THE MICHIGAN DAILY THRURSDAY, MAY S, 1947 Press Monopoly Threat DESPITE THE CRITICISM leveled at the .newspaper industry in the recently is- sued report of the Commission on Freedom of the Press, Representative Mason (Rep., Ill.) has introduced a bill which would tend to further lessen competition in the field. The Mason Bill, which is now in the hands of a House Judiciary Sub-Committee, proposes to exempt press associations from certain sections of the anti-trust laws. To do this, the bill sets aside the Supireme Court decision which held that the As'so- ciated Press could not deny its service' to any newspaper for competitive reasons. In the published report of the Hutchins group, "A Free and Responsible Press," it was charged that the concentration of power in the press may become so powerful as to constitute in itself "a threat to democracy." To prevent this, the commission recommend- ed that the government "maintain competi- tion among large units through the anti- trust laws." This proposed bill, backed by Col. Rob- ert McCormick of the Chicago Tribune Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and re/resent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: STUART FINLAYSON who once attempted to deny AP service to the then embryo Chicago Sun, would do just the opposite. It would ham- string all efforts of the government to eliminate restrictions on the dissemina- tion of news and allow existing newspapers to obtain exclusive contracts for the serv- ices of press associations which could then be denied to any other potential publisher seeking to compete in the same area. Thurman Arnold, former assistant at- torney-general who originally brought suit for the government against the AP, pre- dicted in his testimony before the sub-com- mittee that the proposal would make a "pri- vate government" of established newspaper publishers. He further declared that, "its end product would be the exclusion of new enterprise from the newspaper field." The aim of the government and an in- dustry which is acting in "the public in- terest" should be true free enterprise, and not just lip-service to it. The shackles of the local press monopolies which now exist in numerous cities throughout the country can be eliminated only by making the news more accessible to all. The Mason Bill is not only a failure in this respect, but we feel that its enactment would be directly contrary to the public wel- fare. -Walter Dean Appropriations Tactics THOSE OF US who have watched the House Appropriations Committee hack away at every government appropriation with a feeling of disgust can take heart: the Committee has asked the House to grant the entire $35,000,000 requested by the Fed- eral Bureau of Investigation. This unusual action taken by the econ- omy-minded Committee suggests that al- though they recognize the virtues of econ - omy, they know where to stop, and the sign of the flying Red is the place to stop. The Committee's action, according to the New York Herald Tribune's source, was based on testimony of J. Edgar Hoover, FBI chief, that the percentage of Communists in the United States today is greater than the number in Russia at the time of the 1917 revolution. When Hoover testified before the Appro- priations subcommittee, he said that the FBI is so overworked that is has a backlog of unprocessed fingerprints numbering 2,891,831. He warned the subcommittee that as a result of this backlog, "many people with criminal records and of questionable loyalty will secure positions in strategic in- dustries and might do harm." He went on to warn that the Communist problem has grown worse, disclosed that there are 74,000 Communist Party members, and that for every member "ten other individuals are ready to do the Party's work." We can understand the dismay of Hoover and the FBI about all those un- processed fingerprints. But, unlike the House Appropriations Committee, we can also understand the dismay of the Sec- retaries of Interior and Labor who will probably be unable to operate with any- thing resembling efficiency because the Appropriations Committee got so hatchet happy with their "funds." -Eunice Mintz ID RATHER BE RIGHT: Is It Hate or Fear? MATTER OF FACT: Peanuts and Empire By STEWART ALSOP LONDON, May 6-It is at first surprising to find large numbers of stolid British Labor Party officials talking excitedly about "groundnuts." Even after it develops that what they really have in mind is peanuts, it is difficult at first to understand why so much enthusiasm centers on the lowly goo- ber. Yet this widespread fascination with peanuts is one symptom of a momentous change in British policy which has been tak- ing place almost unnoticed. For slowly, ponderously, the whole weight of British im- perial policy has been shifting, and there are signs that, a step or two behind, British strategic policy will shift with it. What has happened is that Africa has been slowly replacing India and the Far East as the focal point of the British Em- pire. Moreover, an attempt is being made to export the limited British version of so- cialism to the British possessions in Africa. Any good doctrinaire socialist knows that socialism and imperialism are mutually con- tradictory terms. Yet British history is a history of somehow making inherent con- tradictions work. From the tentative be- ginnings now under way, of which the "groundnut scheme" for East Africa is the most ambitious, something new under the sun-a socialist empire-may yet emerge. The groundnut scheme will be an at- tempt to apply the principle of the TVA (an experiment which has had a pro- found effect on British socialist thought) to East Africa, with peanuts substituted for electric power. An initial outlay of about twenty five million pounds will be used to establish a corporation for the production of peanuts on a grand scale. Any profits will be plowed back into fur- ther developments. Thus it is hoped first, to raise the miserable standard of living of the East African natives. It is hoped second, and by no means incidentally, to correct the most serious deficit in the present English diet-the shortage of fats and oils-to which some dieticians attri- bute the low rate of production in Brit- ish industry. In this way it is planned to eat the socialist cake and keep the benefits of empire too. The economic importance of East Africa especially has been vastly increased by the discovery of important zinc and lead de- posits,, and in Uganda, of the richest dia- mond mines in the world. (So rich are these mines, indeed, that production must be very carefull controlled. Otherwise, "diamonds would sell for two a penny.") This shift of emphasis, this new imperial focus has of course its strategic and mili- tary implications. For generations the young men at Sandhurst have had it drum- med into their skulls that British strategy in the Mediterranean and the Middle East is designed to guard the "lifeline of empire." The lifeline led, of course, through Gibral- tar and Suez to India and the Far East. Now two new factors are tending to under- mine this first commandment in British strategic thinking. First, the lifeline was closed during most of the recent war, and the development of the longrange plane and the new weapons have made it exceedingly unlikely that it would be held open in case of another. Second, there will soon be lit- tle or no Empire in the Far East for the lifeline to lead to. These new factors have led to a dis- agreement (in less dignified circles it would be called a row) now in progress among the makers of British startegic policy. The sides are almost exactly di- vided according to age. The older ad- mirals and generals still think primarily in terms of British communications with the Far East. Hence they emphasize the need for strong positions-in Palestine, Cyprus, Egypt, and elsewhere-for the protection of the Suez Canal. The younger men believe that the canal would be closed on the first day of hostili- ties, and that the strategic objective must therefore be, not to keep it open, but to prevent its use by a potential enemy. They thus lay the main strategic emphasis on two points; East Africa, to be developed both as the paying proposition in the new Empire, and as a main strategic base; and Middle East oil, which the main African base would be designed to protect. For this purpose, it is believed that control of the Arabian peninsula in case of war, and total control of the Persian gulf and the In- dian Ocean, will be necessary. There is also some belief that a main forward base at Basra in Iraq is essential. Two facts are of interest in this stra- tegic assessment. First, the only potential enemy which the plan envisages is the Sov- iet Union. The younger school of British strategists inclines to the belief that Russian logistic difficulties in case of a thrust South would be so great that given overwhelming air superiority to balance against the mas- sive Russian manpower, the Russians could be contained and the essential positions saved. Second, it is obviously a basic as- sumption that the world commitments of the United States, and more especially the American commitments in the Near and Middle East, are such that in case of a Russian attack South, the United States and Great Britain would inevitably be part- ners in the war which would immediately ensue. (Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune) -L DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN BILL MAULDIN Copr. 1947 by U'nted Featur'e Syndice, Ina . .. Tm. Rog. U. S. Pat. Off.ANl rightt reserved- r k .1 : ', r a (Continued from Page 3) <:> By SAMUEL GRAFTON T SEEMS TO ME there is a distinction to be made between those who hate Russia and those who only fear Russia. If we mere- ly fear Russia, we can probably make peace, but if our fears become translated, in a mas- sive way, into hate (and that is one of the speediest psychological processes known to man) there may be a war. Which moves us, hate or fear? The question is not academic, for on one's answer depends the picture one has of the World. It is either a world divided between two great centers, America and Russia, which actively hate each other, and which are resolutely planning to diminish each other, or else it is a world divided between two great centers which fear each other, and ae only seeking protection against each other. The two are either fighting cocks or startled hens, and it makes a difference. It might be a useful reorientation if we were to change our picture of the world into one divided between twO great powers which mortally fear each other, and if we were to express our fears, frankly as fears, with- out first dressing them up as demands. One can visualize a conference at which each side would tell the other, in detail, what it was afraid of, avoiding the temptation to stand its fears on their heads to make them look like programs, to make negatives look like affirmatives. To concede that the world's two largest powers greatly fear each other would help to explain much of what is now going on, and would be an approach toward cleaning up the question of motives. One difficulty is our reluctance to ad- mit that Russia can conceivably be afraid of us; we tend rather luxuriously to re- serve this motive for our own used The Russians do this, too; each side has a way of apostrophizing the trees and the skies, with the wide-eyed question: "How can anybody fear us?" Another danger is that those who only fear Russia may allow themselves to be led by those who hate Russia, thus permitting themselves to be mobilized into an unin- tended force. It was during our recent national discussion of our fears of Russia that we heard the shoutings of those who want us to drop nastily explosive articles on the Soviet Union at once. It would be sounder to keep the issue on the wholesome and legitimate ground of apprehension. We can come closer to making a deal with the Russians by matching and pairing fears than by matching and pairing hates. (New York Post Syndicate, Copyright 1947) lecture on the subject, "Nutrition- al Factors in Liver Injury," at 8 p.m., Mon., May 12, Rackham Am- phitheatre; auspices of the Medi- cal School and the Alfred Duns- ton, Jr., Fund. University Lecture: Professor Max Fisch, Department of Philos- ophy, University of Illinois, will lecture on the subject, "Evolution in American Philosophy from 1860-1917," at 4:15 p.m., Tues., May 13, Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of Philosophy. The public is cordial- ly invited. Academic Notices Algebra Seminar, Fri., May 9, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3201, Angell Hall. Dr. L. Tornheim will speak on Hilbert's Theory of Fields. This topic presupposes elementary Gal- ois Theory and is background ma- terial for Prof. Brauer's course on representation theory this summer. Biological Chemistry: Seminar, Rm. 319, W. Medical Bldg., Sat., May 10, 10-12 noon. Subject: "Vit- amin P-Citrin-Rutin." All inter- ested are invited. Mathematics Seminar in Rela- tivity: Thurs., 3 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Sangren will report on Milne's book "Relativistic Cos- mology." Graduate Students in Education. The preliminary examinations for the doctorate in the School of Education will be held on May 27-28-29 from 2 to 5 p.m. Any stu- dent desiring to take these pre- liminary examinations, should no- tify my office, 4000 University High School, not later than May 15. Clifford Woody, Cocentration Advisement Se- ries: Thurs., May 8, Political Science Department, 231 Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. Prof. Joseph Kallenbach-Po- litical science as a field of con- centration. Prof. John Lederle-Political science as preparation for govern- ment service. Prof. Lawrence Preuss-Politi- cal science as preparation for for- eign service. Prof. Lionel Laing - Teaching opportunities in political science. Concerts May Festival Concerts will take place as follows: Thursday, 8:30.. Philadelphia Orchestra; Helen Traubel, soloist; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Friday, 8:30. "Missa Solemnis" (Beethoven); Regina Resnik, so- prano; Anna Kaskas, contralto; Frederick Jagel, tenor; John Gur- ney, bass; Philadelphia Orches- tra; the University Choral Union; Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, organist; Thor Johnson, conductor. Saturday, 2:30. First half: Song Cycle from the Masters; Philadel- phia Orchestra; Festival Youth Chorus; Marguerite Hood, con- ductor. Second half: Isaac Stern, violinist; Alexander Hilsberg, con- ductor.- Saturday, 8:30. Philadelphia Or- chestra; Ezio Pinza, bass; Eugene eOrmandy, conductor. Sunday, 2:30. Philadelphia Or- chestra; Robert Casadesus, pian- ist; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Sunday, 8:30. Philadelphia Or- chestra; Ferruccio Tagliavini, ten- or; Alexander Hilsberg, conductor. "Te Deum" (Verdi);: University Choral Union, Thor Johnson, con- ductor. Events Today The Engineering Mechanics De- partment is sponsoring a discus- sion of a particular problem in the theory of thin plates by W. Nash in Rm. 402, W. Engineering Bldg., 7:30 p.m. Alpha Lambda Delta: Initiation, 4:30 p.m. ABC Rooms, Michigan League. Sigma Gamma Epsilon. 12:15 p.m., Rm. 3055, Natural Science. International Center: The week- ly Thursday informal teas will' continue during the vacation as well as during the period of finals. All foreign students, their friends and interested persons are cor- dially invited. Teas start promptly at 4:30 p.m. Committee of Cooperation of SRA: Members are requested to work on the Religious Curricula Survey any afternoon. Ask for ma- terial at Lane Hall desk. Coming Events Geology and Mineralogy Jour- nal Club, 12 noon, May 9, Rm. 3055, Natural Science Bldg. Mr. Sherman Moore, of the U. S. Lake Survey, Detroit, will speak on "Crustal Movement." Visitors' Night: Angell Hall Ob- servatory, Fri., May 9, beginning at 8 p.m. Saturn and double stars will be shown if the night is clear. If the sky is cloudy, Observatory will not be open. Children must be accompanied by adults. Graduate Outing Club: Outdoor Sports. Meet at the Northwest Entrance, Rackham Bldg., 2:30 p.m., Sun., May 11. Supper out- doors if weather permits. Sign up before noon on Saturday at the check desk in Rackham Bldg. Scalp & Blade: 7 p.m., Sun., May 11, Union. Plans for stag-outing to be discussed. All members at- tend. International Center: The in- formal weekly tea dances will be extended to include Saturday eve- ninigs. Friday's tea dances start at 4:30 p.m.; on Saturday-8 p.m. All interested persons are cordial- ly invited to attend. International Center: "The Peo- ple of the USSR" and "The Soviet School Child" are the films sched- uled for this Friday evening in the International Center. All interest- ed persons are cordially invited to attend. Showing of the films, 7:30 p.m. Interrnational Center: Due to the Choral Union Concert, the Sunday evening Supper and Pro- gram will be canceled. Final pro- gram and supper will be held on May 18 in the International Center and Michigan Union. Letters to the Editor. SEDITORS NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less' in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters o more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretioi o the edi- torial director. Movie Values To the Editor: THE MOST COMMON of all arts is the cinema, and no- whee else does the belief more ardently prevail that entertain- ment is the goal. "Entertai ,,ment" has acquired enormous power. It appears to mean, primarily, escape from tedium or anxiety, from ug- liness or defeat. It means the sub-! limation of frustrated desire when the screen exhibits men or women we would like to love, and cannot. It means the mere holding of at- tention by which a few moments can be made slip by. Does the cinema "teach"? Obvi- ously it does. No statements about "entertainment" can conceal the fact that movie audiences have been absorbing ideas concerning manners of living. We have been learning that women must be young to be attractive; that the feminine body should be as visible as possible without actually being seen; that the most interesting people are those who are well- dressed, well -loved, and wealthy. Movie-makers occasionally boast of their influence on American standards for good living. Cinema situations are the kind which utilize certain sets of values, and thereby influence action. Audiences are, consciously or un- consciously, subjectedbto propa- ganda in any reasonable sense of the term. One can only guess to what extent American racialsat- titudes are sustained by film ster- eotypes. Movie-goers may think they are being merely entertained, but ac- tually they are being instructed. And not always well. -J. M. Geist Picket Slogan To the Editor: PICKETS in front of the State Theatre protest that "Song of the South" perpetuates the myth of contented servitude. These three-dollar-word ideal- ists are so very earnest that they get to thinking they should even suppress the truth for the sake of the good and true cause. "Song of the South" is a true and good picture of the true. and good state of things which sometimes comes about when good men make the best of a bad social state. High sounding catch-phrases may build "good" prejudices in place of bad ones, but can't we do better than that? Might we not hit harder, where we want to hit, by damning the myth instead of the movie? May I offer the pickets a more intelligent and in- telligible slogan? SEE AND ENJOY SONG OF THE .. SOUTH BUT REMEMBER NOT ALL "SLAVES" WERE-OR ARE-AS LUCKY AS UNCLE REMUS -Helen M. Mosse Archy To the Editor: If Archy is on your staff please get in touch with him. This is the second letter we have for- warded for him. We don't mind his using our typewriter but, be- ing veterans, do not feel we can afford the postage. -John Cook Charles Badgerow Uncle Remus To the Editor: Let us gather around campus firesides and join in harmonic choruses of "Old Black Joe," and "My Old Kentucky Home." This should produce the proper atmos- phere of nostalgia for those good old days at Mammy's breast. Some of us who are natural end men can drawl those beloved, chucklin' tales once told by that inimitable, lovable character, Un- cle Remus. At this point many of us will say jealously to ourselves, "What fun they must have had. Oh! Damn! Why wasn't I born a Darkie?" Reluctantly, at cur- few time, we pick watermeleon seeds from our ears and depart from this cabin in the sky. But Uncle Remus ain't no soul to give up a good friendship. One gay day in May he gets a hanker- in' to visit this lil' ole college town for a bit of reciprocal hos- pitality, and he just couldn't find a restaurant that would serve him his ration of corn pone and mo- lasses, even if they had it. I 'spect the old boy would have to do a bit of shufflin' to find a barber to trim his raggled beard. Here comes Uncle Remus now, shagged from a tavern for daring to con- taminate beer glasses used by some college students. "Uncle Remus, fetch yourself back in that story book. You are haunting me!" - Gordon Snow * AWI Sophistry To the Editor: DR. hJCOHN SON"sinking back Sinto his chair placing his fingers over his well-upholstered tummy and pronouncing with a complacent smile," says, in deny- ing the sophistry of Mr. Clana- han, that "if the abuse be enor- mous, Nature will rise up, and claiming her original rights, over- turn a corrupt (social) system." Mr. Lange, then, might well be termed a sophomoric Sophist. -B. W. Otto A. At Referendum To the Editor: TO DAY SAW an amazing traves- ty of a fine American institu- tion, the Referendum. And who is guilty of this shameful dud. Why none other than our defend- ers of Campus freedom. Our own, yes our own Student Legislature. Oh Great and Mighty Body howest couldest youest doest suchest thing. For shame. Perhaps you ask what have they done. They have presented to the stu- dent a referendum so completely one sided in wording it is a new masterpiece in the fine art of ask- ing a question so that you get the answer you want. The resolution they have presented to us has an answer which is obvious. Every- one wishes to have Academic Freedom in such a University of ours, but there are many of us who object to organizations which are training grounds for people whose main purpose is to undermine and revolutionize American democracy. Just as most of us would not per- mit a fascist organization to be- come started on this campus so we should not allow a communist controlled organization to be on our campus. MYDA has been successfu l in learning its principles from the communist line. They have learn- ed that to cloud an issue is the easiest way to get what you want. This is what they have done.' Communists always accuse some- one of raising a witch hunt when they are being condemned and brought out into the open. They are accusing us of that now. They counter easily enough by shout- ing freedom of speech, or "I dis- agree what they say, but I will de- fend to my death their right to say it," or as the signs all around the voting booths said "Vote yes for academic freedom." Yes, very effective propaganda if I do say so myself. If the student legislature had wished to clean up the rather muddled situation that exists, an additional third question should have been added. ShouldMYDA be banned from the campus? (and if you wish by the student legislature) This would have clar- ified the situation whereby the question of MYDA and the ques- tion of Academic Freedom would have been separated. The question of Academic Free- dom is one worthy of fighting for, but as for MYDA may the or- ganization rot in hell. Let us hope that even after the Student Legis- lature has received its vote of confidence on the idea of Academ- ic Freedom they don't lean over backwards and allow MYDA to again become a University recog- nized body. I don't think the ref- erendum of Tuesday sanctions that move. -S. Hosenbalk L71g 1J*Ii14-irn t~ta* IT SO HAPPENS ... 0 'But It's May, God' This Could Spread ... W E ARE FASCINATED by the statement of the West Java revolutionaries who are breaking off (if they win) from the Re- public of Indonesia, which in turn was set up by the Dutch last year. The statement, as it appeared in a story from Batavia in the Herald Tribune, smacks strongly of certain recent interchanges be- tween Russians and American, Republicans and Democrats, etc. The West Javanese are ready to die for a I ..-.proclamation (which) said the Sun- danese could not, remain under the con- trol of their traditional enemies, the Jay- anese." Good Time To Bolt .. . ON A RECENT broadcast in the series of programs of Edgar Allan Poe's works which come over WKAR at 2:30 p.m. every Friday, an actress in the Angell Hall studios of the Broadcasting Service had just spoken the line "Her eyes were rivet- ed upon him." At that moment, the sound of the pneumatic riveter on the new Gen- eralS ervico Ruildin came c1early through They Can Write, Too ... THOSE OF US who have been losing sleep worrying about those insurance tables on mortality will be reassured by a sign outside the Michigan Union. According to the sign, an advertisement for the Naval Reserve, you may sign up with them and live "on borrowed time." Their ad says in clear, lucid prose: "Maintain longevity in the Naval Re- serve." * * * le Saw the Previews . . WE HAD NEARLY FORGOTTEN just how blase the younger generation has be- come until we were reminded by a little fellow the other night at a local movie showing Disney's "Song of the South." He came tagging up the aisle after his mother, tugging a bit viciously at her skirt to gain her attention. "When're we gonna see 'Strange Woman' with Hedy Lamarr?" he demanded. Contributions to this column are by all mem- bers of The Daily staff, and are the responsi- bility of the editorial director. Items from subscribers are invited; address them to "It So Happens", The Michigan Daily. Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control o1 Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor Clayton Dickey ..........City Editor Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor Ann Kutz...........Associate Editor Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor Jack Martin ............ Sports Editor Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editpr Joan Wilk.............Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Joan De Carvajal... Research Assistant Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Manager Janet Cork ......... Business Manager Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager BARNABY Your Fairy Godfather is embarrassed, m'bov. F ~ ~ ,,III. Mr f Kr"T { Do that, laddie. I wouldn't want te I