THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MA' United Jewish Appeal THUE UNITED JEWISH APPEAL campus drive, sponsored by the Hillel Founda- tion, has set their goal at $6,500. With the dissolution of the United Na- tions Relief and Rehabilitation Organiza- tion imminent, the 250,000 displaced per- sons in Europe will be left with no outside aid until the new International Refugee Or- ganization can take over. During the interim period, the U.J.A. plans to provide medical care, food, shelter, vocational training and special aid for child refugees. This will be accomplished through Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRANCES PAINE three constituent organizations, the Joint Distribution Committee, the United Palestine Appeal and the United Service for New Americans. In 1946, these organizations gave direct aid to tens of thousands in eastern and central Europe, cared for 20,000 Jewish or- phans in 250 child-care institutions in Eur- ope, met the subsistence needs of thousands of displaced persons on the march and in camps and provided adjustment, retraining, employment services and resettlement in hundreds of cities and towns for 18,000 per- sons. Added to the national goal of $170,000,000. the campus contribution can do much to help provide the needed care for Europe's displaced persons. Contributions may be left at the Hillel Foundation, or with campus solicitors. -Naomi Stern I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: F.B.I. Vs. Education The City Editor's SCRATCH AD SOMEHOW OR OTHER, anonymous let- ters to The Daily always wind up on the city desk. Some of these unsigned letters contain news tips, which usually lead a staffer up a blind alley. Others contain requests for this or that. Still others indi- cate a desire on the part of some student or Ann Arborite to share his creative im- pulses with someone. The whole lot is given a sympathetic eye, and then anonymity finds itself in the equal anonymity of a wastebasket. But some use can be found for some of these, so a couple of communications from the John Does are published herewith. The following, received yesterday, was mailed to The Daily via special delivery from Ann Arbor: With Wry Apologies to A. E. Houseman Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with white along the bough; You think it's blossoms? Wish again! Yup! Snowflakes! Spring in Michigan! Now, of my eight semesters here Seven are part of yesteryear; And take from my eight terms those seven, It leaves me pretty close to heaven. And since to look at snow in May My chance is nearly gone away, Leave us go see, upon our bicycles, The Arboretum hung with icicles! -Anonymous We hope the above is printed in time to be appreciated. Another unsigned letter, addressed to the Editor, says: HEY Feller! After hearing about the raisin' gang, the crane, the riveters, on the new General Service Building how about a sketch of the completed building-maybe with a writeup of what offices etc. it will house? And a "pitcher" of what it'll look like when fin- ished. (Unsigned) BILL MAUJLDIN Copr. 1947 by Unitad ~AIASyda..Ic I m, ~ .4.S Pt 1,Alr~hsrr~ - - - _ 1 ' ;- 1 1 _ ',_.... - } J' --y ' _. _ = .p . , ;; 3 ~ti--. , ,, _ f e ., \ a ; , i , By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE REPUBLICAN New York Herald Tri- bune makes a bright point when it com- ments on the fact that the House of Repre- senitatives has given the F.B.I. all the money it wants, while killing the State Depart- ment's program for informational broad- casts to foreign countries. In other words, millions to fight communism by police ef- fort, but not a penny to spread the demo- cratic story. There is here something like a rough, tough reliance on cops, and to hell with ideas. The Herald Tribune comments sourly that Congress must face up to the issue of whether if intends to defend the American system "by ideas or by the F.B.I., by principles or by the police." But the point the Herald Tribune does not make is that this increased reliance on the police, instead of on the free ex- change of ideas, is showing up in a re- markable way in the domestic field as well as in foreign affairs. The same House of Representatives which has just given the, F.B.T. $35,000,000 has virtually destroyed the usefulness of another Federal agency, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by denying it approximately $4,000,000. We are go- ing to have our normal complement of Federal policemen, but sharply fewer Federal facts and statistics than before. The Bureau of Labor Statistics keeps tabs on wages and prices; its monthly index of commodity prices, which may now have to be abandoned, has been an excellent eco- nomic storm signal. To those to whom the democratic method of factual fair-dealing is precious, the B.L.S. has been an important help; it has enabled the country to spot dangerous trends in advance of reaching a crisis stage. But now we are going to throw away the thermometer, while keeping a full force of police to check on putative subver- sives who may remark that it's getting too hot. One might murmur that something like the same trend shows up in the current Con- gressional attack on the labor unions. The debate between management and labor has been conducted on a pretty fair level for a decade, with increased public enlightenment, and a gradually enriched body of exper- ience; but now, suddenly, there is a veer- ing off in the direction of force. It is as if a hand had suddenly slapped down on a desk, ending a discussion; trade union practices are to be disrupted, the closed shop to be banned, a fairly stable situation, painfully reached, is to be blown up, and peace is to be made a matter of a police operation, rather than of custom and consent. That hard little anti-intellectual trend, of which the Herald Tribune has noted one small aspect, can fairly be traced down this far, I think; for here, too, there is that characteristic new impatience with intellectual process, and a reliance on some- thing quite different. And now if we return for a moment to the foreign field, we can see this alarm- ing new tendency working itself out in all its doubtful beauty. For we are going to spend $400,000,000 in Greece and Tur- key on what is in effect a police opera- tion to keep ourselves safe; but we are going to drop democratic broadcasts aimed beyond this skirmish line, as not worth while, and we are also going to cut for- eign relief expenditures behind this line, as also without significance. At home and abroad, there is a new re- liance on muscle, and a new disdain for ideas; it is like a change in climate, perva- sive and subtle, and strangely complete. Oc- casionally someone rises to declaim that our democratic ideas are very good ideas, and perhaps the strongest weapons we have for keeping ourselves secure, at home and abroad; but the cry is disregarded, like that of a lost cat on a back fence; and there are fewer to listen than there were some months or years ago. (New York Post Syndicate, Copyright 1947) Letters to the Editor... l-o local color if he hung "Pop told that newspaper guy he'd pick up some around long enuff." DAILY OFFICIALBULLETIN_ (Continued from Page 3) Phone 371 for appointments. this report. T h e Commandant, command The sketch, the writeup and the' will be published forthwith. r "pitcher" EVERY DAY The Daily runs a bunch of notices under the heading of CLASSI- FIED ADVERTISING. These may be class- ified as funny and un-funny. For those of us who don't want to buy or sell anything, don't want a ride (expenses shared) to Al- bany, haven't lost or found anything, who, in fact, want only a big laugh, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING has plenty of appeal. For example: HANDSOME ex-Air Corps officer desires date for chaperoned picnic May 24. Swimming, canoeing, dancing***. Or: BOY wants to meet girl who is sensitive, tallish, curvacious, nonsmoking and nonreligious. Please write ***. And so it goes day after day. CLASSI- FIED ADVERTISING is one of the things that make a newspaper a mirror of what's going on. C U R RENT MOVIES At The Michigan * * EASY COME, EASY GO (Paramount) Bar- It is to be emphasized that sub-' sistence checks due veterans on May 1, 1947, and following, are not to be included in this survey. Cooperation of all veterans will assist the Veterans Administration Regional Office, Detroit, Michigan, in reviewing all delinquent sub- sistence accounts. College of Engineering: Stu- dents who expect to attend the Summer Session should notify the Secretary's Office, Rm. 263, W. Engineering Building, as soon as possible. Women students attending the Olympic Ball and the Newman Club Spring Dance have 1:30 per- mission. Calling hours will not be extended. Aeronautical, Civil and Electri- cal Engineers: A representative of Bell Aircraft will interview stu- dents in the above departments with a grade point of 2.5 or above on May 12 and 13. Interested stu- dents may sign schedule on Aero- nautical Bulletin Board. MAN TO MAN: Proposed A mendment Bureau of Occupational Mason Hall. 2-4. Appointments Information, Office hours: and 201 9-12, By HAROLD L. ICKES HE PROPOSED Constitutional Amend- ment limiting to two the terms of any future President will have to be ratified by 36 states to become a part of the Constitu- tion. Already eleven state legislatures have approved it, the last three being California, New Jersey and Vermont. This is just eleven too many. Of course, the Constitution should be amended from time to time as social and political progress requires. But it should Program: All-Wagner: Overture to "Die Meister- singer"; "War es so schmahlich?" from "Die Walkure" (Miss Traubel); Prelude and Love- Death from "Tristan and Isolde"; Siegfried's Rhine Journey and Siegfried's Death and Fu- neral Music from Gotterdainmerung; Hrunn- hilde's Immolation and Closing Scene from Gotterdammerung. WITH HELEN TRAUBEL as soloist the Philadelphia Orchestra, under the baton of Eugene Ormandy, ushered in the gala May Festival Series in Hill auditorium last night. Mr. Ormandy's choice of an all- Wagner program was a suitable commence- ment for what promises to be an exciting season. The program reached its climax with the final number, Brunnhilde's Immolation and Closing Scene from "Gotterdammer- ung." The majesty of the richly resonant tones of Miss Traubel's voice gave to that number a grandeur the type of which Ann Arbor's concert goers rarely experience. Miss Traubel's rendition in the earlier part of the program, the "Die Walkure" aria, was also sung as only she can sing Wagner. The orchestral portions of the program were interpreted with the true artistry that is always to be heard with Mr. Ormandy commanding the podium. Notwithstanding an occasional attack in the woodwind and brass choirs, these sections were retained in appropriate balalice a- all times-an accom- plishment which is unusual in a perform- ance of Wagner. This aspect was exception- never be amended for the purpose of limit- ing democratic powers. This amendment was rushed through by a Congress that would have been better employed if it had been doing something real to keep down the cost of living. The speed was reminiscent of the haste and in- dignity with which rapacious heirs dump into the grave the body of the man whom they hate because he so long held in his strong hands that which they wanted. How could those members of Congress who voted. for this amendment know that they were expressing the will of the people? The pop- ular vote in both 1940 and 1944 gave them no warrant for so believing. The state leg- islatures have acted with the same indecent haste and disregard of the will of the people. The Constitution should be amended only after the most deliberate considera- tion by the people. The pros and cons of any proposed amendment ought to be discussed at length on the platform, over the air and in the public print, without prejudice or passion. The most careful deliberation is called for. The people are entitled to an opportunity to make up their minds. Such a course has not been followed with regard to the proposed amendment to limit the term of future Presidents to two terms. This splenetic, hateful proposal is an over-the-shoulder epithet hurled at Franklin D. Roosevelt. It will be recalled that Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg of Michigan took an active part in the campaign of 1940 when there was much ado about Mr. Roosevelt's running for a third term. Senator Vandenberg, who is now President Pro Tempore of the Senate, wrote an article for Liberty Magazine in which he condemned an anti-third term Constitutional Amendment as a "self-made barrier that might be fatal." Mr. Vanden- berg suggested, as had Washington mani years earlier, that there might be times and circumstances when there should be a third term. It is too bad that Senator Vanden- berg, at a time which may prove to have been a Constitutional crisis in our history, should not speak out as forthrightly as he did in 1940. What he said then is even more true today.' It will be unfortunate if sufficient state l .ttirn rf,f i ampnrmpn. nnr h i ry Fitzgerald, Lynn Sonny Tufts, Diana THIS IS ANOTHER of those lovable old scalawag pictures. Along with Mr. Fitz- gerald's starlight philosophy, there are' a wayward father, wayward son-in-law, way- ward daughter, found fortune, lost fortune, long lost brother, the Law, and a near- death scene to keep things from sagging. Be- fore the second reel it is apparent that the lovable old scalawag could easily be charact- erized in more, frank, lucid terms. Since the above listed incidents constitute the plot, it is obvious that one could not become bored. Things happen much too fast for that but most of you will be able to predict the dialogue at least six scenes in advance. A little jingle, used often in the action, will accurately give this reviewer's opinion. Come day. Go day. God send Sunday. At The State . . SINBAD THE SAILOR (RKO) Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Maureen O'Hara, Walter Slezak, Holdover. -Thom Strope If the British Socialist government fails in the coal industry, however, and private industry succeeds in textiles, then the Tories can pick up courage. If both succeed, then the next great and enduring British com- promise will be precisely that policy to which the predominant group in the Labor Party is today dedicated. -Harpers Magazine The Proctor & Gamble Company will have a representative in our office on Tuesday, May 13, to in- terview girls interested in work in their Market Research Division. These positions involve a consider- able amount of traveling. The Ebasco Service, Inc., New York City, will have a representa- tive in our office on Monday and Tuesday, May 12 and 13, to inter- view mechanical, electrical, and civil engineers. The International Harvester Company, Chicago, will have a representative in our office on Wednesday, May 14, to interview men for sales, accounting and parts. The Bankers Life Insurance Company will have a representa- tive here on Wednesday, May 14, to interview men interested in a ca- reer in the insurance business. TEACHER PLACEMENT: The Board of Missions and Church Extension of the Method- ist Church would like to send six young women of high Christian character and ideals of service, graduates of grade A colleges with a year or two of teaching experi- ence, to Malaya. Civil Service: Michigan Civil Service will have a representative in our office on Tuesday, May 13, to interview any students interest- ed in Civil Service. Some of their openings include the following jobs on various levels: Bacteriolo- gists, Physical Therapists, Gradu- ate Nurses, Attendant Nurses, Lab- oratory Technicians, Typists, Body Repairmen, Department Librarian, Highway Engineer Aide, two Or- thopedic Nurses, General Clerks, Nutritionist, Biochemist, Veri- typist, Engineer Draftsman, Law Librarian, Library Assistant, Hear- ings Reporter, Dietitians, Cooks, and Social and PsychologicalI Workers. and staff college, U. S. Army, de- sires to obtain names of those Uni- versity of Michigan instructors of the Departments of Psychology and Education who hold commis- sions in the Organized Reserve Corps and are interested in being ordered to the Command and Staff College for a period of.15 to 90 days during the months of June, July, August, and Septem- ber. These instructors will be or- dered to the college only with their consent and will be used to accomplish a number of projects of value to the educational pro- gram of the Command and Staff College. Other faculty members of the University of Michigan who have had general staff experience at division or higher echelon or who are graduates of the Command and General Staff School are also desired. Any university instructor who is eligible and interested is urged to contact the PMS&T, Depart- ment of Military Science and Tac- tics, 512 S. State St. prior to May 12. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. H. P. Himsworth, professor of medicine, University College, London, wil lecture on the subject, "Nutrition- al Factors in Liver Injury," at 8 p.m., Mon., May 12, Rackham Am- phitheatre; auspices of the Medi- cal School and the Alfred Duns- ton, Jr., Fund. University Lecture: Professor Max Fisch, Department of Philos- ophy, University of Illinois, will lecture on the subject, "Evolution in American Philosophy from 1860-1917," at 4:15 p.m., Tues., May 13, Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of Philosophy. The public is cordial- ly invited. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Joe Kendall Neel, Zoology; thesis: "A Limnological Investigation of the Psammolittoral Zone in Douglas Lake, Michigan, with Especial Ref- erence to Shoal and Shoreline Dynamics," Sat., May 10, 9 a.m., Rm. 3091, Natural Science Bldg. Chairman, P. S. Welch. Concentration Advisement Se- ries: Friday, May 9-Chemistry De- partment, 35 Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. Prof. Byron Soule-Chemistry as a field of concentration. Prof. Raymond Keller-Profe- sional and vocational opportunities in chemistry. Graduate Students in Education. The preliminary examinations for the doctorate in the School of Education will be held on May 27-28-29 from 2 to 5 p.m. Any stu- dent desiring to take these pre- liminary examinations, should no- tify my office, 4000 University High School, not later than May 15. Clifford Woody, Concerts May Festival Concerts will take EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVI.nY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our leaders that the views ex- pressed in lcters are those of the writers only. I.etters or more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. Cai be j)b('ll Asttswre(l To the Editor: HAVE NOT WRITTEN a letter t o the editor for some time, but John Campbell's editorial against the pickets in front of the State Street theatre cannot go unan- swered. Mr. Campbell doesn't see how "Song of the South" can effect political or social-economic be- liefs of any person. But "Song of the South" cannot be considered' by itself, for it is a part of a pat- tern. Time after time, movie after movie, Hollywood has presented the same portrayal of the Negro, a laughing, submissive, "yassuh, boss" type of person who is pre- sented only to be ridiculed. It is not this one portrayal, but the continual repetition of it which has created a stereotype of the Negro in the minds of most white persons who have had no personal contact with Negroes. This subtle effect is difficult to understand only because we are so used to it. But Negroes are getting tired of seeing themselves on the screen only as contented slaves and ser- vants. They want Hollywood to show them as students, workers, doctors, lovers, heroes, villains - most of all as human beings with the same good and bad qualities as white characters. Were Mr. Campbell to see him- self in every movie as a lazy story- telling jokester, I believe that he place as follows: Friday, 8:30. "Missa Solemnis" (Beethoven); Regina Resnik, so- prano; Anna Kaskas, contralto; Frederick Jagel, tenor; John Gur- ney, bass; Philadelphia Orches- tra; the University Choral Union; Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, organist; Thor Johnson, conductor. Saturday, 2:30. First half: Song Cycle from the Masters; Philadel- phia Orchestra; Festival Youth Chorus; Marguerite Hood, con- ductor. Second half: Isaac Stern, violinist; Alexander Hilsberg, con- ductor. Saturday, 8:30. Philadelphia Or- chestra; Ezio Pinza, bass; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Sunday, 2:30. Philadelphia Or- chestra; Robert Casadesus, pian- ist; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Sunday, 8:30. Philadelphia Or- chestra; Ferruccio Tagliavini, ten- or; Alexander Hilsberg, conductor. "Te Deum" (Verdi); University Choral Union, Thor Johnson, con- ductor. Organ Recital: Claire Coci, of Westminster ChoireCollege, Princeton, N. J., will appear as guest organist in Hill Auditorium, Thurs., May 15, at 4:15 p.m. Pro- gram: Compositions by Bach, Pee- ters, Sowerby, Dupre and Reubke. The public is invited. Student Recital: Daniel Allen Kyser, Clarinetist, assisted by Bea- trice Gaal, pianist, and Charles Jacobson, violist, will present a re- cital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music in Music Educa- tion, at 8:30 p.m., Mon., May 12, Rackham Assembly Hall. Program: Compositions by von Weber, Brahms, Rabaud, Jeanjean, Le- febvre and Mozart. Open to the public. Exhibition The Museum of Archaeology: Current Exhibit: "Life in a Roman Town, in Egypt, 30 B.C. - 400 A.D." Tues.- through Fri., 9-12, 2- 5; Sat., 9-12; Sun. 3-5. The Museum of Art: Drawings by Maurice Sterne and Paintings by Pedro Figari. Alumni Memor- ial Hall, daily, except Monday, 10- 12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5; Wed- nesday evenings 7-9. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Visitors' Night: Angell Hall Ob- servatory, beginning at 8 p.m. Saturn and double stars will be shown if the night is clear. If the sky is cloudy, Observatory will not be open. Children must be accompanied by adults. Geology and Mineralogy Jour- nal Club, 12 noon, Rm. 3055, Natural Science Bldg. Mr. Sherman Moore, of the U. S. Lake Survey, Detroit, will speak on "Crustal Movement." (Continued on Page 51 would also be in the picket line. Were he to hear the derogatory impressions of foreign peoples gained from the American movie, he would see something very tang- ible indeed to warrant the plac- ards. But this is not all. "Song of the South" gives the impression that the Negro was happy under slav- ery, and the logical conclusion is that the Negro is happy today in his present status as a second- class citizen. But the Negro, faced with daily insults and almost over- whelming obstacles, is far from happy. The sooner white people realize this the quicker the race problem will be solved. As to the effectiveness of the picketing, can Mr. Campbell sug- gest a better way to bring people's attention to Hollywood's unfair treatment of the Negro? To say that the stakes aren't high enough to warrant action is foolish, for moving pictures are one of the greatest propaganda influences on public opinion today. If nothing else is gained, though, except to start people thinking about the problem and to make them realize that Negroes are far from entertained by such stereo- typed characterizations, the pc- kets will have been worthwhile. You've got to start somewhere, and this, though it may seem in- effective at first, is a start. -Walt Hoffm~an Forbidden Fruit To the Editor: of cid's first plagiarism and the fruit of that forbidden style whose mortal use brought tripe into the news and all this pain with loss of honor till my greater mind restores us and regains our honesty i rightly sing and from the very top of angell or of mason do condemn that dabbler who first stole my noble style and showed his bleeding heart in printer s ink to make us weep and if that plagiarist offend me more in mighty huron stream him shall i hurl from the railroad bridge with hideous ruin and combustion down to bottomless perdition there to dwell in adamantine chains and watery gloom who durst defy my thunderous decree and yet a note of merch steals in to still my wrath what though his wits be lost all is not lost for in his blundering way he chanced upon the noblest style of all which renders me immortal without peer they also serve who only imitate archy To the Editor: ON BEHALF of the 1947 Michi- gras Committee, we wish to extend our sincere thanks and congratulations to the more than fifteen hundred students who helped to make Michigras a suc- cess. The committee hopes to pub- lish a financial statement in the future, so that you may have 4 better understanding of the en- tire undertaking. Your splendid cooperation has shown that the pre-war college spirit is still very much in evidence at Michigan. -Collee Ide Al Farnsworth £ICJI tlU &tJ4J Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under te authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha.........Managing Editor Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor Ann Kutz ............Associate Editor Clyde Recht...........Associate Editor Jack Martin.............Sports Editor Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk ........... Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Manager Janet Cork ......... Business Manager Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager BARNABY I AM angry. With the money ii; vo n the;, ret, I ,Itwul av ee Orville O'Maley tried THAT. He took A0 m nnum" n;,_l~ l nrr - - 9.r. You can be mad of Pop II II