THEMICIAN $AHINY "- THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1947 -- - ----------------------- CREMLIN BOWS: Truman Doctrine Penetrates 'Iron Curtain' of Soviet Policy DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN awarded annally to the summer mainly research jobs. Jobs in the session of the University of Mex- other fields are for production or :co shJ -oid seet Prof. Mercado this exploration. S e hr: Tties. and The Zurich General Accident & Thurs. at 3 p.m. "m. 302, Ro- Liability Insurance Company, Ltd. Thy J. M. ROBERTS, Jr. AP Foreign Affairs Analyst Rep. Mundt (Rep., S.D.), saying that the Truman Doctrine is "go- ing to cause some serious thinking in the Kremlin," might have Med Students Will Be G3ivenl lpue Tests The Association of American Medical Colleges will conduct its annual medical aptitude testing program for prospective students in medical schools, Saturday, Oc- tober 4. Registration for the tests will be held late in May. Failure to register will not exclude the stu- dent from the fall testing program although late registration will add materially to the work of the Iowa Stat~e Graduate Record Office which conducts the testing pro- gram. Reports of the examinations will be in the hands of medical school administrators sometime between Nov. 1 and 15. The test materials will be mod- ified slightly for the fall exam- ination. A form of the Profession- al Aptitude Test will be used and the achievement test in the basic sciences will be continued but shortened to one - and - a - half hours. A new one-and-a-half hour test dealing with the area of social studies and current social prob- lms will be introduced this year. changed his tense. It has already.' Events indicate - and predic- tions in informed quarters go even further -- that Western policies are beginning to make some pene- tration of the "Iron Curtain." Probably the most significant penetration of all has been eco- nomic. Poland has entered into a trade agreement with Britain, the first such major move the Rus- sians have permitted within, their sphere since the war. Gradual Shift In the meantime, an early if gradual shift in Russian political tactics, if not in long--term basic Spolicy,will cause no surprise in certain American circles. I hear that the Kremlin is intensely in- terested in our 1948 elections, and that Russia's immediate policy will not really solidify until after that. This means, presumably, that the extent of Russian cooper- ation will depend heavily upon the amount of compulsion applied by American public opinion. Andrei Gromyko has been gen- erally accepted here as merely the agent of Russian intransigence But there are those who will tell you that Gromyko, because many Moscow decisions have been pass- ed on his recommendations, also bears a strong personal responsi- bility at which the Kremlin may even now be taking a good look. 'Slav Bloc' If Gromyko is replaced on the U.N. scene it can be taken as the signal for what will have at least the surface appearance of cooper- ation' OFFICER INSPECTS BROKEN PALESTINE PRISON GATE-A British officer examines a broken iron gate leading to a corridor inside Acre Prison, north of Haifa, Palestine, which was blasted by members of the Jewish underground May OtA" PlysToBe Given Publiation In The Daily Official Bulletin is construtive notice to all embers of the Univit.Ntices for the Ilullelin shou:l bw sent in typoniit n form to the o"i lice of t E Ausistaut to the Preid, n tom 10n Angell 1all, by 3:'0 wh . on the day preceding pulieation (O1:00 a.m. Sat- urdaysi). Tlli'RSDAV, MAV 8. lDu1 VOL L ., N. 12 Notiees Veterans reporting non-receipt of Subsistenote cheekos,: naccrd ance With the (IirCCI i of the Dep- uty administratoi fcs: Veterans Affairs, Veterans Adn:in tration Branch Office No. 6, Columbus, Ohio. the local Veterans Adminis- tration Office is to conduct a sur-! vey of all veterans in training atj the University and schools in this area who are reporting non-receipt of subsistence due them prior to April 30, 1947. All veterans are u r>'d to report to Rm. 100, Ra^Ia, ilde.. Fri.,! May 9, for l he purpose of makmne this report. It is to be emphasized that sub- sistence checks due veterans on May 1, 1947, and follo:in, are not. to be included in this .survCy. Cooperation of all veterans will assist the Veterans Administralion Rcgicnal Office, D,roit, Michigan., in reviewing all delinquent sub- sistence accounts. R3 ( ellege of Engineering: Stu- dents wo expect to attend the :n.'c~' Session should notify the 8eretary's Office, Rm. 1G3. WV. En yineering Buildino as soon as dens in the above departments Posible. with a grade point of 2.5 or above IOil May 12 and 13. Interested stu- Woe students attenin th dents may sign schedule on Aero- i r, menc s.tuden s ten the nautical Bulletin Board. Olympic Bail and the Newman (i h Spring Dance have 1:30 per- mission. Calling hours will not be Bureau of Appointments and ex"nded." OQcci.onal Information, 201 Masonhall.Of-4ce hours: 9-12, l l mmcc Languages Bldg%. A ronautical, ('ii1 iand Electri- cal Eniners: A representative of Bell Aircraft will interview stu- Party Approvals: All student groups planning social events at which both men and women are to be present must secure approval fom the Office of Student Af- fair: Rm. 2, University Hall, no later tian 12 noon of the Monday before the event. The deadliner for filing these events has been advanced in order to permit week- y publication of the list of ap- proved parties in the D.O.B. Approved parties for the com- ing week-end: May 9-AVC, Wil- low Run; Chi Omega; Phi Gamma Delta; Sigma Nu; Victor Vaughan. May 10---Alpha Eta; Alpha Deltaj Phi: Alpha Kappa Psi; Alpha. Om- icron Pi, Alpha Sigma Phi; Delta Sigma Delta; Delta Sigma Pi; Del- ta, Upsilon, Graduate Student Council; Lambda Chi Alpha; Phi Chi; Phi Delta Theta: Phi Sigma Kappa. Theta Delta Chi. Members of the Sociedad His- panica interested in applying for one of the three scholarships General Placement: The Atlantic Refining Company representatives will be at our office on Thursday. May 8. to interview chemical, petroleum, electrical, mechanical, and civil engineers, also phy5ies and math majors and geologis ts and paleontologists. Po- sitions for chemical engineers are representatives will be at our of- fice on Thursday. May 8, to inter- view men interested in employ- ment with this company. Crowley - Milner's Department Store, Detroit. A representative will be here on Friday, May 9, to interview men and women inter- ested in a department store career. The Procter & Gamble Company will have a representative in our office on Tuesday. May 13, to in- terview girls interested in work in their Market Research Division. These positions involve a consider- able amount of traveling. Phone 371 for appointments. TEACHER PLACEMENT: The Board of Missions and Church Extension of the Method- ist Church would like to send six young women of high Christian character and ideals of service, graduates of grade A colleges with (Continued on Page 3) I Advanced play production class-5 es in the speech department will present three one-act plays at 8 p.m. Monday at Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. J. M. Barrie's "The Old Lady Shows Her Medals," Clyde Bar- rett's "The Fourteenth Guest," and "Suppressed Desires" by Susan Glaspell will be given. The Barrie play, one of his best known short plays, deals with a patriotic old charwoman who in- vents a soldier son to impress her cronies, during the war. Tickets for the plays may be obtained with no charge at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box office Monday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Popcorn Pete Says: Don't miss our sensational, inflation-busting sale. From now on - all 5c candy bars at a C SPECIAL PRICE . . . . . , E toL C ORN SHOP 621 F. Liberty St. Phone 5975 21 Steps from State St. Fow CLASSIFIED ADVE l4ICHAN Playing through Soatu rday WANTED TO TRADE WANTED TO RENT Remember MOM with CANDY! BUNTE MI-CHOICE PEPPERMINT CREAM LOVELL CAVELL CHOCOLATE-COVERED CHERRIES STATE DRUG CO. 900 South State Street VISIT OUR I BARGAI N BOOK SALE TAB LE Books Priced from 9c to 49c New Titles Added Daily at FO rLLETTIr'S State Street at N. University il .:...%. Yid; APARTMENT IN DETROIT, in trade for information leading to the renting of suitable apartment in Ann Arbor. Write Box 2, Michigan Daily. )60 HELP WANTED BABY SITTER-M.W.F. mornings. Stu- dent or student's wife. Tewes, 720 S. State. 2-2035. )20 GROUND SERVICE MEN-Military or airline experience required. Phone Ypsi. 3220 or contact airport mana- ger's office at Willow Run. )13 SODA FOUNTAIN HELP-Full or part time. Top wages. Excellent hours. Two good campus locations. Apply in person to fountain manager, Wit- ham Drug Co., Cor. S. University and Forrest Ave. )30 FIRST trumpet and lead alto man Fri- day, Saturday and Sundays. Must have good strong lead tone and be able to read and cut shows. Contact Karl Kalson, Villa Bee Night Club, Jackson, Michigan. )62 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Tuv, Size 36 or 37. Room 205 Prescott House, East Quad. Ask for Carey. )28 RADIO-Six-tube table model. Excel- lent condition. Need cash. Phone Har- old, 9092, 7:30 to 9:30 evenings )5 UTAH AMATEUR Transmitter, Sky Buddy and extras. Operates through 20 meters. E. Hannah, 425 Vaughan. )29 FOR SALE-Full dress suit (tails). Size 38. Worn twice. Phone Leo, 2-0509 after six. )40 SUN GLASSES $3.50. U.S. Surplus-Air Force-4-base lens with pearloic sweat bar. Sam's store, 122 E. Wash- ington. )14 FOR SALE - Diamond Solitaire, 1/3 Karat. Priced to sell. Write Box 3,. Michigan Daily. )17 WIRE FOXTERRIER PUPPIES - Are registered. Peppy, well marked, 8 weeks. 1456 Sudbury, Village, after 4 p.m. )25 ONE COMPLETE May Festival Series Ticket. Top balcony. Call Fred Marks, 2-8300. )28 SOLVE your housing problem with this 10 room, 2 bath brick and frame home. Now used as 3 apartments. Furniture in 2 apts. Included 3-car garage. Large Wot. Fruit and shade. Opposite new grade school. $12,000.00. Oril Ferguson, 928 Forest, Phone 2-2839. )27 COUNTRY PROPERTY. Well built 8 room house. Electricity, furnace, wa-. ter system, barns, chicken coop. 15 acres good land. 14 miles out. , mile to nice lake. $9,500.00. Oril Fergu- son, 928 Forest, Phone 2-2839. )26 $2,000 BUYS-38 acres nicely wooded hills. Beautiful, high, scenic building site. Secluded location. One mile to nice lake. Oril Ferguson, 928 Forest. Phone 2-2839. )24 TAILS, Size 38. good condition. Call 2-4551, ask for Cobble or Brent. )43 WILL SELL parts of two season tickets to May Festival at two-thirds cost. Call George Gregory, 4707 or 4379. )22 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, condition perfect, standard American keyboard, German make, case, also German characters. Phone Mrs. Ford, 2-0960 9 to 5. Best offer takes. )33 WHIZZER motor bike. Just overhauled. $120. 1335 OAKHAM. Willow Run Village. )37 FOR SALE-Cottages at Glen Lake, Water edge and Hillside and 20 acre tract Lake Michigan on paved state road. Write Elmer Billman, Cedar, Mich. )41 1939 DODGE Two-door sedan, clean good running, $650. Call Mr. Mee, 611 Church St., Ph. 9183. )45 SINGLE, young male faculty member wants room for at least 12 months near State and North University. Call 4121, Ext. 2109 between 7:30 and 9:30 evenings. )57 STUDENT DESIRES apartment start- ing Sept. One or two room equival- ent. Willing to pay now for year in advance. References. Box 50. )23 SUBLET for summer term of apartment or small house or permanent apart- ment wanted by Michigan graduate veteran working in Ann Arbor and wife. By June 15th. Any location. References. Call Mr. Boltwood, 8-5, 2-4483. )14 TWO WOMEN graduate students desire small apartment with or without kitchen beginning Sept. Box 51. )46 LOST AND FOUND WLL PERSON who took man s grey gabardine trenchcoat from P-Bell April 25 please return to Bell and claim yours. )21 REWARD-For return of gold Eversharp pen. Finder please return - gift of deceased father. Jack J. Garris, Phone 2-459.)33 LOST-Monday, near campus, "Chris- tian Brothers College" ring. Contact J. Jourdan, West Lodge, or Box 3, Daily. )73 LOST-White plastic rimmed glasses in case. Please call Bruce Witherspoon, 522 Williams House, West Quad. )16 LOST-Man's watch, Election. $5.00 Re- ward. Please contact Wendell Jackson, 1605 Monson Ct., W. R. FOUND: Wood oboe-For information leave word in box 15, Michigan Daily. 67 LOST - At Illinois baseball game, a green spiral notebook for History 147. Call 9882. )72 LOST - Elbon wristwatch with brown strap between campus town and Co- zens Hall. Call Elaine, 9231. ) FAVORITE wide red belt lost Monday 21st. Between Stockwell and Ro- mance Languages. Call 5531 Stock- well, please! )11 FOUND-Eversharp fountain pen. Own- er may claim by identifying and pay- ing for ad. Write Anna Mitch, West Lodge, Dorm 2. )63 LOST-K&E Duplex Slide Rule in case. Vicinity of East or West Engineering building. Geo. MacAllister, 1433 Univ. Terr., Apt. 71 )32 ANYONE FINDING wallet belonging to Jeannie Johnson, return to the lost and found, Room 1..University Hall, or call 5663. )18 LOST-Parker 51 Pen, black and silver, Friday, May 2. Haven Hall or vicinity. Reward. Contact Box 4, Michigan Daily. )74 BEIGE SKIT LOST between N. 5th and Ann St., and Hill and State St. Call Amber 4187. Reward. )4 LOST-Slide Rule, between Lawyer's Club and Univ. Hosp. Call 6637. )61 LOST: Light tan raincoat left in Gen- eral Library last Sunday night. Please call Ernie at 6284. )34 LOST: Blackbillfold and brown bill- fold Finder call 27019, ask for Ernie Leonardi or Jerry Cooley. Reward. )36 Buy and Save Those War Bonds!! FOR MOTHER: Choose a gift she'll treasure through the years from our d collection of imported gist BUSINESS SERVICES w If your radio's bad, You can hear all the plugs. Just bring it. to us. We'll take out the bugs" For expert radio service call 9241 or bring your set to the Tavern Cafe- teria. )8 I SEWING SEWING-Campus Alt eran.n Shop. 503 Monroe St. Apt. 1Ial. 9841. 22 ALTERATIONS on Ladies' Garments. Prompt, effiient service. 2-2678. Alta Graves - near Stockwell Hall.42 TRANSPORTATION WANTED--Ride to Columbus, Ohio or vicinity Friday afternoon. Share ex- penses. Call Dick Kahn, 1315. )70 --- - - RESORTS GLEN LAKE. Cottage modern, waters edge, sand beach, accomodate for sea- son only. )44 WANTED WANTED-One or two May Festival Tickets for Saturday evening. Bring them to 61l E. University. )6 WANTED-Two tickets for Sunday af- teinoon May Festival. Call R. McGu- gan, 292 Couzens. )35 LAW STUDENT-Veteran, to be mar- ried. Wife working as psychiatric so- cial worker. Need small furnished apartment in Ann Arbor area for June or July occupancy. Graduate June, 1948. Call 4145. )12 CLOSET OR corner of basement for use as photo darkroom. Frank Me- Ferran.Apt. 31-Vet's Housing pro- ject, or phone 9280. )39 ROOMS FOR RENT DOUBLE, near campus, immediately and for summer school. Phone 2-2362 MISCELLANEOUS TENNIS FANS! RACQUETS RESTRUNG. ONE DAY service. ick-up, delivery, anywhere in Ann Arbor. New racquets, balls in stock Call Fred ZIEMANN 2-1088 after 5 64 COMPLETE SERVICE on your furs and woolen garments. Cold storage, insur- ance, cleaning, glazing, restyling, and repairing. Ginsburg Furrier, 607 E. Liberty ) GOLFERS-Spalding, MacGregor, Hag- en, Wilson Clubs. Bags, Balls. Phone 4044 or 2-2058. Johnny Malloy, Pro- fessional. )69 CHILDREN CARED FOR in my home by mother. Mich. grad. 5 days, 8-5. Licensed. Refs. 2-7355. )38 PERSONAL- JOE-Will return your ring in exchange for Newman Club Spring Formal ticket as compensation for my heart- break. -Maggie )31 REDUCE! Lose pounds and inches where you want them off. Come in from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. for an intro- ductory treatment and be convinced. Baskin 8 N. Normal St., Ypsilanti. )7 HANDSOME ex-Air Corps officer de-_ sires date for chaperoned picnic May 24 Swimming, boating, canoeing, dancing. Dial 2-4401, ask for 307 Lloyd. )76 BOY waits to meet girl who is sensi- tive, tallish, eu rvacious, nonsmoking- and nonreligious. Please write Box 3. Michigan Daily. )2 North Main Opposite Court House Today and Friday - Barbara Reed in "GINGER" plus -- Jack Haley in "SING YOUR WAY HOME" Added - Cartoon OUR PRICE: Weekdays until 5 P.M., 25c Evenings and Sundays, 30c - Last Day Today - A SCANDAL IN PARIS with George Sanders -- and BEDLAM with Boris Karloff - Friday and Saturday - PALMY DAYS with Eddie Cantor _UT and OUT CALIFORNIA WAY . .. . ......... . MOH ER> I D)AY - also PETE SMITH CARTOON I NEWS SPECIAL MIDNIGHT SHOW Saturday 'T HE BEAST WITH FIVE FINGERS" I SUNDAY, MAY -I 1 4 Planning a business or vacation trip? You'll enjoy going by comfortable, easy riding Greyhound coach. Frequent schedules. Big extra savings on round trims. SUGGESTIONS G"T Alpena.... . 5.75 Traverse City 6.00 Niagara Falls 5.75 F Bangor, Me. 17.25 Boston .......12.75 Atlantic City 12.00 $ Not including tran GREYHOUND1 116 W. Huron Norfolk .......14.10 Indianapolis .. 5.55 New Orleans 14.75 Okla. City -.. 14.65 El Paso .... 24.55 Salt Lake City 29.45 sportation tax TERMINAL Phone 2-5511 Perfumes Pen an' ,. .tI Continuous from 1 P.M. NOW .www m Pencil Sees Nylon Brushes Compacts Schraft's Bunte, and Gales Chocolates Special Planning a trip? Don't make a slip. Save yourself a consider- 4 (' rn n f- I r) rl Cn rA c 11 I II !1 IIA Jill I!1 h \ ~ 'A ~ V