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May 10, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-10

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Latest Deadline in the State







Tax ProblemNew Department Head Italian Treaty
Delays Action Appointments Expected WinsVote Of
On 'U' Funds Journalism Chairman Will Retire in Fall; Senate
Two Others Ask Release To Do Research


Bills Are Stalled


Two University appropriatio
bills-for current operating ex
penses and building construction
-were stalled in the Legislature
yesterday pending clarification of
the present state tax picture.
With sales tax diversion still the
Legisiature's number one problem,
neither bill is due for imminent
action, the Associated Press re-
ported from Lansing.
$8,570,000 for Operations
A Legislative grant of $8,570,000
(the amount requested by the Uni-
versity) for current operating ex-
penses appears likely. But the
University's request for $13,210,000
to complete buildings now under
construction and to erect other
buildings faces an uncertain fate
at this session.
The operating expenditures bill
is now in the House Ways and
Means Committee awaiting consid-
eration by the House.
Building Appropriation
A building appropriations meas-
ure, introduced by Senator Otto
W. Bishop, of Alpena, is now in
the Senate Finance Committee.
The bill would provide $3,200,000
to complete University buildings
now under construction.
The University, on the occasion
of the House Ways and Means
Committee's visit here in January,
requested $6,360,000 for buildings
now. under construction and an
additional $6,000,000 to erect ad-
ditions to Angell Hall and the Gen-
eral Library. Extension of the
power plant and heating system
and construction of a fire station
accounted for another $850,000.
Cost Increases
Cost of the University's program
of five educational buildings was
originally estimated at $8,000,-
000, but rising prices have boosted
the estimate to $11,160,000. .
The Legislature, apparently, will
follow the policy established last.
year when $4,800,000 was appro-
priated to start the then $8,000,000
Passage of Senator Bishop's bill
would bring the total amount ap-
propriated up to $8,000,000, leav-
ing the margin for increased con-
struction costs to be appropriated
by the 1948 Legislature.
M urray Offers
Bill on lLaborw
Truman Suggestions
Met by Democrats
WASHINGTON, May 9 -('-
In a stormy night session of the
Senate, a group of 11 -Democrats
tonight introduced a complete
substitute for the union-curbing
bill the chamber has been debat-
ing two weeks.
Senator Murray (Item.-Mont.),
offering it on behalf of himself
and ten colleagues, said it meets
President Truman's suggestions on
labor legislation and covers other
matters as well. But he did not
specify that there was any Presi-
dential agreement to accept it,
nor indicate whether Administra-
tion officials had a hand in its
Murray said one section meets
Mr. Truman's recommendation
that machinery be p r o v i d e d
"whereby unsettled disputes con-
cerning the interpretation of an
existing agreement may be de-
ferred by either party to a final
and binding arbitration."
He said another provision would
carry out a recommendation of
the President's labor-management
conference that the U.S. concilia-
tion be strengthened within the
Labor Department. The pending
bill would create a new mediation {
agency apart from the Labor De-

Before this controversy, the
Senate had adopted amendments'
to make unions liable for dam-
ages in jurisdictional strikes and
cfarnlam.v nvn++tc a n r..

Rapidly accumulating evidence
indicates that the appointments of
two new departmental chairmen
in thetliterary collegelast month
Iwere the first of several similar
appointments to be made befoe
the fall semester opens.
The Regents in their meeting of
April 25 named Prof. William C.
Steere to be chairman of the bot-
~~_-~ ~- ~~- ~- - ~- -~---~ ~~
Promises End
Of Cold Wave
Sunday Top of 60°
Forecast for Area
Shivering students, who cold-
shouldered their way through a
fourth day of unseasonable weath-
er yesterday, have been promised
a little heat for the weekend.
The Detroit Weather Bureau
said last night temperatures may
' limb to 60 in southern Michigan
by this afternoon, thus ending the
cold snap that has forced cancel-
lation of picnics and other outdoor
activities here.
Local music lovers had bpen ar-
riving at May Festival concerts-
traditionally held in balmy weath-
'r-in winter coats.
Thermometers will hit 65 Sun-
day, the weather bureau said, with
skies clear until late afternoon,
when scattered showers will move
into the state.
The Associated Press reported
Michigan fishermen,. and fruit
growers were perhaps the hardest
hit by the cold wave.
At Lansing the Conservation De-
partment said fishermen reported
only spotty luck angling in swol-
len streams.
Fruit growers in western Michi-
gan reported some frost damage to
sour cherries, but said the lack of
warm temperatures had retarded
budding and kept the damage to
orchards light.
Elsewhere in the nation, the
Army's chemical center at Edge-
wood Arsenal rushed 300 new-type
smoke bombs to one large western
Maryland orchard, but most at-
tempts to protect crops were un-
availing, an Associated Press dis-
patch said.
In the central Pennsylvania fruit.
area, where the mercury dropped
as low as 21 degrees, apple, peach,
cherry and strawberry blossoms
were turning black.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 9-Presi-
dent Truman asked Congress to-
day for $24,900,000 to investigate
the loyalty of government work-
Civil Service Commission would
get $16,160,000 of the money, and
the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion $8,740,000. The fund would
carry the inquiry only until June
30, the end of the current fiscal
WASHINGTON, May 9-Legis-
lation to authorize construction of
the half billion dollar St. Lawrence
Seaway and power development-
and make it pay for itself through
tolls-was introduced today in the
House and Senate.
-The Arab Higher Committee
latetoday called onthe United
Nations for an independent

state of Palestine immediately.
The Jewish agency countered
with a demand for free immigra-
tion that would build up a Jew-
ish home in the Holy Land first.
The clash pivoted around the
question of immigratian, with
the Arabs insisting that all en-
try into Palestine be halted im-

any department, replacing Prof.
Harley H. Bartlett, who resig-ed
March 15. Prof. Lewis G. Vander'
Velde wa; named chairman of the
history department. He had been
acting chairman for nearly a yoar
following the resignation of Prof.}
A. E. R. Boak.l
Also slated for a new chairmanx
is the journalism department.x
Prof. John L. Brumm, present
chairman, will go on retir-mentt
furlough next fall.
Two other departments, whose1
names cannot be disclosed at this t
time, will also undergo an ad-
ministrative shuffling. The pres-
ent chairmen of these depart-
ments have indicated a desire to,
spend more time on research pro-
jects than is now possible with
present administrative duties. t
it is not known at this timet
whether the new department
heads will be drawn from presentt
departmental faculties or will bet
brought here from other univer-
The Regents, who have the fin-'
al word on appointments, will
hold their next meeting May 30.
Liong Distance t
Phone ..Service
Still 'Spotty

Satellite Pacts
Also Approved
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 9 - The'
peace treaty for Italy, tagged "too
harsh" by many Italian-Americans
but upheld by U. S. officials as theI
best possible, won 13 to 0 ap-
proval of the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee today.
A like vote also sent to the Sen-
ate the peace treaties for Romania,
Hungary and Bulgaria. A two-
thirds vote is necessary for Senate
ratification and President Truman
has urged immediate action.
Final approval by all the big
powers would mean the withdrawal,
of occupation troops except for
communications forces linked to#
the Russian zone of Austria.
Oppose Demilitarization
Main opposition to the Italian #
treaty, which was hammered out
by Big Four foreign ministers in
Paris and New York, centered on
its demilitarization clauses.
Critics say that this virtual'
scrapping of Italy's army and navy
olus de-fortification of her north-
arn boundary would open the stra-
tegic peninsula to the same sort
of communistic encroachment
President Truman opposes in
Greece and Turkey.
However, Mr. Truman told the
Committee through Secretary of
State Marshall that he does notf
share this view.c

SHOPPING IN RUSSIA-Residents of Moscow purchase unra-
tioned caviar and fish.at the Gastronom Market on Gorki Street,
which deals in goods other than those obtainable from state
stores. The fish is priced at 20 roubles per pound, about $3.77
at the official rate of 5.30 roubles for $1. Fish is one of the most
plentiful foods in the Russian capital.
AVC Novelty Mixer Scores
Hit As Dancers Ask Encore

By House
Attempts To Bar
Troop Use Killed
Measure, Passed 287 to 107, Differs
Only ii Minor Detail from Senate Bill
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 9 - A precedent-shattering $400,000,000
measure to bolster Greece and Turkey against Communist domina-
tion was passed by the House tonight, 287 to 107.
On the final roll call, 127 Republicans and 160 Democrats voted
for it. Against the measure were 93 Republicans, 13 Democrats and
Rep. Marcantonio (AL-NY).
Congressmen of both parties guarded it successfully from all
attempts to deny the administration the right to use troops and mili-
tary material in the effort. Other attempts to limit the program
also were defeated. - ~~~
Approval Follows Violent Debate
Final approval followed four Comm ittee In
days of turbulent House debate
dominated by angry legislative re- Senate O . s
action to Russia's postwar activi-
ties, opposition cries that Presi-
dent Truman's program might TaX Cut Bill
mean war, counter claims that it
would stabilize peace.aT
The strength of those support- Plan Income aX
ing the measure was apparent Slash Effective July 1
from the ease with which they
beat back the amendments. AnC WASHINGTON, May 9-( )-
at the end, a motion by Rep. Holi- The Senate Finance Committee
field (Dem.-Calif.) to send it back voted today to cut income taxes
to the Foreign Affairs Committe by 10.5 to 30 per cent next July 1.
for changes were shouted down Over a full year's operation,
Holifleld could not even obtair ommittee experts estimated, the
a roll call vote on his motion - Aill would save individual taxpay-
he needed one-fifth of those pres- ,rs $4,000,000,000. They would
ent to support his request for f :eap only half of that saving, how-
roll call, and could muster onl3 aver, in the last half of 1947.
47 votes of more than 300 present The smallest taxpayers will get
Measure Goes to Senate ;he biggest percentage reductions
The measure returns now to th( if the bill clears the Senate, gets
Senate, where it originally passe ;he approval of the House and
April 22 by a vote of 67 to 22, foi :resident Truman, and goes on the
action on minor changes made b law boos. The big taxpayers, of
the House. If the Senate refuse: ourse, would gain the biggest In-
to agree to the House changes lividual dollar benefits.
the bill will go to a conferenc ro Take Effect July 1
committee for adjustment.
In either case, there appeare kNew withholding rates would
no reason for any further ma- aefec y1.
terial delay. But already the bil The bill approved by the Senate
is a month and a half past th =ommittee is an amended version
deadline the administration wat f House ill No. 1, introduced by
reported originally to have set fo thairman Knutson (Rep., Minn,)
its passage. >f the Ways and Means Commit-
With official reports that th ee, and passed by the House,
plight of Greece particularly i: Chairman Millikin (Rep., Colo.)
growing more acute daily as dol mnounced the vote was 8 to 5.
lar credits are used up and Brit The principal change from the
ish aid tapers off, the State De- neasure passed by the House is
partment already has made plan: .he effective date-July 1. The
to start the American assistanc( louse had voted to make the re-
flowing as soon as Mr. Trumar luction retroactive to Jan. 1.
signs the bill. dew Reduction Bracket
Defeat Amendments The Senate committee inserted
A move by Rep. Lawrence Smitt thnew reduction bracket giving
(Rep.-Wis.) to refer the matte .ersons with net incomes between
to the United Nations and permi 79,728 and $302,396 a tax cutof
American action only if the Ur 57per, cent rather than 20 per cent
failed to move within 60 day: is provided n the House bill.
collapsed on a standing vote o
137 to 65. Opponents of the mea . This scale of reductions is set up
sure had concentrated t h e i r ] the measure:
strength on that. 30 per cent for persons with net
And another proposal by Smit nomes (after exemptions and
to trim the $400,000,000 authori- leductions) of $1,000 or less.
zation by half was snowed under A flat $67 "notch" reduction for
121 to 49. iet incomes between $1,000 and
The House also crushed all at- $1,396.

You couldn't possibly have been
a wallflower last night if you at-
tended the Willow Village Ameri-
can V e te r a n s Committee's

Long distance phone service Other Objections "Chance Dance" at the Masonic
across the country remained James F. Byrnes, former secre-
"spotty" today, while further ne- tary of -state, and Senators Van-
gotiations were scheduled to end denberg (Rep., Mich.) and Con- U' Com m ittee
the 33-day old strike of Michigan nally (Dem., Tex.) all told protest-
1 Bell Telephone Co. employes, ac- ing representatives of Italian- Cnn i rhiea Driv
cording to an Associated Press dis- American societies that aso
patch. gates to the peace conferences,
Expressing guarded optimism on they did all they could to keep T'
the outcome of the negotiations, Italy's punishment down and suc- Ix.oflU
Federal Conciliator E. M. Scon- ceeded in softening stronger Rus- T
yers said that the Michigan work- sian demands. f The University Famine Com-
ers and the company were "getting: teaching fellows in the economics mittee clothing drive will be
down to business and making an department, will lead the panel brought to a close today.
licnest effort to settle the strike." on economics, to be held at 3 p.m. Collected for the benefit of chil-
Change Positions Saturday in the Union. dren and young people in war-
"Both sides have changed from The general theme of the par- stricken countries of northern and
former positions," he added after ley is "Implications of the Atomic, western Europe, the clothing will
meeting today with company ne- Age." be distributed in France, Holland,
gotiators and leaders of unionized------ -Belgium, Finland and Sweden by
traffic and accounting employes. KFT the Save the Children Federation.
Further negotiating sessionsEcato As part of its program, the Fed-
were scheduled between the com- cration has found American spon-
pany and traffic unionists, repre- To Be Deb ted sors for approimately 1.000 Eu-
senting- the largest group of the ropefn schoolsx t
strikers. IAccording to Ada Davis and
The federal mediator indicated Spring Parley Also M delcixe Cal ii ,'co-cai
the main point of difference was F rirTofAlie diveAerke, wearable
between company insistence on a I Featues Atom Talks clothing of all types. especially
sliding scale of wage increases asi "What's Wrong with Education shoes, is needed.
opposed to the union's demand for at the University?" will be one of t The clothing will be picked up
an across-the-board pay boost. the questions discussed by the at the main desks of residence
The American Telephone and panel on education of the halls Monday and Tuesday. Stu-
Telegraph Co. reported that only Parley at 8 p.m. Friday ingth dents may leave their contnu-
1,500 of the 20,000 striking long Union. tions at the collection booths in
lincs nion members resumed work Dean Hayward Keniston of the Lane Hall, the League and the
despite a settlement of their dis- literary college, Prof. John ArthosU
pate. of the English department, and
Prospects Uncertain Robert Taylor will lead the dis- l
The AT&T., parent Bell System I cussion of this panel. Other topics'
concern, said an effort would be to be stressed are "The Atom and *
made to provide service as nearly ; the Ivory Tower" and "What Stage Strike
normal as possible over Mother's1 Should Be Required in a Modern
Day weekend. normally a period Curriculum?" BERLIN. May 9 - --Trade
of heavy long distance traffic, but The panel on government, also unionists in Hamburg quit their
the prospects appeared extereme- to be held at 8 p.m. Friday, will be I jobs at noon today and with their
ly uncertain. led by Profs. Harold M. Dorr and supporters massed more than 100,-
In announcing a reluctant ap- Joseph E. Kallenbach of the politi- 000 strong before a red-draped
proval of the long lines settle- cal science department, and Sam- balcony at union headquarters to
ment last night, the executive uel J. Eldersveld, instructor in po- protest food shortages in the
board of the American Union of litical science. Topics the panel British-occupied zone.
Telephone Workers, representing will consider are "Will Atom Poli- The demonstration occurred as
long distance employes, declared cies Lead to Increased Decentrali- German newspapers reported the
the union's members would not zation of Government?" and "Is daily ration in one city in the
cross picket lines maintained by the Atomic War Scare Leading to Ruhr had dropped to 650 calories
strikers still out. Increased Militarization?" daily-far below the 900 to 1,100
The union and company repre- Prof. Gardner Ackley of the eco- ration once handed out by the
sentatives will meet again tomor- nomics department, anu Daniel B. Nazis in their concentration camps
row. Suits and Harold M. Levinson, at Buchenwald and elsewhere.

Temple Ballroom.
The newest thing in campus
social activities, the dance was
the brainstorm of Chuck Dray-
ton, general chairman of the
Willow Village AVC's social com-
Although almost everything hap-
pened, including someone losing
a five dollar bill, the novel dance
was classed a success by everyone
interviewed by a Daily reporter,
and many expressed hopes that
there would be more mixers of
this sort in the future.
Planned so as to avoid the two
greatest disadvantages of a mixer:
(1) that women must come un-
escorted, and (2) that there are
usually too many wallflowers, the
affair was attended by more than
150 couples. Johnny Barnes' up-
coming eight-piece orchestra was
Dates, Dances Mixed
Tickets, sold throughout the
week, included the names of the
men's temporary dates, and the
purchasers were supposed to call;
them, the committee having noti-
fied the women. Escorting their
partners to the dance, the men
changed hands after the first song
by going up to the lottery bowl
and getting a number. Meanwhile
the women, with numbers pinned
on their blouses, were standing
under signs on the sidelines indi-
cating their numbers, and waited
anxiously after each dance for
their new partners.
The first trouble encountered by
the social committee was the fail-
ure of a few men to get in touch
with their dates. Consequently
some girls were left on the string,
and some fellows came to the
dance stag. Gayle Thompson,
committee member and one of the
hostesses, said that the girls
showed genuine interest in the af-
fair during the ticket-selling stage
but that a lot of men had to be
coaxed, "which seemsnvery funny,
considering conditions on cam-
In one instance two men called
for the same girl, but this diffi-
culty was eventually straightened
out, and the number of men and
women was almost perfectly bal-
anced. "Everyone seems to be
having a swell time," Drayton

tempts to bar the use of military
aid in the program of helping the
two Mediterranean countries re-
sist communism.
NSO Petitions
.Due Monday
Students desiring to run as can-
didates in the campus-wide elec-
tion of delegates to the National
Student Organization's constitu-
tional convention must submit pe-
titions with 200 student signatures
between 3 and 5 p.m. Monday in
the Union Student Offices.
Nominees will also be required
to submit eligibility cards and 50
word qualification statements, to
be used for publicity purposes.
Three delegates and three alter-
nates will be chosen in the elec-
tion Wednesday and an equal
number of delegates and alter-
nates will be elected from the Stu-
dent Legislature. Delegates' ex-
penses will be paid by the Legis-
The delegates will travel to the
University of Wisconsin next fall
to vote on such issues as the adop-
tion of the constitution, the es-
tablishment of a judiciary and fu-
ture representation in the NSO.
Delegates will also make final de-

20 per cent for incomes from
,396 to $79,728.
15 per cent for incomes frout
$79, 728 to $302,396.
10.5 per cent on all incomes
above $302,396.
viay Go to Senate
Millikin told reporters lie be-
lieves the bill can be reported to
the Senate by next Wednesday.
The House estimated its bill
would cut the individual income
tax load $3,800,000,000. The Sen-
ate set its estimate of the total re-
ductions slightly higher.
Ford Warns
FAA On Strike
DETROIT, May 9-- (/P) - The
Ford Motor Co. told the Foreman's
Association of America in effect
today to go ahead with his strike
plans May 17 if it wants to, but
said the union would "have to
take the responsibility for im-
measurable harm."
John S. Bugas, Ford vice-presi-
dent and director of industrial re-
lations, made the statement in re-
jecting invitations to attend what
it called an FAA "strike rally"
Sunday morning.



Stern, inrza Will Appear in TwoPrograms Today
-r v ___- _ - -- - - - --.:-,.,.
tJ~ x i li L.iLi t, EUU I~

1:uuSern1, V1s111, and L;Zio m
Pinza, bass, will appear in twok
May Festival programs to be givens
at 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. today *
in Hill Auditorium.
Brahms' Violin Concerto will be
A ' 4.rn, y cs - i,

evening concert today, will sing
two numbers, by Mozart, "Qui
Sdegno non S'accende" from "The
Magic Flute" and "Non Plu An-
drai" from the "Marriage of Fig-
aro." His first number will be the
monologue, farewell, and death


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