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May 07, 1947 - Image 6

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t'F'F]!M, SDAT, MAY i, 047

.. ............... . . . ....... ....... . ......... . ........... . ..... .

Censorship Isolates Russian
People from Outside World

Campus Highlights


I. Ae. S. 7:30 p.m., Thurs., May
8, Michigan Union. Mr. John
Lekas, president of the Lekas
Manufacturing Co., will speak on
the subject, "Radio Aids To Aer-
onautical Research."
Aeronautical. Mechanical, and
Electrical Engineers. After the
lecture, Mr. Lekas will interview
men for employment with NACA
at Langley Field, Va. All Engi-
neers are invited to attend this

meeting. Short business meeting
will follow. _
Kappa Kappa Psi: Dinner meet-
ing, G p.m., Thurs.. May 8, Faculty
Room, Michigan Union. I
Sigma Gamma Epsilon. 12:15
p.m., Thurs., May 8, Rm. 3055, Na-
tural Science.
Vocational Guidance iriterviews

will be given by Mr. Aaron Weiss,
Regional Counselor of the Michi-
gan Group Vocational Guidance
Program of B'nai BWrith, at the
Hillel Foundation, Sun., May 11.
Call the Foundation (2-6585) for
Buy and Hold
U. ;S. Savings Bonds l

AP Diplomatic Reporter
LONDON, May 6-- ( P) - Ivan
Ivanovich, Moscow's man in the
Street, is about as completely iso-
lated from the rest of the world as
he can be without moving to the
News about him is regularly per-
mitted to reach other lands only
through rigid censorship.
News for him from outside
reaches him in the main only
through a press and radio which
function as voices of the govern-
ment, army, Communist party or
other'controlling organization.
Cultural Criticisms
He is not permitted to travel out-
side his national borders except
on official or officially-approved
missions. He has little or no rela-
tions with the few foreigners in
his own country.
What he knows about other peo-
ple, their politics, economic sys-
tems and living habits, are over-
whelmingly the things his govern-
ment lets him know if it does not
actually seek to impress them upon
him. If he gets other information
it is generally by accident.
According to cultural criticisms
regularly published in the Moscow
press, every phase of art-theatre,
opera, ballet, writing, painting,
music-all should be in line with
Soviet teachings and ideals. Per-
haps the freest Western influence
in Moscow is American jazz, which
is very popular with the hotel din-
ing room orchestras.
American Voices
One night a small group of
Americans went to call on a Rus-
sian friend who-lived on the upper
floor of a walkup apartment house.
The Americans were asked not to
speak to each other from the time
they approached the building until
they .had climbed to the apart-
Their host did not explain, but it
was evident that he did not want
the sound of American voices trail-
ing up to his apartment door.
Relatively few Russians ap-
peared willing to risk trouble over
N.Y. Court Okays
Robeson Recital
ALBANY, N.Y., May 6.-.()-A
Supreme Court justice ruled today
that Paul Robeson must be allowed
ta.. give a scheduled recital Friday
night in an Albany school audi-
toriunm, but that the Negro bari-
tone, allegedly a Communist sym-
pathizer, must stick to singing.
Justice Isadore Bookstein grant-
ed an injunction to prevent the
Albany Board of Education from
interfering with the recital.

arranging such a visit. Very few
also seemed pleased to be greeted
by a foreigner in a public place in
Secret Police
The operations of the secret po-
lice are not known in detail to for-
eigners in the Soviet capital, but
their results become known from
time to time. Occasionally the
Russian acquaintance of an Amer-
ican or some other foreigner sim-
ply drops out of sight, and word
comes from a relative or friend
that he has been taken'away for
a while.
Foreigners resident in Moscow
claim that every block of build-
ings has an informer, if not a
regular police agent, to keep tab
on the activities of the people.
Hidden microphones are constant-
ly feared by those who think they
might have something worthwhile
to say.
In the American colony this fear
probably reached its all-time high
when the CFM meeting was on.
Only two or three rooms in Spasso
House, Ambassador Bedell Smith's
residence, were officially consid-
ered free of the microphone men-
Educated Class
At;least one high diplomatic of-
ficial said he believed that Soviet
political development might be
modified over the future genera-
tions by the growth of a large edu-
cated class which would tend in-
creasingly to break down the bar-
riers and establish more and
broader contacts with the rest of
the world.
Some other equally responsible
persons think the critical point is
whether the political mould of
Soviet education is so effective
that children brought up to fit it
will ever be able to think beyond
its limits.
One of the most striking recent
examples of the isolation of Soviet
citizens was the decree of the gov-
ernment forbidding Russians who
married foreigners to leave the
country. This trapped, among
others, the Russian wives of fif-
teen Americans, fifteen Britishers.
one Canadian and Greek Ambas-
sador Politis.
The Soviets can find a precedent
for this in Russian history. The
earlier incident is related in a book
by Academician R. Wipper, who
reports that in the 16th century
the Danish ambassador was denied
permission to take his Russian
bride out of the country.
In the modern case of restric-
tions on wives the Soviets have
taken the line that citizens of the
Soviet state have responsibilities
to the state which they must not
be permitted to escape by marry-
ing foreigners.

Book Review.
"American Sahib," recently-
published book by John Frederick
Muehl, will be reviewed at 7:30
p.m. today in the International
Center by Roland Lussier.
* * *
Parley Plans . . .
'The Spring Parley Committee
will meet at 5 p.m. today in the
Union to discuss plans for the
Any organization which wishes
to help sponsor the parley, to be
held May 16 and 17, may send
a representative to the meeting.
* *
White to Speak...
Prof. Leslie A. White of the an-
thropology department will lec-
ture on "Current Trends in Social
Evolution" at 4:15 p.m. today in
Rackham Amphitheatre.
The lecture, sponsored by the
Graduate Student Council, is open
to the public.
Surgery dI,. ..
An illustrated talk on the
"Possibilities and Limitations in
Plastic Surgery" will be given by
Dr. James Barrett Brown, pro-
fessor of maxillo-facial surgery
at Washington University, under
the auspices of Nu Sigma Nu at
8 p.m. today in Rackham Am-
Pharrnac,y Meeting . . .
The Student Branch of the
Ruthven Will
Head Meeting
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will act as honorary president of
the Third National Conference on
Health in Colleges, to be held to-
day through Saturday in New York
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, Health
Service director, will be chairman
of the Committee on Institutional
Aspects at the conference. Other
Health Service staff members at-
tending are: Dr. Margaret Bell;
Dr. William M. Brace; Melbourne
Murphy, administrative assistant;
Howard J. Stroud, sanitarian; and
Miss Faith Angell, supervising
Discussing the major problems
affecting college health programs
Woday, conference representatives
will give particular consideration
to the question of extending such
orograms to include college faculty
and employes, and students' wives.
The recommendations of, the
:onference will be published in
'ook form to serve as a guide for,
school administrators.

American Pharmaceutical Associ-
ation will hold its last meeting of
the semester at 7:30 p.m. today in
Rm. 151 of the Chemistry Build-
A new sound film entitled "Mod-
est Miracles," depicting the his-
tory and chemistry of the vitamin
B complex. will be shown. Follow-
nng the movie there will be an
election of officers.
Naval Air Filin, . .
The film, "Operation Cross-
roads" will be shown at a meet-
ing sponsored by the Naval Air
Reserve Unit of Grosse Ile Naval
Air Station at 7:30 p.m. today in
Union ]Ballroom. Representatives
of the Unit will explain the pro-
gram of the air reserve to pros-
pective member,.
* 4 4;
Catholic Discu-ssion..
Following devotions at 7:30 p.m.
today in St. Mary's Catholic
Chapel, the discussion group will
hold a meeting.
Job Interviews
Aaron Weiss, Regional Coun-
selor of the Michigan Group
Vocational Guidance Program of
B'nai B'rith, will be at the Hil-
lel Foundation for personal in-
terviews from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Appointments for interviews
may be made at the Foundation.
Piano Recital . .
Constance Coulter English, mu-
sic school student, will present a
piano recital at 8:30 p.m. today
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The program will be open to the
Luteran Tea... .
The Lutheran Student Associ-
ation will hold an informal tea
and coffee hour from 4 to 5:30
p.m. today at the Student Cen-
The graduate student group
will meet at 6 p.m.

(Continued from Page 4)
the meeting. All interested
neers invited.


Guild Refresher .. .
The Wesleyan Guild will hold
Mid-Week Refresher from 4 to
p.m. today at the Guild Lounge.


Business Positions . .
Types of corporation positions
open to graduates will be discussed
by Kenneth A. Meade, director of
technical employes of General Mo-
tors Corporation, at 8 p.m. today
in Rm. 319 of the Union, under the
sponsorship of Delta Sigma Pi,
professional business administra-
tion fraternity.

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