TlE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE - - - - - - -W Olympic Ball Will Be Presented Friday in League Rlan Townsend i I o Provide usi Decorations Will Follow Greek Theme; Drawing For Door Prizes To Be Held i I Olympic Ball, traditional all- campus semi-formal, will be pre- sented from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Fri- day in the League Ballroom. Allan Townsend and his band Association Benefits Told The organization of the Michi- gan Alumnae Association and the benefits to be received from it were explained at a Daily interview by Mrs. Lucille B. Conger, Executive Secretary, for the information of graduating seniors who may wish to join. Scroll, Mortar Board and Senior Society, campus honor societies, form the nucleus of a group that tries to keep graduates in touch with campus activities. This group works closely with the Alumnae Office in the League, and mainly by means of a monthly bulletin carries news of campus to organized alumnae clubs. Through cooperation with the various Michigan Alumnae clubs in the country, campus leaders may become leaders in extra-cam- pus projects after graduation. Golf Club Plans Meeting in WAB The Pitch and Putt Club, the golf organization of WAA, will hold a meeting at 5:15 p.m. Thursday in the WAB. All women who wish to receive credit for Golf Club should at- tend this meeting. Those who have not paid their dues of 25c should do so at this time. The golf tournament has been extended to May 19 because of the rain. Tournament scores should be handed in to the matron at the WAB and should be signed by the golf partners with the notation that they are tournament scores for Mrs. Stewart Hanley. will provide the music for the dance. Townsend is known to stu- dents for his weekly appearance at the Campus Casbah. Tickets for the dance may be purchased in the League, Union, on the diagonal or from any member of the men's or woman's physical education clubs. The dance is open to all students on campus,} Theme Will Be GreekC Decorations will center around a theme of ancient Greece. A huge figure of Oenomaus, King of Olym- pia, will survey the dancers from his throne at the east end of the ballroom. Clouds will give the im- pression that the ballroom is situ- ated at the top of Mount Olympus. On the wall will be portrayed the ancient legend of Greece. Oeno- maus had offered his daughter, Hippodamia, to any suitor who could escape with her. It was the custom for the king to pursue the fugitives and to kill the unlucky suitor. Pelops, the fourteenth as- pirant, was the winner. He then founded the Olympic games in honor of his victory. Door Prizes To Be Given Intermission entertainment will include the drawing for door prizes which will be along the Olympic theme. Rhythm classes will pre- sent a demonstration. Pictures will be taken with Olympic flags in the background. Late permission until 1:30 a.m. has been granted for all women at- tending. The central committee has asked that no corsages be worn. President Ruthven To Be Host at Tea President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven will be hosts to the en- tire campus from 4 to 6 p.m. to- day when they open their home for the bi-monthly Ruthven Tea. The Law quadrangle, Helen Newberry Residence, Beta Theta Pi fraternity, Pi Beta Phi sorority and several League Houses will be special guests at today's tea. 'M-7' Ticket Sales Begin Seniors may buy tickets for "M-47," the 1947 Senior Ball, to- day through Saturday at the booth in University Hall. Sales will be held from 9 a.m. to noon and from to 4 p.m. today and tomorrow, and from 9 a.m. ti noon Saturday. Purchasers should pre- sent student identification cards when buying tickets. Plans to open ticket sales to members of all classes will be announced later, ac- cording to Nancy Loud, ticket chairman. The Senior Ball will be pre- sented from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Fri- day, May 23, at the Intramural CBuilding, and will feature the music of DickJurgens and his or- chestra. Women students have been granted 2:45 a.m. permission for the annual formal. Dick Jurgens is noted for his appearances throughout the Mid- west and on the Coast. While in the Marine Corps, he played for service audiences. Among the hit tunes which he has composed are "Careless." "One Dozen Roses," and "Elmer's Tune." Decorations for the Senior ball will include advertisements and reminders of college days which will transform the I-M Building into a Michigan highway. Traditional The annual spring formal spon- sored by the Newman Club will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday in the Union ballroom. Frank Tinker, who plays for the regular Union dances, will provide the music for the affair. An inter- mission entertainment program is being planned by members of the club. The ballroom will be decorated along a Springtime theme, com- plete with maypoles and large pa- per flowers, in conformance with Newman club tradition. The com- mittee has made plans to present a corsage of a gardenia to each of the women attending the dance. as well as giving out attractive dance programs. Tickets may be purchased at the Union, dormitories, and the New- man Club office in the student chapel. The dance will be open to all students on campus, but sales will be limited to 400 couples to avoid crowded dancing. The Newman Club is a religious and social organization of Catho- lic students. It has a membership of 800, and is the largest student group on campus. Club To Hold , Scroll's Ninth Year Begins At University Tihe twenty newly-elected mem- bers of Scroll tapped at Installa- tion Night will help launch the so- ciety into the ninth year of its ex- istence. Scroll. honorary society for sen- ior affiliated women, was founded in 1939 as a League Council proj- ect. Basis for selection was set up as character, extracurricular ac- tivities and scholarship. Miss Ethel A. McCorm'nick, League Social Director, is the sponsor. Twenty women were presented with small parchment scrolls tied with blue ribbon in the tapping of 1939 and of Monday. Initiation is held at 7 a.m. on the morning following the tapping. Members are presented with small gold scroll pendants as a symbol of their honor. Navy blue outfits with yellow hair ribbons disiin- guish new members on campus. Scroll projects include the an- nual dinner honoring members of Mortar Board, Senior Society, and the Board of Directors of the Alumnae Council. Scroll Call is a newsletter compiled by one member of each year's club and which is mailed to all members of the society. RADIO PH ILCO F. AMATEUR RA Coed groups from dormitories,' sororities, and league houses will sing to victory in the contest fora they Lantern Night trophy which 'will be awarded Monday, May 19, in Hill Auditorium. Helen Newberry Residence, win- ner for the past two consecutive years, will defend the trophy. Rules for the songs state that no song may be over three minutes, no soloists may be used and not more than 3 singers may partici- pate. Application for places on the s rogrami will be open until Sat- urday; they may be made by calling Pat Newberg at 2-4471. Participating houses now num- ber 27. Positions in the pro- gram are determined by draw- ing. Lantern Night, an outgrowth of s Cap Night, is for the main pur- pose of honoring the graduating senior women. The traditional s line of march will assemble at _ 6:45 p.m. in front of Angell Hall. In the Line of March each senior will be flanked by four underclassmen. Seniors will don caps and gowns for the occasion. Underclassmen will wear colored bows denoting their academic year. Juniors will wear yellow, sophomores red, and freshmen green. Sixteen coeds are need- ed to assist in forming the line, and coeds wishing to help are w rrrr -r-rr~v -4~Y w .wws-4 asked to 2-3494. A second and third place and three honorable mentions will be given for the winning songs. The participation cup will also be awarded for the house having the most activities points in WAA sports., McNalI To Play At Final League Dance Saturday The last in the series of League dances for all independent women on campus swill be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday in the League ball- room. Tom McNall and his orchestra will provide the music for danc- ing. Refreshments will be served and cards supplied for those inter- ested in playing bridge. Special mixer dances have been planned. This last dance will be free to all independent women attending as well as to men. Shirlee Rich, publicity chairman, urged students to attend and "dance to relax be- fore studying for finals." Other committeenmembers in- elude Blanche Berger, general chairman; Gladys Relkin, assist- ant chairman; Ruth Jadrosich, decorations; and Libby Meyers, entertainment. k call Gwen Sperlich at Coed Houses Will Compete For Lantern Night Awards allroom Mixer Dance Ticket Sales To End Today Today is the last day that tick- ets may be purchased for the AVC sponsored mixer "Chance Dance" to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight Friday at the Masonic Auditorium. Tickets are on sale in Univer- sity Fall and the Engineering Arch, and may be purchaser by all men students. Tickets will bear the name and address of one coed who has been invited to attend, and the man buying the ticket is to escort her to the dance. Throughout the eve- ning drawings will be held to de- termine new partners for each dance. Each women will be escort- ed home by the man with whom she has the last dance. Men students are urged to pur- chase their tickets today as invi- tations must be sent out and "dates" arranged before Friday. V-, tat 4 Diamonds- Wedding S77 Rings Mr.tdr btHj ยง{Sae rn if/d g3 a Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Damon~and the University of Michigan of Chicago recently announced the engagement of their daughter, Melody, to Mr. William Hollatz, son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hollatz, of Chicago. Miss Damon, a sophomore in the literary col- lege, is a member of Alpha Chi Omega. Mr. Hollatz is attending De Pauw University in Chicago and belongs to Delta Kappa Epsi- lon. The recent marriage of Miss Virginia Mae Simpson, daughter of Mrs. Earnest C. Simpson and the late Connecticut Superior Court Justice, Earnest C. Simpson, of New Haven, Conn. to John Addington of East Aurora, N. Y., has been announced. Mrs. Addington, Smith Collegel STORE HOURS DAILY 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Y V A. S f '.. 4 F , r 'Or V:f x C t I ' 1 .w ff r ,. . r +"", t Y Law alumna, was formerly with Chadbourne, Wallace, Parke & Whiteside, New York. Mr. Adding- ton, graduate of Harvard Univer- sity, will complete his studies at the University of Michigan Law School. *~ *,, O -o Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Osgood of St. Johns have recently announced the engagement of their daughter, Janet Marie, to Mr. Robert S. Lawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson of Plymouth. Miss Osgood a junior in the School of Educa- tion, is a member of Alpha Omi- cron Pi as well as Wyvern and Mortarboard honorary sororities. Mr. Lawson belongs to the Chi Phi fraternity and is a senior in the School of Business Administration. Mr. and Mrs. David Kimel of Highland Park, N. J. have an- nounced the engagement of their daughter, Jean, to Mr. Harold Rosen, son of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Rosen, of Detroit. Miss Kimel, a senior in the School of Education, is a member of Sigma Delta Tau and Sigma Alpha Iota. Her fiance is a senior in the School of Busi- ness Administration and belongs to Zeta Beta Tau. Mrs. James Agard Gould of St. Charles has recently announced the engagement of her daughter. Patricia Jean, to George Edwardl Brand, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brand of Detroit. Miss Gould received her bachelor of science degree from Michigan' State College in 1945. took grad- uate work at the Merrill -Palmerl School in Detroit and is now studying for her master's degree at the University. Mr. Brand was graduated from Dartmouth College where lie was Phi Beta Kappa. He studied at the University of Minnesota and Harvard University before enter- ing the University Law School where he is now enrolled. He is a member of Phi Alpha Delta. The wedding will take place in June. Senior Society, honorary society for independent women, will in- itiate new members at 7:45 p.m. today in the League Chapel. E New YOU- 0Necw Haird '3I A ewtn, m1re flat- ern just for Y(U (teringhardjutfrYU cI SUPPLIES M. R ADIOS } ii Ie i 7 i i { i i 11 !{i i i. i 4 i 4 t CAME RA Camera, Film, and Photo Supplies Purchase Radio & Camera Shop Phone 8696 W8RP WSWOJ 605 CHURcH ST. in b eautiful frolic print' 0,I kDIO P SUPPLIES VETEANS To Gee Ahead Faster, Gel Business raining Fi st LEISURE SLIJ P You can study your way up quicker than you can work your way up in business. Let the G. I. Bill help you -the government will pay your tuition and mainte- nance (of $65 per month for single men, and $90 per month if married). One -year and two -year courses in Accounting, Bus- iness Administration, etc., of professional caliber. Ma- ture student body. Success- ful Placement Service. New classes now forming. Gay colored beach umbrellas, sun bathers and palm trees brighten this frolic-print, soft platform'd slipper. Mother will love their cheery, cool comfort! .95 J/sikont Approved School for G. I. Training. HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE William at State Phone 7831 PUIS 1 ' > 'V. tgilt.. 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