THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, I Watch Harold Stassen H AROLD STASSEN is a fare phenomenon in American politics: a politician who is both shrewd and enlightened. Even before the San Francisco Conference setting up the UN, at which he was an American delegate, Stassen was cautiously putting forth the view that a united world has the best chance of being a peaceful world. So much for Mr. Stassen's enlighten- ment. There must 'he at least a half- dozen politicians in this country who have grasped this elementary fact. It is Stas- sen's shrewdness which is worth watch- ing. Although the nation's newspapers, always inimical to any man who might minimize the war news, have already be- gun taking swipes at the Minnesotan, he is in a strong position. Judging from the tenor of his statements recently, he knows it. Stassen is politically strong for at least four good reasons. The Republican domes- tic record since the GOP rise to dominance in 1946 has been pretty well botched. Ev- erybody knows that we do have a very nasty inflation, that we don't have the housing we were promised, that the "across-the- board" tax cut promises were absurd and can- not be met this side of insanity. Many peo- ple remember resentfully the Lilienthal in- cident; there must even be a few mice who secretly dislike the national red-baiting hys-' teria, although Democrats are also impli- cated in the latter. This GOP situation puts Mr. Stassen, always primarily interested Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: MARY RUTHl LEVY I'D RATHER BE RIGHT : in foreign affairs, in a good spot. Here are the four reason~s: First, on the basis of the Republican rec- ord in domestic affairs outlined above, it would not be politically wise for any candi- date to point to it proudly. On the con- trary it would (and will undoubtedly prove to be for certain thick "statesmen") be po- litical hari-kari. Second, the big guns in the GOP would not take kindly to a campaign knocking the Party domestic record. Certainly none of the Congressmen implicated would like such criticism; neither would the Republican big money, in the Tribune Tower for example. Third, Harold Stassen, fresh from his world tour on which he spoke personally with 120 national leaders from Joe Stalin down, has somewhat of a corner on for- eign policy issues. Fourth, there is what we have called Stassen's enlightened attitude toward world affairs. This may not appeal to the boys behind the editorial desks, but it does appeal to the little guys like me who are afraid of atoms. It appeals to us so strong- ly that we are still listening to Henry Wal- lace, who has been officially discredited for months. Stassen's statements in yesterday morn- ing's papers indicate that he's well aware of all this. He endorsed the sainted bi- partisan foreign policy, yet managed to criticize Truian's handling of it. "I rec- ognize the futility of a negative policy of simply being against something. I feel it is imperative that America develop a positive, constructive approach to improve the standards of living and form of gov- ernment and individual liberties of peo- pie all over the world," he said. Asked if he considered the Truman policy a negative policy, he replied, "I do." -Milt Freudenheim Prices and Whimsy By SAMUEL GRAFTON SOME MUTTERING has begun in the bus- iness community to the effect that Pres- ident Truman's meek little drive for lower prices may cause a recession. The idea is that consumers, and merchants, too; may stop buying, waiting for lower prices to show up; this may cause a slump and it will then all be the President's fault. This argument is additional proof of the sound- ness of the Grafton Theory, previously ad- vanced in these columns, which holds that MAN TO MAN: Serious Lapse By HAROLD L. ICKES OF ALL MEN, Governor Thomas E. Dewey almost missed the latest Communist Special. This was a serious lapse on the part of a man who every morning grooms his brains as he does his person, while look- ing intently into the mirror to discern if he can see the reflection of a President. However, he just managed to jump aboard the observation car of the Special where he found President Truman and Senator Taft, Senator Bricker, Senator Vandenberg, Gov- ernor Warren, among others, peering from the windows hoping to catch sight of the first communist. The Governor proceeded to read a prepared statement in connection with signing a bill outlawing strikes by pub- lic employees. Said he, with what was left of his breath: "Every weak government is game for the Communists who conspire to weaken it and then use its weakness to destroyit and put a dictatorship in its place. One of their most useful devices is the strike which par- alyzes government, for when government stops functioning then their small well-dis- ciplined minority can take over. The fate of nation after nation all over the world still hangs in the balance. There cannot, there will not, theremust not be any such paralysis of our government, in our state in our nation." So much for as fearless an exhibition of chest-thumping as the country had seen in many a day. This is not the first time that Governor Dewey has been aboard the red hunt flyer, but in recent months he has been so singularly silent upon this issue, that many began to suspect he was really devot- ing his time to being governor of New York. There was, of course, his Boston speech in the 1944 campaign in which he made the charge that "with the aid of Sidney Hillman, the Communists are seizing control of the New Deal." But back in 1937, just 10 years ago when Mr. Dewey was anxious to capture the job of district in New York City, he apparently was not ungrateful for Communist support. In that year the Communist-influenced New York locals of National Maritime Union, United Shoe Workers, Fur Workers and Painters' Union endorsed the promising youth from Owosso, Michigan, and sent the comrades about to electioneer for him. Dewey accepted this Communist support so eagerly that it began to worry former Pres- ident Hoover-then on the lookout for pros- pective presidential timber. I am not too movedby Mr. Dewey's change of heart. Many of us in the battle against Communism could have told him that there there is something about the debate on prices that brings out a touch of whimsy in many of its participants. Apparently the price issue affects so many people, so much, that it is almost impossible to stick to reality in handling it. The new thought seems to be that the best thing to do is not to talk about high prices; even though it may be cost- ing a $50-a-week man $75 to live de- cently these days, perhaps if no one men- tions it, he may not notice it. The idea that our troubles are due, not so much to high prices, as to the fact that we have a President who talks about them, must take its place as a capricious contri- bution with that other popular theory of the moment that what we need is more production; a notion which makes more than one business man today, looking over his crowded stock room, laugh like a wild thing. Another whimsical situation is developing in Washington where, according to the New York Journal of Commerce, conservative government economists (and there aren't any others, these days) are privately rub- bing their hands in glee over recent wage increases. These gentlemen are described as feeling that the current11-tol5-cents-an- hour pattern of pay increases may help to save the situation, by putting enough buy- ing power into the hands of the public to come near closing the "gap" between in- come and available production at present prices. Now, of course, hardly anybody stands up and says this publicly, because such a state- ment would do too much violence to the myth that our real trouble is high wages. These myths have a charmed life, and are zealously protected, because without them one might have to say something that really bears on the subject. The Washington econ- omists have made the astounding discovery that more money in the hands of the public is actually a help in a touch-and-go econom- ic situation; but, judging by past perform- ance, one may expect that in most of the discussion of the issue, this discovery will be treated as highly confidential, in fact as a kind of state secret, not to be blurted out; If you add together some of the con- servative panaceas that are being current- ly proposed, you get a picture of something like this: The way out is, first of all, not to talk too much about high prices, or about the danger of recession, and for the President perhaps even to stop trying to push prices down to where people could afford to pay them. Second, we ought to increase production, even though the new problem, as almost any retailer will tell you, is not production, but prices. Third, we ought to curb labo unions and get or keep wages down, there- by insuring that there will be less spend- ing money in the hands of the public. When one looks upon this towering struc- ture of wilfulness and unreality, one is al- most forced to admire it; it creates a kind of esthetic effect by its pure grim, unyielding perfection; it is like a wonderful natural ob- ject. As to whether it is the proper ap- proach to the technical problem of selling a lot of goods in an extremely complex econ- The City Editor's SCRATCH PAD PEOPLE who have been crowding into Washtenaw County Circuit Court in re- cent days, plus readers of Detroit and Chi- cago papers, are probably wondering why The Daily hasn't been carrying the top sex yarn of the year. For the benefit of the uninstructed, a case involving two former University students is now being tried in Judge James R. Break- ey's courtroom. The case has been mak- ing hotxcopy in newspapers around the coun- try as well as providing entertainment for those local residents and students among us who are chronically bored and find high life as recounted from the witness stand most interesting. A Chicago paper last week carried the story on page one and dressed it up with a picture of one of the principals involved. But The Daily, which is published less than a mile from the scene of the trial, hasn't carried a line. The reason is this. Back in 1940, the members of The Daily staff drew up a Code of Ethics. One of the provisions of this code provides that: "Sex crimes shall not be discussed in the news or editorial columns of The Daily." In the case vaguely referred to above( for more concrete reference, see Chicago ar/J Detroit newspapers), a sex crime is alleged, and therefore the case is going unmentioned in this newspaper. Although present Daily staff members had no part in the drafting of this pro- vision, they readily subscribe to it. In fact, staff members constantly exercise a sort of self-censorship. As a result, many "racy" stories are deliberately withheld from publication. Just this year, there was the case of a group of students who were bitter after re- ceiving a communication from a minor Uni- versity official. After careful checking by a staff member, it was found that the bit- terness was the result of a misunderstand- ing of the communication. It was the sort of story that most tabloids would eat up; but at the request of both parties, it was not published. There have also been stories concerning why students and faculty members leave school, why student protests never get any- where, why this action is taken and another is not taken. The thing about all these stories is that they aren't in keeping with the spirit of The Daily's Code of Ethics, even though there's no specific provision in the code that would bar them from publication. So if readers sometimes think The Daily's as gray as The New York Times-that's the reason. * * * * BACK IN NOVEMBER, we were hearing about a system that couldn't be beat. The system was the method by which veteran students are paid $65 or $90 monthly, as the case may be. At the time, the statement (which eman- ated from an official of the Treasury Depart- ment) sounded pretty ludicrous. A major- ity of the veterans on this campus hadn't received a single check for the fall semes- ter, and many were in arrears for the sum- mer session and the preceding spring semes- ter. But for the past two months, the sys- tem has worked out pretty well. Every veteran I've talked to received his March check before the start of spring vacation; and despite 'the fact that the VA ran out of funds last week and had to request a deficiency appropriation, April checks have been arriving on time in Ann Arbor at better than the usual rate. So at last the system that can't be beat has become something more than a mouth- ful of words, and quiet now reigns where ex- GI gripes formerly deafened. (CC to the Treasury Department.) THROUGH the complete text of the Stal- in-Stassen interview, which Mr. Stassen has now made public, there runs a striking atmosphere of sweet reasonableness and calm. The interview took place on the eve- ning of April 9. A few blocks away from the Kremlin, at that time, the Council of Foreign Ministers was settling into the hope- less deadlock in which its deliberations fin- ally ended. At Lake Success Mr. Gromyko had just been tearing our Greek-Turkish aid proposals to ribbons and raising the dis- armament issue in a way which seemed to leave little hope for any agreement on the control of the atomic bomb. Soviet press attacks upon the immoral and imperialistic West were rising toward that climax of ferocity which they have since attained. Yet the generalissimo of all the Russias smil- ingly discoursed upon the easy possibility of "co-operation" between the Soviet and American systems; upon the good chances for ultimate establishment of an interna- tional control of atomic energy, and upon the undesirability of "calling each other names." -The. New York Herald Tribune (Continued from Page 2) Academic Notices Algebra Seminar, Fri., May 9, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3201, Angell Hall. Dr. L. Tornheim will speak on Hilbert's Theory of Fields. This topic presupposes elementary Gal- ois Theory and is background ma- terial for Prof. Brauer's course on representation theory this summer. Seminar in Applied Mathemat- ics: Wed., May 7, Rm. 317, W. En- gineering Bldg., 3 p.m. Dr. W. M. Kincaid will speak on the sub- ject, "The Hodograph Method in Subsonic Compressible Flows." Graduate Students in Education. The preliminary examinations for the doctorate in the School of Education will be held on May 27-28-29 from 2 to 5 p.m. Any stu- dent desiring to take these pre- liminary examinations, should no- tify my office, 4000 University High School, not later than May 15. Clifford Woody, Chairman of Graduate Advisers Concentration Advisement Ser- ies: Psychology Department, Wed., May 7, 231 Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. Prof. Martha Colby-Psychology as a field of concentration. Prof. E. L. Kelly-Clinical psy- chology. Prof. Norman Maier-Industrial and personnel psychology. Prof. Angus Campbell - Social psychology. Prof. Burton Thuma-Psychol- ogy in teaching and research. Concerts May Festival Concerts will take place as follows : Thursday, 8:30.. Philadelphia Orchestra; Helen Traubel, soloist; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Friday, 8:30. "Missa Solemnis" (Beethoven); Regina Resnik, so- prano; Anna Kaskas, contralto; Frederick Jagel, tenor; John Gur- ney, bass; Philadelphia Orches- tra; the University Choral Union; Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, organist; Thor Johnson, conductor. Saturday, 2:30. First half: Song Cycle from the Masters; Philadel- phia Orchestra; Festival Youth Chorus; Marguerite Hood, con- ductor. Second half: Isaac Stern, violinist; Alexander Hilsberg, con- ductor. Saturday, 8:30. Philadelphia Or- chestra; Ezio Pinza, bass; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Sunday, 2:30. Philadelphia Or- chestra; Robert Casadesus, pian- ist; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. ,Sunday, 8:30. Philadelphia Or- chestra; Ferruccio Tagliavini, ten- or; Alexander Hilsberg, conductor. "Te Deum" (Verdi); University Choral Union, Thor Johnson, con- ductor. Student Recital: Constance Coulter English, student of piano of Joseph Brinkman. will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., Wed., May 7, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The program will be open to the general public. 1 I The Museum of Archaeology: Current Exhibit: "Life in a Roman Town, in Egypt, 30 B.C. - 400 A.D." Tues. through Fri., 9-12, 2- 5; Sat., 9-12; Sun. 3-5. Events Today Range Firing canceled. Range firing scheduled for the Men's Rifle Club each Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning is can- celed, effective May 6, for the bal- ance of the semester. Pi Tau Pi Sigma, Signal Corp Fraternity. X7:15 p.m., Rm. 100, Military Hdqs. Bldg. Alpha Kappa Psi, professional business fraternity. 7:30 p.m., chapter house. All members are urged to attend. 8 p.m., pledges meet at chapter house. Delta Sigma Pi, professional business administration fraternity, will sponsor a talk by Mr. Ken- neth Meade, director of technical employees, General Motors Cor- poration, who will speak on "Op- portunities for the College Grad- uate in Large Corporations," 8 p.m., Rm. 319-21, Union. Actives' business meeting following talk by Mr. Meade: Election of officers. Pledges meet 7 p.m., Rm. 319-21. BILL MAULDIN f AY 2 A-e C pr. 147by Unie d Fea.tur. Syndicate, In c.R. - r e "My big brother showed me a way to make mathematics int'restin'." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Exhibition Letters to the Editor.., EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, atd in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in letters are those of the writers only, Letters of~ more tha 300 words are shortened, printed or ormitted at the discretion o the edt- torial director. IIVDA Space To the Editor: T O MR. BILL FLASCAMP, who complains that the thirty-five member MYDA rates too much newspaper space: How is it that little Palestine seems to disturb the United Na- tions so much these days? And to the editor who answered Mr. Flascamp with an 'Aw, we didn't either write so much about it.'-The proper reply is that an important matter merits much at- tention. -Ralph A. Ralmi Op pose MYDA Bai To the Editor: T HE UNITARIAN Student Group wishes to express its concern in the recent banning of MYDA from the campus of the University of Michigan. We have considered the situation and have concluded that the pro- cedure followed by the president of the University was at fault. Any such action should have been tak- en by the Student Affairs Commit- tee which is the supposed au- thority on such matters; and even then, only upon the presentation of clear and definite charges against MYDA, and with the op- portunity given its members for an open hearing at which to defend themselves. The Unitarian faith supports no particular political organization, but upholds free speech and equal opportunity for the expression of all opinions. We feel that label- ing is not sufficient basis for in- dictment; that any group be it Communist, Democrat, Republi- can, or Prohibition, is entitled to its Constitutional rights of free speech and assembly unless there is conclusive evidence of sub- versive action against that Con- stitution. We also deplore the iifluene of undue politicalrpressure in cases of this sort, such as the recent in- cident at Wayne University where the school was reputedly threat- ened with the discontinuation of its funds. Copies of this letter are being sent to Dr. Ruthven and the mem- bers of the Board of Regents of this University. -Ann Sugar, President Unitarian Student Group (lamrps n Labor To the Editor: T RUMAN, Vandenberg, and the Big-Business dominated Con- gress are putting the clamps on labor despite skyrocketingacorpor- ate profits for the last year. Free speech, our Constitutional heri- tage, is being revoked. We are to as- sist British imperialism in forcing an unwanted puppet on the noble Greek people who fought so hard for democracy. We are even, in- credible though it may sound, go- ing to send hundreds of millions of dollars of American taxpayers, money to Fascist Turkey who fought against the Allies in World War I and was of considerable harm to us in World War II; who is notorious before the eyes of God for enslavement, torture, and massacre of millions of people; who gives no rights to minorities; who is ruled by one and only one party, HALK; who repudiated her treaty with us as a defeated enemy nation 25 years ago and rose to at- tack a brave little ally of the U.S., and devour her territory and has since thwarted all efforts to cor- rect this monstrous crime. All this and more is Turkey. Yet Truman has the gall to stand be- fore the American public and pic- ture her as a freedom-loving and democratic nation deserving of our aid and sympathy. Do our leaders consider us such utter fools as this?, Does Vandenberg not realize the hypocrisy of his basic argument that we must save Truman's face? Any future power-seeking Presi- dent need only have the foresight to make a premature announce- ment of his policy and Congress must apply the rubber stamp of approval. His transparent amend- ment and attempts to picture mili- tary reinforcement of Fascist re- gimes as not wrecking the UNO are beneath my dignity to discuss. But we should not talk about these things now that we have sold our soul to Standard Oil, now that Jeffersonian democracy is no long-. er a living ideal to our leaders, not that the people are to be kept as ignorant as possible of the inter- national situation by our national hysteria propaganda and the American "kept" press. -George Adomian 'Pottage Sellers' To the Editor: IT IS DISHEARTENING to see the Negro so eagerly hawking his birthright among pottage sel- lers. Under deprivation, torture, and humiliating servitude, the Negro race proved itself capable of superhuman patience and forti- titude. Fresh from the jungle and a civilization arrested in a primi- tive stage, the Negro became an example to his white master. Today the Negro people are at- tempting to erase this excellent record by petty exhibitionism. They disown their heritage and history, and want to become like white men. Realizing that the white man would most probably become surly and brutish in slav- ery, they would have us believe that they too were surly and brutish, treacherous and incorrigi- ble. This is a gross distortion of values. We know that the average Negro slave made the best of his lot, and observed the religion of his master more faithfully than did he himself. If the white man is slow to recognize the virtues of his darker brother, that is the fault of the white man. If the Negro be- comes headstrong and rash he will gain nothing. The Negro has no just cause for feeling shame. Almost every race has, at some time in its history, suffered slavery. The shame is ours. The Negro must rise above our ignorant bigotry as his ances- tors rose above slavery. He must learn to tolerate our gracelessness. The problem of racial superior- ity or inferiority is a fallacious one and exists only in the minds of the uninformed. Virtue is not de- termined by the color of a man's skin, an~d the man of virtue does not advertise his qualities. A mili- tant self-justifying attitude is de- feated at the beginning. Today we are all enslaved by the potentialities of the split-atom combined with learned fools, iso- lationists, nationalists, and blun- dering greed. Someone must lead the way to human brbtherhood. Why not the Negro? Rutherford Minton Resolution To the Editor: THE MEMBERS of the Robert Owen Co-operative house unanimously resolve that the ac- tion of President Ruthven in ban- ning a duly recognized student or- ganization without a public hear- ing and without producing specific charges or evidence that the or- ganization has performed any dis- service to the University or per- formed any act inimical to the University's educational responsi- bilities, be protested, as such ac- tion is a denial of the basic civil rights of every student and sets a dangerous precedent for arbitary suppression of student thought. (Copy of resolution sent to Pres. Ruthven) Student Legislature. Grand Rapids Room, League. Agenda: 1. National Student tion Convention. 2. Campus election vice-presidents. 7:30 p.m., Michigan Organiza- of union 3. Action on referendum. 4. Approval of committee chair- men appointments. 5. Report on racial discrinina- tion in athletics. 6. Eligibility cards. Scabbard and Blade: 8:30 P.M., Rm. 100, Military Headquarters. Spring Parley Committee. Plan- ning group, 5 p.m., Michigan Un- ion. All organizations interested, urged to send representatives. Sociedad Ilispanica announces that winners of last year's schol- arships to the University of Mex- ico will conduct an informal meet- ing to answer questions of those planning to travel or study in Mexico this summer. Meeting, Rm. 108, Romance Languages Bldg., 4 p.m. Anyone interested may attend. Michigan Dames Book Group meet at the home of Mrs. Warner Patterson, 1003 Berkshire Road, 8 p.m., Mrs. Arthur Allison and Mrs. Arthur Kurtz will give re- views. Coming Events Engineers-Civil, Aero, Marine, Mechanical and Electrical: Thurs., 1May 8, 7:30 p.m. Union. Com- modore C. E. Dickeman, Superi-1 tending Civil Engineer in the Great Lakes area for the U. S. Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks will talk on "The Navy Civil En- gineering Corps." Appointments for interviews regarding commis-I sions in the CEC may be made at! (Continued on Page 6) Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paui Harsha........Managing Editor Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor Ann Kutz ........... Associate Editor Clyde Recht.....Associate Editor Jack Martin.............Sports Editor Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk.............Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant Member Associated Collegiate Press, 1946.47 Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Manager Janet Cork.........Business Manager Nancy Heliick .. .Advertising Manager BARNABY --- ro tt i- fe - j Ft . , - -- I I I 9 utf ru urself in ni n r,n_ ht,, II f i Anc;Aoc tuymlri5 x-11 rr #.. I