rTHE ICHIGAN U XIL _..... __._ . . w .. ----- .__ ___._.._._.. "_ ' POPULAR MISER: Coins. From King Midas' Fra Included in Money Exhibit Misers are commonly unpopular people, but the staff of the Mu- seum of Archaeology has a vote of thanks for the "Midas" of Kar- anis, Egypt, who is responsible for the ancient coins included in the new exhibit at the museum. Due to the accumulative abil- * ity and secretive nature of Kar- anis' rich man, the museum pos- sesses over 50,000 coins which he Faculty Group To Prticipate -n Gathering Six University faculty members, headed by Dr. Charles A. Fisher director of the University Exten- sion Service, are in Atlantic City, N N. J. today for a three day meeting of the 32nd Annual Conference of the National University Extension Association." Dr. Fisher will be chairman at the general session tomorrow morning and will lead a discus- sion of enrollment trends in high- er education. Also taking part in the meeting are Ford Lemler and Arthur A. Elder, both of the Extension Serv- ice, Berenice U. Lee, supervisor of the Correspondence Study Depart- ment of the University, Everett J. Soop, assistant director of the ex- tension service, and Miss Helen Gleason, supervisor of the exten- e sion center at Grand Rapids. buried in bags and jars under the floors of his pretentious home. Some of the coins are on display as a part of the exhibit illustrat- irg life in an Egyptian town 1,900 years ago. Something Special Excavators from the University expected something special when they came upon an infrequently- seen stone door frame and steps on one of the main streets of Karanis. Their anticipation was rewarded by the discovery of sev- eral rare sculptured figures of Greek deities and the hidden treasures in the earth. The hoard- er was originally supposed to be a miser, but a fragment of pap- rus later found nearby mentioned transactions with the bank, indi- cating the wealthy man might have been the banker. Each of the coins are imprinted with the emperor's head on one side and a familiar scene or im- portant event on the other. One of those on display pictures the Pharos of Alexandria harbor, the most famous lighthouse of ancient times, with a ship and the sea in the background. Another coin retells the fable of the founders of Rome. It contains the image of a wolf suckling Rom- ulus and Remus, the legendary builders of that great city. Other coins are stamped with deities, buildings and designs which afford an understanding of many activities of the Egyptians and the influence of the Greeks and Romans upon that ancient dynasty. Adult Education Institute Planned The 15th annual Adult Educa- tion Institute will be held at the University May 13 through 15 un- der sponsorship of the University Extension Service and the Michi- gan State Federation of Women's Clubs. The program will consist of a se- ries of lectures in the areas of medical sciences, music, drams, adult education, and social science. All lectures except those in the adult education series will be given' by University of Michigan faculty members. Miss Rose Cologne, spe- cialist in community:education, in the University of Pennsylvania Extension Division, will give the adult education series. Campus Briefs Marx Society ... "Karl Marx on the Development of Capitalism" will be discussed by Prof. Clare E. Griffin of the busi- ness administration school at a meeting of the Karl Marx Society at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 316 of the Union. The meeting is open to the pub- lic. Ulir Ski Club ... Two color movies of skiing at Sun Valley will be shown at the final meeting of the Ullr Ski Club to be held at 7 p.m. today at the Union. Lutheran Class.. The Lutheran Student Associa- tion will hold a Church History Class at 7:30 p.m. today. Rifle Match . .. A rifle match, sponsored by the local chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, will be held between the ROTC and NROTC units at 6 p.m. tonight in the ROTC rifle range. Mexico Meting ... An informal discussion for the benefit of those who are planning to study or travel in Mexico this summer will be conducted by Jeanne North and Morris Born- stein at 4 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 108, Romance Language Building. Navy Movie ..- - A showing of the film "Opera- tions Crossroads," sponsored by the Naval Air Reserve unit at Grosse Ile NavalAir Station, will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union ballroom. Ypsi To Receive Federal Payments Local taxing units at Ypsilanti will shortly receive $71,527.23 from the federal government as pay- ment in lieu of property taxes for the various housing projects in the area including the Willow Run residents of University stu- dents and their families. Payments will be made by hous- ing manager Charles Annala, R. H. Embree and Charles Thomp- son. Such payments, which rep- retent the full equivelant of prop- erty taxes in the area, have been made on the projects since their completion in 1943. Prof. Statoi To ReneWMXWEi n B&rd Surveys Prof. George M, Sutton, nev: member of the zoology depart- Scholarships To MeXW( lIT T~ Be Ghyen M mbeis of La Sociedad His- pan"ii inc ttd in appiying fora ment and notedl bird artist, wtiil scholatrship to the University of renew his bird expeditions wnhichl were interrupted by the war when he leaves for Mexico tomorrow tol paint birds direct from life.l A member of the University fac- ulty since February after 15 years at Cornell University and three years as an army officer, Prof. Sutton will understake a six-week trip to paint 20 or more species of Mexican birds not included in his present collection of 50. Two mem- hers of his party, complete with camera, guns and a jeep, are al- ready on the field. _.. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLIIN Mexico for the summer session should contact Prof. Mercado in Rm. 302 of the Romance Language Building. during this week. Three scholarships are awarded annually to members of the Socie- dad on the basis of their service to the club. Students represented last summer were Jeanne North, Bernice Weiner and Morris Born- stein. Angela Pons was awarded a scholarship to the University of Havana in Cuba. Winners of this year's scholar- ships will be announced at the Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be senttin typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 AngellJiall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1947 VOL. VIL No. 150 Notices At the present time a research Recreation Leader. and Director p'O~i(( 1 Iponscredby the Office of Community Center-Dept. of of inavulResearch is 1nderwayRen ation. in the University of Michigan Civil Service Commission of De- Ma theniatics Department There troi alnounces examinations for are openings for several gradu- Senior Health Inspector Mc,,,ing: 82 p.m. Creative Writers' Group; 8 p.m.. Wives' Club -Ection of of- ficers and social hour. Wed., May 7, 8 p.n., Wallace A. Bacon, "Current Plays on Broad- way.," Thurs.. Mav 8. 8 p.m., Extension Class in Psychology; 8 p.m., The New Art Group. Fri., May 9, 8 p.m.. Duplicate Bridge. Sat., May 10, 6 p.m., Pot Luck Supper Approved parties for the com- ing week-end: May 9- -AVC, Wil- low Run; Chi Omega; Phi Gamma Delta; Sigma Nu; Victor Vaughan. May 10-Alpha Eta: Alpha Delta Phi: Alphn KappaF"i: P Alpha Om- ieron Pi, Alpha Sigma Phi; Delta Sigma Delta; Delta Sigma Pi: Del- ta Upsilon, Graduate Student Council; Lambda Clti Alpha: Phi Chi; Phi Delta Theta: Phi Sigma Kappa, Theta Delta Chi. Buvreau of Appointments & Oc- cupational Information, 201 Mason Hall, Office Hours: 9-12, 2-4: Civ- il Service: Civil Service Commis- sion of Baltimore announces open competitive examinations for Case Worker, Junior Case Worker, Sen- ior Recreation Worker, Junior New York State Department of Civil Service announces examnin- ations for Stenographer, Senior Stenographer. Typist, and Clerks (Clerk. Senior. File. Senior File, Account. Senior Account, Statis- tics, Senior Statistics. and Senior Mail and Supply . For further in- rmation, call at the Bureau of Appoint men ts. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Max Fisch, Departmenrt of Philos- ophy, University of Illinois, will lecture on the subject, "Evolution in American Philosophy from 1860-1917," at 4:15 p.m., Tues., May 13, Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of Philosophy. The public is cordial- ly invited. Nu Sigma Nit Lecture: Dr. James Barrett Brown, Professor of Max- illo-facial Surgery, Washington University, St. Loluis. Missouri, will lecture on the subject, "Possi- bilities and Limitations in Plastic Surgery" (illus.), at 8 p.m., Wed., May 7, Rackham Amphitheatre. Acdemicl Notices Seminar in Engineering Me- WCant inuecion Page 4) Continuous from 1 P.M. -Now- r it i " (' The lecture has been previously- scheduled to be held in the 'Hos- Seniors, College of Engineering: pital N.P.I. Auditorium. It will be Deadline for payment of class dues open to the public, in order to get your reduced rate Dr. Reuben L. Kahn and possi- on cap and gown is Thurs., May 8. bly Dr. Kettering will be present Collection booths in East and West to discuss cancer research follow- Engineering buildings open from ing the main talk. A sound movie 9-12 a.m.. Tues., Wed., and Thurs. will be shown.at Orientation Period: Men stu- W'atcr-tWolor ExhiI)it dents desiring to be student leaders for Orientation in Septem- A water-dolor exhibit by Rich- ocer (September 14th to 20th) are ard H. Baxter, who captured first requested to get in touch , with prize for paintings in the current Professor P. E. Bursley at 107 Ma- Ann Arbor Association exhibit, will son Hall before May 25. be on display until Saturday in the The above does not apply to stu- corridors of the University High dents who have already volun- School. The display consists teered for the work.a chiefly of landscapes and is open to the public. Members of the Sociedad His- panica interested in applying for Sawyer To Speak one of the three scholarships awarded annually to the summer Dean R. A. Sawyer of the grad- session of the University of Mex- uate school, will speak at the First leo should see Prof. Mercado this Annual Award Dinner of Allen-; week. Office hours Tues. and Rumsey House, West Quad angle, Thurs. at 3 p.m., Rm. 302, Ro- to be held May 15. mance Languages Bldg. The dinner will feature the pre- sentation of gold keys to the five T h e Commandant, command men selected as the most out- and staff college, U. S. Army, de- standing house mmebers. sires to obtain names of those Uni- versity of Michigan instructors of the Departments of Psychology and Education who hold commis- R ""ISII sions in the Organized Reserve FITI SING ah ICorps and are interested in being ordered to the Command and Staff College for a period of 15 to SEWING 90 days during the months of June, July, August, and Septem- ALTERA rIONS on Ladies' Garments. ber. These instructors will be or- prompt, efficient service. 2-2678. dered to the college only with Alta raves - ne rStheir consent and will be used to WANTED TO RENT accomplish a number of projects of value to the educational pro- SINGLE, young male faculty member gram of the Command and Staff wants room for at least 12 months near State and North University. Call College. 4121, Ext. 2109, between 7:30 and 9:30 Other faculty members of the evenings. )57 University of Michigan who have had general staff experience at STUDENT DESIRES apartment start- division or higher echelon or who 'lng Sept. *One or two room equival- ent. Willing to pay now for year are graduates of the Command in advance. References. Box 50. )23 and General Staff School are also desired. PERSONAL Any university instructor who is REDUCE! Lose pounds and inches eligible and interested is urged where you want them off. Come in to contact the PMS&T, Depart- from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. for an intro- ment of Military Science and Tac- ductory treatment and be convinced. tics, 512 S. State St. prior to May Baskin 8 N. Normal St., Ypsilanti. )7 12. HANDSOME ex-Air Corps officer de- sires date for chaperoned picnic May Opportunities for part-time Re- 24. Swimming, boating, canoeing, search Work on a Mathematics dancing. Dial 2-4401, ask for 307 Project sponsored by Office of Lloyd. )76 Naval Research: CLASSIFIED ADVEI LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE For Real Dancing Enjoyment The Melody Men Orchestra Phil Savage Evenings 25-8084 North Main Opposite Court House -Ends Tonight - "THE GHOST GOES WILD" --- -and - "STAGECOACH to DENVER" News and Serial -- Starting Wednesday - "SING YOUR WAY HOME" -- Co-Feature Barbara Reed in "GINGER" OUR PRICE: Weekdays until 5 P.M., 250 Evenings and Sundays, 30c Last Day Today - THE SECRET HEART with Claudette Colbert, Walter Pidgeon and -- MR. DISTRICT ATTORNEY with Dennis O'Keefe, Adolph Menjou -Wednesday and Thursday- A SCANDAL IN PARIS - and-- BEDLAM I'M I LOST: Navy gabardine raincoat in chemistry library. Finder please call 8860. FOUND: Wood oboe-For information leave word in box 15, Michigan Daily. )67 LOST - At Illinois baseball game, a green spiral notebook for History 147. Call 9882. )72 LOST-White kerchief, orchid and word "Aloha" in corner, near North Uni- versity and State Streets Thursday. Call Eleanor Stewart, 2-2281. )4 LOST - Elbon wristwatch with brown strap between campus town and Cou- zens Hall. Call Elaine, 9231. )9 FAVORITE wide red belt lost Monday 21st. Between Stockwell and Ro- mance Languages. Call 5531 Stock- well, please! )11 FOUND-Eversharp fountain pen. Own- er may claim by identifying and pay- ing for ad. Write Anna Mitch, West Lodge, Dorm 2. )63 SOMEONE picked up wrong army field jacket in P-Bell Friday afternoon. I have yours with car keys in pocket. Phone 8612. )29 LOST-K&E Duplex Slide Rule in case. Vicinity of East or West Engineering building. Geo. MacAllister, 1433 Univ. Terr., Apt. 715. ) 32 ANYONE FINDING wallet belonging to Jeannie Johnson, return to the lost and found, Room 1 University Hall, or call 5663. )18 WANTED TICKETS-Wanted, 2 tickets for May Festival Sunday night concert. Call Lew Williams, 2-4591. )2 TWO OR THREE TICKETS for Sat. evening, Sunday afternoon or evening Festival concerts. Judy Daiken, 2527 Stockwell. )70 WANTED - Four tickets May Festival Saturday evening, two pairs or all together. Main floor or first balcony. Phone 8472 evenings. )61 WANTED-Two tickets for Sunday af- ternoon May Festival. Call R. McGu- gan, 292 Couzens. )35 BABY SITTER-M.W.F. mornings, stu- dent or student's wife. Tewes, 720 S. State. 2-2035. )30 TWO TICKETS for May Festival Sun- day night concert. Call 5162. )40 MISCELLANEOUS "If your set won't play And Frankie can't sing, We'll fix it for you, MAY FESTIVAL season ticket, Row K, side section, Main floor, Box 119, Daily. GOLFERS-Spalding Jones irons, Ha- gen, Wilson, MacGregor pro. golf equipment. Golf bags, paxs and balls. Phone 22058--4044. Johnny Malloy Professional. )f69 18' SAILING CANOE, used. Completely- equipped $125. Spencer 2 objective microscope. Excellent condition, $100.00. Ph. 21600. )22 PHONOGRAPH with automatic record changer and 6 tube Motorola radio. Call 25258 after 6:00 P. M. )6 SUN GLASSES $3.50. U.S. Surplus-Air Force-4-base lens with pearloid sweat bar. Sam's store, 122 E. Wash- ington. )14 FOR SALE - Diamond Solitaire, 1/31 Karat. Priced to sell. Write Box 3, Michigan Daily. )17 WIRE FOXTERRIER PUPPIES - Are registered. Peppy, well marked, 8 weeks. 1456 Sudbury, Village, after 4 p.m. )25 FOR SALE-New set of tails, size 38, Call Bud, 2-5571 after 7 p.m. )21 BRITISH light racer, 1 yr. old, $55.00. Perfex 35 mm f 2.8. 1/500, case, film, $27.50. After 4:15, Tom Denton, 414 Lawrence. ) 31 MAY FESTIVAL Season Ticket. Near front second balcony, $9.00. Call Ro- land Ure, 2-2001. )33 FOR SALE-Two May Festival series tickets, Main floor left center. Row K. Call 7571 or University 581. )34 ONE COMPLETE May Festival Series Ticket. Top balcony. Call Fred Marks, 2-8300. )28 SOLVE your housing problem with this 10 room, 2 bath brick and frame home. Now used as 3 apartments. Furniture in 2 apts. Included 3-car garage. Large lot. Fruit and shade. Opposite new grade school. $12,000.00. Oril Ferguson, 928 Forest, Phone 2-2839. )27 COUNTRY PROPERTY. Well built 8 room house. Electricity, furnace, wa- ter system, barns; chicken coop. 15 acres good land. 14 miles out. % mile to nice lake. $9,500.00. Oril Fergu-! son, 928 Forest, Phone 2-2839. )26 $2,000 BUYS-38 acres nicely wooded ! hills. Beautiful, high, scenic buildingj site. Secluded location. One mile to nice lake. Oril Ferguson, 9281 Forest Phone 2-2839. )24 HELP WANTED GROUND SERVICE MEN-Military or ,-.,nnr .nP f,,.rnir p D l ne.a I I Also LATEST WORLD NEWS - Coming Sunday - GEO. RAFT "NOCTURNE" if IF r c .. . I iF ROOMS FOR RENT DOUBLE, near campus, immediately and for summer school. Phone 2-2362. ) 71 WANTED TO BUY TUX, size 38. Call Shorer 2-1297 after 6 P.M. ) 65 IC1IGAN - -r - Features Daily - 2:15-4:20-7:25-9:35 See it from the Start! 11 1 Ending Wednesday Shows 2-4-7-9:10 P.M. TYPEWRITERS Bought, Sold, Rented Repaired STUDENT & OFFICE SUPPLIES O. D. MORRILL 314 S. State St. Phone 7177 II AMOL ,AaAMJFkA I -l Also DONALD DUCK Cartoon THE FARM CUPBOARD Specializing in FRIED CHICKEN DINNERS Open 11:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. including Sundays. 5400 Plymouth Road (on the way to Detroit) Phone 9387 Lunches 11:30-1:30 - only 65c Dinners (family style)-5:00-8:00 P.M.-$1.45 to $1.65 418 E. Washington (one-half block off State) Phone 9717 TE MAYFLOWER BREAKFASTS . . . LUNCHEONS ... DINNERS Waffles our specialty . . . Better Coffee 307 South Main Street COTTAGE INN Specializng in Home Cooked Food.. . Steaks and Chops Open Weekdays 11:00 A.M. - 1:3 0 P.M., 5:00 - 8:00 P.M. Sundays 11:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M., 5:00 - 9:00 P.M. Closed Saturdays 512 East Wililam For that Delici~ous Midnight Snack 11 11 11 nn' ' CUi/"Afl .1~A/ 11