THE MICHIGAN DAILY F F -l-" id Student BUT NO CANDY BARS: arded Trip "U' Hospital Uas Super-Size Argentina Drug Dispensary Department Jay Van Aken, Grad., has Although it has neither soda eight-ounce size used by the cor- amed the recipient of a fountain nor cosmetic counter, the yp providing air transpor- University Hospital's pharmacy ner druggist, the 12 pharmacists by Clipper for study at a department still adds up to almost on the department's staff serve ity in Latin America. 100 average size drugstores. both in- and out-patients of the Aken is working toward his Preparing medicants by the gal- hospital., Chief pharmacist Don' s degree and also teaching Ion instead of in . the familiar E. Francke estimates that approx- entary course in Spanish. imately 80 per cent of the pre- study Latin Amferican lit- ,iaey8 e eto h r~ and history in Argentina Physics o B ok scriptions are filled from stock in that material upon his re- the pharmacy laboratory. ward a Ph.D. degree with a Anesthetics for the operating teacing. By ruf. C.Ork.1 rooms, various kinds of tablets, ellowship is one of a series .solutions to preserve human blood el fellowships awarded by for storage, and distilled water ine company and the In- h edfrsoaan ditldwtr of International Educatien are all produced 'ZiT the pharmacy promotion of closer edu- "dioativity and Nuclear Phy- laboratory. In separately enclosed 1 and cultural relations sics," by Prof. Jaines M. Cork of the Americas. the physics department, will be roms within the laboratory, al- ar fellowships were award- published Thursday. lergenic and parenteral solutions summer for Latin American The book is one of the first to are prepared. e students who flew north cover developnents made in the y at various North Ameri- field of radioactivity and nuclear F un iversities during the 1946- physics during the war. It deals Fl i n C u lemic year. with peacetime applications in this field and omits nilitary applica- Elects O ffi ers tions. Prof. Cork's book was previous- ly published locally inusmimeo- Richard .Illing was elected pres- r~ $graph form. It will be used' as a ident of the Flying Club at the or text for graduate students in nu- first meeting of the semester. ear John Horeth was elected vice- claihsc.Ypresident; Scotty Foster, secre- g0fT * tary; Charles Parcells, treasurer; 3111Lou Creith, operations man- ager; Robert Goslow, flight sup- R ID E R 'Servisor; and Dalton McAlister, member of board of directors., ePlanswere also discussed for a Now at 115 West Liberty socialouting to be held in three Templeton To Give Special' f Irt HIre. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIP X-A"AxX-1lujL 9 JLXN-/A X-/ i Tickets for the special Choral Union concert to be given by Alec Templeton at 8:30 p.m., Feb. 21 in Hill Auditorium are still available in the office of the University Mu- sical Society. Continuing his practice of com- bining classical with lighter mu- sic, Templeton will present a pro- gram ranging from Bach to his own, "Zampa's No Grampa." Templeton, who is known to Ann Arbor audiences both through his recitals and radio programs, is the composer of the score for the forthcoming Broadway musi- cal, "Dream Boat." He has also completed a String Quartet and a chorale work as well as numer- ous humorous arrangements of classical works. Other works which will be in- cluded in Templeton's program are tlameau's "Petit Poulet," the pianist's "Characteristic Etudes" and the Bach Violin Chaconne. Students May Join 'U' Varsity Band Any students on campus inter- ested in joining the 'U' Varsity Band may attend rehearsals, held at 4:30 p.m..Tuesday and Friday, in Harris Hall, George Cavender, publicity manager, announced. Harold Ferguson will conduct the band in rehearsal in sight- reading and "not too difficult" music, Cavender said. Publication in The Dally Official tion-Room 108 Tappan Hall. Bulletin is constructive notice to all School of Dentistry College- members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in Secretary's office of Dentistry typewritten formn to the office of the Building. Assistantto the President. Room 1021 School of Education-Room 1433. Angell Hal, by 3:00 p.m. on the day University Elementary School. { preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- School of Forestry-Room 2045' urdays.) Natural Science Building. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1947 School of Music-Room 101 Vo,. L AVYI, No' . 90 School.of Music Building. School of Nursing-Room 2036 University Hospital. NSchool of Public Health-infor- Notices mation desk of School of Public All Veterans: Health. Reports of absence will be re- Medical Sclhiool-Room 123 West 4uired weekly of all veterans who Medical Building. are receiving benefits through the Veterans Administration. This re- All Veterans: port is necessary in order that the The attention of all veterans is University can fulfill its contract Teatnino l eeasi with the Veterans Administration, called to the fact that in accord- D foundance with the directive of the Dep- Detailed instructions will be uty Administrator for Veterans' on the report card. -n Affairs, Veterans Administration These reports may be obtained Branch Office No. 6, Columbus, and filed at the offices designated Ohio, the local Veterans Adminis- College of Literature, Science tration Office is to conduct a sur- Unest vey of all veterans in training at and the Arts-hall ofUniversity the University and schools in this Hall.area who are reporting nonreceipt College of Engineering-Room of subsistence allowance due them. 225 W. Engineering Building. Law School-First floor corri- All veterans are urged to report dor of Hutchins Hall. to Rm. 100, RACKHAM BLDG., Graduate School - Graduate THURS., FEB. 13, for the purpose School office. of making this report. For those College of Architecture and De- who cannot . report on this date, sign-Room 207 Architecture the deadline has been extended Building. until 12 noon, Fri., February 14. College of Pharmacy-Room 250 Cooperation of all veterans will Chemistry Building. assist the Veterans Administration School of Business Administra- Regional Office, Detroit, Michigan, in reviewing all delinquent sub- held January 28, 1947, the follow- approximately 5:30 p.m. ing motion was adopted: d to leave at approximatel; That this Committee approve' for Sunday dinners, the g to arrive at approximate] chaperoned and unchaperoned ex- and are to leave at appr change and guest dinners; ex- 3 p.m. change dinners to be defined as In accordance with t meals in men's residences and women's residences attended by motion, the regulation re representative groups of members women guests, paragraph of approved organizations of the Specific Standards of other sex; guest dinners to be de- page 25, UNIVERSITY R fined as meals in men's residences TIONS CONCERNING S and women's residences attended AFFAIRS, CONDUCT, A by guests of the other sex who CIPLINE (June 19, 1945 may or may not belong to Univer- vised to read as follows: sity organizations. Guests at The presence of wome week-day dinners are to arrive at in fraternity houses, me; (Continued on Pi ........... wmmwwmw FINE ORIENTAL RUGS February SaLe ! 20-25% discount on all pieces--no luxury tax. Benefit from our low overhead. Excellent 9x12, 8.6x1 1.6 Living and Dining Room Rugs. Kaswir, Heriz, Kirman, Chinese; Bakhara. Choice Scatters, Runners, Mats, in all sizes VISIT OUR SHOP N. L. MANGOUNI 334 South Fourth Avenue Phone 6878 f """""''""" TYPEWRITERS Bought, Sold, Rtented Repaired x STUDENT & OFFICE SUPPLIES 6. D. MORRILL 314 S. State St. Phone 7177 weeks. 'ICIGN NOW PLAYING WAS THE ALWRE OF1E1 WithI ,UL KELLY ~A ASSEN LLARY BROOKE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR RENT HELP WANTED USE YOUR BRAIN to make. spare-time FOR RENT-Room or board for a CARRIERS WANTED-To deliver the money; no investment needed. Try coupie in exchange for help with Daily. Good pay! If interested, call this plan half hour daily; see for housewori. Call 4464. )17 2-3241 or ask at Student Publications yourself! Dime and 3c stamp brings FOR RENT-Single room in girls' lea- Building. details; that's all you spend. Books, RETSnlromigrs'ea Budn. Box 412, Ann Arbor. )20 gue house. 433 Maynard St. )18 _________________________YOU CAN ACQUIRE a skill and experi- ROOM AND BOARD ence that can be profitable to you all TAILORING and SEWING through life. Decide now to enter SPACE AVAILABLE for meals at league telephone work. It's the type of job DRESSMAKING and Styling: Special- hse.CExcellent food. 604 E. Madison, that gives you a feeling of satisfac- izing with Vogue for that new Spring Phone 4489.)i1 tion. Apply at Michigan Bell Tele- outfit. Call for appointment. Mrs._AN RAT_ phone Company, 323 E. Washington Ringinen, 2-2604. 5) TRANSPORTATION S.) 35 ALTERATIONS Ladies Garments. Coats, DRIVING to California about Feb. 15. SUMMER CAMP openings for two wo- Suits, and Evening Dresses. Near Can take two passengers to share ex- men counselors. Experienced dance Stockwell. Phone 2-2678. )13 penses. Call 2-1482 between 5:30 and and craft instruction. Jewish clen- ___________________ 7:30 p.m. )51 tele. Write J. Carron, 924 Oakland, DRESSMAKING-Alterations, remodel- WANTED-Ride to New Orleans this ing, tailoring on new and old mater- Friday or saturday. Will share ex- ia, for men and women. All work penses. Call Ken Franz, 2-4481. )27 A Square Deal for All at guaranteed. 821 Packard or phone 2- _____a____ 1919. )30 RIDERS wanted from Detroit, arriving Ann Arbor daily for 9 a.m. classes. Student Book Exchange DRESSMAKING and alterations, also Call TR. 3-0677, Detroit. )26 teacher of sewlng. Miss Livingston, __________________ 315 S. Division, second floor front. BUSINESS SERVICES )33 TYPING: theses, term papers, ad- FOR SALE dresses, etc. Duplicating: notices, W form letters, programs. A. A. Typing 1941 PLYMOUTH CPE. Radio, heater, Service, 232 Nickels Arcade, Phone North Main Opposite Court House defroster. Unusually clean in and 9811. )1 ____Ends Tonight out. $945.00. No. 56, Vet Village WANTED TO RENT "BETTY Co-ED" (Hill and Fifth) after 12 noon. WANTED_ TO_ RENT__BETY an - WANT TO RENT: Garage. Preferably "GUN SMOKE" SEASONED HARDWOOD; Mixed limb reasonably close to Union. Call L. and chunk, 6.00, per cord. We de- Combest, 4145, leave message. )12 -- Starts Saturday liver 2 cord or more. Phone Saline, WVM._BOYD in 143F21 collect, or write Glen Hamlin, LOST AND FOUND "DEV S PLAYGROUND" Saline. _)9 -plus- I'M BLIND ulthout my glasses, thirsty SIDNEY TOLER in FOR SALE-Tyewriter, L. C. Smith without my liquor card. If you found "DANGEROUS MONEY" sta"dard.Ca2-2701, evenings. 52 black Corday bag in Schwabin's Mon- FOR SALE-1941 Pontiac "8", radio and day night reward is yours. No ques- heater, call 4295 between 5 and 7 tions. Call Libby, 2-1146. )2 p.m. and ask for Bill Pratt, )55 YELLOW GOLD Diamond and emerald FOR SALE--Tax. Double-breasted, size ring lost sometime since holidays, U ER TH 37. Glo-grain finish lapels-$20. Good possibly in Angell Hall. Great sen- condition. Hale, 1466 Lenox, Willow timental value. Reward. Call J. Hirsh, OUR PRICE: Run. . )8 23734. )6 Weekdays until 5 P.M., 25C FOR SALE-Attention medical students. LOST-Green Sheaffer's fountain pen. Evenings and Sundays, 30C 2 volume Clinical Laboratory Methods "Charles J. Forner" inscribed on it. Gradwoh Third Edition and Bergey Reward. Phone 7730. )53 - Today and Saturday - Manua Determinative Bacteriology | LOST-Loose-leaf, zipper notebook, let- "COME AND GET IT" latest edition. Call 6735 evenings,ask ter therein. Reward. Phone 2-1533. ---with- Mark Harris, 305 N. Revena. .50 Joel McCrea - Edward Arnold FOR SALE--Set of Dietzgen "Gem Un- Th. Tan leather AndreaLeeds ion" drawing instruments. In excell- LOST-Leedswrist atc. Teat Cn'rances Farmer lent condition. $35. Call 7995. )24 tact D. Galte. hone 8751. )15 -Rwr.C FOR SALE - New fluorescent desk -- "NIGHT TRAIN lamp. New record players and auto- LOST-Lady's brown Scheaffer pen, gold TO MEMPHIS". matic changers-will attach to your top, front of Angell Hall Tuesday. with Roy Acuff and radio. For bargain prices call 2-1371. Sentimental value. Reward. Call His Smoky Mountain BOys )29 Constance Nester, 2-2547. )19 --_~_ LOST-Blue, gold-capped Eversharp_ -- pen. Lost test Friday, probably at Union. Contact Don Wines, 201 Mich- Continuous from 1 P.M. iganIouse. 2-4401. Reward. )34 Thursday, March 6 WANTED America's Rmntk Stage Trimph! STUDENT'S WIFE, Willow Village, can ALFRED de LIAGRE, Jr., presents take care of a child days; good Tef- JOHN VAN DRUTEN'S Comedy erence. Cadl Ypsi. 3579-W2. )11 NOW ROOM 'WANTED - Veteran urgenitly needs room. Now sleeping in bureauVryboys drawer. Single, quiet, neat. Call r 7669. )54 Whispering GIRLS-Wholesome homecooked ealsA s at Co-op house. $3.75 with 3 1-2 hours of work per week. 5974 betwee 5:30 and 6:30.)3 MISCELLANEOUS GIRL-Must be crazy, about jitterbug-' STEPNENAS'*NORTON * TANNEHILL ing and bon;gie woogie, that is. Ob- . ' jet-jitterbug instruction. Dull stu- MAIL ORDERS NOW dent. Slaves wages. Write, Robert 1.20 -1.80 - 2.40 - 3.00 - 3.60 M. Brown, West Lodge, Ypsilanti 9262, between 8 and 10 p.m. )56 ART CINEMA LEAGUE PRESENTS MAXWELL ANDERSON'S JAMES DUNN "W"I NTERStET"- MONA FREEMAN - - .. -- -- -____ _ A1 sistence To All G ate St At aC commit P717 *, a 3raduate and Undergradu-1 tudents:,J meeting of the University tee on Student Conduct Diamond s c- and Wedding + Rings North University Ave. GRANADACAFE PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT MAC FERGUSON AT THE PIANO STUDENT OF U. OF M. MUSIC SCHOOL NATIONALLY-KNOWN ARRANGER, COMPOSER, AND PIANIST WPAG---1050 ON YOUR DIAL 3:15 P.M. TUESDAYS AND SATURDA L YS 1R ~*d ,-*egbKl I 19 "13 RUE MADELEINE" the 44t7AmI ovicost ...and Iots of itl 0 From puppyhood, Greyhound grew on one good 'American-style" travel system for THE PEOPLE. Not mail... not freight... but PEOPLE. idea: to build * EVERY SATURDAY The thing Greyhound knows best is how to get people to the places they want to go... at the times they want to go ... at prices they can afford. And Greyhound does this for more cities, towns, villages and corners than any other transportation system What's more, Greyhound makes this "American-style" travel friendly, easy, convenient ... stopping in the heart of big cities ... at the drug store across from the city hall... or at Pete Jones' farm, if that's where Pete wants to get off. Why do the people like Greyhound? There's your answer: good trans- 9:00 till 12:00 *