washington.
These are straws -in the wind which
point to an important truth. The major-
ity of the American power industry has
gained wisdom in the past fourteen years.
But there is still a strong minority who
-talk -of "free enterprise" and mean free-
dom to behave in the manner of Samuel
Insull, and blather of "Communism" and
mean the saintly George W. Norris. These
men are putting the heat on. And they
are putting it on, furthermore, because
they are well aware of the probably revo-
lutionary effect on energy production of
atomic fission, and wish to get this incal-
culable national asset into the kind of
mediocre, fumbling hands they regard as
Secondly, a good many Republicans are
beginning to be gripped with a reaction of
plain, narrow partisanship. Even Senator
Robert A. Taft, the 'Republican leader, is
understood to favor rejection of Lilienthal's
nomination on the simple ground that he is
a "New Dealer," without further reference to
the merits of the case. The idea is that the
Senate must teach President Truman a les-
son. Truman must be shown that nothing
even faintly tinged with any reminiscence
of the accomplishments of the last four-
teen years will be tolerated for an instant.
Thus far, on the other hand, there is every
indication that Taft's co-leader, Senator
Arthur H. Vandenberg, will show in this con-
nection the same grasp of the realities of
modern life that he has shown before. It
is difficult to believe that he or any other
sensible Republican can expect the party to
forge on to victory bearing a banner with
the strange device:
"Back to Herbert Hoover, Calvin Coolidge
and Warren Gamaliel Harding."
(CopyrIght, 1947, New York Tribune, Inc.)

Italian F riend
AMERICANS have an understanding- and
staunch friend in Count Carlo Sforza,
Minister for Foreign Affairs in the new Ital-
ian Cabinet. Count Sforza held this same
office at the time that Mussolini and his
Black Shirts inundated Rome. He refused to
accept Mussolini's dictatorship, although this
refusal put his life in danger and he knew
it. Believing, and rightly, that he could be
of more use to the Italy that he loved, alive,
than dead, Count Sforza escaped to an es-
tate that he owned in southern France. But
Mussolini was to show that he could reach,
with the hands of his dastardly assassins,
even across the French border. And so Count
Sforza came to the United States, bereft
of land and fortune. Here he supported
himself and his family by lecturing, princi-
pally at colleges in all parts of the country.
But much of his time he spent in Washing-
ton to plead and work for the Italian're-
public that was always in his dreams.
One would suppose that this ardent re-
publican would find, not only sympathy and
understanding, but help in Washington in
the advancement of his ideas. But the con-
trary was true. He soon ceased to be wel-
come at the State Department that was pre-
sided over by Cordell Hull. Sometimes. he
could get as far as Under Secretary Welles,
but nothing ever happened. That is, nothing
happened except that little Adolph Berle
was permitted to snap at the heels of Count
Sforza's advocacy of a republic in Italy. He
got just as little encouragement at the Brit-
ish Embassy. As a matter of fact, as has too
often been the case, our State Department
in foreign affairs was getting its cue from
10 Downing Street. 'The great Churchill,
whom Count Sforza knew and whose out-
standing qualities he admired, wanted a
monarchy in England and he was fearful,
that the overthrow of Victor Emmanuel, in
Italy, might so weaken the monarchial idea
as to endanger it in Great Britain.
approached its end, Count Sforza want-
ed to return to his homeland from which he
had been absent for twenty years. But he
could not get a visa from our State Depart-
ment. It was suspected that, once more, our
State Department was being merely the er-
rand boy of the British Foreign Office. Per.
sistently Count Sforza went from one office
in the State Department to another, with,
occasionally, a very sterile interview with
Secretary Hull. Then, when his friends had
come to the conclusion that he ought to de-
clare publicly that he was being held a poli-
tical prisoner in America, a visa was finally
In the meantime, I had undertaken, vol-
untarily, to present Count Sforza's case
directly to President Roosevelt. There was
no doubt of the 'high esteem 'with which
President Roosevelt held this Italian patri-
ot. -He hoped that Count Sforza would
hold a high place in the post-Mussolini
'Italian goverment. After the Count had
returned to Italy, he sent to me by a con-
fidential messenger, a letter which he ask-
ed me to read and then present personally
to 'President Roosevelt. In this letter,
Count Sforza volunteered himself for any
service in this country or in Europe that
might advance the cause of the Allies and
restore the peace and a responsible gov-
ment to Italy, IHe even offered, despite 'his
age-be was a'man then in his late sixties
-to raise an Italian army and personally
lead it into battle on the side of the Allies.
I doubt whether anyone in Italy is better
qualified, by either ability or character, for
the post that he holds than is Count Sforza.
He is vigorous, both physically and intel-
lectually. And he has a heart that, selfless-
ly, is devoted to his native land and to the
cause of liberty in any part of the world.
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

At the Lydia Mendlelssohr.n .,.
WINTERSET (RKCO), Burgess Meredith,
Margo. From the play by Maxwell An-
ALTHOUGH not always successful, the
adaptation of a prize play to the broader
range and facilities of the motion picture
sometimes turns out very happily and one
can make few complaints about this pro-
duction. The screenplay is, on the whole,
skillful, especially since the poetic tenor of
the original has fortunately been largely
eliminated. But Anderson's personality and
force have certainly not "been lost, much to
the credit of the screen writer.
With many of the original Broadway cast
re-appearing in the movie eversion, the act-
ing leaves little to be desired, but the direc-
tor forgot one thing, that the too-frequent
closeups of the leading lady detract from
her effectiveness as well as her somewhat
dubious attractiveness.
Too much dawdling over incidentals
slows up the action, which just barely man-
ages to sustain the tension and credibility
of an audience which is fore-warned of al-
most every "surprise" event.
-Natalie Bagro~v

Copr. l947 United Feature S7nd cate, nc
STm. Pcg. ".ePas4'f.A!( r-tightT s e e nr.
"Coldest pavement I ever sat on."

,~ E
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Es -
t n
4-fa -,

Letters to the Editor.

Lilienthal State et

EDITOR'S NOTE: LillenthaPs statemenit is
printed from The New York Times. For the
op column's reaetion to the Liienthal hear-
gs, see MATTER OLD FACT, above.
'ASHINGTON, Feb. 4 -(UP)-The 'text
of David E. Lilienthal's statement to the
gressional Atomic Committee answering
charge of Senator McKellar of Tennes-
that he has Communistic leanings:
his I do carry in my head, Senator. I
do my best to make it clear. My con-
ions are not so much concerned with
t I am against as what I am for; and
excludes a lot of things automatically.
'aditionally, democracy has been an af-
iativedoctrine rather than nerely a peg-
e one. I believe-and I do so conceive the
stitution of the United States to rest
n, as does religion-the fundamental
position of the integrity of'the individual;
that all Government and all private in-
itions must be designed to promote and
rotect and defend the integrity and the
iity of the individual; that that is -the
ntial meaning of the Constitution and
Bill of Rights, as it 'is essentially ,the
,ning of religion.
ny form of government, therefore, and
other institutions which make means
ier than ends; which exalt the State or
other institutions 'above the importance
nen, which uplace arbitrarypower over
i as a fundamental tenet of government
any other institutions, are contrary to
- conception, and therefore I am deeply
osed to them.
Lie communistic philosophy, as well as
communistic form of government, fall
zin this category, for their fundamental
t is quite to the contrary. The funda-

mental tenet of communism is that the
state is an end in itself, and that therefore
the powers which the state exercises over
the individual are without any ethical stand-
ard to limit them. That I deeply disbelieve.
It is -very easy simply to say one is not
a Communist. And of course, if my record
requires me to state that very affirmative-
ly, then it is a great diappointment to
me. It is very easy to talk -about being
against communism. It is equally import-
ant to believe those things which provide
a satisfying and effective alternative. De-
mocracy is that satisfying affirmative al-
Its hope in the world is that it is an af-
firmative belief, rather than being simply
a belief against something else and nothing
One of the tenets of democracy -that grow
out of this central core of a belief that the
individual comes first, that all men are the
children of God and their personalities are
therefore sacred, carries with it a great be-
lief in civil liberties and their protection,
and a repugnance to anyone who would steal
from a human being that which is most pre-
cious to him-his good name; either by im-
pugning things to him by innuendo or by
And it is especially ;an unhappy circum-
;tance that occasionally that is done in the
name of democracy. This, I think, can tear
our country apart and destroy it if we carry
it further.
I deeply believe in the capacity of de-
mocracy to surmount any trials that may
lie ahead, provided only we practice it in
our daily lives. And among -the things
we must practice is that, while we seek
fervently to ferret out the subversive and
anti-democractic forces in the country, we
'do not at the same time, by -hysteria, by
resort to innuendo and smears, and other
unfortunate tactics, besmirch the very
cause that we believe in, and cause asep-
aration among our people, cause one group
and one individual to hate another: based
on mere attacks, mere unsubstantiated at-
tacks upon their loyalty.
I want also to add that part of my con-
viction is based on my training as an Anglo-
American common lawyer. It is the very
basis and the great heritage of the English
people to this country, which we have main-
tained, that the strictest rules of credibility
of witnesses, the avoidance of hearsay and

(Continued from Page 2)
ing houses, or other men's room-
ing quarters, except when chap-
erones approved by University au-
thorities are present, is not in ac-
cordance with the generally ac-
cepted standards and conventions
of society, and is not permitted,
except for exchange and guest
dinners. Such dinners must
be announced to the Direc-
tor of the Office of Student Af-
fairs at least one day in advance
of the scheduled date. Hours for
guest dinners shall be the same
as for exchange dinners.
With this action, the University
has taken the stand that unau-
thorized gatherings of both sexes
at fraternity houses are not per-
E.A. Walter, Director
Office of Student Affairs
Honor Societies: A Directory
Card for each Honor Society
should be filed with the Office of
Student Affairs at the beginning
of each school year, listing offi-
cers for the current year. Any
group which is not so registered
for 1946-47 should register before
March 1. A form for this purpose
may be secured in Rm. 2, Univer-
sity Hall.
E. A. Walter
Director, Office of Student Affairs
Seniors and graduate students
who wish to be eligible to contract
to teach the modern foreign lan-
guages in the registered Secon-
dary Schools of New York State
are notified that the required ex-
amination in French, Spanish,
German and Italian will be given
here on February 14, 1:15 p.m.,
Rm. 100 RL. No other opportunity
to qualify will be offered until
August, 1947, when Summer
School attendance is a prerequis-
ite for admission to the exami-
Graduate Fellowships and
Scholarships: February 15 is the
final, date on which applications
for such awards can be presented.
Blanks may be secured from the
Office of the Graduate Shool un-
til that time. No applications will
be considered if received after
February 15. All persons now hold-
ing Graduate Fellowships who
wish to apply for renewal for
1947-48 should call at the Gradu-
ate School for the proper form be-
fore February 15.
Those interested in teaching in
Redlands, California: John Brani-
gan, Superintendent of School,
Redlands, California, will be in the
office of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion at 9 a.m., Mon., Feb. 24, to in-
terview candidates for vacancies
in kindergarten, all elementary
grades, general science, English
and social studies, band and or-
chestra. Call 4121-Ext. 489 for
Women Students interested in
putting their names on the baby
sitters' list for afternoon or eve-
ning may register in the Office of
the Dean of Women. Closing hours
must be observed.
Householders interested in ob-
taining baby sitters may inquire at
the Office of the Dean of Women

University Lecture: Mr. Charles
Sterling, Research Fellow in the
Department of Painting of the
Metropolitan Museum of Art in
New York and Visiting Professor
at Columbia University, will lec-
ture on the subject, "French
Portraiture from Fouquet to
Ckzanne," (illus.), at 4;15 p.m.,
Tues., Feb. 18, Rackham Amphi-
theatre; auspices of the Depart-
ment of Fine Arts. The public is
cordially invited.
French Lecture: Prof. Paul M.
Spurlin, of the Romance Language
Department, will lecture on the
subject "Une affaire de coeur
amusante: Benjamin Franklin et
Madame Brillon," at 4:10 p.m.,
Tues., Feb. 18, Rm. D, Alumni Me-
morial Hall, under the auspices of
Le Cercle Francais.
Academic Notices
Anthropology 152. .The Mind of
Primitive Man, will meet in 1025
Angell Hall instead of 231.
Forestry 194 will not meet
today. If you reenrolled and did
not attend the opening session
Monday, please call for assign-
ment at Rm. 2052 N.S.
History 50-Lecture: Mon. and
Fri. at 2 p.m., transferred from
N. S. Auditorium to.Rm..B, Haven
Mathematics Seminar on Dy-
namical Systems: 3 p.m., Mon.,
Feb. 17, 3011 Angel'l Hall. Dr. Kap-
lan will speak on Fuchsian Groups
and the Ergodic Theorem.
Mathematics Seminar on Cm-
plex Variables: Brief meeting, 4:15
p.m., Mon., Feb. 17, 3011 Angell
Hall. Students unable to attend
should leave their, time schedules
with Miss Kelly. Prerequisites:
Math. 201, 202, 281 or the equiv-
Political Science, Sec. 2: Tues.,
Thurs., and Sat., at 10 a.m. will
hereafter meet in Rm. 2203, An-
gell Hall.
Prof. L. H. Laing
Spanish: Continuation of a 2a
Professor Del Toro, 108 Romance
Language Bldg., new text will be
taken up this semester, two hours
credit. Spanish Ib.
The Detroit Symphony Orches-
tra, Karl Krueger, Conductor, will
give the eighth concert in the
Choral Union Series on Monday,
Feb. 17, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Overture "Prometheus," Op. 43,
(Beethoven); Symphony No. 4 in
B-flat major (Beethoven); and
the Tschaikowsky Symphony No. 6
in B minor.
Faculty Recital: A program of
compositions for wind instruments
will be presented at 8:30 p.m.,
Tues., Feb. 18, Rackham Assembly
Hall, by Russell Howland, Haskell
Sexton and William Stubbins.
They will be assisted by Grace
Sexton and Mary McCall Stubbins,
The general public is invited.
(Continued on Page 6)

EDITORS NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted it the discretion ofrthe edi-
torial director.
* * *
Academic Freedom
To the Editor:
Michigan Youth for Democra-
tic Action wishes to express its
appreciation for the excellent work
being done by the Committee for
Academic Freedom in 'defense of
the rights of all the students and
faculty on this campus to hold and
publicly advance their own poli-
tical beliefs without fear of op-
It is a source of great pride to
us that our University contains so
many people intelligent enough to
examine the true facts involved
in the current "Witch Hunt" and
to avoid falling victim to these at-
tempts to stir up mass hysteria,
people intelligent enough to dis-
tinguish between an honest in-
vestigationandean inquisitioal
"thought control" purge.
We feel that far more is at stake
in this issue than the fate of AYD.
This might well be the first step in
an all out drive to crush civil lib-
erties on American campuses, to
remove the rights of students to
hold their opinions and to speak
when they felt their interests are
being harmed.
'All thse who are sincere in their
advocation of the principles of de-
mocracy ought to join their efforts
to this defense of academic free-
The:Executive Committee
Michigan Youth for Demicratic
* * *,
-Cmmunist Front
To the Editor:
The present furor over "com-
munist" and "subversive" activities
seems to center around the AYD.
The organization is accused of be-
ing a "communist front," which a
Communist AYD officer denies,
and the average person wonders
just where the truth lies.
Lee Marsh, intercollegiate direc-
tor of AYD, admits that half of
the national AYD officers are
Communists. Now it doesunot seem
too -unreasonable to assume that
the officers in 'any organization
have something to do with that
orgahizfion's policies. In fact,
one could safely say the officers
have a lot to do with running
things. Nothing brought to light
thus far indicates that the AYD
is not influenced a great deal by
its officers. With half of them
Communists in the AYD one can
very logically believe that the AYD
is Communist dominated. Even
intercollegiate director Lee Marsh
is a Communist party member, and
his party views must certainly af-
fect the AYD and his work in it.
If not, he just isn't human. If the
AYD is influenced by anything at
all, it is influenced by the Com-
munist party.
Let's recognize the facts. The
AYD is Communist dominated in
its most important phases. J. Ed-
gar Hoover, F.B.I. chief, has ac-
cused it of being a "communist
front," and who should be in a
better position to know? If the
AYD will state its position relative
to Communist views it will do
much to..cear the air.
In addition, an honest and fair
investigation should be welcomed
by the°AYD in order to clear itself
of present charges. The attack by
AYD officers on an investigation
leaves too much doubt as to the
purpose of the organization in peo-
ples' minds.

-Fred McDonald
Housing Headache
To the Editor:
The headline and story in to-
day's Daily, 'iiU' Headache Cured
-Housing Provided for Faculty
Members, All Single Students,"
underestimates the seriousness of
the University housing problem.
Many of the new faculty and
staff people have been housed in
furnished rooms and Willow Run
units. Few of them have been
placed in the University terrace
apartments because of the restric-
tion of these units to Michigan
veteran students. These faculty
and staff housing accommodations
are very inadequate provisions for
people with such a great invest-
ment in professional training.
They deserve better housing.
There is :also a large group of
married students who cannot find
places for their families to live.
One married student who attempt-
ed to get into Willow Run Village
was told that there were 1,800 ap-

plications ahead of him. 'I
married students deserve a 'br
on housing. This failure to:
vide housing for married stoi
is certain to be a sou:ce ot
emotional maladjustment a'1
this group.
The housing situation will
come worse before it becoies
ter for married people aso
with the University, if the prg
trends continue. The evidd
points to an increased perct
of married students, married
uate students, and married faci
and staff people in the Univer
community. This is the wlitipg
the wall to which the Univer
of Michigan would be wise to.
spond with appropriate action.
only satisfactory action lies
greatly expanded Unversity
ing program of apartmem ,ts
residences for married ste
faculty, and staff.
-Robert 0. Silt
Memorial Suggestion0
To the Editor:
Since i was first told that tieo
versity was collecting suest.
for a war memorial buildfiig, tf
been tying to think of soe'ft
structure, one that ,woud o
new vigor and expr ssiont $'
ican ideas and help join '
ideas in peacetime efforts.
My suggestion is perha ps ke
startling and revolutionary toj
lize achievement in a state il
sity but i wish to present it
consideration. Simply stated
is this: that the university
struct a college of cinematogr
and allied arts, gathering' a'
of cinema experts from ,thro
out -theworld an. equipp ig
school with a growing c ;
library to be used in dy
cinema understanding. 1 v
this i suggest that the tu y
seek the talents of Sergei',-
stein for heading the staff.
he isclearly never to be gv'
sanction of 'Hollywood mogus'
cause of his advanced aesthetic
and progressive cinema technic
and since his level of cin
thought is concompatible with
present demands of Soviet 'ec
struction, it is the younger
erations who should and z
benefit from such highly adva
intuitions and knowledges. l
not say that he would .accept s
an offer, but if accepted, it w
place the University of Mlichi
in a position of worldwide i
eminence in the field of the ph
graphic arts.
For years the movie indw
has been directly calunirt'e
university professors everywh
generally with good reason.
contempt will not erect .a
proved motion picture. Th'
bodies, the universities, which
most give good, give a new ul
to cinematography have con
ed themselves with a laissez
policy. The work is yet t i
I think it is a work that
nobly commemorate the n
yond our help by helpit
who have endured.
cid corman, w.
The Aiherican people ,id
fight the war to rescue
business from ill-advised
ments. It fought to oe
Nazism and German milital
once and for all. This aim will
be achieved if the monopo
who financed Hitler's rise to po
and collaborated in all his p
for world conquest are allowe
keep their economic, and h
their political power. It is id
tak of democracy in Germany
ess the German people are alle
to eliminate the industrial
archy and gain control of t
own economy.

- I

-The Nation
Ai -r taftBag I

Edited and managed
the University of Michi
authority of the Board
Student Publications.

t the State
That Brennan flirl (Republic), James
)unn, Mona Freeman.
'IIS IS A SHOT at social significance
which runs comfortably to all the cliches
the business. It is the tale of a young
rl gone wrong. In the course of her grim

Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha..... ... Managing7
Clayton Dickey..........City
Milton Freudenheim .Editorial D
Mary Brush ...........Associate
Ann Kutz ...........Associate
Clyde Recht.........Associate
Jack Martin ............ Sports
Archie Parsons Associate Sports
Joan Wilk........... Women's
Lynne Ford Associate Women's
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General. M
Janet Cork....
Nancy Helmick .. Advertising M



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