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May 10, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-10

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I ____________________________________________________________________________________

Midst of Inflation

EV7 HAVE NOT had inflation, President
Truman told the nation on the occasion
of his 63rd birthday. Efforts have been di-
rected at preventing inflation, but we have
not yet experienced it, the president said.
But the Bureau of Labor Stati=,tics tells
us that for the month between Feb. 15,
and March 15, 1947, retail cost went up 20
percent over that period last year; since
1939, they jumped 58.5 percent. Perhaps
a 100 percent boost in prices is necessary
before inflation is recognized.
Inflation is an unpleasant word. But if
the president is trying to spare the Ameri-
can people an unhappy experience, he is
going at it the wrong way. One of the
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and rebresent the views of the writers only.

most important methods of combatting in-
flation is to recognize it.
The president's failure to place the right
tag on the present situation serves to aid
the shortsighted business men who claim
that the price reduction campaign will start
a recession.
Response to President Truman's cam-
paign for lower prices has been warm heart-
ed, but ineffective. Small businessmen in a
few widely scattered communities have cut
their prices, but the big city retailers and
the manufacturers haven't yet imitated their
Unless the policy makers and the big pro-
ducers realize what the individual consumer
has long known-that we are already in the
midst of inflation-even the fine-spirited,
but futile reductions of a few small business-
men will have to be discontinued.
President Truman seems to have joined
the ranks of the "say it isn't so, and it isn't"
businessmen, who talk about a recession
while sitting atop a mighty big mountain.
Harriett Friedman

Developing Crisis,

WASHINGTON, May 8-As in the pre-
lude to the Greek-Turkish crisis, the
danger signals are going up in Washington.
There is almost the same coming and go-
ing of worried high officials, the same har-
assed conferring and unhappy scanning of
grim memoranda. The prospect of a world-
wide monetary crisis is the cause. And
while the mechanics of monetary crisis may
be mysterious to all but the experts, the re-
sults will be plain enough for everyone to see.:
The results will be more hunger, more in-
security, a weakening effort to reconstruct,
and further political deterioration in many
of the key regions of the world.
The cause of the monetary crisis is sim-
ple. Of the great producing centers in the
world, the war temporarily destroyed Ger-
many, Japan and Southeast Asia, and left
Britain and Western Europe crippled and
limping. To all intents and purposes, the
world's deficits of food, coal and goods have
been met, since the war, by exports from
the United States. The exports have been
paid for in dollars-either dollars loaned
by us, or obtained by the consuming coun-
tries by sales of gold and American securi
ties. And now the dollars are running out.
During the past year, such seemingly
prosperous and undamaged countries as
Sweden, Mexico and , Canada suffered
losses of their original gold and dollar
holdings equivalent to a third of the to-
tal. The war-damaged nations have been
more, sparing in their purchases, but the
situation of France, Italy and other im-
portant major European economies will
"shortly" become critical, according to
an authoritative American estimate, if
they cannot find more dollars somewhere.
And despite the loan Bitain is also
caught in the same squeeze; for the coal
crisis and bad weather this winter have
redueed Britain's productivity, while her
customers' poverty prevents her from get-
ting dollars from them to pay for goods
from us
Just when or how the developing crisis
will become acute-whether late this spring,
or this summer, or during the fall- no one
can as yet predict. But the facts that the
crisis is developing, and developing much
faster than even the pessimists had expect-
ed, are no longer disputed. That is the
meaning of the carefully expressed speech of
warning just delivered by Under Secretary of
State Dean G. Acheson at Cleveland, Miss.
The increasing tempo of events may be
gauged from the March figures for imports
and exports. In the month of March, the
United States exported more goods than in
any month in the country's 'peace time his-
tory-a total of $1,327,000,000 worth. And
of imports, the country took only $444,000,-
000 worth-ominously less than earlier in
Second Concert: Beethoven: Missa Solemnis in
D, Op. 123; The University Choral Union, The
Philadelphia Orchestra, Thor Johnson, Conduc-
tor; Soloists: Regina Resnik, Soprano; Anna Kas-I
kas, Contralto; Frederick Jagel, Tenor; John
Gurney, Bass; Frieda Vogan, Organist.

the winter. In the nineteenth century, econ-
omists would have jumped for joy over the
"favorable trade balance," which should
run close to $9,000,000,000 for the whole year
of 1947. But this so-called "favorable bal-
ance" simply means that the whole world
desperately needs American goods and coal
and food for which it cannot pay. This in-
ability to pay has just been dramatized by
a sudden increase of Federal Reserve gold
holdings by over $150,000,000 in one week-
a sure sign that this country's customers
are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
it became unmistakably apparent that
we had again been hoping for the best with-
out preparing for the worst, administra-
tion leaders began to discuss remedial ac-
tion. The problem has been canvassed at
a series of conferences in which Under Sec-
retary Acheson, Budget Director James
Webb, Secretary of Commerce Averell Har-
riman, Secretary of the Treasury John Sny-
der, President of the World Bank John J.
McCloy and members of the President's per-
sonal staff have all participated at one time
or another. The President himself has
weighed the situation carefully, and inter-
im decisions have been reached. These are
embodied in Acheson's speech, the tone of
which indicates that there is a rather slim
hope of delaying the climax of the crisis un-
til late this year or early 1948.
The first step to be taken is to secure from
Congress a renewal, beyond June 30 of this
year, of the controls by which essential goods
are made available for export and directed
to the countries most in need of them. This
is the only way to avoid an insane competi-
tive scramble.
The second planned step is to bring the
World Bank to life-to get the Bank to
meet the most urgent needs of France and
other Western European countries from
its present limited funds, and then to
raise larger funds for more substantial
loans by sale of its bonds. The third step
will be to expand the lending power of
the American government, through the
Export-Import Bank or some other chosen
agency, by a very large sum. Because of
the political situation, this third step will
almost certainly be delayed until the 1948
session of Congress. Yet it is admitted
that this delay may be shockingly costly.
All this will be exceedingly unpleasant for
the political sleepwalkers and the "back to
normalcy" drum-thumpers. But they, and
the country, will have the same choice, on
a much larger scale, as in the Greek-
Turkish emergency. Either they can pro-
vide the few billions immediately necessary
to promote political and economic stability
in the world. Or they can expect their bel-
lowings for "economy" to be rudely inter-
rupted, by the necessity to pour anywhere
from 25 to 40 per cent of the national in-,
come into national defense in a world in
chaos. All of which brings to mind the
question of a nature loving lady, who asked
this correspondent why the newspapers now-
adays were so gloomy. Upon being asked,
in turn, what there was to write about of
a cheerful nature, she replied: "Why not
try birds?"
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
. EDGAR HOOVER told the House appro-
priations Committee that the Commu-
nists have penetrated "every field of en-
deavor in this country" and that there are
more Communists per capita in the United
States today than there were in Russia in
1917; in the result he got every cent of his
requested appropriation for the police ac-
tivities of the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion. Secretary Marshall told the committee
that the State Department's cultural and
information program, largely designed to
meet the Communist challenge on the plane
of ideas, purposes and facts rather than on
that of police work, is "an integral and es-
sential part of the conduct of foreign rela-
tions." In the result the committee gave
him nothing whatever for the information
program and slashed the State Department
request by $60 million, or 22 per cent below
the budget estimate.

Unless we are ready to abandon the field
and put our main trust in police instead

Foreign Policy
IT IS ABOUT TIME we began to blow up
the myth that there is a bipartisan foreign
policy. There isn't. When General Marshall
begs, hat in hand, for the foreign broad-
casts program, and for the cultural pro-
gram, and for the foreign relief program,
and when a Republican Congress turns him
down, it becomes impossible to talk any
longer of a bipartisan foreign policy. There
is bipartisan feeling against Russia, but that
is not the same as a bipartisan policy.
The Republicans approve of General Mar-
shall in his capacity as a sound and sturdy
American, who will stand up against Stalin
for what he conceives to be our country's
rights, but they refuse to support him on
the specific plans, methods, techniques he
wishes to use to win his points. In this
sense, the "bipartisan foreign policy" ac-
centuates the negative, and flies apart on
the positive.
At most, our "bipartisanism" amounts to
a vague, blubbery, emotional agreement; it
does not go beyond that. It is agreement
on the thwarted and vexed feeling which
underlie policy; but policy is not emotion,
policy is program, and on that there is al-
most no agreement. Actually, there is
ground for saying that while the Democrats
are responding to their anti-Russian feel-
ings by trying to build, more or less con-
structively, in the fields of foreign relief and
cultural interchange, the Republicans are
using their anti-Russian emotions as an ex-
cuse for retreat into a kind of cranky iso-
AS FOR THE foreign broadcasts and the
cultural program, the Republicans are
against them for many reasons, too many
to be entirely convincing. They fought these
activities, first, on the ground that no spe-
cific law authorized them; then they fought
them because the State Department radio
happened to review a book about Henry
Wallace; next they hit the ceiling because
they didn't like some of the American paint-'
ings which were sent abroad. But when there
are so many reasons as this, there is per-
haps only one reason, and that is that the
Republicans are reverting to some of their
old isolationist preoccupations.
Yet it is the constructive side of the pro-
gram which alone offers hope that we can
have something like a democratic gala on
our side of the world, in our time; that we
can, by helping friendly nations to their
feet, and by convincing large numbers that
it is fun to be free, set up a reliable counter-
poise to Russia. Some Republicans, such
as Mr. Stassen, are sharply aware of the
negative content of the "bipartisan" policy,
but they remain, of course, married to their
party and are thus in a poor position to
concede that the "bipartisan" policy is drag-
ging its feet precisely because it has to carry
the Republican, weight.
We are obviously approaching a new de-
bate on foreign policy; out of it must come
a public realization that merely to have a
low opinion of Mr. Stalin does not of itself
qualify a man as a master of policy, a full
partner in the production of the better
(New York Post Syndicate, Copyright 1947)


Letters to the Editor...

Pubication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
SATURDAY, MAY 10, 194'
VOL. LVH, No. 154
College of Engineering: Stu-
dents who expect to attend the
Summer Session shopld notify the
Secretary's Office, Rm. 263, W
Engineering Building, as soon as
Aernautical, Civil and Electri-
cal 'Engineers: A representative of
Bell Aircraft will interview stu-
dents in the above departments
with a grade point of 2.5 or above
on May 12 and 13. Interested stu-
dents may sign schedule on Aero-
nautical Bulletin Board.
Bureau of Appointments & Oc-
cupational Information, 201 Ma-
son Hall. Office Hours: 9-12, 2-4.
Design Service Company, Cleve-
land, Ohio, has announced open-
ings for graduate civil and struc-
tural engineers. For further in-
formation call at Bureau.
The Ebasco Service, Inc., New
York City, will have a representa-
tive in our office on Monday and
Tuesday, May 12 and 13, to inter-
view mechanical, electrical, and
civil engineers.
The International Harvester
Company, Chicago, will have a
representative in our office on
Wednesday, May 14, to interview
men for sales, accounting and
The Bankers Life Insurance
Company will have a representa-
tive here on Wednesday, May 14, to
interview men interested in a ca-
reer in the insurance business.
Civil Service: Michigan Civil
Service will have a representative
in our office on Tuesday, May 13,
to interview any students interest-
ed in Civil Service. Some of their
openings include the following
jobs on various levels: Bacteriolo-
gists, Physical Therapists, Gradu-
ate Nurses, Attendant Nurses, Lab-
oratory Technicians, Typists, Body
Repairmen, Department Librarian,
Highway Engineer Aide, two Or-
thopedic Nurses, General Clerks,
Nutritionist, Biochemist, Veri-
typist, Engineer Draftsman, Lawv
Librarian, Library Assistant,Hear-
ings Reporter, Dietitians, Cooks,
and Social and Psychological
Phone 371 for appointments.
Bennett Pump Company, Mus-
kegon,rMichigan. has announced
summer employment for men in
that area. Call at the Bureau for
additional information.
Unlversity Lecture: Dr. H. P.
Himsworth, professor of medicine,
University College, London, will
lecture on the subject, "Nutrition-
al Factors in Liver Injury," at 8
p.m., Mon., May 12, Rackham Am-
phitheatre; auspices of the Medi-
cal School and the Alfred Duns-
ton, Jr., Fund.
University Lecture: Professor
Max Fisch, Department of Philos-
ophy, University of Illinois, will
lecture on the subject, "Evolution
in American Philosophy from
1860-1917," at 4:15 p.m., Tues.,
May 13, Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of
Philosophy. The public is cordial-
ly invited.
Furniture Industry Lecture: Mr.
R. K. Braund of the Furniture De

partment of the J. L. Hudson Com-
pany in Detroit, will speak on
"Retail Merchandising of Furni-
ture" at 10 a.m., Tues., May 13,
East Lecture Room, Rackham
Bldg. All students in the wood
technology program in the School
of Forestry and Conservation are
expected to attend and others in-
terested are invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Joe
Kendall Neel, Zoology; thesis: "A
Limnological Investigation of the
Psammolittoral Zone in Douglas
Lake, Michigan, with Especial Ref-
erence to Shoal and Shoreline
Dynamics," Sat., May 10, 9 a.m.,
Rm. 3091, Natural Science Bldg.
Chairman, P. S. Welch.
Doctoral.Examination for Rob-
ert James Lowry, Botany; thesis:
"A Cytotaxonomic Study of the
Genus Mnium," Mon., May 12, 3
p.m., Rm. 1139, Natural Science
Bldg. Chairman, W. C. Steere.

Biolagical Chemistry: Seminar,
Rm. 319. W. Medical Bldg., Sat.,
May 10, 10-12 nocn. Sub,iect: "Vit-
amin P-Citrin-Rutin." All inter-
ested are invited.
Wildlife Management Seminar:
4:30 p.m., Mon., May 12, Ran. 2039,
Natural Science Bldg.
Dr. Arnold Haugen, Wildlife Ex-
tension Specialist of the Michigan
Conservation Department and of
the Michigan Conservation Insti-
tute, will speak on the role of
wildlife extension work in conser-
vation and wildlife education for
the public.
All students in the field of Wild-
life Management are expected to
attend, and anyone else interested
is invited.
Graduate Students in Education.
The preliminary examinations for
the doctorate in the School of
Education will be held on May
27-28-29 from 2 to 5 p.m. Any stu-
dent desiring to take these pre-
liminary examinations, should no-
tify my office, 4000 University
High School, not later than May
Clifford Woody,
Concentration Advisement Se-
During the coming week seven
departments of the Literary Col-
lege will hold concentration ad-
visement meetings. Sophomores
and freshmen seeking assistance
in choosing a field of concentration
are urged to attend these meetings
and to ask questions. Speakers will
attempt to make clear the nature
and scope of a departmental area
of study, its relation to a liberal
education, and its professional or
vocational significance. The pro-
gram for Monday, May 12, is as
Physics Department-2231 An-
gell Hall, 4:15 p.m.-
Prof. H. R. Crane-Physics as a
field of concentration.
Prof. J. M. Cork-Industrial op-
portunities in physics.
Foreign Language Department-
231 Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m.
Prof. A. J. Jobin-Values in the
study of modern foreign languages.
(Advisers in the Romanic and
Germanic languages will be pres-
ent to answer the students' ques-
May Festival Concerts will take
place as follows:
Saturday, 2:30. First half: Song
Cycle from the Masters; Philadel-
phia Orchestra; Festival Youth
Chorus; Marguerite Hood, con-
ductor. Second half: Isaac Stern,
violinist; Alexander Hilsberg, con-

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
print, flVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the.
writers only. Letters o' more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted .4 the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Traffic Control
To the Editor:
SEVERAL months ago I wrote a
letter remarking on the poor
and dangerous driving in Ann Ar-
bor and the lack of enforcement
of traffic regulations except park-
ing violations. Our worthy Chief
of Police honored me with an an-
swer, admitting the condition but
pleading lack of manpower.
Since then 4* whole new rash
of parking meters and restricted
zones have appeared and there
seems to be no shortage of man-
power to write out summonses for
violations to these while the driv-
ing situation seems unchanged.
Now it appears that we are to
have traffic lights; Prof. Morri-
son of the Highway Engineering
Department has pointed out in
an interesting letter that auto-
matic signals only cause unneces-
sary delay and actually increase
accidents while being of value
only during relatively brief inter-
vals of congestion. It appears to
me that between traffic lights and
parking meters the Police De-
partment wants to be wholly au-
Why can't we have the simple
solution of patrolmen on foot di-
recting traffic at the offending
intersections during the congested
hours and have these patrolmen,
still afoot, supervise the enforce-
ment of stop signs and speed limit
at other times?
As td the source of these pa-
trolmen, why can't there be one
police officer per patrol car in-
stead of two? Or why can't more
be hired? Ann Arbor must have
money or its cars wouldn't be
Pontiacs- Or should the State
Police be directing traffic as they
have occasionally done in the
past (aside from football week-
Concerning the speed limit,
Prof. Morrison will probably agree
with me that the Michigan statu-
tory speed limit of 25 miles per
hour is high for business and
school (University) areas. When
even this limit is not enforced we
have a dangerous wituation that
I think is the crux of the matter.
Less speed is the way to safer
-Walter T. Arnold
Competitive System

My only comment on any per-
son who wants to be, or is, a com-
munist is this: he or she Must
have been reared in the wallow of
underprivileged poverty, with no
desire for good health, comfortable
living, or quality goods and serv-
ices-a fanatic, a stoic, an ascetic,
a person incapable of using his
raise in pay for anything but an-
other ten pounds of baloney.
I personally will still prefer the
fruits of natural competition, in-
cluding high prices. I'll take good
food to bad, good housing to in-
decent housing, and good trans-
portation to lousy transportation
-Laird Brooks Schmidt
Student Treachery
To the editor:
goodlord: howlong are we to be
abused by student treacheries? i
do not wish (ono) to calumniate
the weak or the mute, but when
the university (thatwhichisallof-
us: 1) allows an undergraduate to
monopolize its facilities without
license of knowledge or safeguard
of eyesight, something must be
done. something (indeed).
whatintheworld (oroutofit) you
will ask me (askme) am i talking
about? not nothing, but some-
thing so simple, so obvious, that
we overlook it till it comes and
overwhelms us (you you and i)
with its own insinuating enormity.
It is a plot.
it is a plot; so dramatically has
the whole business been conceived
and perpetrated that onlywhen
we are finally (and irrevocably)
presented with it ( our eyes sud-
denly alive to it) shall we realize
it with incongruous tears and
i prefer not to make any direct
charges, but will one mister true
come forward (i wonder) and Jus-
tify his premeditated actions, yea,
in spite of heaven (and highwater)
i dare him to present his creden-
tials; i dare him to state by what
law (living or dead, anonymous or
otherwise) he belittles us with re-
bellious silence, organizing forces
and concealing identities, in order
to take from the university its
soul. i dare him to make public
his unwonted position.
no. he is not alone in his ma-
chinations. i shall not (no, i shall
not) name that department of
our great and illustrious (light-
shedding) school which purports
to be candid and enlightening
(lightshedding), but which UN-
DERGROUND is helping to bring
the whole matter to a head short-
ly. i use the word "underground"
advisedly, for this resourceful
group has for years been gather-
ing undisclosed strength and only
in the cover of darkness does it
show itself. it parades under pseu-
donym and alias, playing upon our
minds with false motions and clev-
er deceits, till unwittingly most of
us become its dupes (you you and
accordingly i suggest that presi-
dentruthven have pressure or
pressures put upon him that he
shall oust this loudmouth delud-
ing outfit which hides until it
sees its prey and then springs in-
vidiously. o what shame sits upon
our heads that we have neglected
so might a challenge!
and yet, beguiled by justice (on
the one hand) and humanity (on
the other), i say to him and his
cohorts who have devised such
deviltries to arise and demon-
strate, before all, their integrity
and ingenuity. (if such they pos-
sess) that we may for ourselves
see what has been going on behind
our backs.
cid corman

AI-Olgau Baltm,






0 Clear Water of Truth

A Small, Red 'E' for You



intended to step on the pet corns, miscon-
ceptions and prejudices of every conceivable
kind of listener, one of our professors cau-
tioned his class.
I want you to remember, he hedged, that
I'm only repeating what has been estab-
lished by other authorities. You might com-
pare me to a water pipe transporting the
clear water of truth.
The end man in the third row was up to
the challenge. "Does that mean you're all
wet?" he asked the professor.
How Is She at Mazes?
THOSE STARRY-EYED sophomores who
naturally think of any professor as a po-
tential husband had best beware of the psy-
chology prof. One of the latter told our
class that recently he entertained some
guests with a psychological experiment.
"My wife makes a wonderful hypnotic
subject," he added.
Busy as Bees
old tricks, has just set up a Special Com-
mittee to Investigate (better change that to
"Survey") Possibilities of Creating Special
"Keys" for Legislators.
If the Union can have them. wny not the
Legislature, one of our student representa-
tives is said to have said.
Contributions to this column are by allmem-
bers of The Daily staff, and are the resp~on-
sibility of the editorial director. Items from
subscribers are invited; address them to "It
So happens," The Michigan Daily.

ductor. To The Editor:
Saturday, 8:30. Philadelphia Or- NNYONE with communistic lean-
chestra; Ezio Pinza, bass; Eugene ings should come to Willow Vil-
Ormandy, conductor. lage. Communists would do away
Sunday, 2:30. Philadelphia Or- with capitalistic system. A "class-
chestra; Robert Casadesus, pian- less" society would rule. Competi-
ist; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. tion in housing, real-estate, public
Sunday, 8:30. Philadelphia Or- utilities, railroads, buslines, medi-
chestra; Ferruccio Tagliavini, ten- cine, education, etc. would be non-
or; Alexander Hilsberg, conductor. existent.
"Te Deum" (Verdi); University Competition is non-existent here
Choral Union, Thor Johnson, con- at the Village. The warped res-
ductor. tauranteur who runs our cafeteria
has no competition and therefore
Organ Recital: Claire Coci, of no reason to improve his food to
Westminster Choir Co lege, attract customers. Consequently,
Princeton, N. J., will appear as the garbage served is almost in-
guest organist in Hill Auditorium, edible.
Thurs., May 15, at 4:15 p.m. Pro- Competition is non-existent here
gram: Compositions by Bach, Pee- at the Village. The confused gov-
ters, Sowerby, Dupre and Reubke. ernment housing manager who
The public is invited, runs our dormitories has no com-
T ub sm d petition and therefore no reason
Carillon Recital: Percival Price, to improve our living conditions.
University Carillonneur, Sunday Consequently, windows remain
afternoon, May 11, 1:30. Program: broken, wall paint remains peeled
Handel's See the Conquering Hero off, rooms remain uncleaned and
Comes, instrumental selections by beds unmade.
Daquin, Couperin, Martini and Competition is non-existent here
Rameau; Sonata for 35 bells by at the Village. The "anything-to-
Professor Price, and a group of vo-t attte-ofo h-bs-artr -
cal compositions by Purcell, Grieg trip" attitude of the starters who
andchmubsert., run our buses is typical of the bus
service which has no competition
and therefore no reason to im-
The Unversity of Michigan prove its service. Consequently,
Women's Glee Club, Marguerite V. buses are overloaded, as many as
Hood, Coneluctor, will present its ten to twelve people stand for 10
annual spring concert at 8:30 p.m., miles at a stretch, bus drivers re-
Wed., May 14, Lydia Mendelssohn fuse to wait an extra 30 seconds
Theatre. Program: 16th Century for a student who has run all the
Madrigals, Art Songs, Songs by way to catch the bus, and there is
20th Century Composers, semi- no possible way of getting into
popular and Michigan songs. The Ann Arbor for a nine o'clock
public is invited, dance without arriving either an
hour too early or an hour too late.
Student Recital: Daniel Allen I feel that our way, the usual
Kyser, Clarinetist, assisted by Bea- American way, works pretty well.
trice Gaal, pianist, and Charles I feel especially happy when I read
Jacobson, violist, will present a re- of business in the East and in our
cital in partial fulfillment of the own Detroit cutting prices by 10%
requirements for the degree of without coercion of any kind;
Master of Music in Music Educa- when I read that many of the
tion, at 8:30 p.m., Mon., May 12, striking workers of A.T.&T. re-
Rackham Assembly Hall. Program: j turn to their jobs voluntarily as
Compositions by von Weber. in Woodward, Okla., scene of the
Brahms, Rabaud, Jeanjean, Le- recent tornado tragedy where un-
febvre and Mozart. Open to the ion officials ordered workers to
public. ignore the emergency and stay on
(Continued on Page 51 strike.





IN ALMOST all of Beethoven,
possible exception of the last
we are faced with an attack on an
perlsonal plane. The great Missa
is no exception. Sharing none of
lime detachment of other great
music, it is the outpouring of a
and almost fevered soul.

with the
the sub-

Thus, in spite of its ecclesiastical content,
the greatness of this music rests on more
worldly grounds. The concept is more he-
roic and reminiscent of an earlierBeethoven.
Whether or not Mr. Johnson had any
such idea in mind in his presentation of the
Missa Solemnis last night at Hill Auditor-
ium is mere conjecture, but in any event,
the result was a highly satisfying and dy-
namic performance. The rough beauty of
both the vocal and orchestral polyphony
was unloosed to particular advantage in the
Gloria and the Credo following it.

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications,
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha.........Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey...........: City Editor
Milton Freudenheimn..Editorial Director
Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz........... Associate Editor
ClydeKRecht.........Associate Editor
Jack Martin.............Sports Editor
Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.............Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joann De Carvajal. .. Research Assistat



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Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork......... Business Z~anager
Nancy Helmick .. .Advertising Maaer

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