1947 THE MICHIGANDAILY Linksmen Top Notre Dame; Nine Plays MSC oda SPOUT SCRIAPBOOK By JACK MARTIN, Daily Sports Editor YESTERDAY afternoor the College of Engineering scuttled a pro- gram that has taken three years to create and develop. We refer to the veto it applied to the Athletic Department's proposals for an expanded, more efficient physical education organization. Many will hail them in this action. But those who can think beyond tomorrow and beyond the confines of their own interests will be not a little disappointed. Thinking of man's life in most general terms, one can see three main aspects, or elements, which combine to make it complete. There is first his work; there is second his general cultural and intellectual existence; and there is third his physical existence. All three are absolutely essential if a man's life is to be full and satisfying - one is not enough, two are not enough. The first is necessary because a man must work to find sustenance; the second is necessary because a man is not mentally healthy if he feels intellectually inferior; the third is necessary if a man is to be able to accomplish the first and en.joy the second. Since school is the main institution designated by our society to train persons for life, it logically must provide sufficient training in all three fields. The University of Michigan is meeting the first two obli- gations in very good fashion. It is sadly negligent in its third duty. The proposed physical education program is a start toward filling this gap. But already, it is being killed in its crib. 1OWEVER, all the criticism should not be levelled at the academic quarter of the University. The Athletic Administration which initiated the program and developed it has, itself, been lax. Never at any time has any responsible athletic official really pushed the pro- posals. The plan has been explained to the faculties, but beyond that, it has never been supported with the vigor it deserves. In the proposals, themselves, there are two great deficiencies. No mention was made of the precise financial foundation which the program would need, or the sources of the finances when the need was determined. And no mention was made of definite 'roposals for securing an adequate staff, both in numbers and efficiency. The-report states that such a staff is needed, but does not go beyond that. The faculties must know these things. There is no reason why a more or less definite financial basis for the program could not have been mentioned. More money rolled into the athletic coffers during last football season than ever before, and the prospects next year are just as good. An ethical question is thereby raised. Should the money be spent for a physical education program benefiting all persons, or for the expansion of seating ca- pacities to make more money to build bigger seating capacities? In the answer to that question, which only the athletic ad- ministration can provide, lies part of the fate of their own program. Schalon Leads Golfers To 21-6 Win Over Irish Cap tain Barclay and Courtright Also Star; Wolverine Jayvees Play Michigan Normal By MURRAY GRANT The Fighting Irish of Notre Dame were literally drowned yes- terday, both by some fine golf and by Ann Arbor "sunshine" as Coach Bert Katzenmeyer's crew turned in their fourth straight victory, a 21-6 romp over the Ramblers. Led by big Ed Schalon, who fired a sizzling 73, the Maize and Blue sextet swamped the boys from South Bend in all but the last match. Captain Dave Bar- clay and Corky Courtright play- ing one-two in the first foursome garnered all nine points against the cream of the Irish linksmen. Barclay carded a 37-38-75, while Courtright came in with rounds of 39-40 for a 79 card. The Wolverine captain made short work of Jack Fitzpatrick in their singles match as he easily outstroked his opponent. Fitzpatrick fired a 77, which was good enough for only fourth place in medalist honors. Rog Kessler teamed With Schal- o nto turn in the best card of the afternoon in the doubles play as he shot a 38 on the first nine and came home with a 37 to hit 75 over the long and soggy course. The team of Kessler and Schalon took 8% of a possible 9 markers from their adversaries, George Stuhr and Ray Burian. The Irish twosome managed to escape being shutout when they took % point in the best ball play on the back nine. Johnny Jenswold made the most. beautiful shot of the day when he chipped from 50 yards out on MEN OF DISTINCTION holes-in-one, the golfer's claim to fame, have begun cropping up among the mem- bers of the Wolverine golf s q u ad. C o r k y Courtright notched his ace in the Ohio .State match at Columbus and then this past week two more golfers added their names to the list of "men of distinc- tion." Grry DeVries scored his ace on the tough 14th hole on the University Course Saturday when he qualified for the var- sity with a 73 round. He be- came the second to turn in an ace this year as Johnny Mc- Cloy, junior varsity star, had already canned his tee shot on the 8th hole two days be- fore, the 18th hole and sank the shot for an eagle 3 and two points for the Wolverines. This shot in- sured a split of 1% -1% with his opponent, Ed Schleck, while it also gave Michigan a split on the best ball play in this foursome. Schalon in shooting his sen- sational round, c a r d e d 11 straight pars before he bogied the 12th hole. "Shotmaking like this is really fine golf," said Coach Katzenmeyer, "consider- ing the poor condition of the turf." Schalon finished out the remiaining holes with two bird- ies, two pars and two bogies for a back nine card of 37, one over par. Today the Wolverine jayvees entertain the Michigan Normal links squad on the University course. Coach Katzenmeyer's jay- vees took a 16-11 decision over the Ypsi crew a few weeks ago at Washtenaw country club and will be favored to repeat. The varsity will again swing in- to action tomorrow when they play host to the University of De- troit Titans. Coach Katzenmeyer announced the final varsity squad yesterday after theuNotre Dame match. They include Barclay, Schalon, Jenswold, Courtright, Kessler, Pete Elliott, Bill Ludolph, Paul O'Hara, Garry DeVries, Jack Vezina and Tom Messinger. Thirty-six men are now cngaged in a second elimination tourna- ment that will pare the squad down to 31. In addition to the 11-man varsity, Katzenmeyer will name a ten-man jayvee squad and a ten-man freshman crew to round out the full team. Tennis Team Faces Wayne Michigan's tennis team will wind up its four-match home, stand against Wayne University at 2 p.m. today, before leaving for a tough weekend double header with Kalamazoo College and Chi- cago. Whilernotnunderestimating this afternoon's opposition, Coach Bob Dixon has decided to bench Fred Otto and Bill Mi- kulich, so that he may take a look at some of his other men in actual competition. Andy Paton will be at his ac- customed number one slot, with Fred Ziemann at two, and Hal Cook moving up to number three. The rest of the singles lineup will see Dick Lincoln at four, Gordon Naugle, five, and Mickey Dayton, at six. If the Tartars make a strong showing in the singles, Dixon will use M1Vikulich and Ziemann in the number two doubles. Otherwise Cook and Naugle will move up be- hind Paton and Otto in the dou- bles lineup, with Lincoln and Dayton at the anchor post. Wayne sprung an unexpected 5-4 upset against the Wolver- ines and hopes to repeat. The Tartars boast an impressive 8-1 victory over the University of Detroit. Del Russell will prob- ably be at number one for Wayne and he turned in a straight set win over Bill Mikulich at num- ber two last year. Michigan's next home match will be against Detroit, next Tues- day. Riding the crest of a four-game win streak, Michigan renews a long standing baseball fued today when it plays host to a powerful Michigan State nine at 3:30. Winner of 11 of their 13 games this season, the Spartans bring to town an outfit recognized as one of the better ones in this part of the country. Seven of their starting lineup are currently hit- ting over the .330 mark and the club as a whole is pounding the horsehide at an amazing .315 clip. The infield alone boasts three .400 hitters in Marty Hansen, Ed Bar- barito and Frank Bagdon. Coach John Kobs has nomi- nated his ace righthander, Robin Roberts (4-0), to start against Wolverine Cliff Wise (4-2). Wise, working with only two days' rest, will probably work only a part of the game and retire to rest his arm for his Big Nine assign- ment against Purdue Friday. Behind him, Wise will have a team that finally "arrived" last week. The Wolverine batting at- tack-which had b e en almost non-existent--f i n a 11 y snapped out of a season-long slump to pound out 41 hits in four games and push across an average of' ten runs per game. "Slugger of the week" honors went to Big Bob Wiese. Moved up to the clean-up slot for the last three games, the man from Dakota came through in rousing style with seven hits in fourteen trips to the plate. On comparative scores there is Michigan Baseball Squad Seeks Fift Strai oht Victory in SpartanEncounte little to choose between the t« clubs. State spilled a Notre Dar team, 7-4, that Michigan ha outslugged by an 11-10 score week before, but lost a 9-1 Ve diet to a Western Michigan tea that the Maize and Blue edge 7-6. The Spartans swamped Mick igan Normal 12-1 and the Huro lost to Michigan, 14-7. CHAMPAGNE , . WINE. .BEER MIXERS at the SUMMARIES BEST BALI. Barchty-Courtright (M) de- feated Fitzpatrick-Bcsenfelder (ND) 3-0. Schalon-Kessler (M) defeat- ed Burian-Stuhr (ND) 2 -' . Jenswold-Elliott (M) t i e d Schleck-Seidel (ND) 1 -1/a. TEAM SCORE: Michigan '7. Notre Dame 2. FINAL SCORE: Michigan 21, Notre Dame 6. BEER DEPOT Call 7191 . . . 114 East William OPEN SUNDAYS ... 12-7 P.M. Ii I TWO MORE DAYS" of BARGAINS at SLATER'S I LINKS LUMINARY: Ex-GI John Jenswold Shoots For Individul Golf Laurels SPIKING SALE 1 1 By IRWIN ZUCKER Back in style on the Wolverine links after serving abroad last year in Uncle Sam's Navy, ex- GI John Jenswold hopes to pick up individual laurels in Big Nine and National Collegiate competi- tion this year "provided I'm as lucky as I was in 1944 and '45." But right now Jenswold, a stocky, 24-year-old golfer from Duluth, Minn., is more concerned with Michigan's. chances of cop- ping the 1947 Conference title- and he's doing his share terror- izing the opposition with some nifty scores. 1944 Individual Champ Three years ago when he was a V-12 student at Michigan, Jens- wold, the number five throughout the season, surprised everybody- "including myself"- as he cap- tured the Western Conference in- dividual crown. He fired an op- ening round of 72 - one of the best scores in a Conference meet -but sagged to an 81 in the final 18 for a 153. The early lead paid off, though. Not content with this honor, Jenswold went on to garner the runner-up spot in the 1944 NCAA golf tourney. He duplicated his NCAA performance the following year, but finished third in the Big Ten race. Long-ball Hitter coach, Bert Katzenmeyer. Ray Courtright, father of Bill "Corky" Courtright, a present teammate of Jenswold, and Bill Barclay, now head basketball and golf coach at Harvard, tutored John in '44 and '45, respectively. Buy and Hold U. S. Savings Bonds! Keep A-Head of Your Hair Have you tried our 9 barbers lately! THE DASCOLA BARBERS Liberty off State BOOKS and STATIONERY greatly reduced S Ar EIVS I YOUR COLLEGE BOOKSTORE 336 SOUTH STATE STREET Phone 2-0814 1: 'I 'I ___ _____________ 00gS SPORT IFO00TWEAIR IS g*W Saddles, Spiked Golf Shoes and Leather Sole Weejuns are now available as in pre-war days (Sorry . . . no Smoke Elk) L HEi I. 99 YEARS W hit e AT M IC H IGA N !KETS JaC ;__ A long-ball hitter who's recog- nized as a tough competitor, Jenswold will have the advantage of playing on a home course this year when the NCAA golf meet is reeled off at the Michigan fair- ways June 23-29. The Big Nine- championship isscheduled at Pur- due May 30. Perhaps his most rabid rooters will be his parents and three sis- ters - golfers all. "Mom still plays a pretty good game of golf," says John, who started swinging clubs at the age of five, under the tutelage of Joe and Sammy Belfore. Also Plays Hockey Little wonder golf became Jens- wold's favorite sport, but travel - ing around the skating rink has also kept him in the sport spot- light. He won varsity letters on Michigan's 1943 and '44 hockey teams. In 1943, however, he played for Michigan Tech's pucksters. After two years in the V-12 pro- gram at Michigan, Jenswold left Ann Arbor in June '45 to receive his ensign's commission in New York. A tour of duty in the Far East followed. He returned to the Wolverine campus -- in civics - last fall. A senior in mechanical engi- neering, Jenswold will receive his third Michigan golf letter this year from his third Wolverine Pearl Elk with Black Calf Saddles Full leather lined. in both men's and women's styles. ... $9,00 and $11.00 Brown and White Golf Oxfords This shoe is in both men's and women's styles. ... $13.50 and $17.50 R better fabric and the finest style. nll Boys' and Girls' WCejuns The tops in loafer shoes ... Double leather soles and genuine moccasin construction.. $10.95 and $11.50 sizes, regular, shorts and longs. 2b50 Rubber-Soled Moccasin Oxfords One of the most comfortable and longest wearing knockabout shoes made. 1111 iii III iiIII I .XFk HIM I WFM A